HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1941-04-03, Page 4?AGE4 t; r----- 1; /II. Enjoy Shopping,Here THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURS., APRIL 3, 1941 ?SS 3, New Spring Wall Papers .•r SEMI=TRIMMEDI° WALLPAPERf�a AVE` SS 'TIME iii OVER 20,000 ROLLS IN STOCK Comprising All that is New in Paper Designs "SUNWORTHY" PAPERS ARE BEST AND PRICES REASONABLE Use Simplibity Patterns FOR TILLADIES— New Dresses New Coats New Hats Visit the Ready -To -Wear Depart- ment on Second Floor Shoes And f Rubbers For: didn't feed the Germans who are our prisoners` of wax• the same as our men are fed in their ciountry andthe reply he gave_ was: "Because we are Brit- ish," He also paid tribute to the great work that the American Red C2eoss is doing. A hearty vote of thanks to Major' Watson was mov- ed by Rev. J. Graham and seconded by Miss Maude Stirling, after which the meeting closed with the singing of the National Anthem. Mr. George Weston sponsored a progressive Euchre and Dance in the Town Hall' on Uniday evening last for the British War Victims Fund, The prizes for euchre. were won as ' fellows: ladies lst, Mrs. F. Weston; consolation, Mrs, Willard S'tur'geon; gents 1st, James, Sturgeon; consolat- ion, Stuart Sturgeon. The Arm- strong :orchestra from- Stanley town- ship and the Denomy Orchestra from Grand Bend suppliecl, the music for dance,, accepting remuneration only for the eo'st` of their transportation. Several membersof the Red Cross Society assisted with the refresh- ments. There was a large attendance and the affair Was .voted a decided success. Thenet sun of .twenty- one dollars was made for this pur- pose, which Mr. Weston hopes will be increased by other donations. Miss Minnie Ross of Toroto is at her cottage "Sum -R -Inn" for the All The Family +i MAY BE -SECURED HERE AT./ , ATTRACTIVE PRICES • £ 3 See our Special Price Tables Me stock them A. T. COOPER. ' Price 15e—20c-25c . **a rr+RIir-W'ee4`tq , + + + M e+? i+':«:":,+:«r«+«'+:,«+f0«06«+« , :vdts;»: ».:»;»+.°l; - :_.+4 .$ 1:»1 »:+•t+0,+ »+..«. l~ ++a«r .4..+T+:4• BAYFIELD DESTRUCTION *4.; AMAZING is caused annually by. the action of Moths 'en valuable Furs and Society, carne from Toronto on Wed- over the Lakeveiw Hotel, moved fnoon ; Woollens, You can be sure yours are safe if you .use nesday of last week to bring a char- her former residence on Thursday of tt! •DEE' TEE -MOTH R ter to this branch and two others last week and is getting settled; pre - . i andInt destroys Moths, the Larvae and the eegg. Invest a few cents Which un; to the present have been un- paratory to opening for the Summer. At The Waterfront In Goderich The crews of the strs, A. A. Hud- son and William Schupp have report- ed to their respective vessels here and'. hope begun to fit out the ships in preparation for an early getaway. The A, A. Hudson has been. loading salt for the past several weeks and, already over two hundred tons have been loaded on the vessel. 'The Hud- son will attempt to duplicate its feat of• last year of being the first vessel to Blear the harbor, There is little to indicate that the vessels will get away from harbor_ before the official opening of naviga- tion on April;15. The 'harbor niouth is frozen solid and flier. miles out the lake is a solid sheet of ice. Even 'the harbor wiper, •in which a month ago the iee was broken to allow the grain 'vessels to shift around to unload at the elevator and the mill, has frozen oyez again new 'that 'the vessels have unloaded andare inactive. Major E. H. A. Watson, Field Spring and Slimmer season. Secretary of the Canadian Red Cross Mrs. George Little, who has taken save many dollars. 1 lb cans u9 a its working under Clinton. He was Miss Lorna Westlake of London Its SpringMesdames Thom- F. hom- and Billy Weslake of Toronto spent NO'W • pson, G-.'Cunninghame and Bozell of the weekend with their parents, Mr. accompanied by Mesda The wind, water and House cleaning are hard on your hands ,,, the Clinton Branch. An open meeting and Mrs. Walter Westlake. USE PACQIUNS HAND CREAM ' was held in the Town Hall in the Miss Vera Pease is spending thisalways willing to do a good turn for The dainty Hand Cream that fills a long felt need. rf -evening which was opened by singing week with her cousin, Miss Eileen someone else. Surviving to mourn 2-50c jars for 69e s of, "0 Canada" and the members prey- Hayter: on the Babylon Line; Stan- their great loss are her husband and, er. The President, Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner, then welcomed Major Wat- son. Before giving his address, he commended the work of this Unit and expressed the hope that we would do even better work as a chartered branch. He then asked.Mrs. Thomp- son, President of the parent branch, Clinton, to present the Charter. In snaking the presentation, Mrs. Thom- son recalled that she had also been present when the Bayfield Unit was formed and that at that time the work was as new to her as it was to the people here; but that great spent the weekend with her mother; progress had been made since that Mrs. 3IV, J. Tippet, who we regret to ep OBITUARY MRS HOWARD'SHOBBROOK Alice May-Vodden' beloved wife of Howard Shobbrook-and daughter of Albert Voddesr and the late Mrs. Vett- den of Clinton, -died suddenly on Tues- day, Mar. 18, at her home on the Hur- on Highway, a mile and a half west of Seaforth. Site was born in Hal- lett township thirty-eight years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Shobbrook moved from the base Line two years ago to the farm on the highway, where they have since resided.. She was a Meth- odist in religion, now United, and was always' of cheerful disposition, never known to have a complaint and • Cream Prices TODAY'S PRICE, 37 cents .OBTAIN her Production v W. S,11 HOLIES PHM, O. :g ,* s r•• i.t., CLINTON, ONT.PHONE v I Styled, Foy Going Places1 .: r . ,.. / and doing things, cermet for every occasion. Biltmore Hats for aL men in the new shapes, wide choice of authentic colours, pricedto suit your pocketbook, qualities that set the standard of values, 4 truly The Master Hat of Canada.re report has been confined to bed for :i< time. She expressed the hope that 1? LET US SUPPLY YOUR NEXT we would Continue to progress and the past three weeks. = that the happy co-operation which Mrs. F. Crane of Detroit visited had existed between the parent her father, Mr. Richard Weston, over "zt fi branch and the Bayfield Unit would the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Ted wRE ;£continue even though Bayfield had Crane also spent the weekend with AAA4„„i. graduated into a Chartered Branch, the latter's mother Mrs. W. J. Ma - 1A :t. In accepting the Charter for the Bay- 'rod. r �� T' S �T =. field Branch, Mrs. Gairdner said: "l'nl Miss A M. Surging left on Friday , j 9 sure 1 aur expressing the serstitnents last to visit friends in Toronto • 'r+' of all the members of our Red Gross Miss Rubie Fisher who spent the CUSTOM TAILORS — Be Measured by a Tailor. °°g Branch as well' as all the citizens of past Week with her aunt Mrs. G. A. ��t . ,Bayfield when T say: We. shall be Edtvards returned to Kitchener on db . a +++,4,„: 4 +q:.«y.;w;,,; „.8,.g,,4,+4++P+ ::+, faithful to'the confidence placed in Tuesday. ;:w w�,4, .«; ;.,;«:«:+.+,«:.,« + , ... , , , , WithMrs. Erie Yoik is visitin frietuls 8' the best of our ability face the re- Mrs. Walter Grierson of of Kitch- +'o« w +„+« + «ww , , . , , , , , ,44.+. „.„4.4. : ,•.+, 4.4..444..,«:«'• us. ' chaos reigning in so many n t or nto this week. rs' • , , • + , + ; , • ,« •4! parts of the world today, NVO shall to in Londo a rd T ° Bicycles and Roller Skates peopleMajor ' went on to explai in detail the work The Guild Trinity church enjoy the the hon of Mrs. R. H. F. ley township. - •. three small eildren, Ray, aged 10, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. L. Ferguson re- Gordon aged 5, and Dennis only three. turned to their hone in the village on One brother, Richard on the home - Saturday after having spent the past stead' and one sister, Marjorie, of few weeks in Kingston with Mr. and: London. The funeral services were residence 1 herfather's Mrs. Jack Ferguson. conducted Fran Mr. Borden Clark left 'en. Sunday on Ontario street,Clinton, by Rev. for Toronto where he hopes to obtain. Andrew Lane of • Wesley -Willis UM - employment. 'place omploymentr ,� ' ]ted. church and interment bookp c Mrs. Clayton Guest returned to in Union cemetery, Blyth, on Friday Toronto on Thursday last after. ltav afternoon, Marsh 21. 'The pallbearers ing visited her sister, Mrs. Malcom were, John Vothlen, Charles Vodclen, Toms. a Herrman Saundetcock, Norman. Man - Mrs. Percy Dyment of Detroit •ning, Bert Shobbrook, and Clarence Crawford, GODERICH TO��VNSIIII' sponsibilities which all thoughtful ener is visiting her aunt Mrs. 1P. A. reo a share” Watson then Edwards. sGild of T t h h tnet at = Spring is here. What better way can you find toof the Red Cross Society—tire peace a Gairdner " great out f d then travelling by bicycle clown highways and �: of ier bywaystinge work which still has to be main oil Tuesday evening. Mrs. Wm. Par- ' , s • Icer vice resident 6 ndt to I tl q, an easy .fluent speaker and, although Shot Gun Ammunition. •, tamed. and the war time work. He is p le •• meeting. Arrangements. were made i Itis address was lengthy, the time to holed a supper in the Orange Hall 4: We are giving special prices on shot gun ammunition. Why = passed' all too quickly and one felt on Raster Monday. Refreshments b *. not stock up for the season. •V that it was a pity that everybody • were served by the hostess. ' . •MODEL AIRPLANES—The judging on the Model Airpinne Con- b could hot have heard him. At the Xtest will not take place for 3 more weeks. There is still time to head of the Canadian heel Gross Soc- :: enter.I4OLM•LSYII.iTrE • ill 3t , iety in England is the Hon R. B. WE CARRY EVERTHING.IN HOLIDAY NEEDS '. Bennett, former Prime Minister of The.annual concert of the Women's Events happen quickly these days. Keep up to them with a ,..1.i Canada, who in England with others Association was held last Wedesclay, 'gives generously of his time and Mar. 26th. A. large crowd enjoyed the - „ means to this great work. He .is on siilendid program. The following new SPARTON RADIO. We carry all models EPPS SPORT SHOP Headquarters For All Sporting : Goods the spot -and knows' what is needed. took part: Reading, Mrs, B. Trewar- F When clothing is needed for bombed: tha; Solo, Mrs. E. Potter; Duet, Mrs. 3 IL. Jervis and Miss D. Finlay; Solo, 4 out areas, he cables to the headquar- Mr.. L. W."Lobb; Reading, Mr, G. ,. ters in. Toronto and Mrs, Campbell's Pearce; Guitar Duet, Betty and Gor- :..,.:. +.,.w..i ;» .:«i» drowv X+t is�d•.•"t'-' l«A:«:»:«:•+:»: , »;». ;«:»: ;«;«:: executive immediately sends out a l din Stock;Duet, Mrs. Elliott and Mrs, -',011111111111111111111016nOISISSIPM .111101:11=11.111.111111111111110.. DO YOUR FARM - WORK IN HALF THE TIME., WITH. LOW COST FARM POWER/ Proven Tractor Power For The Price Of One Horse "I PLOWED 8 ACRES IN ONE DAY WITH 'MY AUTOTRAC USING 6'/ GALLONS OF GAS." W. F. IiUTZ, AIINPIiIOII. •OBTAIN. FULL INFORMAT"ION NOW—FROM 11 Charlesworth CLINTON - ONTAISTO TUCKERSMITE The Tuckersrnith Ladies'"• Club will be held on Wednesday: April 9, 'at the home of Mrs, Austin Mathes zin. Roll call will be, "An Easter Verse" or a "Gardening- Hint or ,Suggestion," Many from ;this district attended eaforth, Spring Show on 'Tuesday. WINTHROP The following work has been done by the pupils 0.2 S.S. No. 12 Me- ILillop for the Rod Cross since .Sept. 1.940: 1 Baby's- Layette; -1. Child's quota For each branch So that there is IL, Jervis; Musical selections,: The no oveir-lapping and the whole is Jervis Brothers:Playet, "Before the quickly forwarded, The request might Wedding' March", The feature of be for various knitted foods, hospital this play is that .it was written and The following articles were shipped to Red Cross headquarters last week by the South End Red Cross Unit, 4 ladies white vests; 1 scarf; 1 toque; ihehnet 3 pr. socicees; Refugee Sup- plies: 6 large quilts; 1 crib quilt; 2 pi's. socks; 1 pr: mitts; 1 vest; 2 sleeveless sweaters. A meeting was held itt Holmesville Hall Monday evening for the purpose of organizing the unit of Godericb Township Federation of Agriculture. The Huron County Agricultural corn. Mr. high Hill, Ex -wardens W. Heake and Geo Feagan and sev- eral others ad tressed the meeting and all stressed the need of a Farm- ers United organization. Twenty- two members signed, with many more willing when more membership cards are available. The following officers were elect- ed: pres. W. Hawke; vice pres. H. Montgomery; sec,-trea., Geo. C. Ginn; and one director from each school 2 seatiott: No. 1 Johnston.NoJack Chas. A. Whitely, No. 3 Jack Dem psey, No. 4 Bert Lobb, No. 5 Wm. Cox, No 6 Robt'Sowbery, No, 8 Wm. McGuire, No. 9 Chas Wise, No. 10 Colin Lawson, No 11 Roy Tyndall, Union S.S. No. 2-10-12 Bobt. Snaith. The next meeting will be held in Agriculture 'Office Clinton, at 8 p.m., May lst. E'everyone interested bit this movement should attend every meeting. The South End Red Gross Unit 'will meet next Wednesday afternoon,. April 9th, at the home of the presid- ent, Mrs. John Hudie. At this ma- in', the Members will draw for the �P WITH • Shur -Gain 35%- Dairy Concentrate IT IS -- - Thoroughly Sweetened—Palatable--High in Fat and in Healthful Minerals—Moderately Bulky and Mildly Laxative—High in Balanced Proteins. PALATABLE EFFICIENT - LOW IN COST • GET YOURS TODAY AT CLINTON, ONTARIO. CLINTON FEED MILL 2. K. CORNISH, ALEX WELLS, Londesoro. ItiM0'r2rn'glias-aat9atDrai;3tetaYotntnatgt,higrw,-M9rg';=-Nit-Wrr+»2an"aOrnrg+hWrntnr2ar Brucefield. WARNING CORN GROWERS OF HURON COUNTY Attacks of the corn -borer reduces yield and feeding value of ensilage corn. Infestation of canning and corn in- creases inspection and 'processing costs and in some cases makes the product unmarketable. The cora-borer control Regulations will be strictly enforced in 19.11 . Control measures are being sent to each farmer of South Huron. Agricultural Committee of Huron County -Council. Ross -Johnston—Corn borer pector, Zurich. ' ,.j. 0. Shearer—Agricultural resentetive, Clinton. supplies bedding etc., or it might be directed by Mrs. Orville .Bodges. A lucky number on the donated quilt for more field kitchens, Red Gross pleasant evening wasbrought to a Ambulances, which are immediately close by singingof the National An- 'rtiahed,to bombed areas, or for First them. Aid Stations and hospitals. , The Can- Mr. Joe Palmer was a weekend vis- adian Red Cross Society does all this itor with his brother, Mr. Proctor Pal work in Britain besides . the knitting mor, for the three branches of our Eames The Candle Lighting Service called on Active Service, Ile had on display "The Lord of Lite" will -be presented a box containing a suffieent amount in the church on Saster Sunday night of chocolate, biseuits, tinned harp at 7 p.m. Special Singing etc. loaf, butter, evaporated milk, dried Mr. Beck and•, Miss E. Huller pro prunes, jam, tea, sugar, dried apples vided the extra, music at the servise or raisins corned beef, sardines, sal- last Sunday. Thank you. mon cheese, salt, pepper and soap, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Biggin and ready to be sealed for shipment to family were visitors at Mr. and Mrs. our prisoners of war. The contents B. Finlay's last Sunday. are given at cost by the various man- We are glad to know that Mrs. D. ufacturers in Canada. The box 'Glidden is improving from day to day weights elevens"ponnds and ten thous.zI Play next Wednesday, "Behind the and of these are sent . every week, News";' see 'Special advertisment. through the American Red Gross Society, to the prison camps in Ger- many. The food contains enough vit- amins to keep a magi- healthy for a week.The question has often been asked': "'Aren't. our hien fed in Germ- any?" Major Watson pointed' out that they were' feel black broad, boiled cab- bage or turnips and horse meat, in the German prison camps but that this sante food day after day after day nauseated the Men so that they coulcl- n't,eat: and many iii, their weakened state, fell prey to other diseases from which they died, during the last war. He had yet to hear: of a 'ratan dying from actual want of Good, ' It was EBENEZER The W. A.' of Ebenezer United' home of r A, I urclt me • at the M, s. church t. Hebden on Tuesdty., Mrs;. Hayden Presided at the meeting, and the op» ening hymn was. "What a friend we. have in Jesus". The minutes ware road and adopted, and the roll call was answered by "Ways and means of providing money for the Red :Gross The ,Scripture reading and prayer. were given by Mrs, Bert Lobb, A. reading entitled "Hester Sunday. in England" . was given by Mrs. -Roy Eason, Beth Hayden sang a solo, anti Knitted Suit; 3 Sweaters and Bonnets want of variety 'and. these boxes were. the meeting was closed with the hymn for Children; 24 Children's Scarves; sent to meet that need and keep r them "Blest be the tie:that binds." A quilt 18 Washclothes for Soldiers; -4 picture health, iii body, and able to resist was quilted for the Jr. heel Cross of puzzles and 4 Scrap, Books for sick e disease. He lead been asked why we S.S. No. 4, Lunch was served by.Mrs. Children's Hospital. Ins- Rep - BUS TIME TABLE Effective June 29th STRATFORD-GODERICH LINE SUMMER TIME TABLE , Leave Clinton for Stratford— Daily 8.10 A.M. and 4.50 P.M. Leave Clinton for- Gederich— Daily except Sundays & Holidays: 1.35 P.M. and 8.00 P.M. Sundays & holidays: 1.35 P.M. .& 9.40 P.M. Connection at Stratford for Toronto Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit Tavistock and Woodstock. BARTLIFF'S, Local Agents, Phone 1 All ladies of the community are.urged to attend, Rev. and Mrs. J. Thompson of Stratford, spent a day last week with Mt'. and Mr's. H. Thompson and fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Welsh spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wal- lis. Miss June Stephenson has return- ed home. from London. Miss Helen Mae Welsh is confined to her hoarse with measles. Mrs. Kenneth. Merrier 9 th con, is recoverin nicely after a recent op- eration in Clinton Hospital, Mr. and Mrs. Jiohit Beacom who spent the winter in Clinton have re- turned to` their farm on the Bayfield Line. STANLEY • Mrs. r a r t RED SHEILD The Red Shield Women's Auxil- iary held their weekly sleeting at the home of Mrs. Norman Miller, Wednes- day afternoon with 14 members pre- sent. Pees amounted to $1.80. The following articles were brought in, 2 crib quilts, 2 quilts, 2 sweaters, 1 pr. socks and 1 scarf and different clothes for refugees. Donations of One -Dol- lar from Mrs. Trewartha and 1 quilt from Mrs. Calton are gratfully re- ceived. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Thos. Churchill on Joseph street. Dar. and Mrs. Albert Batt of Stout- ly -Me with Mr. and M •s. are visiting John McGowan and other friends., Mr. and Mr's'., Roy Hastings and four children of Winghain visited at. the home of Mr. Hugh Gilmour last Sunday, Thos Scotchmer of the R.C.A.F., Manning Pool, Toronto, has been 't tra- nsferred to Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. • OLD BALLAD One day a poor o$d farmer was lean- ing on his gate, The snail man brought a paper which unto him did state: "Mr. Hepburn's' new hog bonus goes back six months from date, But whoever gets the bonus mush show certificate. He must have sold on rail grade and gob his statements back And anyone who' sold flat won't get in on the whack." The poor old farmer wilted and fell against a slat, - Said he, "That rascal drover, he bought shy hogs all flat." The poor oit man lay dying, star- vation was his foe, - And from his frizzled whisker's, there came these words of woe$ E. Little' and Mrs. A. Hebden, A very enjoyable. time was spent on Friday ovening when the W A,' held asocial at the. church,' A good prevam was provided by the ladies at the Close of the pi•ograrti.. Chorus: Sell all your hogs on rail grade and get in on the jack, Don't let the drover fool you but get your statements 'back, These words he horsely whispered and fell hack on his bed, Because he had no 'statements, the poor old man was dead. 1 asses Auspices of Huron County War Services Fund S eaforth Stmd y AprH Parade begins at 2.15 Fromm, Town Hall, and will in elude Bands, Units from C.A.S.F. in the County, R.A.F. and R.C.A.F. The Rally will be held in First Presbyterian Church at 3 p.m. When... prominent.,. spe- akers will addrest the gathering.; EVERYBODY WELCOME to Plan No Attend lucky enough to be born there are probably guilty at times of a bit of ehest-expanding. However that may be, Huron county has something to boast about. N•exi, year it will be 100 years old. Over a century since the first settlers shouldered their axes and hewed out homes from the bush. And next year, when the centenary is celebrat- ed in the county which has given: many famous men to Canada, it will a 11 Evon,if it- did take a centra, to build, Huron is showing the way to senior governments in the, matter of debt paying, -Ano vinous, , be without a cent of debt against the county, for the last debent re will have been retired. i HURON; COUNTY Huron' and Bruce are counties in Western Ontario: along the Lake ,Huron front, ' and those who were