HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1941-04-10, Page 4PAGE 4 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Step Smartly For Easter SHOP IIERE POR Wail •Papers WINDOW SHADES WINDOW CURTAINS,. CURTAIN POLES RUGS AND MATS and other HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS FOR THE LADIES— COATS DRESSES,' and HATS Also Shoes Gloves ,Stockings etc. Join the EASTER PARADE with'a New Outfit New Stock of . CHILDREN'S SLOES Now on Hand See the Smart "CHUMS ,SH,OE'S" Best , Values Procurable RUBBERS and RUBBER . BOOTS For the Wet Season Use Simplicity Patterns •A, T. COOPER. - • IVIe stock them Price 15c -20c -25c a • :41.-4 ««„4'.t. FW + .'l t+ r r•'. r . s•:•i'•`e r :H.:,i 4444 q 'tetgt t ; ir .+.t441,,44.4.:'.+Hi M iH . +eIg1 r 441:4 t t*'hetet• t tM` :.:•'t«t4544. _,, . w;«; wellt4 ,««««; .44-4« -44-4 t 4et«prtete1+x ,*y4 4.44/t W. - EARLY APPLE BLOSSOMS AMAZING DESTRUCTION f, is caused annually by the action of Moths on valuable Furs and Woollens, You can be sure yours are safe if you use «- DEE TEE MOTH KILLER et It destroys Moths, the Larvae and the egg. Invest a few cents and save many dollars. In 1 ib.. cans 39c. Its' Spring Now The wind, water and House cleaning are hard on your' hands USE PACQIUNS HAND CREAM ,The dainty Hand Cream that fills a long felt, need. —50e jars for 69e W. S. H. HOLMES PHM. O1 CLINTON, ONT. PHONE tit 4eCetet«S•Moat..p wwwb etels+, ,a,., 444- « :gtet te:4-e ... t»» 1 . 4 Styled For Going Places and doing things, correct for every occasion. Biltmore. Hats for men in the new shapes, wide choice of authentic colours, priced to suit your pocketbook, qualities that set the standard of values, truly The Master„Hat of Canada. LET US SUPPLY YOUR NEXT BILTMORE HAT V DA iS• & HERMAN CUSTOM TAILORS — Be Measured by a Tailor. .'f; i«t i w �•�tTMi i"w •w«S :� f 1 tiN �N.q«tc,ti'M�«tt t r i N «;..t �M`!'f :• 4'A` .«t••t'•P•4•`*•A :'i•'t•'•i f .". t�"yti�F't::l:�'"�•'t :'i': w0•X :;r : t :'?:'t"...........:'+.'a;"':.'.•..•' "t.':TM±":"."."`..'* �'if 11 Bicycles and Roller Skates Spring is, here. What better way can you find to enjoy the great out of doors then travelling by bicycle down highways and byways. - Shot Gun Ammunition. We are giving special prices on shot gun antmunition. not stock up for the season. MODEL AIRPLANES --The judging on the Model Airplane Cell - test will not take place for 3 more weeks. There is still time to enter. WE CAIUtY EVERTHING IN HOLIDAY NEEDS. Events happen quickly these days. Keep up to them with a new SPARTON RADIO. We carry all models. Why tf 1 3 s Headquarters For All Sporting Goods + .44+4.+44 4+:44 4444,444.44.:4 +b4.444.44.+4+1: EPPS SPOILT SHOP SHORTHANDED? THEN CET AN LOW COST FARM POWER/ IT DOES YOUR WORK IN• HALT 1.'HE, TIME THAN HORSES AND FAR CHEAPER. PORT WILLIAM— YOUR AUTOTRAC SURE' ;DOES THE WORK IN A HURRY, AND IS CHEAP TO RUN. -. G. A. ICLAGGS AND. SON. FOR FULL INI+ORMATION SEE H. Charlesworth CLINTON - ONTARIO: No21MANURE SPREADER, THE BIGGEST SPREADER VALUE YOU CAN BUY :TACO FURROWNIASTER. PLOWS FOR BIG CROPS AUCTION SALE :of k arni Stock and Seed Gran, WEDNESDAY APRIL 16TH 1 p.m. Lob 22, Con.: 13, Meifillop. 13miles south of Walton; and 34 miles east. TERMS ---CASH GEO. DUNDAS, Proprietor. HAROLD 'JACKSON, •Auctioneer. AUCTION. SALE of Parm Stock and Implements:' MONDAY, APRIL 14TH 1 p,m: 2,4, miles west of Staffs TF,IIMS-CASH HERB. SiVIALE, Prop. HAROLD ,IAC1 SON, Auctioneer. 35-1 The.apple tree branches that form- ed the centre piece for the banquet board, at the Huron Fruit Growers annual meeting, and were in bud, are now in ful•1 bloom. They may be seen in the Agricultural office where they are the subject of much inter- est and discussion on 'Spring Show day. The branches are clippings from one of the early summer fruit trees its the erehards at Sloanerest' Fruit farm, home of the immediate past president .of the association„ Mrs. D. A. Smith. The blossoms were forced, of course, after being clipped from the tree. THURS., APRIL 10, 1941 AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Implements and Household Effects Harold Jackson. auctioneer has 're- ceived instruction from the under- signed to sell by public -auction at Lot 17, Bayfield road, Township of Stanley, 80'rods 'west of Varna on TUESDAY APRIL 15TH at 1 o'clock sharp HORSES: matched team of black Percheon geldings, rising 5 years. CATTLE: ' 1 white cow, 4 years old due May ist; 1 grey cow, 5 years old, bred two months; 1 black cow,; 5 years Qid, bred 2 months; 1 Durham cow, 7 years old freshened 3 months; 3 Durham steers ri"sing 1 year old; 2 Durham heifers rising 1 year:; 2 calves, 6 months old: PIGS: sow, lined 1 month, 6 chunks weighing 170 tbs. SHEEP: 10 pure bred Leieestec ewes; 18 this'spring- Iambs; 1 pure bred Leicester ram. FOWL: 400 Barred Rock chicks, 3 weeks old. IMPLEMENTS. 1 Massey Harris binder, '7 ft. cut; 1 Frost .es Wood mower, nearly new; hay rake; spring tooth cultivator; 13 hoe seed drill; • 1 McCorrnick Deering bean puller and scuffler, new; 1 Massey Barris walk- ing plow, new; 1 farmer's friend riding plow; 1. gang' plow; 1 set -in - throw disc; set bob sleighs; Wagner; hay reek;.1 set scales; Clinton fan- ning mill; 1 Massey Harris cream, separator; sling ropes; ladder; cha- ins; 1 set double harness; forks; shovels; spade; whiffletrees; new Bnoodez••stove; 1 new shelter; 25 cord mixed wood; pile cedar rails; fatten- ing crate; trailer; plank and lumber; grain bags; 100 bushels wheat; HOUSEHOLD E OFle' CTS: 9 piece walnut dining room suite (new) ; 6 piece maple breakfast room suite; Chesterfield' table; end table;. odd tables; kitchen cupboard; climax wood range, (like new); day bed; Raymond. sewing machine; 2 iron beds; dresser; chest of drawers; Leather rocker; odd chairs; 3 burner coal oil stove; (al- most new); Large and smalloven for oil stove; hanging lamp; on Iatnps; Linoleum rug size 12 ft. by 12ft.new. Linoleum rug size 9 ft, by 15 ft, new Linoleum rug size 9 ft: by 12 ft: new. also kitchen linoleum; new lawn plow - mg 3 clog. quart sealers; pictures; dishes and numerous other articles. • TERMS— CASH ROY HOWSON, Proprietor.. • .HAROLD JACKSON Auctioneer. FOR SALE Woodworking Business Tendebs will be received by John Wigginton or P. Fingland, 'Clinton, Ontario, for ,the sale of wood Work- ing ettablishment of the late Thos. R. Wigginton located, in thetown of Clinton, up to the 16th day of April, 1941. Property consists, of a shop well located and the following machinery;. rip saw, cut off Saw with boring at- taelunent, lathe, tenonater, power mortices, jig saw, small moulder, jointer, sander,' 1-5 horse power motor. I r - F. FINGLAND, IC.'C., Clinton. AUCTION SALE of Household Effects in Seaforth' at 1 p.m. SATURDAY, APRIL 19TH TERMS -CASH - ROBERT DEVEREAUX, Prop. .11AROLit JACKSON, .Ajietioneer. 35-1 AUCTION SALE of Farne Stock and Implements FRIDAY APRIL 18Th 1 pan. 1? mile east of Winthrop TERMS—CASH ..WILLIAM TREWARTHA, Prop. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. 35-1 AiJCTION SALE of harm Stock, Implements and Household Effects TUESDAY APRIL 17TH 12' .o'clock sharp 4 miles east of Brussels. This is a very large sale with choice Durham cattle. JOHN CAMERON. Executor. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. 3g-1 VEN'w'flour with richlcombine y flav- oin Hood ingredients such as chopped %Ts dalmond extract you'll els and the. full, erred wheat recognizehgrade, .sun-ripened Y ou ieve tempting N 1vlcCano's make from 'Ars, J• e together; tease on excellent. recipe• 1; Crumbly flour,brown pups Robin H owder, r 2 inch a£ a baking /s cap butter, pinch beaten con n bottom. of anand cover with: 2 i ge ecce vanten 1 teaspoon a Qork. in two egg yolks. 3. Prcup brown'sugar, i cap c20 ped nuts, s, stili, a in moderate oven 15- a: aak Mrs. McCann says: "I just couldn't tell you how much I. enjoy baking with Robin Hood Flour --everything-turns out so well." Sincerely, ieQr.'rr,L DOME BAKING SERVICE ROBIN FLOOD FLOUR MILLS LIMITED Mrs. J. McCaw: arrd ber two bons,.. o/ li"lltarr Groes, Ont. 641-t HEFA Ontario's Students Offer to Help Relieve Emergency Need for Farm Help! Already more than 6,000 of Ontario's sturdy High School students have volunteered their services to the Farm Service Force of Ontario! They are devoting their summer months to help farmers meet the greatest production demands in their experience. Students will be relieved of school responsibilities as farmers require there. _Especially pre, pared courses of study have been offered to fit these willing young people for the summer's work on the farm. Britain is depending upon Ontario's farmers to supply a great proportion of their needs for cheese, bacon, con•• centrated milk, and other farm products. After ono week on the farhi, these sturdy, young volunteers receive This distinctive crest upon .applicafion to *he Farm Service. Force, Deportment of Labour,' Toronto. Farmers Who hove not registered their requirements for student assistance are urged strongly to do so without delay. Simply notify your Agricultural Representative or local High School Principal, or write: Farm -Service Force, Department of Labour, Parliament ,Bldgs., Toronto. ONTARIO INTER -DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE LABOUR AGRICULTURE _- EDUCATION — AND DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR, OTTAWA