HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1941-03-27, Page 8'PAGE R - THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURS., MARCH 27, 194. SAUSAGE 15c lb. CHOICE RIB RST. BF. HONEY, 4 lb. pail 45c VEAL CHOPS 25c 1b. PORK CHOPS"22'c I lb ` CH1CKEh1S FOR WEEKEND—ORDERS TAK- EN FOR TURKEYS t ' 2Oc CONNELL & TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162. Albert Stied Call and See Our Line 01 C 1 I. Paints Enamels, Varnish, & Sundries 1 used Cook Stove in Good Condition, with High Closet ...... 15.00 1 Small Cook Stove in -fair shape 10.00 1 Good Used Electric Refrigerator, re -built. SUTTER & PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS PHONE 147w. CLINTON, ONT. GENTLEMEN We invite you to meet the CAMBRIDGE CLOTHES Personal Representative MR. R. E. MACKENZIE who will be in this store on Monday, Marc 31 See What's New For Spring Mens and Boys Ready-made Suits and Topcoats—Come in any. day and .let us Show you the Finest Assortment of Clothing you have seen in many a day. The Styles are the latest and-thecolor- ings the Newest in Greens, Blues and Browns. Most of these clothes are British Made and the prices are very reasonable. Plumsteel Bros. .Arrow Shirts - Adair Hats — Scott & McHale Shoes for Men Agents , Tip Top Tailors. WITH LOTS OF SNOW THERE IS BOUND. TO BE LOTS OF MAPLE SYRUP. GET READY FOR THE SYRUP SEASON BY HAVING YOUR PAN AND BUCKETS ON HAND WHEN THE SAP STARTS TO RUN Have 2 Second -Hand HAND WASHERS at a Bargain.—See Them. T. Hankins, Phe 244 G HARDWARE and VARNA Mrs, Wildfong of Hay spent a few days with her mother, Mrs. Jas. Grassic who was confined to her bed,. but we are pleased to report is able to be around again. r : Mr. and 'MTS. Gillart of St. Thomas visited with the ladies' sister 1VIrs, 3, Mossop one day last week. ' Major, E. H. A. ,Watson Field See. of the Red Gross will address the loc- al branch in the hall Thursday after- noon. In the evening a program sponsored by Bayfield talent will al- so be put., on in the interest of the Red Gross. Mrs. Jas. Stephenson of the Gose hen Line is spending a few days with her sister, Miss E. Mossop, Mr. and Mrs. Latham and family and Miss G, Beatty of London. spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. L. Beat- ty. wl Master Eiden Morrell of Summer-' hill spent the weekend with his sister Mrs, John.: W. Smith J:r. of Varna. li/fr. and 'Mrs..fohn W. Smith miss Florence Smith, Mr. Walter Snaith of .Varna, and Mrs, R. Graham of Clinton spent Sunday with Mr. and I lett tw. REMEMBER HIS BIRTHDAYTOO.. ' Your Birthday ie an important day in, your life. "It-marks•the completion of another period of ,time filled with joy, sorrow and eventful life. It le usually a day filled with happiness as it crowns another, year of,progres- sive achievement and a day filled with the glow of anticipation for the future. Usually this day is celebrated by the gathering of, the family and in- terested friends. But this'. year many are serving their country in the cause of freedom and • will be separated from • their loved. ones. What could be more appropriate than a nate of congratulations at such a time. To fill the need we present a charming selection of Birthday Cards specially. worded to Dad, Son, Brother or Friend. Designed espec- ially to cheer those away from home in any branch of His Majesty's Service thefollowing verse is typical of the series: "This Birthday Greeting Card is meant Especially for you The wish I'm wishing hard is sent Straight ,from my heart to. you, My Kindest thoughts are on their way. To You the whole year through But an extra wish is sent today' Especially for. you. HAPPY BIRTHDAY" Here's The Fast. Easy Way To Mend It Transparent Durex .Cellulose Tape, seals with out water. This magic tape is fully transparent and seal's tightly with a touch of the finger . no moistening required. For mend- ing books, window shades, maps, pictures, sheet music, toys, valuable papers. .Far sealing packages, bulky envelopes, bags,' boxes, For holding labels to bars, photos in . albums, shelf paper on place use Durex Mending Tape. 100 inches for 10e or 8 times the .quanity,300 inches on a handy dispenser for only 25e MUSIC What is sweeter than a home from which the sound of music issues. It tells of harmony; or peacci, or innocent pleasure and content- ment. We have in stock the popular and most approved issues of the modern and latest' productions and several, folios containi+ag the old favorites. If we have not at hand what you want we will procure it for you as promptly as possible. Ma W. D. • air Go Often the Cheapest—Always the Best Mrs. W. J. Carter visited friends in Chatham over the weekend: Miss Ruth Tiernan of London visited Clinton friends over the weekend Mrs. (Dr.) W. A. Oakes is visiting friends and relatives in Toronto this week. Gordon Hearn of the Optometry Col- lege, Toronto, spent the weekend at • his h6me in town. Miss L. Brigham and Mrs. E. Adams visited in London with friends for a few days this week. Mrs. H. Gould, accompanied her son George to London on Monday. where thew spent the clay. Mr. Kelsco Streets' of the Ford' Motor Company, Toronto, spent the week- end at his home in town. Mrs. Annie McCool was a Sunday vis- itor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. T, Robison of Auburn. Mr. Sidney Thompson of Wyoming spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs, Fergus VanEgo and this week. Miss Churchill of Toronto spent the weekend at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Churchill. Mr, Edward Shephard of Toronto was in town on' Monday attending the funeral of the late R. E. Manning. Benson Sutter of the Technical School Toronto, spent the weekend in town with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sutter: The many friends of Orville Lobb, who under went an operation for appendicitis in See -forth Hospital on Monday will be pleased to know he is progressing favorably. Mr. Kenneth Elliott, wlio for the past few years has worked with 'his father at Fairholine Dairy has ac- cepted a permanent position with Canada Packers, Limited. Alvjn Corless, ,of the Royal Bank staff at Oshawa spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Corless, and Benson Corless, of the Montreal Bank at Acton is con- fined to his home due to illness. LETTUCE The supply of Lettuce will be limited fora time, until the next lot is ready, when we will, again-' have a bountiful supply of crisp fresh leaf lettuce.' A fresh shipment of gay and colorful cenerarias make 'eharming gifts for your shut-in or, sick friends. Your house plants need a Spring Tonic., Try Fertabs now available Prepared earth delivered_to you 15e1 a pail. CUT FLOWERS -- Roses; Carnations; •Daffodile Iris; Stock, Snap Dragon and, Violets. F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del As, Personal care given every order and special attention given to funeral orders. ' Phones 176 and 31 Presentation On Monday evening March 10th; a number of the members of the "Right the Wrong Sunday School Class," of Londesboro gathered at the home of Mus, John W. Smith Jr. of Varna and presented her with a fer- nery and table cloth. Dear Mario.: We the members' of the "Right the Wrong" Sunday School class of Londesboro United ,Ehurch hays Bath" ered here tonight'te congratulate .yon on your recent marriage. , We shall miss you as. a member of our class but our toss will be ` a gain to the church which you attend in your new community, We feel that we .cannot allow this occasion to pass without somemark of our esteem for you, We ask you. to aeeept -these ,gifts: As youuse thein may you have happy memories. of the liondesboro Sunday 'School class. It is our wish and prayer that God's richest blessing may be with you, and your husband's as you- journeyon, through,;a long•. and happy wedded life together. Signed on behalf of the class. Mrs.. Sidney Lansing, teacher. Elva Snell, president;. - Vera Ho_'_art sec. Quality Meat Market CHOICE VEAL ROLLS 1 No Bone .... , . 25e lb. RIB ROASTS of Beef .,. 20c lb.I RIB BOILS of Beef .. 18e 1b. BEEF REAMS, 12e lb.' BEEF TONGUES, 15c ib. SHOULDER ROASTS of Beef 20c ib. PORK CHOPS 22c lb. HAM ROASTS .of Pork 23c lb. SPARE RIBS .. 16c lb. FRESH HOMEMADE SAUS- AGE ..... .. 15 c lb. Custom Killing and Sausage 1vlade at Reasonable Rates. Highest Prices Paid for Hides. TOSPS HFIONE 76TLSIMONS sited. i; Maicl to care for elderly lady. % x Wages; $35• p,er month, beard and =. e room inclitded—ata Bayfield, Ont- _` `ar-io, Immediate answer 'by Tele- ,�gram, collect to, 4� 31 W. H. TIPPETT ;i Billings, Montana. i=, Social Evening St: Joseph's Church, Clinton Easter Mon. April 14 COME UP OR DOWN TO SEE OUR. STORE SINCE IT HAS BEEN REDECORATED Dancing to ARTHUR'S ORCHESTRA ADMISSION 25c, NOTICE' A special meeting of the Clinton Hospital Association will be held in the Council Chamber on Tuesday ev- ening, April 8th, next, at 8 p,m, for the purpose of :electing a director for. the current year, H. M. MONTEITH Secretary. Making it Bright and Cheery SPECIALS ORANGES 25c and 39c doz. GRAPEFRUIT .. .. 6 for 25c 2 pkgs. of Corn Flakes and Tumbler For 25c MILITARY NEWS . Sapper Reg. Smith of the R.C.E. Motordycle Squad at Petewawa spent the vveekencl with his wife and par- ents in town, Stanley E. Youngblutt of Londes- boro has enlisted in the Royal Can- adian Air Force during the past week, it is reported from the R.C.A.F, recruiting centre at London. Philip Sperling and Bruce Bartliff of Manning Pool, Toronto, have been :transferred to St. Thomas'. Aircraftsman James Lockwood was transferred from Trenton to Winni- peg, Man,, last Friday. " Cpl. Douglas McKenzie, R.C.A.F, Toronto, spent the weekend at his homein town. Pte, -Kenneth Hall of the Vocat- ional school, Chatham, spent the weekend in town with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hall. "Elwin. Hunking of t;•the R.C.A.F. Piton has been transferred to Tor onto. Cpl. James Niekle of tale R.C.A,F. Trenton, spent the weekend at the. home `of his parents, Mr., and Mrs. W, J. Niekle. , APPLICATIONS „In writing will be received by the undersigned up to April 7th, next for the position of treasurer in the Clin- ton Hospital Association. Salary $100 per annum: H. M. MONTEITH Secretary. Clinton Hospital Association JOHNSON GROCERY Phone 286 Will Purchase Snow Plow Considered Matter of Economy by Council to Adopt Road Plowing System • A; special meeting of the town council was called for Monday even- ing to consider Prices and specificat- ions for the purchase of a motor power snow plow. The clerk read the communications and the councilors scrutinized the illustrated folders. Mr. Irwin, representative of the Gene eral Supply Company, Toronto, was present and addressed the eouncil el - so answering questions asked with reference to the build of the machine. Councilor Walker objected to the plan of leaving the sidewalks closed and having pedestrians forced to walk on the roadway, objecting from the viewpoint of the town's liabilityin ewp the event of personal injury. All other councilors were confident that LITTLE LOCALS 1Vtr. Ernest Ellwood has purchased the house on Princess street, owned by the Schoenhals Estate. Mr. EI- lwood and family plan to move some- time in April Superior Stores PHONE 11.1--CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR March. 27,.28, 29 ATTENTION MR. FARMER ....Due to the NOV Egg Grading Regulations, we are Discontinuing Buying Eggs after this week.. Take your eggs to any Grading stat- ion and bring us your Grade slips and we will payyou as Before le per dozen EXTRA IN TRADE. SPECIAL VALUES MARCH 27, 28, 29TH LI=BBY'S PORK AND BEANS, 2, tins 17c CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP, 2 lb. tin 19c BULK MARSH- MALLOWS, lb. 15c PEACH JAM. BlscU Ts, lb. •...... 15c BREAKFAST BACON, lb LIBBY'S' COOKED Spaghetti, 2! tins ,.. 17c ROLLED OATS, 2. lbs, , gc CLARKE'S TOM. OR VEG. SOUP, 2 tins 15c WESTON'S BULK SODAS, 2' lbs. ....y 23c ., 29'c' BOLOGNA, by the piece or sliced, ib. 15c MACARONI and CHEESE Loaf, Ib. 25e GARDEN' FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Carrots, Celery, Beets, Spinach, Radishes, Lettuce, Tomatoes, Peas, Cabbage, Green Onions LEMONS, Juicy' California, 5 for BANANAS, Golden Ripe, 2 lbs. GRAPEFRUIT? Choice seedless, 6 for 9c 17c• 25c SWEET JUICY SUNKIST ORANGES ,19c, 23c. 27c, 35c d°z• C. M. SHEARING FOR LOW PRICE'S ON FOODS OF QUALITY PHONE 4 8 — — CLINTON where the' plan is in operation were stated bydifferent members and for- mer Mayor. Ken. G. Waters, who was present, gave information as to in- stances coming under his observat- ion where the proposed system is op- erating satisfactorily. Orr motion of Councilor Falconer and Reeve Liver- more the motion' carried that council purchase a Mink one-way snow plow for the sum of $428, :hob. Toronto, $100 deposit to be made at once, the balance to be made when the plow is lifted next fall. It is considered a natter of econoiny by the council to adopt the road plowing system. Council then adjourned. CONSTANCE Mrs. Ernest Adams Miss Donalda and Kelso spent Sunday in Russeld- ale visiting Mrs. Adam's father, who is very ill. Miss Jean Wakefield is confined to her room with measles. Mrs. Leo. Stephenson and son Don- ald spent Sunday last in Brigdon, Mrs. Britten accompanied thein as far as Watford, on their return home Sunday night, the snow storm caus- ed a 'few more days visiting Mrs. Britton in Clinton, and Mrs. Step- henson henson in Seaforth until Wednesday, Mr. Alvin Riley of Seaforth spent THE CLINTON DRAMA GROUP • will present A 3 -ACT FARCE COMEDY Very Untruly Yours in Town Hall, Clinton Friday, April 4th at 8.15 Admission—Seasons ticket or 35c rt p Annual : anquet Farmer's Night at Clinton Lions Club Town Hall, Clinton Wednesday April 2nd at 6.30 p.m. GUEST SPE'AKE.R — Rex Frost. Farm Radio Conxmentator C.F,R,B, Toronto. Tickets -50c, each. Tickets may be secured from the fol. lowing committee: Dick Jacobs, chair- man; A. D. McCartney; John Reid; W. J. Dale; Wm. Wells and J. C. Shearer. 34-1 bee on Monday. The Young People pat on the play "Windy Willows" on Tuesday even - there would be no additional liability. the weekend with his parents. ng in North Side United Church, Experience of other municipalities Mrs. Lorne Lawson held a quiltingSeaforth in aid of the Red Cross. GOLDEN NET SALMON l's tin 24c AYLMER PEACHES 15 oz. tin hlc AYLMER JUMBO PEAS 16 oz 2 tins 25c. GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 20 az tin 10e LIB 3Y'S COOKED SPAGHETTI 15 oz. tin .., .... 9c WESTON'S CHOCOLATE BLOS- SOM BISCUITS, lb. 19c FIVE ROSES FLOUR 7 lb. hag 29e CHAMPION DOG FOOD 2 tin , 19c Cri.NADA CORN STARCH pkg. 10e PAM;OLIVE SOAP 4 cakes . , , 19c LIFEBUOY SOAP 2 bars ', 13c HILLCREST.SHORTENING PURE LARD 8 Ms 27e PEARL SOAP 3 bars 130' PAPER TOWELS 150's' pkg. 15c LIMA BEANS, lb. .. 13c ORANGES doz. .. ' 21e GRAPEFRUIT, 7 fax 25c CARROTS, 2 bunches .. , . 15c P:E.L POTATOES bag' .. .... $1.10 pH �. Free Delivery 6 Food Values HURON PASTRY FLOUR 61b. size '•' 21c WHYTES PURE LARD, 2 lb19c FOREST CITY BAKING POW- DER, with free glass 23c COOKING FIGS, 2 lbs. . 25c COOKING APRICOTS per lb27c COOKING PEACHES 2 lbs. 43c . COOKING PRUNES 3 lbs. . JELLY POWDERS, 5 pkgs. 25c 25c AYLMER CATSUP, 2 bot. 25c CLARKE'S PORK & BEANS 10 oz. Net, 5tins 23c CLAR 28 ozKE. Net'S,2tinsPORK& BEANS 1.• 25c COWAN'S PERFECTION COCOA, ib. 25c-'/2 Ib.15c CROWN BRAND TEA r/2 lb.... 33c GOLD MEDAL TEA BAGS 20 for 25c COOKING BEANS, hand picked 5 lbs. 1 25c QUAKER CORN FLAKES 3 pkg. 21c WHEAT -BERRIES, 5 lb. bags 25c WHEAT GERM 1 lb. pkg...,,,15c SODA BISCUITS fresh and crisp 2 lbs. 25c 'SWEET MIXED BISCUITS 2lbs. 35c New Cabbage, Tomatoes, Bead Let. tuce, Turnips, Carrots, Cooking On- ions, Celery Hearts, Oranges, Ban- anas, Lemons, Grapefruit, Potatoes, All in stock and sold at market prices MINUTE TAPIOCA 2 pkg._ 25c 2 tins 19e Mare Flavor to the Cup Na,e Cups Ip lie PauaO TISSUE Completely wrapped. Soft Pure White 750 sheets tothe; roll 3 FOR ¢�g� t 5?, Listen to Mother Parker's Radio Contest, C.F,R,B. TUESDAY APRIL 8 AT 8.30 250.00 Cash Prizes each week.,." l/Z 1b. 32c PHONE 40. THE STORE THAT SAVES Y01T- MONEY. remesimemplieeseelsse