HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1941-03-20, Page 8Te• AGE 8 HOME-MADE SAUSAGE , . 15c, Ib. P. M. BACK 35c lb., CHOICE RIB RST. BF. 20c HONEY, 4 Ib. pail SCHNEIDER'S GUARANTEED. LARD • 20- ib. pail' DRY SALT PORK, -Baneless 45c 1490 20c lb. CONNELL. & TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Albert Street Phone 162. SOME OF THE REASONS WHY THE 1941 FRIG-` IDAIRE GIVES YOU EXTRA VALUE Large Super Freezer — Chromium Shelves — Utility Basket Automatic Interior Light — Automobile Type Hinges Humidity Control. Never before so many features in every Frigidiare regardless of size or lOrice.• - 1 Reconditioned Refrigator Sold with a guarantee SUTTER? PERDUE e• 11h•RDA'ARF, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS I'HON t 147w. CLjk13TON, ONT. losonee Buy Now and Save! MEN'S OVERCOATS—Why put off buying that coat until next year when you can buy coats at such a tremendous saving during this month? We have still a good assortment of styles and cloths and sizes from 34 to 44 and every coat priced to clear.. x SEE THE COATS'WE ARE OFFERING At 14.95 Other lines at lower price and a few a little higher. DON'T WAIT LONGER — BUY NOW Clearing lines from all Depts. ladies, Fur Trimmed Galoshes— All high class goods that sold to 2.75 -- Clearing at 1.08, WASH GOODS— We have still a lot of odd line: of (linghams etc. that are being cleared at about n_ price. See our offering at 15e -19e Silk and Wool Hose in Ladies sizes — Sold regularly to 1.25 • . .. , . .... CLEARING AT 49e .... .... .... ...... See the new Tip Top Samplee for Spring, hundreds of New Patterns and as yet no advance in price. 1stee1 Bros. Arrow Shirts — Adam Hats — Scott & Meliale Shoes for Men Agents Tip Top Tailors. ..+•e,.wa,...aa..ea.o.new-s.�-.r..n+.o..+.vs+.rd+rJ �.00MnPIW WITH LOTS OF SNOW THERE IS BOUND TO BE LOTS OF MAPLE SYRUP. GET READY FOR THE SYRUP SEASON BY HAVING YOUR PAN AND BUCKETS ON HAND WHEN THE SAP STARTS. TO RUN Have 2 Second -Hand HAND WASHERS at a Bargain.—See Thema, T. HARDWARE and kiltsPLUMBING I Phone. 244 Student Thought Missing Was At Waterdown Convent Unaware her reported disappear - once had caused police throughout and adopted. .The offering totalled the Province to conduct a wide 22c. It was decided that the next :secirch for her over the weekend, meeting would be held in the church !Mary Helen Glancy, 15-year-oldion March 29th, in order to be able to Guelph girl was at Notre Dame Cor- ! practice for the Easter Concert. Vent at Waterclpwn all day Sunday ! Hymn 590 ,`The Wise May Bring while thee hunt was in progress. Gee- f Their Learning was then sung fen 1ph police pressed the search when !lowed by Gocl Save The Ring. The the student was reported to have , meeting closed by repeating the ben - been missing since she left her home ediction, Afterwards spore of the here last Monday, and it was not . members went for a toboggan ride. until today they learned she had ee- tttrned to the convent Tuesday. Be- cause she missed connections with the ani So Glad" followed by the Lord's Prayer. The scripture was read by Maud Keys. and Mary McClymont lead in prayer. The minutes of the last meeting• were read by Doris Reid • THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURS., MARCH 20, 1941t REMEMBER 1TIS BIRTHDAY TOO Four Birthday: is an important day, its your life. It marks the conpletipn of another per,lod ot'time, filled with joy,- sorrow and eventful life. It is usually a day Pilled with happiness as it crowns another year of progres sive achievement„ and a day: 'filled with the glow of anticipation for the future. Usually this day is celebrated by_ thegntheing of the family and, in- terested friends., But this year many are serving their country in the. cause • of freedom and will be separated from their loved ones. What could be more, appropriate than a note of congratulations at such a time. To fill the needwe present a charming selection - of Birthday Cards specially worded to Dad, Ron, Brother or Friend. - Designed espec- ially to'cheer those .away from home in any branch of •: His Majesty's Service the, following verse is typical of the series: "This Birthday Greeting Card is ,meant Especially for yoti " - The wish I'm wishing hard is sent Straight from tiny heart to you, My Kindest thoughts are on their way, .To You the whole year through But an extra wish is sent today Especially for you. HAPPY BIRTHDAY" Here's The Fast Easy Way To Mend It • Transparent Durex CelluloseTame, seals with out water. This magic tape is fully transparent and seals tightly with a touch of the finger . no moistening, required. For mends ing books, window shades, maps, pictures, sheet music, toys,' valuable papers. For sealing packages, bulky envelopes, bags, -boxes, For holding labels to jars, photos in -- albums, skelf paper en place use Durex Mending Tape. 100 inches for 1.0e or 3 times the quanity, 300 inches on a handy dispenser Inc only 25c. MUSIC — What is sweeter than a home from which the sound of music issues, It tells of harmony, or peace, or innocent pleasure and content- ment. We have in stock the popular and most approved issues of the modern and latest productions and several follioe containing the old favorites. If we have not at hand what you want we will procure ,it for you as promptly as possible. Tile .W. D. Fair Go Often the Cheapest—Always the Beat IIULLETT TOWNSHIP Mr. Bill Holland and his sistes Eva Waterdown bus at Hamilton it was with Miss Phyliss Ball of Summer - believed she ]tad ,vanished when no hill, and Mr. Bob, McMillan of Sea notifieatinm,was received by her fain - :forth And Mr. Glen Gibson of Blyth ily.. She later, arrived at the Water- attended the Calks school at to And- zi;own school. • ' f )! erson farm home at Belgrave for three days last week:' ' VARNA' • Miss Phyliss Ba11 and .Mr. Bob Mc- Millen 'and. Glen' Gibson spent the weekend,' with .Mr, and Mrs. Noble Holland. Mr. and Mrs, William ' Rid and J'ean spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Keys. • • The March meetin ^ theMission ne of M s 1 nI SUN AiERIII L L RED gCROSS . Band was held at the home irf Leonia The Summehill" Red Cross group. Webster with 13 'members"pieneett.' :net at 'the hone of' Mit. ' Russell The meeting opened b r singing "I Neal; with tjoe President in the chair Aircraftsman Melvin Snyder of Tor- onto spent the weekend in town. Miss Evelyn Ball has returned hone after a short holiday in Toronto. Elwin Hunking of the R.G.A.F., Pie - ton, spent the weekend at his home in town. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Plumsteel of New Hamburg spent the weekend in town. eer. and Mrs. Ken. G. Waters and daughter Marilyn spent the week- end in Tosronta. Miss Irene Abbott and Miss Erma Pnsel sport the weekend at their hones in Hamilton. Miss Ella Mae Wilson of Hearst, Ontario, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Epps. Capt. H. C. Lawson of the Woodstock 1 Training Camp spent the weekend at his hone in town. Mr. J. B. Lobb was in London last week, attending the Ontario Temp -f eranee Federation Convention. Miss Helen Levis, nurse -in -training, at St. Themes Hospital spent the .weekend at her hone in town, Aircraftsman Ernest Mittel( of Tren- ton was the guest of his parents, Mr, and Idi's. E, Mitten last week- end. Miss W. E. Trewartha of Tor- onto spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N, W. Tre- wartha. Mrs. Howard Williams and daughter Ruth spent the weekend in St. Catharines, the guest of the form- er's sister, Mrs. Johnson. • Mr. Kenneth Carter and Miss Mack - yell of Chatham and Mr. Fergus Carter .of London •spent the week- end'with Mr. and Mrs. W. 3. Car- ter. " Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Liebold of Zur- ich spent the weekend with the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Leppington. Mr. E. S. Evans of St. Marys, Mr. George Evans of Toronto, Mrs. Ian McLeod of Brighton and Mise Car- ol Evans; Reg.N. accompanied by Miss Jean Weir, of Dunnville spent a happy £arily gathering with Dr. and Mrs. J, S. Evans over the weekend. the meeting opened with the ,singing of God Save the Ring followed by the Reel Cross Prayer. The Minutes of 'the last meeting .were read and adopted. Twenty-eight members an- swered the roll call. In the business part of the sheeting Mrs. Norman Ball repented $63.95 on hand. Mrs R. Sinith reported that the first quota had been sent consisting of 1 turtle neck sweater, 1 ribbed helmet, 2 pair two-way .mitts,. 1 seaman's scarf, 1 pair seamen's stockings. Mrs. A4idrew Shepherd donated, a guilt ton and Mrs. W. Merrill the •flannelette lining. Mrs. Snell moved a vote of thanks to Mrs. William Lovett for the quilt top finished and rafiflecl among the members. Pro- ceeds were Seven Dollars. During the afternoon a quilt was quilted, The next meeting will be held. at the home of s. Orval Rapson, the roll call to be answered by current events: Tea was served at the close of .the meeting, LETTUCE The supply of Lettuce will be limited Inc a time, until the next lot is ready, when we will again have a bountiful supply of crisp. fresh leaf lettuce. , A fresh shipment •of, gray-' and colorful cenej.ae'ias make charming gifts for your shut-in or sick friends. Your house plants need a Spring Tonle. Try 'Fertabs now available ' Prepared earth delivered to you 15ca,pail. CUT FLOWERS Roses, Carnations, Daffodile I1ds, Stock, Snap Dragon and Violets. F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del As. Personal care given every order and special attention given to funeral orders. Phones 176 and 31 Quality Meat Market HOMEMADE SAUSAGE Fresh ... 15c Ib. Hamburg Steak, 2 lbs. 35c RIB BEEF, to boil 18c lb. CHOICE RIB ROASTS beef 20e Ib. ROLLED VEAL ROASTS 25c lb. SPARE RIES, 16c lb. Duff's Lard, 20 lb. pail .... $1.90 .. Casings for sale. Custom Killing and Sausage Made at Reasonable Rates. Highest Prices Paid for Hides. BOSS FITZSIMONS PHONE 76 RILEY'S Where Quality Sells & Service Tells As we have Installed a New Licensed Candling Rooni in our Cellar and are taking in eggs as we did before we pay le a doz, more in Cash or Trade. SPECIALS FOR MAR. 20, 21, 22 LARGE PRUNES 2 lbs. 23c SMALL PRUNES 3 lbs. 0 -5c SUNKIST ,ORANGES 2 doz. , , , 31c SUNKIST ORANGES , . 29e -33c -39c CHOICE GRAPEFRUI:T 7 for . , 25c CANNED PEAS 3 for 25c GOLDEN 13A'TAM CO11N 2 for 19c GOLDEN NET SALMON l's 27c • GOLDEN NET SALI'ION !'z ... , 17e R[:D SALMON FISH ib. 15e FRESH HERRING doz. 35e WALKER'S SODA BISCUITS 2 lbs, 25e I''RESR PICNIC HAM lb. 18c RILEY'S GROCERY Free Snappy Delivery — PHONE 30 Superior Stores PHONE 111---CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR March. 20, 21, 22 ST. WILLIAMS ORANGE & GRAPEFRUIT, MARM. 2 lb. jai 21c RINSO large pkg. 22e MANNING'S SANDWICH BTS- CUITS, Ib. .-. 17e HABITANT PEA SOUP tin ...... .. 105 SALADA. TEA Large Label n/z Ib. 37c SALADA TEA, Yellow Label IA Ib. 39c COWAN'S COCOA Ib. tin . , . 25e CHICKEN RADDIE, tin 17c DAVIES CHEESE %z ib. 15e TOMATOES Ige. tins 2 far ... 25c BEEHIVE CORN SYRUP 5 lb. tin 43e AYLMER PORK & BEANS 15 oz. 4 for 25e JELLY POWDER, 1XL 5 for , . 25c ORANGES for juice doz. 19c GRAPEFRUIT, 7 for 25e OLD CARROTS, 6 qt. bskt. , 25c SPY APPLES Domestic 6 qt. bskt. 255 READ ,LETTUCE 2 for , ... , . 19c 1 111PPeliver T. � Free D111P SON y Bayfield Red Cross Society will present Three One -Act Plays and other -•program, in TOWN HALL, , BAYFIELD Friday Mar. 21 at 8.15 pm. Admission: Adults 25c Children 15c Door Prize, $1.00 in War Savings Stamps.' 31-2 Wanted 7 Maid to care for elderly' lady.V +=Wages, $35 per month, board andie jgroien included -at Bayfield, Ont -X 3 ario. Immediate answer by Tele -k gram, collect to. W. H. TIPPETT Billings, Montana, EBENEZER The W.A. of Ebenezer United Church met at the home of Mrs. W. .Riggin on Thursday of last week. Mrs, S. Hayden presided, and the meeting was opened by singing a hy- mn, and repeating the `Lords Prayer', in unison. The minutes of the pre- vious meeting were read and adopt- ed. The roll call was responded to by a Bible verse containing the word "faith". The Scripture reading was given by Mrs. Carman Tebbutt, after which Rev. H. Wilding led in prayer. Plans were made for a social to be held near the end of March. Rev, H. Wilding sang a solo, and a Bible contest was conducted by Mrs. C. Tebbutt. The meeting was closed by a hymn, followed by the Benediction. A quilt was quilted during the after- noon, and Iunch was served by the hostess and Mrs, John Tebbutt. On Friday evening, the Ebenezer Y.P.U. enjoyed a Pot -luck supper, which was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Harold Lobb. After a splendid supper, the evening was spent in contest and games, Certified Seed Potatoes The only potatoes that can legally be sold or advertised as seed potat- oes are potatoes that have been certified as seed potatoes by the Dominion Department of Agriculture (Destructive Insect and Pest Act, General Regulation No. 5). Official tags are'issued by the De- partment of Agriculture for the pot- atoes that are certified as seed. On these tags the word ((CERTIFIED $30.30. SHEARING'S for QUALITY MERCHANDISE at .NEW MODERATE PRICE BARGAINS FOR MARCH 20, - 21, 22ND PEAS, country kist, 3 tins 25c RED & WHITE ASSORTEDSTUART'S RASP. or STRAW., SOUPS tins 1 JAM 32 oz. jar ...... 3 25c 27c PRUNES, choice meaty 2 lbs. 1c YOUR CHOICE ...2 lbs. 27c, ullOCOLATE MALLOW BISCUITS; lb. 15c P. AND G. COWAN'S PERFECTION SOAP, 5, for 19c I. COCOA lb. tin 25c ,FLOUR, Hunt's Pastry, 24's bag 69c GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES New Texas Cabbage, ' Beets, Carrots, Radishes, Pineapple, Spinach, Celery, Lettuce, Turnips. TOMATOES. Choice Ripe, ib. 19c JUICY SWEET ORANGES doz.... 19e LARGE SEEDLESS Grapefruit 5 for ... 25c CHOICE CALIFORNIA LEMONS 5 for 9c CHOICE GOLDEN BANANAS 2 lbs: 17c C. M. SH FOR LOW PRICES ON PHONE 4 8 E;ARING. FOODS OF QUALITY — • CLINTON 510E'A POTATOES" are printed in bold letters. One of these tags must be attached to each container of seed potatoes. An ,official certification number is stamped on each tag. By this num- ber the Department of Agriculture knows, and will inform the buyer up - in request, the name and address of the grower who produced the seed potatoes. An advertisement for seed potat- oes must, to conform with the Des- tructive Insect and Pest Act, refer to certified seed potatoes. If it does not, the advertisement is illegal, and persons in any way responsible for the advertisement are liable to pros- ecution, RED SHIELD Weekly meeting of R.S,W.A. was held at the home of Mrs. N. Miller, at which 12 members and 5 visitors were present. Articles submitted: 4 pyjamas, 4 pr. socks. litenubers subscriptions amounted to $4.00. The R.S.W.A. acknowledges with thanks donations of $2 and 1 scarf, from Mrs. Trewartha. Next week the meeting • will be held at the hone of Mrs, J. Cools, Little England. Visitors cordially invited! Amount to (late of "Name Quilt" 414 2 One-ActPlays; •presented by CLINTON DRAMA GROUP Thurs. Mar. 20) 8.15 p.m. "THE MESSAGE" CHARACTERS - Sir James Laking -ton, Dr, D. C. Geddes • Inspector Hudson ., T. G. Scribins Richard Masson K. G. Elliott Al Girl Marion Milne Scene—Dining Room in Sir James Lakington's Flat. Time— Just before ten o'clock at night. Director, Miss W. I. Abbott "GOOD NIGHT PLEASE" Mericlith. Whitehouse,. Dr. J. Beatty Burton R. Hale - Lucy Whitehouse .... Mrs, Deeves Vivian Whitehouse, Isobel Colquhoun Mr. McWinkle, E. McLeod Basil J, Crich Cook .... . , . .. Mrs, CV. Cooke Scene— Meeidith Whitehouse's Bed- room, Time— Mid afternoon. Directorr. i4I G. H. Kendall Both plays by special arrangement with Samuel I?(rench, Canada Lt=i. Toronto, I'roem-tetion of Home -nursing Diplo- mas— Music between acts. .1613.1121.111.1., POMESTIC HoRirego 2 for 27c MAPLE LEAF MEATS FRESH PICNIC IIAM I per lb. 18c MINCED HAM per lb. <"' 29c RINDLESS SUGAR CURED BACON per lb. 35c BOLOGNA in piece per lb. 15c HEAD CHEESE in piece, lb. 15c COTTAGE ROLL smoked per lb. 30c COTTAGE ROLL not smoked per 1b. . 25c WEINERS per lb. 20c 'MACRON' and CHEESE LOAF • per lb. 25c SAUSAGE small size per lb...,..• 2O'c BACK BACON sliced per lb.... 45c CHUM DOG FOOD 3 tins 25c ,ikolUrff. Large with 2 lbs. 27c BREAKFAST ACON sliced per lb. 32c SMOKED FILLETS per lb, 19c FRESH FILLETS per lb. 18c FRESH SALMON ,STEAKS per lb. «•. 19c SMOKED HERRING per lb. .19c YORK PORK & BEANS 2 for 25c YORK SOUPS 2 for 25c YORK PUMPKIN 2 lig. tins 25c- DEVON 5c-DEVON MINCE MEAT 2 lb25c MAPLE LEAF CHEESE 1/5 lb. pkg. 17c. YORK SALMON, Fancy Sockeye 1 1b. size 45c 1/2 1b. size ..... 25c AERONOMY dispenser 25c 5for25c PHONE 40. THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY.