The Clinton News Record, 1941-01-09, Page 2PAGE 2 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD TRUE'"., JAN. 9, 1941. "THE PUREST FORM IN WHICH TOBACCO CAN BE SMOKED." PAINTER IN.R.C.A.F. Marvin Haskins, 27-year-o1d New York freelance painter, now is with the Royal Canadian Air Force station- ed at Port Albert, Ont. He joined the R.O.A.F. a month ago when his inter- est in flying and sympathy for Brit- ain overpowered his artistic ambition. The Clinton News -Record with which is incorporated THE NEW ERA TERMS; OF SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 per year in advance, to Can- adian addresses; $2.00 to the U.S. or other foreign countries. No paper discontinued until all arrears are paid unless at the option of the pub- lisher. The date to which every sub- scription is paid is denoted on the label. ADVERTISING RATES — Transient advertising 12e per count line for 'first insertion. 8c. for each subse- quent insertion. Heading counts 2 lines. Small advertisements not to -exceed one inch, such as "Wanted", '"Lost, "Strayed", etc., inserted once 'for 35c., each subsequent insertion 15c. Rates for display advertising Jade known on application. Communications intended for pnb- 'lication must, as a guarantee of good 'faith, be accompanied by the name of the writer. E. HALL - Proprietor H. T. RANCE Notary Public, Conveyancer 'financial. Real Estate and Fire In- .suranee Agent. Representing 14 .Fire ,insurance Companies. Division Court Office. Clinton . `Frank Fingland, B.A., LL.B. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successor to W. Brydone, K.C. 151oan Blocs — Clinton. Ont. H. G. MEIR Barrister -at -Law .Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Ontario. Proctor hi Admiralty, Notary Public and Conunissioner. Offices in Bank of Montreal Building. Hour's: 2.00 to 5.00 Tuesdays and Fridays. D. 11. McINNES CI3IR()PRACTOR Electro Therapist, feassage OFm m. Huron Street. (Few Doors west of Royal Bank) Jzzurs—Wed. and Sat, and by appointment. FOOT CORRECTION ter •reanspnlation Sun -Ray Treatment Phone 207 INSURANCE Fire, Automobile, Automobile Ac- cident, Accident, Sickness, Burglary, Plate Glass, Fidelity Bonds, Liabil- ity, etc. Lowest Rates. M. G. I2ANSFORD, Phone 18031'. Representing fifteen strong Canadian Companies. HAROLD JACKSON Licensed Auctioneer Specialist hi Farm. and Household Sales. Licensed in Huron and Perth Counties. Prices reasonable; satis- faction guaranteed. For information etc, write or phone Harold Jackson, 12 on 658, Seofortlm; ?t. R. 1, Bruoefield. 06-012 GORDON,M. GRANT Licensed Auctioneer for Huron County. ',Correspondence promptly answered. Every effort made to give satisfac- tion. Immediate arrangements can be made for sale dates at News -Record Office or writing Gordon M. Grant, 'Goderich, Ont. THE McKILLOP MUTTTAL Fire Insurance Company Head Office, Seeforth, Ont. Officers: President, Thomas Moylan, Sea - forth; Viee President, Williams Knox, Londesboro; Secretary -Treasurer, M. A. Reid, Soaforth. Directors, Alex. Broadfoot, Seaforth; James Sholdice, Walton; James Connolly, Goderich; W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Chris. Leonhardt, Dublin; Alex. McEwittg, Beeth; Frank McGregor, Clinton. Liss of Agents: E. A. Yeo, R.R. 1,; Goderich, Phone 008r31,, Clinton; James Watt, Blyth; John E. Pepper, Brucefield, R, R. No. 1: R. F. NfeKer- cher, Dublin, R, R. No. 1;. J. F. Preuter, Brodhagen; R. G. Jamuth, Bornholm, R. R. No. 1. Any money to be paid may be paid. to the Royal Bank, Clinton; Bank of. 'Commerce, Seaforth, or at Calvin :Obtt'e Grocery, Goderich. Parties desiring to effect inatrr- once or transact other business will he promptly attended to on applica- lon to any ,of the above officers ad - •dressed to their respective post offi- ces. Losses inspected by the director who lives nearest the scene. ri3' Mill 'CIME�TABLE ',8'reins will arrive at and depart from Clinton as follows: Buffalo and Cm-oderice ilia Going East, depart 6.43 a.m reeler Fest. depart 3.00 p.m. Going West, depart 11.45 a.m. Going West, depart 9.50 p.m. London; Huron & Bruce Going North, ar 11.21, lye. *11.47 a.m Going South ars ' 2.50, leave $.08 p.ni: PUBLISHED BY SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT COPYRIGHT GENERAL SIR WESTON MARRIS,. a highly -placed officer of the General Staff visiting New Zeal- and on duty. LORNA MARRIS, his pretty, luxury- loving daughter. PRINCIPAL CHARACTERS MISS HILDA MARRIS, sister of the General, accompanying 'him to New Zealand and giving Lorna such supervision as a high-spirit- ed girl will tolerate, CHAPTER XVII (Continued) STRANGE CELEBRATION Miss Marris looked affectedly glad; relieved, in fact. "I think it's a very good thing!" she said, "And high time it was settled, too! You young people in these days seem to have no idea of managing things!" "Do you think this place would run to a bottle of champagne?" Richards said. "I feel we must celebrate—this is a very special occasion!" He put his h ger on the bell, but Lorna said: "This is New Zealand, Allen! Peo- ple don't come rushing to answer bells here; they've something more profitable to do. You'll have to go down and make your own inquiries!" "Oh, so I will, I suppose!" He hastened out. "I'm very pleased you two have de- cided this at last!" Miss Marris be- gan. "I'm glad you are glad!" said Lorna hurriedly. "Just a moment, auet—l" And she slipped out 0f the room after her fiance. She went into the bathroom, looked across at Idawksford's room; the blank window told her nothing. Site glanced out of the landing window— the Grenmoree was standing in the garage doorway, Hawksford was not there, She ran downstairs and looked out into the street. No Hawksford. Sho hurried along the passage, glanc- ed into the cormexcial room. She thought of looking into the private bar, but Allen's voice in there, mak- ing inquiries about champagne, de -1 terred her . . She stood in a fret of anixety. Had Hawksford already set off for Gul- liver's Bay? Had she missed hint? If that was the case she would have to tell. Allen, she and Allen would have to go together to Gulliver's Bay! There was a step behind her, she 'looked around, the door into the kit- chen quarters had opened, and there, gazing at her with a look of mild in-.' quiry, stood Hawksford. Lorna unuttered something, turned like a startled rabbit, and fled up the stairs. At the top she tried to quell the ridiculous thumping of her heart. "Olt dear!" she thought. "This is too frightful! He suspect I Intow something if I behave like that! And Allen—oh, dear, it's too upsetting al- together!" She got back into the sitting-t'o0nm with Allen on her heels, Three min- utes later the champagne Game up on a tray carried by the barman from below; and behind him, in slacks and a khaki shirt, Hawksford! "I ran into hint hi the hall and ask- ed him to come up and drink with us," Allen murmured in Lorna's ear. "I'm turning into quite a pukka New Zealander, am I not?" She felt herself 'grow crimson and to hide it she turned away to sit down on the window seat, while Allen said to Hawksford, cheerily -- (heavensl she had never known him so cheery): "Come in, Hawksford! We're hav- ing a spot of champagne as kind of celebration! Thought you'd like to join us!" "Thanks story much," said Hawks - ford, looking easy enough. Allen poured out champagne for Lorna and Miss Marris, and handed it to them; as he filled IIawksford's glass he explained to him in a low- ered voice: "Miss Marris and I have just fixed the date of our wedding!" Hawksford gave a little nod, with raised eyebrows, conveying that he was suitably impressed. Lorna looked hastily out of the window. She felt quite sick. It seemed to her that Al- len was behaving in the most extra- ordinary manner, doing all the most. frightfully conventional things he usually despised, and doing them ter- ribly badly---:! "Well!" said Alien, raisng his• glass, "Here's luck!" To their wedding in March . Lorna took a .sip, nearly choked on it, and could not forbear glancing at Hawksford; to see him with his glass tilted, draining it, to the last drop. Everything went black, and her hand- began andbegan to shake suddenly;. she felt a cold splash of champagne on her knee through the thin stuff of her skirt; she heard Allen's sudden laugh, the tinkle of breaking glass at the other Side of the room and his voice saying rather, loiidly: ) "There, that'.s done the job thor- oughly!" She managed to lower her. glass to the window sill without spilling any MEW CAPTAIN A14.EN RICHARDS,. the General's •Aide -de -Camp, who is engaged to Lorna. T. H. HAWK.SFORD, chauffeur to the General's party. A New Zealander, "handsome in a rug- ged, arresting fashion." more; through a haze she was aware that Hawksford was looking at her fixedly. She pulled herself together with a supreme effort. Allen, who had smashed his glass in the fireplace, was laughing about it, and had not noticed her. "Break it!" he was saying to Miss Marris, as she finished drinking. "Break it—you really should break it, you know!" "I certainly shall not," said Miss Marris. "What on earth will they think of us here?" Lorna managed a smile, but a pain- ful fancy seized her. There was some- thing queer about Allen's manner! It was strange and abnormal! Had he suspicions about herself and Hawks - ford such as Miss Marris had had? Was that why he had asked Hawks - ford to drink with then? She drank the rest of her champagne hurriedly, Hawksford was moving discreetly to- wards the door. "I must go!" Allen said abruptly, "I'll have to go at once if I'm to be in town by four -thirty!" • "How wretched! Must you?" said "Lorna, • , • "A hundred -and -twenty miles of dusty, difficult roads!" said Allen. "I can't stay another moment!" Hawksford departed, s a yin g "Thanks very much!' as he went. Al- len said goodbye to Miss Marris and walked out immediately. Lorna went with him. On the stairway, out of the sight of prying eyes, he drew her to him abruptly and kissed her, say- ing: "Darling!" The words site struggled to find were wmecessary, for he hastened on and three minutes later he was in Tri, car, waving goodbye. A roar, a puff of dust, and rte was gone; the night- marish incident was at an end. And she hadn't told him about Hawksford, she hadn't breathed word about the awful things weighing on her mind, or the unknowlr difficulties she was about to face! CHAPTER XVIII TWO GO NORTH "Aunt Hilda, I'm going for a walk!" Lorna dived through the bedroom, snatched a brown linen hat di' rise wardrobe shelf, and kicked oft her high -heeled shoes. "You seem in a hurry about it." said Miss Marris, not looking up from her book as she lay on the bed. "I want to get out before the sun goes," said Lorna, stepping hastily into a pair of walking shoes. "Before the sun goes? But it's only just two o'clock!" "Don't worry about me if I'm gone some time," and Lorna was out of the door without another word. Miss Marris got np end went on to the verandah in time to see her niece walking briskly north along the road. "Now where is she off to ?" said Miss Marris. Was this something more to clo with the mysterious af- fair which was worrying Lorna? Why rush off in such a hurry? Irritated and puzzled, Miss Marris went back and lay down to read again. Half an horn later on the road north of Kaikoura, the figure of a man clad in slacks and a tweed coat and khaki shirt, strode .briskly along in the breezy sunshine; he turned aside into a track through time scrub, and three minutes afterwards, Lorna, panting with the effort of keeping on the trail of such a walker, fol- lowed him on to it. Before lunch she had slipped away to the store across the road from the hotel, and on the pretext of buying toothpaste, had gleaned all the in - emanation, sho could get from the store keeper about Gulliver's Bay, and how to get there. To begin with one followed the road north, then turned aside on a track marked by a clump of cabbage trees up the hill through some scrub. And there she was, having seen Hawks - ford's departure north along theroad from the verandah of the hotel, fol- lowing him on that very track, Ile was on his way to Gulliver's Bay. No doubt of it now; and the dangerous game had started. She had on a brown cotton frock which would be inconspicuous out of doors, but she could not follow him, at all closely, for fear of his seeing her, even on the track with high scrub on either side; when he got higher on the hillside he might loole back and would certainly glimpse her below unless she was very careful. She crouched in the shelter of a bush, so as to let him get ahead; • then made a short cut up the hillside International S. S. Lesson through the scrub. It was rough go •ing; she was scratched and stung, and became entangled in a relentless thorny creeper lmown as "Iawyer." But she dodged from bush to bush, and came to the top of the hill, to see him swinging along half a mile ahead on the track, which followed the side of a long spur covered with beech and manuka. Lorna scrambled up the bank on the inside of the track, and pushing and picking her way through the bush above it, followed him on. Ten minutes later she came to the end of the spur, and saw the track running down the slope before her to disappear into a thick forestof black beech in the valley; beyond was an- other scrub covered hill; all around were hills, and no sign of the sea yet. Gulliver's Bay, site assumed, would be •somwhere on the other side of the hill ahead. Hawksford, she fancied, had gone on down the track into the beeches. The scrub was so thick that she de- cided to cross the track and make her way down through the less difficult manuka on the other side. Hat in hand and red curls tossing, she scrambled down the bank. A. figure rose from sitting on a log at the foot of it, and there stood Hawksford! "I WAITED FOR YOU" "So kind of you to join mei" he said, looking at her grimly while she quaked with horror and surprise. "I—I beg your pardon?" quavered Lorna. "I saw you on the track coining up from the road and guessed you were after me, so I sat down and gave you time to overtake me. Hope you didn't hurry?•" Lorna drew a deep breath and fac- ed the situation boldly: "I admit I'm interested' to know where you are going!" "Well, that's nice of you! I was just off for a walk." "Splendid," said Lorna, tossing back her hair, and looking at him with clear eyes. "Can I come with you?" "I'm going rather far, I think you might be tired." "I never tire," said Lorna. "No, I suppose if I ask you not to come, you'll pretend to go back, and then you'll dog the all the way?" Site said nothing, but stood looking at the lonely woods ahead with a set fact). Her heart was beating uncom- fortably fast. Ire was half frowning, half sinning: "Well," he said with a wave of his hand, "let's go, shall we?" She hesitated, then set off at his side, walking down the track towards the woods. "So you still think I'm a spy?" he said. She looked at the thick mass of trees ahead, wondering whether once their shadows had closed' on her she would ever come out again td see time light. She steeled her courage and said: "I do. You thought you Imad me fooled, didn't you? Why didn't yon take the warning and get away as coon as you knew you were suspected —why were you so stupid as to try to go on with it?" - "Why did you want to warn me?" She ignored him. "It's too late now," she said. "I left a letter behind at the hotel for my father telling all I know about you, and where I am going to -day, in case anything happened to me," "Sensible girl! But why did you want to warn me?" She moistened her dry lips, seeking a suitable reply. "You asked me once for a second chance." "Is that all?" He looked down at her searchingly as they walked along, She coloured deeply, angrily. He seemed to have no shame for what she knew about hien, no realization of the position at all—! He laughed suddenly and lifted his head. "That was good chamagne we had this morning, for a country pub. But you didn't seem to like it much! I drank all mine, drained it to the last drop. 'After all,' 11 thought. `Why . not drink to a thing you know will never happene" She drew a deep breath, and her heart was very heavy. She asked wearily: "You don't think I'll 'marry Captain Richards"? He shook hie head. "I don't suppose you 'know mu.eh about it," she said. "1 dor You'll never marry Rich January 12th Lesson: Luke 14:1.14; G.T. 1 Tim. 1:15 By REV. GORDON A.,PEDDIE, B.A. 1. If our true REST is found neither in our own works, nor in ceasing our own works, but is found in Jesus Chriet who sets us free from our af- flictions (vv 1-5), how .ought we spend Sunday' or any other day?. Answer: All days, but especially those like Sunday when ordinary work stops, ought to be spent as far as possible in remembering Jesus Christ, including the assembling of ourselves together; remembering Him who sets us free from trusting in our own works—and that is the true keeping of the Sabbath (Hebrews 4;4-11, NOTE: in Bible margin see that the word "rest" means "a keeping of a sabbath"). 2. Do verses 7-11 teach us that if we want the best thinga we must pretend that we do not deserve them, and then our humility'wiil be reward- ed? Answer: Not at all! For God easily knows whether or not we are really humble; and if we are really humble we can have no thought of reward. To such as know they are "chief of sinners" Christ's promise in v 11 is not as a reward, but as an act of sheer mercy or grace (James 4:6). 3. Does Christ forbid us, in verse 12, ever having our friends or relatives or rich people to dinner or to social gatherings? Answer: NO! That is not at all Christ's purpose. He is simply saying that among these people there is al- ways the possibility of the favour be- ing returned, and that therefore such fellowship is no indication that we know our own need of God's unmerit- ed invitation. 4. What then do verses 12 - 14 teach? Answer: These verses teach that if we know ourselves as God knows us we shall find true fellowhip with those who are the most needy of all, who are as unable to earn our favour or reward us as we are to earn God's favour or reward Him. Where we so know our need, God promises to be merciful at the last day (v 14), Legion Operating Hostel Fir Men On L,c:'.ve In Halifax Conversion of ilia Halifax Armour- ies into a 250 bed hostel for members of the armed forces has been an- nounced here by the Canadian Legion War Services.. Intended to help alleviate the lack of overnight sleeping aceonmiodtttiorr caused by the influx of thousands of sailors, soldiers and airmen into this busy Maritime port when on leave, the building has been taken over by the Legion at the request of the De- partment of National Defence. It has "een equipped with cots, bedding and blankets. Personnel of the Legion War Ser- vices are in charge of the operation of the hostel which, if necessary, will be equipped later on with light re- freshment facilities, Sleeping conditions in Halifax ler s'ervi0e men on leave have been acute for many months and even the opera- tion of the Armouries by the Legion as a hostel will not overcome the sit- uation entirely, though it will ease it considerably. The Armouries is the second estab- lishment in Halifax being operated by the Legion; for men oe active,service. Some weeks ago a building in the downtown section of the city was purchased for use as an education and social centre for the troops. Its acquisition was to offset some of time congestion caused by the large num- ber of men enrolling as students un- der the Legion's education program. One floor of the 30 -room building has been divided into classes, reading rooms and a library. The rest of the ^structure is being used for ,social purposes such as games, entertain- ment, concert parties and sing -songs. Elsewhere throughout the Atlantic Command, which is heavily populated by the Forces, the Legion is operating six recreation huts for ntenmbers of the Active Army. It has, hi addition, two recreation centres in Militia Training Camp and two dry canteens for troops in Newfoundland. Old stocking tops sewn together make good dusters or good polishing cloths for oiling and rubbing down floors or 'furniture. Several old steak- ing tops cut in strips and dipped in paraffin oil make fine dustless mops for hardwood floors or furniture. ards!" His tone was one of flat cer- tainty. "You dorsi want to much!" he added, with a sudden harsh little laugh: She struggled for composure. "Is it important just now?" she managed to say at last. "I know you're blase---buut are you so blase as that?' he countered. "I' do want to marry Captain Richards!" The words burst from her, even while she realized the futile congruity of the discussion. (CONTINUED NEXT WEEK) Phil Osifer of Lazy Meadows By Barry. J. Boyle "BARNYARD CAPERS" Have you ever notieed how the barnyard folks re -act boa sunny day that comes as a .relief fr'oni blowy, wintry ones? It's strange and quite interesting to tvateh. You'll find a hundred different things happening when you throw open the stable doors and teethe animals wander out into bright sunshine. Jessie, our one -horned brindle cow, sauntered out today and, from force of habit, teak up- her piaeo where countless rubbings have scraped out a hollow in the straw stack. I saw her look over to the knotty pine post be- side the hen -house. It was plain to see that elle had some urgent scratch- ing to do, but certainly the warinth of the sun on that day had robbed her of the ambition to walk across the barnyard. Our belligerent Berkshire complain- ed bitterly in a grunting sort of way about being chased from her pen. She tested the mud in the centre of the barnyard . half hunkered down to wallow in it and then, seeing her favorite Iocationi ... the puddle pro- vided by the overflow from the water trough . . and knowing that it would be churned to a messy niceness from countless cattle tramping in it, made for it. Tabby was an interested onlooker from the window sill of the hen house, protected from the edge jn the wind, she basked in the sunlight ... dili- gently washed her face and combed her hair and then half drowsed on the perch ... but with an eye open to see that everything was progressing to her liking. Tho feeder cattle bunted and push- ed and carelessly pulled straw from the stack, They had none of the daint- iness of the little Jersey cow who pulled enough down for a bed and then, high and dry from the barn- yard mud, laid down for a rest. The feeders are, of course, rough and rag- ged, imports from. the Western Prov- inces and lacking the finer graces of their Eastern cousins. Of all the residents of the barn- yard, Whitey, out' Leghorn rooster,. seemed to be thoroughly disgruntled. I feel quite certain that he was coin- plaining of the mud, which he cer- tainly did not want on his yellow leggings. Around the hen house door there was a narrow patch of ground that was -dry. Around` it there flowed the mass, of mud that our barnyard seems to develop into in the winter- time on soft days. He strutted back and forth, shaking his tail and tossing his comb in a plainly vexed way, Once or twice he ventured out in the mud for perhaps a foot, but finally, de- livering a chesty lecture to the hens, he retired to the hen house and, after a three -round battle with the banty rooster that ended in a draw, there was peace and quiet in the fowl de- partment. The ducks were quite willing to waddle in the mud. Now and again they would stop and "slurp" around as if finding something to eat. It seemed that the barnyard was pro- viding them with unlimited opportun- ities for exploration. The horses kept off to the higher ground around the implement shed doors. Fanny and Bessy didn't do very much racing around but the younger horses nuzzled up to each other and -took playful bites. It may have been the deceptive weather that made them think of Spring, but when I saw the heels going up in the air and that they were kicking at their own shadows, I slipped another bar on the gateway. The •calves had out and out fun,. The plank bridge we use to give the wheelbarrow elevation for dumping served as a marvellous place for bunt- ing and bumping. A little red fellow with a background of sturdy Polled Angus ancestors managed to keep the position most of the time till a pair. of Herefords decided to co-operate and they sent him sprawling into a particularly ungraceful position. The afternoon proved so amusing that I forgot to clean the stables which had been my intention when I turned them all loose. TWO PRAYERS AT NEW YEARS Dedicated to Their Majesties, our well -beloved King George VI and Queen Elizaebth, in grateful memory of their visit to Canada. An Empire Kneeling O Lord, another year has gone And still the war drum beats— Grant us, 0 Christ, the courage, high, That flames in London streets, O Son of Mary and Thy Saints, We humbly call to Thee To arm and guard our fighting men— On land, in sky and sea. Jehovah, God of Israel, Thy chosen ones implore That Thou wilt be their God of Hosts Amid the battle's roar. And we, who name Thee other Names— At other altars bow— Our millions pray in massy tongues, God keep our Empire now. Our noble allies, Lord, uphold Throughout the Hitler night; And may their Spartan spirit, fine, Inspire our Empire's might. And we at home in lesser ways, Whato'er our tasks may be— God matte us kind and strong and brave To• strive for Victory, God save our King — our statesmen guide, As we rededicate our lands To Thee and righteousness. Amen. Ottawa, Dec. 22, 1940. In Tranquil Days O Lord, the old year is n0 more, Its sullied page is turned; With flying foot the entities, The dear dead year has spurned, The passing bell of midnight peals, With humble hearts we hear The clanging tongues ring wide the news The birth of -another year. No survey of our faltering, No memory of each fall Will cancel their unworthiness: They have passed, beyond recall. Again, we gird our armour on, Intent our fight to win In this clean, =lived twelvemonth, new, That Time has ushered in. So, with Thy kindly aid, 0 God, We face the coming days, And trust that in the paths of right Thine arm wilt guide our Ways. From lack of Christian charity, The unkind thought 'or word, From all these petty little sine-- Deliver ine—Deliver us, 0 Lord. Amen. Guelph, Dec. 31, 1909. -S. Rupert Broadfoot, K.C. To remove ink stain's, saturate with peroxide, then soak in sour milk for half an hour. Repeat if necessary. READ THE ADVEI1TTSEMF.WTe IN THE NEWS -RECORD 1 SCOUT NEWS A 80 acre Boy Scout camp site on Trout Lake has been purchased joint- ly by the Scout Association of Fort WiIliant and Port Arthur. Yorkshire Rover Scouts have ap- pealed for buckets, brushes and soap with which to clean the floors of houses used to provide biilits for evacuees. l'No One Wants To Shoot A Boy Scout A new and unexpected demand has appeared for bright -coloured Boy Scout troop neckerchiefs. Huntero are wearing them in the bush as a protection against being mistaken for a deer or bear. "Keep Smiling!"—Polish Chief Scout The Chief Scout for Poland, Dr. Grazynski, invited to inspect a par- ade of Scottish Scouts, reminded them that all Scouts are of one fam- ily, with the same .:notto, "Keep smiling, my friend." Numbers of Polish Scouts are living in Scotland where they aro being made warmly welcome. Another Scout hlessenger Hero British Scouts acting as meseengers continue to supply fine examples of devotion to duty. While cycling at night with a message, 16 -year-old Patrol Leader Pearce of Chilwell was knocked down by an unlighted car, Leaving his damaged cycle at the roadside, and despite a severe leg in- jury, he proceeded afoot. On reach- ing his destination he collapsed anti: was found to be in need of immediate medical attention. Strange Contributions To Boy Scout Salvage Campaign Boy Scout waste material cam- paigns in all parts of the Dominion, to raise Red Cross and other war ser- vice funds, have been bringing out some strange contributions, but none more so than the week's salvage col- lection conducted by the Scouts of the Capital. It included an 8 -inch shell and cartridge case from Great War I, an ancient foot -power shoe sewing machine, an aluminum section of the framework of the famous dirigible 11101, and several German guns from the municpal authorities of nearby communities. The list had its- climax in a telephone call to "come and get an old hearse." 34% On Guaranteed Trust Cerillicotes A legal' investment for Trust Funds Unconditionally Guaranteed STEM 75d 5TIUSS CORPORATION STERLING TOWER TORONTO