HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1941-01-23, Page 1The News -Record Est. 1878
Which is Incorporated The Clinton New Era
NO. 6024, -61ST YEAR
, tN
50 \ ` \\\���t° °
?Bridal. w.
47 pgth" qual;ky prover"good katte need
.- notbe expensive! Just note the low price on
W. (, ( �/ Aih;s perfect'B„4al �yPair! Period quality tool
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Women's and Misses' Warm
Pajamas Of Heavy Woolette and
Yama Cloths, Stripes and Floral
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For One Week only $I.49
Sizes 22 _to 34 ' Regular 79c to.
$100 clearing at One Haif Price.
PARKAS - Wool and Fur
Fabric, Values 75c .to $1.25, To
Clear at 1/2 Price.
SALAD $1.00
Lilt FORKSRegutiody$2.25
Setter hurry • .. because our supply / .
of this Menlo?,ober Is limited!
Then you'll want the "EXQUISITE"
Pieces of 8 Set $�A.95
44, pieces
is the newest siiver-
plate pattern of that
fine old house., Wm.
Rogers & Son. Get
these forks and see for
ourself what wonder-
ful quality they are.
$t s ORIGINAL ROGFtRS ! " By international
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Remember Watch Repair is a Jobfor Experts.
p 1 Idle S.
Our Work Assures. Your Satisfaction.
Counters for Finer Jewellery for Oyer Half a
Century in Huron County.
Marriage Announcement
'Mi and Mrs. Charles E. Bissett,
Goderieh announce the marriage of
their younger daughter, Margaret
Elizabeth, to Jack Carman younger
son of Mr: and Mrs. Eldred A. Yeo,
Godericii township. The wedding,.
which took place recently; was sol-
emnized by Rev. Andrew Lane .of
Presbyterion Girls Club
Pleasure and business were com-
bined when the Girl's Club of the
Presbyterian church held their Jan
uary meeting at the' County Honie
where. one of their members Mrs. Ir-
vin (Dick) Jacobs, formerly Jean
Muteh resides. Mr. Jacobs drove in
with the fine farm team and big
sleigh and provided in old-time mean
of transportation which was greatly
enjoyed. Arrived at the. Home, the
president, Mrs. Frank Mutch, took the
chair and opened the meeting. The
Scripture lesson was read by Miss
Madeline Streets and prayer was of-
fered by Miss Norma Streets. Mrs.
S. Castle, Jr. reviewed current events,
touching -upon the outstanding world
crisis of our day. After a free dis-
cussion of the matter it was decided
to sponsor a Valentine tea at the
church on the evening of February,
15. Mrs. Match and Mrs. J. W. Lei-
per were hostesses in serving coffee
and luncheon at the social hour after
The R.A.F., Band of Port Albert
Flying Training School will make its
first. bow to radio listeners over
OKNX Friday night (January 24th)
at 9.00 o'clock.
Fostered through the co-operation
of the Lions Clubs of the district, the
R.A.F. Band is led by Flight Lieuten-
ant Fletcher, a noted orchestra leader
in England before the call to service.
Fit. Lt. Fletcher's orchestra will
perhaps have been familiar to listen-
ers of the BBC Overseas broadcasts
where they were frequently heard,
but this will be the first broadcast on
a Canadian station.
Annual Meeting
The Annual Congregational and
Vestry meeting of St. Paul's Church s
for 1940 was held on Monday evening
in the Parish Hall. At 6.30 o'clock
about 75 members sat down to a Pot a
Luck Supper prepared by the Ladies
Guild under
the leadership
h p of their
President Mrs. Taylor. The supper
was all that could be desired and all
had an enjoyable social time-.
With the Rev. A. H. O'Neil presid-
ing reports on the work of 1940 were
presented by the Rector Wardens, Lay-
Delegates, Sunday School, Women's
Auxiliary, Ladies Guild, Chancel
Guild, Dramatic Society, A,Y.P.A,
Choir and the Church Boy's League.
The reports showed that during 1940
the work of the church had advanced 'e
The New Era Eat. 1867
HowDoesYour Label Read BAYFIELD
AT LONDON Mrs. C. Barrett and Mrs. T. Ben
1 The News -Record mailing list has
nett returned to Detroit on Monday
been corrected up to Monday ;of ' this after having spent several days with
Last Saturday the Midget and 'week and subscribers are asked to parents, Mr, and Mrs, H. West-
Y g look at the little yelllow label at the their
Juvenile hockey teams played against top of this page and if they are in an -on,
The marriage of Miss Alice Barbet.
London in the London. arena, daughter of Mrs. Barber and the late
rears, to kindly make payment` as Mrs. W. J: McLeod Sr., Miss Elsie' Dr, Herbert Leslie Barber, Toronto,..
The Midgets played first and dished soot, as possible. McLeod and Master Donald returned to Mr. Harry Downer• Ball of Kirk
out a good brand of hockey. Al- A number of new subscribers have home on Friday last after having land Lake, son of Mrs. Ball and the
though the London tealit look litre again .been added to the list, and thele spent several weeks in ,Detroit. late Nelson Ball of Clinton, took place_
Juveniles beside our boy`s, they went have: been many changes due to pay- . Miss Elizabeth Reid'of Toronto- is on Saturday evening in Deer Park
out and fought all the; way, ments by subscribers during the ;pest spending some time with her sister' Chapel. Rev. Frederick Joblin of --
The final seere,•was 11-0 in favor seven or eight weeks. Miss M. Reid, fioiated, and the chapel was decorat-•
of London, Those who have paid are asked to, Mr, and Mrs, Ted Crane of Detroit) ed with tall white standards of spring;
In the Juvenile game it ;Was different note the date ontheirlabel and if there spent the week -end with Mrs.. W. J. flowers and forsythia.
and was the best game played in is an error, report the matter to this McLeod, Mr. Bert Barber gave his sister.
London on Saturday afternoon, The office and have an adjustment made. Mr: ;Harold Weston of Detroit spent I in marriage. She wore a graceful
Locals had the edge in.the play and If your label reads prior to Jan- the week -end with his grandfather' gown • of ivory silk marquisette' over:.
were out -lucked. The final score was- uary •1941, we would appreciate a Mr. Richard Weston. gold brocade with tight girdle of gold
2-2 with Bartliff and Monteith get- prompt payment of the account, and steel beads, and bouffant skirt..
ting the.goals for Clinton. Every- The -Annual meeting of the Bayfield
one' played great and you eSuldn't Agricultural Society was.held in the A Juliet cap of gold brocade held her
pany player gameLITTLE LOCALS Town Hall on Wednesday afternoon I shoulder veil of marquisette, and she:.
ick la er as a staff. The carried Talisman roses. Mrs- F. II..
was very rugged and the bumps and last: The following officers were Jawse her sister,
penalties came often.- This being the Mrs M. W. Nediger sustained pain- elected. for 1941; President, Wm. y' was matron of-
f first game for the .local Juveniles fol injuries on Saturday when she Sparks; let Vice Pres,, Fred Middle -
they should give a good account of:slipped going down the steps of, the ton; 2nd Vice . Pres., Bert Dunn;
themselves on Monday night when Post Office. She is under. the doctor's Treasurer, James H. Reid; Secretary,
London plays here, care at her home and is doing nicely. A. E. Erwin; Directors: Frank Kee -
Although o a drizzle fell g t e all day yes- gan, Ed. Foster, Russell Grainger,
terd'ay there was a good crowd at John Howard, Harrold Stinson, Mrs.
AMONG THE CHURCHES the C.C.I. skating party held in the Fred McEwen and' Mrs. George Lit-
BAPTIST CHURCH rink last evening. Refreshments tie.; Honorary Directors Mrs Rus-
could' be procured from . the lunch sell Grainger, Mrs. Ed, Foster Mrs.
Sermon subject for the evening counter now in, full swing every night T. M. Snowden, D. H. McNaughton,
-worship service will be "Leaning at the rink. A. H. Warner, W. W. Wise, Wm. R.
On Monday next the Clinton Juv
front the Prophet Elijah"
Intercession on behalf of our War- eniles will play their first home game
torn world on Wednesday at 8 p.m. with the London Kinsmen Juveniles
The Ladies AM of the Baptist and on Friday night this week the
Church will meet on Tuesday, Jan. Clinton Bantams and Midgets will go
28th, the election of officers for 194j to Wingham to take the Lion Ban -
will take place and all 'members are tam and Midget teams of Wingharn to
urged to attend. Icamp. The boys play a good brand
ONTARIO ST.. UNITED CHURCH.'of hockey 'and deserve a larger at
ONTARIO than they received last sea -
11 a.fn. "The " Man of Ethiopia,""'on. Give them a break—turn out,
What is the Element of Judgment 1 show interest in our future stars.
here? 2 p.m. Worship at Turner's
2.30 p.m. Clinton Sunday School. 7
p.m. Illustrated Sermon from one' RED CROSS NOTES
Slide of an incident in the life of Mr, Chas. Wilts 21.00; A friend $1.00, meeting was opened with The Lord's Gibbings is laid up with rheumatism..
Christ, Evangelistic Singing. Mrs, Rance $5,00: Miss Archibald Prayer, The minutes of the last )We wish him a speedy recovery.
Monday 8 pan. Y. P. U. Social California 1 Boys Sweater, Mr. meeting were read and adopted.) Miss Marion Forbes spent the
Night. Tobbogganing • and refresh- B. Brundson 5 ib. twine. Finished articles were brought in and week -end at her home here.
ntents. The Clinton Branch of the Red yarn and quilt blocks distributed a- Mrs. John II. Shobbrooke, of near
Wednesday 8 pan. Intercession for .Cross acknowledge with thanks the mong the workers. A quilt was quilt- Londesboro visited with Mr. and Mrs-
cause. above donations, ed at this meeting. There was a good Pere. Gibbings a few days last week_
attendance. Lunch was served by the I Mr, and Mrs, Warren Gibbings and
AIR RAID CASULTIES hostess, and the meeting was closed' Mr, and Mrs. John Gibbngs entertain -
You will find below a list of Reg- with the National, Anthem. 'Replies-' ed a number of friends from Harlot*,
entatives from. this society attended Porter Hill Port Albert, Tuckersmith.•
the annual meeting of the Clintbn I- Auburn, Toronto, and Clinton, to a•
Branch of the Red Cross held on'Wed- 'progressive euchre and dance on Fri..
nesday evening, January 15th. 117. The winners in progressive eu-•
I clue were: Ladies first, Doris Mann,
Men's first, Ross bfaim; Ladies Lone
LONDESBORO ' hands Mrs. Pere. Gibbings; Men's
Mrs. Pickett returned to her home Lone hands, Eddie Farquhar; Ladies
on Monday after a pleasant visit with . boobie, Mrs. Ekl, Farquhar; Monts
her sister Miss Grainger of Toronto. I; boobie, Ray Townsend. The honored
Mrs. Margaret'Manning left on Sat- t guests being Pte. Phil Egerton', Pte..
John Jones,R.A.F.,Port Albert,Pte,.
b aria', for Toronto, she expects to be.
Sat -
enjoyable time was had by all. home address is in the counties sex away for some weeks, I B. Scott, Toronto and Mr. and: Ma•--
ved by these registers should be sent, ! John Mann, Ross and Doris. Anotlt-•
SALVATION ARMY Mrs. Webster entertained a nuin-: er event being Mrs. 1Villis Van1 g -
Sunday services are at 11 a.m. and 1, For Civil Defence, Region. 1; bei of the missionary ladies at her rnond's birthday. The idea of the
7 p.m. the subjects are: Morning, Counties: Northumberland, Durham, home on Friday last. party being to help the Summerhill
North Riding of Yorkshire; Address I Mr. Ern Lee returned home last Red Cross. Proceeds amounted to
"`Pursuit of Happiness. Evening, The Tyneside Council of Social ser- week from London where he has been $5,45, The lunch was served by the
Are we Mobilizing the Vital Paces?" vice 11 Ridley Place, Newcastle, 'taking treatments: we are pleased to hostesses Mrs. W. and J. Gibbings.
Week -night services on Tues. and I report Mr. Lee much •insprovecl in Music for the dance being furnished
Thursday at 8 pan. 2, For Civil Defence, Regions 2 and health. by Mr. and Mrs. Mann and. Ross, aI-
Youn • People are extended weI- 10:
g p Counties: West and East Riding of I Miss Rhoda. Gooier of London spent i so Mr, Willis VanEgmoixl.
once to meetings held on Wed. and Yorkshire, Lancashire, Cheshire, Sunday at -her home here. Mrs• Eph. Snell and Jim spent.
ri. at 8 p.m. Tuesday of last week in Hamiltan-
Westmoreland and Cumberland; The I Tickets can be, ,procurred from
WESLEY-WILLIS CHURCH Liverpool Council of Social Service Mrs. B. Brundson on the rug, which
14. Castle Street, Liverpool, I was donated by a Institute member
Sunday January 26th, 11 a.m. ser- for war work,
mon subject: "Abiding Reality"; -7 3, For Civil Defence, Regions 3 and ,
To encourage the .Children of our
,m, sermon subject: "Forward." 9 Community to buy War Saving stem -
The Mother's =meeting will be held Counties Derbyshire, Nottingham- Community
the Londesboro omens Institute
at the house of Mrs, James McLaren shire; Lincolnshire, Leicestershire, 1 0 Womens
sixtyn distributed
n Tuesday, Jan. 28th at '8 p.m.
Northamptonshire, Rutland Soke of bought stamps and ors b d
Peterborough, Shropshire, Stafford- then to the children whose parents
PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH shire, Herefordshire, Worcestershire, I were .willing to help them. fill book -
and Warwicksihire: The Mildands Re_ lets.
Sunday School at 10 a.m. - Miss Pdna Archambault of Clin-
Worship Service at 11 'am. gional Offices, National Connell oil ton spent the week -unci the guest of
Sermon subject: "Ye shall be Social Service; 19 Calthorpe Road, 'her aunt, Mrs. John. Vodden,
What?" Edgbaston .B rminglsam,
Stepehnson, Robert Penhale,
Mr. Samuel Houston was given a
life membership.
Auditors; John Cameron and E. A.
The Date set for the Fall Fair is
Sept 24th andl.25th.
honor, wearing Burgundy velvet with
snatching hat, and carrying Token.
roses. Mr. Douglas Ball was grooms-
man for his brother, and the ushers.
were Mr. M. Hunter and Mr.Harry,'
A reception was held at the home:
of the bride's mother, who received:
in a gown of fuchsia chiffon, with tiny -
flowered hat and corsage of garden-
ias. Mrs. Ball was gowned in black`
chiffon, with small black hat and cor-
sage of roses.
The bride and bridegroom left for'
Quebec and will live in Kirkland Lake -
The bride travelled in a black and.
rose beige frock, small black draped)
turban and seal coat.
Mr. and Mrs. Eph. Snell entertain -
The January meeting of S.S. No. 4 ed Phil Egerton and Johnny Jones of •
Unit of the Red Cross Society was the R.A.F., Port Albert over the
held at the home of Mrs, Fred Lobb week -end.
tvith the President presiding. The' We are sorry to hear that Percy
The Ontario Young• , Pebp'le ' held
their meeting last Monday evening
under the citizenship department.
The guest speaker was Mr, J, G, Tonal Registers for English Counties
Shearer, who spoke on Wild Birds to whom inquiries may be made re -
and their habits. The other part of garcling relatives and friends in the
the program consisted of a duet by bombed areas of Britain.
Lorna Pluntsteel and Florence Aiken, Registers are equipped to take care
of any inquiries which, from now en,
should be addressed directly to the
and a 'piano solo by Miss E. Plum-
The Dramatic Society of Ontario
Street Y.P.U. suet at the home of Mr. The National council of Social Ser-
nd Mrs. 'Kenneth Elliott, on Thurs- ' vice have opened Regional Registers
to which enquiries d'ay night, January 16th. After the q res about air raid cas-
nal ie.
usiness luncheon was served and a, t sand their' relatives whose
over that of 1039. The increase in
receipts was approximately $700.00.
The election resulted in the same
Wardens and Lay Delegates being
continued in. office. New faces on the
Board of Management will be Mr, P
Morrison, Mr. Waters, Mr. C. V.
Cooke, Mr. Hall and Mr. Murray
Draper. o
All present look forward to even
better service in the Master's King-
dom during 1941.
An impressive service' of commem- er
oration of the life of Lord Baden
Powell, Chief Scout and founder of a
the Boy Scouts, and of re -dedication 3
of the Boy Scouts, and Girl Guides ian
of Clinton was held in the Wesley-
Willis United church Sunday morn-
ing, conducted by the Rector, Andrew
The Scout and Guide groups under
command oftheir respective leaders
attended in a body. The leaders are
Scout Alex Reddy of the Rover
Scouts; Scouts Clarence'Rozell, Sam
Castle, M. J. Schoenhals, Jaek West,
the Scouts and Cubs; Mrs. 5, Castle,
Rangers and Guides; Jean Morgan the
Rev. A. Lane delivered; an approp-
riate and inspirational address based
on the Scot palneipales as laid: down
by the late Chief Sept.: He stressed-
the fundamental truth that love to
God and toe to fellow ow i»en are. har-
monizing notes. Self-respect was al-
so touched) upon as a .commendable
attribute, The happiest and fullest
life is, a life of service the speaker
Before dismissal the groups re-
newed'" their pledges by standing at
attention and repeating their oblig-
The annual meeting of the cong- 4. For Civil Defence, Regions 6 and '
egation has been postponed to. Mon- 7, , .. LONDON ROAD CLUB
ay evening; Jan. 27th, at, the hour of Co\inties: Bickinghanshire, Berk- The January meeting was held :at
ght p.m, shire, Surrey, Hampshire, Isle of the home of Mrs. Anderson on the I Messrs• Herman Odell and Edwin.
The Young People of Bayfield are Wight, Gloucestershire, Somerset, 16th of January- The new president, Johns were re-elected elders for
Sked to meet Friday evening Jan. Wiltshire Dorset, Deven and Cornwall. Mss: Manning, occupied the chair. I three years and Messrs. Ray Fear-
1st, at eight p.m. in the Presbyter- The British Council of Social Service,._ The meeting opened- by singng, "The' and Gregor McGregor were .re-elected.
church. The Centre; Bristol, 1, Little Brown Church in the Wildwood"1 Stewards for three years,
5, For Civil Defence, Region 8, followed by the creed. Roll call was' A note of thanks was extended to•.
Counties North and South Wales; "answered) by a New Year's resolution Rev. Bruton for his services during;
The South Was and Nommouth- with 14 members present. The min- the year.
shire Council lfe Social Service, 118 Utes were read and approved. Letters J A committee consisting of Messrs.
Cathedral Road; Cardiff.. of appreciation were read by secret- J. Turner:, S. Whitmore, Fred Pep
any, from the' Red Gross, Red Shield, per, N: Garrett and their wives was..
6. For Civil Defence,- Regions 4, 5, also Clayton Cooper and Jack Haigh, appointed to arrange for the congre--
Mrs, Orval Rodgers and little dau-
ghter, Elizabeth spent the week -end
in Toronto.
Colds and measles are the order of
the day.
Misses Emily and Minnie Proctor
have returned to their home in the
The Annual Congregational 1'Ieet--
ing of Turner's church was held on
Thursday "afternoon, Jan. 16th.
Routine business was transacted...
Sunday January 26th, 11 awn.
Morning Prayer, Sermon subject, "St.
Paul the Apostle of the Apostles.
-2,30 Sunday School and Ladies Bib-
le Class.
7p.m. g ? ' and 12. I Who'received' boxes at Christmas. The gational meeting next year.
Everuin Pra The rectos'
will preach on the subject, "Spas
smoi1le Prayer."
Thursday 7.30 pan. Intercession
service. •
The weekly meeting of the R,S,W
A, was held at the home of Mats. D.
Cornish., nineteen members and one
present). Following articles
submitted 7
pr. socks, 5 bloomers, 4
pieces of refugee clothing, 3 pr..mitts,
2 scarves, 2 nighties, 1 quilt 1 pr.
Members subscriptions totaled
$2.20 for the day.
Donation of $1.00 from Mrs. Cam-
The next meeting will be held, at
home 0f Mrs, F. Dixon, London Rd•
Counties: Cambridgeshire, Isle of program was in charge, of Miss Won- The ladies o£ the congregation were .
Ely, Huntinghonshire, Bedfordshire,' netta Henderson. A contest was giv- given the use of the church for any
Hertfordshire, Norfolk, Suffolk, Es -',en with the winners being Mrs. Geo, meeting they required for then Red'.
sex, Kent; Sussex, London and Mid- Falconer and Mrs. Swinbank, Ruth Cross activities,
The weatherman has again decreed
that the cars remain in their garages.
Mrs. .Margaret Crich is under the
doctor's care. We hope for an early.
Mr. M. Tull
has taker 'o
Y i a position.
"1;io r
at Teterboro.,
Many in thisdistrict are suffering
from the prevalent' cold. The Elora.
Express has this to say about it:
The Sneeze
I sneezed a , sneeze into the tir •
It landed—though I know not where;
But this,I know that the sneeze I
Is now passed an to these and those..
dlesex; London Council of Social
Service, 7 Bayley Street, W,C.1. Lon -
The regular meeting• of the' Even-
ing Auxiliary was held on Monday.
evening with a good attendance. The
evening, was spent in work, making
surgical supplies or knitting. At the
close a 10,1 tea was held. '
The convenor of the knitting com-
mittee reported receiving: 3 refugee
sweaters, 4 pair of socks, 1 sweater,
1 pair of soekees.
Manning and Wonmetta Henderson
sang two duets. The report for the
Red Cross work for the past year in-,
eluded: 45 :pairs 'soldier .socks, 1 pair
scamans socks, 1 pair soldier mitts, 2
scarves 1t r
swea e 1 ootnforter, 1
helmet, - 1 layette, 3 shirts, 5 pair
wristlets, $20 donated. Red Shield: 1
layette and $5. Mrs. Swinbank gave
the current events. The next meet-
ing will be held at the home of Mrs.
Wm.' Moffat. Quilt blocks are to be
cut out. Eeveryone bring your seise
sous. The meeting closed by singing
the National Anthem, The hostess
served a delicious lunch.