HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1941-03-20, Page 5:THURS., MARCII 20, 1941 In le thiPte)76), 'MONEY, no less than mets. and machines. is vitally needed to win this war. YOU can provide that money :. 'and save for your own future ... by investing in WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES regularly ... for' the duration. to to the branch of The Royal Bank Where you 'maintain your account.'Sign one of the special War Savings ''`Pledge" forms which will enable the bank to purchase War Savings Certificates for you every month automatically..' Once you have signed the form, the bank looks :after everything for yon... buys the certificates, pays for them out of your account ... arranges for ahem to be delivered to you direct from Ottawa. This is urgent. Do it to -day. Tts a sure way to save... and a practical way to strike your blow for freedom. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA CLINTON BRANCH • - E. E.'PATERSON, Manager THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Bayfield again for myself. I must say So long new and thanks again. Yours very 'truly; • . Corporal;' 'Peter johns. Mr, and M'i'x. Claude Robins and small daughter Claudia, of Detroit are visiting Mrs. W. J. McLeod for a few clays this week, Aircraftsman, Malcom McLeod o£ • Dunnville and 0. S. Bob McLeod of ;•.' London spent he weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Louis McLeod. ' , WEDDINGS IiAYTER—I;OBINSON A. charming wedding took place at the home of Mr..andt Mrs,Richard Robinson, Stanley Township, peas; Hensall, when their only daughter Ethel Norene, became the bride of Mr. Eimer J. Hayter, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. William Hayter, Stanley Township. Rev, J. R. Peters. officiated anti Miss Grace Andrew of Carlyle, Sask., played the wedding music. • Given rn marriage by her father, the bride looked lovely in a graceful Heerleingth gown of white taffeta and sky blue net trimmed with orange blossom's, Her long ap- pliqued net veil was • caught with her mother's bridal .wreath of orange blossoms' and she .carried a bouquet of shell pink 'carnations and fern. The bride was attended by Miss Alma Forsyth, Reg. N., of Toronto, wear- ing a floor -length gown of pink net over satin and carrying white carnat- ions. Mr. Harvey Hayter . was his brother's groomsman. Later a wed- ding dinner was servedto fifty guests. For the wedding trip the bride donned ,a gown of• rose crepe with white lace trim and smart coat of acadia blue. They will reside on the bridegroom's farm near Varna.. BIRTHS _ I AUBURN BAYFIELD Mrs.,,Ray O'Neil of Parkhill spent The • death oecurecl in Clinton Com- -Ate om- $beweekend with her parents Mr. munity Hospital on Thursday, Mar. 13 of Sarah Ann McEwen, daughter of the late Joseph McEWen and illness Eli- zabeth zabetit McCullough, after an r of three and a half week resulting from a fall who; site sustained a fractured hip The 'late Miss McEwen' or Jany as she was 'familiarly kno- wn, was born in Liverpool, England, on June 26, 1866, and was brought Mr. W. H. Sheppard manager of to this country as a baby, •The fam the Bank of Connnerce he>:•e and at ily first settled in Montreal, moving Dungannon incl Robb. Prest teller later to Goclericltc whore her girlhood were forced to remain in Dungannon was spent, came to reside M Bay • overnight on Monday due to the field fifty, years ago. Surviving are blocked condition of the road. three brothers, Joseph, Samuel and The monthly meeting of the Winn- Frederick of the village and a sister, ens Institute which was to have been Elizabeth (Mrs. Chas. Knuckey) of held en Tuesday was cancelled ow- Toronto. The funeral • service was ing to the storm, held on Sunday afternoon from her \V'M.S. late resilience and interment matte MBayfield• Cemetery. The service was The W.M.S. of. Knox Presbyterian. in charge of Rev. J. Graham. The church met at the home of !itis, Wes- pallbearer were: Messrs. Donald and ley Bradnock on Tuesday. Mrs. pallbearers were: Messrs. Donald Anil Bradnock had charge of the opening Russel Davison and Lindsay Smith, exercises. Mrs. J. J. Wilson led' in Mrs, Clayton Guest of Toronto is ecl during her recent bereavement in prayer. Mrs. James Weeds gave a visiting her sister, Mrs. M. Toms. the loss of a brother, For Sale reading. The topic "Mission•ary , Mr, and Mrs, E, A, Westlake left Two-story frame house on Jame Work" was given by Miss Isobel on Wednesday of last week to visit • CARD OF THANKS street with town lights and wane Scott, Miss Betty Craig favored with relatives in St, Thomas. . We wish to express our appi'iee- a solo The Bible Study was taken Mrs Ernest • Iletin of Farmington; 'ration for many acts of ]cinclness, ex- Apply at the News -Record office. 30- RMrs. john Cowan, Mrs. Pied ' Mich., is vis"" her parents, Mr. preslsions of sympathy, loaning, of Ross gave a teaditig The 'April - and Mrs. A. J. Ferguson. Gunner William. Thentpson of Camp Borden is spending fourteen days leave with his wife and parents Mr. and Mss. W. J. Thomson, Owing to the severe storm on Mon- day the two carload of scholars at tending Goderich Collegiate were for- • • ced to remain in'town overnight PAGE 5° CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C. V. Coke FLORIST Phones:, 66w and 661 REGISTERS ATIGN EGG -GRADING During the past few weeks we have re -constructed our premises to com- ply with the new Egg -Grading Reg- ulations,. We now have controlled temperature in both our 'Candling and• Egg Rooms; and the Government Egg Inspector recommended to the Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, a Certificate of 'Regulatin which we have recently received and our Reg- istered Number is 0-140. N. W. TREWARTHA Day Photie 214. Night Phune 328. Batkines Locker Storage Wishes to purchase a few head of good grasscattle. We also have room to take in a number of cattle to pas- ture. Inquire about our prices on quart- ers of Beef. Custom killing and sau- sage making, Buy Hides. The home of fresh fish There's no tastier dish The. home of fresh fruit The always suit The home of fresh meat It 'sure is a treat. "Frozen Foods are Better Foods." MURCH In Clinton Public Hospital on Sunsiay, March 16, 'to Mrs. and Mrs. \\'illiam Murch of Clinton, a -daughter. •- SAULT—In Chatham General Hosp- ital, ori Thurs. Marek 13th, and Mrs. W. H. Sault, (nee Joseph- ine Carter), a daughter. IN MEMORIAM COLCLOUGH-In loving memory of a dear father, Robert Colelough, who passed away- one year ago, March 16, •1940. it's just one 'year •since that sad clay, When "our dear dad was. called away; God took him home to a better place, But now we miss his loving face. —Ever remembered by sons and daughters. CA13D OF THANKS Miss Helena Pope wishes to ex- press her heartfelt thanks to her many friends for their acts of kind two choice young bronze gobblms. ;nes, expressions of sympathy and Phone or Write, E. C. Lawson, R;R. beautiful spiritual bouquets extend- No. 2, Clinton phone 001-23. 33-2 DANCE Sponsored by Junior Farmers. TOWN HALL, CLINTON Tues on March 25 Music by ROY McKENZIE'S ORCHESTRA ADMISSION: 25c &' 35c FOR SALE BOXY `THEATRE CLINTON NOW PLAYING: "Hot Steel" and "Cowboys Froin Texas" Mon., Tues., Wed. Double Feature A. Finn and a Russian become great friends at the Olympic Gam- es. They mesa as foes on the bat- tlefield, "SKI PATROL" - Philip Dorn and Luli Deste' Also—Leon Errdl and Dennis 0'- Iieefe in "POP ALWAYS PAYS" THURS.,, FRI. & SAT. ,Broderick Crawford and Johnny Downs, ' A gangster kidnaps a. composer to get his lyrics and then boosts his song to the top, "I • CAN'T GIVE YOU ANY- THING BUT LOVE" Coming: Don Ameche in `DOWN ARGENTINE WAY" Mats.: Sat. and Holidays at 3 p.m. CAPITAL THEATRE GOPERICH NOW: "The' Mark of Zorro" with' Tyrone Power. Mon., Tues.; Wed Two Features Kay Francis, Jack Oakie and George Bancroft present a stirring story by Louise May' Alcott • "LITTLE MEN" `Ronald Reagan and Lya Lys offer. a tale of spies and the G - Men "Murder in the Air" REGENT THEATRE SEAPORT"' NOW: "Man from Montreal" and "Pioneers of the West" MON., TUES. & WED. Anna Neagle, Roland Young and Helen Broderick A grand musical -comedy founded on hilarious marital entangle- ments, "NO, NO, NANETTE" THURS.; FRI. & SAT. THURS., FRI. & SAT. PAUL MUM and VIRGINIA FIELD heading a superlative cast in an epic picturization of the hard- ships and the courage of Canada's pioneers "HUDSONS BAY" Corning: Shirley Temple in `Young Coming: "I Can't Give You Any - People' thing but Love Baby." • .SPECIAL ICAKES SAT Delicious HOT -- - BUNS Fruity & Spiced 'Right CREAM PUFFS AND Oita:AAVb 1KULLS LEMON AND PUMPKIN PIES Silverwoods Butterscotch or 4. Chocolate Pies They are Swell Jamosway Electric Ltcubator, 300 egg capacity, complete with automa- tic egg -turning defice and thermon- eters. Used far 4 hatchings only of turkey eggs. Mechanically O.K. Cost $71.0D for 'sale at $35,00; also s 1.r. r g' ears, and beautiful floral tributes meeting will be the Easter Thank- and Mrs. Davtcl Dewar. Partners in Draying n the shun -I Mr, Harold Scotehmer of Toronto extended by friends and relatives Arthur Partners i -- lay Laycox offering and will be held i ch. Lunch was served by the hostess- ,spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs• during the recent death of our beloved Team and one horse work of Roberti Scotcbmer' mother,—Mr. and Mrs. Thos Lee, es, Mrs. HarveyMi McGee, .Mist Jos- I Mrs. -Lloyd Makins and Mrs. Per- kinds. No jobs are too big or 33 -to epheneOttoWeir, Miss Isobel Sooty. 1 Wanted small for us. One of Auburn's grand olcl ladies cy Weston returned home on Satur- dav after• Navin spent the :Past flour � Experienced gin'] for general Farm For Sale Or Rent Not Baked at Heine But "HO'MEMADE" FRUIT BREAD* —CRUSTY ROLLS BARTL1FF'S PBONI 1 WE DELIVER DANCE • with • CLAYTON STEEPER and his orchestra. at ..., KIPPEN Friday, Mar.21 ADMISSION 33e. C. Watson, Manager. HONEY DIPPED DO -NUTS HOT -}� BUNS 'Por Sale or Rent Good home on High street for sale or rent. Apply to Mrs. Harvey Cooper, Clinton, Ontario. 30-. Auction Sale Mr. E. Ward bas •instructed Mr. Gordon Grant, -to sell by Public Auction, at Varna, on Thursday, March 27th, at 1 o'clock, the house- hold effects of Elizabeth Ward. 31 - Homemade Candy and Ice Cream Wendorf's 'BAKERY PHCANDY — ONE 68 LUNCH 'BABY CHICKS S.C. White Leghorns and Barred Rocks Custom Hatching. YOUNG LEGHORN HENS DRESSED 15c a lb. E. L, MITTELL Phone 213 • Clinton For Sale House and lot with garage on Rat- tenbury street, town lights & water; also house and tiro lots on Huron street, 9 rooms, lights and water, also stable and henhouse. Apply to Miss Bertha Cantelon, Huron street, Clin- ton. .. 27tf For Sale 100 acre well watered pasture farm, three utiles cast . of Clinton, No. 8 Highway. Apply to Mrs. Charles Attention Farmers Glew, 287 King Street, London, Ont. We have soma specials in engine ario or Frank Glow, R.R. No.4, Clio - drive washers for this month only, ton, Ontario. Apply at Hawltin's Hardware. 31-2--a—For Sale For Salo One hundred acres, Lot 7 con,7 RAM Beatty Copper -tub washer: Hallen township, 11 mile from school $4.00 a month, store, church and county toad, brick cottage \with frame kitchen with far- naee, well at door. Barn 76X48, hay shed 30X60. driveshed 24X40, artes- ian well, silo 14X30., 12 acres of bush,. - For Sale Grimm Evaperator and pails 14X Frame residence on Princess street -in 20 Evaporator shed. priced to sell. good condition, with modern convert- Apply to William Britton R•R. No. 1 Clinton Phone 841r6. 31-2 Farm for Sale or Rent 100 acres, hydro 'in house ani! barn, 10 acres fall wheat in, 30 acres ploughed, good stables and house. 1 --$49.50, -terms, Also several used washer's ranging a rn price from $15.00 to $30:00. Apply o . at Hawlcin s Hardware. f. in the person of Mrs. John Ferguson g weeks in the Canadian West housework, Apply to ,Mrs. Ronald S0 acres good pasture !duel spt.rr • at her celebrated her Mollifiers of L.O,L No. 24 spent a MacDonald, after p.m.creek, lets o at her home.on Sunday March 15th. �their — farm Barn, orchard. App!... to Ill! 86th birthday we ft• 5 31-1 f shade, Brick Hous Many friencls called during the day pleasant social evening with Farm for Sale ;;;; to offer congratulations. wives and friends at the Lodge One hunched acres •of choice lain!, J• Cox, Clinton, Huron 'St. Quite a number from here attended Roo BURGESS'' STUDIO CLINTON Photographs of eDistinctio>r IRENE 9URGESS Phone 115. Developing and Printing MONUMENTS! To those contemplating build- ing a Monument Get my prices before buying. Cemetery Lettering a specialty. • All work guaranteed. JOHN GRANT CLINTON MARBLE & GRANITE WORKS - Clinton — Ontario Successor to Ball & Zapf 59 tf Wine Ro •POWSR TRANSFORMER 'GIVES NUM -FREE RECEPTION ROGERS 15/54031 TUBES TESTED FREE • TUBES & BATTERIES IN STOCK A. W. Groves, Princess St. PRINOESS ST. CLINTON Wanted We would like to purchase copse. of the old Huron County Atla (1870) and "In the Days of Th Canada Company, by the Misses Liz ars. If any of our readers have cop les of these publications, that thea would be willing to dispose of; pleas get in touch with the News -Record e, lenses and new furnace• Apply to J. c teen a s, i Apples for Sale S no 'al- apples for sale, phone en M. S ] h 1 Clinton. 30tf. -1i 11 the funeral of Mr. G. C. Treleaven at Dungannon on Friday. Members and officers of -the Morn- ing Star Lodge A.F. and A•M. attend- Rooms on Tuesday evening. There --- situated on No 8 highway between uizz Pro ram and gopd okl- ly was a I� g SeaEarth and Clinton. The buildingsA quantity of feet! bat e,. 1P fashioned spelling match and cards Clinton Ontario. 33-'1 were also enjoyed. Owing to the severity of the storm ed a meeting of the Lucknow lodge whieh raged on Monday evening the Thursday evening, 'conferring a cle- St, Patrick's Supper, which was to gree, have been held in St, Andrews Un- • A splendid crowd attended the Hot ited Church basement, had to- be can_ Supper, Bazaar and Sale of Home celled. . made baking held in the basement of Word was received Win, Hig- the Presbyterian church, Saturday gins on Saturday of. the death of itis evening. The tables were in charge sister Elizabeth •(Mr's. Andrew Weit')' The Canadian Red Crass has nettle of Mi's. Wm, Dobie ansi Norma Deer, which occurred at the home of her an excellent impression by the speed Mrs. J. Cowan and Mrs. Brachtock, daughter in 'Detroit after an illness with which it -meets any appeal, par - _______— Mrs, ' " —' Cooly aged 35 to 4_ r :Latvsbn several months. The , C•arm Stec AUC' CION SALE :Mrs. Goo, Dawson and 'Mrs, extending over ticttlarl since last.Septembei, there and Irii)lements, for doctor's home in suburb of Toronto; the Estates of Lite above ducessec, charge of . held in London on Mon y Of Partin Stock a c 1 are required to file the same with while the Bazaar was infuneral was • d has been an urgent demand for cloth- Blair; at Lot 23, Concession fifteen minutes to City capable must Weir. Tippet f the village Mr. John Bla , ante! Josephine W I J W d 1 1 plain toe] and capable of an- the undersigned. Solicitor' .for the IVIrs, Pred Ross pb c 4 R R. 2, God r rte• 20 00 per mmttll> sant Estates, Proceec 1 550 00telephone; $ consist of large bank barn, brick at Frank W. Andrews, phone 33w, house, new double garage, hydro through out well fenced never fail- SALE ing water supply. Immediate porn• IO 1 res Off Clinton 622-24, Frecl McClymont, Varna, 24tf• miles from town. 60 acres in grass • 'Wanted and hay. Apply to Walter Mair, 30tf. Small neem wanted for stowing ton. small quanity of furniture, pp POSTPONED AUCTION e - t Apply NOTICE 'I'O CREDITORS ClintonPost Of Farm Stock,. Etc. -Will be tele! on Clinton. 33^i- In the EstateTIC'I'O CRED Wigginton, icon, Geo. C. Nott, to Bert Glidden, ice. 33.4 of Monday, March Reg.. Hats mile east late of the Town of Clinton iu of Brucefiold. Reg.•'linights and John For .Sale the County of Huron, Married Watson, Props. Harold Jackson, A quantity of good Timotlry hay Woman, Red (TOSS Notes Attcticneer, 33-1 and some good alfalfa hay; also For Sale some little pigs. Apply to George No. n, 33-1 tnan Deceased And itt the Estate of 'Thomas 11. Wig - gluten, late of the Town. of Clin- ton in the 'County of Huron, Esquire, Deceased. . All persona having claims against Colclouglt R.R. 1\o. 1, Clinton. One good .Piano for sale. Apply ' at the Nuts -Record. 30-1 \Vturted n An„ day. MTS. o rte ' in' and. blankets for thonstuicis made et•ich Township, on )e good + on or before the Slat ds UDSDAY m faintly, da •.Field Seei'etaiy , blankets given in London alone num- T r Ijtirhain cow, 8 years old, to uniforms furnished, three n house- date the assets will be distributed a- • Majox 1 . Watson,\\ One Chauffeur and t t •� ntario Division -.the ec er an in u• •freshen .about • s ; es required. iron st• the parties entitled • . amounted to nearly T • is a sister, - homeless by air raids. Our Canadian ' o sw•ermg• +� APRIL Stli, at 1.,,0 sharp , of March, A.D. 1941, after which 'EPIC D of Red b 40 000 d are use in shelters May1 t 1 Durham no washing' t' t tlecl thereto, ���'� �' of the O Cross Society will speak at sin open all over the city, a tangible evidence cow, 10 years old, to `freshen about hard employed refers, ry, 26 .having regard only to thee• claims of Mr, James Hill and SOIL' J511- ofh arch in ' of the art that the people of- Canada Address, Mrs. Forbes, Godfrey, tl meeting o£ the Hayfield Psi.P P P Nov 1st 1 Massey -Harris' binder, d l Albert Avenue, Mimieo Toronto 14,1 -which notice 'shalt have been. given. Mr. and -Mrs. J. JL. Cornish.,,. I Ontario. M 111i Wm. 'D•twson o res i f 'L . Stratford spent the wceteiic' with 1 N1 Harris cultivator ' - ' ;the Town Hall,' Wednesday, March Have played in the alleviation of suf- er v 33-1 DATED at Clinton, this ].0th clay term f D k 20th g 1 NIassev % of tun, Out - day The following „cy H d M R' h i Dawson and Miss f lady. �• d sp.en un-' , Dawson.' he the Red d Poy, peter (roan , for -Ito doing their part declared "they were hay rake; 2 Bain wagons; 2 hay \\rages sax: per •month, board and. Robt• Dawso see here Bayfield Poy; Peter Joli7is, who I doing tlncir part in Genie •nd ft. cut; asset' • • •and the. maintenanee of morale _ Harris cutting boa; 1 Mas piano• � Mr. ant rs. n , o" on- March, A.D. 1941, • is a letter received' among the bombed civilians ... _ anis disc' 14 plates; 1 McCo�ran- Wanted • ,,F• FiNGLAND, R.C., Chu Maryr, is Aof the local Branch ' don. A London magazine referring t S � by the 'secretary of ash mower, 6 ft, cut; 1,NIcCornticlt LVIaict to care for elderly ,Mary Dawson of .Inwoo. th • day with :Mr ante! 1Virs; alio Solicitor for the said Estates. Canada Carries On, be sure•a telegram col vernmatat . ar rc ores oin 1' Imperial i tl Army: U'mpne• tions; 2 •Verity 21.tvalltutg plows, 1 'Immediate Answer by the Go There is a feeling of good will andi on •Tt Dear :Friends: titling' plow; '1 Portland cutter, with lest to W. H. Tippet; Billings, Mon - drown in the M rch Church allow' me even though it friendliness •for the Can d•iah ' Red 1with 334 clay reverting, March' 21: They•'are Please . I pole; 1, top buggy; tans, ' and - shafts; is 1 • ver Cross everywhere, in England. Wet of sleighs' 1 stock rating'- the racks; 1 wagon' box; harrows, ,4 sec- room included, at Hayfield, Ontario• t b iR serving m the mpe, . \V P g really worbh seeing; You .shouldn't mortise a bit late to than. you• y I louder., 1 so tnueh' for your most welcome parcel. had a great" deal of publicity . from box ,and rack; 1 set 2000-1b, scales; miss ilrein,. It seems such 'an age now since I the work that `was „undertaken' in 1 CClinton fanning mill; 1 scufflci; 1 Tine' Sluowei' duel Supper th a 'the I t I in ' • ten'. thoustutit . prrson'ers-of fork, car, iulleys. ri Wafter- last beard of and I find i Ipack g sugar kettle; 1 hay f 1 Red Cross s limo e8 on F w l rather" !tare! to visualize. I wonder ,,war par'cel's this year in Canada. We and rope; 1 set wire stretchers; 1 noon and `ore wig was very success 'if itt would be possible fm•"you to tell received scores of clippings from .11 set" horse chippers; 1, set work har- ftrl and those -who missed it were un -knew me over England- and Scotland, and, light double harness 1 the ,if any of the chaps I } g ness; 1 set g fo adnate. laudatory for editorials, . A lines 1 over here as I would lik'e to get in number of lar c a Y Mrs. A. Patersan and Mrs, A:I sing'1e harness; 1 'set doable, touch' with them very much.'' good deal of notice was taken of the setearly new; extra collars, etc.; 1 post- Lapf.spent' the w•eeltof in Tomato.. v vod-t presentation by the Oanadaan Recl T. Eaton "separator•, 7 iYl G 11 f St. Thomas Laurie my brother, is out in Rr i p tl B 't hole "auger; 1 • l d t his home here esxa with the R the 1 'ft e u o ri - as. to to Mr.. Y .A.F; • stow, I guess Cross of 120 ambulances spent ; o Wee sen a • i100 -1b. capacity; 1 churn, 1; 1 'there. isit Red. Cross, and of otter gifts sent � ` Ford etir, acitY; 3gDaisys robe; 2. horse Don't forget to bring in your junk it is pretty hot out Iag We had some pretty tough luck .in not `only to the British Red Cross, but aboard ens; A` quantity of hay incl oats; tow the Red moss, TTh tis' 220. last , . + ' ice and Bel •urn and passed over to otluer organizahions ` ]oohing, after chains; • whiffl¢ta•ces, shcvels and week the:man- co. Watson Thais, el ' Pta $ Sec- the country , so quickly it seemed,' refug'gees aril evacuees,. The result other articles.: Everything to be Major E. H. A. Wfield I very much like a Cook's Tour, even 1 is that people in. -Great Britain know' sold as proprietor is giving up far»s- retaity of the Red Cross will be here i what the people of ing. • • . we had some good times out a good deal of P , Terms cash. L • Mar. 2i, . at 8 p.m, toladdress the thengand' +and will .discussany ;there are aching to get another' Canada have,.dotte and are doing, this - .r T. GUNDRY Re ,SON, Local Society there is i fine; feeling, to Auctioneers. problems, and answer questions: whack at theta, ttaleeting will be celled at 8 d'dlodk. 1 Lets hope it's soon so• I can 'see country `�, s. For Rent Brick house 011 Princess street, all Modern conveniences; also cottage on Rattenbiuy street and once small house on Victoria street. Apply to E. Ward, Huron street. 30b Wanted Housemaid aged 35 to 40 for doctor's home in suburb of Tor- o a t ; fifteen minutes to City Limits; n p, must lie able to do plain cooking and be competent to answer telephone; $20.00 per month; uniforms furnish- ed; three in family; no washing; chauffeur and cook employed; refer- ences required; eAdd'ress, Mrs' Forbes Godfrey,' 26 Albert Avenue; Mimico, t 33-1 NOTICE 'tl',O CREDITORS In the Estate of William John Shad - dock, otherwise known as: William John Shaddiclt, late of the Town- . ship of Stanley in the County of Huron, Yeoman, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on or before the 22ru1 day of March, A.D. 1947, after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having 'regard only to the claims of which ' notice shall have- been given. DATED at. Clinton, this 3rd day, of 1Vlarch, A.D., 1941. - i F FINGLAND, K.C., Clinton Ont., Solicitor for the said Estate. 1 ' '`30-3 33 2 Toronto 14, Ontario, • A healthy, hungry, fast-growing chick eats only 2 pounds of Roe Vitafood Chick Starter in its first 6 weeks! Why take any chances with your 1941 chicks, when so little of this complete, farts -proven feed will ensure life and vigor? It's madefresh daily—is always fresh when you get it. Give yuur.baby.chicks Roe Vita - feed Chick - Starter, style- tested food which means so much ^to their fast growth, future health and egg -laying ability. See your •Roe Feeds dealer next time you're id town. Ask for the free 120e• booklet on raising chicks OE CHiCK , STARTER Sold by: CHARLESWORTH Clinton HAROLD BOGIE Auburn VITAMIZEO FOR, HEALTH ...FARM ` 6ryjC PROVEN FOR RESULTS 4