HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1941-01-30, Page 1he
The News -Record Est, 1878
NO 6025, -61ST YEAR .;:
With Which
is Incorporated The Clinton
New Era.
The New Era Est. 186?
at reduced rices
A Good Selection to Choose From.
These goods a a all made by Reliable Canadian
!♦ • H. HELL S. AR
Jeweler and Optometrist Residence Phone 174j
Highest Price Paid for Old Gold
,,, 1_a
Dont Let Your supply
Run Low
New Government Regulat-
ions are likely to hamper the
production of silk hosiery.
, .
• For your benefit we have
stocked heavily on your favorite
brand. Buy now for. Spring to
avoid disappointlnen. t.
You Will Have Music
Whereverour Y
ou -go ifhave a second radio in -
Y you
home. We refer to the new five tube General
Electric Model—THE "COMMENTATOR"
It so shall and light thatyou can carry it from
room to room wherever you are. Simply plug it z$
and there you have the latest news or your favorite
)programme in a jiffy. It is so easy to operate and
has a fine clear tone. Your Wife or Mother will en-
joy it in the kitchen in the morning, and it will be
finefor you at night to listen to the hockey game 1
and news, while the rest of the family may use the
family radio to get their entertainment. Call ii
and see this new Rado that sells for $18.65 com-1 • i
plete. We know you will want one in your home.
Treat your Watch to a new bracelet or. strap. We '
have a large new stock of every kind and descrip-, .,
tion, at whatever price you wish to pay. See the
difference it will inake in the appearance of your
timepiece. '
Remember Watch Repair is a Job for Experts.
Our Work Assures Your Satisfaction.
Counters • for Finer Jewellery for Over Half a i
Centur in Huron- County. i
� c
Clinton War Service Association
A new organization has been form-
ed to be known as the Clinton War
Services Association. for the purpose
of arousing public opinion to the
gravity of the present war situation
and kindling greater interestin act
tivities which supply aid in one
form or another to the allied forces
in land, sea and in the air.
This new organization was brought
about by a demand of public spirited
citizens, and local organizations;; that
felt the need for a co-ordinating- unit
so that the Town as a whole would
'continue and perhaps increase many
times,. the contributions and help for
patriotic purposes.
The Town Council called a meeting
of the citizens on an. 24th, for the,
purpose of discussing fully the wax
effort and the new organization was
the outcome of the meeting.
Clinton has not been very active
so far during this war with salvaging
materials like paper, metal of all
kinds, rag's and clothing• of all kinds,
tin cans, etc. as means of raising
money for patriotic purposes, The
new organization could get this work
The new organization also could
be in charge of the joint appeal in
March for the Y.1V11.CA,, 'Catholic
Huts, Salvatioin Many, Canadian
Legion and Y.W.C.A.
The executive of the Clinton War
Services Association has been select-
ed as follows:
Pres. A. J. McMurray (Mayor)
Vice. Frank Fingland, K.C.
See. M. T. Corless (Town Clerk)
Asst, Sec. J. C. Shearer
Treas. Gordon Miller, (Bank of
and representatives of the following
organizations: Wesley -Willis United
Church, Ontario St. United Church,
Presbyterian Church, St. Paul's
Church, Baptist Church, Roman Cath-
olic Church, Salvation Amy, Clinton
Mission, Clinton Women's Institute
Rebecca Lodge, L.O,B.A., Orange Or-
der,..,Oddfellews, . .Masonin:,.0ider,.,
Canadian Legion( Clinton
Lions Club, Clinton Junior
Farmers Association, Clinton Red
Cross, Clinton Rovers, Scouts and
Cubs, Clinton Girl Guides, Clinton
Evening Auxiliary, Clinton :Iospital
A meeting of the executive will be
held on Thursday evening Jan. 30th:,
at 8 p.m. in the ciruneil chambers; at
which meeting plans for the future
will be discussed; and definite pro-
jects be put in a4tion.
The executive cordially invite any
citizen to attend the ,meeting so that
the, officers may have the advantage
of their experienc§; : advice, and sug-
Editor News -Record:
I was very mph impressed with
the "Patriotic Spirit" that was so
prevalent at the local meeting held
in the Town Hall, Friday evening.
And I am sure is each, individual in
Clinton as well ah the different as-
sociations will realize their respons-
ibility in these War efforts that the
much needed "Clinton War Service
Association" will be a big su.ccesa.
' Alex E. Haddy.
To the
C mtot
t News -Record:
Clinton War Service Association
I am fuIIy in accord with the
Organization, Aims and endeavors, of
the above Association.
The Inforntatin I have from E::g.
land recently says that The Canad-
ian Legion is doing wonderful work
in educating Canadian Soldiers who
find it necessary to improve their
Academic standing. An old Clinton
Boy is Chief Director for the Canad-
ian Branch.
The Executive Officers are all ex-
cellent business men active and pro-
gressive and willi give splendid lead-
This Association must be a success
but the undivided push of every Man,
Women, Boy and Girl in Clinton is
necessary. They, must devote their
mental faculties and energy to the
full in Order that Clinton may lead
in this campaign; Every good citizen
must have a Public Soul, and caro for
.taw„Army, Na't?•;iand, Airmen.,: and
give them instruments to work with.
Never say to yourself—What is there
in it for me—But say What is in me
Tor it.
Respectfully Yours.
(signed) 3. W. Shaw.
Board. Clinton January 27th, 1941.
Mr. and Mrs. Carman McPherson
have taken up residence in the house
lately occupied by Miss Akam.
Mr. Wilfred Seeley has accepted a
position of motor mechanic with the
Sky Harbour Airport at Goderich.
Firemen made a quick run Satur-
day morning to the home of Elliott
Bartliff where a chimney fire threat-
ened to get out of control.
A plane reported to be from. Port
Albert aviation training depot was ob-
liged to make a forced landing a short
distance south of here Sunday.
Mr, l{enneth Stewart of Stanley
ownship, who was out hunting one
day recently, was successful in bag-
ging two red 'foxes with one shot, a
most extraordinarl feat indeed,
Mr. Ellis Pearce of Exeter is the
sossesser of a wild loon which he
aptured as it floundered in deep
now. It is now quite at home in a
age under the Pearce roof -tree.
Mr. John Corley, teller in. the Bank
f Montreal here for the past two and
half years has been transferred to
Nincisor and Mr. L. R. Bartlett of
lanitouiin Island is filling the vaean-
y in Clinton.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cochrane have
roved into the cottage recently vac
ted by Mr. Crandall and family, and
!rs. W. Aikenhead of Brucefield has
soved into the apartment vacated)
y her brother, Harry Cochrane. Mr.
tikenliead recently joined the army.
On Tuesday, the 28th, Mr. W. J.
Cough, Rattenbury street, Was re-
eiving congratulations by radio, and
riends calling on the seventy seventh
onniversary of his birthday. His
nany friends will be pleased to know
hat Mr. Tough is retaining the health
vhieh he has enjoyed the last few
The News -Record received a letter
f thanks from Pte. J. Leslie Tasker
f the Canadian Dental Corps, now in
:gland, land forth
the remembrances sent
o him at Christmas front Clinton.
pis Pte. Tasker did not know who to
write and thank, we are publishing
his acknowledgment and: thanks and
Tope it will be read by the senders, so
bey will know that the parcel was re-
eived and in good condition.
1 Wesley -Willis Girls Club
A financial objective of $50 in ad-
: ditioti to their former achievements
was undertaken by the Girl's Club of
Wesley -Willis church at the regular
meeting of the club at the home of 1
the president, Mrs. W. A. Oakes on
Tuesday evening, The money is to
be donated to the official board for
a specific purpose. A decision was
' made to discontinue the Valentine tea
I of former years and in lieu of that
l effort each member is pledged for $1
in order to raise the amount of the us-
ual proeeeds of the tea. The presid-
• ent was i0 charge Of the meeting and
the devotional period Mrs. R.
McDonald read a Seriphilse lesson
and Mrs, D. Ward offered prayer. An.
nual financial reports, by Miss Luella
Walkinshaw and secretary Mrs. W.
McGiven's repart of the activities of
the past year were given and Miss
Ida Walkinshaw reported for the
flower committee. Mils. P. Hearn
and Miss Gladys Addison contributed
a vocal duet with Mrs. M. Agnew
playing piano accompaniment. The
address was given by Mrs. 0. L. Pais-
ley. There was a good attendance
and a social half hour was enjoyed
while the hostess served coffee, sand-
wiches and cake. •
Turkey Supper Enjoyed
The ladies •of the congregation of
the Presbyterian church entertained
the choir and Sunday School teachers
to a turkey supper, in appreciation
of their faithful services, last Friday
evening in the basement of the church.
The supper was all that could be de-
sired and in between times, Mrs, Bert
Boyes, organist and choir leader, kept
the company . lively with patriotic
songs. Mr. A. Mitchell, in well chos-
en words, voiced the vote of thanks
to the ladies and Mrs. M. D. MacTag
gait offered Five Dollars to the most
faithful can
u n ber of the choir during
1941. Contests and games were play-
ed and all had an enjoyable social
The Young People's weekly meeting
took the form of a toboggan party
and social evening'.
young peop-
oun ' e -
le assembled at the church in: winter
sport togs and trailing their tobag-
gane hiked to a hill where, two hours
were spent in exhilerating sport. Re-
turning to the church after the invig-
orating exercise, hot rolls, pork and
beans and coffee were enjoyed.
J U V IAN ILL+'i5 l:Ai" I.1.J IC,19
Midget Put Up Good Fight
The very small crowd that witness-
ed the London and Clinton Midget
game, played here Monday night, in-
creased to well over 200 for the Juv--'
enile's home gamey between the L,ond-
on Kinsmen and the Clinton Lions.
. Midgets Beaten
London Midgets were too heavy and
too fast :to rthe local youngsters while
not so badly trimmed as in London a
week ago Saturday, they were only
able to secure one goal against four
by the city stahvarts.
The local kids are definitely in the
midget class in size, and while the
visitors were no doubt within the pro-
per age limit they far outclassed the
locals in size and weight.
London scored three tunes in the
fust period. The second was not so
one sided. Miller made the opening
goal for the home team early in the
2ncl period and for the visitors Woods
and Hillard combined, Woods on the
scoring end. It was a two period
andfinished with the score
game, fi '
standing London 4 Clinton 1.
London:Jackson, goal; Sherrif, Ay-
re, defense; Iiillard, centre; Lee, Car-
swell, wings; Mazynkewisl, Fiebling,
Stabler, Kay, Burgess, Wood, subs.
Clinton: Maguire, goal; Miller, Car-
Sunday, Feb. 2nd, sermon subject
for the evening service: Elijah, on
the warpath.
Sermon subjects for Sunday Feb.
2: Morning: "The Simplicity o.! the
Gospel," Evening, "Life in God's
The regular meeting of the Wom-
en's Association will be held on Wed-
nesday, Feb, 5th, at the usual hour
in the church.
11 a.m., The Place of Prayer Part-
•icular1y .: Today_, ..� pan, Wenahip and,
Sunday School at Turner's. 2.30 pan.
Sunday School at Clinton. 7 p.m.
Evangelistic Song Service (Triump-
hant Song Book) "A Prophet and
More than a Prophet,"
Monday 8 p.m. Young People's Un-
ion: Christian Fellowship night.
Wednesday 8 p.m. Prayer of Inter-
cession for our Nation.
Thursday 8 p.m, Board of Manage-
ment of the Sunday School..
The regular monthly of the Wom-
en's Association of Ontario St. church
will be held on Wednesday, Feb, 5th,
at 2.30 p.m. h the Lecture room of
the church.
Services will be held in the Salva-
tion Army on Sunday at 11 a.m. and
i 7 p.m. The evening service will be
conducted by Treasurer F. Livermore
Spacial invitation extended to in-
terested ladies to attend the Red
Shield Wotnen's Auxiliary, on Wed-
nesday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Sunday School at 10 a,m.; Worship,
Service at 11 a.m. There will be an
ordination service for three elders-
eteet at this service.
The Young People of Bayfield are
asked to meet at the Presbyterian
Church Friday evening', Jan, 31st, at
8 o'clock.
The Clinton Y.P.S. will meet at the
Manse on Tuesday evening, February
'4th. The program will be in charge
of the Social Committee of which Mr.
Ken. Colquhoun is convener. Lieut.
Earle will address the meeting.
The Women's Association of the
Presbyterian church will meet at the
home of Mrs. M. D. McTaggart, on
Wednerday Feb. 5th, at 2.30 p.m.
Sunday Feb, 2, 1941: 11 a.m. Holy
Communion and sermon, "The Build-
ing of the Wall. 2.80 Sunday School
and Ladies' Bible Class. 7 p.tn. Even-
ing Prayer.
Monday '7 p.m. Church Boy's Lea-
gue. 8 p.m. A.Y.P,A.
Tuesday 3 pan. Tho regular meet-
ing of the Ladies Guild will be held
in the Owen Memorial Hall' A full
attendance is requested. The years
work will be planned at this meeting,
,Thursday 7.30 pan. Intercession
service. 8 pan, Board of Manage-
ment meeting.
The annual statement of the Little:
Helper's of St. Paul's ehuseh, for the
past year is as follow,:
Mite Boxes ...... ... $7.67
Donation from Ladies Bible
Class .... .... .... .. .. .75
ter, defense; Cook, centre; Cameron,
Butler, wings; Lawson, Steep, E'll-
wood, Leppington, Scott, Andrews',
Referee: Red Rath, Clinton,
Juveniles Win
OnMonday nightthe Juveniles pros
ved their superiority Oyler London
Kinsmen on home ice, winning by the
score of 6-3 in a fast, cleanly fought
game. Ayre unassisted and Ballon.
tyne on apass from Ayre netted the
puck in the first period fax London
with Referee Rath handling out pen-
alties right and left for tripping Dem-
psey and .Blay while Cook' and Schoens
hals were slashing and Goiquhonn
tried a body check in centre ice. For
the most part the play was kept near
the London goal while darter made
a worthwhile save when Dempsey
broke loose from oar defense for what.
looked to be a sure goal; and the -per-
iod ended with London 2; Clinton 0.
The second period must have been a
nightmare to the Kinsmen's goal ten-
der, Clinton put on the power plays
with a vengeance with straight -shoot -
I er Monteith banging in shot after shot
with well-earned assists from Met
Ewan, Colquhoun and Powell making
it 3-3 after tel Jones had weathered some
stormy sessions. As the Kinsmen
tried to sail back to the Clinton end
!Colquhoun was particularly good in
checking and keeping them back in
their own end of the ice. Three Lon -
!don players drew penalties before the
period ended. Ayre came into his ! The inaugural meeting of the Clin..
own again before the bell went mak- ton Board. of Education wilt be held
ing the score at the end of the second in the Council Chamber at 8 p.m„
period, London 3, Clinton 3. Wednesday, Feb. 5th to which the
Neither team took any chances in public are -invited. Thereafter the
the first few urinates of the final meetings will be held on the first
;frame, each playing cautiously anti ; Tuesday of tach month, all of which
giving an exhibition of better hockey. will be open to the public.
But it wasn't very long before Dem.;
psey drew a penalty for bumping.:,'
then Colquhoun brought the puck up r aiTOa'IE11`+,S INSTITUTE
contre ice, catly fooled London's de -t
!Tense and with a true shot piled tor The Woman's Institute nesting
score higher. We no sooner got . held Thursday afternoon was mark-
' ani heads twisted forward again when { s.t, uy a paper on iceland given
the Londoners were up at our goal , by Mi's. E. Epps. The circumstance
again, and Bar'tiiff almost climbing of Canadian troops forming a gar -
over Delgathy in his attempt in foul- rison there lent special interest itt
ing the goal. The Monteith -Powell- the subject, The address was des -
Maurer' line then.togk.it try a.nstwere criptive of climate and terrain as;
dangerously close several times before well as customs" and living condi-
Monteith slipped a neat ono in oa tions of the inhabitants. Mrs. P,.
pass froth PowolL Cools drew twon Hearn, who has relatives living
penalties and the remaining men had I there, also entertained with infor-
some anxious moments before the nation from almost first hand
period ended. I(nowledge, Aa adch ess on :Iistori-
Londoat: Jones, goal; Delgathy, cal Research by Mrs. J. B. Lavin
Ayre, defense; Wood, centre; Ballant-; Waa also an outstanding number on
yne, Dempsey, wings Blay, Smith, Fa -;the program. She dealt largely with.
gan, McDonald, 14Ianore, subs. the research work of Dr, Banting•
Clinton Carter, goal; Cook, Schoen- The roll call by secretary Mrs. Nay
hats, defense; Powell, centre; Mont- was responded to by New Year res-
eith, McEwan, wings; W. Carter, Han- olutions. Mrs. E. Adams, president
ely, Colghoun, Counter, Miller, Bart- occupied the chair. Humorous read
Tiff, subs, ,
several local hits wire worked in
was much appreciated. Business,
Juveniles Get Revenge included a decision to cooperate
with tine town council in fixing up
Defeat team that took Championship the women's rest room; also to place
from them in Finals last year. covers on the tables used in serving
SCORE CLINTON 13 MIDLAND 6 lunch in the Insitute rooms, Mrs -
Before a good crowd Clinton Lions Sturdy agreed to under take
got sweet revenge on the team that the work, the anterial to be furn-
put them out of a championship last ished by the institute. Contributions.
year, in a sudden death game on Mid- of money are being taken up for the
land ice, by defeating that town's furnishing of a ward in a British mil
Champion Juveniles last night by the itary hospital. The committee on
score of 13 to 6 Christmas cheer. Mrs. N. Trewartha
It was a fast, hard fought clean and Miss Brigham reported 32 homes
game all the way, and it looked for viaited at Christmas. The finance and
a while if it was going •to be close. social committee reported a fairly
The first period ended one all,, and successful card party held one week
the second 6 all,and at one time Mid-
land had the local boys B to 1 and 5
to 8. However in the last stanza the
boys really got going and ran in seven
counters without a return.
The boys have not had many games
this year as they have had trouble
getting a giouping but judging by
the games with London and Midland
they should go a long way again this
year. Alt of last years veterans are
going stronger than ever, and the new
boys are working in nicely. Manager
Brown and Coach Timmer McEwan
certainly have a strong contender a-
Warden of Huron County,.
James Lieper, Reeve of Hallett,
township, was honored last Tuesday'
by election to the wardership of Hur-
on County. He has had a long ex-
perience in municipal life and vas•
first elected to Huron Ccuneil it
Inaugural Meeting
ings by Mrs, Frank Glew iii which.
Clinton Penny Bank
ago Hostesses in serving stepper
Mrs. Adams convenor, Mrs. Hearn,
Mrs.Frank Lobb, Mrs, Ferguson, Mas..
Rogerson and Mrs, W. Ross,
Corn Borer Discussed •
E. J. Green manager of Exeter
Canning Company and L. J, Pen -
hale, District Supervisor for the com-•
pany were in emulation with Agri-
cultural representative J. C, Shearer
Friday with reference to the corn bor-
er situtation in Huron. They had
been given a hearing at the county
council meeting on Thursday after-
noon and the matter was referred to
the agricultural committee. Far:n-
Total Amount on Deposit at encu of ers of Exeter vicinity had aproximat-
December 1940,$864.76 ely 900 acres planted to canning. corn
Comparative #figures of a year ago in 1940 and the company are ,much.
$1067.29. concerned about the corn borer pest.
Average weekly percentage of pup- which it is said was more extensive.
ils depositing during Nov. and Dec. in 1940 than for many years. Since.
1940 for Clinton 68%. the borer operates in fodder or field
Schools of Canada corn as well as in the garden and can --
Total amount on deposit at end of Hing varieties the control of. the pest.
Dec. 1940, $1,208,259.84. is of vital interest to all farmers. The•
Number of schools depositing 528. most effective control measurers, it.
Comparative figures of a year ago: was stated, consists of plowing down
Amount $1,408,136.59, Schools 522. or burning all cern etubble
or refuse left lying upon the ground'
in fields planted to corn last year..
This is to be done before May 20th.
The larva emerging from the soil:
and finding no stocks in which to.•
harbor during development either'
die or are devoured by their natural!`
enemies. It is expected that the ag-
ricultural committee will irnpliment.
methods of more rigid control' of the
corn borer pest, cooperating with Mr.: ''
Shearer and the county corn borer in -
sick in Clinton hospital is improving. specter, Ross' ,lohns'oir or Zurich,.
The many friends of Mrs. Bert
Finlay are spry to hear that she is
ick in Goderich hos ital u
b t hope
he will soon be able to return home.
Mr. Gordon Stock, Manning Pool,
oronto, spent the weekend at the
ome of his parents, Mr: and Mrs.
Mike Stock.
Mrs. Frank Yeo, who has been very
8s42 s
Affiliation Fee . .. .44
Missions ... 7.98 T
Mable I. Walker, Evelyn G. Hall,