HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1941-05-08, Page 3Thousands of women gosmlling thru"trying times". with Lydia 1:, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound -famous for over. 60 years in re- Ileving female fund- tlonal troubles. Try it I Main JIIighways io Sue; Canal. 4 -i•444 -i- Railroads Oil Pipelines British Bases titeens 4a Sts' eta4v 00nmsAI EScp 44 44 4444 op • 444 CHPILCS Cst t ,. °off*0 lieh. TAM)? lo 4 ®e IY . Probable paths t �4e_ 'pt Bead Supply port for Turks if Istanbul, west Turkey fall: French army here might resist Nazis, submit, or even aid in 'attacking Suez of German air yep heap Mediterranean Sea attacks on Suez• coo.4�' HaifaQw ,p �Vb Q4..eo Tel Aviv `N'.1i� 4 • . rAtt f b ttlexandr Oa►''tt Seale of Miles 0 200 Any German drive on the Suez Canal will have to be a land and air campaign, for British warships Mill control the eastern Mediterranean. Map shows highways and railroads Nazi troops would probably use for a pincers assault on Suez from positions now held in Greece and Libya. British warship newer would be weakened it Ger- mans cut vital Oil pipe Iine MNIUMW 14RABIJt> - RAVE fYOU HEARD? The 'high-speed salesman had joined the Anmy, goneintoaction, been wounded. Forever days s al Y be lay delirious, but eventually he'turned the corner. On the first 'day of his recov- ery he was surprised to see all the nurses standing around his bed, offering him money. "What's this for?" he asked. "Why for the radio and refrig- erators, you sold us while you were unconscious," they chorused. Teacher: "Robert, what are you going to do when.you • grow up?" . Robert: 9'm going to be a grandfather and just sit around telling everybody how cold the winters w,ere when I. was a boy." One of John's best friends had died so he called on the widow to express his sympathy. "John and.I were friends," he said. "Isn't there something I could have as ainenzento of hint?" She raised he velvety brown eyes, which a few seconds before bad been wet with tears.. "How would I do?" she asked. Brown: If you had $20 in your pocket right now, how would you feel? Hawkins: I'd think I had someone else's trousers on. The prisoner was a very tough - looking customer. He was asked whether he could read or write. "I can write but I cannot read," was the reply. lie was then asked to write his name and after he had scrawled huge letters over the page was asked ,what it meant, ' "I dunno," said the man,. "I told you h can't read." The Nazi leaders were playing contract bridge in Hitler's mountain retreat. "Three diamonds," said Goering. "No bid," said Goebbels. "Five diamonds," said von Ribbentrop, "One club," said Hitler. "Pass." "Pass." "Pass." tea+•.-►+•�i•e-s.-. o -.r+ Bern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE 1. What reply should one make when tieing intrdduced to a stranger and he says he 'remem- bers arprevious meeting? 2. Isn't it rude for wedding guests to throw rice at the bride and bridegroom? 3. When a hostess has waited 15 or 20 minutes for a tardy din- ner guest, should, she telephone to see why he is delayed? • 4. When entertaining a group of persons, whose duty is it to see that conversation does not lag? 5. Should a husband or a wife ever criticize the other about per- sonal things, when in the corn- pany of others? 6. Should one use a knife or fork to place butter on a potato? Answers ' 1. Be tactful enough to say, "How kind of you to remember pie," and try to recall the meet- ing. 2. No. This is an old cus- tom that is still observed, and no one should resent it. 3. No. She is privileged to go ahead and have dinner served. 4. This is the duty of the hostess; but a con- genial group is never at a loss or -conversational subjects. 5. Never; not even jokingly, 6,.The fork should be used. 750 Muscles In a man's body there are about , 50 muscles, including over 15.0 the thighs, legs and feet,, Art of Speaking Effectively , In Modern Salesmanship, Self-restraint, Directness, Sin- cerity and simplicity Are Particularly Desirable With vocal machinery thorough- ly g ly lubricated the glib salesman bombards with a fusillade of words at the rate of two hundred a min= ute and finally leaves the disgrunt. Ied prospect prostrated. Approved talking today requires self-restraint, adaptability, direet- ness and reasonable irevity, writes Grenville Incises, speech `expert. - Simplicity and sincerity, character. iatic of all great art, are partieul- at•Ij' desirable in modern salesman- ship. HABIT OF BEING CONCISE Many a possible sale has been lost through talkativeness and over -persuasiveness. Every sales- man should cultivate the valuable habit of being concise. And here are some special admonitions: 1. DON'T mumble. 2." DON'T exaggerate, 3. DON'T digress. 4. DON'T antagonize. 5. DON'T ovei.'.gestfettlate, 9. DON'T argue. 7. DON'T shout, 8. DON'T dogmatize, 9. DON'T insist, 10. DON'T grope for words, 11. DON'T flatter, 12. DON'T be long-winded. Begin Building Seven Airports To Connect Edmonton and Whitehorse in Yukon; Will Aid U. S. Coincident with the report from n United States' has Washington that Un t d S t e g embarked on air base and other defence projects in Alaska to coat more than $55,000,000, transport department officials in Ottawa late. in April were advised work on each of the seven airports connecting Edmonton with Whitehorse in the Yukon Lias been started. . "Men are on the ground at ev- ery very site chosen for an airport across northern Canada from Ed- monton to near the Alaska border," a department spokesman said. "We are confident all the bases will be completed during the sunlmer." COMPLETED DURING SUMMER IIe said that with the completion of these seven bases, 'United States planes could cross the border at any point, connect with the trans- Canada air route and use its beams and other facilities to Edmonton where theycould swing onto the Edmonton -Whitehorse route also provided with alt modern facilities to take them into Alaska. • Tho Edmonton -Whitehorse route was decided upon following recom- mendations from the Canada -Unit- ed States defence commission and the bases are being built by the transport department. New 1,000 Mile Neutrality Zone Patrolled by U.S. Navy GREENLAND ` iglilni••n{ y.e GREAT BRITAIN Atlantic'. I� iRE' Ocean RI Horizontal lines indicate the U.S, Navy's new 1000 -mile neutral-' ity patrol zone in the :Atlantic -one of the seven seas which, the Presi- dent disclosed, the fleet will patrol "as far .. ,.as may be necessary for the protection of the American hemisphere." Vertical lines show the war zone Germany proclaimed last month. Note that zones are in. virtual contact at Greenland, which, the President revealed, Germany may have partially occupied. N Always Sane Are Famous Men Poets, Artists, Philosophers, Military Men. of Genius So Of ten Exhibited Strange Quirks V Starting out with the reflection that Hitler and Mussolini shave their foibles concerning food, drink, clothes' and customary indulgene- es, such as smoking, a Belfast Telegraph paragrapher goes on to comment on recorded eccentricities of lemone men of past da.ys.,Dr. Johnson,' be says, collected orange • What L mat he ilii with it was never p h discovered, but somd strange iii - pulse forced him to peck:tt (and presumably store) -orange -peel from' the plates of his guests .or hosts. DR, JOHNSON ,FORGETS Another of his more noticeable foibles was his sometimes pathetic efforts to airange the length of his footsteps so that his right foot al ways preceded his leftover three - The paragrapher omits 'several other trials% of the great author, such as his :touching. every post on the way to and from his paub- Iteher's. • Rubinstein. the.. pianist, refused to set off on journeys on Mondays os Fridays; • he had a horror of these` Clays. The dreamy Chopin imagined i e was incontact with Spirits, which tact worried him at times: Byron was, in his own eyes, a dandy. Ile delighted in brilliantly colored 'ciothin•g; and his great desire was to impress upon visi- tors the value of his belongings • and their extent. T IlfT III7ARD SPIRITS • Perhaps. Shelby's writings gain- ed some of their beauty from the poet's contacts with the spirit world. Swedenborg, contemporary of Wesley, and one of the greatest men of his day, with a brain far in advance of his time, claimed to bo en speaking terms with people from the planets, deaoribing their mode of life intimately. I believe it was Flaubert 'Who, found by his valet with his bead in a'tub of water, said he was Pat- ting utting out the fire in his eye. Ide'd Seen in his- eyes the reflection of a candle Dame from tlle mirror! Trained Coyote Claims of extraordinary huat- ing ability are made by . Arthur Nelson, of Springfield, Idaho, for his favorite hunting companion - a full-blooded coyote. The ,ani- mal was 'taken from . a _litter of five coyotes. It has been ,raised like a dog. Nelson says the coy- ote hag no peer at pointing pheas- ants. His speedalso makes the. coyote a good rabbit hunter, he .-...t.-.... What Science Is Doing BRAIN FLUID "SLOWS 'HEART The brain contains a chemical which can slow the heart beat, and lemon peel another that .re- duces blood pressure. These dis- coveries were reported last week to the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biol- ogy. The brain chemical seeths to be produced continuously in the head, and presumably in the brain itself. It passes along the blood stream and acts directly on the heart, -o- NEW SLEEP DRUG • A new sleep -producing drug, oxazoledione, which is safe be- cause an overdose is, virtually int: possible, was announced last week to the • Federation of American Societies for -Experimental Biolo by. More than hall.a pound can: be• "given a 160 -pound person, without bad effects. _0_- CANCER AGENT EVERY- ' WHERE " Evidence that the` mechanism of cancer is dormant in all healthy tissue cells in the form of minute particles about one three -hundred- . and-fiftsi hreehundred- and-fifty thousandth of an inch in diameter was presented last week, ' The 'suspected particles are known as mitochondria. -0-- PLASMA FROM CATTLE BLOOD Blood plasma, the life fluid ur- gentlyby o needed bomb -stricken Britain, soon may be obtained from the blood of slaughtered cattle, Dr. Morris Fishbein, editor of the journal of the American Medical Association, declares. Re- searchers working toward that end have produced promising results, Dr. Fishbein says, Prisoners Get Oxford Degree Brttishers "Swot" For Exams While Doing Time in German Camp • When they return home after - tho war British prisoners of war may carry in their knapsacks hon- ors degrees of Oxford or Cambridge --awards they have "swotted" for during their captivity. Brttishers ,have already given. Germany another "university." It is in prison camp ()flag VII C,H,, and is intended, not for the mere killing og boredom, but for serious and syetematic study, • TIME -TABUS AND CURRICULA.. A regular timetable of lectures on mathematics, languages, agri- culture, engineering, common law, la 1 of criminal w, st nh y and other tubjects has been arranged. An Oxford don has drawn up a scheme of reading for a university itooni's school in English. The idea is that a Prisoner may be examined by a voluntary body of university teachers, who would be empowered to award a certifi. tate or diploma to those who reached the necessary honors standard. Thio voluntary body, in' turn, would hope to secure such recog- nition from the Universities of Ox- ford and Cambridge as would give the diploma or certificate an of- finial status, 277 Remedies • For Hiccoughs Taken to hospital because of an attack ,of hiccoughs, Miss Pauline. Pfeffer received 277 suggested ' cures by 'letter, telephone, and telegram. SAFES Protect your BOONS and CASA frontsrasne and TI3tavLS. We Lave n size and type of Sede or Cabinet, for nay: purpose. Visit •. us,- or write forprices, etc. to Dept, w. to.1.8Cd.TAV'LEI CZ LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS 840 Grout ht, t.:.. Toronto EStabnshed X050 a • O voa Bet 10 :nom. •:?,J balanced ingredients at F""r• one low cast when you buy Corn King,. That's why You get more feeding value,e Faster alis lbws cost; t gains, .tG cabalanced i0 edients numticr of inrningredients Use to Corn Kips. Use this improvedlive min- eral oral for ant your inn stack. Ask rove Cern iUnsreprc- 11.5tentative, or IIWT sELBY Selby, OntaroaS, ltd, n MIDDLE - A►G En WOMEN HEED •rids ADVICE!! Four Main' Factors In Dairy Success Good Farmers Must Combine Them to Develop Worthwhile Business.- Efficiency Is Es- sential -- In building up a successful dairy business, states the War Time Pro- .; duction Series bulletin "Success in Dairy Farming," issued by the Agri,. cultural Supplies Board, good farm: ors pay particular attention to four main factoos--n'ates of production of live Stock and crops; efficient Ilse of labour; efficient use of cap ital including farm implemeets; and a sufficiently large output with out which low operating costs can. not be':established, These four factors Are related and must he combined to develop a,successful farm business. Pull, in- , formation on n-,-formation'on the various angles of management are given in the but- , letin. It also contains tabulated fig- ures showing a financial summary of ,the average farm business from which milk was sold for Iluicl con suenption in Onario, 1937-38, and a second table of figures giving a comparison of the revenue from different sources (crops, dairy, hogs, and poultry on all farms with the revenue from the two most successful farms on each milk marketing zone of Ontario from which milk was sold for Veld • consumption. The bulletin may be obtained free on request from the Publicity and Extension Division, Dominion Department of Agricul- ture, Ottawa. Row Can I? t BY ANNE ASHLEY •Q. How can I make my teeth whiter? A. Apply a solution of perox- ide of hydrogen diluted with one- half water to the teeth. , •... How -can I cause - paint to adhere to new tin? A. Rub the surface of the tin first with pumice powder, or sandpaper, and apply shellac. Be sure the .tin is free of grease be- fore beginning the work. Q. How can I clean white woodwork most effectively? A. Heat a pint of milk in a pint of water, and then add one tablespoon of kerosene. Apply and polish immediately with a soft cloth, Q. How can I remove shine from serge? A.Sponge the serge with hot vinegar' before pressing it. Q. How can I remove perfume spots from furniture? A. Perfume spots on furniture should be smeared with linseed oil, olive oil, or camphorated oil immediately. Mop up, and apply more oil on z woolen cloths' Q. How can I keep a kitchen sink free of grease and disagree- able odors? A. Try pouring a strong solu- tion of hot water and salt through the sink and drain at least once a week. IT DOES TASTE GOOD IN A PIPE!" HANDY SEALi1GHT POUCH -1650 -- 54 1/2-1-8. „LO�.Tor' TINri5s also packed in. Po cet GROWN IN SUNNY, SOUTHERN 0biTAl 0 World War Map A ' World War Map in colour showing all important.events up to data clearly marked is being sold by direct mail. The dates of events, population of different •countries, • also agricultural and mineral areas are shown. 'This map Is very use - del in following the war day by day and you would 1,0 well advised to order a ,copy. Simply send 25c to the Colonial Distributors, Limited, 253 Queen St., West, Toronto and your WORLD WAIL MAP will be sent to you immediately, Ancient City Of Salonika a Wars, Quakes , and Trade Highlight of GreekPort Salonika is described by an an- cient writer as, "The coveted city crouching an the side of a hill and touching the sea with her feet," says Ernest D. McCurry in the Kan- sas City Star. . • y THE AL ' SS OhICA" This second city of Greece was • of little importance until King Cas- sandra of the Macedonian line tock possession of it, and, renamed it "Thessalonica" in honour of his wife, the daughter of Philip, of Macedon and sister of Alexander the Great, It was called "Salouique" by the French, but the Greeks, in the interest of brevity called It "Salouiea" which in modern tines has been Changed to "Salonika." CITY OF THE AGES This city on the shore of the Aegean Sea is a veritable city of the ages, and so ancient that tine time of its beginning is lost in obscurity, • It, was the second stopping place of the Apostle Paul, who in re- sponse to a call which had come to him In a night vision, crossed tl;e Aegean Sea and landed in this city. Later from Corinth in 51 A.B, he wrote the first of his many letters to tho chn•eh which he had found- ed at Thessalonica, MODERN SALONIKA The city of Salonika is a modern Babel, not only of languages, but also of faces and religions, ens• toms and now German by accuse - tion, its population is predominant. ly Turkish, with the Jews ranking second, and the Greeks themselves a poor third. Farm tractors sold in Canada during 1940 numbered 20,968, an inncrease of 50 per cent over the sales made in 1030, Dog Oft Cause to n lis ite Toronto Humane Society De- fends Canine Offenders, Un- ' less They're Plain Vicious Although the Toronto humane society kennels frequently have dogs under observation for the elty health department,' they have never known a genuine 'case of rabies, ''This indiPates how tittle the To- rontopublic has to fear 'dog days,' Mrs. E. R. Lamb, an enthusiastic humane society worker, states. For 18 years, Mos, Lamb has heard complaints lodged with the society, "Most dogs bite only for excusable reasons, not because they are vicious, she contends. TEASED BY CHILDREN Mrs. Lamb explained that clogs detained for. observation have been guilty of biting some person. "The animal may bo startled; children tease and annoy him, or someone unknowingly treads on his footai oft 1. The response is auto- matic matic and usually the dog is as sorry as his victim for his momen- tory loss of self-control," she said. More than half the lifter used in London, England, ccnles front •the River Thames. a u AM Why.) not s.epport your own Company? Highest prices. DAiLY PAYMENTS Wr:te for Cans Toronto Creamery hrar'vh of United ',Waters re-ooerntt55 Co„ 1,15, Ca, Duke. t to: y1, 610„ Toronto COCUOJ-01.0 MOM ...CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS... AGENTS WANTED LIGHTNING 110]) AGENT WANTED to sell Phillips Lightning Protec- tive System, B. Phillips Company Limited, 32 Osborne Avenue, To- ronto. OAl1V CIIICtiS QUALITY EMBRYO FED CIIICICS from Purina Fed flocks, Barred Rocks and White foghorns,bred fon' meat and eggs, blood tested, our flocks aro rigidly culled for two weeksoirelly Chickundred, 516.O old, ldliatchery, Barrie, Ontario, PRODUCERS OF 0801000 FOR 16 years, barred rocks bred to lay and S. C. W. Lcg'horns Barron strain. None but large eggs set. Rocks and leghorns as hatched 8 cents, Rock pullets 15 carts: Leghorn pullets 18 cents, revery chick is Obit ' blood tested breed- ers. Satisfaction guaranteed. $1,00 boobs your order. 2. D. Johnson, Fergus, Ont. LAST YEAR A BRAY CUSTOMER. • bought 250 April chicks; by Oc- tober they 5.veraged 70% produc- tion. Bray chicles are for poultry - keepers who want ;results. Dray started pullets are good bets for the early market money. Rooks, Reds, N14 . J,S, wise choices for prese;lt buying- Bray Hatchery, 1110 Sohn N„ Hamilton, Ont. ' I R13E VALUABLE GIFTS FOR everyone 1n the family' providing. YOU place your order for TWeddle May and June chicks at least ten days in advance of delivegy date. Send 'for illustrated folder show- ing.premiunms: also 1041 catalogue and new tow price list for May and. ,lune: 16. Pure breeds, 8 Hybrids, 4 breeds of turkeys to choose from, Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited. 23 PRAS CWIICKS WITH ,EVERY 100 PULLETS or 100 raised chicks ordered, we give 25 free chicks. Pullets 515,00 to $10.00 Per 100; Mixed Chicks $8.00 to $50,00 per 100:Oockereis:per 700. light breeds, 01.50; heavy breeds, ' 54.00, Fuimediate deilvery. Goddard Chick I-1 a tic h e r y,' Britannia 1'0elghto, Ont. P1,U hi112180' SUPPLIES BARGAIN PRICES, BATHTUBS, toilets, sin It s, furnaces, air- conditioning, Pine, valves, fittings. Shallow Well electric pump com- plete .with 30 gallon tank, $74.50. Inquiries welcomed Paikin Supply Company, 215 Barton Street E.. Hamilton, Ontario. mammy catiiPMEN'r BANGERS' OVENS AND MACHIN-,, ery, .also rebuilt equipment al- ways on hand. Terms arranged., Coreespdndenee invited. Hubbard Portable Oven Co., 103 Bathurst St.. 'Toronto. - CARS, NEW AND USED MOUNT PLEASANT MOTORS LTD., Toronto's oldest Chrysler, Plym- outh dealers; three locations, 632 Mt. Pleasant Road, 2040 Tonga St, 1650 Danforth Avenue, Our Used Cars' make us many; friends. DUCK EGGS FOIL HATCHING BUFF ORPINGTON :DUCES, 300 Egg. strain, ideal Anent and white egg variety. Buy the best, Eggs $1,00 per closer'. Larger lots eight cents each. Buff Valley Farm, 13ox 261, Dundns, Ontario. P•..l'I1:t0ST PANS EXHAUST FANO, NEW GENERAL Electrtes, way tinder wholesale, Toronto Mercantile, 20 Melinda, Toronto, 11S1100 WANTED $$$ WI9 BUY HUNDREDS Drr1100. ant .-Herbs, Roots, Barks, 1Vrito Dominion Herh Distributors, Dept. 1425 Main, Montreal, HELP WANTED DOMESTIC HELLP IN TORONTO doctor's hone; two children. State salary expected firs, Mnlowney, 36 Fah•bnnle Ave„ Toronto. LEGAL J. N, LINDSA 1', LAW OFFICE CAP - Rol Theatre Building, St. Thomas, Ontario. Special Department for refiners collections. I r0:l0'r\IN0 Icons LlGHTNINO 110ES, BUT 1013.0,VI manufacturer: SaVe thirtytoforty per cent. :Phillips Company, 32 Oitborno Avenue, Toronto, ,lIEDICAL IT'S IMPORTANT - EVERY SUE - Sores of Rheumatic pains or Neur- itis should try Dixon's+Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 005main St., Ottawa, $1,00 postpaid. DR. McLEOD'S STOMACHIC HEALS obstinate Stomach Trouble; User states: For years I suffered Ter- ribletg nawing pains below Breast- bone, few hoursattar eatin �;• causing gas and bloating. My only relief was soda and that only for short time. -Eben I took Dr, Mc- L,eod's 'Stomachic. After three bottles I vas free from pain, I kept on proving and have now been. well for several years en- • joying meals without medicine. Good for all forms of indigestion. Drug Store or write -Dr. McLeod's Stomachic Co„ 558 Bathurst, To- ronto. 51:25 per bottle postpaid, - NUtasuaty ST0086 BIGGEST $1.00 GARDENI 24 P17R- ennlals - Delphinium, Dianthus Lovellnesa, Coneflower, R e g al Lily, Oriental' Poppy, Chrysanthe- mum, others; Sugar tIeple; Cedar: 4 Shrubs; 260 Seeds. Prepaid. '5'wo orders 51.80. DOLLAR, NURSER- IES, Fonthill, Ontario. CRAMER - NURSERIES, . RID 010- dale, Sask„'. Lilacs, honeysuckles, flowering age 6 51,50; Flowering perennial, collection 10, 51.00; Oar- agana or Asparagus three years 100, $1.25,. DAHLIA .:SPECIAL 15 BULBS, 12 varieties exhibition Champagne, other beauties 51.50 - postpaid. Gladiolus special from named var- ieties, Picardy, Carmen, Sylvia, other Beauties, 100 for 51.75 Post- paid. P, Walker, Scotland, Ontario. MEN AND WOMEN WANTED 114/CD EXCELLENT PROFITS full or Sparc time, selling" from door to door 200 products of the highest quality. Quick Sales, Low. Prices. Big repent Orders, Medium territory will yield best returns, Only expense to start: C tSH.PUR- CHASING MERCHANDISE, Work on foot In a Local. territory, FREE DETAILS and CATALOGUE: 570 St, Clement, Montreal (FAMIL1X,3' PATRIOTIC STICKERS HUNDRED PATRIOTIC ]HAILING stickers. There'll Always Be An England Sae postpaid. Zaiek Vertlieb, Wawhewawa, Ontorlo, OFFER TO INVENTORS AN OFFER To EVER INVENTOR List of inventions and full inter - Mutton sent free Che Ramsay; Co., Registered, Patent Attorneyo, 273 Bank Street, 'Ottawa, Canada. SUPitEltERS 00012 ADVICE: EVERY AUF ns12nR of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis Should try Dixon's^ Xletnedy. Mtut•• ro's Drug Store, .335 Engin, Ot- tawa, 51..00 postpaid. SNAPSHOTS TO -DAY TREASURES TO -MORROW Yon' films are carefully and scien- tifically processed by imperial, to ;make sure they Inc. 0 or S EXI'Ostlnt0 PlMAAS 23e with beautiful enlargement free, 8 reprints'` with enlargement 211o. Tlotis,vtds of letters from satlsfied customers testify to our superior quality and service, 11wnitlAt 051054(1 senvieE Dept, D, Station 'J, Toronto: UNGRADED VAN' HEDD t l EGGS WE SUPPLY, CASES ANO PAC highest Market Prices. Vurther particulars apply Canadian -Pro- vision sty Supply ,Yrinpauy, 100 'Front Street least,'Comilla. USED CLOTHING MCMERN, CLE 1N USED ClAITIl- ing. Ladles',Men's, and Children's wear, Lowest prices, $27 Queen East, Toronto. Agents wanted. wAN7'IJD Ti) r'UJtClIASId FEATHERS WANTED NEW AND USED GC/OSE AND Duck, also feather beds, Highest prices paid. Send particulars to TQuareoennto. City Feather, 23. Baldwin, CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Used -- New SPIDCIALCZING IN It1/nUILT 100-. Tuna, t'0tVlnt-UNI'T'S, 11ydronllq hoists, Winches Generators, Start. ers, Magnetos, Carburetors, Radiata ors Exchange Service, Glass Satisfaction or rettmd. Levy Ant' harts, Dept. 2, 'rora„to.