HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1941-04-17, Page 2Big British Battleship, King George V, •Carries Amphibian Planes Along Here is one of the planes carried by the British battleship, King George V, being hoisted aboard after a flight. It is a Walrus aiaphibian. Exploits of :British fliers operating from naval units in the Medi. terranean and off the European coast are becoming more frequent and moredaring daily, and they take a proud place in the line-up against the Axis powers, ao •e coo - -o lEow Con I? I BY ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I clean painted walls without using soap? A. Use two ounces of borax in • two quarts of water and one tea- spoon of ammonia. Use about half this quantity to each bucket of water, and no soap will be re- quired. Q. How can I stake use of dis- 'carded umbrella ribs? A. These ribs make good and lasting supports for trailing flowers. If they are painted a softgreen, they will hardly be noticed in the garden. Q. How can I make an econ- omical deodorizer for a sick room? A. An economical deodorizer can be made out of a pint of vinegar boiled with one quart of myrrh. Q. How can I bleach silk, wool, linen, or cotton? A. The best bleaching process for these materials is to use one teaspoon of peroxide of ,hydrogen to 34 -tub of cold water. Let the clothes soak in this ovenight; then [rinse and wash as usual. This does not injure the fabric and imparts' a pure white. Q. 'How can I prepare a good wall paper 'cleaner? A. Mix two cups of flour and one tablespoonfuls of kerosene with enough water to snake a stiff dough; then knead thoroughly. Use like ordinary cleaner. Cameras Not Guns Shoot Air Target Ordinarily Trans -Canada Air Lines uses models of its aircraft for window display purposes.: At least one of then has a new pur- pose in life as 'a target for anti- aircraft practise by the military. An Essex County regiment has borrowed one to shoot at. For- tunately for the model, camera guns will be used and not the real thing. New Long Look Seen in Sweaters The longer fitted sweater is a rival now for the very short one. 1Iie new type has been slowly making headway; in influencing the sweater trend until now the Movement is definitely to longer fitted types. Many cf the brief sweaters that last year would have been waist - length are now inching down to cover the hips. You will find them in daytime and evening sweaters, either smoothly molded or with waistline nipped in by ribbing or finer stitches and reinforced here by elastic threads to hold them. in. Pullovers with such nipped -in waistlines or with draping at the hips and high necklines zipped at back as well as the long semi - folded skirt pullover are especi- ally new -looking. M y "Pigs In Pokes" Sold at Auction The sale of unclaimed baggage and articles found on Canadian Pacific property provided an interesting interlude at Fraser Brothers' auction rooms, Montreal, recently. Articles of this nature from as far as Calgary to the west and Halifax t6 the east. When a certain period has passed and it is still unclaimed, -the law requires that it all be sold at auction, the worthless and the .valuable. Buyers hid for it blind' and pay qulte high prices on the chance of finding something really valuable. —Canadian Pacific Photo, Super Special Delivery Asked Super -special delivery of air- mail was requested of Trans- Canada Air Line's- a few days ago. A passenger making her first flight asked the stewardess }f she would request the captain of her trip to fly over her grand- son's home en route as she wanted to drop him a birthday :card— airmail. The stewardess advised less spectacular methods and pro- duced an airmail. stamp. Milk Cows on Farms While :the number of all cattle on farms iii Canada at December 1, 1941, was higher than et the corresponding date of the previ- ous year, the number of milk :cows declined slightly front 3,- 933,300 in 193.9: to 3,917,100 in '1940. Increases in Ontario, Sask. latchewan, and British Columbia 'were offset by reductions in other provinces. Evidence of a con- tinuance of the upward trend in the cattle cycle is given by an in- crease of 2.0 per cent in the num- ber of cows bred to calve. In- creases in .Saskatchewan anti. Al- berta were large, while declines were reported from Manitoba and Prince Edward Island. Canada Puts Fish In `Meat' Category Protest of Nova Scotia M.P. in House of Commons Goes Unheeded Fish is meat, according to the Meat and Canned Foods Act, des- pite a protest made by J. J. Kin- Iey, Nova Scotia Liber` , in the' House of Commons at Ottawa: A bill amending some previs- ions of the Act relating to fish and -shellfish ., was passed after some argument over choice of words. One amendment dropped the words "dry' lobster meat" from the Act and gave a definition of "dry heat," a tcran used in the lobster trade, Mr. Kinley said fish was not meat and wondered why it should be so described, He suggested all reference to meat be dropped. The Fisheries Minister, J. E. Michaud, said the purpose of the amendment was to eliminate one of two terms naming the same thing and .'crncentrate on "dry meat" taste ,cl ,of "dry lobster meat." This would avoid con- fusion among packers and dealers. • HAVE kFO91 HEARD? • "Look here," stormed Brown to the real estate agent, "about that riverside"bungalow you sold me." "Anything wrong?" asked the agent. "Wrong! Wrong!" exclaimed Brown. "The other morning we woke up and found that the place had floated two miles dawn .the. river.'." "H'm," said the agent blandly enough, "that's a 'good stroke of luck. The taxes are much lower down . there." "Now perhaps you'll wanta shave?" queried the barber who had just given five-year- old Bobbie his first profes- sional haircut. Bobbie (after feeling of Ids face): "1 guess there wouldn't be enough shavings, would there?" A robbery had been committed in the English village, and a de- tective had been sent to Investi- gate. "Have you seen any mysterious strangers about here lately?" asked the detective of the old vil- lager. "Yes, sir," • replied, the old man. "There was a ratan 'ere with the circus last week, an' 'e took a pair rabbits out o' my whiskers!" First Irishman: "Which. would yez rather be in Pat -- an explosion or a collision?" Second ditto: "In a collis- ion. Because in a collision there yez are, but in an ex- plosion where are yez?" "I would like to meet you again," he murmured, as they glided through the waltz. "What about letting me have your tele-, phone number?" "It's in the book," she told him, "Good! What's your name?" "You'll find that in the book also," she said, Teacher: '`Can anyone tell me what causes trees to be- come petrified?' Bright Student: "The wind makes them rock." Canadian National Railways Revenues The gross revenues of the all. inclusive Canadian National Rail- ways System for the period end- ing March 31st, 1941, were $7,- 933,064 as compared with 95,- 872,336 for the corresponding period of 1940, an increase of 92,000,728 or 35.1%. Great Hunters Going Farming The Blackfoot Indian, a notable. success in hiinting buffalo and raiding neighboring tribes in by- gone days in the Canadian West has become outstanding among his race in farming and coal min- .- ing, the Indian Affairs Branch reports. Blackfoot Indians are the most prosperous of Canadian redskins. They have about $2,- 500,000 in the, bard: intrust, the result of land sales and accrued interest in past yeard. A certain portion of the eevettue from this capital is used year :;by year in assisting the general welfare of the 880, members of the band. Mr.3T.-4•4 4-44.4-0 ae.•a*r ♦ u .; What Science Is Doing - SUPER -GIANT STARS Dr, Ralph E. Wilson has -'work- ed out a now astronomical yard- stick by using rare super -giant "C" type stars. It will 'serve to determine dis- tances to these stars, among the largest in the sly, and to nearby` star systems. Only about 400 of the stars have been found, the Mount Wil- son observatory, astronomer said last week. IIe used 246 of them in his studies. "They range tri color from red, orange, ,yellow, whitish -yellow and white to blue," said Dr. Wilson. "They aro 'distinguished from other stars by the abnormal in- tensities of the 'hydrogen lines and by the sharpness of the oxy- gen, nitrogen, iron and silicon lines in their spectra." NEW PRODUCTS HASTENED • The speed with which scientific research is translated into com- mercial products is demonstrated in a report made by Arnold E. Pitcher, general manager of the planting, department of the du - Bent Company, in which he dis- closes that three-quarters of all the plastics that the company ex- pects to produce during the pres- ent year have originated t v in the laboratory in the last forty-eight months. POOR DIET AND CANCER Evidence showing how poor diet can become one of the causes of cancer was reported last week in 'science by five Memorial Hos- pital (N.Y.) physicians. The cancers were in animals, but were important because lately physicians have reported inhu- mans .occasional cancers that seemed to be helped by diet changes, such as high vitamins or high proteins. King John Didn't Sign Magna Charta He Merely Affixed A Seal To The Document—He Couldn't Write His Own Name On a beautiful June morning its the year 1215 King John of England signed the famous Magna Charta. ISO history tells us. The book from which you learn- ed your history, at school, probably contains all illustration of that ep- oha1 event. It depicts the dis- gruntled monarch with a quill pen in his band. Seven men surround the seated king. There are several more iu the background. Their costumes are accurate to the last detail. All the Personages shown have marvellous facial expressions. The features of. the king himself register .extreme reluctance. You remember the story, of course, Military losses in Trance, combined with his Malesty's own conduct at home, made Isis people resentful, Feudal -barons demand- ed their rights, and the king de- spite o-spite Itis immense power, was forc- ed to submit. Thus we see Jahn scowling at the .pen in his hand, while one of his advisers points to the dotted line and tells his Majesty that he'd 'better sign—or else! ONLY MONKS, SCHOLARS WROTE Oontrary to general belief, how- ever, Ring John did not sign Magna Chaste. And for a vea'y good rea- son, Incredible as it may seem to us today, the kings of that period had not mastered the rudiments of writing, - Penmanship in those days was regarded as somewhat of a pastime for monks and scholars. King John affixed the Great Seal to the parch- ment of Magna Charta, 73e might even have made his mark. Ire cer- tainly didn't sign that historical document - because rte couldn't write his own name! Counting a Billion Do you know how long it would take you, counting at the rate of. 200 a minute (which is pretty good going), working twelve hours a day without pause, to count up to a billion? Nearly 20,000 years. To be precise, 19,325 years and 310 days. At the rate we are going, governments will scon be talking about Ouadr'illions, which is next on the list. It is written Iike this -1,000,000,000; 000,00,0,000,000,000. Let ns start counting again at the rate of 200 a minute. Assuming that there are a thousand million people in the world, it would take theca nearly. twenty million years• to reach a quadrillion, MOVING' SHIPPING PACKING, - STORING Reduced- RaCe L'urniture Pool :Cars—Winnipeg and tl'eel to Coast. M. RAWLINSON, LIMITED Established 18$6 610 YONGE ST. - TORONTO Nenious Restless Cranky? -Restless? rrls Can'tsleep ? Tiro easily? Annoyed by fe- le male functional dis- orders and monthly distress? Then take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound, famous;; for over 60 years in helping such rundown, weak, nervous conditions. Made esiicciaily for Women. wag, WORTi TRYING! U.S. Making Sure - Of Enough Nickels Hear ye! blear ye! The nickel. is safe! The "U.S. treasury 'proclaimed the good news last week after ar- ranging for all the nickel it needs to make five -cent pieces, despite the fact that mandatory priorities have been placed on the metal to conserve it for defence .industries. The treasury won its fight to keep nickel in the nickel by,point- ing .out that in spite of record production of five cent pieces last year the hints used only 358 tons of the metal You see, the "nickel" is ;really three-fourths copper, and has only enough real nickel in it to give it its color and hardness.` Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE 1. What is the correct expreS sion to use when thanking Mine - one for, a courtesy? 2. How can a person disting- uish between genuine hospitality and that which is affected? 3: Is it •correct for the bride and her attendants to •arrive at the church 'about a half-hour be- fore the ceremony is to begin? 4. When a young man wishes to ask a girl for a date, is it all right for him to say; "Are you going to be busy Wednesday ‘eve - ming ?"'s. eve-ming?';'-, 5. Isn't it improper for a card - player to begin arranging his cards before the entire hand has been dealt? 6. When a dish is passed to one at the table by a servant, should one say "Thank you?" Answers 1. "Thank you." Avoid the expressions "Thanks" and "Much obliged." 2. A person with the least intuition can quickly dis- tinguish this. As Washington living said, "There is an emana- tion from the heart in genuine hospitality which cannot be des- cribed, but is immediately felt, and puts the stranger at once at his ease." 3. No, they should arrive promptly on the moment set for the ceremony. 4. It would be much better to ask her for the date. It is her privilege to accept or say that she has an engage- ment. 5. Yes; this is crude. A player should wait until every- body has been dealt his entire hand. 6. It is not necessary, Dixie is economical you cut it as you use it There's no waste. Swallows Live Fish If you are one of those people who cannot swelioty a pill with- out almost choking, you will sym- pathize with the Mayor of Gram- mont, a town in Belg'iutn, and his aldermen. For the past 350 years, at the beginning of Lent, the city council lifts performed .st ceremony in front of the people of the town. A goblet of wine, in which float tiny live goldfish, is handed to the mayor. He raises it to his lips and drains the contents, in- cluding the fish. His performance is emulated by each of the alder- men and ,on fish a is Mended ev- ery sulrludedev- ery time the goblet is re -filled, First Use of Coal The popular legend is that coal was discovered by Joseph of. Ar'imathea w1o, near Glaston- bury, England, in A.D. 67, found a black lump and took it to the monastery where it was thought to be a stone and thrown on the fire. It became known as "sea - cotes," probably because it was conveyed by sea around the Brit- ish coasts, and was first used generally as fuel in 1228. It is now established that coal was used in Britain much earlier than has been supposed. Sir Cyril Fox, director of the National Mu- seum of Wales, while excavating in ,the neighbourhood of Coity, a village near Bridgend, came across two cairns, both of the Bronze Age. One, the Simond- ston Cairn, had buried in it two adults and a child, and fragments of coal found with each set of remains show that coal was used in these cremation burials. It was also established that the burials took place about 1600 B.C. Head of H;.,use? Ask Census Man The Enumerator- Will Settfo: Any Argument Next June When He Makes His Call In Your Homer Should there be any :argument about who Is the head of any Can- adian -household, the census enum- erator will settle it. 'Instructions to enumerators specify that the head of the house- hold is the person on whom falls the chief responsibility for its m ain •tenanoe, but—watch the but"— . when husband and toile 01' parent and unmarried children live in the sante household' "always report the husband as 'head' rather than the wife', and the parent rather than all unmarried child.. ELDEST OP BROTHERS, SISTERS "When brothers and sisters com- prise a household, usually the eld- est will be repotted as the `head: "If several ,unrelated persons share housekeeping facilities on a partnership basis, enumerate one of them as 'head' and the others as Partners'." Since March 13, we have paid 41c for No. 1 cream delivered to Toronto. DAILY PAYMENTS Write for Cans "' Toronto Creamery branch of tailed trimmers Co-operative Co Ltd. Cor. Duke & George Sts., Toronto ...CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS... AGENTS WANTED TIRES 12 MONTHS GUARANTEE. Direct Factory -to YOU with one small profit. If needing TIRES, It will pay you to write for prices. Agents wanted . . save money for yourself, and make a few dollars selling your friends, All tires shipped, prepaid, subject to your inspection and appt'oval. Mayans Tire Service, 8 Dim St„ Toronto. BE YOUR OWN BOSS. IP YOU CAN create door to door market for guaranteed necessities (over 200 of thein) SUCCDED WITH IAMI- LEx. liberal Commission. Repeat business assured. Co-operation. Complete details and free cat- alogue first letter: PAMILEB, 570 St. Clement. Montreal.. , BABY CRICKS RICHT NOW IT WILL PAY YOU to be "fussy" with your chick buying. Be sure you get fast growers. Bray "delivers the chicks"—Bray Chicks deliver the goods" Started, day olds, cocker- ' els, capons, pullets. Some Turkeys. Order now before you're on the land" Bray Hatchery, 180 John North, Hamilton, Out. QUALITY EMBRYO FDO CHICKS from Purina, Fed flocks. Barred Ratite and White Legborrts, bred for meat and eggs, blood tested, our flocks are ,rigidly culled $10.00 per hundred, $15,00 for two weeks old. Rielly Chick Hatchery, Barrie, Otit,u•to. A-1 ]3 ABY C FIII O If S, BARRED Reeks, White '.pelts: White Leg - horns, Brown Leghorns, Jersey IOlacic Giants, Net, Hampshire Reds. .Write for new low prices. A. H, Switzer Hatchery, Granton, On t. BABY CHICKS, GOVERNMENT Al' - Proved White Leghorns and Barred Rocks, also sexed Pullets or Cockerels. Breeding since 1002. Send- for price list; Wright Farm, Brockville, Ontario. 21 FREE CIIr0K5 WITH EVERY 100 PULLETS or 100 mixed chicks ordered, we give 25 free chicks. Pullets 51.5.00 to 519.00 per 100; Mixed Chicks $8.00 to $10..00 per -100;.Cockerels _ per 100. light breeds, 51.50; heavy breeds, $4,00: Immediate delivery. Goddard Chick RI a tic h e r y, Britannia Mei ghte, Out. IBAl:i:nV EQUIPMENT BABE RS' OVENS ANO MACHIN. cry, ditto rebuilt equipment al- ways on hand, Terms arranged. Correspondence itivi led. 1•Tubbs rd Portable Oven Co., 103 llnthurst St.. Toronto. ElSLY17SS 00'1'OI5'0'1'P:ITY GENERA STORE 111 EXTRA GOOD fanning district. N's opposition, clean stock, roust bo sold ileo 111 health. Otto-JOhann, Owen Sound, Ontario. OAKS, NEW AND USED MOUNT PLEASANT MOTORS LTD., Toronto's oldest Chrysler, Plym- outh dealers; three locations, 032 Mt, Pleasant Rosa, 2010 Yonge St., 1060 Danforth. Avenue. Our. Used. • Cars make -Ala many -friends, ER74AUST FANS EXHAUST FANS, N2OW GENDRAL' Electrics, way under wholesale, Toronto Mercantile, 29 Melinda, Toronto, FEED' 190R SALE STOCK TeDI71): BUSHEL AND ONE half bag, 12c per bag including the bag cooked screenings from puffed Limitedt ,i�n309 rice, Toronto. FOR. 5..,.51 A PROFITABLE AND INTEREST - Mg business. Make and sell Lawn Ornaments from our full-size pat- terns. Color scheme and instruc- tions with each order. Dozens of ornaments from each pattern— Dutch Gari, Dutch Boy, Windmill, Sprinkling Girl, Garden Girl, Com- ic Pig, Elephant, Coinie Raccoon, Sailor Boy With keep off grass sign, eta 15e each, 2 for 25c, 10 for 51.00 postpaid. War Saving Stamps accepted Darling, 54 War- den St,. Mimico, Ont. GOITRE HAVE YOUGOITRE? "ABSORDO" reduces. For particulars write 3, A. Johnston Co,. 171 Icing I7., Toronto. Price $5.00 per bottle. HERDS WANTED $$S WT BL -T HUNDREDS DIFFER - ant 'Herbs, Roots, .Barks, Write Dominlon Herb Distributors, 1.425 Main, Montreal. t,FGA1 J. N. LINDSAY, LAW OFOICD, OAP- itol Theatre Building, St. Thomas, Ontario. Special Department for farmers collections. OFFER TO - nvvo.vronS • AN 099511 TO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full Inror- mation sent free. The Ramsay Co., Registered, Patent Attorneys, 271 Bank Street. Ottawa, Canada, MEDICAL DR. McLIIOD'S STOMACHIC HEALS obstinate Stomach Trouble: User. states. "For years I suffered ter- rible gnawing pales below breast- bone few hours after eating, causing gas and bloating. D4y onl.v relief teas soda and that only for short time. Then I tool` Dr. 510 - Lead's Stomachic. After three bot- tles I was free from pain. I kept on Improving end have now been well for .several years, enjoying meals without medicine. Good for till fonts of indigestion. Drug Store or write Dr, ?.04eod's Stom- achic Co„ 55$ Bathurst, Toronto. $1.25 Per bottle postpaid. GOOD RESULTS — EVERY SUE- ferer from Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should. try Dixon's Rem- edy, Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid 51.00. NEIOS111t1' STOCK. HARDY NUT TREES. THE IDEAL wartime tree to plant clue to Pre- sent 1)1111 00 nut imports, and the uncertain fruit market. Write for free ropy: '.Amts for Home and Market." David Gellatly, Nut Tree Specialist, Westhank, 13.('. 10e ROOTS ASPARAGUS "DIARY .Washington" or 100 Strawberry Plants "Sentrtor .Dunlop' 01.00 Postpaid, two for $1,75. :Forward l ittl•detns, lregUols, Ontario. PAT1,S 1'Ol't SALE CLTIAN TWO TO 2'E, GALLON' palls, suitable for Sap. S,.T3arber .l': :;ons, 9000 Dundee St. 1V., To- ronlo. PLANT 50012 SAI.1; FOR ::ALN 'AT SACRIFICE, 110 -To - date 5 -ton capacity ice plant, with complete equipment. Plant has been operattttg only seven years. Cold storage equipment included. Must be removed- at 01100. 1:. T.. White, Port .Colborne, Ontario. PROPERTY FOR SALE NICE 9I0ME. SPOT FOR COUPLE, 1'J, acres, well fruited, Well Ever. greened, new brick cabin, etc. Stamp reply, lVheela', Northwood, Ontario. I'U•I'S 1011 SALE ST, Ii1RNA13.1) PUh11131, FEMALES S 58.00, Males 315.00, 11'. A. kltrbba1, Bancroft,. Ontario. SALESMAN WANTED SALEd1TAN WANTED WITH CAR to sell to stores, Ladies' House Dresses and Men's Working cloth- es, on commission basis, Cash bond required to cover cost of samples. Exclusive territory given. State age, experience references. Write P.O. Box 1.10, Montreal. SEWING MACHINES AND REPAIRS SINGER—SEE REVERSE STITCH before buying. Send for catalogue, prices and terms. Repairs. Singer. Serving Machine Company, 254 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. 5275» FOR SALE NORTHERN GROWN NO. 2 ALSIIID 18 cents pound, No. 2 DlinLure 110% Matinee Alslke timothy butch clover, 10 cents pound. No. 3 Min - tura Alslke 9055 balance dutch clover 13 cents pound. No. 2 Ma- ture Alsnce 50%, timothy 500✓61, 13 cents Pound. No. 2 Timothy, No. I Purity 0 cent pound, no primary with noxious weeds, cents 0. Reid, Earlton, Ontario. SEED & 1'Il3L1). (101.1150 .VANGUARD OATS 931021 REGIS- tered fourth generation grade 2. due to color, otherwise grade one. Germination 941;1, 70 cents bushel sacks free. Erban same Mine. II, 0, White, Glanwortit, Ontario, SNAPSHOTS TO -DAY TREASURES TO=MORROW Tour ruins are carefully and scien- tifically processed by Imperial, to make sure they last. (1 or 8 EXPOSURE PILOTS 21e with beautiful enlargement -free. 8 reprints .with enlargement 250. Thousands of letters from satisfied customer's testify to our superior quality and service. IMPERIAL 1•110'1'0 SERVICE Station J, Toronto. 0Wl341: 10020 SALE 9010 SALE REGISTERED TA1r- worth, 6 weeks old. Both sexes 35.00 without papers, $7,00 with 1)00010. 1Ptn. It, Woof, Lombardy, Ontario. TOBACCO LOUR POUNDS BURLEY AND V1R- glnht Leaf for pipe 5155. Five pounds Fragrant Virginia Leaf Cigarette Tobacco 52.50 p001011d. Nattily,' Leat Tobacco CO., Leam- ington, Ontario. UNGRADED 140(10 WANTED 1117 SL'1'I'L1' OASES AND PAY highest Market Prices. Further particulars apply Canadian Pro- vision 31 Supply Company, 109 Front Street East, Toronto. WANTED TO Pt`ltt'14ASI3 FEATHERS WANTED NEW AND USED GOOSE- :AND Duck, also feather beds Highest Queen City Featheaid. Send r, particulars,2"Baldwiv Toronto. Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Used — New SPIECIAT.T'/.TNG IN I210113IT,T MO- TORS, I'OWI ltIT\TTS Hydraulic holo)•, Winches Generators, 512151- crs, pin5nctos Carburetors, Rtuliut- ors — Excluungc Service, Wan* - — sativfnctlolt or refund. Levy Auto Ports, Dept. J., Toronto. ISSUE 16-'41.