HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1941-04-24, Page 5"THURS., .APRIL 24, 1941 0,ut of our forests, by rail and river, come inil- lions of logs to plants manufacturing pulp, news- print and lumber for houses, furniture and a thousand other useful products. Labour and cap :ita1 together have made Canadian FORESTRY the greatest of out export inanufacturitng industries, The Bank of Montreal co-operates by furnishing business menin all branches of the industry With the specialized types of bankingservice they require. Many thousands of workers in these plants have their savings or chequing accounts with us, or borrow for personal needs. Serving Canadians and theirindustries in every sectioistof the community, we invite you to discuss YOUR banking requirements with us. BANK OF MONT EA "A SANK WHERE SMALL ACCOUNTS ARE WELCOME" Buy WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES MODERN; EXPER Clinton Branch: H. M. MONTEITH, Manager Londesborough (Sub -Agency): Open Monday and Thursday. IENCED BANKING SERVICE L the Outcome of sag Years' Sneressful Operation ariainarantenezieneanag 1940 Plymouth Coach 1938 Chev. Sedan 1937 Chev. Coach 1939 Chev. Coach 1939 Plymouth Sedan 1935 Dodge %Sedan 1935 Chev. Coach 1933 Ford Coach ' 1930 Ford Sedan 1929 Ford Coach Buy the Best - - Supertest Shipley CLINTON PHONE 182 CONSIDER THESE ADVANTAGES OF SIIUR-GAIN CHICK STARTER It' looks fro.eh;' it smells fresh; it tastes fresh; it IS .fresh It is • only natural for chicks to like it, There is no mustiness or rancidity. There is no loss of vitamin strength resulting from the 'feed standing around a feed warehouse for weeks. - It contains all the `day-it-was-madea goodness- SHUR-GAIN CHICK. Starter is Palatable; contains in proper proprotticns the minerals they need to build strcmg' bone and hen thy tissue; anis is well supplied with vitamins A, 13, D, E, and G. • No other Click Starter is higher in qualityand yet SH'UR-GAIN g costs the feeder less than any ;comparable feed. $2.75 per cwt. Prince Edward ,island Cobblers and Green mountains Look For this certification tag on the bag or<ontainer -the only way ofbeingsure of getting Canadian' CNN. fed Seed Potatoes. Examine it carefully. CLINTON FEED MILL 3. K. CORNISH, ALEX WELLS,, Brucefield" Londesoro. For Sale Seed Potatoes for sale, Irish Cobblers; Apply to James Levy, Cline . • ton, Ontario, 37-1 MARRIAGES SCCOTCHMElii--BAKER - At the Rectory, Trinity Anglican church, Bayfield, on Wednesdt:y, April 16th, Margaret Jane York Baker, second daughter of Mr. and' Mrs. F. W. Baker became the bride of Lloyd Watson Scotchmer, elder son of Mr. Robert Scotchmer, both of Bayfield. Rev, J, Graham officiated, BIRTHS SHARPE-In Clinton Pablic hospital, on April 15th, to Mr, and Mrs. Al- vin Sharpe, twins, girl and boy, Joan and John, I3UTCHINGS-- In Clinton Public hospital, on April 14th, to Mr, and Mrs. Charles Hutchings' of Clinton, a daughter, DEATHS PROCTOR -In Clinton Public Hosp- ital. on Wednesday, April 23rd, Maty Amelia "Minnie" Gardner, widow of the lute R. Lewis Proctor, mother of Elva and Clifton, aged 68 years and 4 clays. A combined meeting of the Wom- en's Institute and Red Criss was held in the Forester's hall on Saturday afternoon with nets. L nvson, pres- ident of the Institute in charge. The sleeting was opened by singing the Institute Ode and repeating the Lord's prayer in Unison, Mrs. Mop - ridge rresielent of the Red Cross took charge of the sleeting and read a letter from Headquarters regarding oeavin;' and knitting. Ie. the absence of the trensurer the report was read by. Mrs. Ross showing it balance on hand of $162,70, The secretary r•c- rolt was Mee read and adopted. Sew- ing was given out. lilrs. Litwson then took charge and the following pro- gram was enjoyed. The topic Am- usement and Gaines for the -Rural Community was ably given by Mrs. Gordon Taylor; Piano Instrumental, Mrs. R. J. Phillips reading, Mrs. Earl Raithby, Mrs, Herb Mogridge then took charge for the election of officers which are as follows: Hon. President, Mrs. Jas. Woods; President, Airs. Edgar -Lawson; Est vice president Mrs Herb Mogridge; '2nd vice pres- ident, Mrs. J. J. Wilson; secretary - treasurer, Miss Margaret Ring; Dis- trict Director, Mie. Fred Ross; Pian ists, Mrs. R. J. Phillips, Miss Sallie Curter. Mrs, Wm, Craig; Visiting c+:mnrittee, Mrs. Jas.eWoods, Mrs. E Phillips; Program Committee, Mrs. Errata, Mrs. Gordon Taylor, Miss Josephine Weir, 'Mrs 0. H. Rowson; Directors, Mrs. Geo. Sturdy. Mr•s. J; J Robertson, Mrs, Mrs, J, 0, Stoltz, Mrs. W. T. Robison, Mrs. A. J. Fer- guson, Mrs. Earl Raithby, Mrs. Geo. Bean; Auditors Mrs. John Thompson, Miss Viola Thompson. Mrs. Lawson, thanked all the coiinmittee for their splendid co-aper•ation during the year. At the close of the meeting, a sale of homoanade baking waslneld. in aid of the British War Victims., Some sev- enteen dollars was realized. Mr. and Mrs. NSW. Spicran of St. Marys sl?ent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ii. O. Riordan. Mrs. Prank Woods of Londesbore THE, CLINTON NEWS -RECORD CTT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion Co V. Cooke FLORIST` Phones 66w and 66.1 Egg -Grading Station 0-140 We are having the best of satis- faction with our , new Egg Rooms. Eggs are kept cool and in good eon- dition for overseae or storage pur- poses. Our eandier:s will give you good service. , Therre may be some boarders in your flocks that have been producing since last Autumn. Poultry culling done at anytime. N. W. TREWARTHA Day Phone 214. Night Phone 328. Batkin's - Locker Storage Our usual full line of fish. Quart- ers of Beef and halves of Pork. We butcher and process your meat ready for your locker at a very small rate. Also make sausage and buy hides. In all the summer heat It sure is a treat To have fresh meat. Try Our Fresh Raspberries, Peas and Corn. "Frozen Foods are .Better Foods," BACKACHES GO QUICKLY, often after first dose. - R.UMACAPS two- way action attacks the cause, relieves the pain, Hovey's Drug Store. HOLLAND ELECTRIC BROODER Mr. Noble Holland has secured the. approval of the hydro C.E,S.A for his Electrib Brooder. He has sold quite a number in this ocetion and delivered several this week. Anyone interested? Address Noble Holland, Clinton, Ontario, or ,phone 617122, 87-1 Wanted Woman or girl as companion and to work in home of elderly couple. House is a cottage with incident con- veniences. Mrs. Jos. McGillaweet Rattenbury St. Clinton, For Sale or Rent Desirable eight -roomed house on Princess street for sale or rent. Ap- ply at the News -Record office, 3513.2 house to Rent With all modern conveniences furnace, bath, etc, Apply at the News -Record, 37-2 Iltty for Sale A quantity of hay. Miss D. Cnnt- clon telephone 105 Clinti n. 37-1 House for Rent Six -roomed house, modernly equip- ped au Princess street, west; conven- iently close to business section. Pos- session first of May. For further in- formation apply to Ken. Whitmore, Blyth, telephone 89. 37-1 Plants for Sale Raspberry cane. Latham nursery strain, large red meaty berries, heavy cropping. 1 dozen for rye; 50 for $3,00; 100 for $5.00, Strawberries, Senator Dunlop, • King Wealthy, Downham nursery strain. 50e per 100 at the garden - Collins Berry Farm, Phone 016-r-42, • 36tf. BOXY THEATRE CANTON NOW 'PLAYING: "The Return of Frank James, with henry Fonda. MON.,' TOES. & WED. Aima Neagle, Roland Young Helen Broderick & Richard Carlson A topatetch musical comedy, ably played by a superb east, "NO, NO, NANET"E"" THURS., FRI. & SAT. Anna Neagle, Anton Walbrook and C. Aubrey Smith The story of zi beloved sovereign who sat upon the throne of Eng- land for: "Sixty Glorious Years" (Te:chnicolor) tenuity,: "'a'he Saint in Palm a Springs' , &"Wagon Train" Mats.: Sat. and Holidays at 3 p.m: PAGE 5 CAPITAL THEATRE REGENT THEATRE GODERICI3 SEAFORTS NOW: "Scattergood Baines" and "'Fite Fargo Kid!' MON., TUES.& WED. ANNA NEAGLE-.Anton, War- - brook & C. Aubrey Smith In the personal story of a Queen who fashioned' an era "Sixty Glorious Years" THURS.,. FRI. & SAT. Linda Darnell, Tyrone Power:. and Dean Jagger an epic of the Monsoons and their ' cross -continent journey "BRIG'HAM YOUNG' Coming: Bette Davis iii. " THE LETTER" NOW: "Saint at Palm Springs" and "Wagon. Train" MON., TUES. & WED. Freddie Bartholomew & Sir Cedrle. I3'ardwicke present a papillae. old story of English school Life "Tom Brown's School Days" THURS., FRI. & SAT. Roy Rogers and . Bob Steele two western stars team itp for a roaring swift -riding adventure "The Carson City Kid" Coming: Herbert Marshall in ' "THE LETTER' Sat. Special Bran and Date Muffins. Date `Loaf Suey Loaf Nut Loaf 'Tea Biscuits Silverwoods Ice Cream Smoother than Velvet ...,.. BARTLI1Ea F'S PHONE 1 WE DELIVER NOTICE Written applications will be re - 'calved by the undersigned instil 12 o'clock noon April 30th, 1941, for the position of County Constable for the County of Huron. All applicants to appear in person at the Court House Goderictt at 2 p.m. on the 2nd day of May. N. W. MILLER, County Clerk, Goderich Ontario 37-1 TENDERS WANTED Tenders- will be received up to 7 pan. Monday, April- 28th, for the crushing and trucking to any place within the township of Hullett. The crusher material must be put through a 1 inch round screen and the crusher to, be moved up to three sets, if need be. without additional cost to the township. - - Tenders .may be for both or either • nd.contractor must comply with the \Voiknren'c Compensation Act, • A ntarkcd ehegue for One Hundred Dollars must accompany each tender 3. W. McC00L. Clerk of the Township, of Hullett 36-2 Pasture for Rent A 100 acre farm, good pasture, with Plenty of shade and a never -failing spring creels. Apply at News -Record Office. 36-2 For Sale One camp cot with ostermoor and feather mattresses, one wood bed, 54 in, wide complete with springs and mattress. Apply to Mrs. L, M. Mc- Kinnon, 36-2 AUCTION SALE of Household Effects in Bayfield on • TUESDAY, APRIL 29TH at 1 pan, Estate of the late Mrs. W. Tippet. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, .Auctioneer. House To Rent A modern house, two story. on Vic- toria street, Clinton, Apply to Mrs, L. Cronyn, Blyth, Ont. 37tf. Y'ar Sale or Rent A desireable eight roomed house on Princess street, newly decorated, El- ectric light and water Possession last of the month. Reasonable, Apply at News -Record, , 3711. Dressed Poultry For Sale Apply to Jabez Rands, Sr. phone Clinton, 300. 37-2 Strayed One . white sow has strayed to the premises of Mrs. LeBeau. The owner can have saute by, proving property and paying expenses. Apply to Mrs. LeBeau, London ,Road, phone 216-1.9. 37-1 AUCTION SALE of Household Effects isansiting her sister, Mrs. James Rob- APRIL 36T11, at 1 p.m. in Seaforth erten and Mr Roberton. Estate of the late Ed. Hiuehley. HArcoLD JACKSON, Auctioneer Mesdames W.. H. Sheppard. Earl 37-1. Wightman,'T. 0, Wilson and James Woods attendod a- Presbyterial, meet- ing. Tuesday; in Thames Roach United church. L.A.C, John Weir of Sky Harbor Airport was a weekend visitor with Iris father, Dr. B. C. Weir. A. rather peculiar mishap occurred Monday afternoon when Andrew Shepr herd, Hullett farmer was trucking a 'load of western cattle from the local C,P,R. station to his farm. When the t, wok driver wee .ahanPing gears on a hill near Mr. Shepherd's three of the 'cattle broke through the rack at the back of the truck and escaped into near -by fields. To date they have not been recovered.. They are valued at Pasture i $100 each, Mr. Shepherd states he y Wanted -a number of young cattle feels quite sure thewere injured in to pasture. Apply to' Wilfred Col- 'the drop. dough. R.R. No. 3, Clinton. 37-2 • (More Auburn News on Page 7) AUCTION SALE of household effects APRIL 25TH. at 1 p.m. in Seaforth TERMS -CASH MRS. F. D. HUTCHINSON, Prop. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer 37-1 CLEARING 'AUCTION SALE of Farm .Stock, Implements and Household Effects- on Lot 25, Con. 8, Morris Township, 114 'miles north of Walton" and 1%. miles west, on TUESDAY, MAY 6TH at 12 o'clock sharp. Thissale' will. be` one of the largest sales in the district. MRS. GEORGE KELLY, Prop. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer 37-2 For Sale One frame building, 20 _ft by 24 ft. in the village of Brucefield. Tenders will be received up to May 1st, 1041, 'Tuckersmith Municipal Telephone System. J. K. Cornish, Sec. -Treasurer, - . 36-2 For. Sale Urban and Vanguard oats, grown from seed from Alex. Stewal•t, Ailsa Craig, free fimont weeds, harvested be- fore the rain last fall, Aliso No. 21 Barley and yellow sweet clo- er, James R. Stirling, telephone 36-1 12, 'Clinton. Seed Grain for Sale Quantity of good mixed grain, Im- proved Banner Oats, nixed with barley. Ira H. Merrill, telephone 902.16 36-2 AUCTION SALE The ,following will be offered for sale at the home of Mr. Angus .Me- Leocl, tido blocks south of Huns` Road on the,. corner of North ani Wellington streets, Clinton, Ont.. on SATURDAY APRIL 26TH. commencing at 2 o'clock, consisting of Pechei on gelding, black, 3 yr, old, isounng 14d,2.5. work single or doable, weigh - Guernsey cow,.fresbened 2 months. Guernsey cow, milking good. 2 Jersey Cows milking. clue to freshen in October, Fifty Ib. pig.' Chrysler .O'each, Moclel`52, gone on- ly 18,000 aniles, tires and car in excel- lent condition. IMPLEMENTS: Set of bob sleighs; light . bob ' sleigh; Portland cutter, (good shape); steel tired buggy; de- mocrat walking plow; one horse plow; 2 sections of harrows; horse -rake; (12 ft. Deering), Scuffler; 22 ft ladder; set double breeching diarnessi;, set single 'harness; Homes with chains; lair of team bridles, .(nearly 'new); horse collar; robe; 2 halters; set, scales; daisy Omni, No. 4; Quebec Cook stove; small table -and chairs and other numerous artteles. TERMS-CASIT ANGUS McLEOD, Proprietor..• Cake Speeials NOT BAKED AT ROME: BUT HOMEMADE Order a, Chocolate or Almond Cake BREAD White, Wholewheat or Cracked Wheat Sliced With Wheat -Germ. "SStabilized From the "Heart"'.of the Wheat Berry CANDY AND ICE' CREAM VVenorf's BAKERY - CANDY - LUNCH PHONE 68 BABY CHICKS S.C. White Leghorns and Barred Rocks Custom Hatching. E. L. MITTELI.r • Phone 213 Clinton For Sale 100 acres, choice, good barns, cement silo, litter carrier. - modern brick house, two miles west of Sea - forth, immediate.possession, Mrs, Rachel Kirk, Seaforth, 30-2 For Sale , 5 year old gray gelding, Bay geld- ing rising' three, broken. Both horses sound, • J. 1V. VanEgmond, phone 806-13, Clinton., 366tf Potatoes For Sale Irish cobblers, Green Mountains and early Warble's. Apply to Roy Tyndall, R.R. No, 3, Clinton, phone 007-3 34tf For Sale Two-story frame house on James street with town lights and water, Apply at the News -Record office. 30-1 20,000 Muskrats Wanted Highest market price paid, no shipment too large or too email fur me to handle, Norman East Il, R. No. 1, Clinton. ' 135-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Ia the Estate of George I'opc, late of the Township of Hullett in the County of Huron. Yeoman, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate,- on or before the 26th, day of April, A.D. 1941, after which date the assests will be distributed, amongst the parties entitled thereto, leaving regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been. given. DATED at Clinton, this 5 th, day of April, A.D. 1941, P. FINGLAND, K.C., Clinton .Ont. Solicitor for the said Estate. 38.3 For Sale Mouse and lot with garage on Rat- tenbury street, town lights & water; also house and two lots on Huron street, 9 rooms, lights and water, also stable and henhouse. Apply to Miss Bertha Cantelon, Huron street, Clin- ton. „ 275E Farm For Sale or Rent 80 acres good pasture land spring creek, lots of shade, Brick House, farm Barn, orchard. Apply to Ellett J. Co'x, Clinton, Huron St. 33-6 For Sale or Rent Good borne on high street for sale or rent. Apply to Mrs. Harvey• Cooper, Clinton, Ontario. 80 - For Sale Maple syrup and maple sugar. Ap- ply to Feed McClymont, Varna, or phone Clinton, 622r24. 34tf, Wanted Cattle wanted for 'pasture by the month on Lot 19, Con. 5, 'of Hullett township. Good grass and sane wat- er. Apply to James Reynolds, Sea 3 rth. 35-3 Farm for. Sale One hundred notes of choice land„ situated ! on No. 8 highway between Seaforth and Clinton. The buildbnge consist of large ball( barn, ' brick house, newdouble garage, .hydro through -out, well fenced, never fail- ing water supply. Immediate pos- session, Geo. W. Nott, Clinton Pest EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer Orifice, - 39.4 BURGESS' STUDIO CLINTON Photographs . of Distinction IRENE BURGESS Phone 115. Developing and .Printing MONUMENTS! To those contemplating build- ing a Monument . Get my prices before buying. Cemetery Lettering a specialty. All work guaranteed. JOHN GRANT CLINTON MARBLE & GRANITE WORKS Clinton - Ontario Successor to Ball & Zapfe 59tf 1,�3A g ANLova 5.1:54;44:7:57.1,6:44,, i ; • 1 •POWER TRANSFORMER •GIVES HUM -FREE RECEPTION ROGERS 15/54AX TUBES TESTED FREE Tubes and General Batteries The complete G -Page .Lisle Log Card is yours for the asking. lA. W. Groves, Princess St.. PRINCESS ST. CLINTON 'Wanted Twenty or twenty-five head of cat- tle to pasture for season. Good grass, lots of water, nice undergrowth, shade handy. terms reasonable, Mait- land concession, Colborne township 0. R. Forster, R.R. No, 2, Clinton, phone Carlow 160, 37-3 Wanted • ' Experienced cook -general for fanc- ily of three 'adults. Small hgmo, best wages to capable person,. Apply to Mrs. Ramsay, 197 Itidout street, south London, Ontario, 35-3 At weeks your chicks are on the way to becoming money -making Fall and Winter layers. Keep them going in the right direction by feed- ing Roe Complete Growing Mash -the feed that hes helped hundreds of thousands of Ontario chicks grow into sturdy, strong, productive pullets, This complete feed is of a medium textures high in digestible nutrients --with the correct balance of proteins, minerals and vitamins your chicks need to pay you big returns in Fall and Winter eggs. Ask your Roe Feeds dealer. GR WIN MASH Sold by CHARLESWORTH Clinton HAROLD BOGIE Auburn VITAMIiED FOR ?' HEAIIH...FARM " PROVEN FOR , N • RESU1TS /"�