HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1941-03-20, Page 1Rhe d`Icws-Record Est. 1878 NO. 6032 -62ND YEAR With Which Incorporated The Clinton New Era � The New Era Est. 1867 CLINTON ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 200941 OSOur 1VI t Important Repah Work Is in making wrong watches right -particular- ly the higher grade watches. Watches that must be handled by someone who understands them -_ who knows how they are • made. We don't claim to know all about everything, but you can safely leave us any and every sort of watch repair work with a certainty .of securing competent workmanship. ° • W. H.. HELLYAR Jeweler and Optometrist Residence Phone 174j Highest Price Paid for Old Gold Blouses Dainty Sheers in lace trim or tailored Tucking. Sizes 14, every one ' exceptionally Value. White, to frilly with Fine 42, and Good $1.00 " elltng, " Ali Good ora absorbent Blue border, 1 Week Pure assorted 20 in. and only, Quality17 Linen Real 3 colored Union sturdy, SPECIAL- , - 3 yards for in. Tow- borders. bo Towelling, Red or 4d e Value for 6� yards for 51.00. •N9 FOR i B 5• a. QUALITY MERCHANDISE Juveniles Lose at Listowel goals Round b15 a Win in Rou d y Smarting' from the, 18-2' drubbing. they sustained in Clinton Monday might the Listowel Juvenile hockey team showed a complete reversal of form in the return game and turned back the highly rated locale by a 3-2 margin. The game last Wednesday night in Listowel was a closely fought battle froin start to finish with very little advantage on either side although. the Listowel Juvenileo. earned their, one goal margin•: It is difficult to understand' the fiasco in Clinton last Monday night after see- ing the Listowel boys turn in the type of game of which they are quite capable. They appeared to be every bit as good as their rivals. The ab- ility to get back fast eut off most of the Clinton breaks while Peach for Listowel made a few good saves. As the series was played on a goal - to -count basis the Clinton team took the round by a wide margin and with any luck at all should finish up well in the money. The. Clinton team are a well balanced lineup and are fin- ished around the net, and play a style of hockey that bespeaks good coach- ing. oach in . g Goal Summary First Period: no score; penalties, Listowel 2. Second Period. Listowel Jones, Wray; Clinton, Monteith. Third Period: Clinton, Monteith; Listowel, Wilson; Penalties, Clinton 2. Clinton: Goal Carter; defense Pearce, Colquhoun; centre Powell; wings, Monteith, McEwan, subs, Car ter, Bartiiff, Counter, Hanley Miller, Schoenhals. Listowel -Goal, Peach; defense, Jaques, Hamilton; centre, Beam; wings, Jones Wilson; subs, Weber, Robb, Forbes, Scott. Referees: May, Strathcona Horse, AMONG THE CJIURCHES ' St. Paul's Chinch Sunday, Mar. 23 Fourth Sunday in Lent. Day of National,Prayer in the British Empire.. 111 .a.m.' •subject "Faith in time of War", '7 p.m., A number of the officers and men of DAY OF NATIONAL THE DRAMA GROUP PRAYER R SUNDAY, MARCH 23RD His Majesty King Geor>pe VI has, asked that Sunday, March 231rd, should be a day of special prayer and intercession throughout the British Empire. Instructions have been sent the Middlesex and Huron Regiment out to all Militarry Units that they will attend Divine Service, • are to attend Divine Service on that Wed., 8 p.m, Lenton Service, day. Arrangements- have been made Preacher, Rev. R. M. Weekes, Rector of Blyth. Salvation Army 1 We have For Sale Genuine Leather Billfolds in attractive gift boxes • ' $1.50 $2.00 $2.50 New Gillette Teck Razor and 5 Blue Blades 49c Boxed Ronson Lighters neatly boxed $5.00 up Ronson Flints 10c Fuel 25c General Electric Radios Small portable models 8% in. by 4'/ in. by 5 in., high No areal or ground need- ed. $18.65 • Men's Solid Gold Initial or Emblem Rings set with black onyx $12.50 up. Bent Baby Spoons Excellent Quality 50c each: } In Nice Gift Boxes • Parker Active Service Pen and Pencil Sets in leather cases $5.00 and $8.50 Famous English Rolls Razor $6.95 Gillette Service Package 50 Blades ready for Mail- ing anywhere $2.50 Rolex Watches have held every timekeep- ing record since 1925. See the "Victory" and Sky rocket", priced from , $29.75 'A Complete Range of Clocks, made in Canada Many models to choose from $1.50 to '$5.75 Bent Baby Spoons in Community Plate $1.00 each Also 3 piece Child's Set, Knife, Fork and Spoon $3.00 Set. , Remember Watch Repair is a Job for Experts. Our Work Assures Your Satisfaction. NORM8 ,a. �i ` eller for Over Half a for Plner. Jery y $ Counsel s Century in Huron County. wrommonstameowriessanows Rath, Clinton. • JUVENILES SWAMP GALT Win By Score 15-1 Sunday 11 aj,m. `Righteousness", 7 p.m. "Achieving Spbritual Power". Tuesday, • 8 p.m. Prayer Service.. Wednesday,' 8 p.m.. Y:P. Craft. Cross. "Friday, 8 p.m. Y P Meeting.. The Clinton Juveniles will carry a fourteen -goal margin to Galt next Tuesdtiy night for.their second game of the goals -to -count series with the for as many as possible of the officers and men of the Middlesex and Huron Regiment, to attend St. Paul's church on Sunday evening at '7 o'clock, Ontario Street United Church ' 10.15 a.m. Religious Instruction Class. 11.• a.m. Sacrament of Lords Supper "The Betrayal". 2 p,m, Tur- ner's Church 'Worshipl2.30 p.m. Clin- ton Sunday .School. '7 p.m. Song Ser- vice, Redemptive Hymns (Triumphant Song Book). Topics ",Nothing but Leaves." Monday S• pint. Young Pec ies. PLAYS TO -NIGHT The second in the winter series to be presented' by the Clinton, Drama Group, will be given to -night in the Town Hall. The two one -act plays are "The Message" and "Goodnight Please", drama and comedy, that will provide suspense excitement and "laughter. The proceeds from the series will be devoted to Patriotie Purposes. LITTLE LOCALS Mr. Thomas Leppington has been laid• up with the flu for the last few weeks and still has to take things easy. Mr. E. Douglas and family have moved into the house iecently vacat- ed • oy J. E. Scott and family and Mr. and Mrs. P. Douglas have moved into the apartments vacated by Mr and Mrs. M. Jordan, who have moved. into Mrs. Mellveen's house on Victoria St. Mr. Milton Wiltsie, who purchased the house vacated by the Douglas families is making it into a duplex. William Cook Ernest Hove r a nd e Y Union; Social and Recreation Night; reported at the Recruiting Centre in Wednesday 8 p.m. Prayer of Inter- London last week and 'from there cession. • were sent to Manning Pool, Toronto. :Traffic off ler Frank Taylor is in Toronto attending a convention cif provincial officers. Frank expects soon to be driving his new service car provided by the department of highways. - Friday 7.30 p.m. Sunday School Special Night. Presbyterian Church Clinton, S.S. at 10, Worship at 11. Bayfield, S.S. at 2.30, Worship Service at 3. -The T.Q.B. Club to meet at manse, Monday evening , '7 to 8. - Bayfield Young People's at 8 o'clock, March 28th, at the church. Sermon Theme, "Seeing Through:" Clinton Mission The Clinton Mission held its regal- and resided cbtukn the bttsi • • Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs, Noble Holland an, - flounce the engagement of their eld- est daughter, Dorothy Jean Isabel, to Mr, H. Victor Heeley, eldest son of Mrs. Heeley and the late H. V. Heeley of Toronto. The marriage will take place in St. John's Anglican church West Toronto, on. April fifth. Past Masters' Night Past Masters of Clinton Lodge A.F. and A.111t. No. 84 were in charge of the degree work at the regular meet- ing last Friday evening. Worshipful Master F. Fingland opened the lodge ar missionary meeting, Wednesday, p g Hess at 3 pan. portion in which an important com- et AIR the War Services The Roll Call was responded to by Committee of Grand Lodge was read a verse of Scripture containng the and considered. The Worshipful words "I am" as used by Jesus. Master and officers of the lodge then The offering is to be forwarded- di- vacated their respective positions in root to Rev. Burton McCready, Mis- the lodge and the past masters car - THE HOME PAPER RETIRING ON PENSION i Collection On Saturday The Salvaging .Committee of the Clinton • War Services Association will make their second collection of papers, magazines, bottles, etc., Sat urday morning starting at nine o'- clock. Remember p p er to havethe a - tied and magazines securely t ed with. heavy twine. Fold the papers only once. Honored On Birthday Mrs. C. D. Garnsey, 2050 Athol street, Regina, Sask. entertained a few friends at a birthday annivers- ary party, Wednesday afternoon in honor of her mother, Mrs. J. B. Lindsay, Toronto, who has been vis- iting here for the last few months. The living room was tastefully dec- orated with carnations, daffodils and snap dragons. Mrs: A. M. Chalm- ers and Mrs. J. J. Hilton assisted the hostess in preforming the tea room honors. -Regina Leader Post. JAMES PERRY who for the past 'nineteen years has had the job of transporting the mails to and from all C.N.R. trains and Clinton postoffiee will be retired on pension by the department at the end of March. • Mr. Perry for nine years carried the 0o er's • thelate S. S. C under mailsp contract. For the past ten years he ha& the contract himself, and during the whole nineteen years he did: not miss a train connection. .Jimmie, as• he has always been addressed, had become a station platform familiar- ity. Short of stature and handicap- ped by a foot deformity he never- theless was a faithful and efficiept public servant and his successor en the job has a high nark set for him in quality service. Mr. Perry was given the option of retiring on pension a year ago, it is understood, but preferred to finish out his ten years at the mail trans - portion. He has well earned his retiring allowance and it is hoped he will be spared many years to enjoy • it. Degree Conferred At Mr. Perry never married and for the past ten years has had his own Preston i bachelor home on Albert street, north. On Saturday evening a number of Mr, Frank Layton, garage prop- sionary to the Gouge Nile East Af- reed in. Worshipful Brother A M. officers and members of Clintonrietor, has been awarded the contract. ries. Knight was acting ruling master • I,O.O.F. lodge went to Preston in succession to Mr, Petry. Rev. McCready left for Africa a- and those occupying the other offices !where a degree team from London Galt Juveniles as a result of their bout a year ago. People wondered were: J. iV. -Shaw, G. E. Hall, G. H. � why he left. a good paying position• Jeffiersen, ,E. E, Paterson, H. E. 1 15 to 1 victory over the visitors here last night lir the third round of the in this country to go to Africa, But Rorke, E. A. Fines, C. W. Draper, Juvenile "B" play-offs. The local since he has gone there, he writes, William MeEwen, H. H, MciLien, boys completely swamped the visitors and although they are a clean, hard - 'milting team they lack the finish for scoring. After the return game is played in Galt next Tuesday night a "I wonder why more people do 'net 11, A. Melntyro, T. G. Scribbins and leave good positions and obey the F, B. Pennebaker, command of Jesus." • The impressive manner in which The people of Africa are hungry the work of the third degree of Mas- to hear and receive the gospel. "Cast envy was eairiedi out was evtdenoe further account of the twogames thy bread upon the waters, and it that lessons once thoroughly learned I shall return to thee after many are never forgotten. Members of; will be Riven in next week's edition. Clinton goal -getters were McEwan, days." Britannia Lodge, Seaford", M ere pros -1 conferred degrees on Laurie Colquh-; our, of Clinton Lodge, who is enroll- ed at the Galt Aircraft School, and went to the neighboring town to re- ceive his degree. Preston lodge had, arranged for tate London degree teem visit and were pleased to have' visiting candidates received 'Reit- d:- giees along with those of theirrwu members and others from the lodge, one from Fergus and two from Ilrneeticld, Carlyle Cornish and Will - ' Burd •e. Monteith, Bartliff, Powell W. Carter Baptist Church cot, including Past Mestere, , SCt r ht, iatn g and Colquhoun. b ; Petrie and Scott. A social hour 1'11.;I . Galt -goal Wilkins: defense, Benny' The minister's sermon subject will lolled the lodge session. *'S'tiCCESSFUL TEA HELD BY W..1.. and Minim; centre, Wanklin; wings, be: "The Agony of Thirst" based on Hoover, Thomas; subs, Court, Turner,• Christ's 5th. saying from the er000, i Ao'viknitllral 'War SeI'vices' i The St.1°i'atr ick: s Day Tea and sale Dave.. DeNlere,Col, Co11(ns Clinton -goal Carter; defense, "T Thirst. ! Campaign For Huron i of Home Baking and Candy was held The weekly B.Y.U.P. meeting was i uhoun Pearce; centre, Powell, wings cancelled on Monday evening, orcin Saturday afternoon in. Wesley -Willis' County ; church Hall, by the Women's Assoc - q , Monteith, McEwan, - subs, Counter, to the severity of the storm. Lieut. ! Realizing that Canadian farm folic l s' ration. • Mrs, (Rev.) Lane and Mrs.! W. Garter, Hanley, Scheel**, Mil- Earle of the Salvation Army, will ad- are among the most patriotic of allIPaterson received the patrons. Mrs.' ler, Bartliff.ees, • dress the yotmg people at their noxi!people in the country, and recogniz-1 M. Corless was in charge of the Referees, Schmidt, Kitchener, hath meeting. i ing the fact that the present prices 'Rome -Baking booth, assisted by Nlrs, of Clinton. • Motor Accidents Occur During Storm . Passenger Bus and Two Other Cars in Collision Cars:driven by Mervyn P.attor of Stratford, proceeding west, and by Alfred Sturdy, Goderich, of Wood- stock Military Training School, pro- ceeding east, met head on at the brow of a hill four miles east of here Sun- day afternoon on the. Huron Road. Immediately after the crash a pass- enger bus, driven by Russel Fergus- on, Mitchell, following behind the Sturdy car, plowed into the two, cars. Thos. Laird, R.A.F. Port Albert, a passenger in the Patton .car, was thrown against the windshield and suffered serious head injuries. Both he and Patton were 'mocked uncon- scious by : the force of the first im- pact. Mrs. Mervyn. Patton received serious face injuries when thrown. forward by the impact. Of the seven passengers in the bus only one,. Miss M. Mallory, of 'Toronto, was injured. She received mouth and face abras ions. The west -hound car was thrown to the north side ditch and the east -bound machine to the op- posit; side when the , bus crashed them. The latter vehicle nosed into' the snowbanks and into the south side ditch. McKinley then reviewed the wont of Traffic Officer Frank Taylor of Miss M. Kim, a native worker in Korea and Miss McKinnon, mission- ary, with several ladies taking part. Mrs. Trewartha then reported for the C.G.I.T.' and Explorers and told of the, 'work they are doing. .Mrs. G. Jefferson reported` for the Mission A young peoples rally is.to be held of farm commodities, make "dollars" in the Auburn Baptist church, on ijust a trifle difficult to find to meet "Good Friday", April lith. The i all the demands of war -time, the Hui.- Clinton, urClinton, Auburn, Goderich and Wing -ion County Executive of the Canadian hath churches are to be represented. war Services Drive will inaugurate! Plan to attend and profit by a good a unique campaign when the national' session. The Ladies Aid will meet in the church on: Wednesday,' March 20th; at the usual hour, The theme word is "Love." WESLEY-WILLIS W.M.S. The Women's Missionary Society of Wesley -Willis church met Thurs- day afternoon at the home of Mrs. E. Paterson, High street. The presid- ent, Mrs, Chowen was in the chair and Mrs, Agnew at the piano. Thee meeting opened with hymn 488 fol- lowed, by the Lord's. Prayer in un- ison. The -secretary Mrs. A. T. Cooper read her report and in: the absence of Mrs. R.E. Manning, Mrs. P. Hearn read the treasurer's repoet. It was decided to Bold the Easter Thankoffering meeting . in connection with the regular . meeting in : April. After the•business part of the meet- ing Was over, Mrs. McKinley tool( charge of the study`period. Another hymn was sung, Mrs. Epps and Mrs. Addison read scriptures. Mrs. Hearn read a letter from Miss Ricker, a missionary in China. Miss Ricker was a fornner C.C.I. teacher. Mrs. campaign begins on. March. 24th, The campaign will be "money or produce. "For instance a farmer inay not have ready cash on him when the canvesser calls, but with the generosity of all farm -folk he'll be glad to give a pair of dressed chickens . . . 'a few dozen eggs a fresh pork ham . or whatever may be handy at the time. • A special Agricultural Committee has been set up headed by Agricult- ural Representative James 0. Shear- er, and adequate means of picking Up the produce and of marketing it will be arranged by the opening date of the drive. The campaign is bging well organ- ized„and every hone in the County of Huron will be canvased. There are plenty of banks in the County of Huron to take care of the cash col- lected, but the Agricultural Repres- entative, Jim Shearer, is scratching his head in perplexity at the thought of tons of produce rolling. However, he'll be ready for it . . . with plenty of Storage space. Clinton, was calledto investigate and Dr. Beattie, of Clinton, called to take charge of the injured'. Mrs. Sturdy and Aircraftsman Baird were taken to Clinton hospital where the latter was met by the air port ambulance. Miss Malloy continued on her way Band. Mrs. M. T. Corless react an after first aid treatment of her in- article on temperance, and Mrs.'Hearn juries. The bus was only slightly contributed a beautiful solo, "His eye 'damaged. The other two cars were m on the Sparrow" Hymu 348 and badly wrecked, prayer by. Mis. McKinley closed the The investigating officer reports meeting. A dainty lunch was then that visibility was almost 'nil.' served by the hostess. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE A. Seeley, Mrs E. Adams, Mrs. Hay- den, Mrs, Sperling, Mrs. Cree Cook, Mrs, Fitzsimmons and Mrs. A. T. to Clinton was made by car. Cooper. Mrs, G. Vanf erne and Mrs. W. Pickard were in charge cif' the Candy booth; Mrs. F. Fingland con- vened the tea room and had as her connnittee, Mrs, George Gould, Mrs. B, Laidlaw, Mrs. Addison, Mrs. W. A. Oakes, Mrs. Fred, Mrs. J. G. Chowen, Mrs. Ilewson, and Mrs. Jervis: Mrs, E. Saville convened the kitchen and was assisted by Mrs. A. Vodden, Mrs. W. Robinson and Mrs. A. Cantelon; Mrs. A. T. Cooper .de- corated the rooms very beautifully with daffoclibs and shamrocks and streamers sof green crepe paper. Mrs. Morgan Agnew rendered piano selec- tions' during the afternoon. In all this was a'grand success. ' top et ulslocateu Miss Jennie Mann, who had the misfortune to be thrown from a cutter last Thursday, was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital, London, where ehe was given treatment for a dislocated shoulder, She received -the injury near. her hone on the London Bead. and is now progressing favorably.. Fast Travel By Air Present day transportation des -el- opement was demonstrated in the quick arrival at' Clinton of Mrs. Ron- ald Graham of Red Lake, Ontario mining camp. Mrs, Graham, former- ly Miss Helen Manning, received word Saturday of the serious illness of her father, R. E. Manning, former town clerk treasurer. Site immed- iately took passage by plane to Win- nipeg and at that point was. delayed several hours waiting for safe: flying : weather conditions for a flight to Toronto, Mrs, Graham joined her brother Harold, at Toronto. The trip The Women's Institute will meet on Thursday March 27th, The motto will be given by Mrs. George Wheat- ley. The roll call, Questionaire. Subject "Canad0anization" will be given . by Mae.. W. Ross, District President. Mrs. Oster of Blythwill be present and will give anaddress on Agriculture and Canadian Indust- ries. Hostess for the clay are Mrs. W. McGinehey, convener, Mrs. G. Elliott, Mrs, R. 'Webster, Mrs. J. Livermore, Mrs. Lucas, 11Irs., I: Oriel" and Mrs. Lockart RED CROSS NOTES The weekly work meeting of the Clinton Red Gross Society will be held in the Council Chamber on Mon- day, March 24th, at two -thirty. The quilting and patching, which was de- layed last week en accotmt of the storm, will be continued so please come prepared to quilt or sew. During the meeting,, Miss Barbara Snell will deliver one of her nutrit- ion lectures. Shipments from the Sewing Room Hospital Supplies:, 14 pair of Ward Slippers. Refugee Supplies: 0 quil- ts; 2 child's nighties, 2 child's slips. Donations:.1 infant's land knitted bonnet, 3 infant's vests; from Mrs. Maltby. 1 quilt from the W,A. of St. Paul's Anglican church. 1 quilt from the W. A. of the Presbyterian church. 2 quilts from the Quilt Committee. 1 quilt top from Mrs. M. Aiken. The lining for this quilt was donated by Mrs. M. Wiltse. The quilting was done by the. W.M.S. of Ontario St. church. 1'quilt from Mrs. Helen Dal- rymple. CODERICH TOWNSHIP The S.S. No. 4 Unit of the Red Cross met at the home of Mrs, Car- man Tebbutt on Friday, March 14. The President, Mrs. W;n. Churchill, presided at this meeting. Plans were made for a social evening to be held at the home of Mr. herb. Jenkins, on Friday, April 4, NB's. A.-Hebdett donated -a- quilt, and also brought in a Red Cross quilt, which she had quilt- ed. Mrs. R. Thompson donated the top and lining for a quilt. The af- ternoon was spent in quilting. The meeting closed with the Lord's Prig: er in unison. Lunch was served 'by Mrs. C. Tebbutt and Mrs. S.. Falenrie The finished articles sent in for February were: 12 pr. socks, 1 turtle- neck sweater. 1 V-neck sweater, 3 pr. seaman soaks, 2 pr. two-way mitts, 1. scarf, 2 quilts. Mn. Thomas Scotcluner of the R.C,A.F., Toronto spent a few clays last week, with his parents, Mr. aud. Mrs. Will Scotehmer of the Bronson. Line, Pte. W. Duncalf of Camp Bolden.. visited with Mr. Harold Penhale one Friday last. Mrs. Archie Armstrong has return- ed hoarse from a visit with friends at Guelph. Mr. Calvin Watson of- St, Thomas visited with Mr. Harold Lenitale one day last week. STANLEY Mi. and Mrs, Stewart Baird of London, spent the weekend with his father, Mr. T. B. • Baird. Mrs. Bob. Varley and daughter, Barbara, of Hensall, spent a few days recently 'with the fornner's sister, Mrs, Norman Baird, I