HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1941-03-27, Page 2ST. PAUL'S: "CENTRE OF EMPIRE" STANDS UNSCATHED For the first time in many decades Londoners get a close-up of St. Paul's Cathedral froth the Newgate •Street direction. Thecathedralis unharmed, while all about it are the ruins of German bombings and of demolition work undertaken by precaution parties. • HAVE YOU HEARD?' Two 'wonee were discussing. the best method of getting rid of unwelcome visitors. Said Mrs. Brown: "il'Iy dear, it's quite simple. I always put on my hat and coat when I hear the doorbell. Then, if it's some- one I don't want to be bothered with, I just say, `What a pity, I'm just going out.' " "And' suppose it's someone you do want to see?" asked the other. ' "Oh, then I say, 'How fortun- ate: I've just some.' int" Stranger: "Have you lived in Bingville long?" Native: "Have I lived here long? Why, mister, you won't believe it, but I lived here when there wasn't a aingle gas station in town." Brown said he could teach his parrot to say ",Hullo" in an hour. He started and went at it for 30 minutes without his parrot taking the slight- est notices At last the bird turned his head and, fixing Brown with a cold eye, screamed: Line's busy: A certain customer always fell asleep in the barber's chair. That wasn't so bad hi a shop in which Ile was well known. But where be wasn't known"vell-- The day came that he starched into a strange barber's shop and found himself the only customer in the place. He eased himself into a chair. "A flight trim," he ordered. "Not much off the top." Tlie barber nodded; went to work. And as he worked, the customer followed his usual habit offalling asleep, Three hours later he awakened. He looked in the mirror, and, to his horror, discovered that the barber had given him a haircut that made him look practically bald. "I only asked for a light trim!" he howled. "Why have you out off all my hair?" The barber gazed moodily out the window. "What else could I do?" he demanded, "Business is slow- and I'd go erazy just sitting around' idle!" Two men were arguing'. "What's the meaning of tact, Jim?" asked one. Jinn wrinkled his forehead. "It's -it's-" he began. "Well, what is it?" "Look here, I'll give you an illustration, The other day I went to, mend a pipe in a bath- room. When I got inside I saw a woman in the bloonin' tub. I gave one look, raised my hat, and said, 'Beg pardon, sir!" that's tact,",. Britain's Head Sub -Chaser Admiral' Sir Percy L. H. Noble, above, 'assumes' command of Britain's western approaches in a move to strengthen the navy against the German submarine threat. a ,, Earth Going Slower Astronomers say the rotation of the earth is getting slower. Eventually it may take a month to revolve; then there will be a fortnight of daylight followed by a fortnight of darkness, as on the moon now. . The slowing down is due to friction caused by the ocean tides acting as 'brakes, and to the increase in the earth's weight caused by falling meteors. Newton estimated that about a million meteors fall to earth every twenty-four hours;. though most of then are burnt up in the atmosphere, -they form part of the earth and add to its . mass. Against this, the cooling and shrinkage of the earth's crust tend to increase its pace. Canadian Fish Sells In Chicago Market Canadian fisheries supply about one-fifth of the fist] sold in Chicago markets amounting bo 11,556,286 pounds brought in during a year. To transport that quantity of sea and lake food required approximately 590 cars, reports the Canadian National Railways which serves this U.S. city over its own lines and carries fish from Atlantic, Pacific and in- land waters. Total weight of fresh and frozen fish sold on Chicago wholesale marlcets last year amounted to 59,432,557 pounds representing a consump- tion of :approximately 17% pounds for each individual of the 3,384,556 population. Roosevelt Rallies U.S. Nation For All-out Aid President Roosevelt pictured 'staking his stirring speech, bristling with anti -dictator barbs, calling for sacrificial co-operation by man- agement and labor in Americas "all-out" aid -to -democracies programs. The President broke an eight-year precedent by making this historic address at the annual dinner of the White House Correspondents' Asso- ciation in Washington. Early Opening Of Navigation Great Lakes Shipping To Start by April 1, Reports In. dlcate Shipping 'circles declare that a demand by Toronto and other Great Lakes shipping companies might force .one of the earliest dates for opening of navigation in years if weather conditions continue to be favorable. NORMAL OPENING, APR. 15 A number of Toronto vessels were said last week to be ready to sail and awaiting ,only the opening' of the Welland Canal to begin carrying their first cargoes of the season. The normal open- ing date of the canal is April 15 bat shipping men said the large amount of goods awaiting ship- ment to Toronto. might force the opening by April 1. The canal was said to be free of ice on. the Lake Ontario side but strong Westerly winds had jammed ice into the Lake • Erie entrance at Port Colborne. • The shipping men predicted that the. tonnage handled at To- ronto this season would set a new harbor record, . The number of lsogs on farms in Canada at December 1, 1940, was the highest ever recorded,'. the total be -el 6,117,200, an in- crease of 28 per cent over the number reporter: on the cones - pending date 'hs 1939. Canadian National Railways Revenues The gross revenues of the all- inclusive .Canadian National Rail- ways System for the period ending March 140, 1941, were $5,247,160 as compared with 9,992,472 for the corresponding perioa of 1940, an in. ' crease of $1,254,69; or ?1AS° Tweddle's 1941 Chick Catalogue Copies of Tweddle Chick Hatch- eries Limited attractive new 1941 catalogue are stoW available. Poul- trymen and :chicle breeders wishing to 8&51115 one should write in to the head office at 'Forges, Ontario, Ottawa Plans $1,500 House Pre -fabricated Dwelling Can Be Set Up Quickly to Com- bat Wartime Shortage A seven -room dwelling built. in nine hours and costing about $1,500 may :•be the first link lin a country -wide chain of pre -fab- ricated houses desigried to meet Canada's war time shortage of living accommodation for indus- trial workers, officials of the Do- minion Housing Administration said last week. Result of studies conducted by F. W. Nicolle, housing admiiiis ,trator, and his colleagues, the model unit was constructed at an Ottawa lumber plant. It is made of standard building materials, all procurable on the Canadian market, and can be readily dis- mantled. COMPLETE WITH LIGHT, PLUMBING'" The latest in plumbing and lighting' facilities • go with the house, "We hope this type of house may be used," another official said today, 'When they are no logger neededin one centre, they can be taken apart and sent to another.". ONE -STOREY DWELLING The model house is a one - storey dwelling and has two bed- rooms, dining room, living room, kitchen, bathroom and furnace room, )raking 576 square feet of living space. Floor, ceiling and roof are fitted in 12 separate sec- tions each and the walls in 24 parts. Finding New Use For Corn Syrup May Replace. One•Fourth of Cane Products Experiments carried on in the dairy laboratory of 'the New, York State Agricultural station at Geneva, N.Y., indicate that corn sugar or syrup inay replace approximately one-fourth of the cane sugarnow used in the manufacture of ice cream, ices and sherbets. IN ICE CREAM In a bulletin describing the ex- periments, Dr. A. C. Dahlberg said the most satisfactory results were obtained with ice cream when 25 per cent. of the sucrose or cane sugar was replaced by corn sweeteners. Faith in Man's Honesty Justified John Burrell has faith in the honesty of sten and a recent experience justifies that faith, he holds. An airman bound for Saskatoon arrived at Toronto Union Station where Mr. Burrell is Canadian National Railways passenger agent, and found hint- self short just $2. of the neces- sary fare. Mr. Burrell advanced a two spot, the airman went on his way and immediately on ar- rival at Saskatoon forwarded $2. with a note of thanks to hie bene- factor. Heads Are Smaller The hats men wore fifty years ago were bigger than to -day, for the average size was 6% against the present 6%. Gene Tunney, former world- boxing champion, and Bing Cros- by, the crooner, are exceptions, for they- both take 7%. So are Mr. Churchill (7%) and Presi- dent Roosevelt (7%). Mr, An- thony Eden's hats, however, are only 63i. The biggest head of note in history was that of Da- vid Hume, the philosopher, who 'took 8%. In some cases men's heads .become bigger 'as they grow older. Sir Flinders Petrie, the archaeologist, took a • 6% when he was 21, 7% When 30, 7%r at 40, ,and 7% at 50. One fox will dispose of about 500 rabbits in the course of twelve months. STOP SASY S SICFFLE5 Don't lot baby suffer from heed sold one mi. necessary, moment. Relieve, without delay, thateniffimg and sneezing... the sore,irn..- toted. nostrils,.. choked -up passages that make hreathing dialcult and painful. Men- . tholatum brings quick relief or phoney backs Buy a 80c. tube or jar of Mentholalum today from your nearest druggist. znt FEMALE PAIN Women who suffer painful, irregu- lar periods with nervous, moody spells due to functional cause should find Lydia E. ?inkhorn's Vegetable Compound simply mar- velous to relieve such distress. ?Inkhorn's Compound is made especially to help weals, tired wom- en to go smiling thru difficult days.. Over 1,000 000 Women have reported amazing ibenefits. W.BLL WORTH TRYING! • IHow CanI? BY ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I ,'clean cellu- loid? A. Rubbing with ` a woollen cloth and ( a little tripoli, 'and then polishing with a clean wool- len cloth is 'very effective. Sal- aratus is, also very good for cleaning celluloid. Q. How can I prevent cham- ois gloves from hardening after washing them? A. The gloves will not become hard if a few drops of olive oil are added to the water; the oil also helps preserve the chamois. Q. How can I replace a small bit of wood that has been chip- ped off a piece of furniture?' A. This can 'be replaced by 'using the white of an egg. ` Q. What can I do if the toe of a shoe -seems a little too ,large? A. When this is the case, £i11 the toe with hair :combings. This also prevents the shoe from cracking across the. top. Q. How can I mend broken marble? A. Make a very stiff paste of Portland cement and water. Clean the edges of the marble thoroughly, apply the cement .to both 'broken edges, press the edges together very 'tightly, and tie securely until the cement has set. Q. How can I remedy ink Shat has become too 'thick? A. Add a little vinegar to it, and the ink will be usable again. Modern p Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE 1, When a woman is indebt- ed to several people who have en- tertained her, wouldn't it be all right to give one large party, and invite all of them2 2. Which is usually less ex- pensive, a table d'hote or an a le carte, meal? 3. When a professional en- tertainer attends some social function, is it all right to ask him to perform? 4. If you are in a crowd, and your companion is talking in such a loud ivoiee that it is attracting attention, What should you do? 5. Is It all right to call an office employee by her first name when speaking of her to the em- ployer? 6. When calling on a friend and she is not at hone, is it all right to leave a message? Answers 1. It would be better per- haps, if a large number of people, to give several smaller affairs, inviting just those to each whorl she thinks would be congenial. 2. The table d'hote meal is usually cheaper. 3. Not unless it has been previously ar- ranged. Otherwise, it is very presumptuous to ask hila. 4. Lower your own voice percep- tibly. If this is not effective, say "Let's step aside where people cannot hear us." 5. No. Say "Miss Blown," not "Alice." 6. Yes, "Sony to miss you" may be written on one's card. "IT DOES TASTE GOOD 'IN A PIPE!" HANDY SEAL -TIGHT POUCH" -'150 t/4 -L6. "LOK-TOP" TIN-6V also pecked in Pocket Tins GROWN IN SUNNY, SOUTHERN ONTARIO' Flour Ground From 'Acorns California Indians Grind Oak "Fruit" Into Staple Food of Their Diet • Acorns from the oak trees of the San Joaquin Valley have fur. nished an important staplefood in the diet of . Indians of the Yokuts tribeforhundreds of years. Consequently, it was of consider- able Concern to Indlaus when the crop of acorns was light last fall. BITTERNESS LEACHED OUT In the old days, the Indians lived on aeorns day in and day out, con. verting them usually into mush, sometimes baking the mush on hot rocks and frequently cooking it with, deer ;meat or quail. Before the white man brought hie civil- ization. to this area, the acorn meats and acorn flour could be kept indefinitely. But now they frequently become, grub -infested after only a few months. The Yokuts dry the acorn meats in the sun and grind them into flour on granite mortars. The flour is winnowed on a ground tray un- til it is as fine as wheat flour. The bitterness natural to acorns is leached out by placing the flour in a cloth and pouring lukewarm wat- er on it. COOKED -ON HOT ROCKS The meal is coolced by placing it In a closely woven basket. Rocks are heated over an onk wood fire and then flipped into the basket where the meal and water have been mixed. Four rocks are en- ough to cook a basket of mush that feeds five Indians. Instant Cure Four boys had their hearing restored instantly when a physi- cian examined 93 hard -of -hearing school children at Belleville, 111. Out of the ear of one bay the doctor took a deeply -embedded bead, He removed a piece of lead pencil. for another lad and from the ears of the others took two wads of cotton. 6u1 Science Is Doing BABIES, RESIST. .BOILS Babies are born with insur- ance against developing boils and abscesses during their first year of life, Dr. Allred B. Longacre of the Tulane University School of • Medicine, New Orleans, La., de- clares that, infants e-clares'that,infants show a mark- ed resistance to the staphylococ cus germ, which causes skin erup- tions and other infections. This resistance lasts only, from a few months to a year. _0- ; LIVES WITHOUT STOMACH It is possible to live without your stomach, sometimes more happily than with it. Science reports the case of a man suffering frorn cancer of the stomach who has been getting along well without that organ for the past year. At operation the entire stom- ach was removed and the upper opening to it was stitched direct- ly to the large intestine in a deli- cate surgical manoeuvre. The patient has to eat more frequently than other people and in smaller amounts but he has no difficulty in digestion because digestion is a function of the in- testines and the stomach is mere- ly a natural concrete mixer to stir up the. food you eat. Automobiles entering Canada for touring purposes during 1940 totalled 3,405,537. Canadian au- tomobiles touring in the United States in 1940 totalled 539,553. MOVING SHIPPING PACKING - STORING Reduced Rate Furniture -Pool Cars -Winnipeg and West' to Coast, M. RAWLINSON, LIMITED Established 1885 010 YONGE ST. - TORONTO WANTED $10,000. Why leave your stoney in the Bank at 114.% interest when you can secure 7% in a war time project, plus a bonus of shares in the Capital Stock of the Company? In this way you are helping your country win the war, We need $10,000,00 for twelve months only -Good Security - Will accept $500.00 from any one person. Money required to install additional machinery in order to complete war contracts on schedule. We invite you to see for yourself the factory in operation. Why shouldn't I loan my honey to help win the war? You answer yourself thii question, then apply for full particu- lars to - Box 67 - 73 W. Adelaide St. TORONTO ,..CLASSIFIED A VIE":1 TISEI mmTS... BABY CRICKS "OXFORD" CHICKS FROM ON- tarlo Breeding Station Flocks, six- teenth year stilled and blood - tested by the Poultry Depart- ' most, Ontario Agricultural Col- lege, Guelph. Barred Roctc Cock - clots be each, White Leghorn Cockerels 2c each, Write for Cir- cular, The Oxford Farmers' Co - Operative Produce Company, Lim- ited, Woodstock, Ontario.. RAISE GOOD CHICKS WITH JOHN - son's bred to lay barred plymouth rocks and S.C.W, lcb'horns Barron Strain, 16 years breeding, culling hatching and blood testing, Price for March and April hocks and Leghorn❑ as hatched 10 cents. Rock Pullets 17 cents, Leghorn Pullets 20 cents, Circular with other prices on request. J. D. Johnson. Fergus, Ont. CHILI\s, PULLETS )20020LET. PRODUCING EGGS (1N - dei• Ten Cents net' dozen for reed Cost trailed free on request. Order chicks and pullets now, Manor Fain, Clarkson, Ontario. ..,5 EltEE CRICKS o WITH EVERY 100 PULLETSor100 mixed Chicles ordered. 'we give 25 free chicks. Pullets $16.00 to 919.00 per 100; Mixed Chicks $8.00 to 910.00 per 100; Cockerels per 100 light broods, 9150heavy breeds. 54.00. lnunedlate delivery Goddard Chick t•7 a tic Il e r y. [Mumma la:onht Heights, Ont. RAE MIA' EOM .Pal ENT PA00101S IIV0ONS ANI) 61.4CBIN- ery, also rebuilt eftul omen! al- ways on Band- Toros nrrn eg10. Correspendenee Invited. Rubber(' Portnhle'Oven Co., 102 Dtrthn5sl �.I,. worms In 5DA1018 4'Olt 1..ALE FAR\IS. OP P.1 ER'C TYPE IN Druce end filer Counties from • 51500 to 58000. Otto Jobnnn, Owen Sound. Gorl'Is5 HAVE 1'UT1 -. GOITRE? "AISORBO" reduces.. For particulars write .7. A. Johnston Co„ 171 Icing 10., Toronto. __ HERBS WANTED $$$ o BUY 11 s, HRootsR Bn 1D5151)s. 0R- Dominion, Herb Distributors, 1125. :?gin, Montreal. _ __ HORSES 15025 SALE 1I19G.TSTERED CLYDESDALES FOR 8015, stallion Tieing three years, black, Wilhite logs std face, good Mover , enrolled Good proven brood mare, 7 years, in, foal, A. Archibald, Route 8,', St. Thornes, • Ontario. LEGAL J, N. LINDSAY, LAW OFFICE, CAP - Rol Theatre Building, St, Thoinas, Ontario. Special Department for farmers cullectlono. MEDICAL PRU1T JUICES -.THE PRINCIPAL Ingredients in Dixon's Remedy for Itheutmrtic Ikons, Neuritis, Sold only Munro's Drug Store, 835 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 91,00. POULTRY A-1 BABY 02501 C 20 S, BARRED Rock", White hocks, White Leg - horns, Brown Leghorns, Jersey Black Ciente, New Hampshire Rede. Write for new low prices. A. III, Switzer Hatchery, (=ranton, Ont. ARE YOU ON THE RIGHT TRACK. Your opportunity of profits ut the close of the Season depends on the Quality of chicks you select ut the beginning. Tweddle has a reputation all over Canada for producing High. Quality Govern - Merit Approved Chicks from blood - tested breeders, 10 Pure breeds. 8 Hybrid crosses to Choose from. Pour breeds of turkeys. Sjnrted Chicks. Older Pullets. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. :THERE A.1:E BRAY CHIC1(S ready for your ordering. Immed- iate shipment especially White Leghorn:, and Barred Rocks. Bar- gains heavy cockerels - don't overlook their ettsli Value this summer while waiting for pullets to catch . up. Started chicks, Pullets. Capons. Write for list, Bray Hatchery, 150 John, Hamil- ton, Out. .BABY CHICKS, GOVERNMENT AP - proved White T:eghot•ns and Barred Rocks, also sexed Pullets or Cockerels, Breeding since 1902. Send for price list: Wright Farm, Brockville, Ontario. PHOTO FINISHING TRY IMPERIAL, FOR FINE QUAL- Ity Photo. Finishing.. Any 0 or 8 Exposure film developed and pritd, with e. Cavern). processing by a pcerts who know hots assures satisfaction. Imperial Photo Service, Dept. A„ Station. J., Toronto. 01515111/ To LNVItNTOtts AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of Inventions and full infor- mation - sent free, The Ramsay .Co., Registered, Patent Attoneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. PERSONAL •DUPREE PILLS $1.50 DOUBLE S'rtil9NCTIa $8.00. Ladles- quick, reliable relief for delayed, ov GT. due, or painful periods. Wil- liam Crosby, Dept. WL, 201 On- tario ,Building, Toronto. nIatesor s ELIJAH COMING BEFORE CHRIST, wonderful book sent free, Megiddo Mlesion, 5L, Rochester, New York, num:❑ ATIC StFISEItEIIS WANTED - EVERT SUFFERER of Rheumatic pains or Neuritis to try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. SALESMEN \YAN'I'ED INCREASE YOUR INCOMI1 SELL - Jog 200 Famllex precincts; toilet articles, medicines, essences, spic- es, cleaners, etc. Each hone rep- resents a ouster -nen , Money refund- ed if products returned for failure. FAMILDX, 570 St. Clement, Mon- treal SEWING MACILINES AND REPAIRS SINGER -SEE REVERSE STITCH before buying. Send for catalogue, prices and terms. Repairs, Singer Sewing Machine Company, 22 Yolge St., Toronto, Ont. SEED POR SALT?e 950 BUSHELS .ER73AN SEED OATS. Sweepstakes LUnbton County, Seed Show. 98% Germination. Grade 1. 50c per bu, 900 Bushels O.A.C. No. 3 Seed Oats Early Ma- turing. Grade 1. 98% Germination- 50c per bu, All grainprepared by Monitor -power grain cleaner and Carter disc grader, Robt. Mac- Donald, Rrigden, Ontario.. NOIRTIi1ERN GROWN NO. 2 ALSIILE 18 cents pound, No, 2 Minture 90% Alsace balance timothy dutch clover, 10 cents pound. No. 3 Min - tare Alsike 90% balance dutch clover 18 cents pound. No. 2 Mhn- ture Alsike 60%, timothy 50%. 18 cents pound. No. 2 Thnothy, No. 1 Purity 9 cents pound, no primary noxious Weeds, 36c, pay" meritwith order-, 'Wm. A. now, Eaa'l ton..Ontario .. TOIIACCO POUR POUNDS BURLEY AND VTR - girlie Leaf for pipe 91.35. Live pounds Fragrant Virginia Leat Cigarette Tobacco 92,50 postpaid. Natural Lear Tobacco Co,, Leam- ington, Ontario. Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Used - New SPECIALIZINO 1N REBUILT MO- TORS, POWER -UNITS. 1,/ydroulie 17 of st a Winches, Generators, Starters, 8l agnetoy, tlarburetorn, Radiators. - tilxhhonge Service, Glass - Satasfnrt ion. • or refund. Ley Aute Paris, 1)ent..1. Toronto. ISSUE 13-'41