HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1941-04-24, Page 1The Newa-Record Est. 1878
NCO. 6037 -62ND. YEAR
With Which is Incorporated The
Clinton New Era
The New Era Est. 1867
1 This is the day of the
The imarly right watch won't rat I;y langet.
Because no one �
AFFORD to 'own that
B'ocause men now -a -days: nuke oIunutes (count.
So when their watches first stat do'ido things"
troy bring them straight to us.
'Quickly they are ranming like new ;again.
Jeweler and Optometrist Residence Phone 117411
PANTIES- Briefs, _ Step-ins
and Bloomer Styles„ Sizes Small,
Medium: and Large. Extra
Special 35c pair, You're sure to
see the type you like.
You will have no difficulty
in selecting material in quality
and design for which you are
Plaids . Stripes and floral effects
in great variety.
Well be glad to show them
to you.
y0,4:20$4, rys Moss
yQt NORMAN'S ,$ieee
..e044 PAIR
t 100
Loveliness personified'
that's this diamond en,.
semble .:.. distinctively
hand -•engraved, these are
matched perfectly 1
101411111 eiI{jilill''e
HERE ?/our. WEDDING• ft1NG
Do1,Y,:I1!@',ilii i'1i 1.1g 4:ii,,,!i ji:!i!4„1
iOP TCOV'R'OE • •.
Yeti% lie wonderfully
IF ny';p r ease d with 'the
warmth. and rich tones:
of•,the wedding rings is
,our *est.(ollectiont .-.
Tli'ey''i a .moder'ately
priced top
Counters for Finer Jewellery for Over Half a
Century ;in Huron County.
ON -
`Stre feel. ease that a record, has been
set this year, when the three sons •of
Mm.. and Mrs,. Murray McHwaaa, of
town, were all; members of drama-
ionship hockey. teams. It is always,
cause for joy when one Igoe is a mem-
,of tr �Nryryy
triple honour belongs to the McEwen
On Friday, April 4th, ,Boss %arid
Funk :achieve(% their anrl1ition, when,
as members) of the Sea'8e'81 Beaver,.
they assisted in brieging° the Inter-
mediate "B" 'O&.H.A. championship to
Seaforth. Both Ross and Frank
:had played for several ;years 'with the
Clinton Colts and more than once had
come dose to the dmineitoneliiii.
Ohs Saturday, Apa31 12th, Harry,
the youngest sen, a member of the
•Clinton -uve Bee, realized ;his :am-
bition when the •ffuveniles defeated
Kingston, to Will the .0.M:11.A. sham
:A!19 the hockey darns ref (Clinton rami
district are offering .congratulations
to the boys for their •splenilideyear's
wed; :and aseaselGY lin setting their
unique accord,
.Firemen's Bingo and Dance
To -morrow night in the Town Hall,
(Friday, April 251) the 'members of
the Clinton Fire l eepartment are
sponsoring a huge Bingo and Dance.
There is free adreission to the Bingo
and good prizes will be given As
you can rcormt on the'Firemen to pro-
vide an entertaining evening, plan to
attend. The net _proceeds Will go to
the Clinton War Services Association.
(Mutton Helps :Seaforth To
' Q.H.A. Championship
JPiar many years 1e8key .r:i cab y be-
tween Seaforth and Clinton .used' to
reach a I igh pitch. hut this ;year,
when the Clinton Colts dropped out
of competition in the Intermediate
"B", O.H1l.,, several members, of
the Colts., Boss ",Punch°' McEwan
Frank "Timmer" McEwan, Ken
Pickett and Bob Draper joined the
roster of the :Seaforth Beavers, After
a few exciting games in the regular
schedule, when Seaforth fought gam-
ely for the leadership of their group,
they went ahead steadily in each of
the playtivwns until they met the
Paisley Oilers for the title honours.
The Beavers won three games and
tied two to take the title from Pais-
ley, who were reputed to have e
strong team with several outstand-,
ing players.
The last game, played in Strat-
ford last Friday night provided
many interesting moments. 'before
the Beavers emerged with a 4-2 vic-
tory. Bob Draper paced the Beavers
to vir tory with two goals.
Hockey fans from the vicinity ex-
tend congratulations to the Beavers
in finally achieving their ambitions',
the Intermediate "B" championship
of Ontario.
Hydro Film Shown Here
Moving pictures of the operation
of the Hydro Electric Power Commis-
sion of Ontario entitled, "The Bright
Path", were shown in the Collegiate
Institute auditorium. Monday after-
noon to the Collegiate students and
the pupils of the Public School. In
the evening the film was shown to' a
large crowd in -the council dumpers.
This new Hydro film provided an in-
teresting. entertainment and an ed-
ucational. story on Hydro, •
The growth of Hydro since its in -
exception has been tremendous, and in
the -film, the idea of the magnitude
of this great enterprise was obtained
through the graphic construction of
scenes depiction the building of mon-
ster dams and power houses, and the
interesting• shots of allthe principal
power sites of the system. Many
scenes were shown indicating the in-
numerable applications for electricity
as applied to industry and the home.
Especially interesting was- the repair
work of the linemen under the worst
of weather conditions.
Mr. Hardy of Toronto, was in char-
ge of the sound effects%
Evening Auxiliary
All girls, and women who find it
impossible to attend the afternoon
meetings of the Red Cross are invited.
to attend the evening meetings. There
is work for all. Came out and show
that you are 'interested in this im-
portant work.
The members are reminded that
there will be quilting at the text
meeting so Nome early as possible
and bring your thimble.
Plan Banquet For Juveniles
Plans are being made to hold a
banquet by, the Municipality in hon-
our of our Ontario Juvenile Hockey
It is understood that the town will
make presentations toth
boys and
that prominent hockey representatives
will be present.
This banquet will be held. in the
Town Hall and is under the sponsor-
ship of the Lions Club in co-opera-
tion with Town Officals. More den
tails will be available for next week's
issue as a Banner .Night is promised.
Celebrates 78th : Bir'thday
Last 'glhursd y. Aire 17th, Mas.
iRroliert 'Tumney quietly' celebrated her
78th kirthdity in town. Members of
the family present for the occasion
Were; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Butler of
Goderiieh, Mise Mary;$utler of'Strat-
teurd, Mr. and Mrs. Jaek Butler and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard'
(Cook and family of Clinton. Mrs.
7lunney, was also the recvpsient of
many "good wishes" from friends
and neighbours.
Monday, April: 28th will again be
work day in the Rod 'Gross Rooms.
The quilt committee will have two
more quilts ready forthe quilters and
we hope all those who are free to
help, will keep this date in mind.
The shipments from the work room
daring the week are as follows: 6
Layettes, '7 quilts, 3 erib covers, 1
pair small boy's trousers, 1 small
girl's juniper dress, 1 small girl's
Donations: 2 quilts" from Mrs.
Frank Walters, 4 quilts from Tuck-
ersmith Ladies' Club, 1 quilt from
Evening Auxiliary, 8 crib covers from
Evening Auxiliary, 1 pink crocheted
infant's set from Mrs. Ethel Taylor.
Cash Donations: Mr. Chas. Witts
$1.00. .
The Champion Juveniles.
For comparison purposes it may be
interesting to hockey fans to have
the chart giving the Lions Juvenile
Hockey team's record for the past
season. It is certainly something to
be proud of, and: believe us, they
are. With but a few changes most of
the boys have been playing togethei
for the past five "years, two years
as Midget and three es Juveniles.
Some of the boys will be in the
Empire's Service by nextseason;
hope the next team of Juveniles will
keep up the good work.
SEASON OF 1940-41
Record of Juvenile Games
Clinton 2 --London 2
Clinton 5—London 3
Clinton 13—Midland 6
Group Games
Clinton 8—Goderich 3
let Playdowna
Clinton 11—New Hamburg 3
:Clinton 3—New Hamburg 4
•2nd Playdowns
Clinton 18—Listowel 2
Clinton 2—Listowel 3
3rd Playdawn
Clinton 15—Galt 1
Clinton 8—Galt 0
Semi -Finals
Clinton 12—Woodstock 3
(2nd 'game defaulted)
Finals'' (Sudden death)
Clinton 5— Kingston 3
Total goals F. 102—A. 33.
Presbyterian Church
Clinton S.S. at 10; Worship at 1L
Bayfield, SS, at 2,30; Worship at
The TOB Club will meet at the
manse Monday evening from 7 to 8.
Sermon Subject, "Defend t lr e
St. Paul's Church
Sunday, April 27: "Salute to Brit-
ain Service",• preacher, Rev. Canon
W. A. Townshend of London, Ontario;
2.30 p.m. Sunday School and Bible.
Class; 7 p.m. Evening Prayer, The
members of the Women's Auxiliary
will attend. The rector will preach..
Monday, 8 p.m., A. Y.P.A,
Thursday. '7.30 pan., Intercession
Service; 8 pan. Confirmation Class.
Salvation Arrny
The services on Sunday will be
held at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. A`'Salute
to Britain" will be made in both ser-
vices: morning, "The Mountains of
Revelation;" evening The Officer
will conduct his Farewell Service.
Tuesday, 8 p.m, Prayer Service con
ducted by Brigadier P. Riches, Laid
Thursday; 8 p.m., Praise Service.
Saturday 8 p.rn., Prayer Service.
Ontario Street United Church
10.15 a.m. Class, Religious Instruct-
ion; 11 a.m. Sunday School Annivers-
ary, Rev. Harold Currie, Bayfield;
2.30 pan. Scholars, Parents and Tea-
chers, Afternoon Session. Special Pro-
gram,Rev. W. A. Beecroft of Wing -
ham; 7. p.m. Rev. G. G. Burton, Spec-
ial Service in honor of St. 'George's
Day and Salute to Britain, Topic "Our
National Heritage."
Monday 8 pm. Young People's Un-
ion's of Clinton and Turner's church.
will meet for social evening:
Wednesday 8 . p.m., Prayer of In-
tercession for the Nation.
Baptist Church
The minister's (sermon subject at
the evening worship serviee, will be,
"Conversion, What Is It?"
The S!anday School begins promp-
tly at eleven a.m. Please come on
time and get the full benefit of the
Sunday school hour.
"Wherewithal shall a young man
cleanse his way? by taking Beed ac-
cording to Thy word," (Psalm 119:
The Ladies Aid will be held in the.
Vestry of the church on- Wednesday
afternoon, April 30th,' at 2,45 o'clock.
Mrs. (Rev.) B. F. Andrew will speak
on missiene in general. The roll call
is to be answered by missionary ver-
se. Group. No. 4 will be in charye,
of which Mrs. (Rev.) Silver is con-
ven'or. All the ladies are especially
invited to attend this meeting.
Mr. Lorne Brown maneger ge of the
victorious Clinton Juveniles, received
a card recently, in which was the foe-
lowing' message "Geed Old Clinton",
from a member of the 1895, Baseball,
Lacrosse Clubs. with Clinton -Ask
Ben Gibbings, Bert Kerr, Dr, Shaw.
Again congratulations. Yours' of. Old,
Frank D. Glendenning, Galt.
Is seems that it doesn't matter how
long; or how far, ClintonianCs may
wander, they follow the activities of
the people of the town, as in this in-
stance. Thanks for the kind rem-
Wins Two 'Awards While
On Trip- i
The following account taken from
the March issue of the Sports Goods
Journal of Canada concerning one of
our 'sportsmen, -
I notice that Ellwood Epps, prop-
rietor of Clinton Bicycle & Motor-
cycle Sales, Clinton, Ontario, has been
visiting a number of gun and rifle
plants in the U.S.A. The trip, com-
ing asit did, early .this month, made
it possible for
Ellwood to take
in our
Canadian Toy Fair—an event' to
which he had looked 'forward's -but it
did provide him with contacts he was
so anxious
to ' esiablis• . o
h n w that 'his
firm is specializing on guns and, am-
munition. Among the plants visited
were Winchester, Lyman, Smith &
Weston, Hunter, Colt, L. O. Smith,
Ithaca, etc. "On th pleasure end of
my trip,". Ellwood writes, "I believe
I bumped' into almost everyone in the
Who's Who of the rifle or shooting
game in the U.S.A. I was in New
Haven at the time of the Connecticut
State Small Bore Shoot, the largest
indoor shoot in the world, with 1,200
entrants I -tried my luck, and although
I had never shot kneeling in my life
before, was, able to make a score of
186 out of 200, Although there were
a Iot ahead of me, I felt somewhat
elated that I was only 2 points be-
hind Dave Carlson, the No, 1 Mark-
sman who took biggest honors at
Camp. Perry."
Mr. Epps was awarded a bronze
medal and a bronze shield which he
received about a week ago from Con-
Library Board Meets
At the regular ,meeting of the Lib-
rary Board on Monday, April 14 the
Chairman; Mr. B. J. Gibbings report-
ed that the Town Council had granted
$75.00 for repairs to the wall of the
Library. It was agreed to buy all
books for the coming year fr;pm local
bookkeepers. Mr. Gibbings reported
that stronger light bulbs had been
placed in the bookrooms.
The following paragraph is taken
from a letter received by Mr. Ken G.
Waters from J. H. Stafford, secre-
tary -Treasurer of the Ontario Minor
Hockey Association. •
"I have had a lot of nice comments.
about the Clinton boys being such
gentlemen, that it is only appropriate
that I pass it on to you, and it does
snake us feel good, to know that such
a clean bunch of boys 'could win the
Little Locals
Miss Erma Hale has taken a tem-
porary position in the offices of Mr.
Frank Fingland, K.C.
John Hawkins has received his call
to report for duty in the R.C.A.F, at
St. Hubert. Quebec, on Monday, Mays
Will all those interested in local
baseball kindly attend a public meet-
ing in the. Town Hall, on Monday.
April 28th, at 7 o'clock.
Miss Gladys Radford of Clinton,
nurse -in -training at Victoria Hospital,
London, will graduate in May when
the exercises are held.
There are plans afoot to form a
Revolver Club in town, if you are in-
terested please leave your name at
Epps Sport Shop. Both men and
women. ,
Robert Campbell, who has been em-
ployed by Elwood Epps for the past
two years has been accepted on the
staff el Canada Packers Ltd. in Ex-
eter. --
Pte, William Bezzo of the Highland
Light Infantry has been transferred
to Hebert, Nova Scotia. Pte. Bezzo
spent the Easter holidays at his home
in town.'
The young` boys who have made
model airplanes for the contest run
through 'Epps Sport Shop are tobe
congratulated upon their work. These
well-built and beautiful coloured mod-
els are now on display in Epps win-
Mrs.,Thos-Glazier received a letter
from a private in the Cameron High-
landers of Ottawa, now stationed in
Iceland, thanking her for the socks
recently sent to hien through the Red
Shield Woinen's 'Auxiliary. He
writes. that he was badly in need of
socks, and also that its a lonesome
Mrs. Thos. Mason ; has returned
home after spending the winter in
Romeo, Mich. Mee. Mason tells us
that there isa very live
group g up m
Romeo, The British Relief Unit.
This group sews and knits for British
soldiers, sailors, airmen and refugees.
It is very comforting for mete know
that "our cousins across the border"
are doing their bit ins relieving the
wants of the war victims in England.
The Editor;
Clinton News -Record,
Clinton. Ontario.
Dear Sir:
we be permitted through
your columns to express our apprec-
iation of the generous support tend-
ered the Seaforth Beavers by the
citizens of your district during the
past hockey' season. ,This support in
a large measure was responsible for
the suceess the Beavers had in bring-
ing to Huron County its first O.H.A.
We wish also to thank those fosrn-
er members of the Clinton Colts who
during this season have accounted
formuchof the strength of the Beav-
ers. The people Cof Clinton may well
be proud in the knowledge that it
was only through the contributions
of their representatives on; the team
that made it possible to bring this
honour to Huron County.
Yours very truly,
Seaforth Amateur Athletic Assoc.
A. Y. McLean, Secretary.
!Concert on the following Monday "ev-.
The Red Orem :Sloeiety receiver
word that they had received the $25
Prize in the "Shoulder to the Wheel"
contest put on by, the Canadian
Countryman. le the month of 1VIar-
ch the Society raised $200 besides all
the knitting, sewing and quilting;
that was done. We are indeed pa'oud,
of rim Society. ,5
A. large crowd was ,present in the
Town Hall, 'Clinton. on St. George's
Day, Wednesday, April 23rd.
Rev. An ee
d w Lane was chairman
for the order, of Service. Those as-
sisting in the leadership of the ser-
vice were, Lieut. Frazer Earle, Rev.
A. E. Silver, Rev. A. H. O'Neil, Rev.
B. F. Andrew and Mayor A.. J. Mc-
Murray. Mrs. Bert Boyes was pian-
ist during the evening.
The address was given by the Rev.
G. G. Burton, who spoke on the sign-
ificance of St. George's Day. The
offering will be sent to the Queen
Elizabeth War Victims' Fund.
A military rally for the County of
Huron is being held e g he d i n Goderich on
the afternoon and evening of April
A. detachment of active service
troops in full battle kit accompanied
by the military band of the R.C.R'S.
will invade the town at 3 oclock Wed-
nesday afternoon and put on a mil-
itary demonstration for the purpose
of stimulating recruiting in this dis-
A military medical board will be
in attendance 'at the Goderich Arm-
ouries during the visit to examine re-
cruits for all branches of the army,
inducting Armored Corps, Artillery,
Engineers, Army Service Corps,
Signals and Infantry.
Mr. and Mrs. Meyers of London, Dr.
and Mrs. Anderson. Exeter were the
Nests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lyon on
Several W,M,S ladies attended the
Presbyterial held at Thames Road on
Taesd'a .
Rev. and Mrs. Menzie and family
visited with friends in Lambeth last
Miss Walkanr, teacher of S.S. No. 8
hu returned to her school to take up
duties, having recovered' froin her re-
cent sickness and operation.
Mrs. Margaret Manning has return-
ed to her home having spent part of
the winter in Toronto.
There will be no May meeting of
the Womans Institute, But•anexec-
utive meeting will be held at Mrs.
Osters, Blyith, on May 5th, where
matters of much interest will be dist
cussed and all the ladies who are ins
terested are urged to attend.
In a recent letter received from
Miss B. Kirk, who was visiting
friends in Vancouver•, spoke of the
beauties of that country. "The moun-
tains are Like friends and the shrubs
ani., flowers simply gogeous. I can't
find words to tell you the beauty of
them, She also visited( Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. McCallwho a year ago went
from here to Victoria, B,C'. and have
a nice grocery store there; right
across from them is. a tulip field with
thousands of tulips that make wond-
erful splash of color; she spoke of
visiting, Cobble Hill and Brentwood
and on the Prospect Point where in
places the ground is covered with
wild Lilacs which was very beautiful.
This is just a few of the highlights
of that beautiful country. Mrs. Kirk
intends to be cack by the lst of June,
Mr. and Mrs, John MacFarlane of
Stanley were Sunday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. George MoVittie.
Miss Alma Carter, Reg. II. of Vic-
toria Hospital staff. London, and: Mr.
Lloyd) Carter, student` at . University
of WesCtern, Ontario, spent the week-
end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs
Derwin Getter,
Mr. arid Mrs Norman Wheeler and.
JoAnne of Detroit' spent the weekend
with Mr. : and Mrs. T. Wheeler.
Mr. and Mrs..Geo. Swan, spent the
weekend in Shakespeare.
We are sorry to report that Mr. R.
Muedocic is in. -
Mrs. A. Paterson and Ronnie spent
the weekend in Toronto.
Mrs, A. Hehner is visiting in Lond-
Miss Jessie, Grainger of Clinton
visited Mr,
and Mrs. J.Taira • r on
G e
Friday last.
Misses Ellen and Ina Scott spent
Sunday at their home in the village,
Mr. anti Mrs. Austin Wheeler and
son of Detroit spent the weekend with
.Mr, and 'Mss. T. Wheeler.
The Y.P.W. will hold; their anni-
versary on Sun. May 4th. Rev.
Sweetman of :itderton will preach.
The Annual Easter Masquerade'
Carnival was held in the•: Deem Haiti
on Wednesday evening of last week
under the auspices of the Bayfield
Agricultural Society. The hall. wase
tastefully decorated for the occasion
with cedar boughs and streamers in.
Raster shades, Although the number
in costume was not as large as usual.
those who dressed presented a gay
scene. The judges, Mrs. Cobb, Misses::
Alice Drouin and A. Fernette: award-
ed the prizes as follows: Ladies Fan-
cy 1st, Mrs. N. W. Woods (Late nine-
teenth century lady); 2nd, Miss Peg-
gy Burt (Highlander);. 3rd, Miss Bet-
ty Reason (Cinderella); .Ladies C'omim
1st, Mrs.D. Prentice (Old fashioned.
costume); 2nd, Mrs. R. H. F. Gaird-
ner (Apple Annie); 3rd Mrs. Lloyds
Makinsuaw Gents
Corrie 1 st
(Sol ) Ge s
Mrs. E. Sturgear (Labourer)Girls:
1st, Marion Atkinson (Little Bo:
Peep. with a kid instead of a sheep).
2nd, Barbara Middleton (Fancy cost-
ume the Civil C vrI Warei•iod 3rd'
p ),
Monica Graham, (Irish National Cos-
os-tume); Consolation Beverley York:
(Little Red Riding Hood); Boys. lst,.
Jacqueline Parker (sailor) ; 2nd, Dor-
othy Ann McLeod (sailor). The mem
and boys in costume were conspicuous
by their absence. The President, Mr..
Win. Sparks, welcomed those present.
Mr. Bert Dunn acted as Master of
Ceremonies. The music for the dance
was played by the Little Dance
Band and Mr. Lindsay Smith was
floormanager. The draw for the door
prize was made by Miss Beverley-
everleyYork and the holder of the lucky
ticket was Miss Dorene McClinchey.
The Boy Scouts helped the directors
and d committee serve • refreshments.
n d
The prizes were War Savings Stamps..
Mr. Borden Howard and bride of
Toronto spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. J. E. Howard and other relat-
1 ives in the village.
Rev. and Mrs. J. Graham and two
children spent Saturday in London.
Mr. G. Widcombe returned to the
village last week after having spent
the 'winter in Windsor.
Mr. and Mrs. John McLeod and two.
children are in Port Burwell where
the former is fishing.
Mr, W. H. Tippet of Billings, Mon-
tana, and Mrs, Percy Dynment. of,
Dearborn, Mich.. who were here ow-
ing to the illness aid subsequent*
death of their mothe, returned to
their homes on Tuesday.
A community gathering was held
in the Town Hall on Friday evening
last, to bid farewell to 0. S. Robert
McLeod, who was home on leave be-
fofe going to Halifax. The evening
was spent in community singing and.
dancing. Mr. Wm. Ferguson acted
as Master of Cereomcrries.' After
refreshments had been served, Bobby
was called to the platform. when Mrs_
Gairdner read a farewell address, and
Mrs. D. Prentice •p,resented him with
gifts, (handkerchiefs and a pen and
pencil set) Bobby responded in his
usual happy smiling manner. Anoth•
er feature of the evening was the
presentation 'of a beautiful Tri -lights
lamp ,to Mr. and Mrs. James Robin-
son, when an address on behalf of
the community was read by Mr. Les-
lie Elliott.
Mrs. J. 11. Cobb of Toronto is spen-
ding the summer season with her
mother, Mrs. Minnie Ross at Surn-R-
Inn Cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weston and'
small son of Detroit spent the week-
end wih Mr. Richard Weston and
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Fowlie of Lon-
don and Mr. and Mrs. 0, Koehler of
Zurich were guests of. Misses E. and
F. Powlie on Sunday. '
A. C. Malcom McLeod of. Steventon,
B.C. a former Bayfield boy, who is
now in training as a sheet metal
worker at St. Thomas, is spending a
few days this week with his brother.
L. H. McLeod. His son A. C. Mac
McLeod is attached to the Air Train-
ing Centre at Dunnville,
Master Roy Holm won the prize
given in Trinity Church Sunday
School for the pupil contributing the
most to the Lenten mite boxes, ,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lester of
Port Huron, 1Vlich., and Mr. and Mrs. '
Ed. Sturgeon spent the weekend ins
The drawing room at the Rectory,
cheery with a grate fire and masses
of daffodils and pussy willows, was
the scene of a quiet wedding on Wed-
nesday, April 16, at 10.30 aen, when•
Margaret Jane York, second daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Baker became
the bride of Lloyd Watson Scotch -
mer, elder son of Vir. Robert Scotch -
"nee The cemnany was performed'
by the Rector Rev. J, Graham, in the
presence of Mrs. Graham, and the
witnesses, Miss Mabel Scotchmer and'
Mr. Cfaig Kerr. The bride wore a
bright blue sheer dress with navy blue
coat, hat shoes, gloves and purse.
Following the ceremony the happy-
appycouple lett on a motor trip through)
the Niagara Peninsula and then to
London where the bride's sister, Mrs.
Victor Burt, was "hostess at a party
on Saturday night in their honor. The
guests were Bayfield people now liv-
ins in London. They returned to they
village on Sunday when Mrs. Baker
entertained et supper in their honor
at which a cousin and bride, Mr. and'
Mrs. Borden Howard. were also pres-
ent. , Congratulations and beset wish-
es are extended to the newlyweds who
have -taken• up residence in the
groom's home on Reith Cresent.