HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1941-04-17, Page 5T11URF ,, FIPRIL 17, 1941.. A.LIBLRI Mr.Darwin Meeklam,, of Fergus pent the weekend with friends here ' Jack Raitltby, of Guelph, is visiting his grandfather, George Raithby. Misses, Margaret and Annie Web-, areturned to Strathroy on Friday after spending the winter with their broth- er, Dr, B. C. Weir. Mr. Alex. IVlaokenzie - returned' honie.on Saturday after spending the 'whiter with his. daughters, Nies. A. P. -Walker and 1VTrs. A. Coad, of Tor- onto.' Mr. and Mrs'. Gordon Dobie and ;Sillie, of Fergus were. weekend visit - • - ors'with friends here. Mr. and Mrs, A1don Hasty of :Stovenville visited on Saturday with 'Mr. and Mrs, Harvey McGee. • Miss Zeta Munro had her appen- dix removed, on Monday at Chilton ;Public Hospital. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Barr and family, • of Detroit, spent the weekend with Yr. and Mrs. John 'Wilson. Miss Bethel Washington, of Picton is holidaying with h'er parents, Mr. • and Mrs. Joe. Washington. Mr. Ben Bamilton,° of Toronto. is visiting his parents; Mr. and Mrs. David Hamilton. Born -On April 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wilson, of Carlow, for_= • rilerly of Auburn, a son. Mrs. John McKnight spent the ' weekend with her daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Ferguson and Mr. Ferguson of Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Robison spent 'Saturday at London. TI IE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD,, A B.Y.P,U. rally was. held in the Meal Bechurch Friday evening with delegates from Goderioh, Olin- . ton,. Wing]rasn and London" There were about 125 present. Miss Vera Wilkins of Goderieh presided. Fol- lowing a sing -song led by Rev. A. E. Silver, Rev. Harold Trimer of London. led in prayer. The,devotional period was taken- by Wingham B.Y.P.U.: with Frank Collar in charge. Shirley and. Emma Robertson .sang a duet, after.' which C. Burnett, of London presid- ent of the Middiessex-Lambton As- sociation gave a few remarks ' and conclulcted : the election of .officers resulted, as follows: president. 'Frank Collar, Winglrani,; vice-president, Vera Wilkins, Goderich; seeretary- iaeasurer, Betty °GI'Iar, Wingham;. councillors, _Marie Kelly, Wingham; Mrs. Earl McKnight. Auburn; Marj- orie Miller, Goderich; peaa'l McPhee, Clinton; Rev. A. J. Milligan, Goder- ich. Several members of the R. A. F. stationed at .Port Albert rendered two 'selections. Rev. A. J. Milligan gave .the address on "Behold the Man." After the meeting all repair- ed to the basement for lunch. The tennis Club held their annual meeting on Monday night inthe con- tinuation school. Ways and means of raising funds were discussed, The I secretary -treasurer gave her report, stating there was $4.62 in the treas- ury. The .elections of officers result- ed as follows: honorary president, Dr. -B. 0. Weir; pros.' Betty Asquith; vice -pies„ Ruth Arthur; sec. treas.. Laura 'Phillips; tournament commit- tee, Donald Ross, Reid Sheppard, Bob Prest, toe George Straughan left on lVMonday to commence sailing on the Great lake's boat, "The Saskadoc." Mr, James Henry and son of Galt. 'spent the weekend 'with Mr. and Mrs. `Charles Scott. Miss Christine Robertson; of White - 'by spent the weekend with Dr. B. C. Weir and Josephine. The saw mill commenced operat- ions on Monday. Several people wound here have started gardening. 'Three of our local youths.took.their .'first dip in the river on Monday. • A. combined meeting of the wom- en's Institute and Red Cross will be held in the Forester's hall on Satur- day afternoon at 2.30, There will al- so be a sale of home-made baking at tate conclusion of the meeting, the proceeds to be hi. aid of British War Victims Fund, • Eric Meliveen, of Bowmanville is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Asquith. The Ladies Guild of St, Mark's Anglican church held a successful baking sale in James Medd's store on Saturday. About $22 was realized The United church Sunday School presented a very beautiful cantata, "The Master Liveth," in the church auditorium on Thursday evening, Mrs. R. D. Munro presided at the pia- no with violin accompaniments by Harvey McDowell. Solo parts were taken by Rev, f. • C. Wilson, Miss Betty Craig and Mrs. Fred Plaetzer, ,duets by Zeta anti Mary Munro, Zeta Munro and Vivian Straughan, Mrs. Plaetzer and Mrs. Sadie Carter and a , quartette niunber by Rev. Wilson, Mrs. Plaetzer, Miss Carter and Earl Wightman, GODERICH TOWNSHIP Mr. and Mrs. Erland Betties of Toronto spent the weekend With Mr. and Mrs. Allen Kettles. Mrs. Lowden and son Harry are moving to their new farm near Ham- ilton. Rev. Harvey Colclough of Thorn- hill visited his. sister, Mrs. W. H. Pickett, this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. Steverisoa and family of Detroit were holidays vis- itors with. Mr. and. Mrs. H. Balsam, Miss Elizabeth Diehl of Preston spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John McGuire. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Weston and Mrs. and Miss Chrff Weston of Detroit spent the weekend with Mr. and Airs, Alex. Weston. Miss .Kathleen Middleton of Lqn don is spending the Easter vacation at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie McNaughton and Margaret of London spent Eas- ter Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Fred Middleton. Mrs, Mervin Lobb and Donald and Bruce of Tuckersrnith spent the past week at the hone of. Mr. and Mrs, Bert Lobb. . • Mr. and Mrs. John Barry of De- troit, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Livermore of London, Mr. Charles Ferguson and Miss Florence Lovett of London were gnats on Sunday of Mi'. and Mrs, D. L. Stephenson. Miss Rota Beacons of Toronto spent the holiday with her parents,. on the Bayfield Line, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Birch of De- troit spent the holiday at their cot- tage. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Welsh and Helen Mae spent Sunday with Mr. BIRTHS WILSON -To Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wilson of Carlow formerly `of . Auburn, on April 4th. e son. CARHAET-To Mr. and Mrs. J. Ray • Carhart . (nee Margaret Ball), at the Kirkland Lake General, Hospit- al, April 8, 1941, a daughter, Rutli. Ellen. McELROY--,In Private Patients Pav- ilion. Toronto General. Hospital, on Friday, April 11th, to Mr. and Mrs." Francis 'McElroy (nee, Ruth Shob- brook), a son, Jerome Francis. and Mrs. Fred. Wallis, Mr. and Mrs; Robert Welsh enter- tained a number of friends from the London Road to a fowl supper on Saturday evening. Misses Joy ' and Margaret Lobb, spent the weekend with relatives; in Mitchell..' Council. Meeting • 'Council mot in Holmesville on April 7. Dept of Highways . acknowledged approval of bylaw to spend, $6,000,00 on Highway improvement 'during 1941. Unemployment relief instructions read and filed.' The Teastirer's bond was renewed with the Casualty Co. of Canada. Mr. H. G. Lawson, agent. . The Dept. of Municipal Affairs in- structions that a subsidy of one mill on the total assessment will again bepaid this year. The •Clinton Stock Fair asked for the, usual grant. $35.00 was. given. °. The collector reported a few tax- payers still in arrears. I•Ie was in- strutted to complete his work. Accounts paid: H. C. Lawson, premium on Treasurer bond $24.00 H. Sturdy, postage and exchange . , ........ 10.80 A. 3. McMurray grant to stock fair ,, 85.00 H. C. Dunlop fumigators for Board. of Health .'75 Supt, Pay voucher' No. 3 . , 114.35 Council then adjourned to meet on Monday May 5 at 1.30 pan. VARNA Mrs. Connell has returned to her Mame after spending some time with her daughter Mrs. Marks of Toronto. Mr. W. Hart has purchased the property owned by Mr. N. Keys re- cently vacated by Mr. J. Grassic and intends moving in the near future. Mr. Roy Dawson held a very suc- cessful sale on Tuesday afternoon. Urs. J. Mossop was a guest at the home of Mrs, N. Ball and family Sunday afternoon. Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Reid anti fam- ily of Toronto spent Easter holiday at the home of Mrs. M. Reid. Mss. A. McConnell 15 spending the Easter holiday with her daughter in Toronto. Mr, Elliott Chu'ar of London spent Sunday at the, home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Chutor. The Junior Farmers held thir meet- ing in the Township Hall on Monday night. The funeral of the late Mrs, H. Coultiee was held from her home on Tuesday afternoon. The remains were taken to Forrest for interment in Beechwood cemetery. Mr. G. B. Woods of Toronto was renewing acquaintances in the village Saturday, Miss Rena Johnston Reg.N spent the weekend at the hone of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Wellington John - We have again Been able to secure an out- standing class of used cars and are in a position to give the Moter Buying 'Public . even Better Value than we did last year. 1938 CHEVROLET SEDAN Master Special 85 horsepower, 112 inch wheel- base, Hydraulic Brakes, Turret Top, Distinctive Tan Color, Good for Thousands of miles. A. Re- fined, car, 1940 PLYMOUTH COACH 84 horsepower' Motor, 117 inch wheelbase, All Steel Top, Hydraulic Brakes, Mecl}anically per- fect. A Real Buy. 1935 Dodge -Sedan, Driven. carefully 1929 Chev. Sedan, Attractive Buy • :1938 CHEVROLET SEDAN Master Deluxe, Dark Blue color. Very Low 1VIileage. Wonderful condition throughout. See this one, 1939 CHEVROLET' COACH Another oustanding• Chevrolet with low mile- age:. This car has had delicate personnel treat- ment from the first Day sold. A Refined family car. 1930 FORD COACH 1929 FORD COACH Buy the Best - Supertest MAIN CORNER" SHIPLEY CLINTON "PAGE �'3: CUT FLOWERS FLORAL, DESIGNS For Evert Occasion. C. V. Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 663 Egg -Grading Station 0-140 We are having the best of setts- faction, with our new Egg. Rooms. Eggs are kept cool and in, good, con- dition far overseas or storage pur- poses. Our candlers will give you goad service. ' There may 1 b e 80MO boarders in your flocks that have been producing since last Autumn. Poultry cullixug done 'at anytime. N. W. TREWARTIiA' Day Phone 214. Night Phone 328. Batkin's Locker Storage Offers you Fish el all kinds ,at ail 'miaow of Beef and halves of Pork at reasonable prices. Custom Killing and sausage mak- ing.. Alae buy hides. It pays .to save the cola storage way, . WE BUY HIDES "Frozen Foods are Better Foods." sten. Mr. W. Fee and sisters of Hensall called at the home of G. Beatty Sr. on Friday afternoon. During Holy Week, services were held in the Anglican and United. id -lurches. Rev. J. Graham, Rev J. Peters, Rev. Burton and Rev. Mairs conducted the' services. NOTICE Citizens of _Clinton, please be a- gain reminded that. No Ashes, or Garbage of any nature are to be placed on the Streets, according to By -Law, , Spring is CLEAN-UP time. Citizens please co-operate. Clinton Town Council, Street Committee, LOCAL MAN WANTED Reliable man with car to sail ;on our customers; well established route., low prices and epeciai pay while training assures good in- come from start. Write or see Sales Manager, Fuller Brush Co.. Ltd., London, 36-1 TIME TABLE CHANGES EFFECTIVE SUNDAY, APRIL . 27, 1941 Full Information from Agents CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received up to 7 p.m. Monday, April 28th, for the crushing and trucking to any place within the township of Hallett, The crusher material must be put through a 1 inch round screen and the crusher to be moved up to three sets, if need be, without additional ' cost to the `township, Tenders May be_for both or -dither and contractor nsus't comply with.the Workmen's Compensation Act, A marked cheque for One Hundred Dollars must accompany each tender J. W. MCCOO'L. Clerk of the Township, of 'Huliett 36.2 Pasture for Rent A 100 acre farm, good pasture, with plenty of shade and a never -failing spring creek. Apply at News-Reeoi.•d Office. 36-2 For Sale One camp cot with ostermoor and feather mattresses, one wood bed, 54 in. wide complete with springs and mattress. Apply to Mrs. L. M.• Mc- Kinnon. 36-2 For Sale: One frame building, 20 ft. by -24 ft. hi the village of 'Brucefield. Tenders will be received up to May lst, 1991, Tuckez'smith Municipal Telephone System. _3. K. Cornish, Sec. -Treasurer.: 36-2 For Sale Urban and Vanguard • oats, grown from seed from Alex, Stewart, Ailsa Craig, free from weeds, harvested be- fore the .rain last fall. A1Ro,.0.A.0. No. 21 Barley and yellow sweet,,elo- er. James R. Stirling, telephone 900- 12; Clinton. 36-1 Cow For -Sale Choice Jersey Cow, Due to freshen about April 30th. Apply to Chas. Dale, 4 miles East of Clinton. 36-1 For Sale Boys C.C.M. Humphrey Bicycle, balloon tires, in first class conditions Phone Clinton 259. 36-1 Seed Grain for Sale Quantity of good mixed grain, Im- proved Banner Oats, mixed with barley. Ira H. Merrill, telephone, 902-16.• • 36-2 BOXY THEATRE CLINTON NOW PLAYING "Mexican Spit.. vire" and "Dr, Christian Meets 'the' Women." MON., TUES. •& WED. Bela Lugosi, Boris' Karloff, Peter Lorre and Kay ICyser and Orchestra "Kay Kysee's, music soothes the savage breast, but it meets its match in a house full of ghosts._ "YOU'LL FIND OUT" • THURS., . FRI. & SAT. Henry, Fonda, Gene Tierney, Jackie .Cooper Frank James, returns; driven on by the Urge 'tel.. avenge his brother's death, but held back by a woman's love. , . • "The Return of Frank James" - Mats.: Sat. and Holidays at 3 p.m. CAPITAL THEATRE REGENT THEATRE GODERICII SEAFORTH INU,/y cited Hanna-, and "j1'4er Quintuplets Grow Up" MON.; TUES. & WED. Joan Bennett, Francis Ledere Anna Sten -and Lloyd Nolan Present an amazing and timely story. "1 );Married A Nazi" Thera, Fri-, Sat.—Double Feature Guy Kibbee, Carol Hughes and John Archer spice a rustic romance 'with dry humor Also Tim Holt as "The Fargo Kid" "Scattergood Baines" - Coming: "Sixty Glorious Years" Anna Neagle. NOW: "Covered Wagon Days" & "In Old 'MissouriE' , • MON..; TUES. & WED. Shirley.' Temple, Jackie Oaicie and Charlotte Greenwood A. stage troupe turns to farming with surprising results "YOUNG PEOPLE" Thur., Fri., Sat.—Double Feature George Sanders, Wendy Barrie and "Cy. Kendall The modern Robin Hood in anothe- ez breathless adventure "The Saint in Palm Springs" Also Tim Holt in "Wagon Train" Coming: "Toms Brown's School, Lay9b'reuWe Jiartholornewd. • Sat.ecalS � A Bran. and Date .Muffins Date Loaf Suey Loaf Nut Loaf Tea Biscuits Silverwoods Ice Cream Smoother than Velvet BARTLIFF'S PHONE 1 WE DELIVER COME TO THE Easter Tea at the Rectory, Friday, Apr.18 3 to 6.30 p.nr. EVERYBODY WELCOME Easter Novelties For Sale Mrs. McInnes, Group, St. Paul's Guild 35-2 For Sale 100 asses, choice, good' barns, cement silo, litter carrier. modern brick house, two miles west of Sea forth, immediate possession. Mrs. Rachel Kirk, Seaforth. 36-2 For Sale 5 year old gray gelding, Bay geld- ing rising three, broken. Both horses sound, J. W. VarsEgmond. phone 805-13, Clinton. 35tf For Sale Ladies—Have seou seers the new house-cleaning unit at Hawkins Hardware. 35-2 Potatoes For Sale Irish cobblers, Green j!Jountains and early Warbles. Apply to Roy Tyndall, R,R, No. 3, Clinton, phone 907-3 34tf For Rent . House to rent on High Street, Clin- ton. Apply at Chuffs Shoe Store. l) ,. . , 35-21 For Sale Two-story frame house on James .street with town lights and water. Apply at the News -Record office. 30-1 For Sale We now have on display three new lines of vacuum cleaners, $57.00— $79.50—$99.50. Low down payments and .easy terms, On Sale at Hawk- ins hardware. 35-2 For Sale Good clean seed,oats for sale, good color, grown on alfalfa socl, Price 50c per bushel. Apply to John Noble R.R. No. 4 Clinton, phone 5-638. 35tf For Sale 40 acres of pasture land, lots of water and shade, well fenced, cheap for quick sale, 1 mile north of Hol rnesville on the Maitland concession A.piply to Fred Hopkins, Holmesville phone 902-25. ' 35-2 For Rent Cottage on Townsend street, 6 rooms, lights and water. Possession after the 16th of this month. Apply to Mrs. John W. Bayley, Clinton, Phone 800-5 35-2 20,000 Muskrats Wanted .Highest market price paid, no shipment too large or too small for me to handle, Norman East R. R. No. 1, Clinton.. 35-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of George Pope, late of the Township of Hallett in the County of Ruron.Yeoman, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate 'of the abovedeceased. are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on or before the 26t11, day of April, A.D. 1941, after which date the assests will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, halting regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. `DATED at Clinton, this 6 th, (Jar of April, .A.D. 1941. F. FINGLA141), K.C., Clinton Ont. Solicitor for the said Estate. 38-3 FORYOUR R BAKING TRY WENDORF FOR BREAD, EAD, BUN. and CAKES Wend�rfs BAKERY - CANDY — LUNCH PHONE 68 BABY CHICKS S.C. White Leghorns and Barred Rocks Custom Hatching. E. L. MITTELL Phone 213 Clinton For Sale House and lot with garage on Rat- tenbury street, town lights & water; also house and two lots on Huron street, 9 rooms, Iights and water, also stable and henhouse. Apply to Miss Bertha Cantelon, Huron, street, Clin- ton. ., 27tf Wanted at Once Secondlihand sewing machine to buy or rent. Apply to Mrs. Robert Hattin, Bayfield Rd. 36-1 For Sale Quantity of clean seed, early Alas - ]ca oats; Also some home-grown Al- falfa seed. J. Leslie Coic. phone 903-2. 35-2 Farm For Sale or Rent 80 acres good pasture land spring creek, Iots of shade, Brick House, farm Barn, orchard. Apply to Ellen J. Cox, Clinton, Huron St. 33-6 For Sale or Rent Good home on High street for sale er rent. Apply to Mrs. Harvey Cooper, Clinton, Ontario. 80-. Por Sale Maple syrup and -maple `sugar. Ap- ply to Fred McClyntont, Varna, or phone Clinton, 622rz4. 34tf. Rooms To Let Furnished or unfurnished rooms. Apply to News -Record. 3(3-2 Wanted Cattle wanted for pasture by the month on Lot 19, Con.' 5, of Hallett township. Good grass and sure wat- er.' Apply to James Reynolds, Sea - forth, 35-3 For Sale or Rent Desirable eight -roomed house on Princess street for sale or rent, Ap- ply at the News -Record office, 15tf Wanted Experienced cook -general for fam- ily of three adults. Small hone, best wages to capable person. Apply to Mrs. Ramsay, 197 Ridout street, south London, Ontario, 35.3 For Rent Brick house an Princess street with all modern convenience. Apply to ill. Ward, Huron street, Clinton. 35tf. Farm for Sale One hundred acres of Choice land„ situated on No. ii highway between Seaforth and Clinton. The buildings consist of large bank barn, brick house, new double garage, hydro through -out, well fenced,' never fail- ing water supply. Immediate pos- session, Geo. W. Nott, Oliriton Post Office. 33-4 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Take notice that all persons' hav- ing claims against•the estate of Rob- ert Welsh; late of 'the Town sf Clip ton, in the County of Huron, gentle- man, deceased, who died on or about the 18th day of January, 1941, are hereby notified to forward full part iculars of their claims, duly vertified, to the undersigned on or before the 25 day of Aril, 1941, as after that date theassets of that estate will be distributed having regard only to the accounts then filled. DATED at Goderieh this 28th day of March, 1941. Frank Donnelly, Goderich, Ontario, • Solicitor for the Executors. 35-3.. BURGESS' STUDIO CLINTON Photographs .of Distinction IRENE BURGESS Phone 115. Developing and Printing MONUMENTS! To those contemplating build- ing a Monument , Get my prices before buying. Cemetery Lettering a specialty. All work guaranteed. JOHN GRANT CLINTON MARBLE & GRANITE W,ORKS Clinton — Ontario Successor to Ball & Zapfo. 59 t8 5555 ARD LONG WA9F 1911 50051 / \ \ • :": • POWERTSFORM'OWESNUREF RECEI - ROGER515/54AX TUBES TESTED FREE Tubes and General Batteries The complete 6 -Page Basle Log Card is yours for the asking. A. W. Groves, Princess SL, PRINCESS ST. CLINTON For Sale A cow, due to freshen April 21st. Apply at News -Record office. 36-1 400. f Give your 1941 chicks a "need start" with Roe Vitafood Chick Starter-- thef ariinproeen diet that is building moneyO sting layers lerni Fading nto poultry At 7 weeks, "follow-through" with Roe Complete Growing Mash—the vitamized feed that givesthey your chicks everything yneed for steady, profitable egg•production in the Fail1 OE COMPLETE GROWING MASH ROE "VITAMIZED" FEEDS ARE SOLD SY; CHARLESWORTH Clinton HAROLD BOGIE Auburn