HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1941-01-16, Page 1The, Clinton The News -Record Est., 1878 With W hrch it, ` incorporated The :NO. 6023.-6IST YEAR. CLiNTON ONTARIO, ws- tjljntou Nett I+,ra. THURSDAY. 'JAN UAICI IA 1141 The New Bra Est.; 1867 THE HOME PAPER .feat' vim' It'� e' BRIDAL WREATH ENSEMBLE '47" "Bridal Wreath" quality Proves Peed taste need not be expensive! Just note the kw price on this perfect W.::dal Pail Perfect quality tool W. H. HELLYAR, Clinton EVERY RING , INSURED FREE AGAINST LOSS WEFT and DAMAGE PjNNUALSrQUkrAKf[ig BARGAINS SALE A NUMBER OF DRESSES . formerly priced from $495 to $7.95, to Clear at $1.98 KNITTED SUITS Two or Three -Piece Styles, Clearing at One Half Original Prices. BLOUSES of these from ...... . . Many our $2.95 Line, To Clear at only 98c Many Other Bargain Prices throughout ghout the Store. IRWIN'S FOR QUALITY MERCHANDISE { Zof OODDC Il Srgia6n STUNNING NEW PATTERN IN WM. ROGERS & SON 8ILYLRILATL 9Y INTERNATIONA$. 44 -PNCE Service for 8 '24.95 4.95 Only (lo Every piece is guaran- teed to give perfect satisfaction by Inter- national Silver Co. -- world's largest makers of fine silverware. 8DinnerKnivee 2 Zeb%SpObne e Dinner Forks 1 Butter Knife 16 Tea Spoons - 1 Sugar Spoon • 8 Dessert or Soup Spoons FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY! 4 "EXQUISITE" $1.00 a S lad Forks Regularly $2,23 HURRY IN FOR •YOURS! NORMAN'S i inaugural Meeting of Town Council The council for 1941 rivet at 11 o'clock Monday morning, The clerk advised that all members had sub- scribed to the declaration of office and all had taken the Oath of Alleg- iance, The mayor then called for a vole by ballot to elect three members' of the .Str•ickiug Goat. The boliots resulted in this elected Councillors ' Falconer, Agnew, and Walker. The council then adjourned till 8 p.m. for the inaugural meeting: Council re- assembled at 8 o'clock with all nneim- bers present, they were Mayor A. J. McMurray, Reeve Fred Livermore, Councillors v D. Falconer, C. E. Ell iott, 81. J. Agnew, W. Walker, D. Churchill, J. Nediger. The following Shirking Committee's -report was read by councillor ]falconer and se- conded -by councilor Agnew and ad- opted. Standing Committee Street --Walker, Livermore, Falcon-! er, Elliott. Finance—McMurray, Agnew, 'Church- ill, Falconer. Cemetery—Livermore, Walker; Ag- new. Fire and Water Falconer, Nediger•, Elliott. Property—Agnew, Walker, Liver- more. Relief—Churchill, Agnew, Walker. Pari. Nedigel•, Falconer, Churchill. Speeiar—Elliatb, Nediger, Agnew. By-Laws—Livermore, Nediger, Ell- iott. Court of Revision—Councillor Church- ill, chairman, and all members of the council. • The committee recommend the or- iginal plan. of Mayor and Council to be a eontmitte of thejwhole to look after offices, salaries and duties. The Mayor the eel* on Rev, A. Lane to' open the s'essio`n. Rev. Lane read a passage Of scripture and very appropriately addressed the council, concluding the servicer with prayer. Thanks and appneeiation,were extend- ed Rev. Lane for his address. By -Law No. 1 for 19411, authorizing the borrowing up to $30,000 from the Bank of Montreal, to meet current expenses during the year, was read the first, second and third time, and passed. Mayor McMurray then deliv,nj:ed his inaugural address, stressing the necessity during this serious war per- iod of exercising economy commes urate with efficient setgice. .A deputation of town citizens were present at the ineeting with an object in view of having set up a special committee of council and citizens with power, for some concerted action along .certain war nf.easures. Speak- ers were � e e Mr. Glen Cook, Rev. A. H. O'Neil and Rev. A. Lane. It was de- cided that the Mayor be authorized to call a meeting of the citizens to form a Central Committee. Council then adjourned. R A.E. Guests At Lions Dance The Lions Clubs of Huron County held a very successful dance last Fri- day evening. in the Town .Hall with well over three hundred guests pre- sent. The hall was attractively de- corated in red, white and blue, with flags being freely used in the arran- gement. The guests of honor were officers and men of the R.C.F. from Port Albert, and the dance music was furnished by the R.A.F. orchestra from the Port, Lions CIubs of Exeter Goderich, Seaforth, Wingham and Clinton combined to give the R.A.F. men a hearty- welcome and a . happy evening. W esley- W 111is W Wesley-1Villis W.M.S, met Thurs. afternoon at the home of Mrs, Fing- land with 33 ladies present. The President Mrs. Chowen pres- ided and Mrs. Agnew at the piano. The meeting opened with hyinn 571 "Standing at the Portal." The Sec- ond Treas. reports were read and approved. d. The Annual reports were given by the sec. of the different departments showing a successful year for 1940. Aft): the business part of the meeting Mrs. Fingland the 3rcl vice president took the chair. Mrs. Hewson favored! with a beautiful solo, 0 Breath of God. Mrs. Corless read scripture les - eon, and Mus. Adams led in prayer Mrs. Seeley read a article on Temp- erance. Mrs. Sutter read a paper on the life of Miss Shipley, missionary, and Mrs. Fingland took as her topic the life of a Chinese Medical Mission:- ary. I The meeting closed with a hymn and the Mizpah Benediction, after which the hostess served . refresh- ments. tione '1'o W aterioo, Quebec Douglas Kennedy, manufacturer of Kennedy hosiery has moved his ma- chinery and stock from Clinton to the twin of Waterloo, Que„ where a fact- ory building was offered him to in- duce him to move. Mr. Kennedy com- menced manufacturing here in a small way six;years ago and has geed - nay been expanding, adding new machines and taking on help. He had 30 knitting machines in operation be- sides other machinery required ns the manufacture of hosiery After closing the deal with the muni- icipality of Waterloo he placed an or- der for 20 additional machines with a Hamilton Ibm, On Friday, January 3, the young business man was married at Hensall to Delores Harris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Harris, Clinton. Miss I Harris was a skilled kniter and fin- isher, and will be a great help to him in patting his new factory in orderel Miss Hazel 'Hats, also an expert in hosiery work, accompanied her sister i and brother-in-law to the eastern province and will assist in the work there. Douglas is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kennedy, Clinton. He was born here and has always lived there, He was one of the famous Oohs hockey 'team, playing on the defence line, and during the past sea- son ref eiee<i,fat• the Juvenile hockey ., gates here, Douglas Kennedy will be greatly :missed here also his wife and her sister. Junior Farmer's At the Iast meeting of the Junior Farmers the following officers were chosen for 1941: Pres. Norval Pocock, Vice Pres. William Grigg. Secretary , John Deeves. Treasurer John Grigg. Directors Clifford Henderson and Grant Sterling, The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, Feb, 12th, • Prayer Service Held , Closing the series of union prayer services .held in this'cbtnintuiity dui'- ;ing ,the week, Rev, A. H. O'Neil, rec- tor of St. Paul's delivered a stirring address Friday evening in Wesley - Willis church on the subject of "The Einpire Price, The Dawn of a new Day." The sermon subjects through- out the week introduced a line of thought linked together and leading up to a climax in the subject of this evening. The need of closer com- mtunion with God and a kindlier at- titude toward our 'fellow men was stressed. Friday evening in • Wesley -Willits church Mr. Latie was at his own desk while Rev. G. G. Burton led the cong- regation in prayer and Mr, O'Neil preached the sermon. Annual Meeting of .Baptist Church h The annual meeting• of the Clinton Baptist Church was held in the church on Tuesday evening at 6.30 o'clock a good percentage of the members and adherents sat clown to a whole- some meal, prepared by the ladies. The reports presented by leaders of the various organizations showed that the church had a successful year, each treasurer reporting a balance on hand. Officers elected for the present year were as follows: Deacons Board, Mr. William Cockrane, Mr. Henry Pickett, Mr. Dave Pocock. Church Ushers : Wm, Cockrene, Harry Cockrane, Mr. 0livee Pocock, William Blacker, Finance Committe: Mrs. H. John- son, Mr. John, Butler, Mr. Norval Pocock, Mr William Pickett, Mr. Harry Cockrane, Mr, Oliver Pocock. Property Commmitte Mrs. 0. Pocock, Mrs. Ed. Creaks, Mr. Lloyd Fergus- on, Mr. Gordon Pearson, Mr Harry Cockrane, Visiting ;sick Committee: Mrs. Tho mas Leppington, Mrs John Butler,; Mrs. A. E. Silver. Chn ch'Treasure Mrs. H. R. John. son, Financial Secretary: Harry Cock- rane. Church Clerk: Miss Ella Alcan, Church Organist: Mrs. Ed. Nickle, Auditors for Church and Ladies Aid Books: Mrs, Oliver Pocock, Mrs, John Battler, • Auditors for Sunday School and B. Y.P.U.: Shirley Silver, Ruth Gnealis. Communion, Caretaker: Mrs, Wm.. Cockrane. • - s Sunday, School Superintendent: Mr. John Butler, Assistant; Mrs Gordon. Pearson. . A vote of appreciattol was extend- ed to Mr. and Mrs. Silver for thein faithful" and good work rendered throughout the course of the year 1940. The meeting closed by singing. Blest -he the tie that binds, and.pray-1 er led by Mr. Wm. Cockrane. AMONG THE CHURCHES - BAPTIST CHURCH Sublilelob for Sunday evening will be "Testing Our Christianity," SALVATION ARMY The services on Sunday will beheld at 11 a.m. a,nd 7 p.nt. conducted by Lieut. Earl the topics for the day»are: Morning: Some Aspects of the Divine Spirit. Evening "What must I do To Be Saved., - Thursday 8 p.m., Public Prayer Meeting. Friday 8 p.m., 'Young Peo- ple's meetings. ONTARIO ST, UNITED CHURCH 11 a.m. "Our Present Help" 2 p.m. Worship at Turners. 2.30`p.m. Sunday School at Clinton. 7p.m. "Ethiopia Shall streach out Her Hands. Monday 8 p,m, Young Peaple's even_ ion Citizenship department in charge. Wednesday 8. p.m. Annual Meting of the Congregation Jan22nd. ST PAUL'S CHURCH Sunday, January 19 8 a.m. Holy Communion. 11 a.m. incening Prayer, sermon suject "Nazareth the Home of Jes- us." 2.30 p.m. Sunday School and Ladies Bible Class. 7.30 Evening Prayer Mon. 620 pan. Congregational Pot Luck Supper and Annual'Vestry meet- ing in the Parish Hall. Thurs. 7.30 pm. Interceslion Ser- vice. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. B. P. Andrew, Minister Sunday School at 10 a.m. Worship Service at 11 a.m. Sermon subject Our Higher Al- legiance." Regular• meeting of the Y.P.S. programine under the direction of the Educational Commit- tee, convener Miss Emily Seruton. Annual meeting of the congrega- tion on Friday evening, Jan. 24th a 8 o'clock. Treasurers of all societie departments of the thtueh kindly have reports ready. WESLEY-WILLIS CHURCH • SPECIAL MEETING A; Special Meeting will be held in the TOWN HALL, CLINTON FRIDAY, JANUARY 24th,. 1941 at 8 p.m. for the purpose of forming an organ- ization to sponsor and co-ordinate this Conlmun- lity's War Efforts. ' All persons interested in the successful prosec- ution of the War are urged to be present and all or- ganizations in Town are invited' to have represent-. atives present: A. J. McMURRAY Mayor Clinton to Hold Spring Stock Show r.pnrtam anell ivamee rresieent Votes To Continue Show Despite War. The annual meeting cf 'the Huron Central Agricultural Society, the organization behind the Clinton spring stock show, was held in the agricultural boardroom Saturday. W. I3. Lobb, president, 1939-40, presichd. He referrer' to the loss during 1940 of two officials, in the persons of Honorary Past President H. C. Cox and Secretary George H. Elliott. The bank balance of $139 shown in the financial report presented by Mr. Shearer, though $100 less than that of the previous year, was .explained as resulting from unavoidable extra expense se and to net, features introduc- ed. The report was adopted. Mr. McMurray, show manager gave his report in which he referred to the t loudspeaker announcement of the es awards as a splendid feature and was money well spent. The question of continuing the short while the war is on Was taken up. Dr, Shaw pointed out that to carry on in agricultural! pursuits 'is it war measure and held s.th'at there is no reason for discontin- • uing the ,show. Mr. Lobb thought if The Girl's Club of Wesley -Willi Church will meet at the home of Mrs (Dr.) Oakes, on Tuesday, Jan 21st, at 8 p.m. Mrs. Paisley will take th topic. Mrs. Hearn and Miss Gladys Addison will render a duet and Mrs. Cree Cooke's group Will be in charge, Sunday, January 10th. A. memor- ial service for the late Lord Baden Powell, Chief Scout, will form part of the worship in. our church on Sun- day morning. ornmg Scoutsand Guides will be present in a body. Evening Worship: The sermon sub- jeet will be "The Eternal Name," On Wrednesday afternoon Messrs J. V. Diehl and J. B. Lobb, en behalf of the "Covenant" Adult Bible Class, called on Mrs. McKinley, Isaac street, and made her the presentation of an electric lamp, in token of her faith- fulnesstea'ln as c er the last year. Mrs. McKinley expressed her deep apprec- iation of the gift. • The . acting com- mittee was Mesdames N. W. Frewar- tha, J. Turner, and A. Sealey, and Messrs J. V. Deihl and J. B. Lobb. the show is dropped, it will stay drops- ped. rop-ped. A vote to continue the show was unanit fou n s ma f ver. The usual crate„ first Thursday in April, will continue with option of postponement if weath- er and road Conditions are unfavor- able. Officers elected for 1941 are: Honorary presidents, John M'aeFar- lane, Sr., Humphrey Snell, William McEwen, James Leiper, W. H. Lobb, and Frank Powell; President, Ephriam Snell, Clinton„ Vice-presidents ,Torun Innis, Stanley Township; Roy Pepper Tuckersmith: Secretary, J. C. Shearer; Treasurer, A. J. McMurray. Directors, Hallett Township, Dale, Howard Armstrong, W. L. Why, te, Aloysius Shanahan; Tuckersmith: Sanurel Whitmore, Norman Tyndall, Lewis Tebbutt, Os- car Switzer. Stanley: Fred Watson, Mervsn Hanley, William Sinclair, Stewart Mc- E'tven; IGoderich Ben Rathwell, Wilmot Haake, Reuben. Grigg, Oliver Jervis: Clinton: Dr. Shaw, W. E. Perdue„ Thomas Livingston, N. W. Trewartha,, Frecl Livermore; Auditor, R. E. Manning. e - _.. LITTLE LOCALS Messrs, Murray Draper, Laurie Celquhoun left last Friday for their 30 days military training at camp in Chatham. The C.C.I. pupils will make a house to house canvass collecting old metal,, toothpaste tubes, tinifoil, etc., in aid of the Red Cross • Society, The sale of tickets for• their season's plays of the Clinton Drano Group will be held January 20 to 26. A house to house canvass will be made. Boy- Scout Association are holding a memorial service for the late Chief "Lord Baden Powell," Sunicisy January 19th in Weeley-Willis, Unit- ed Church. Miss Margaret Jenkins, Blyth, a graduate of Clinton Public Hospital, has has accepted a position on the night staff of P'arktvood Hospital, London, and left on Monday to commence her new duties. We wish to correct an error which appeared in last week's paper, .,the Blacker -Forest wedding took. Place the Baptist Churchmanse by Rev. A. E. Silver of .Clinton, instead of the Presbyterian, • The Official Board of the Ontario Street United Church have always given their choir a fowl supper. This Year the coir withdrew their supper and the money was sent to the War Victims Find. Mr. -3. J. Zapfe spent several, days last week at the Furniture Exit'tb it - ions in Stratford, Kitchener, Toronto and Hanover gaining information as. to the trend and .prices which will pre - Red Cross Annual Meeting' Post 1Vllptial Shower The first annual meeting of tee A post nuptial shower was held Clinton Branch. of Red Cross was held last Saturday evening in honor of in the Council Chamber, on Wetres- day evening `Jan. 15 and was opened by singing the Nationalal An - the m, Rev; e G, (" r. Burton ehaitman of the Advisory Board ask- ed his Worship, Mayor A. J. McMur- ray to act as chairman. The conven- ors of the work committees reported a very successful year, with the various quotas being completed and many other articles also made and shipped to Division Headquarters at Toronto. A consolidated report of all the act- ivities of the Branch and the writs Bayfield, Varna, Brueefield, Porter's Hill, Hohnesville, No. 4 Goderich Township, South and Goderich Town, - ship and Sit}nmerhill will be given in next week's issue of the News -Record. • Mr. Meth of Varna spoke concern- ing some of the outside units obtain- ing their own charters. It was monad by Mrs. Fred Ford and seconded by Mrs. G. Cuninghame that Bayfield, Varna and Btucefield obtain Charters when they wish to do so, The following officers were elected for the year 1941: President Mrs. (Die) F. G. Thomp- son. 1st vice, Mrs, J. Radford. 2nd vice, Mrs. (Rev.) A. H. O'Neil. Treasuruar, Mis. F. Fingland. Recording secretary, Mrs. H. M. Monteith, Corresponding secretary. Mrs. F. Ford. The meeting closed with a mom- ent of silent prayer, lied Lross meeting important Tice first meeting of the Clinton Branch of Red Cross for 1941 will be held in the Council Chamber on Mon- day afternoons January 20th, at 2.80 o'clock. Eveyone is urged to attend this meeting and help start the work for 1941 with zeal annd determination. 1LL,•U SWELL/ The weekly meeting of the R.S.W.- A. was. }veld at the home of Mrs. H. Monaghan, and 13 members ant 2 visitors were in attendance, collect- ion received was $1.70. e Following articles forewarded: 1 pr. mitts, 1 sweater, 5 pr. socks 2 slips 1 pr. pyjamas. R.S.N.W,A. Wisher to acknowledge with thanks, receipt of $1 donation from r Brandon. M s A. Bta tdon: Members and interested ftiendg, at•e invited to attend next meeting• at home of Mrs. D. W, Cornish, Orange wail for tine next few months. street. W Ross MIs. Henry Sloman, who was mar- ried on Christmas Day. The many friends gathered at the bride's 'tonne and 1 presentsd r with a tea towel • 1 shoiver after which a social hour was. spent and lunch was served. i A post nuptial shower was held at: the home of Mee. Henry Fuss, Parr Line, on Friday afternoon, in honor of Mrs, William Blacker (nee Mary Forest) who was married on New Year's Day. About forty relatives anti friends of the bride were present. A mock wedding was the highlight of the event, with Miss Marjorie Deters as .bride, Miss Peggy Fuss, groom, and Miss Lexy Tostill flower girl. An • address was read by Mrs. Wesley Richardson and the bride was directed by poetry to the beautiful and use- ful miscellaneous gifts displayed in different rooms. The bride thanked everyone for the gifts. Refreshments. were served, EVENING AUXILIARY There was a larger attendance at. the segular meeting on Monday even- ing The convenor of the knitting coin- reported receiving• at this meeting 8. pair of socks, 1 helmet, and'i sweater•.. Ontario St., W.M.Si. The January meeting of the W.M.S of Ont, St. Unwell was held in the Lecture room of the church our Tues. afternoon, The President Mrs. But- ton: presided with Mus. W. Plunfsteel ' • as secretary and Mrs. Weridorf pian- ist. Mrs. Aiken' taking charge of the devotional period. Very mime - aging reports of the year, from the different departments were read and' accepted. After the business part a couple of choruses were sung by the pupils of Miss Habkirks. room of the Public School, followed by a solo. from Miss Elva Wiltse, "The Beaut- iful Garden of Prayer." The visitors were welcomed and a dainty lunch served. The meeting closed by singing' "God Save The: Ring" and the mizpah .benediction.. tY UNLEn 'S 1N 6111' UAW: N o1lisss- The regular meeting of the Wom- en's Institute. will be held on Thurs- day January 23rd. The roll call to, be a nswer edn b y New Year's s Resolu•- tions. Hostesses for the day are Mee. Adams, Mrs. Hearn, Mrs. Rogerson„ Mrs. Ferguson, Mrs. F. Lobb and Mrtr.