HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1941-04-03, Page 1The News -Record Est, 1878
NO. 6034 -62ND YEAR f
With Which
Incorporated The Clinton. New Era
• M
The New Era Est. 1867'
Repair ,W0rk
Is in making wrong watches right ` particular
ly the higher grade watches.
Watches that'must be handled by someone who
understands them who knows how they are
made. •
We don'tclaim' to know all about everything,
but you -can safely leave us any and every sort of
watch repair work with a certainty of securing
competent workmanship..
Jeweler and Optometrist Residence Phone 174j
Highest Price Paid for. Old Gold
We have an Attractive Show-
ing for Spring.
All the Important New
Styles'and Fabrics are Included.
Some Especially Designed for
the Short Stout Sizes, 181/2 to 241/2
And All Reasonably Priced.
Ill Fine.White Sheers, Lace
Trimmed or Smartly Tailored,
sizes 32 to 42, priced at
Add that smart touch to her
Easter.-enselnble.,.a flawless
Bluebird diamond in a chic
setting of platinum or gold.
From $25
up• ,,
Wftl'iTln Elfin E111111A�W.T.Et.'•OitP•511.6,50411.11VAVt6If',. 1�"N�Ii r&7:
R. J. McLaughlin Heads Huron
Women's Tastitute
`Canadianization, 'Subject of Address
• By Mrs.. N. \V. Tre •wartha
The Ins'tltute held their monthly
meeting last Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. E. Ad
ams pre h
ded and
Mrs, H.
Honored On Retiring
On the eve of his retirement after
19 years 'continuous -service as mail ,
carrier between the C.N.R. station
and the post office, Clinton, James
Perry was presented with a smoker
-the station em
set and tobacco by e
The: annual meeting- of the Huron
Lawson was pianist. Business items ployees, mail clerks and train crews
Fruit Grower's aoftt was held included a report by the convener Mr. Perry completed his. 10 -year
in the agricultural board. room yest- of finance, MIs, E. Epps of -the Pro- contract on Monday, March 31st. His .I
ar el ceedp from the pot luck .supper ser nine. years previous service was as
ved at the February, meeting. The an empl=oyee of•the late S. S. Cooper,
supper netted the Red Cross' Society hotel and bus operator, who had the
$12.20. The sewing committee repot- contract.
n now on dis-
"Jimmie" will now enjoy a well-
earned rest period on pension al
Little Locals
, Mr. George German has purchased
Miss Edith Hunt's home and are mov-
ing shortly while Mr: A. Knights is
moving into the house vacated by th
erday and was marked by a l g y
increased attendance over the 1940 an-
nual, The meeting opened at 11 a.m.
with the president, Mrs. D. A. Smith
in the chair.. The minutes and finan-
cial statement, read by secretary -
treasurer J. C. Shearer, were adopt-
ed. The financial statement showed
a balance of $82.29 on' hand. The
secretary was instructed to write a
letter of thanks to the Lions Club
for their support of the 1940 field
All Bluebird Diamond Rings are: registered and`
insured' free of cost. -for one year.
They're gorgeous to look upon. They're lovely
to own and the' prices are much less than you would,
expect to pay. Be sure to see us when you want a
Diamond Ring for we will show you a fine assort-
ment of the very latest, from the lowest to the
highest price. Remember, there is no finer Dia -
.mond than a Bluebird: There is a Wedding: Ring
made to match: each Diamond Ring which can be
bought at any time you ret)))ire it.
Birthstone for April is the Diamond ,
The p
Bringyour Watch and Jewellery Repairs to
' prompt and efficient service
Normans forplo 1
ted a quilt completed a d
play in the agricultural office wind-
ow, for which tickets are being sold.
Mrs. Adams was appointed W.I. rep-
resentative on the War Services Ass'o-
cation executive. :
The motto, "Experience doth
knowledge ive, To find the surest
way to live," was interestingly and
instructively . cdnnnented on by. Mrs.
George Wheatley. The roll call by
secretary. Mrs. Nay was in the forms
of a questionnaire. Evidence of a
wide general knowledge of OUT coun-
try was brought out in the answers
given. Mrs.'Trewartha was the next
on the program. • Her address on
"Canadianization" contained much
valuable information about our coun-
try and' its, resources. Mrs. Lawson
entertained the group with an Irish
song, self -accompanied on the piano.
Mrs. Oster of Blyth, district presid-
ent, was present in her official cap-
acity and delivered an address on
"Agriculture and Canadian Indust-
ries." She dealt with her subject
from the viewpoint of the individual
provinces. She told: of the wide di-
versity of products of the Dominion
from.the Pacific province of British
Columbia. to those of the Maritimes.
Mrs. W. Rozeil gave a reading,
W. S: R, Holmes, . chairman of the
canvass committee of the 'War Ser- The minister's sermon subject will
vices Association was present and , be based on Christ's last words from
gave a talk on the aims and objects :the cross, "Father, into Thy hands I
of the association. As a result a I commend my spirit." (Luke, 23. 46.)
committee was formed composed. of
Mrs. Holmes, Mrs. McKinley, Mrs.
Hearn, Mrs. Livermore, Mrs.•Adams
Officers for the year were elect-
ed. They are: Honorary presidents,
George Laithwaite, Goderich; James
R. Stirling, Bayfield and Mrs. D. A.
Smith, ,Sloanarest Fruit Farms, God-
erich township immediate past pre-
sident;` president, R. J. McLaughlin,
Brussels; vice president, Wesley Joy-
nt, Lucknow; secretary -treasurer, J.
C. Shearer, Clinton; directors: Ben-
Sowerby, Goderich, R.R. 1;
Howard Armstrong, Goderich, R.R.
2; Fred `Middleton, Stewart Middle-
ton, Clinton; R.R. 3; James Gardiner,
Kirkton; 1VIiirray. Grainger, Varna;
Clayton Laithwaite, Goderich; Thom-
as Salkeld, Lucknow; George John-
ston, Bayfield; D. J. Lassaline, God-
erich. Spray supplies was up. for dis,
cussion and Gordon Blair, Burlington,
and John Read, Clinton representing
spray manufati' "tiring companies, ad-
dressed the group. It was resolved
that the purchase of spray supplies
be left to the executive,
At 12.15 the ,company repaired to
the Mckenzie House for the asmual
banquet, The menu featured roast
turkey 'with all the trimmings.
Beautiful red Northern Spys rubbed
to a high polish, presented by Stew-
art Middleton
adorned the
a •t
- of the
pleasing g
proceedings was the presentation to
retiring president Mrs. Smith of a
basket of exquisite red roses, Mr.
Shearer expressed, in well chosen sea -
1 ne a nreciation of .the as
Remember Watch Repair is a Job for Experts.
Our Work Assures Your Satisfaction.
Counters for Finer Jewellery for Over H
Century In Huron County.` -
Half a
Looks Like Finals ---Lions
Juveniles Win 12-3..
Woodstock Optomists and the
e Woodstock people in general will in -
German family on William•street, deed have to be optomistie if they
Ma n are
yard so
nd Mrs. enterin the
Mir a •E"dh a n h es at
moving into the duplex on Victoria 0 1H A. finals after the severe shell-
stteet belonging to Mr, Charles acleing the Lin's gave them in Strat-
Brown ford last night, 12 to 3 was the score
Miss B. H. McOlinchey of the and it just about tells the story,
Bell Telephone staff, has been elected I Woodstock scored first and for the
by her fellow workers, to represent fust few minutes it looked as • if the
Clinton in 1941 conferences with Lions were going to be in for a-stifij-
management. test, but as usual after a slow start
J. C,,.Shearer, A. J. McMurray, Dr.1 they got clicking and the first per -
J.. C. Shaw and Ephriam Snell were fed. ended 5 to 2 in their favor. The
among those fronh. Clinton who at- ! second period they banged in six more
tended ,the stock show at Seaforth on to 1 by Woodstock and had things
Tuesday: I pretty much their own way, and the
We are sorry to report that Mrs. J. boys from Woodstock looked tired and
Snyder was taken quite i11, on Tues -1 somewhat discouraged.
day. We hope for a speedy recovery.) The last period was not nice hock-
ey to watch at all and there was ori.
ONT. ST. WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION'I ly one score, and that for the Lions.
It was quite evident that after their
The W. A. of Ontario. Street Unit- I big build in the press and so on that
ed Chuclr held their regular meeting I the boys from Woodstock were finding
on Wednesday, afternoon a large it pretty hard to absorb such a lick -
attendance of members and visitors. , .
Mme. Radford- presiding and Mms., ing and they did everthing isl the
books and lots not in them. to prevent
Hawke. ni charge of devotions. The I,
g a large score: Flying tackles, trips
business consisted •of reports from fights, boarding and holding spoiled
the various committees. Materials I the last part of the game, but as us -
for three Red Cross quilts were don- nal our own lads were not to be out-
ated by the Association. A beautiful I done even at this and came out of it
Monday, April 7th, 8 p.m.—Baptist
church, preacher, Rev. B. F Andrew.
Tuesday, April 8th, E. p.m.—Wes-
ley-Willis church, preacher, Rev. G.
G. Burton.
Wednesday, April'9th, 8 p.m. Ont-
ario Street church, preacher, Rev, A.
H. O'Neil. • '
Thursday, April 10th, 8 p.m.—Pres
byterian church, preacher, Rev. A. E
Good Friday, April llth, 10.30 a.m
—St, Paul's church, preacher, -Rev
Andrew Lane.
quilt presented'ta the Society by Miss
E. Wheatley was on display. During
the afternoon the ladies quilted)a
with only minor bruises and scratch-
The' Salvation Army It was not nearly as nice a game
The services on Sunday will be con- quilt for the Red Cross. Mrs. Reg. for the spectators to watch as either
ducted at 11 a.m, and 7 p.m. Sunday Ball contributed an for and I of the Galt set-tos mostly on account
School commences at 3 p.m: Jean Elliott sang two patriotic songs : of the type of game played by the
accompanied by Miss Edna Elliott. . Woodstock boys but the score was on
The topics' for discussion are morn- The ladies of St. John's ward were
ing Jeremiah; evening "Humans the right side and it looks as if the
hostesses. iboys are headed for Midland again
Jud the Divine
ge to r • -
Baptist Church
held in the Clinton churches next;
week. On Monday evening the ser -
c services are to b
committee was appointed to draw I B. F. Andrew will deliver a message
event of
on the s
for the
s a slate
year.. The committee conpi!ses Mrs. Passion week �
Shobrook, Mrs, Nay and Mrs. Epps. The young people are requested toI
The national anthem was smug in remember the rally service on Good.
losing and the hostesses served lug- Friday evening, in the Auburn church.
tences, t pl
sedation for throe years' service as'ch.
president. Mrs William McGuire
made the presentation. Charles
McPhail who is retiring. from the of-
fice of fruit inspector for Huron
was presented with an occasional
chair. George Laithwaite and vice- i of their daughter, Zetta Eleanor, to
president W. Joynt slid the honors, I Lieut, Stanley Frederick Sharpe, Duf-
For the musical features Mrs. Mc-; feria and Haldintand Rifles, of Can.
Guire was pianist. Warden James , C.A. (A.), only son of Mr. and Mrs.
Leiper voiced the 'official greetings A. P. Sharpe of St. Thomas; the mar
of the county council. He was intro- I r=age to take place April 12th, in
- e a
duced by G. F. Penhales, Exeter. y Emmanuel e 1 College g Chapel , Toronto.
Other speakers were William Dry- JI
man, general manager Canadian , STUDENTS HEAR ADDRESS ON
Canners, Ltd., Hamilton, who told of It,C,A.F.
• the world-wide market that has been I
established for Canadian canned fruit. I' Flying Officer T. C. Ashton of the
Sixty sat down to the banquet. i R,C.A.F. addressed the students of
At the afternoon session Professor 1 the Clinton Collegiate Institute Wed -
R. W. Thompson, provincial entom- 1 nesday afternoon on, "How Canada
ologist spoke about spraying for , *mins Her Fighting Air Teams."
cleaner fruit; Ed, Bond, Mt- Brydges,I Similar talks are being given this
I spoke on marketing, and G. F. Pen- � month to Secondary Schools across
Mile, Toronto, on new apple legislat- !Canada a with particular emphasis be-
ion, Gordon .Blair Burlington, repre- !ing placed on the netessity of students
senting the Niagara Spray Company !remaining at their classes until they
Engagement Announced
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Nixon of
Lakefield, announce the engagement
have attained thea
showed moving pictures of spraying! Jun
operations, also pictures taken at - ation„ at least. Mr. Ashton was in -
the 1940 banquet. Mr. Janes, pros- trocluced by Principal E. A. Eines.
also res -
t1 a
nl was S
ident of the company p _
spoke briefly. Mrs, Smith,
ant and .p e Y
retiring president,Lp
I delegate to the Ontario Fruit Grow-
ers' Association representing Huron
Getting Ready For The
Ten telephone wires serving Wing -
ham and rural points were severed 1
near Clinton, on No. S highway, about'
9 o'clock last Friday morning and
telephone officials attribute the sev-
ering to an eirplane, a hit-and-run'
aviator. The actual impact was not
witnessed, but farmers "report seeing
a 'plane in the neighborhood both be-
fore and after the• accident. The re-
coil of the =wires was such that they
wound themselves around the posts
at either end, There was no crash,
of course, but aviators state that this
same thing is not unusual. The wir-
er were about twenty-four feet high
and after listening to some farmers
in Huron 'county discourse on the ex-
ploits of aur budding aviators it
seems that twenty-four feet is not an
unusually "low altitude at which to
fly. One Colborne farmer says a
pilot in a'p.lane the other day chased
one of his steers up and down a ten -
acre field•until the animal quit ex-
Ontario Street Church
The large front window at the Pres- !
byterian manse is attracting much at-'
tention. Rev. and Mrs. B. F. Ain -
and Miss Brigham. A nominating ' vice will be in the Baptist, when Rev. I
An -
!and the finals with Kingston
To piek out stars is not fair to
any of the boys for it was a funny
game, but as usual Monteith was
going great guns and Pow-
ell, Cotquhoun, McEwan and Schoe-
nhals also scored for Clinton and a-
long with Counter played steady hock-
ey all the way. Carter in goal got
off to a very shaky start but made
up for it later on, especially in the
this eriod.'
As' we go to press it has not been
decided whether there is to be a re-
turn game or not but it is up to the
Woodstock management and they are
to let Manager Brown know by noon
drew have portrayed the scene at the
empty tomb, showing the three wont- I
en, Mary Magdalene, Joanna, and.'
Mary, the mother of James and the
two Angelssayingunto them,
"Why h
seek ye the living Among the dead?
He is not here, but is risen."
The work is cleverly done in oils
and is quite realistic. It is well wor-
th seeing.
today (Thursday) if they are going
Palm Sunday ' 'School Children Aiding In: to play on Saturday night in Strat-
ford. It is all the same to the kids
10,16 a.m, Religious Instruction'
War Effort
and would no doubt be better for then
Class. 11 a.m. "The Multitude, The 1 as it would keep them in shape for
Children of the Clinton Public
World and Tlie Prophet", 2 porn, Turn- l Midland. Woodstock has def intely
Sch hnt the
coare aug nw•tr effort.
er's church worship and Sunday sell -
the sici-f
dro eel out of inals, reports
col. 2,30 p.m...Ontario ;13Y
tl eimethodical savings through PP
the Penny Bank. There is leas mon
Ontario Street Sunday tt Ken G. Waters, of the executive. They
School, 7 pan, "The Parable of the
send best wishes for Junvemles,
331acicout", Gospel Hyinns: I ey on deposit in the Penny Bank now 1
than a year ago, the reduction being
Passion Week Services j t TO MAKE PLANS FOR HOME
Wednesday April 9th, Holy Week I attributed to the fact that children
were • withdrawing their money for I COMING WEEK
Service at Ontario'` Street, Rev A, II. 'purchase of war savings stamps anal
O'Neil B.A. speaker.i certificates, Clinton Public School '
Presbyterian Church ,has 69 percent of the Pupils deposit '
ing money.
Clinton 10 Sunday School, 11 Wor-
ship; Service.
Bayfield, 2.30 Sunday School, 31 RED CROSS NOTES
Worship Service, I The monthly business meeting of
Theme, `Triumphal Entry"
Regular meeting of the T.O.H. club ; the Clinton Recd Cross Society will be
at the manse from 7-8 Monday even held -in the Council Chamber on Mon- ;
I day, Akwil 7th, at two -thirty. Two'
ing' Bayfield Prayer Meeting in Pres - 1 I more quilts will be ready for the
byterian chrnreh . Thurs. evening Ap- quilters and patches will be awaiting
11.11 3rd, at 7,30. I the sewers. The quilt committee re -
Hayfield 'Y,P.S, will meet at 8.30 Ports a need for more matwill berial very
donations e
The main streets of Clinton were
given their annual bath Tuesday in
preparation for the Spring Show here
today. Meir were at work breaking
tip the ice along the sidewalk curb
and shovelling it into • the middle of
the road to be melted by the sun.
It was found that the better plan was
to have the ice chunks hauled away.
This was done on Tuesday ants then
the hose was turned on and the streets
given a good washing.
for regular meeting i quilt's, so any
The monthly meeting of the Girl's, much appreciated.
Club will be held at the home of Mrs. I Shipments for the past week con -
Frank of nine quilts to the
8` instant. Mutctt on Tuesday next; the Civilians. Two of these quilts were
8thgiven by the quilt committee
Wesley -Willis Ohurch Donations: Mrs. Sinclair, 1 quilt;
Miss Annie Laidlaw, 2 crib quilts; S.
The W.M.S. Thankoffering will be S. No: 4 unit; 2 quilts; Evening Aux -
held in connection with the regular iliary, 1 quilt; Mrs. W. Plusnsteel,
meeting next Thursday, April 10th, Lining for 1 quilt; Mrs. B. J. Gib -
at 3 p.m, in the Sunday School room. bings, 1 quilt top; and padding; Mrs.
Mrs. McGill will be the speaker, A A. 3. McMurray, Lining and padding
good atendance is hoped for for 1 quilt,
A. H. Wilford of Toronto, who Is
assisting in the organization through-
out Ontario of a Coming Ilonte Week
for =United States tourists, will be
the speaker at a businessmen's sleet-
ing in Clinton on Friday, April 18th,
Mr. Wilford will outline the plan be-
ing used in other localities, At this
meeting plans will be formulated and
a committee outlined.
Ellwood Campbell, eldest son of Mr,
and Mrs. George Campbell of town
has been given a .position with the
British Admiralty Technical , Mission
at Ottawa.
For the past five years he has
worked as a Junior Engineer with the
Lake Shore Mines in Kirkland Lake
and coached and played with-theKirl:-
land Lake 'hockey toano known as the
Blue Devils. Ellwood first started to
play hockey while still in Collegiate
and his last two years were taken at
the Stratford Collegiate where he
played for Dave'Pinkney's Midgets
and then for two years with the Oak-.
villa Villans.
from his work and h
he has been studying at nights thus
skis exaninat-
enabling him to pass
ions with flying colors and being ac-
.Mrs., Dave Churchill, who has been cepteefor this new position which
confined to her bed with illness this :nay lead to, the study of Aeronaut -
Past month, is very .much improved, ics, in which he is keenly interested:
St. Paul's Church
Palm Sunday
11 a.m.—Morning Prayer, Sermon'
"The Triumphal Entry". 2.30 p.m.
Sunday School and Ladies' Bible
gas, 7 p.in, Evening Prayer.
Monday, 7. p.m. Church Boys' Lea-
gue. 8 ;p.m, A..Y;P,A.
Tuesd-ay The regular meeting of
the Women's Auxiliary will be held
at the residence ono Mrs; G. M. Coun-
ter,, William Street,
Week, 4.15 Jr W. A.
Maundy Thursday .9:30 a.m. Holy
Communion. Good Friday 10.30 am:
Divine Service, Preacher, Rev, And-
rew Lane B.A. B.D.
Wesley -Willis Cbuich
Palm Sunday
Sermon subjects will, be, Morning,
"The Supreme Decision," , and in the
evening, `The Silence of Jesus."
Plan to atendi the Holy Week Ser-
vices, from April 7 to 11.
The choir are presenting a Sacred
Cantata from, "Olivet to Calvary,' -
on Good Friday evening. You are in-
vited to attend,,
A monster patriotic rally under the
auspices of the Huron County War
Services Fund will mark the begin-
ning of the final few clays of the drive
in Huron County, according to plans
arranged by the Huron Board at a
meeting in Clinton on Saturday. The
,caltpaigii has been in progress a week
and canvassers aro meeting with a
ready reception in every part of tho
The rally which is being held in
Seaforth commenees with a parade at
2.15 p.m. In the parade will be Hur-
on County branches of the Canadian
Legion, county bands, d,etachnients
from active service units in the coun-
ty including the R,C.A,F• and R.A.F.
CAIt'fBIls—LAYBURNE 'D.''C'o. of the Middlesex and Huron
Regiment, and other interested par -
St. Thomas' Church rectory, Sea- ties.
forth, was the scene of an early Tie rally proper will be held in
spring wedding on Friday evening First Presbyterian Church when out-
last when Rev. R. P. D. Munford, p.p. standing speakers will address the
united in remarriage Margaret Lilian, gathering. George W. Schaeffer, of
daughter of gr, .and Mrs. ,Simon Goderich is :chairman of the special
Leyberne of Tuckersmith, and Mr.
Roy Carter, s=on of Mr, Isaac Carter
of Clinton and the late Mrs. Carter.
The bride was attired in a street
length dress of forget-me-not• blue,
corsage of Madam Butterfly roses
and matching. hat and gloves: The
bride was attended by the bride-
groom's sister, Mrs, Bruce McDoug-
all of Clinton; wearing a dress of
queen blue with matching accessor-
ies. The bride's brother William
Leyburne was best ,man. Fol-
lowing the ceremony .a buffet lunch-
eon was served at the home of the
bride's parents, the immediate fain -
being amongst the guests, 'Later
Mr. and Mrs. Carter left on a short
motor trip. They will reside in
' as
• Clinton,
commitee in charge of the rally.
Warden, Donald McCalhunt, of Perth
County, has responded to the chal-
lenge of Whrden James Leiper, of
Huron County. The challenge as gix-
en by the Huron warden was that
Huron County would have a greater
percentage over its quota than Perth
County. The forfeit of the bet was
the loser most buy the winner's wife
a new hat—at least a five -dollar mod-
el—as if a lady's hat could be pur-
chased for less!
Meanwhile, the canvassers ,are busy
in the "money or produce" campaign
in Huron County for the War Services
drive. Canvessers in the urban .cell,
tres have already started their • col-
lections,, but the rural canvessers
have had the handicap of bad roads,