HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1940-12-26, Page 8"rets evuet £1.0 r7 p-a-vicnpp ww uttz wWHING ALL A HAI PY NEW YEAR. NEW CON CIS IN'1,..)N' phrnone 162. Ff 0 Uetatatetetetay.Sta \� ET YOUR YEAR'S FOWL i DEIN YNDALL EAT MARKET " Albert Street TrAD�KING 0tr)R FRIENDS THEIR PATRONAGE 4I3( WISHING THEM ALL A 3r1Rt:a1 O HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR SUTTER & 'P4PDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS PHONE 147w. CLINTON, ONT. a9r^AWr8a431--3311rit`�rrSt2:`Jr, r is,larNDU.rrEr.'aas2P9rer$r7r'a=Wr9rk.UVa7.*', 21:4 44-1000000C-ttuMfirele+ r r to tC tSAfC -t:.0EVCtCtflCAttete+CrCCM-tfU €2 A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR is the sincere wish of Plumsteel Bros. A Arrow for Men A m2rh2 14-20r9r ;9t2r8 -21Y 2MD,1-ar2:**-21-XXaraa8r r2ror9rOZetrat ;s°rIMN-104)r8rral;rm nt r2: Shirts — Adam Hats — Scott & McHale Scoes A:!ents Tip Top Tailors. Vacetatate+ctatetgtc late+elatetc-rc+ +mea+ tsteleV tete:StateeaSiea eCIVEIC € e TO OUR CUSTOMERS TO OUR FRIENDS TO ONE AND ALL A HAPPY AND; PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. I 4- T. Hawkins,PLUMB ARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 �n Ndl agaalaadatiaalkaaatrab "r ` raraa9aNnt9n;a-It9r r4r3r:rt3rah `.•-i.^.s: S ^etateteaetctetealtete+ cetctetecs We Wish One and All The Season's Heartiest Greetings and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. THE STORE WITH THE ,STOCK BALL & ZAPFE E PHONE 195 ifHardware -,–Furniture — Funeral Directors --Ambulance Service iW. N. Ball,' Phone 110 J. J. Zapfe, Phone 103 .a2:.hktvarrmaarog:aa 6e3h1'n2 rl avikaairdaa rtr9avaimara soasr r9a r r2oZ A, Our appreciation of a pleasant relationship finds expression at this season in the wish that you may have a prosperous contented -New Year. It is impossible to hope that the coming New Year will be a time,. of "peace on earth" but it will at least be one of "good will (ward men" of our own and allied countries. "I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year: "Give me a light that I may tried safely into the unknown." And he replied: "Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the hand of God. That shall be to you better than light and safer than the known way." We Extend To You: King in an Empire Broadcast.) Tile W. D. Fair 'Co Often the Cheapest—Always the Best fE I'll'II Ii r1' i�liCl I11I1111M Mrs. W. C. Brown spent Christmas in Woodstock. Mrs. H. Johnston is spending the holidays in Toronto. Mr. Brenton Hellyar of London is spending the Christmas holidays at his home. Cpl. Gordon Monteith, St. Thomas, spent the Christmas holidays at his hone here. Miss Violet Morrison of Toronto is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Morrison. Mr, Jack Scowler, of the Royal Bank staff, s'',ent the holiday at his home in Dutton. Mrs. 'Mary Sperling is spending the Christmas hclidays in Toronto and Niagara Falls. Pta. George Carter, Barriefield, is spending the Christmas holidays at his home in: town. Cpl. Sam Castle of London, is spend- ing the hoildays with his wife and daughter of town. Miss Helen McKenzie of MacDonald Hall, Guelph, is spending Christmas holidays with her parents. Mr. Norman Fitzsimons of Kirkland Lake, is the guest: of his parents here during the Christmas holidays. Miss Eleanor Plumsteel, teacher at Sioux Lookout is spending the Christmas holidays with her par- ents, Mr. G. E. and Miss Evelyn Hall are spending the holidays in Toronto, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hall. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Dippell and child- ren of Bowmanville are visiting the ladies' parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Potter, Miss Cathleen Cucinghame of Uni- versity College ,Toronto, is spend- ing the Christmas holidays at her home in town. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Shearer and little daughter, Virginia, are spending the Christmas holidays with friends in Streetsville. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Stickney and children. of Kalamazoo, Mich., are visiting the ladies's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Cole. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mutch accomp- anied by Miss Helen R.oherton of Detroit are spending the holidays in town, the guests of their respec- tive parents. • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carnegie of Loin - don, Mr. Gerald Holmes,ofToronto and Mr. Cecil Holmes, R:C.A.F., Chatham, spent tine Christmas holi- clays with Mr. and Mrs, W. S. R. Hohnes. We Extend To Yon: Season's Greetings and thank you for your . patronage, during the past year. enri's Shop eauty We Sincerely Wish • All Our Customers and Friends A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del As. Personal care given every order and special attention given to funeral orders. Phones 176 and 31 arri raa7'ar47r7r772M-7nYr9i9r: velem t.," to tens Wishing you the COMPLIMENTS of the SEASON and Happiness throughout the New Year. BOSS FITZSIMONS PHONE 76 .4-319MZrat M2r9r9r57ar9r9r9a:DINN--Z=t2tD\ Smith's Grocery PHONE 86 — We Deliver HOLIDAY GREETINGS and BEST WISHES for HEALTH & HAPPINESS in the NEW YEAR. PEOPLE YOU KNOW Thos. Cooke, R.C.A.F. Camp Borden, spent the Christmas holidays at his home in town, James Lockwood, R.C.A.F., Trenton, spent the Yuletide holiday with his parents. Miss Mai'ie Plumsteel of London spent the Christmas holidays at her home in town. Lieut. Earle, of the Salvation Army, is spending the Christmas holidays in Galt. Mr. and Mrs. William Higgins and Miss Ferrol spent the holiday with friends in Exeter. t 6 I Hi/, h DEC. 27th to 31st AT YOUR H10 HO WHITE STORE CLINTON a- GREETINGS —® TO OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS ONE AND ALL: GOOD' HEALTH AND GOOD CHEER ALL THROUGH THE NEW YEAR. WE EXTEND OUR BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR, -C, M. (SHEARING AND STAFF. FOR YOUR NEW YEAR'S DINNER DR. POMELO GRAPEFRUIT DOLE'S PINEAPPLE ALLEN'S APPLE JUICE 2 tins JUICE 2 tins 23c JUICE tin 15c AYLMER TOMATO RED & WHITE NGAPORE SOUP 3 tins 25c PEAS . 2 tins 19.c PINEAPPLE 2 tins SWEET MANGOE RED & WHITE RED & WHITE TIPS CHUTNEY jar 35c CARROTS ,.. 2 tins 19c ASPARAGUS ... tin COUNTRY KISTRED & WHITE TOMATO RED & WHITE .i`r CORN tin ,1 Oc JUICE .....: 2 lg. tins 19c TOMATOES ` `tin FANCY MIXED RED & WHITE PEKOE NUT§ 1b. 19c TEA 1/2lb. 38c CRISPIE DILL SMALL SWEET PICKLES jar 23c GHERKINS jar 15c, FANCY ASSORTED CHOCOLATES lb. 17c 2916 25c 10c 29c SWEET MIXED PICKLES jar 2'3c FOR YOUR NEW KIST GINGER 'ALE 10c BAUMERT CHEESE pkg. 15d TWIGLETS PEEK FREAN 29d COCKTAIL ASSORTMENT pk27c SODA WATER ,,... bottle 25d OLIVES, Stuffed jar 25c CHERRIES, Maraschino ... 2 for 25c YEAR'S -PARTY TOM COLLIN'S MIX 20d OLD CHEESE Ib. 30c' DESERT WAFERS pkg. 35d CHEESE CRISPS pkg. 10c CAVIAR jar 39c OLIVES,'Ripe tin 15c CHERRIES Creme De Menthe ... 13c QUALITY Freels FRUITS and VEGETABLES CHOICE HEAD NEW CHOICE CHOICE NEW RED ,CRANBERRIES lb. 29c GRAPES 2 lbs. 25c FRESH GREEN NEW NAVEL BEAMS 2 lbs. 29c SUNKIST CHOICE FRESH SPINACH 2 lbs. 19c SEEDLESS Grapefruit 6 fol. 25c ORANGES 19c 25c 33c and 39c DOZE( 45c C. itesnnateanumess LETTUCE 2 for 17c CHOICE HEARTS OF CELERY 2 for 23c CHOICE FANCY TOMATOES lb. 23c LARGE CALIFORNIA LEMONS 3 for 10e EA QUALITY FRUITS & GROCERIES PHONE - 48 PROMPT DELIVERY .bar ik2^.Deta9zOra.ltIV4 ar,DIararx 9+atatna.M3ralltarMraDedtt fir IDI r✓at9r7itzDaDaa.%-rr9rar. 123tfir:"r:'^OINe r. DMsIDab Anil*—Di--Dar CX:r. 1 CLINTON r-MOW-MMAtEMMIN AVOTEAre,MMA40415Ve.MM MIXED CUT PEEL per lb. 21c BLEACHED RAISINS per lb. 15c AUSTRALIAN RAIiSINS, with seeds 2 lb. 21c McLAREN IMPERIAL JELLY POWDERS t.,..,.. 6 pkgs• 23c NUT SPREAD PEANUT BUTTER 16 oz. size 23c CRISCO 1 lb. tins Mrs. H. B. Chant of St. Catharines and Mr, Benson Sutter of Toronto .Sr'.' are visiting. Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Sutter. Mr. Geo. MoLay has gone to St. Marys for the Christmas holidays to join Mrs. McLay, who has been assisting in, the Post Office during the busy season. Mr, and Mrs, G. R. McBrien and fam- ily, Billy, Eleanor and Ralph, of Detroit, spent Chrstmas with Mr. Mc'Brien's brother, E. S. McBrien, on kis farm near Seaforth:'Other members of the family who attend- ed the Christmas party were: Mr, and Mrs. T. E. Mason of Summer- hill, Ray Mason of the Maritimes, Miss Madelor Mason of Clinton and Mr. and Mrs. Mel. Crich and family of Clinton, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ford and Jayne of Goderich, E. M. McBrien of Courtland and Mrs.- W. J.' McBrien of Clinton. BRUCEFIELD 9 ') S ECI For The Remainder of 1240 FOREiST CITY BAKING POWDER qts. CLARK'S PORK & BEANS, 2 28 fluid oz. tins 25c 23c 33c HEINZ KETCHUP i 2 bottles 9c BLUE RIBBON COFFEE, 1 lb. vacuum sealed, glass containers, For TOILET TISSUE, Cashmere or Interlake 3 rolls 23c ,SODA BISCUITS l.. 2 lbs. 25c SWEET MIXED BISCUITS lb. 19c RED ROSE TEA I/2 lb. 31c CHOCOLATE CANDY, per lb. 15c MIXED CANDY per lb. 13c per lb. 15c 55c POP CORN EW ;! O OMY Large, with dispenser, 2 LB. 27c Both for 27c 5 BARS 25c 2 LB. 25c We take this opportunity of Wishing our customers A Happy and Prosperous New Year, and assure you your patronage has been greatly! appreciated and trust we may enjoy the same pleasant relationshiii during the New Year. S. S. No. 1, Baird's School will re PHONE 40. peat their Christmas concert on Mon- THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY. day evening, Dec. 30th, 3 c'a�Jc�aSJc`Jc'a4.`*'.Jc'�:lc�v.��s,'"eJc7r.:;JcAJctilc a:lc Wc J c