HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1941-03-06, Page 4PAGE 4 —'4r--. --� , ow Showing New Spring Wallpapers Large Selection - The reliable Sunworthy Quality Low Prices A. T.000PER. Phone: 36w Main Store, 36j ;Second Floor i b or:At. R ap Ate et+4 :«4«, 4..4»;4,41k •.;»',•4 : 1. 1•.444,,4.4.4-42.44-1..44 •'..4.4 :wetetet »,i•»44 -V 1L 9t HELP THE EMPIRE Every time you buy a BOX OF VELVETTA Tissues, one cent of the purchase price goes to financing the war. 200 .SHEET BOX — 10c 500 SHEET BOX -- 25c It's an. alit Canadian Product, and there is none better. PROTECT YOUR SKIN WITH VELVETTA BALM ONE 25e BOTTLE and BOTH 'FOR 25e ONE 10e BOTTLE 6 • W. 5. 11 HOLMES PHM, B. CLINTON, ONT friAd •,a„ {: PHONE 11 • .''Ji�.F'r•� ; :»:»:::::.»2+:.»:»,,:�»; ...:-L«,•g»:» 3o,,s, ::»::;w»: sa':»`',»:»:»:»I ,.4w;»w�� THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURS., MARCH 6, 1941 MARY ELIZABETH JENIiINS Death came to Mary. Elizabeth Jen- kins of Woodlands Farm near Clin- ton on Friday February 28 while vis- iting relatives in Ottawa: A funeral service was held in Ottawa at which Rev. F. C. Milliken and Dr. H. J. Keith officiated, It was attended by many friends of the late Miss Jen- kins who now live in that city. The funeral in Clinton was held at the family homestead "Woodlands" on the Huron Road where ,the late Miss Jenkins lived ahnost'her whole life with.ffer brother T. Rees Jenkins The service at Clinton was conducted by Rev. Andrew Lane and interment took place in Clinton. Pallbearers wereWalter Washing- ton, Wilmer C. Wallis, Herbert Jen- kins, enkins, Fletcher Townsend, •Harry Charlesworth, and William Wise. The surviving brothers and sisters. are Mrs. A. L. Trick of Dorchester, Mrs. J. J. Washington and Mrs. Els- worth, Erratt of Auburn, Mrs. Els- S. Jenkins of Vancouver, T. Rees Jen- kins of Clniton and Edward J..Ten- ins of Ottawa. _ Balance Of February :X INDIGO BLUE SERGE . leg. $42.50 for $350®0 i re Custom Tailored. r=; 1. Agents for the 74 HOUSE OF HOBBERLLN—Made-To-Measure + *SUITS and OVERCOATS .AV I I MAN y4. Y4 i '_' CUSTOM TAILORS — Be Measured by a Tailor. 'F •�»� � •:tr;»:« ; :»i :'::•'4'a.»:: i'e':•'w i� �»;a � r:»�a.,«.�»;»;...WMJad. i'.•'::": �• r i»:»:»:«+ r:»r ,e 1: »•.»•t»X44.4 :4, a»., i•::!::.iA :' .44.,:»r�4- a .»:»1 . 4-.1. r :•4»::'`.»:• :»:44�+: e : +»i, Clearing Sale 01 Skates i? SAVE FROM $1 TO $4 BY BUYING YOUR SKATES AT THIS TIME OF YEAR. . WE ARE ALSO CLEARING OUT ALL HOCKEY SUPPLIES ; AT LOW PRICES. X LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES .s Xs ON ALL RADIOS. On all straight Cash Sales we will give 5.% of the Purchase Price * in War Savings Stamps. b • EPPS SPORT SHOP of Bayfield United church. Interment took place in, Bayfield cemetery. the pallbearers were six nephews Fraser, Jack„ Bob, Grant, Douglas Stirling and Murray MacDougall. Friends from a distance were Mrs. Annie Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 'Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Morgan and Mr, and Mrs. Will Stirling of Port Stanley, Mr. Herb. and bran Russell of Brussels also Mr. and Mrs, Alex Masse of Zurich. MARIAN A. STIRLING After a illness of four and a half months resulting from a stroke Mar- ion A. Stirling passed away Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock at the home of her brother, James R. Stirling, God- erich Township, where she made her home all her life. • She leaves to mourn a brother, Alfred of MacGreg- or, Man, and sister (Sarah) Mrs. P. W. Cross of Grosse Isle, Man. and Jas.R. at home, The funeral was held on Thursday afternoon conducted by Rev. H. Curry Headquarters For For All Sporting. Goods 44.-:44.44.44444.444.444.;4044144,-3.14... p;g CONSTANCE Miss 1 ayth Stewart of Clinton ;spent the weekend at the home of Mr. .and Mrs. Austin Dexter, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Toll Jr. and ulaughter Audrey of Auburn were ,guests at the anniversary dinner of J&i'. and Mrs. Austin Dexter on the :evening of March 1. Miss Ethel Dexter of Kitchener spent the weekend •with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dexter. Mr. Henry Adams of near Londes- bore is visiting- his daughter, Mrs. •-Austin and Mrs. Charles Dexter. Wedding Anniversaries 11 Sr. and Mrs. Austin Dexter of Con - 'stance entertained about fifty of their *lends and relatives to a six o'clock dinner. on Saturday evening, March lst, at their home. It being the twen- ty-fifth anniversary of their wedding ,day. - Two .interesting features of the oc- casion was that it was also the twenty fifth anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. -.Chas. Weymouth of the same concess- ion and the birthday of Barbara, younger daughter of. Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Oliver of Clinton, who were a- mong the guests. • The room's and tables were beaut- ifully deeerated_ in Pink and White :and the Brides' table which was dee- +orated with tall pink candles in silver ihol'ders :and bouquets of pink sweet. ',peas wan centered with the wedding cake. Rev. Mr. Menzies proposed a. toast ito the bride's which was '.suitably, re - 'plied to by Mr. Dexter and Mr. Wey- mouth. w • Both couples wes+e' the recepients df aonie lovely -gifts in silver. ' yi After •the dinner'the 'evening We'd sipent m ,games and 4iusit .after, -which the guests departed thanking Mr, and Mrs. Dexter for their kind hospitality and wishing both Mr. and Mrs: Dex- ter and Mr. and Mrs. Weymouth many more happy anniversaries, GODERICR TOWNSHIP Mrs, Win. Brooks visited on Friday with her daughter, Mrs. E. Townsend. Mr. and Mrs. Will Scotclnnere spent Friday with 1\fr. and Mrs, Myron But- ler. Miss Muriel Rathwell returned home on Sunday after spending the'past Iwo weeks with Mr. and Mrs. D'Arcy Rathwell.. Mr. Geo. ColClough spent the week- end in Toronto. The South End Red Cross Unit will meet .on Thursday afternoon, March 13th, at the home. of Mrs. W. H. Lobb All ladies of the community are in- vited to attend. Miss Grace Stirling of Toronto and. J ek of St. Catherines attended the funeral of their. aunt, Marion. A. Stirling. 33/4% On Guaranteed Trust Cerhilreates. A legal investment for Trust. Funds iiuronditionady Guaranteed' THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION �`$TERLING TOWER TORONTO GODERICII TOWNSHIP Council met in ' Hohnesville on Md;ch `3rd. Department of High- ways sent notice that the subsidy on road expenditure during 1940 will be $2,170.30, which will be forwarded shortly, Mr. Benson Sowerby ex - Pressed his •appreciation • to , the council for opening the road during their recent bereavement. Mr. L. E. Cardiff, M.P. -asked the council to organize for the collection of papers, rubbers, copper, etc., for: war pur- poses, each councillor is to organize his own ward and to arrange for de- livery. Me'. A. N. Fellowes, Dis- trict ,Engineer, sent notice of the an- nual -meeting of councillors and road superintendents to be held at Kit- chener on March 28th, the road superintendent to ' attend if possible. The collector's, time was extended until April 7th, when all taxes must be paid before that date. The following accounts were paid Dept. of Health, insulin, $7:314D. E. Glidden, auditing and postage, $22.28; E. A. Yeo, auditing, $20; H. Sturdy, the Mildred Lloyd taxes, the land ha- ving been purchased by the town- ship; Supt. pay voucher No. 2, $40 meet on_Monday, April 7th, at 1,30 p.m.. h BRUCEFIELD Mrs. Wnt. Sinitic of Exeter spent the weekend with Mrs, A. Rohner. Mrs. Wen. Wight of Seaforth spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs., T, Grainger. ° The Red Cross Society are holding a Refugee Shower and Supper on Friday, March 14th, in the basement of the church. Here is a chance for you to do your bit as anything new will be accepted.' They are also hav- ing an egg contest.: Bring in your big eggs (brown and white). Don't forget .the date March' 14th. Mrs. Abe Zapfe and Blanche spent the weekend in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. F. Kling and daugh- ter of Egmondville visited Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Wheeler, Mr, and Mrs. H. Temperton of Hamilton are visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. Swan, The Red Cross Society wishes all people who have any old iron, rags, or papers to bring them in and leave with Mr. A. Paterson on or before March 15. We offer our heartiest best wishes to Walter McBeath, Sr. who on Max. 1st entered his 92nd year.. Mr. Me - Beath enjoys life to the fullest de- gree. Messrs Carlyle Cornish and Archie Mustard and friends spent the week- end in Toronto. Mi. and Mrs. J. K. ,Cornish, and Anna and Mrs. L. O'Brien spent Mon- day in Stratford. Misses Dorothy Swan and Kay Snider spent a couple of clay"s in Lon - .05. The come il adjourned to don.. ea Cream Prices TODAY'S PRICE; 36 cents OBTAIN Nigher' Production WITH ShurGain 35% Dary CConcentrate IT IS -- — Thoroughly Sweetened—Palatable-High in Fat and in Healthful Minerals—Moderately Bulky and Mildly Laxative—High in Balanced Proteins.. PALATABLE - EFFICIENT LOW IN COST —GET YOURS TODAY AT CLINTON, FEED MILL J. K. CORNISH, Brucefield. t ALEX WELLS, Londesoro. a ZON-DIRiBIRtDt i,`i "tra• DtatBIDO rMIDIDIDMI3t2t3i�T� CortceSkose About 171/„ doz. pure thread silk, full-fashioned, various smart shades, and all sizes. Regular $1.00 & $1.15 Lines 79c PR. 2 PAIR $1.50 Regular 79c & 85c Lines 58c PR. 4 PAIR $2.O0 n^: TO THE PUBLIC :— I have disposed of all my fixtures, and after this sale the 1 balance of the stock. I wish to take this opportunity of thank- ing you for your past patron- age. This stock Will be handled by new sales people and must be cleared out within 10 days. 3 ONLY CHENILLE .BATH ' 0 ES Regular $3.25 for $2.15 3 White; 1 Rose, 2 American Beauty, 1 Heaven Pink, and 1 Rose Beige. Sizes S. M. & Large. LADIES FELT 4S ITS Very Special Reductions. Sizes: 1-12; 1-14; 2.15. Values to $2.50. YOUR CHOICE 45 c EACH MISSES BEATTIE. CLINTON, ONT. 6 ONLY HEAVY BRUSHED - WOOL WINDBREAKERS. Zippers. Reg. $4.95 for $2.95 All ladies' Fur Collared C.IATS 2 Size 12, 1 Size 131/2, 1 Size 14X, 1 Size 14,1 Size 15, 5 Size 16, 2 Size 18, 1 Size 40 and 1 Size 161/2. Colors of Black, Brown, Wine, .Dark Green; Grey and Blue. • All with lovely Fur Collars, Lined and Interlined — Warm and Comfortable. ALF emanersesemersueremeenteme Grow Your Choice Values to 2.50. Gr u N_tip 2 Gr -r ' P N Your Choice N .Your Choice Values to 3.95 "+ £ 'x Values to 12.95 SiOWISAINIZEZZOILIW 2 Fur Coats (pieced Seal), size 14, Black, Regular 39.50 for 1 Fur Coat black Seal, Box Style size 40, Reg. 92.50 for 7®. fust Arrived t New Spring Shipments too late for cancellation. 4 Ladies;Tailored Suits 10.95 worth 17.50, 1 Navy size 36, 2 size 16, Brown & Navy 6 Reversable Plaid Coats and 4 Polo Coats specially priced at 14.95 13 • Ladies, Silk Dresses Regular 4.85 and 5.95 incuded in group No. 3 at 3.00 each Buy War Savings Certificates with the balance that you Save