HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1941-03-27, Page 5"THURS., MARCH 27, 1941. THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD MONEY, no less than men and machines; is vitally needed to win this war, YO't.I' can provide that money... and ,save :for your own future ..: by investing in WAR -SAVINGS CERTIFICATES regularly , . for the duration. Go to the branch of The Royal Bank where you 'maintain your account. Sign one of the special 'War Savings"Pledge" forms which will enable rthe bank to purchase War Savings Certificates for 'yew -every month automatically. • Once•you have signed the form; the bank looks after everything for you...buysthe certificates, , pays for them out of your account ... arranges for them to be delivered to you direct from Ottawa. This is urgent. Do it to -day. It's a sure way to save ... an a practical way to , strikeyour blow for freedom. THE ROYAL -BANK OF CANADA CLINTON BRANCH - - E. E. PATERSON, Manager BIRTHS STANBURY—•In Auburn on Friday, March 21st, to Mr, and Mrs, Har-. old Stanbury, of Auburn, a son. SNAFtY—In'Gr+ace Hospital, 'Toronto, on Friday, March 21st, to Mr. and MTs. Fred Snnty of Toronto, form- erly of Clinton, a son, (Albert Frederick). preyed upon by fears 'running from James' pain in his. stomach to being robbed by their young. housekeeper, Betty (Mrs. Stuart McInnis). How- ever, the robber is none other, than their own nephew Phillip (Stuart Mn - Innis) who.is•planning to marry Bet- ty and make a home for the old lm- eles. Miss Vera Pease played, for the National Anthem.. Mrs. Graham di- rected "The Servant Problem," Rev J. Graham, "You're a Cuckoo" and "Friday for Luck" was` under the direction of Mrs. James Ferguson!., The Society is. indebted to the Afr- men who came from Port Albert and gave the numbers which were so greatly appreciated by the large -aud- ience. Before the close of the pro- gramme, Miss Stirling on behalf of the Hed Cross Society, expressed thanks to all who had contributed to the programme. The drawfor the lucky ticket was nide by Mr. M.. Malcom Toms, Miss Nora Ferguson. held the lucky ticket. Mr.- and Mrs. Percy Dyment of Detroit spent Sunday with/Mrs. Dy- nient's mother Mrs, J. Tippett. Mr. C. Bennett of Detroit spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Har- ry Weston. Mrs. Bennett and Mrs. T. Barnett who have been visiting their parents: for some weeks returned to Detroit ory Monday. Miss Rozell of Clinton is looking after Mrs. Weston. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Smith of In- gersoll were guests over theweekend ith Mr: . and MrsWm. Higgins AUBURN 'thanks for cards of'sympathy receiv- - I ed were read from various members. Mrs. James Howitt returned home Mrs. A. J. Ferguson gave a very in- -Monday after spending the winter with her daughters, Mrs. Percy Man - .ming of Londesboro, and. Mrs. Hugh Chesney of Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Nott and Ger aldine of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Garrett, of Blyth and Mrs. Annie McCool, of Clinton were Sunday vis- itorp with. Mr. and Mrs- W. T. Roh- ison. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Raithby, Gord- - on and Paul of Goderich visited on Snnday with Mr. and -Mrs. James Raithby. Earl Craig, Mrs. George McNeil, Miss Beatrice Green and Charlie Hod . gins of Grand Bend were recent vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Craig. Stanley McNeill of the R.C.A.F, . has been transferred from Pieton to Manning Pool. r Mr. and Mrs, B. Philips visited one day last week with Mr, and Mrs. Mr. Pletcher Whitmore visited with Alfred Tebbutt, of Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. G. Elliott' of Walton on Vivian ,5traughan is confined to Sunday, her home with an attack of German • Measles. Frank Raithby connmencecl dolling teresting paper on "The Life of Mrs. Winston Churchill, Mrs. Wesley Bradnock favored with a.seio. Miss Josephine Weir gave a demonstrat- ion on Icing a' cake. Tickets were sold on the cake and proceeds $2.65 were given to the War Vietums Fund. Mrs, Earl Raithby was the lucky w*Japerof the cake. The meeting Was closed by singing the National Anthem: A dainty lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. W. H. Shep- parol. Mrs, H. C. Wilson and Mrs. Fred Ross. T UCKERSMITH Several from this vicinity attended the funeral in Clinton of the'late Mr. Wm. Tiplady. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Whitmore and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Lawson held. a Red Cross Party at their home on • v sap on Saturday. He has over a Friday evening, . thousand trees tapped. The snow plow with Mr. Cameron Mrs. Shaw of Toronto is visiting Rintoul at the hemi is removing'...Mr.'...Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Tewson, some' •of the snowbanks on the. 2nd The B,Y.P.U, met Sunday evening sendession this week. .1-q is George Raithby in charge. Prayers were offered by Donald Ross � � ,I a LD . and Bill Raithby. Vocal duets were . • rendered by Shirley and Emma Rob • croon, and. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas three short plays, vocal and instruct -1- Campbell; readings by Ronna Hag -1 ental numbers was given in the Town gift, Dolly Beadle, June 'Beadle and Hall on Frlday evening for tho ben - ,George Robertson, vocal trio by Dor- efit of the Red Cross. Miss A. M. is, Sack and Garth McKnight, piano Stirling, vice-president of the local instrumentals by Marie Raithby and branch, acted as ehnirman and in - Joan Killough; guitar solo, Elaine troduoed the various numbers as fol Johnston. The scripture was read by.lows: Vocal solo, "Land of Hope and Roy W, Phillips, Mrs. Raithby gave' Glory'.', and ""Thumbs Up," by Miss the topic on "The. Beast and the Best" ( Lucy Woods: "The Servant Problem," and Harold Reid closed the meeting with prayer. Adams—McQuarrie A quiet wedding was solemnized re- ,. gently at Simpson Avenue United A. very .fine program consisting of CUT FLOWERS FLORAL -DESIGNS; For Every Occasion • Cooke FLORIST mum. 66w and 58J IIEGISTERED EGG -GRADING STATION During the past few weeks we have re -constructed our premises to coma - ply with the new Egg -Grading Reg- ulationsL We now have controlled temperature in both our Candling and Egg Rooms, and. the Government Egg Inspector recommended to the Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, a Certificate of Regulatin which we lave recently received and our Reg- 'stered Number is 0-140. N. W. TREWARTHA Day Phone 214.Night Phone 328. Batkin's Locker Storage Your fur garments may be stored here. Fresh frozen fish of all kinds, at lowest prices, also fresh frozen strawberries, raspbel:ries, (peas and corn. Try our prices for a quarter of Beef. Custom killing and buying of hides. It's a pleasure to serve you The cold' storage way, We're sure if you try it, You will' find it pay. "Frozen Foods are Better Foods." w Mrs. Higgins and Miss Lottie Hig- gins, returning with them to. • Inger- solI, for a short visit. Dr. and Mrs: A. Atkinson, and, Mr, Casey Atkinson of Detroit are spend- ing pending -this week at their biome in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ferguson and Henry of London spent the weekend ;with the foimer's nether Mrs.' J. Ferguson. henry remained for the week. - Members of the casts of the three short plays which were . given here on Friday night go to Varna tonight (Thursday) where they will- present them for the benefit -of the Red Cross. Miss .Rubie .Fisher of Kitchener came on Tuesday to be with her aunt, Mrs. F. A. Edwards, who had the misfortune to sprain ,her knee on "Monday. Jack Murray left on Sunday to join the Oapt. S. G. Senora at Owen Sound, on whieh he will sail this summer. Mrs. Frank Hobson of St. Thomas is visiting her sister, Mrs. E. A. Wes- tlake and other relatives in the vie- inity. a screamingly funny farce in which two mciiden ladies, Tabithe (played by Mrs. E. York) and Priscilla (Mrs. J. Graham) think to solve the pro- blem of a servant by the purchase of a mechanleal maid (Ellen McKay) • church, Toronto, when Rev, Dr. but the matter of regulating her Clarke B. Lawton united in marriage, movements proves to be a bigger pro - . Dorothy Eileen MeQuarrie second blem; Vocal solo, "The Road to Man - daughter if Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Me• clalay" by L.A.C. Len Prosser, ac- Quarrie of Brussels and Gordon Ad- eotnpanied by L.A.C. Eric Tilnn'is; ams, son of Mr. and. Mrs. Thomas "You're a Cuckoo," a most amusing Adams of Auburn. The couple will comedy in which the husband Henry 'reside in Toronto. Willis (Charles Gemeinhart) attem- Mrs, Herb Mogridge, Miss Joseph- pts; to explain the absen;e of his ine Weir and Mrs. Fred Ross packed brother-in-law Richard Grump (Bor- five bales for the Red Cross on Mon-' den' Clarke) to'his wife, Helen (Jea- day containing the.. following Articles. 1 nue Dunn) and their wealthy Aunt 21 mens dressing gowns, 25 pairs Martha (Mrs. E. Sturgeon). But he mens pyjamas, -52 ' pair army socks, gets- in deeper and deeper_ when he 12 pair seamens long socks, 4 sleeve- I explains his absence from the office less sweaters, 7 turtle neck sweaters, and his wife tells Richard's fiancee, 7 large scarfs, 7. small scarfs, 6 pr. Friecih Wright (Vera Pease) that lie two-way mitts, 5 ribbed helmets, 3 was not home last night. To solve pair broadcast mitts, 7 -girls sweaters, the mystery Frieda brings Detective • 9 pair mots mitts, 3 pair childrens J. C. Traylan (Rev. J. Graham) to mtts, 1 pair Childs socks, 11 quilts. the house and things become more A combined meeting of the Wom- !muddled than eater. The women. are . en's Institute and the local Red Cross asked to withdraw and 'Henry, and was held in the F'orester's Hall on the detective discover thatthey are Tuesday. Mrs. Lawson presided for both members of the Exalted Order the first part of .the meeting. whieh -of Cuckoos. Richard is also a mem- was opened by singing the, Institute ber of the order and when he ap- Ode and repeating the Lord's pray- pears with a black eye, Traylan fix- er in unison. Mrs. herb Mogridge, es him up and evolves,a story to sat- president of the Red Gross took char- isfy the women. It apparently .pass- ge and the secretary, Mrs, Fred Ross ed o --.i • alright but Aunt Martha. had Tead the minutes of ,the previous road ihs morning paper. which Henry meeting. Miss Josephine Weir gave had h.dden and put two and two to - the treasurers' report, Ways and genii. , Two comic songs by Corporal means of raising money were discus- Hoyle, "Alfonso V,ictoriadore," "Sp- sed. It was decided to hold a chain anis' s^nova" with guitar accompan- IHOG FOR SERVICE Pure-bred Berkshire hog, from ad- vanced registry stock, best bacon type; also—, Fertilizer Drill nearly new, Cockshutt 11 cllse drill, latest model, would consider exchange on cow or yearlings. W. T. Lining - sten, phone 847r31 Seaforth. 34-1 TENDERS' tea. Mrs. Mogridge, Mrs. Ross and Miss Josephine Weir were appoint- ed a packing committee. It was de- cided not to do any knitting for the • navy for a few months as there is a great, demand for sewing for the refugees. Mrs. Lawson then took 'charge of the Institute, and the secretary, Mrs. Margaret King read the minutes of the previous meeting. • Letters of '• Sgt. Charles a vocal !mer g . Grant, . trio ', y Sgt. Grant, Corp. Hoyle and A number of hydro L.A,C. Prosser with guitar accomp poles. A quanity of he: animent, 'Admiral Broom' and 'Good- in. •'!lies;" Pianoforte duets by Mrs. J. Graham and Miss Vera Pease; "Friday for Luck" a comedy full of For Rent' laughs in which tyro old bachelors, Roomsto rent suitable for light Willie Gosling (Leslie, Elliott) and house keeping for one or two persons, James Gosling (Fred Weston) mix also garage for rent. Apply: to Mrs. CARD/OF'THANKS We wish to thank our friends and neighbours, also the staff -of the Clinton Public Hospital for the kind- ness and sympathy shown to us during our recent sad bereavement. Also Eor• the beautiful floral trib- utes. -Mrs. Dan Crawford and fam- ily. Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned until SATURDAY, APRIL 5TH, to supply one, one half ,ton truck. Tenders to include a trade in allowance for a 1935 Chevrolet 1'si ton truck The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepter,. Amy in- formation required will be supplied by the inndersigned. GEO. C. FEAGAN, Huron County Home Inspector 34-1 IF BACI{ACHES are slowing you up, take RUMACAPS. Pains and aches are relieved after the first dose. Hovey's Drug. Store. FQr: Sale • 1927 Tudor Ford Sedan, good con- dition,..low mileage. Apply to Milt- on Johnson, Clinton, Ont. 34-1. Por Sale Yellow blossom sweet clover seed., Government graded. Apply to Wil- liam A. McGuire, Bayfield, phone Clinton 900-3. 34-1. Wanted Medium sized room wanted for Storing furniture. Please phone 291 Clinton. 34-1 SPECIAL EASTER C TownHall, w}�! Clinton EASTER MONDAY APRIL 14th Alf Tibbs and His Band BOXY THEATRE CLINTON NOW PLAYING: "I Can't Give You Anything But. Love" MON„ TUES. & WED. Don Ameche, Betty Grable, Car= men Miranda and Charlotte Green- wood. Glamorous night life—Latin lovers —Enchanting music—The magnif- icent beauty of the Argentine! "Down Argentine Way" THURS., FR. & SAT. Paul Muni, Virginia Field, Gene Tierney and John Sutton Romance that spanned two contin- ents—Drama at its mightiest. "HUDSON'S BAY" PAGE CAPITAL - THEATRE REGENT THEATRE G.ODERICH ' SEAFORTH NOW—Paul Muni with Gene Tierney in "HUDSON BAY" MON., TUES. & WED. Shirley' Temple, Jackie Oaicre and Charlotte Greenwood melody and fun as a troupe of vaudevillians turn to farminb. "YOUNNG 'PEOPLE" THURS.,. rRI. & SAT. Helen Parrish, -Peter Lorre, Boris ICarloff, Dela Lugosi arid Kay Ryser A gang of fake spiritualists are musically exposed. "You'll Find Out" Coming: "Down Argentine Way"- Mats.: Sat. and Holidays at 3 pan. Betty Grable. MON., TUES. & WED. Broderick Crawford and Johnny • Downs head a Humdinger cast in a riotous underworld musical. "I CAN'T GIVE YOU ANY- THING BUT LOVE BABY" THURS., FEL & SAT. Tyrone Power and Linda Darnell Presents the adventurous' story of 'California's favorite Den. ' "The Mark of Zorro" Coming: "You'll Find .Out," Helen Parish. SAT. SPECIAL HOT .-{= BUMS We have been fortunate in securing LONDON'S BEST DANCE BAND from the London Hunt and 'Country Club. Dancing 9.30 to 1.30 Admission: 50c Dress Optional Come and Enjoy A Real Treat Huron Fish and Galue Club 34-3 For Sale One used Gilson Electric Washer; thoroughly re -conditioned, .639.50. Terms, $5 down; and. $4 per month. Apply at Hawkins Hardware, Clinton. 34-1 Potatoes For Sale Irish Coblers, Green Mountains and early Warbiesc Apply to Roy Tyndall, R.R. No. 3, Clinton, phone 907.3. 34tf. CHOCOLATE CAKES SPRING SHOW DAY SPECIALS Hot Cross Buns and Do -Nuts VISIT US FOR DINNER or LUNCH Ice Cream, Candy -or Bake Goods BARTLIFF'S IWONE 1 WE DELIVER . with BUDDY HOLLET AND HIS 8 PIECE ORCHESTRA KIP EN Friday, a .®.28 ADMISSION 35c C. Watson, Manager. House for Sala Brick, all' modern conveniences and garage. Apply to E. J. Howes, Clin- ton, Ontario, 34tf. CAKES Not Baked at Home But "HOMEMADE" • FRUIT BREAD -CRUSTY BALLS FOR SALE Jamesway Electric Incubator, 360 egg capacity, complete with automa- tic egg -turning defice and thermon- etors. Used for 4 hatchings only of turkey eggs. Mechanically O.K. Cost $71.00 for sale at $35.00; also two choice young bronze gobblins. Phone or write, E. C. Lawson, R.R. No. 2, Clinton phone 901-23, 33-2 Boy Wanted A boy wanted at the News -Record. Annutg A to must he .Paas For Sale Maple syrup and maple sugar. AP. ply to Fred McClymont, Varna, or phone Clinton, 6221.24. 34tf. on or before May 1st 1941 Every person owning, possessing or harboring a dog and the head of ev- ery household in which any dog is owned, possessed or harbored in the Town of Clinton shall annually reg- ister such dog at the office of the Tax Collector, Clinton. NORMAN KENNEDY; Collector • 34-2 USED MACHINES FOR SALE One McCormick Deering Seed Drill. Two CocksI utt Seed Drills. • One Massey Harris SeedDrill. Three Section of Scotch Clip. Harrows Two Spring Tooth Cultivator. Cod Liver Oil for Poultry and Hogs on hand. g{ ORY+(H H, CHARLES V4 1936 CHEVROLET DE LUX SEDAN formerly owned by alady in Parkhill. This car operates like new. also 1940 WILLY'S i4 TON PICK-UP TRUCK in fine shape. ' Good price for a quick sale. See us or. telephone Clinton 616-34 at once. J. E. R(JGILL R.R. Na. 2 Seaioith. 34-1, AUCTION SAL: of Farm Stock, Woo., . c., on • MONDAY MARCF 1T at Lot 11, Bayfield Line nooncing at 1.30 pal.,, Team of general pine • #bares,.4 and 5 year old; Dnrhann ', due to. freshen, time of sale, b s fresh- ened; 3 cows,, due to fro . ;;!.April; 40 pigs from weanlings , 50 lbs.; 150 cord of green wood; cord of dry wood; 1,000 cedar r. ' Male Help Wanted Young man for restaurant work. Apply The Kozj Grill, Clinton. 34.1. u the ast and the future and are ( Harold Graham, King St. 34-1 ling 2 inches by 4 inches: TERMS CAS'' A. E. Townshend, Pros EDWARD W. ELLIO eer. Please note this sale , on the Clinton Road 2 - ilea from lephone lc scant - HONEY DIPPED DO -NUTS HOT BUNS 'or. mneti011. be held Bayfield. 34.1 Homemade Candy and Ice Cream Wendorf's Wanted Old hordes and cattle for mink feed, If dead phone at once, Will pay ac- cording to value. Elmer Trick, phone 90755, or Lloyd Batkin 619r14. 85tf a -o -w Farm for Sale One hundred acres of choice land„ situated on Ni. 6 highway between Seaforth and Clinton, The buildings consist of large bank barn, brick house, new double garage, hydro through -out, well fenced,. never fail- ing water supply. Innnediate pos- session, Geo. C. Nott, Clinton Post Office. 33-4 4UCTION SALE Of Berm Stock, Implements and Household effects. BAKERY .LUNCH PHONE• 65 BABY CHICKS S.C. White Leghorns and Barred. Rocks Custom Hatching. YOUNG LE'GHORN HENS DRESSED 15c a lb. --P--- E. L. MITTELL Phone 213' Clinton: PRINCESS ST. CLINTON� BURGESS' STUDIO , CLINTON Photographs of Distinction IRENE BURGESS Phone 115: Developing and, Printing MONUMENTS! To those contemplating build- ing a Monument . . Get my prices before buying, Cemetery Lettering a specialty. All work guaranteed. -JOHN GRANT CLINTON MARBLE & GRANITE WORKS Clinton — Ontario Successor to Ball & Zapfe 59 tf MER 424,F4 •POWER TRANSMIM H'en•F8lt RterEPTIQN ROG1ER$ 15/54Ai TUBES TESTED FREE 1 Tubes and General Batteries The complete 6.nage L'rasle Log . Card is yours for the asking. A. W. Groves, Princess St For Sale House and lot with garage on Rat- tenbury street, town lights & water; also house and two lots on Huron street, 9 rooms, lights and water, also stable and henhouse. Apply to Miss Bertha Cantelon, Huron street, Clin- 27tf ton. Wanted Maid to care for elderly lady. Wages $35 per month, board and or rent. Apply to Mrs. Harvey room included, at Bayfield, Ontario. p Coo er; Clinton, Ontario. 80..1 Immediate answer by telegram col- Wanted We would like to purchase copies of the old Huron County Atlas (1879) and "In the Days of The Canada Cornbany, by the Misses Liz - ars. If any of our readers have cop- ies ,of these publications, that they would be willing to dispose of; please get in touch with the News -Record. For Sale or Rent Good home on High street for sale leet to W. H. Tippet, Billings, Mon- tana. 33-1 For Rent Brick house On Princess street, al modern conveniences; also cottage on Rattenbury street and one small bailee on Victoria street. Apply to E. Ward, Huron street. 301f For Sale TIvo-story frame house on James street with town lights and water. Apply at the News -Record office. 30-1 Partners in Draying Arthur Fulford M. Layeox Team and one horse work of all kinds. No jobs are too big or too small for us. 33-tf. Farm For Sale or Rent 80 acres good pasture land spring creek, lots of shade, ' Briek House, farm Barn, orchard. Apply to Ellen J, Cox, Clinton, Huron St. ' 33-6 For Sale A quantity of feed barley. Apply at Frank W. Andrews, phone 33w, Clinton Ontario. 33-1 Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, has re- ceived instructions from the' under'- Of Farm Stock and implements; for signed to soli by public auction, at Mr•. John Blair, at Lot 23, Concession Lot 10, Con.' 5, Township of Stanley, 4, R.R. 2, Goderich Township, on reties les south of Bru�cefield and 2 TUESDAY, APRIL 8th, at 1.30 sharp miles west, on One Durham cow, 8 years old, to • TUESDAY, APRIL 8TH. freshen about May 1st; 1 Durham Sale to commence at 1 o'clock sharp cow, 10 years ole, to freshen about Cears ofDurham cattle; 1 cow, Nov. 1st; 1 .Massey -Harris binder, '7 7 years old, due to freshen time of ft. cut; 1 Massey Harris cultivator; sale; 1 row, 8 years, due June tat; 2 1 Massey -Harris cutting box; 1"Mao- two-year fat heifers;, 2 one-year, sey-Harris disc, 14 plates; 1 MCCorni Mao - heifers; 2 two-year, steers; 2 one- l lack mower, 6 ft. rent; 1 McCormick year, steers; 1 heifer calf. hay rake; 2 Bain wagons; '2 hay IMPLEMENTS --spring tooth cul- � reeks; 1 -tvagon box; harrows, 4 sec- tivator; disc harrow; 4 section hor- tions; 2 Verity 21 walking plows; 1 row; riding plow', gang plow; 2 walk- � riding plow; 1 Portland cutter, with frog plows; roller; fanning ,mill; 2,000 shafts; 1 top buggy; 1 hay pole .andlb. scales; wagon; hay rack; gravel lo4ster; 1- set of sleighs; 1 stock box; extension ladder, 32 ,feet; stone box and rack; 1 set 2000 -Ib. sealer; boat; buggy; cutter; hay fork; slings; r1 Clinton fanning mill;; 1 scuffler; 1 2 oak tongues. (new); quanity of sugar kettle; 1 hay fork, car, pulleys planks; ,forks;• shovels; 'flattening 'and rope; 1 set wire strotchersl; 1 crate; wheelbarrow; barrels; 'double set horse clippers; 1 set work 'har trees;` knead -oke; whiffletrees; sonny ness; 1 set sight ,double harness; 1 jack; bars; chains; double ropes;feet single halm s9; 1 set double lines, wire strechers; grind stone; scythe; Inearly new; extra collars; etc.; 1 post - cross -cut saw; bassi; robe; wool blan- hole auger; .1 T. Eaton separator, kets, etc. 400-1b.' capacity; 1 . Daisy churn; 1 HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS--, Me- Ford car, 1927; 1 good: robe; 2 horse Clary range; 2 white :enamel beds; blankets: A quantity of hay and oats; dinning :room chairs; 1 eoleman lamp; chains; whiTfletrees, shovels and 2 rockers; 1 kitchen cupboard, Seal- :other articles. Everything to be ers; crocks, ete. sold as proprietor is giving' up farm 'PERMS TERMS --CASH ing. Terms cash. ' WILLIAM HART, Proprietor. T, GIUNDRY & SON, HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. 'Idle 34-2. 33-2 . When you take the lid off that box of baby chicks, can't you see your next Fa1Ps strong, money- making layers? Well, right now is the time to protect yourself and these future egg layers. Roe Vitafood will give them a safe start, a head' start. It is sweet and palatable, of medium texture, mixed fresh daily. Follow the efample of Ontario's Largest poultrymen—feed Roe Vitafood. Ask your Roe Feeds dealer for your copy of the 32 -page booldet of vital information: "Let's Grow Better Chicks and Pullets." CHICK STARTER Sold by: CHARLESWORTH Clinton HAROLD BOGIE Auburn VITAMIZED FOR HEALTH...FARMGRS)fA\ PROVEN FOR /� l,{II RESULTS 4 �q +,