The Clinton News Record, 1941-04-24, Page 8'AGE S THE 'CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURS., APRIL 24; 1941'. :r :V BONELESS ROLL POT ROAST BEEF ... 20:1131b': 18 15c lb. PORK CHOPS ... 22c lb. VEAL RIB CHOPS 25c lb. HONEY 41b. pail' 45c : HIND 1/4 CHOICE BEEF - 16c Ib. CONNELL & TYNDALL CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET SEAT " Phone 162.• RIB BOIL Beef BRISKET BOIL ...... ••. We Carry A Full Line 01 ' LAWN MOWERS, Rubber and Steel wheels Lawn Brooms and Rakes, Hoes, Edge Scuffers, Hand..: Cultivators, Grass Seeds, Corn Planters, Garden Seeds, and etc. ELECTRIC RANGETTES, HOT PLATES, TOASTERS AND IRONS. Gasoline Stove, Plates and Irons. Coal Oil Stoves and Ovens. _ SUTTER a PERDUE -HARDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS N, ONT. PHONE 147w. Clearing Lines FROM THE SHOE DEPT.— Broken lines of Women's and Growing Girl's shoes in, Oxfords, Ties and Pumps. Sold regularly to 3.50. .I CLEARING AT 1.49 and 1.95 ODD LINES, MISSES AND CHILDREN'SSHOES Ts, very ePOiCLEAR 98c Men's Rubber Boots, Heavy Red al 1.75 SEE THE NEW TENNIS AND OUTING SHOES The styles are new and smart and the price very low • MEN'S WORK BOOTS—Our stock is large and many lines are being sold at considerably less than todays price. It will pay you to see these before buying. FROM OTHER DEPTS.— MEN'S WORK SHIRTS clearing 69c • MEN'S WORK PANTS Broken lines 1.29 ODD LINES CURTAINS—CLEARING %z PRICE MEN'S AND BOY'S READY MADE CLOTHING— Our stock is now at its best in both styles and prices—Let us show you how you can be well dressed at the price you wish to p,ay. The- Duration'' Of Your • Window ' Shades Is either of ix; consequence or it is true; get the lowest priced shade is of great 'importance. 'Yon must decide that question. If the first you can get mounted on the most in- ferior roller; They will do you for a time and perhaps never -work just right. But if it is a consid'etation of importance to you how long and how well your window shade works come and see us about the kind that is, the cheapest in the end, the kind that won't' fade out or burnout in a reasonable length of time. Secur- ely fastened, on, a roller that will stop where you want it up and down when you want it down. The great- est consideration is not what you pay for your shades, but what they pay you to value. satisfaction and durability that should be the true consideration. If you want new curtain rods, cranes, braket5, rings. shade rollers or pulls, we have them in various sizes, .colours, and prices. Plumsteel Bros. Arrow Shirts— Adam Hats — Scotp t Shoes for Men Agt VENETIAN BLINDS Modernity and beauty are grac- iously combined in Venetian Blinds. They show to date smartness, give a flexibility of light control and toning that combines utility and val- ue. regulates ventilation and elimin- ates harmful drafts. We offer a choice of wood or steel slat, mech- anically tfiey ayproach perfection . . Economy, like all good things, is not in the purchase but in satisfact- ion and use . If you are interested we would be pleased to give you a quotation. We measure your windows p and install Venetian Blinds at no extra charge. Rose Bushes Owing, to war conditions' Rose bushes are scarce ' and we are :particularly pleased to be able to announce' a sale of' choice Canad- ian grown roses. They are all Hybrid tea roses. They will bloom this summer. �. We have:— Snow—White Rapture—Light: Pink Queen Mary—Orange Pink Autumn --Flame Hollyw'oo'd --Dark Pink - Nancy—Light Pink, Orange Better Times =Deep Red We will sell these direct from our rose beds. SPECIAL 35e each -3 for $1.00' The W. D. Fair Co Oftel the Cheapest—Always the Beet F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del As. Personal care given every order and special attention given to funeral orders. Phones 176 and 31 Miss Margaret Melville spent Easter Sunday at. her home in Exeter. Mrs. Cleve Richards of Stratford spent Stind'ay with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Crich and family. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Biggart and son Bob spent the weekend in Toronto with Miss Isobel Biggart. Ivir. Bruce Biggart of Campbellford also spent the weekend with his. sister, Isobel, in Toronto. Mrs. (Rev.) J. H. Snell and baby son Roger of Ethel spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Plmnsteel, Misses Pauline. Joan and Gertrude Fowler spent the Easter holidays with their grandparents, Dr. and Mrs. Fowler. Quality . Meat Market FRESH PICNIC HAMS .. 18c lb. SIDE PORK in piece 20c lb. PORK CHOPS Trimmed 25c lb. SH. ROAST OF PORK 20c ]b. HAM ROAST OF PORK 23e ]b. VEAL ROLLS, no bone 25c lb. CHOICE RIB ROAST OF BEEF 20c lb. SHOULDER ROASTS OF BEEF 20c lb. FRESH -HOMEMADE SAUS- AGE 15c lb. Full line of Cooked and cured meats for the weekend Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Dippel and child- ren of,Bowmanville spent the week- • end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Potter. Staff -Sergeant George Knights of Trafalger street Military Hospital, London, is spending a week's leave at his home in town. Mrs. H. B. Chant who has spent the winter with her daughter. Mrs. J. A. Sutter, left on Saturday to vis- it her sisters in St. Catherines. Mr. and Mrs. Tanner and family of St. Catherines visited at the home of Mrs. Tanner's father, Mr. Will- iam Walker and Mrs. Walker, last week. Miss M. Gilchrist and Mr. G. Gil- christ have returned home after spending the winter months in Sag- inaw, Mich. Mrs. R. K. Logan of Saginaw and Mrs. McMurray and Miss I. Craig of Detroit returned with them to spend a few holidays. DANCE and BINGO under auspices of Clinton Fire Department TOWN HALL, CLINTON Friday, April 25th at 8 pmt. Net Proceeds To Go To Clinton War Services Assotiation Music by:— Moonlight Serenaders EVERYBODY WELCOME Admission to dance: 35e and 25c Free Admission to Bingo Custom Killing and. Sausage Made at Reasonable Rates,, .Highest Prices Paid for Hides. BOSS FRLSIMONS PHONE 76 One Week Special April 25 to May 2. 'Cleaned & Pressed MEN'S 3 PC. SUIT 85c MEN'S 4 PC. SUIT 1 25 TROUSERS.. 45c or 2 pr for 85c TOPCOAT or. OVERCOAT 90c LADIES SPRING COATS 85e LADIES DRESSES 90c Gliddon's Press Shop Well Pressed is Well Dressed Cleaning Pressing and Repairing We call for and deliver three day services. Perennials Bulbs, Tubers YOUR ATTENTION .TO OUR HOUSE CLEANING SPECIALS SUPER SUDS with Crystal Rel- ish Disk PRINCESS SOAP FLAKES with lovely Fruit Nappie 24c OXYDOL, CHIPSO and - RINSO . 10c and 25c pkgs. THRIFT SOAP FLAKES 29c Delphinium roots .... 25c ea. Aquilegia (long -spurred 'Col- umbine 20c ea Double Hollyhocks 10c ea. For-get-me-nots (pink) 10c ea. Statice 20c ea. Cowslips 15c ea. Shasta Daisy 25c ea. Rockery Alyssum (yellow) 15c ea. Miscellaneous Bulbs:—; lncarvilleas 15c ea. Alstromerias 2 for 15e Montbretias 15c per doz., Summer Hyacinths 3 for 15c Gladioli bulbs. mixed, 40c doz. Dahlias, exhibition varieties: Son of Satan, Azura, Murphys Masterpiece. etc. Small Flowered Dahlias:— Baby ahlias:Baby Royal, Purity. Honey Amber Queen etc. Clifford H. Epps THE RED and WHITE STORE FOR LOW PRICES ON FOODS OF QUALITY SPECIAL VALUES APRIL 24TH TO 26TH PEERLESS WHEAT PUFFS with tum. 21c EARLY RISER. COFFEE lb. 391c RINSO 2'4c AND 2 SUNLIGHT FREE WITH MAIL COUPON GOLDEN WAX BEANS, 2 tins 17c RED & WHITE PORK & BEANS 2 tins ] 5 RED & WIIITE ' SALT 2; pkgs. ' 125c SUPREME OR FLUFF() Shortening 2 for25c: Phone Orders Delivered—Phone 264 WEDDINGS GODERICH TOWNSHIP The S.S. No. 4. Unit of the Red Cross spent a social evening at the home of Mr. Herb. Jenkins, recently. The evening, was spent in progress- ive, games and music. Homemade candy was sold and a very enjoyable evening was spent by all. Lunch was served by the ladies. A. vote of thanks is extended to Mr. Jenkins and Mr. and Mrs. Will Jenkins for their hospitality. Proceeds amounted to $10.10. The April meeting of this society TOILET SOAP At New Low Prices ODEX The New Antiseptic Soap PALMOLIVE and other popular ... • Soaps ........ ........ 5c cake 5 STRING BROOM 25e • OTHERS AT 35c -45c -55c EXCHANGE YOUR RINSO. SUN- LIGHT SOAP COUPONS AT OUR STORE E ENJOY Al GOOD CUP OF TEA BY USING MOTHER PARK - i ii'S l W HLLL ;LLS'rEN IN G TO C.F.R.B. TUESDAY EV- •ENING 8 TQ 8:30. Mort Flom tote Cup 1b lb. pkg. Mm run to No Ptunl 38c PINEAPPLE, cuban, red for canning each 10c ;CARROT bun. 6c LEMONS 3 for 7c BEETS bunch 7c CELERY green ... 10c LETTUCE2 for 19c TOMATOES lb..., 20c SWEET JUICY SUNKIST SEEDLESS 6 FOR ORANGES 2 doz. 45c 'GRAPEFRUIT ... 25c C. M. •SHEARING PHONE 4.8 — CLINTON SPRING IS HERE � Now is the time to have that Plumbing Installed. See us about your Heating Needs. ' If you want Barb Wire — Buy Now -Prices ate right. It is going to be hard to Procure. - T. ll&mkins, was held at the home of Mrs. S Hay- den, with Mrs. W. Churchill presid- ing. The meeting was opened with the' Lord's Prayer. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. It was decided to donate $20 to the Clinton Red Cross Society. JOHNSON GROCERY CARTER—MACKRELL One of the prettiest weddings of early spring had its setting on the morning of Thursday, April tenth at ten thirty o'clock in Holy Trinity church when Millicent Abigail Mack - tell daughter of Mrs. Cyril Woods and the late Mr. Mackerel], became the bride of William F e r- guson Carter of London son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Carter of Clinton. The rector ,Rev. R. R. Latimer read the marriage lines and throughout the service Mr. Robert Jacks presid- ed at the organ. The bride given in marriage by her father looked pretty in a jacket frock of imported, aqua crepe -with hat in new fuchsia shade and fuchsia acces- sories. Her corsage was orchids and she carired a white prayer book which was a €+set from her another. Mrs. Norman T. Blackwell the brides sister was matron of honor. With a lovely gown of dusty rose she was wearing matching accessories and her corsage was of sweet Briar- cliffe roses sweet -peas and forget- me-nots. Captain Ross Carter, the groom's brother was best man and ushers were Mr. Kenneth Carter, also a brother of the groom and Mr. Norman T. Blackwell. - The wedding receptions was held at the Wm. Pitt Hotel, Mrs. Woods, the bride's mother received in a becoming two piece ensemble of crepe coral trimmed with coral hat and grey ac- cessories. Her corsage was of Talis- man of from out 'n f t teoda g mean roses. Attending the city was the bride's aunt Mrs. G. H. Pollard of Ottawa. Before leaving on the wedding trip to Toronto alar eastern points the bride donned a smart coat of blue shadove tweed' with which she wore navy accessories. Mr. and Mrs. Car- ter will make their home at 6 Mc- Kenzie Avenue. London. There is nothing to buy to qualify for this Contest. Simply come down to our store and sec the Marshall Mattress displayed in our window., On this mattress there is a seal, and under the seal is a number. Simply„ guess the number under ibis seal and subiuit your answer ona, 'regular ditty form': which you can get from our store. Nothing to. buy! Just go to our Bedding Depart. blank. Only entryb for an mens and ask one entry accepted fromeach person. A11 entry forms must be in by May 3rd, and winners willbe announced in our window the following week. BALL f3 ZAPFE Phone,286 HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 Hayden, and her mother, Mrs. Potter. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Feagan of Nile spent Saturday with Mr. and MTs.. Roy E'asom. A quilt was donated by Mrs. Fred Lobb, and a quilt was quilted at this meeting. Mrs. W.. Forbes donated the batt, for this quilt. The finished articles sent in for March are: 3 quilts; 2 V-neck sweaters; 1 turtle- neck sweater; 1 pair knickers; 11 pair socicees; 6 pair seaman's socks; 1 pair gloves; 1 pair half mitts; 7 tonnes. One comforter was made aad sold proceeds being used, to buy quilt mat - RED SHIELD The regular meeting of the R,S.W.A. was held at the home of Mrs. Thos. Glazier yesterday after- nion with 18 members and two vis- itors present. Subscriptions amoun- ted to $1.60. The following articles were submitted: 1 sweater, 3 pair • socks, 2 quilts and 1 afghan was don- ated. The Red Shield acknowledges with thanks 1 pair socks from Mrs, Thompson. The next meeting will be held at the hone of Mrs. F. Liver- more on Tuesday afternoon. Visitors. erial. Lunch was served by Mrs.' are welcome, Superior Stores PHONE 111-CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR April 24, 25, 26th— r REDBIRD MATCHES 3 boxes 25c JAM, Rasp. or Straw. 2 lb. jar 25c LIBBY'S PORK & BEANS 20 oz 2 tins 17c PURE LARD 3 lbs. 27c PALMOLIVE SOAP, 2 bars .... 9c GARDEN PATCH CORN, 2 tins 23c BLACK %z lh. • • • • 33c COWANS COCOA t/z lb. tin .... 150 1 lb. tin 25c GILLETT'S LYE. tin .... • 12c CAUSTIC SODA, 5 lb. tin 53c CASTLE FLOOR WAX, lb. tin 25c H(AWES LEMON OIL, 12 oz. bot. 23c LARGE MEATY PRUNES 2 lbs. 25c CHOICE PEACHES ib. 19c ORANGES for juice doz. 21e PINEAPPLES size 24's each 20c NEW OA 2 for 150 RROTS :lee. bun... 15c GREEN ONIONS 2 bunches .... i A TN�MPSON - ! ,_ k'ree Deltacy .1_ .I^ EVERYDAY PRICES Of Our Reliable Footwear we Adjust Any Reasonable Complaint DR. FISK'S HEALTH SHOE... for Women, Black Kid, specially de.;, signed with Steel Shank Good- year welted soles, combination, fitting, Cuban Heels, choice of your width, A, C, D, EE, per pair $4.25 WOMEN'S & GIRLS WORK OXFORDS color Black or Brown sizes 3 to 8 price $2.25 GIRL'S TAN SPORT OXFORDS with wedge heels size 31/2 to 8 , $2.25 CHILDRENS White, Black or Elk 'Footwear in straps, oxfords, san- dles, or shoe style', priced to size and quality, new shipment size are complete. GIRL'S DRESSY PUMPS, with1 medium heel sizes 3 to 8 ... $2.65 MISSES BLACK PATENT SLIP- PERS size 11 to 3 $1.9'8 MISSES BLACK OR TAN 1 98 FORDS, size 11'to 3 CHILDREN'S CANVAS SLIP- PERS, 4 to 10. 59c 11 to 2 65c (colors Brown, Blue or White) MEN'S WORK BOOTS, split leather $2.15 with panco soles -MEN'S WORK BOOTS, medium weight with leather soles and rubber heels !Mal i MEN'S WORK BOOTS with leather soles and heels reinforced with steel heel plate, a high grade boot $3.79. MEN'S WORK BOOTS with leather and panco soles and steel heel, plate a $3.69 MEN'S DR. FISK'S HEALTH BOOTS made of retaned leather, full length double soles and built in arches, price MEN'S DRESS SHOES • black $2.98 MEN'S WORK OXFORDS black $4.25 $2.25 MEN'S DR. FRANK OXFORDS with Steel Arches ..................... $4,25 MEN'S DRESS OXFORDS, tans and blacks • $4.50 BOY'S WORK BOOTS, size 1 to 5 with heavy soles of leather and panco, just the Boot for a, rough Boy, per pair $2.69, BOY'S WORK BOOTS; with all pan - co soles and good grade uppers per pair . $2.15. BOY'S SPORT OXFORDS. a high grade with crepe soles, color • tan;. per pair $2,25 BOY'S DRESS OXFORDS, color black and tan, prices. $1.89x—$2..15—$2.25--$2.59 ciifford . PHONE 40. THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MON . . magoammattont... O