HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1941-03-13, Page 5"THURS., MARCH 13, 1941 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD eve Canadian waters are not only, a prolific source of good food for our tables, bur contribute in im- portant measure to our export trade. Ir rakes a great army of workers—fishermen, canning hands, .executives—to catch and market the. "silver horde." No sporting pastime is this, but toil Buy WAR SAVINGS a' C RTIFICATES F.:rODESN, EXPERIENCED and business of great importance to the nation. •: The Bank of Montreal co-operates with the FISHERIES' industries by furnishing the special- ized types of banking services they need. It is the banking home of thousands of hardy fisher- men who have savings or chequing accounts. Serving Canadians and their industries in every section of the community, we invite you 10 discuss YOUR banking requirements with sts. F MONTREAL "A BANK WHERE SMALL ACCOUNTS ARE WELCOME" Clinton Branch: H. M. MONTEITH, Manager Londesborough (Sub -Agency): Open Monday and Thursday, 13AN1i1NG SERVICE AM. • the Outcome of zal Years' Successful Operation 1231' AEBIPENNWEIWESIWIESE UBURN was served by the hostess. BIRTHS Eugene Dobie of Ottawa, son f Miss Josephine Weir has returned home after visiting friends in Blen- beim and Landon. Quite a number .front hero attend- ed the funeral of Mr. Albert Gold- thorpe on Monday. Mrs, Willitim Coates of Flint Mich, is visiting M. and Mrs, Maitland. Allen. Mr. Frank Raithby was 'the first one in this district to start the maple syrup season, having tapped some trees on Monday, There was no school. in the contin- nation school on Monday due to the teacher Miss Sharpe being sick. Mr. and Mrs, Chas.. McNeill and Miss Mary Asquith of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Asquith. A Hot Supper, Bazaar. and Sale of Homemade Baking will be held in the basement of the Presbyterian Church on Saturday, March 15th. The monthly meeting d the Wom- en's Institute will be held in the For- ester's Hall on Tuesday-, March 18th, at 2.30 p.m. The subject, "Canadian Industries"- will be given by Mrs. A. J. Ferguson. Current events by Mrs. W. T. Robison. A demonstration on Icing a Cake will be given by Miss Josephine Weir. The hostesses Mrs. Fred Ross, Mrs, W. H. Sheppard, and Mrs, H. C. Wilson. Baptist Ladies' Aid 'Vers. William Haggarteopened her tone for the February meeting- of the Baptist Ladies. Aid. The pros- , !dent Mrs. Charles Howson presided and the Devotional Pernod was taken by Mrs. Frank Raithby, Mrs. John McKnight and Mrs. W. C. Robertson. Readings were given by Mrs, Thos. • Haggitt, 'Vitra. L. Irwin and Mrs. Earl Raithby. Mrs. W. C.''Robeetson: read a paper which had been prepar- ed' by Miss Margaret Small of Tor- ento. Mrs. Win. Haggitt and Mrs, Earl McKnight favored with a duet, 'Mrs. Glen Raithby. sang a solo, The topic was given by 1VIrs, John Raith- by. Mrs. Annie Walper closed the meeting with prayer. Lunch was then' served, • 'W.M.S. The WNL ..S. of Knox United church held their monthly meeting on Wed. nesday afternoon; with Mrs. Charles Straughan presiding. The scripture was .read by Mrs. R. V,. Munro. Pray- •ers Were 'Offered by Mrs. Straughan of Mr. and Mrs William Dobie of FERGUSON—In Sudbury, Ontario East Wawanosh, suffered painful in- on Thursday March 6th, to Mr and juries a few days ago. He was skiing: Mrs, Charles Ferguson, a • son, /when. he fell and broke his ankle in FERGUSON-In Kingston, Ontario two places. He was taken to the on Friday March 7th, to Mr. and hospital but it was some time before Mrs. John Ferguson, a son.W..A the doctors could set the injured McCON-In Scott Memorial Hos- member. Mr. Dobie will be in the pital Seaforth, on Wednesday, Mar - Hospital for some time. eh 6th, to Mr. and Mrs, Frank Mc - A dance•in aid of the British War Cowan, Brumfield, a son—Robert Victims Fund was held in the Fbr- Frank. FM - esters Hall on Friday evening, Arthur's orchestra of Winghan sup- plied the music. Miss Isobel Rollin- son and John Cowan won the lucky door prize, .while Charlie Beadle of Port Albert won the lucky balloon prize. A party was held in S.S. No. 16 School, East Wawanosh on Friday, evening. Music was supplied by Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McClinchey, Ned Thompson, Charles East and Mrs. tVnt. Haggitt. A. colleetion was tak- en up in aid of the Red Cross. DEATHS CLEARING AUCTION SALE CRAWFORD—In Clinton, on Sunday, of rano Stock and Implements March Oth, Daniel Crawford, in his •for Alex ,Parsons, at Lot 10, Con. 6, `13th year, Godericlt Township (4 miles from GARVEY—At the residence of her • Goderich), on FRIDAY MARCH 21 at 1.30 sharp 1 Good Brown Gelding, 1600 lbs. 6 yrs old; 1 Good Grey Gelding, 1600 lbs., 10 years old; 1 General Purpose Mare, 4 years old; 1 Brown Marc, a good worker, 13 years old; 2 Durham Cows, 4 years old, due in March; 2 Durham Cows, 4 and 6 years old„ due in April; 1 Durham Cow. 4 years old, due in May; 1 Durham Cow, 5 years' old, due in May; 1 Durham Heifer, One year has passed since that sad Ifresh, All are Durham. Grade -1 Dur.I day ham Heifer, rising 2 years; 1 Durham i Gal called the one - We, loved away; Steer, rising 2 years; 1 Durham Calf; The blow was great, the shock Bev, i 2 Durham Heifers, rising 1 year old; I ere, 2 Brood •Sows; 9 Chunks, about 100 We little thought the end was near, lbs. each; 1 Deering Binder, 7 ft.; 1 i Gocl took her Home, it was His will, But in our hearts she liveth still. Greatly missed by Husband and family. IN MEMORIAM HARRISON-•In' loving 'memory.c:f James Harrison, who passed away March.. 17, 1940. • Deep in the heart lies a' picture Of a loved one laid to rest, In memory's frame we shall keep it Because he was one of the best. --Sadly missed by wife and family. BEATTIE—In Clinton Public Hosp- ital, on Wednesday, March 12th, to Mr. and Mrs, . Geo. Beattie of town, a son. - CANTELON--In Clinton Public Hos pital, on Monday, March 10th, to Mr, and Mrs. 'Ralph Cantelon, of Stanley Township, a son. TURNER—In Clinton Pttblie Hosp- ital, on Tuesday, March 11th, to Mr, and Mrs, Ralph Turner of Hillsgreen, a daughter. son-in-law, Thomas Lee,, Maitland Concessoin, Gederich Township, Rachael Barr, wife of the late Dav- id Garvey. DIEHI—Suddenly, in Stanley town- ship on March 6th, Valentine M. Diehl' in his 75th year. IN MEMMORIAM ELLIOTT--In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Rosanna Mary Elliott Who passed away one year ago March 16th, 1940. Deering Mower; 1 Set 4 -see Harrows; 112 -drum Roller; 1 Steel Rake; 1 Mas- sey -Harris 11 -hoe Drill; 1 Quebec Sulkey Plow; 1 Good Farm Wagon; 1 Good Team Wagon, Box and. Shelv- ing; 1 helv-ing;'1 Hay Rack, 16 -ft.; 1 Cultivator; 1 Gravel Box; 1 Set Sloop Sleighs; Hay Fork, Car and Rope ; 3 Sets. of D•oubletrees; 2 Sets of 8 -horse Whif- fletrees; 1 Set of Rouble harness; 1 Pile of Posts and Braces; 1 Kit- chen Cupboard; 1 Good Cook Stove, with Reservoir; A Quanity of Hay; • Forks, Shovels, Chains and nuiner- and Mrs. Jas. R. Roberton, The chapter from the study, book was giv- en by Mrs. Moulden! and Mrs. Straug- han,. Miss Sadie Carter and Mrs, R. V. Munro favored with a duet. Mrs. R. Q. Wilson gave a reading and the Heralds were: Mrs. Earl Wightman Mrs-. Jas. Jackson and Mrs. Wnt. Anderson. Ladies Guild The Ladies Guild of St. Mark's. 'Church met at the home of Mea'. E. Phillips' on Wednesday with an at- tendance of 16. Mrs. Gordon Taylor 'presided, and prayers were led by Miss Laura Phillips. The scripture was read by Mrs. Thos. Haggitt', 'The roll call well answered by a -verse of scripture. It was decided to 'Purchase new hymn cards for the choir. Arrangements were discussed regarding a honternade baking sale and tea to be held at Easter. Mrs. Tho. Haggitt had charge of the program. Reading Mrs. Leabh- erland, duet with guitar' accompan- iment by Mrs. Chas Howson acid Mrs. R. J. Phillips. 'Mrs. R. M. Weekes 'gave an inspiring talk on "The Mee- ' sage of Lent." Rev, R. 54. Weekes 'riosed the' meeting. 'A dainty lunch ous other articles. Everything to For .Stile I be disposed of as proprietor is leav- A quantity of feed barley. Apply !rig thalami. m. ah at Frank W. Andrews, phone 33w. I TERMS—LASH 31-1 f ALEX PARSONS, R.R. 1, Gederich For =Sale 1 T, GUNDRY & SON, Auctioneers. Two litters of pigs, six weeks old. 31-1 Wilbur Welsh, 620r31 Clinton, R. R. No. 5, 31-1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Florence Wigginton! ;late of the .`town of Clinton in the • County of Iluren, Married Woman, Deceased And in the Estate of Thomas R. Wig- ginton, late ig-ginton,'late of the Town of Clin- ton in the County of Huron, Esquire, Deceased, All persons having claims against the Fhstates of the above deceased, are requited to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for tete said Estates, on or before the 31st day of March, A.D. 1941, after whist I date the assets will be distributed A- mongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to. the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, this 10th day of March, A.1). 1941. F. FINGLAND,'IC•C., Clinton, Ont- ario, Solicitor for the said Estates. 31-3 Auction Sale Mr. 'Il.• Ward has instructed Mr. Gordon Grant, to sell by Public Auction,, at Varna, on Thursday, March 27th, the household effects of Elizabeth Ward. 31-2 Wanted Experienced ,girl for general; housework. Apply to Mrs. Ronald MacDonald, after 5 pan. 31-1 For Sale' Qne hundred • acres, Lot 7 con.7 Hullett township, ' mile front school store, church and county road, brick cottage with frame kitchen with fur- nace, well at door. Barn 76X48, hay shed 30X60, driveshed 24X40, artes- ian well, silo 14X30., 12 acres of bush, Grimm Evaporator and! pails 14X 20" Evaporator shed. priced to sell., Apply to William Britton R.R. No. 1 Clinton Phone' 841r6. 31-2 PAGE'S' CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion, Co ire °Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and dal A G and •Poultry Market There Bas been a food 'demand 'for potiltry since the holiday season. We are in the market for good chickens and fat hens, at top market prices. This time of year is usually the Best market for your goose and cluck feathers. ' Good service in grading your eggs by experienced candle's. N. W. TREWARTHA' Day„ Phone 214. Night Phone 328. Batkin's Locker Storage Everything tastes better, Everything Cooks quicker, Everything pays for itself In your "Local Locker" We have the following fish on hand: Salmon, Salmon Trout, Salmon Millets,-' Whitefish, fresh and smoked filletts, herring and smelts, Had - doth, addock Pinnon haddie, Halibut. Goocl . prices on ,quarters of beef and halves of. pork. Custom killing and buying hides. "Frozen Foods are Better Foods." Attention Farmers .- We have some specials in: engine drive washers for this month only. Apply- at Hawkin's Hardware. 31.2 For Sale Rebuilt Beatty Copper -tub washer —$49.50,—terms, $4.00 a month: Also several used washers ranging in price from $15.00 to $30.00. Apply at Hawkin's Hardware. 31-2 ANC e. with CLAYTON STEEPER and his orchestra. KIPPE Fri an ar.1.4 ADMISSION 35c C. Watson, Manager. For Sale or Rent Good hone on High street for sale or rent. Apply to Mrs. Harvey Cooper, Clinton, Ontario. 30 - For Sale or Rent 100 acre well watered pasture farm, three miles east of Clinton, No, 8 Highway. Apply to Mrs. Charles Glew, 287 King Street, London, Ont- ario or Frank Glew, R.R. No.4, Clin- ton, Ontario. 30.2 AUCTION SALE Farm ,Tartu Stock and Implements. Harold Jackson, auctioneer, has re- ceived instructions to sell by public auction e11 THURSDAY, MARCH 20TH, on lot 25, con. 4 of Stanley township, five miles north west of Brucefielcl, at 12.30 p.m. HORSES: 1 brown mare, 10 years old in foal; 1 Clyde gelding, 10 years old; 1 aged horse; 1 Clyde filly ris- ing 3 years 1 year old colt. CATTLE: Durham cattle; 1 cow, 7 years old due May 12, 1 cow, 6 yrs. old due May 5; 1 cow, 6 years old due May 9 th; 1 cow, 3 years old due Nay, 1; 1 heifer clue middle of Aug.; 3 young grass cows; 1 Durham bull rising 2 yrs.; 6 Durham year alis; 8 fall calves. PIGS: 1 York sow bred 6 whs.; 8 chunks, 100 lbs. POULTRY: 85 rock hens; 4 ducks. IMPLEMENTS: 1 cicering binder 6 ft.; 1 M.H. mower 5 ft; 1 M.H. bean scitffler and puller; 1 M.H. drill with fertilator; 1.M.H. hay loader 1 M.H. manure spreader; 1 Cockshut riding plow; 1 walking plow; 1 'In- ternational spring tooth cultivator; 14 section harrows; turnip drill, fan- ning mill; delaval, cream seperator root pulper; 2 buggies; 1 'cutter; truck wagon, (new);:hay rack; grav- el box; set of sleighs with flat rack; 3 H.P. gas engine; circular saw; 2 MOSS- cut saws (new); 4 cement pig troughs, wire strechers; hay car, for steel track; rope; slings etc.; 70 sap pails; sap pan; 1 colony house 10 by '14 (new); brooder stove; fire eating- inisherse 1 set of breeching harness; 1 back band; single harness; 6 collars clntrn; Bile of hemlock lumber; scantling; 10 tons Timothy hay; 1934 dodge' car, coach; forks; • shovels; ohains and etc. Other articles too numerous to retention. At the same time and -place there will be offered for sale the farm, late it containing 123 acres more or less, being the west halves .of lots 25, 26. con. 4 and .northerly part of lot 26, con, 5 in the township of Stanley. Subject to reserve bid and other condi ions of sale. Terms on. Chattels -Cash Estate of the late William Shaddock. Harold. Jackson, Auctioneer. Wanted Old horses and cattle for mink feed If dead phone at onee. Will pay ac- cording to value. Elmer Trick, phone 907r5, or Lloyd Batkin 619r14. 45tf a -o -w ROXY THEATRE CLINTON NOW PLAYING: "The Man From. Molltreal'''and "Saps at Sea" MON., 'TUES. & WED. .Shirley Temple, Tack Oakie and. Charlotte Greenwood' A gay musical comedy in which a vaudeville troupe learn how to • farm successfully "YOUNG PEOPLE" THURS., FRI. & SAT. Richard Arlen and Andy Devine in a thrilling melodrama in which the discoverers of a new formula for finer steel, lure the man who stole their sample bar, into 'a police trap. "HOT STEEL" Also- The Three Mesquiteers -in "Cowboys From Texas" CAPITAL THEATRE G,ODERICH NOW: 'I Can't Give You Anything but Love Baby" and "Hot Steel." Mon., Tues,, Wed. -Double Feature Nancy Kelly, Roland Young and Hugh Herbert A. black sheep turns out to be all wool George Brent and Virginia. Bruce co-starred in a drama of the crim- inal courts k't IVA'1'I AI1i'A1ICS'' THURS., FRI. & SAT. Tyrone Power, Linda Darnell and Basil Rathbone California's dashing Don lives a- gain in a superlative picture • "The Mark of Zorro" Coming, "Pop Always' Pays" and. "Seri Patrol" •Coming: Kay Francis in Little. Mats-: Sat. and Holidays at 3 p.m.Men" with "Murder in. the Air" SAT. SPECIAL Delicious HOT BUNS Fruity & Spiced Right • CREAM PTJFFS. AND Ul$LAIA; 1cIJ14+S LEMON AND PUMPKIN PIES Silyverwoods Butterscotch or - Chocolate Pies They ate Swell BARTLIFF'S PHONE 1 ' WE DELIVER Mr.=Morley Jordan WISHES TO THANK those who have patronized him so, faithfully, while he was in business and hopes his .lornter patrons will patronize his successor, Mr. W. L. Johnson, bX We are again contracting Barley for the Canada Malting Company aad Seed Provided If interested get in touch with US soon. Geo. T. Middle & Sons HENSALL, ONTARIO , • 30-2 Wanted A piano, suitable for use in a school. Apply to William Hamilton, secretary, S.S, No 11, Hullett. Ad- dress, Lonclesboro, Telephone 27-6 Blyth Central. 31-1 House for Sale or Rent Comfortable seven room frame house modern conveniences, fruit trees, garden and barn. Apply to Miss Edith Bunt or phone 293. 30 4. For Sale Frame residence on Princess street in good condition, with modern conven- iences and new furnace. Apply tp M. J. Sehoenhals, Clinton. 30t1, Brick . House for Rent Erick house on Princess street, all modern conveniences; also cottage on llattenbury street. Apply to E, Ward, Huron street. 09tf Apples for Sale Sprayed apples for sale, phone Clinton 622-24, Fred McGlymont, Varna. 2411. AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock. etc. On the Mill Rotted, Tuekersmith, half a mile cast of Brucetield, on Tuesday, March 18, at 1 p.tn.t • t Horses -1 black general purpose Mare, 8- years old, to foal May 24th; 2 black general purpose colts broken, rising 2 and 3 years; 1 bay team geldings. Cattle -1 Hereford cow to freshen June lst; 1 Hereford heifer, 2 years old, freshened, 6 weeks; 1 Durham cow, 3 years old, to freshen June 9; 1 Durham cow, 6 years old, to freshen May 26; 1 Durham cow, 4 years old, to freshen June 4th; I Durham cow 4 years old, to freshen May 26th; 1 Holstein cow, 7 years old, to freshen June 24111; 1 'black cow 5 years old, to freshen April 3rd; 1 Durham. cow, 1 years old, fresh; 1 purebred Short- horn bull, 1 year old; 3 yearling cattle; 4 calves, 8 months old; 1 calf., Pigs -1 brood sow; (York); , 9' chunks. Quality of mixed hay. Sudan grass seed 200 bu. oats. 2 chicken shelters. Terms, strictly cash.. Reg. Knights and ' John Watson, Proprietors. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 30-2., REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTII NOW: Tyrone Power as "B.RIGHAM YOUNG MON., TUES. & WED. Ginger Rogers •and Dennis Morgan - Acclaimed everywhere as one • of the screen's most human and en- tertaining attractions. "DITTY FOYLE" Richard 'Men, Andy Devine and Kay Sutton ' 'The Man from Montreal' THURS., FRI. & SA7,', in a. tale .of the Northwest Mount. ed . "Pioneers of the West" 015e=1'he '1'nree. lvlesqumeers Coning: Anna Neagle in "NO NO NANETTE" CAKES Note Baked at Howie But "HOMEIVIADE FRUIT BREAD -CRUSTY ROLLS HONEY DIPPED DO -NUTS: HOT -0- BUNS Homemade Candy and Ice Cream Wendorf's BAKERY — CANDY — LUNCH PHONE 68 BABY CHICKS - S.C. White Leghorns and Barred Rocks Custom Hatching. YOUNG LEGHORN HENS DRESSED 15c alb. E. L. MITTELL Phone 213 Clinton Por Sal: House and lot with garage on Rat- tenbury street, town lights & water; also house and two lots on Huron street, 9 rooms, lights and water, also stable and henhouse. Apply to Miss Bertha Cantelon, Huronstreet, Clin- ton. 2 711 Farm for Sale or Rent 100 acres, hydro in house and barn, 10 acres fall wheat in. 30 acres ploughed, good stables and house, 11/ miles from town. 60 acres in grass and hay. Apply to Walter Mali', Clin- ton. 30tf, AUCTION SALE of Antique Furniture and Dishes, etc. at the store on Albert street, north, Clinton, on FRIDAY MARCH 14Th at 1 o'clock sharp, also MACHINERY: circular saw, turning lathe, small shaper, emery, foot mor - tiger, also Yr H.P. motor, bench and tools. RICHARD TASKER, Proprietor. ..HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. • AUCTION SALE Farm Implements and Household Effects. On the Babylon Line, 114 miles west of Varna, and 2 miles south of Bayfield Road, on Saturday, March 15th, at 1 o'clock: 3 beds, springs and mattresses; cl.ina cabinet; 2 dressers; 2 wash stands, couch, day bed, 2 dining room tables, clock, 10 kitchen chairs; 1 organ; 1 cook stove; 1 heater; 3 rocking chairs; Raymond sewing ma- chine; 2 small tables; lamps; dishes, and kitchen utensils. Implements --1 coal oil stove, Per - lotion; 1 Coleman lantern; sap pan, pails,`12 doz. spiles; 1 Deming binder, 6 ft. cut; 1 Deering mower; 1 spring tooth cultivator; 1 sulky rake; 1 M.H. Tiding plow; 2 walking plows, 1 set diamond' halcrowr 1 steel roller, 1 fanning mill, 1, light wagon, 1 set.,ol double harness, Delaval cream sep- arator, 1 corn planter, 1 wagon, 2 hay rack sills, 1 cultivator, 1 M. H. corn scuffler and bean puller; 6 loads of clover hay, some straw; 10 cords split wood; number of cedar posts; 2000 lbs. scales. Terms cash. Robert Elliott, Proprietor. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 36-2. NOTICE} 'PO CREDITORS In the Estate of William John Shad - dock, otherwise ieener as William John Shaddiek, late of the Town, ship of Stanley in the County of Huron, Yeoman, Deceased. All person's having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on or before' the 22nd day of March, A.D. 1941, after which date the assets will be distributedamongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, this 3rd day of March, A.D, 1941. F. FINGLAND, K.C., Clinton Ont., Solicitor for the said Estate., • etre!., it I :_ ie 80-3 BURGESS' STUDIO CLINTON Photographs of Distinction IRENE BURGESS Phone, 116. Developing and Printing MONUMENTS! To those contemplating build- ing a Monument . . Get my prices before buying. Cemetery Lettering a specialty. All work guaranteed. JOHN. GRANT CLINTON MARBLE & GRANITE• WORKS Clinton — Ontario Successor to Ball & Zapfe 69 tf �g� 4 p H rNvic WAVE 19a KIM 4,5. D fraar� crOG0 \ \ *POWER TRANSFORMER "GIVES HUFLFREE RECEPTION ROGERS 15/54Ax TUBES TESTED FREE TUBES & BATTERIES IN STOCK. A. W. Groves, Princess St. PRINCESS ST, CLINTON,, IF BACKACHES are slowing you up, take RUMACAPS, . Pains and aches are relieved after the first dose. Hovey's Drug Store. To Rent Six -room duplex with all modern conveniences on Victoria street, Pos- session the first of the month. Apply to Chas. Brown. Phone 341W. Wanted Experienced cook general for fam- ily of two. Apply to Mrs. Ramsay, 1197 Ridout street, South, London, Ontario. 28-3' tee ET YOUR CHICKS s Give your 1941 chicks a "head start!'' .Feed them Roe Vitafood Chick Starter. You'll bemighty proud as you see their sturdy, even growth, their smooth feathering, and strong bone structure --your chicks will be bubbling over with health and vigour and that means extra egg -dollars this fall. Vitafood is made and shipped fresh daily. Your own chicks will like it better --and its high vita- min contest will `give :them a "head start" and maintain health and vitality. CHICK `' STARTER Sold by: CHARLESWORTH Clinton HAROLD BOGIE Auburn 'VETA'MIYED: 011 HEALTH...FARM • PROVEN FOR'. RESULTS