The Clinton News Record, 1941-01-09, Page 3!THURg., JAN. 9, 1941.
Do You Remember What Happened During The Last
Decade Of The Old Century?
JANUARY 10th, 1902
Drs. Blackwall and Ball delivered
two horses on Monday to Jae. . Archi-
bald for South Africa.
During the last six months of 1901
there were in ,Clinton: 21 births; 27
marriages and 16 deaths as compared
with the first six' months of: 14
births, 9 marriages and 14 deaths; the
total for the year are 35 births, 36
marriages and 30 deaths.
We are told that there will bea
suit for damages soon in which both
parties are from Clinton: Geo. C.
Rutledge, son of E. Routledge, when
employed .by D. K. Prior some time
ago fell from a scaffold and we uss-
derstand will seek $1000 damages for
injury received to his foot.
J. Taylor who has been appointed
by the Grand 'Ledge of LO'.O.F. of
Ontario, as D.D.G.M. for the District
of Huron, goes to Goderieb next Mon-
day night to instal the officers of the
Goderich lodge; a number of the
Clinton lodge will accompany him to
The first horse and cattle fair in
Seaforth will be held on Jan. 15th.
The Excelsior Mission Band of
Willis church has an attendance of
88, an increase of 18 over last year.
T. Jackson, Jr., was up in northern
towns this week in the interests of
the Jackson Manufacturing Co., tak-
ing orders for the celebrated "Lion"
brand clothing.
Geo. McEwan, Hensall, M.P. for
South Huron, is about to buy the flax
mill in Seaforth and run it; he wants
the town to fix the assessment at
$500 for a term of ten years.
W. J. Chewing, of Cypress River,
Man., is the guest of J. Johnston.,
Ratten!bury street.
Among those who left this week
to resume studies in higher institut-
ions of Ieering in the cities were:
Misses Ida Holmes and Martie Houst-
on to Toronto Conservatory of Music,
Misses Flossie King. 11. Courtice,
Grace and Blanche Sheppard to Ot-
tawa Normal School; Misses D.
O'Neil and G. Murray to London
Normal School, Miss M. Lough, R.
G. Bell and E. Archibald to Toronto
Pharmacy College, Peter McDonald
to London Medical and W. E. Mcll-
veen to Toronto Medical.
JANUARY 10TH, 1901
A great many are dissatisfied with
the present condition of the light as
furnished by the company and a
meeting is to be held next week to
discuss some important questions pro-
posed by some of our business men.
Mrs. Robert Sterling died cn Tues -
Rev. A. E. Silver, Pastor
. 2.30 pan. -Sunday School
7 pan. -Evening 'Worship
The Young People meet each
Monday evening at 8 p.m.
Rev. A. 11. ,O'Neil, B.A.,13.D.
10.00 a.m.-Sunday School.
11 a.m. Morning Prayer.
'7 p.m. -Evening Prayer.
Lieut. Earle
11 a.m. - Holiness Service
3 p.m. - Sunday School
7 p.m. - Salvation Meeting
Rev. G. G. Burton, M.A., E.D.
10.00 a.m,-Sunday School.
11 a.m.-Divine Worship
9.30 a.m. Turner's Church Ser-
vice and Sunday School
'7 p.m, Evening Worship
Rev. Andrew Lane, B.A., B.D.
11 a.m,-Divine Worship
7 p.m. -Evening Worship,
1 Sunday School at conclusion of
miming service.
Rev. 13. F. Andrew
Sunday School 10 a.m.
Worship Service 11 a.m.
3 p.m. Worship Service at Bayfield
2 p.m. -Sunday School. Bayfield.
W. J. aowhexd, Supt.
Tuesday 8 p.m. --Young People.
Wednesday 3 p.m Ladies Prayer
Thursday 8 p.m. -Prayer Meeting.
I 2 p.m. -Sunday School.
3 p.m. -Fellowship Meeting.
8 p.m. -Evangelistic Service.
day evening aged 67 years, 5 menthe. -
The .Mail and Empire inaugurated
an essay competition in which a large
number participated. One of the three
prized awarded was won by Mr. Jam-
es Middleton, son of Geo. Middleton
of Goderieh township, and now as-
sistant in Hovey's drug store.
Rev. Father West closed his past-
orate in St. Joseph's church on Sun-
day when, in his capacity as their
parish priest, he bade the congrega-
tion farewell. w g Am n' no
Among n -Catholics,
too, he is held in high regard much
esteemed for his many virtues of
mind and heart.
Mr. George E. Pay of North Bay
has many friends ha Clinton all of
whom were pleased to see by Tues-
day's dallies that he had headed the
poll in the municipal contest.
Mr. John Maguire, assistant agent
at the G. T. R. station, was called to
the head office at Toronto on Tuesday
by the Superintendent with a view to
furthur ort ux promotion which his ability
and services entitle him. It is an
open secret that he was some time
since offered the station. at Oakville
to which the agent at Blyth was .sub-
sequently appointed. Mr. Briggs, re-
lieving agent, is now performng Mr.
Maguire's duties at the station.
Dr. Ben Sellery; who had been
visiting at his old home in Kincardine
was the guest of his sister, Mrs. A.
T. Cooper, this week while on his way
back to Chicago. He has for the past
year been demonstrator at the Dental
College in that city but has decided
to open an office of his own.
When The Present Century
Was Y oung
JANUARY 13T11, 1916
Mr. L. 13. Foulton and family of
Hensall have moved into the house on
the corner of Raglan and Rattenbury
streets, formerly occupied by Mr.
Pugh. Mr. Foulton is here in the
interest of the International Harvest-
ing Co. of Canada.
Master Kenneth Roberton spent
New Year's with Londesboro and
Auburn friends.
Mrs. Fred Cook was thrown out of
a cutter last week and suffered a
dislocation of the elbow.
The 161st Batt'. have secured the
old rink and will use it for drilling.
Bandmaster C. Dixon, who was in
charge of the Clinton Kiltie nand has
signed up with the 161st, and will
conduct the Regimental Band.
This week have brought another
good bunch to the 161st, Battl. CLIN-
TON: W. R. Stoddart, Andrew Steep,
George Wicks; Kippen, Bassil Mundy,
Wingham, S. Newcombe, Wall Grant,
M. Cook, Glenn Carter, Arthur Grant
and H. Managhan.
The Clinton markets are as follows•:
Hogs $!f; Butter .27c to .280; Barley
.45e to .500; Eggs .35e to .36c; Wheat
1.00 to 1.03; Oats .36c to .38c; Peas
1,50 to 1.60; Buckwheat .60e to .65e;
Bran $25 to $26; Shorts $26 to. $27;
Hay for bailing $12 to $13.
The Pastime Club held a New
Year's dance and proceeds over ex-
penses went to the Recruiting Leag-
ue of the 161st Battalion.
Mrs. H. D. Alexander, mother-in-
law of Bishop Stranger of the Yukon
and of Det Walters, missionary in
Central India died at her home in
Miss Cela Beacom fell at the Col-
legiate grounds on Tuesday and re-
ceived a rather bad cut above the
eye. She hag been abliged to take
a holiday from school,
Mr. James Sheppard, janitor of the
Molson's Bank, is nigh unto another
milestone, and tomorrow will reach
his eighty-fourth. He was born in
London, England, came to this count-
ry when a young man, located at Bly-
th about 1860 and at this Dominion's
first birthday he was a citizen of
Clinton. He has been here ever since
and is an encyclopaedia of local his-
tory. Here's to Jasnes Sheppard,
An enthusiastic meeting was held in
the recruiting rooms en Friday even-
ing last for the purpose of organiz-
inga military hockey team to repre-
sent Clinton in the 161st, "Huron Bat -
=lion". The following officers were
elected: HonSPres.. Lieut. Col. H. B.
Combe, Hon. Vice. Major M. D. Mc-
Taggart, President Major J. W. Shaw,
Vice. Lieut. W. E. O'Neil, Treasurer
Captain Allen, Secretary Lieut. A. J.
The death occured in Toronto on
Friday last at the home of her son-in-
law, Harry Olusas, 51 Charles street,
of Mrs. Logan -Dark, formerly of
Glcderich and mother of Mrs, J. Rat-
tenb:ury of Clinton.
MacLeod -Milady- At the resid-
ence of the bride's parents, Clinton,
en January 12th, by the Rev. Donald
MacLeod of ltlontreal to, Evelyn, only
daughter - of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
THIS YEAR, almost every man and woman in
Canada will share the burden of paying for the
war. A million new taxpayers will pay who
never aid before. A personalbudget payment
plan is
available to old taxpayers who are faced
with substantially increased income taxes.
Canadians are asked to shoulder their share of
the war effort cheerfully and willingly. By pay-
ing your income tax regularly you help to speed
the productionof war material, and bring the day
of victory closer. Figure out how much tax you
will have to pay, and arrange to pay promptly
when due.
Pay by instalments -the easy way-andsave
Cut out this page and keep it for future
without .;ee
If you are a single person
tliou t dependents, and
your income in 1940 was
more than $750.00 you pay general -income-tax.
If you are a married person without depend-
ents, and your income an 1940 was more than
$1500.00 you pay general -income-tax.
If you are a married person with children, you
are allowed $400.00 exemption for each depend-
ent child or grandchild, in addition to the
$1500.00 exemption.
NOTE: In addition to the general -income-tax
you pay National Defence Tax
on yourtotel income without any
exemption if you are single and
your income goes over $600 or if
you are married and your income
goes over 51,200.
w`'q) HOW DO YOU
Pp -!\ PAY?
`�-/;(,"V Your income tax
may be paid in
the following ways, -
1. The Present Method: At least
one-third of the tax to be paid by
April 30th, the balance, with in-
terest at 5% from April 30th, to
be paid by August 31st. On
any balance unpaid after August
31st, the interest rate will be 8 c: %.
2. The Proposed Method: In 8
monthly instalments viithout in -
tercet. To take advantage of this
new way of paying, the first instal-
ment must be paid on or before
January 31st. You must pay at
hest one-third of the estimated
tax in four equal monthly instal.
ments, in January, February,
March and: April, i.e. 1-12 of the
estimated tax in each of the said
4 mouths. The remaining two-
thirds must be paid in four equal
monthly instalments in May,
June, July and August, i.e. 1 -8th
of the netimaied tax in each of
the Noxa 4 months. (This will be
in the amended law'.)
3. The Recommended iiletleod:
This method will not be found in
the law but it is a simple method, namely, in
eight equal monthly instalments, without inter-
est, commencing in January.
To take advantage
of the monthly
plan without interest each payment t
made on or before the clue dates. Otherwise
interest will be charged on the total balance
remaining unpaid after April 30th.
_. ) your estimated tax is
.. $ 60 0 . 0 you pay one-third of
�r�Ut the tax (520.00)in four instal-
ments (55.00 each) and the remaining two-
thirds (540.00) in four instalments (510.00 each).
Your payments are therefore as follows:
On or Before On 01 Bofore On or Before On or Before
)an. 31 Feb. 28 Me.' 31 Apri130
$5 55 $5 55
On or Before On or Before On or Before On or Before
May 31 June 30 July 31 Aug. 31
510 $10 $10 $10 = $60
However it is recommended that you pay
your tax in eight equal monthly instalments of
$7.50 each=$60.00.
Instalment Income Tax Remittance Forms are
available at any post office, or any branch of any
bank, or the office of the Inspector for your
District, and their use will ensure accurate and
proper allocation of your payment, However,
you can send in your instalments by ordinary
lettery ith your ur name and address plainly stated
thereon, clearly indicating the division between
Provincial and Dominion Tax payments.
The general -income -taxis pay-
able on your net income less
5 exemptions.
? - If y u are single, your exemp-
tion as $750.00. Thus if your total
income is 51,000:00 you must pay tax on $250.00.
The exemption for a married person is
51,500.00 plus $400.00 for each dependent child
or grandchild. Thus if you are a married man
with two children and a total income of
52,600.00 0
ur tots
1 exemptions are 0
Y p $1,60 .00
plus $400.00 for each child, or $2,300.00 in all.
So you pay tax on 5300.00.
Payment: You may send a. cheque, Post Office
or Money Order in payment of income tax
by mail, to the Inspector of Income Tax for
the District in which you reside, made payable
to the Receiver General of Canada.Write plainly,
and give your name in full, so that mistakes
in crediting may be avoided. Do not send
money or postage stamps m envelopes.
For a single person
2% on the total income if
the income exceeds 5600 and
does not exceed 51,200.
3% on the total income if
the income exceeds 51,200.
For a married person
2% on the total income if the
income exceeds 51,200 with
a tax credit of $8.00 for each
dependent child or grand-
For 1940 the tax is on one-
half of the income and the
tax credit is 54.00.
Rates of General -Income -Tax which individuals Must Pay
Your net taxable income is the aanount left after you deduct exemptions
from your total income.
If your net taxable income is
5250 or less the tax is 6% thereon.
tbetween 5250 and 51000 the tax is $ 15 plus 8 %on the excess over $ 250
1000 and 2000 " 75 " 12 9 " "
2000 and 3000 195 16 0
3000 and 4000 " 355 " 20%
" 4000 and 5000 " 555 " 24%
5000 and 6000 795 " 27
6000 and 7000 " 1065 " 30%
7000 and 8000 " 1365 " 33%
8000 and 9000 1695 " 35%
9000 and 10000 " 2095 " 37%
For higher incomes refer to the Income War Tax Act.
In addition to the above rates, there is a surtax on al" investment
income in excess of $5000.
Also there is National Defence Tax and in some Provinces, Provincial
Income Tax.
To enioy the advantages of the Interest -Free
instalment Plat
You ,rust pay the first instalment not later than January 31st,
and pay regularly thereafter
including the
n1- J�National
Defence Tax
Booklet and the necessary forms
may be obtained from the
Inspector of Income Tax for
the district in which you reside.
Forms are now available. Form
Special is to be used by
individuals who are not in busi-
ness whose income is not more
than 55000. All others must use
the regular form T.1 or in the
case of farmers, l?orm T,1A,
:Proprietors in busi,tees must file,
in addition to the loran T.1
Return, an Excess Profits Tax
Return on Form E.P. P.1 on or
before April 30th next.
1.1;mner of Mehemet Revenue
e� i Fw
rxP,.✓A.e�tk'tr'it"dyP:�rr col1ta.1140,,ci'-:t.
Co,nm,,!,or,r or Income Tex
Crews of boats from the United
Kingdom and other parts of the Em-
pire decking at Canadian ports are
showing their appreciation, of Canad-
ian Red Cross assistance by taking
up collections, among the men and
presenting the money to the Society.
The latest donation is one of £100
(5500.00), from the men, of one of
Britain's large ships.
The captain of the ship, which dock-
ed recently at an eastern Canadian
port, requested the Canadian Red
Cross representative to come aboard,
Ind there the men presented him with
the money as "a small contribution
to the work of the Canadian. Red
"This certainly is the best evidence
of the way the men of the British
Navy feel toward the Canadian Red
Cross," Dr. Fred W. Routley, national
commissioner, commented yesterday.
Letters of thanks arrive at Canad-
ian Red Cross headquarters in Lon-
don and Canada in steady streams
from the men of the seas. Supplies
of woollen corrlforts and .other articles
needed by sailors ,braving icy winds
and stormy seas are stored by the
thousands at Canadian ports and are
released immediately- to crews in urg-
ent need.
Other supplies stored in warehouses
in England are made available to the
British Navy League and other sea-
men's organizations. One letter re-
eeived recently at London headquart-
ers of the Society stated, "We were
very pleased to receive your excellent
gifts of socks, etc., and we can assure
you that we are finding a full use
for them. It certainly relieves our
anxiety to know that we are so well
fortified to meet the approaching
winter T1i0 ths,"
Another letter said, "May we ex-
press our very grateful thanks for
the woollen comforts. They are a
practical expression of sympathy and
interest in the welfare of our brave
soldiers on board Minesweeping Ves-
sels. The socks will be mueh valued
by the men and will be a great com-
fort to them during the winter that
is now upon us,"
Intelligence Vs. Politics
Hespeler Herald
His Excellency, the Governor Gen-
eral, was on sound ground when, at
last week's convocation at the Univer-
sity of Toronto, he made a plea for
the more useful employment of men
with trained minds in our public life.
By inference, at least, he •sponsored
the View that long-term national pol-
itics and programs can be planned in
advance, if men of the necessary in-
telligence and training are allowed' a
greater share to the functions of gov-
It is unfortunately true that Hueter-
ial success or mere push and animal
energy too often are accepted as the
sole criteria by which electors choose
their representatives. Intellectual
ability is recognized as an asset in
itself. His Excellency intimated that
the political public frequently prefers
to proceed by instinct, rather than.
reason, wth the result that intellect-
ually qualified men in the Old Coun-
try very often are left to pursue their
lofty thoughts in solitude, while lesser
minds undertake to guide the nation,
Perhaps he was equally right in re-
quiring that practical ability should
be coupled with trained intelligence.
The United' States, for example, has•
had. some sad experiences in the em-
ployment of brilliant theorists in high
places under the New Deal. The
funny -business of some Brain -Trust-
ers, in fact, has come closer to
wrecking the New Deal than any ad-
ministrative act of the President.
On the other hand, however, there
is a type of purely speculative think-
er who contributes more to the devel-
opment of sound ideas in government
than all the practical politicians, no
matter how well-equipped mentally,
put together. As an example of this
type of thinker may be namecl W. G.
S. Adams, Fellow of All Souls Col-
lege, Oxford. He is a world authority
on the science of government. He has
devoted his life to the study of what
might be called comparative political
science, and he knows more of what
results are likely to follow a certain
line of policy than all the - practical
politicians ever assembled at West-
minster. He is frequently called into
consultation by British governments,
but- to what extent his advice is taken
is never known, as *British ministers
are required to take responsipility for
their actions., no matter from whom
they accept guidance.
Reference is made to the thinker
of the Adkvms type in connection with
His Exeelleney's remarks lest it be
thought that Canada has no place for
the quiet thinker on political subjects
who does not yearn for the spotlight
of office and the hurly-burly of par-
liamentary and administrative activ-
ity, The university would be remiss
in its. duty to the community if . it
failed to facilitate the development of
such men, and concentrated only
upon the turning out of a somewhat
better -grade politician.
These remarks ate, of course, by
way of supplement to, and not in
criticism of, the point of view expres-
sed by the Earl of Athlone. He was
thinking of terms of strong adminis-
trative guidance for the ship of state
in the years to come, but it is worth
thinking of these problems which
Canada must face in the coming de-
cade which no active politician could
solve without the aid of the cloistered
scholar whose researckes make sound
statecraft possible.
The Greatest Task
In History
An article taken from "Canada
Carries On, No. 2", a review by Cab-
inet Ministers -taken from reports
presented to the House of Commons,
November -December.
Upon the forces of Britain has been
placed the greatest task in the his-
tory of the world. She has to watch
and fight, she has to fight in the
British Isles and in the seas that
surround them, she has to fight in the
Mediterranean, in the middle east, in
Africa; she has to watch the far east,
in Hongkong, in Singapore; she has
to keep India constantly in mind.
Anywhere at any time, she may find
it necessary to send ships and men
to meet a new threat to her lines of
communication and supply, or to face
fresh horrors in some distant quarter
of the globe.
This bare reoital of facts proves,
of course, that the situation is ser-
ious, but certainly not more serious
than it has been during the last three
months. The only difference is that I
People themselves in all parts of the
world are begin:mg to realize more of
the truth. The situationis bound to
become increasingly ,serious as war-
fare spreads to new seas and shores
and a mutual destruction continues,
as it most certainly will, .with ever-
increasing fury. It is wholly probable
that we shall witness much of anar-
chy as well as of war ore the death -
grapple between totalitarianism and
democracy has told its tale.
No one can say the world, even
now, may Rot be heading for Arma-
geddon. The 0710 thing that, under the
providence of God, may save the
world this supreme tragedy is the
might of Britain, strengthened, sup-
ported and sustained by the power of
+ the British dominions and India, the
I help of the United States, and such
and as it may be we within the power
of other liberty -loving people to give,
to use words I have just quoted: In
order to overthrow the enemy and to
save mankind "it is going to take all,
that all of us can give."
Mr. and Mrs. W. Broome of Wing -
ham were gratifed to learn recently
of a part play by their son, William,
in recent military demonstrations.
performed before officers including
Maj. -Gen. Victor Odlum, in England.
Bill Broome was the first Wingham
young man to enlist at the outbreak
of war.
In the demonstration a portable
bridge was thrown across a 200 -foot
stream and the stability of the affair
was shown when in less than a half
hour a five -ton Bren gun carrier lum-
bered across.
There were two sections competing
in establishing the rafts for the heavy
bridge. Cprl. Eric Wilkes of London,
Ont., and' his men won when they put.
their raft together in four minutes.
Members of his section were Sappers
Broome of Wingham, L. Lau r.on; of
Toronto, W. Fraser of Forest, Walter
Hair of Woodstock, Charlie Core„
Charlie Greonhili'and Alex Ramsay,
all of London, Ont, -