HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1941-03-06, Page 5THURS., MARCH 6, 1941 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Zn, CANADIAN RTIF1ED SEED �0OD seed is the first requirement for an excellent crop ; . because only good seed wi11 grow vigorous and productive plants. Canadian Certified Seed Potatoes are good seed potatoes. By planting them, higher -quality, cleaner, • smoother, more uniform potatoes than those grown from ordinary seed stock will be produced.. So, this season, to harvest finer potatoes and more of them, plant Canadian Certified Seed. Be sure to select the variety most suitable for your locality. Ask the ]Sistrict Government Inspector, Plant Protection Division, for full information and list of nearest distri- butors. INSPECTOR FOR ONTARIO Diatsict Inspector, seed Potato Certification. c/o horticultural Department, Ontario Agri. cultural College, Guelph, Ont. Marketing Service DOMINION DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, OTTAWA Honourable Jaynes G. Gardiner, Minister. tso Look for this certtEcatfdn tag on the bag or container —the only sway of being sure of getting Canadian Cent. fled Seed Potatoce. Examine it carefully, AUBURN Mrs. •W. H. Sheppard spent the 'weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas 'Campbell of Toronto. Mrs. F. Ross visited over the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hart, of • Toronto, • Mre. Jahn Yungblut is visiting •son, Mr. Peaty Yungblut and Mrs. 'Yungblut of Ookland. Mrs. James Carter is visiting Mr. and Mrs, Nelson HiII, of Goderieh. Mr, and Mies. Ezekiel Phillips 'quietly celebpated their 46th wed- ing anniversary on Thursday. . Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Muteh of Clinton visited friends here on Sunday. The public school has been closed '.for a few days as the teacher, Miss Edith Beacom has been ill with Ger- man measles. Mrs. Edgar Lawson and Bernice and Miss Sadie Carter spent Sat- urday at Stratford. We are sorry to report that Jacob Wagner suffered a slight stroke re eeatly. We wish him a speedy re- eoverey. Mrs, Jeremiah Taylor is confined to her house with a rather similar ail- ment. The sympathy of this community • goes out to Mrs. C. E. Erratt and Mrs. Joseph Washington in the death of their sister, Miss Mary Jenkins who died Friday at the home of her brother, Ed. Jenkins, of Ottawa. • Mr. and Mrs. Ray O'Neil of Park- hill arkdrill spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ferguson. Miss Josephine; Weir is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kitchen of Blen- ltehn. Mrs, 3. C. Stoltz spent the week - ',end with Mr. and Mrs, Eldon Stoltz .of Toronto. • A very entertaining. play "Windy Willows" was presented in the For ester'.s hall, Friday night by tete Kin - burn, (Constance) Young People. It was put on under the auspices of the local Red Cross. The door receipts were $31. Dr. B. C: Weir *as chair- man for the evening. Between acts, solos were rendered by Mr. Harvey McGee and Miss Josephine Weir and Mrs, H. C. Wilson gave a reading. At the conclusion of the play, the 'ticket on a beautiful mat hooked by Mrs. Bertha Wyatt and donated to the Red Cross, was dawn by little Betty Sturdy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sturdy. The winner of the mat was arils. Gladys Rivett, of Dungannon. The sutra of $38.15 was realized from the sale of tickets on 'the mat. The World's Day of Prayer was held in the Baptist church, Friday afternoon with about 50 present. Mrs, Earl Raithby was in charge of the meeting. Prayers were offered ,by Mrs. H.' C. Wilson, Mrs. W. T. Rob- ison, Mrs, R. J. Phillips, Mrs. Thom- -as Johnston, Mrs. Wesley Bradnock, Mrs. W. H. Sheppard,: Mrs. Annie Walper, Mrs. W. 0. Robertson, Mrs. 'Chas, Strengthen, and. Laura Phillips. Scripture portions were read by Mrs. John Iiouston and Mrs. Chas, Asquith. ,Solos were rendered by Miss Joseph- ine Weir and Mrs. Gordon Taylor. Mrs. Stanley Johnston gave the topic on "The.: Fellowship. of Prayer". Duets were' sung by Mrs. C. A. .Howson and Mrs. Glenn Raithby and Mrs. rted Plaetzer and Miss Sadie Carter, TU1CKERSMJTh The Tuekersinith Ladles' Club will meet on Wednesday, March 12, at the -home of Mrs. Norris Sellery., The roll call will be answered by 'the name of a place you would like -oto •visit and why?" • International S. Lesson March 9th Lesson: Lulce 20:9-20. G.T. Matt 5:11 by REV. GORD,ON PEDDIE, B,A. 1. To whom is Christ speaking in this parable? Answer: In general He is speaking to all the people (v9); but in part- icular He is directing His words to the chief priests and elders and serib- es(v19 and Matt 21:23), 2. In the parable who are meant by: the lord of the vineyard, the vine- yard itself, the husbandmen, the ser - vents, and the son? Answer: The lord of the vineyard is God; the vineyard is His Church, in the Old Testament, Israel; the husbandmen are the Priests and rul- ers of Israel; the servants ere the prophets whom God sent to demand fruits of the priests, not merely re- ligious works and worship of the hands; the son and heir is Jesus IChrist who is the Head of the Church and is appointed to rule over it. 3. What is signified by the giving of the vineyard to others? (v 16) Answer: The going out of the Gos- pel from the Jews who reject'Christ to the Gentile world (Romans 11:11). 4. What is the meaning of verse 17? Answer: Out of the very Scriptures in which they themselves professed to trust, Christ, shows how He must be rejected, and yet remain the very i Head of the vineyard, the Head of the Church and thus the chief priests and scribes stand condemned If or their base ingratitude and unbe- lief by -their own.. Scriptures. 5. What are we to understand by verse 18? Answer: The stone, which is Christ, brings the ratan who faills on Him in- to the position of utter humility, of "a broken spirit and a contrite heart" .Ps 51:17); but upon whomsoever Christ falls in their wilful unbelief— as upon these scribes and priests, the "husbandmen" of the parable -they shall be utterly destroyed. '(Refer back to Luke 19:43,44; Luke 18:14; Luke 16:23; Luke 14:24 etc.) VARN r -i Mr. and bit's. Lloyd Keys, Clayton and Keith visited Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Connell on Friday evening. Mr.. and Mrs. Ben Keys, Harvey and Gordon visited Saturday even- ing with the former' -s brother, Mr. Amos Keys and family. Mr. William Cable of Windsor spent the week -end with M1-. anti Mrs. Wm, Reid. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Beattie vis- itecl on'Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Keys • and fancily, I Mr. Roy Keys spent Sundayat the home of Mr. and Mrs. William ' Reid. ' Church services from now on will be held at 10 . a.m. and Sunday School at 11 a.tn; in the United ' Church. I Mr. Harold Rathwell of •Windsor spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Rathwell. Miss. Jean Reid, nurse -in -training at Clinton Hospital, spent a' few days last week with, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Reid. In spite of the badroads and cold ` weather there was,, a good at- tendance at the World's Day ` of Prayer which was held in the Angli- can Church. The offering amounted to $4,00. •A:.'ittost,.enjiyable time was spent_ • itt the town hall on Th'ursd;ay even- ing, when the young people of the• community gathered to honor Mr. and Mrs. Joe Coultice, the newly- wed, The young couple were presented with a miseellaneous shower. Joe, in his usual genial manner, made a 'very fitting reply with thanks, MARRIAGES HUNTER—SI DEIR=In Toronto, on Friday, February 14th,.at Wyclisse College Chapel' by the Rev. Dr. Armitage, Elsie yerna Snyder 'of, Toronto, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, Henry Snyder of 'Goder- /eh, to Mr. Malcolm Andrew Hunt- er, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Hunter of Bolton, V BABY CHICKS S.C. White Leghorns and Barred Rocks Custom Hatching. E. L. MITTELL Phone 213 Clinton For Sale or Rent Good home on High street for sale or rent. Apply to • Mrs. Harvey Cooper, Clinton, Ontario. 30-1 Wanted Capable women to help with house- work, good home and good wages, 3 adults. Apply at the News -Record. 30-1 For Salle or Rent 100 acre farm, con. 2 Tuekersmith, five miles from Clinton. Good steel barn and brick house, close to school and church, 15 acres of wheat in. Im- mediate possession, Apply tto John Ashton, Clinton, Ont. 30-1 For Sale One good piano for sale. Apply at the News -Record, 30-1 For Sale Two-story frame house on. James street with town lights and water, Apply at the Newe-Record office. 30-1 For Sale or Rent 100 acre well watered pasture farm, three miles east of ,Clinton, No. 8 Highway. Apply to Mrs. Charles Clew, 287 King Street, London, -Ont - ado or Frank Glew, It.R. No.4, Clin- ton, Ontario. 30-2 EDWARD W. ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer For the County of Huron Correspondence promptly answered, Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date at The News -Record, Clinton, or by calling Phone 203. Charges Moderate and Satisfactin Guaranteed. For Sale 6 head of cattle, 1 year old, 5 steers and 1 heifer. Appply to Jas. East, R.R. No. 4, Clinton. 30-1 For Sale One fteme barn, size 34 by 34. Please call' at the News -Record for further particulars. 30-1 AUCTION SALE Farm ,Farm Stock and Implements. Harold Jackson, auctioneer, has re- ceived instruetions to sell by public auction on THURSDAY, MARCH 20TH, on lot 25, con. 4 of Stanley township, five miles north west of Brimfield, at 12.30 p.m, HORSES: 1 brown mare, 10 years old in foal; 1 Clyde gelding, 10 years old; 1 aged horse; 1 Clyde filly ris- ing 3 years; 1 year old colt. 'CATTLE: Durham cattle; 1 cow, 7 Years old due May 12, 1 cow, 6 yrs. old due May 5; 1 cow, 5 years 014 due May 9 th; 1 cow, 3 years old due May 1; 1 heifer due middle of Aug.; 3 young grass cows; 1 Durham brill rising 2 yrs.; 5 Durham year olds; 3 fall calves, PIGS: 1 York sow bred 6 wks.; 8 chunks, 100 lbs. POULTRY: 85 rock bens; 4 ducks. IMPLEl4IENTS: 1 deering binder 6 ft.; 1 M.H. mower 5 ft; 1 M.1i. bean scufflei7 and puller; 1 3.11. drill with fertilator; 1M.1:I. hay loader 1 M.H. manure spreader; 1 Cockshut riding plow; 1 wallling plow; 1 In- ternational spring tooth cultivator; 14 section harrows; turnip drill, lan- ning mill; delaval- cream seper'ator. root pulper; 2 buggies; 1 cutter; 1 truck wagon, (new); hay rack; grav- el box; set of sleighs with flat rack; 3 H.P. gas- engine; circular saw; 2 clogs- cut saws (new); 4 cement pig troughs. wire stre'chers; hay car, for steel traek; rope; slings etc.; 70 sap pails; sap pan; 1 colony house 10 by 14 (new); brooder stove; fire exting- unshers; 1 set of breeching. harness; 1 back band; single harness; 6 collars churn; pile of .hemlock lumber scantling; 10 tons Timothy hay; 1934 dodge car, coach;, forks; shovels; chains and eta Other articles too numerous to mention. At the same time and place there will be offered for sale the fermi lan-i ' containing 123 acres more or less, being, the west halves ,cff lots 25, 26 con. 4 and .northerly part 'of lot 26, con. 5 in the township of Stanley. Subject to reserve bid and other conditides of sale, Terms 'on Chattels—Cash Estate of. the late William Shaddock. Harald J'acltson,, Auctioneer. CUT FLORAL LODEESEIGNS. For Eyery Occasion C V. Cooke FLORIST Phones: 06w and 601 A G Sod Poultry Market There has been a food demand for poultry since the holiday season. We are in the market for good chickens and fat hens, at top market prices. This time of year is usually the best market for your goose and duck feathers. Good service in grading your eggs byaexperienced candlers. N. W. TREWARTHA Day Phone 214: Night Phone 328. Batkin's Locker Storage The safest way, the surest way, The only way 'tis true Ts the fresh and frozen way The Locker's gift to you. We have added Halibut to our stack of fresh frozen fish. Also have fresh strawberries, raspberries, peaches, corn and peas. - Quarters of Beef and halves of Pork at lowest prices. Making of sausage and custom' killing. Farmer's take' advantage of our meat exchange. We buy hides. "Frozen Foods are Better Foods." Help Wanted Married couple for farm, live in, good wages, either by month or year. To start work at once. Apply to D. L. Geiger, R.R. No. 2 Zurich, Ont., P.O. Box 166. 30-1 Farm for Sale or Rent 100 acres, hydro in house and barn, 10 acres fall wheat in. 30 acres ploughed, good stables and house. 11/2. miles from town. 60 acres in grass and hay. Apply to Walter Mair, Clin- ton, • 3011. NOTICE T,O CREDITORS In the Estate of William John Shad - dock, otherwise known as William John Shnddiek, late of the Town- ship of Stanley itt the County . of Huron, Yeoman, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to files the satire with the undersigned Solicitor • for the said Estate, on or before the 22nd clay of March, A.D. 1941, after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, this 3rd day of March, A.D., 1941. F. FINGLAND, K,C., Clinton Ont., Solicitor for the said Estate. 30-3 AUCTION SALE Stock, Implements and Fowl at the farm of George Little, Bay- field Ontario, on MONDAY, 8IARCH 10,TII at 2 o'clock sharp; of the following: 1 Durham cow, 4 years, to freshen in March; 1 yearling heifer; 1 good work horse. quality of hay,, 2 ducks 30 purebred English Sussex pullets; 4 cockerels; 1,250 egg, miler, hot water incubator; 1 bench cream sep- arator; 1 Massey mower; 2 section harrows; 1 section spring tooth har- row; 1 single plough; '1 heavy single wagon; 1 set sleighs;, scuffler; cut- ting box; harness tools and numerous other articles. TERMS—CASH GEORGE LITTLE, Proprietor. GORDON' M. GRANT,. Auctioneer. 30-1 AUCTION SALE of Antique Furniture and, Dishes, etc. at the store on Albert street, north, Clinton, on FRIDAY MARCH 14TH at 1 o'clock sharp, also MACHINERY circular saw, turning lathe, small shaper, emery, foot mor- tiser, also 1 - H.P. motor, bench and toole. RICHARD TASKER, Proprietor. .HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE Farm Implements and Household Effects, On the Babylon Line, 11/4. miles west of Varna, and 2 utiles south of Bayfield Road, on Saturday, March 15th, at 1 o'clock: 3 beds, springs and mattresses; dine cabinet; 2 dressers; 2 wash stands, couch, day bed, 2 dining room tables, clock, 10 kitchen chairs; 1 organ; 1 cook stove; 1 Beater; 3 rocking chairs; Raymond sewing ma- chine; 2 small tables; lamps;dishes, and .kitchen utensils. Implements -1' coal oil stove, 'Per- feetion; 1 Coleman lantern; sap pan, pails, 12 clo•z. spiles; 1 Deering binder, 6 ft. cut; 1 Deering mower; 1 spring tooth cultivator; 1 sulky. rake; 1 M.H. riding plow; 2 walking plows, 1 set diamond haj'.row; 1 steel roller, 1 fanning mill, 1 light wagon, 1 set of double harness, Delaval cream. ,sep arator, 1 corn planter, 1 wagon, 2 hay rack sills, 1 cultivator, 1 M. H. corn scuffler and bean puller; 6 Toads of clever hay, some straw; 10 cords split wood; number of •cedar posts; 2000 lbs. scales - Terms cash. ` Robert Elliott, Proprietor. i aroldl Jackson, Auctioneer. 30-2: PAGE 5 ROXY THEATRE CLINTON NOW PLAYING: Kay Francis and Jack Oakie in "LITTLE MEN" MON., TUES. & WED. Ginger Rogers won the Academy Award for her preformanee inn Christopher Morley's, story of the fiery career girl, who loves not too wisley, but too well. "KITTY FOYLE" Ginger Rogers and Dennis Morgan Thers., Fri., Sat.—Double Feature,. Richard Arlen; Andy, Devine and Kay Sutton in a drama df the Northwest Mounted) Police. • `The Man from Montreal' Stan Lauren and Oliver Hardy in a nautical comedy ._ "Saps At Sea" Mats.: Sat. and Holidays at 3 CAPITAL THEATRE G,ODERICH NOW: In Technicolor, "The Re - TURN OF FRANK JAMES" MON., TUES. & WED, Alice Faye, Betty: Grable, Jack Oalcie and John Payne A toe -tickling, heart -tugging, laugh- laden parcel of sparlcling entertainment.._ "Tin Pan Alley" Thurs., Fri, Sat.—Two Features Richard Arlen, Andy Devine and Anne Nagel• A. thrilling story with the fiery blasts of steel crucibles as a back- ground. "HOT STEEL" hiso-- Broderick Crawford and Peggy Moran, in I CAN'T GIVE YOU ANYTHING, - BUT LOVE BABY. p.m. Coming: Private Affairs and The • Man Who Talked Too Much, REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH NOW: Victor Mature as "CAPTAIN CAUTION Mon., Tues., Wed.—Techinolor Sabi, Conrad Veidt, June Duprez and Rex Ingram The mythical ;magic of an Arabian Nights fairytale transferred to the screen. "The Thief of Bagdad" THURS., FRI. & SAT. Tyrone Power, Linda Darnell and Brian Donlevy The story of the Mormons and their fight to establish the Utah settlement. "Brigham Young Frontiersman" Coming: Ginger Rogers as "Kitty Foyle" SAT. SPECIAL Delicious HOT -I-BUNS Fruity & Spiced Right CREAM PUFFS AND uttetA'MI tatfLLS LEMON AND PUMPKIN PIES Silverwoods Butterscotch or Chocolate Pies 'They are Swell BARELIFFS PHONE 1 WE DELIVER Tweedle Chicks We have taken the Agency for TWEEDLE HIGH QUALITY CHICKS, Tweedle gives you a choice. 16 Pure Breeds and 8 hybrids to choose from, I will be pleased 40 give you full information and prices, H. CHARLESWORTH PHONE 199W CLINTON 27-4 SEE 4. ELIO( ' We are again contracting Barley for the Canada Malting Company Good Seed Provided If interested get in touch with us soon. Geo. T. Mickle & Sons HENSALL, ONTARIO 30-2 AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock, etc. On the Mill Road, Tuckesmith, half a anile east of Brucefield, on Tuesday, March 18, at 1 p.m.: • a. Horses -1 black general purpose mare, 8 years old, to foal May 24th; 2 black general purpose colts broken, rising 2 and 3 years; 1 bay team geldings. Cattle --.1 Hereford cow to freshen June 1st; 1 Hereford heifer, 2 years old, freshened 6 weeks; 1 Durham cow, 3 years old, to freshen June 9; 1 Durham cow, 6 years eld, to freshen May 26; 1 Durham cow, 4 years old, to freshen June 4th; I Durham cow 4 years old, to freshen May 26th; 1 Holstein cow, 7 years old, to freshen June 24th; 1 black -cow 5 years old, to freshen April 3rd; 1 Durham cow, 7 years old; fresh; 1 purebred Short- horn bull, 1 year old; 3 yearling cattle; 4 calves, 8 months old; 1 calf. Pigs -1 brood sow (York); 9 chunks. Quality of mixed hay. Sudan grass seed 200 bu, oats. 2 chicken shelters. Terms, strictly cash. Reg. Knights and John'Watson, Proprietors. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 30-2. House for Sale or Rent Comfortable seven room frame house modern conveniences, fruit trees, garden and barn. Apply ' to Miss Edith Bunt or plione 293. 30 4. For Sale • Frame residence on Princess street in good condition, with modern conven- iences and new furnace. Apply. to M. J, Schoenhals, Clinton, • 30tf, Brick Rouse for Rent Brick house on Princess• street, 'all modern conveniences; also cottage on Rattenbuiy street. Apply to E. Ward, Huron street. 09tf Apples for Sale Sprayed, apples for -sale, phone Clinton 622-24, Fred McClymont, Varna. 2414. For, Sale or Rent Two -Storey frame cottage, sitnat• ed at. the Corner of Dunlop and Isaac streets. Apply Mrs. McKinley,. Clin- ton. 8911, CAKES Not Baked- at Home But "HOMEMADE" FRUIT• BREAD —CRUSTY ROLLS HONEY DIPPED DO -NUTS. HOT + BUNS Homemade Candy and Ice Cream Wendorf's BAKERY — CANDY — LUNCH PHONE 68 For Sale House and lot with garage on Rat- tenbury street, town lights & water; also house and two lots on Huron street, 9 rooms, lights and water, also stable and henhouse. Apply to Miss Bertha Cantelon, Huron street, Clin- ton. .. 4 2711 Waite:l Experienced cook general for, fam- ily of two. Apply to Mrs. Ramsay, 107 Ridout street, South, London, Ontario. 28-3 AUCTION' SALE rearm, Farm Stock & Implements Lot 18, Con. 13, McKillop Township, 11/2 miles south of Walt*:n and 2 miles east, on FRIDAY, MARCH 7th at 1 o'clock. TERMS—GASH' HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer DAVID CRAWFORD, Proprietor. 29-2 FARMS FOR SALE 1. 100 acres en highway No. 8, 2 miles West of Clinton. 6 acres fall wheat, good spring creek, never -fail- ing well with windmill, stone -pebble house with furnace and modorn bath- room, bank barn 36'x60', cement silo, hen house, drive shed and garage. 2. 92 acres on highway No. 8, 2 miles West of Clinton. Bank barn, frame house, hen house, garage and never -failing well. 3. 30 acres grass farm, 21.s miles South of Holmesville, 12th concession, Township of Goderieh. Never -failing well and windmill. For farther information and partieu- larsapply to the undersigned: NORMAN MAIR, Executor George Nair Estate, New Hamburg, Ont. 28-3 AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stuck and Implements Harold Jackson has received iustrec- tions from the undersigned executor's to sell by public auction at Lot 28, Con, 8, Goderieh township, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12th sale to start at 12 o'clock sharp: STOCK -3 cows freshened; cow due to freshen in July; cow due to freshen in April; cow due to freshen in July; 6 steers rising two years; 2 heifers rising two years; 4 steers rising one year; heifer rising one year; 3 young calves; 1 horse; 1 sore due in April; IMPLEMENTS—Set double harness; set single harness; 2 oil barrels; 1 turning lathe; pulper; gas engine; at horse power motor; horse clippers; 2 cars rope and pulley; Masseybinder, six foot cut; Deering binder, seven foot cut; 2 Massey -Harris mowers; two -horse cultivator; three -horse cul- tivator; tractor cultivator; I. H. C. 10-20 tractor; set tractor discs; set tractor plows; set in throw disc; rid- ing plow; 2 walking plows; double plow; hay Ieader; side delivery rake; dump rake; cement snixer; grinder 10" plate; 2 fanning mills; set 2,000. lb. scales; 2 set harrows; conn scut- fler; cutting box and pipes; 2 hay racks; $ wagons; gravel box; wagon box and stock rack; 2 set sleighs; turnip drill; drag saw; circular saw; buggy; cutter; manure spreader; 13 hoe drill; cream separator, Mellotte; two -wheel trailer; four-wheel trailer; Ford car; extension ladder; corn binder; quantity pf hay; seed oats;' seed barley; mixed grain; quantity of lumber, Other articles too numerous to mention. Also 'grass farm on the 9th con. consisting of 80 acres. TERMS-C'ASII Everything must ,bre sold to close the estate. of the late: John A. Cox. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. MRS. JOHN A. COX & ALBERT B. COIL, ,Executers.. 29-2 BURGESS' STUDIO CLINTON Photographs of Distinction IRENE 1URGESS Phone 115. Developing and Prin+ing (Open Every Day) MONUMENTS! To those contemplating build- ing a Monument . Get my• prices before buying. Cemetery Lettering a specialty. All work guaranteed. JOHN GRANT -CLINTON MARBLE & GRANITE WORKS Clinton — Ontario Successor to Ball & Zapfe 59 tf For Sale 100 acre farm for sale on highway halfway between Seaforth and Clin- ton. Well drained; two barns good stabling; frame house; 35 acres of ploughing done. Real good terms given. Apply to T. E. Livingston,. Clinton. 24tf r� :,v0 � LD ty?ig Qgen� /1101) 0.N0 LONG WRYE let TEL'Wf0 • PMWia MANSPMRYrea 'OWES neh,.Perfre InerTStoN ROGER] is/54AX TUBES TESTED FREE TUBES & BATTERIES IN STOCK. A. W. Groves, Princess St.. PRINCESS ST. CLINTON To Rent Six -room duplex with all .modern conveniences on Victoria street. Pos- t session the first of the month. Apply to Chas. Brown. Phone 341W. ® When you take the lid off that box of baby chicks, can't you see your next Fall's strong, money- making layers? Well, right now is the time to protect yourself and these future egg layers. Roe Vitafood will give them a safe start, a head start. Iris sweet and palatable, of medium texture, mixed fresh daily. Fellow the example of Ontario's largest poultrymen—feed Roe Vitafood. Ask your Roe Feeds dealer for your copy of the 32 -page booklet of vital information: "Let's Grow Better Chicks and Pullets." CHICK a'" STARTER Sold by: CHARLESWORTH Clinton HAROLD BOGIE Auburn i .moo. vITAMIZEb FOR '';� HEALTH...FARM GyiGMSTAR 1 PROVEN FOR /t, A �(Ri RESULTS 4 r t