HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1941-02-20, Page 8PAGE 8 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURS., FEB. 20. 1941 ' CHOICE SAUSAGE 15c lb. 20 LB. PAIL LARD i $1.90 FRONT IA OF GOOD YOUNG BEEF :.. 14,c lb. MILK-FEDr CHICKENS FOR WEEKEND. ORDERS TAKEN EOR TURKEYS. LAMB FOR WEEKEND. CONNELL, & TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162. A3bert Street We are offering a few specials 1-1941 STROMBERG-CARLSON RADIO, NEW. i—USED WESTINGHOUSE RADIO. 1—USED MARCONI RADIO, BATTERY SET. 1—NORTHERN BATTERY SET. 1—USED BANNER COOK STOVE, In Good Condition. i.—USED WINGHAM COOK STOVE. 1—USED GOOD CHEER .STOVE with New Fire Box. SUTTER 8 PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS PHONE 147w. CLINTON, ANT. Men's Winter Overcoats $14.95 TO CLEAR Big Warm Coats (Mostly English Materials) and some coats sold as high as $21.00. We do not want to carry these coats over so will take our loss while there is still weeks of cold weather in which to use them. Other coats at slightly higher prices and a few at less, but every coat a real bargain. STOCK TAKING—We are now finishing up our stock -taking and many lines are finding their way to the bargain tables. MEN'S SHIRTS & DRAWERS—Heavy ribbed union garments -- (broken lines) also some pure -wool garments that are counter-soiled—Choice $1.15 garment. MEN'S FINE SHIRTSookeenrlines—Sold regularly to $2.00. Choice MEN'S FINE SHIRTS — Odd lines that sold as high as $1.75. Separate collar and collar attached — Choice 69c. PURE WOOL SLEEVELESS SWEATERS—A large assortment in white and color combinations.. Sold regularly to $1.50. Choice—Men's 95c; Boy's 65c. LOTS OF BARGAIIN YDUR NG THE SAVE— T FEW WEEKS. Plumsteel Bros. Arrow Shirts — Adam a Hats — 'Scotop Tailors.McHale Shoes for Men Ag BUY WORK SAVE LEND WAR SAVING'S' CERTIFICATESREGULIILY THIS SPACE DONATED BY HARDWARE and flawkins®' Phone 244 MODEL CRAFT AEROPLANE KITS:— Our stock of these made in Canada Aeroplane Kits, Flying or Solid mod- els, has just recently been refreshed by a new assortment, including some of the famous ships used by the R.A. F. with such remarkable success, Prices range from 5c to $1.00 for the Westland Lysander with a 36 -inch wing span. We also have Le Pages Aeroplane Glue in the familiar blue and white 10c tube. THE OLD LOG SCIIO;OL- -GAVIN H. GREEN. This story of Huron Old Boys in Pioneer Days written by Mr. Gavin H. Green of Goderich, who has en- deavored to let the rising generation know how the boys and girls of the pioneer days of the sixties and sev- enties lived in the old County of Hur- on. It should be of particular interest to anyone who is familiar with north- ern section of the county. Cloth- bound, 217 pages, $1.50. NEWSWEEK- The weekly magazine designed and edited for thinking people, — people Who want to know what the news really -means, — for these people Newsweek supplies the best informa- tion available on all vital topics of the day. Complete with action photo- graphs and regular weekly depart- ments covering every field of general interest. On our stand each week 12c per copy. GEM DANCE FOLIO FOR 1941 That big book of dance hits has just arrived, sixty pages .by famous writers, contains 30 complete dance hits. Here area few of them, "My Melancholy Baby," "Sierra Sue," "Call of the Canyon," "In the Mood," "Love Song of Reynaldo," "Cross-- town" and 24 others just as big. In our music rack, 60c. "One Thousand Fiddle Tunes" "Arkansas Woodchopper Square Dance Calls" Here are two new folios that should fill a demand for music and dance calls for the many old-time dances now held throughout the country. See them on our music stand. Price 75c each, BUY WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES REGULARLY The W. D. Fair Co Often the Cheapest --Always the Beat d91-01111116"--i4111IIIIIIVII IIIIl�IIilael1I1IIIIIIIII LETTUCE Leaf Lettuce is now ready in our greenhouses, We will be glad to supply you with it Crisp and Fresh. Fresh cut for your orders 10c a bunch. CUT FLOWERS We are now handling a nice var- iety of Cut Flowers: Roses, Carn- ations, Daffodils, Stocks, Poetas, Forget-me-nots, Stevie, and Lil- lies. Flowers make the ideal Val- entine. Let us supply you for February 14th. PLANTS CINERARIAS, Assorted Colours 50c each. PREPARED SOIL FOR SALE 15c a Pail F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del As. Personal care given every order and special attention given to funeral orders. Phones 176 and 31 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hart spent the weekend in Toronto. Miss Hattie Baker of Fullerton is the guest of Miss F. R. Cuninghame. Miss Marie Plumsteel at Loudon spent the weekend at her home in town. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Zapfe and Mrs. D. J. Atkinson spent Monday in London. Miss Annis Bartliff is in London this week attending the Nurses Re- fresher Courses. Mrs. Fergus VanEgmond returned home Tuesday after spending a few days in Toronto. Mr. Kenneth Colquhounwas the guest of Professor A. E. Cook of Blyth last weekend. Mrs. James Steep visited for a few days last week with Mrs. Robert Crandall of London. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Johnston have returned home lifter a seven weeks' visit in Georgetown. Mr. Elroy Desjardine of Zurich is visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wolper. Miss Dorothy Coxless of Zurich spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Corless. Miss Cora Streets of the Bank of Montreal staff, Zurich, spent the weekend at her home in town. Mrs. D. McKay of Kincardine is visit- ing with her daughter, Mrs. Ell- wood Epps and family for a few days. Miss Helen McDonald and Mr. Stew- art, Roul of Farmington, Michigan, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wiltse, and Miss Georgina McDonald over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Livermore and Billy and Bud of Aylmer, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Green and And- rey of Teeswater spent Stmday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Livermore. Quality Meat Market Per Lb. Choice Roasts of Beef ... 20c RIB BOIL 18c Fresh Beef & Pork LIVER 15c Fresh Homemade Sausage 15c Hamburg Steak .... 2 lb. 35c Beef Tongues, Pickled 15c 20 Lb. Pail Duff's LARD $1.90 Come in and ask us about our Quarter plans, it will pay you to inquire. Shrove Tuesday Supper February 25th under the auspices of the Ladies' Guild of .St. Paul's Church MENU: Roast Pork - Escalloped Potatoes Lima Beans - Jellies - Salads Pickles Rolls Lemon & Apple Pie Tea & Coffee ADULTS 40c, CHILDR) N 25c 5.00 to 7.00 p.m. 27-2 Dance i3 Bingo TOWN HALL, CLINTON FRIDAY, 'FEB. 21, 1941 under auspices of the CLINTON FIRE DEPARTMENT Music by: Moonlight Serenaders ADMISSION 35c and 25c • NET PROCEEDS TO GO TO THE CLINTON WAR SERVICES ASSOCIATION. BINGO ST. JOSEPH'S HALL Mon. Feb.24 12 8.30 p.m. GAMES FOR EXTRA CARD 10c Excellent Prizes Door Prize. Everybody Welcome. 25c Highest prices paid for Hides. Casings For Sale. BOSS FITZSIMONS PHONE 76 Monster Bingo Game and Dance Sponsored by Central Huron Poultrymen and Fruit Growers. —Proceeds for the British War Victim's Fund— DONATIONS GRATEFULLY RECEIVED TOWN HALL, CLINTON TUES ' `AY, FEB0 25 Poultry, Eggs and Apples, Etc. for Prizes Popular R. A. F. Orchestra to provide music with the kind permission of, Group Captain P. D. Robertson,'A,M., Port Albert Air Force. DANCING 35c Smith's Grocery SPECIALS clomps Vlaple Leaf FLAKES Large 59c AYLMER TOM. or VEG. SOUP, 20 oz. .. 2 for 25c PUMPKIN, 28 oz. £CCIWMI ' tins 2 for 23c GARDEN ISLE PINEAPPLE, 29c 2 for GOLDEN SPRAY CHEESE, %2, Ib. PEAS OLD HICKORY SODAS SUPREME JELLY POWDER ... 5c SUPER SUDS 1Bc VEAL, HAM, TONGUE, per tin 15c CLARK'S SOUPS, 10 oz. tins .. 5c 15c 2 for 19c 25c The Huron County Junior Association of Toronto Plan Dance and Card Party PHONE 86 — We Deliver Superior Stores PHONE 111--CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR February 20, 21, 22 POT LUCK SUPPER STOP — LOOK — LISTEN — WAR IS ON — NEW LOWER FOOD PRICES Buy War Savings Certificates Regularly BARGAIN PRICES FOR FEB, 20, 21, 22 LISTEN TO 1/2 LB. MOTHER PARKER'S PKG. TEA CONTEST TUESDAYS 32c 8 to 8.30 CFRB.. CAMPBELL'S VEGETABLE CARNATION SOUP 2' tins 19c. MILK 3 tins 25c RED & WHITE CHILI CROWN or BEEHIVE SAUCE bottle 17c SYRUP a tin 19c MAPLE AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE SYRUP jug 27c FLOUR ... 2 pkgs. 27 cI GARDEN FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES Juicy dos. CHOICE 9 Bunches . JUICY V C FOR SWEET• 19c NEW G 19c ORANGES RHUBARB"" LEMONS 13c SEEDLESS 6 FOR NEW Grapefruit 25c W 2 NEW G FOR TEXAS G CARROTS '1' CHOICE LEWUCE 10C HEAD- TEXASTS 15c BEE CHOICE LB. CHOICE HEARTS SPINACH 1OC CELERY C. M. SHEARING QUALITY FRUITS ANL GROCERIES PHONE 4 8 — CLINTON under the auspices of the Women's Institute THURSDAY, FEB. 27th at 5.30 to 7 p.m. in the Women's EVERYBODY WELCOME Proceeds for Red Cross 28-1 Huron County Well Represented at Ontario Plowmen's Association President A1eir McKinney of the Ontario Plowmen's Assoication prais- ed the initiative of the Huron County delegation in presenting the reasons why ;limon County should be the scene of the 1942 International Plow- ing Match. Led by piper Fred Mulch of Clinton, the delegation filed into the Convention Room at the King Ed- ward Hotel in Toronto. LITTLE LOCALS The Women's Institute will hold their regular meeting on Thursday, February 27th. The roll call will be answered by the name of a cabinet minister and the work of his depart- ment. The motto will be taken by Mrs. Geo. H. Elliott, BEE HIVE CORN SYRUP, 2's tin 18c 5 lb. tin 39c AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE FLOUR pkg. 15c Exeter manufacturer who spoke on behalf of the urban centres in the county. Now that Huron County has secur- ed the match, the order of the day ac- cording to President J. D. Thomas is. "full speed ahead". The 1942 Inter- national Plowing Match is a Huron County venture in which everyone in the county should be vitally interest- ed, Thousands of people will be go- ing away with either a good or bad impression of the county. It's the duty of everybody in the county to get behind the 1942 International Plowing Match and give those visit- ors the right idea "That Huron County is a great county....,with prosperous farmers and a happy and hospitable people." Speakers of the Huron delegation included J. D. Thomas of Goderich; Hugh Hill who spoke as a prominent Guernsey breeder; Warden James Leiper who welcomed the plowmen to Huron; W. J. Gamble, chairman of the Huron County Agricultural Com- mittee who informed the group that the county council had voted to give $2,000 to the Hurn match; W. L. Whyte of Seaforth who welcomed the plowmen to his farm which will be the scene of the headquarters for the match in 1942; Gordon McGavin of Walton as Vice -President of the On- tario Plowmen's Association; Elson Cardiff as M,P. for Huron North and as an official of the North Huron Plowmen's group; and Thomas Pryde, Orangemen to Parade at Seaforth on July 122' Seaforth will be host town to the district 12th of July celebration, a deputation consisting of Harold Law- rence, Samuel Hanna an d William Oldfield told town council and asked permission to use the streets and a erect booths and decorations. Counci: agreed. A further request to use Vic. toric Park for a meeting was alar granted. The Bell Telephone Com any was granted permission to erec poles on certain streets. CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP, 2 tins for 17c GRANULATED SUGAR, 10c lbs. 69c HELMET CORNED BEEF, tin 17c COWAN'S COCOA %2 lb. tin 16c 1 Ib. tin 27c The • Executive Committee have made plans for. their Annual Winter Dance and Card Party to be held at Malloney's Art Gallery, 66 Grenville Street on Friday evening 8.30 p.m., February 28th, 1941. A large crowd is expected and an invitation is extended to all Huron- ites and their friends to join with them and renew old acquaintances, Splendid accommodation is provided for card, players and dancing will be to the music of the "Round Towners" Orchestra. A much anticipated part is• the Floor Show of local. limonite talent. Tickets may be obtained in advance by phoning the President, Gordon L. Fowler at Midway 6043; or the Sec- retary, Ken. C. Stanbury, at Hyland 6632. LIPTON'S TEA, RED LABEL, I%z lb. 37c PALMOLIVE SOAP .... 4 bars 19c P & G SOAP 2 bars 9c KLEENEX .. 206 sheets, 2 for 25c KLEENEX .. 500 sheets 29c SULTANA RAISINS ... 2 lbs. 23c CLEANED CURRANTS .... lb. 14c VANILLA EXTRACT , ... 8 oz. 15c DUNDEE: SHORT BREAD Ib 17c 1?ISCUTCS HILLCRES'i' SODA BISCUITS, 2 lips. for 25c ORANGES 2 doz. 33c GRAPEFRUIT, Lge. Size . 5 for 25c LEMONS, Lge. Size doz. 35c I. R. TKDMPSON Quality Y," ere 2 lb. 27c THRIFT SOAP FLAKES, Family Size ., 29c TOILET TISSUE, Purex 3 rolls 25c. DATES with Pitts 2 lbs. 23c 5 bars 25c HURON PASTRY FLOUR, 24 lbs. 69c MINUTE TAPIOCA, Club House Brand 2 pkgs. 19c SUGAR 10 lbs. 72c TEA, Crown Brand Black or Mixed per lb. 62c PEANUT BUTTER, Bulk 2 lb. 25c HONEY,Light Amber 41b. tin 37c CORN FLAKES, Quaker 3 pkgs, 21c WHEAT FLAKES ,,. 5 lb. bags. 23c MINCED HAM per lb. 29c MAPLE LEAF Rindless Sugar - Cured BACON Ib. 35c FRESH PICNIC HAMS, per lb. +..' 18c CHUM DOG FOOD 2 tins 17c Large Size with dispenser ... 27 c AYLMER TOMATO SOUP, Veg, or Tomato 2 tins 17c SALMON STEAKS per lb. 19c GRAPEFRUIT, Seedless, 6 for 25c CELERY HEARTS 2 for 25c SUNKIST ORANGES, per doz. 30c 2 lb. 26c imossaamalmasomaisilatirassarown THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY.