HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1940-12-19, Page 8PAGE .�onow Mkt ;t6'.a +�&;Peri°.;,e0r�-cs�,aR�!•u��tc 0, Merry Chritmas To All Please order your Christmas Fowl early. CHRISTMAS BEEF - PORK - VEAL BABY BEEF - LAMB - MILK FED CHICKENS TURKEYS - GEESE & DUCKS THIS WEEKEND. We have a calendar for each customer. CONNEL1. ek TYNDALS " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET Phone 162. Albert Street Dp :,,,ar,.%, rniurrann;rte-a'r3rr^.am-aatmt9treatdi ;'tz tra-2t+ails'rZ4D4D+sz"t.hr?�+�r �aro't"'t3s2!Ha7ti5 tr 4 d' l."�•,,Ze- !4VeV`?04.94a4i t6i06.,,6-400C1R..aEf.COC4'.fi` taMtitl6!giertOtt'•€id-K�••£i•`o7�. 6p Y 6p 1 CALL AND SEE LINE UP OF SPECIALS WE HAVE Electric Frigidaire Refrigerator Electric Washers - Electric Rangettes Toasters - Irons - Waffle Iron Grills Curlers and Christmas Tree Lights. PYREX WARE OF ALL KINDS: such as Casseroles, Cake Pans, Pie Plates, Coffee & Tea Pots, Fry Pans & Flame Ware. Stainless Steel Ware 4. 11 A Chinaware and Novelties all at Popular Prices. A SU.T T ER el PERDUE PHONE 147w. CLINTON, ONT. HARDWARE PLUMBING &ELECTRICIANS A it .,,,,,h7t`,Yte7,'`'r2:Y3i`ai3bN,z,o1a,''>3,,,,,,,..,A e.7'....tn'tGrl!et272r2:cir^i D- reYo'tDi11,,,,.fi:J"i3':2; i,..22 `22,''.CHI,,,, (:t{.'L' `.',C-.., .,'{6`IC','t,'C,•."t(, ,'!v, m,C3Cv1.T, :% G,,,,6','Cc'C,,,,t�^-16'.=v.....0 el PERSONAL GIFTS A What can give more pleasure at Christmas than to feel that each little remembrance was something selected "Just For You." Something Personal - Something all for yourself. Look over this list, it may help you decide what wopld just suit: Father or vIother, Husband or Wife, Brother or Sister, or someone on that long 'list of friends you wish to remember. FOR THE LADIES we offer a nice selection of FANCY TABLE COVERS PILLOW CASES, Embroidered or in Madeira. Beautiful WOOL. BLANKETS or Wool I3edl 'Throws. ESI! OND (fart Wool) BED THROWS. FANCY TOWELS. BEDROOM SLIPPERS. FUR -TRIMMED GOLOSHES. BOXED HANDKERCHIEFS. GOWNS - SNOW BOOTS, anti many other articles that were specially, selected for Gift , Giving. FOR MEN & BOYS - HOUSE SLIPPERS 1.00 pr. up FINE SHIRTS 1.00, 1.25 and up to 2.00. TIES, Boxed 35c, 50c, 75c, 1.00 SCARVES, Silk or Wool 1.50 up BOXED BRACES, GARTERS or ARMBANDS. PYJAMAS in Flannelette or Broadcloth. FANCY SOX hi Silk cr Wool. GLOVES -Lined or Unlined. BATHROBE'S - SWEATERS ar WINDBRI:AKERS, OVERCOATS - Why not pool your gifts and make dad happy with one of our New Coats. Of Plumsteel Bros. l't Go Arrow Shirts - Adam Hats - Scott & McHale Scoes for Men A' ?;a Agents Tin Top Tailors. At; CPi t`r7h3`:Di Tit`eat:9't+9a3i. ik,Diln."il'ir'° "`dM4430iRaa'di-Dill•Rpt°a`Sir.,:°-,`t"las°rUr ltWA-Z rriN1r43===== 0 05 a �.5 r:i6v , e.;tea iat€¢e 1=1€4 Et w--IM?MM.z isigig';g+,gimmiz:ee rmiro6r: YOU WILL ENJOY THAT CHRISTMAS DINNER MORE IF IT' A IS PREPARED WITH A CLARE JEWEL RANGE GIVE A LABOUR-SAVING PRESENT OF A BEA'1"TY WASHER, l' .USEFUL GIFTS WOULD BE: STAINLESS RNIVES & FORKS, NEW CASSEROLES d r DAINTY BUTTER AND' RELISH DISHES ALL AT LOW PRICES YET. HIGH QUALITY ATHLETIC GOODS ORDERED ON REQUEST. SAVE BY BUYING AT T. lhiwliiiis•PLUMHARDBING and PLUMBING �1 Phone 244 p .rfrStn dietsar,.t:s- rmv,Dt :za9 omemr.ut;smommamaaaut twat aSrt zatwoxot9t7aut it -natCE»twwefommet d¢'tetztveafitgl%t6+agacomegte !atet ! !Ct6tC tort6!bate i It Won't Be Long And the happy time will be here. You can helps make the children happy with' a Toy Set of Table, and Chairs, Doll Prams, Rockers, High Chairs,t Rocking -Horses, Joy Cycles. or Kiddie Cars. Then for the more advanced children, the famous C.C.M. p Skates, Skis, Toboggans or Hockey Sticks. . Your best girl would appreciate a nice Cedar •Chest, we still have a grand selection; Most men will be happy with a Comfortable Chair or a Smoker. Then for the Home -We have a large range of Occasional Chairs, Studio Couches and Chester field Suites, and many other useful and lasting gifts to be found` in our Hardware Department. It will pay you to shop here, as we have the stock and the prices are right. THE STORE WITH THE STOCK BALL 89 ZAPFE 4 PHONE 195 ,� p Hardware - Furniture - Funeral Directors - Ambulance Service 4 W. N. Ball, Phone 110 J. J. Zapfe, Phone 103. A, �t t• 9r`is"`' Jt't o`d`oii'h`�'t�i2'aht�lwdhkir'7' r.�. a�2kiat�`inlad�lh't'i�`�t�a�Ri2r0 'r�r;"1t fes' 11' THE CLINTON NEWS-RECORIJ THURS;., DEC. 9; 1940 You May Find In Our Stock Just The Right Gift. At The Price You Wish To Pay. BOORS Are the best of friends -- The best of friends give books. For the sick room, give flowers and books, Books do not fade, they make children happy, build char- acter, delight and instruct. PAPETLRIE�S.-In an alluring range of reasonably priced boxes. They have eye appeal as well as price appeal and our Cedar Chests filled with fine quality stationery are deserving of mention. Priced from 90c to $2.25, they make a vary fine gift for any lady, young or old. We might mention our Queen Elizabeth Sewing Cabinet, filled with Warwick DeLuxe Stationery and selling at $2 25. Made of wood, comes in two clloices of finish, natural or walnut. A gift suitable for any member. of the fairer sex. GIFTS WORTH WHIZ E are those ohosen from our assortment of the "Canadian Draftsman line.. Each gift boxed and made in Canada, from Canadian materials, by Can- adian Craftsmen. Priced from 75c to $1.50 and bouncy in durable Homespun cloth they meet the re- quirements of a useful gift at a reasonable price. Recipe Books, News Clipping Books, Scrap and Photo Albums, Guest Books, Trip Diaries'. and Gilt Record Books are a few of the items in this Canad- ian made product. ' ' TAGS, .SEALS, WRAPPINGS. -pos- sess style and variety and much enhance the gift, the wrappings and ties are colourful and practical. GREETING CARDS. -Exclusive and smart, many are exceptional yahoo priced from 3 for 5 to 25c each. We have tried to buy vim stock so that in passing it on to you your dollar will do its duty in gift value. What is gift value? The measure of enjoyment, inspiration, solid ap- preciation your gift gives. We in: vite inspection of our stock. "Put into your task all the courage and purpose of which you are capable. Keep your hearts proud and your re- solve unshaken." His Majesty The Ring. Tfla ' . D. Fair Co Often the Cheapest -Always the Best Mrs. W. J. Carter spent the weekend in Chatham. Mrs. Dr. Oakes spent the weekend in Toronto. Mr. N. W, Tnewartha spent the week- end in Toronto. Cpl. George Knights spent the week- end at"his home in town. Mrs. Flora Venun of Caledonia, was here for' the funeral of her brother- in-lww, C. H. Venner. Mr. Bruce Bartliff of Galt Air Train- ing School was the guest of his parents last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Harry'Hains of Detroit attended. the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. Colclough on Sunday last. Mr, Gordon L. Hall of Cayuga spent the weekends with his father and sister, bis'. G. E. and Miss Evelyn Hall. Miss Mary Depew cf , Strathroy, a fertility C.C.I. teacher attended the commencement Friday evening and visited friends over the weekend here. Mr. Alf, Torrance was in Clinton last week and on his return to Toronto was accompanied by his mother and sister, who will spend the winter in the city, Rev. J. H. Colclough of Thornhill and Mr. Arthur Colcloogh of Col- lingwood were present for the fun- ltral of their mother, the late Mrs. J. Colclough. Mr. Harry Venner and Mr. and Mrs. J. Fotheringham of Hamilton, who were here for the funeral of their father, the late C. H. Venner have returned to the city and were ac- companied by their mother who will spend the winter there. STANLEY The following relatives who attend- ed the funeral of the late M. H, Pen - hale 'of St, Thomas last Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Snowden, Miss Mary Snowden, Mrs. R. Graing- er, Miss Rosie Snowden, Mrs. J. Turner, Robert Turner, Mrs, G. West- lake, Mr, Harold Penhale, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Westlake and Mr. Robert Penhale. Mrs, Brooks of Clinton is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. Scotchmer on the Bronson Line. A number of old neighbours from the Bronson Line attended the fun- eral of the late Mr. S. Kipfer of Brucefie]d on Monday. Mr. John. Wild of the Woodstock training 'camp spent Sunday at his hoarse. Treasure House has a complete range of GIFTS including a new line of Toilet Goods - Pictures Linen Handkerchief China, etc. CHRISTMAS WRAPPINGS and CHRISTMAS CARDS. Open Evenings Until Christmas. Rowers For Christmas; Make it a Merry Christmas with 0 flowers, the gift that all in the home will appreciate and enjoy. ou CHRISTMAS -PLANTS 0 Attractively Wrapped Poinsettias Cyclamen .'rimula .. Cherries Begonias. s Baskets, Pans, and Pottery filled 4 with assorted plants and ferns. iA CUT FLOWERS Roses - Carnations & Mums WREATHS Christmas and Memorial Wreaths It $1.00 to $4 00 Use our F.T.D. Service for your 9p friends at a distance.'. 30 The flowers we have arranged, For you, for Christmas day, Are just the proper sort Your greetings to convey. NF R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del As, D' Personal care given every order and special attention given to funeral orders. Phones 176 and 31 Pu1191brM:=a du'�.Fla�,`u"`"ir m�Yb':4'9atA3"`islDa,@ 5 Highest Prices paid for Hides. g We Wish One and All A Merry Christmas and a 1 The Quality Meat Market Ham Roast of Pork 23c Side Pork in piece ... 18c Pork Chops 25c, Chopped Suet , 15c FOWL Choice Geese, Ducks, Turkeys & Uhickens. CHOICE MEATS Young Beef - Pork - Veal & Lamb for Weekend, Happy New Year. ROSS FITZSIMONS 2 PHONE 76 A Smith's Grocery (5R 55 V Iq SPECIAL VALUES DEC. 19th to 24th DR. POMELO GRAPEFRUIT ALLEN'S APPLE JUICE 2tins 23c JUICE 2 tins 17c FANCY MIXED KIST GINGER NUTS k 19c LB. Nuosarissasna` JUICE tin 15 ALE lOc DOLES PINEAPPLE C CLARK'S TOMATO JUICE , 2tins 19c CRANBERRY SAUCE 29c 32 OZ. JAR I SMILES'N CHUCKLES CHOCOLATES box50c SPECIAL MADE CHRISTMAS HAMPERS 50c UP TO $2.00 2 ✓ 5 FOR, 51 25c SUPREME GOLDEN or SILVER CHOCOLATES lb. box 29c HUMBUGS lb.19c ASSORTED r CHOCOLATES 25c BOX McLAREN'S OLIVES STUFFED 25c jar MIX ED CA�9DY Ib. 19c 15C LB. FRENCH CREAMS CHOCOLATE DROPS lb 17C� CHOCOLATES FANCY 4 L13. BOX 99c QUALITY Fresh FRUITS and VEGETABLES CHOICE HEARTS OF CELERY 2 for 25c FRESH GREEN BEANS 2 lbs. 29c TEXAS SEEDLESS Grapefruit 6 for 25c FRESH CALIFORNIA GRAPES 2 lbs. 25c CHOICE FRESH `0 SPINACH 2 lbs. 19c NEW NAVEL SUNKIST ORANGES 19c 45c 33c 25c 39c DOZEN NEW JUICY FLORIDA ORANGES 19c and 33c doz. CHOICE HEAD LETTUCE .., 2 for CHOICE WAXED TURNIPS 5 lbs. CHOICE LARGE LEMONS 3 for lOc GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS 3 lbs. CHOICE CRANBERRIES lb. 29c 19c D6 A IOC a A ad X a 25c PHONE 86 - We DeliverFRUIT SPECIALS r . SPECIALS g PEAS 3 for 26c MINCEMEAT 2 lb. for 23c w :i:ea, , ii..q 4D:Waat:atzatDm :Drama MADZI,Za;aIRIZaaa*ID•002tat a aaloaaaruatx:•DIDa;armotnipmea+ til-waa,TDa.1-DixDAI Grapefruit Juice 2 for 21c Aylmer Veg. Soup 2 for 17c No. 1 Breakfast Bacon 28c Dutch Loaf • 23c lb. Bologna • 15c lb. 941 We have a new Premium List. Articles at $1.79, when you have made purchases of $3.00. Come in and get a card. SUJECT TO MARKET CONDITIONS QUALITY FRUITS & GROCERIES PFLONE 4PROMPT DELIVERY CLINT , N Superior Stores PHONE 111-CLINTON- SPECIALS FOR DECEMBER 19, 20, 21 23 and 24 Chase & Sanborn Coffee 1 ib. tin 46e Aylmer Choice Peaches 2s sqt., 2 tins 25c ROYAL YORK CHEESE, 1/2 lb. psi^. GARDEN PATCH PEAS, 16 oz. 2 tins 10c IIAPPYVALE MINCEMEAT 2'lbs. for 25c isatin Mixed Candy ... lb. 15c Candy Kisses 2 lbs. 25e French Creams lb. 19c Chocolate Drops. lb. 17c Household Mixed Ib. 19c BUNGALOW CHOCOLATES, lb. box 27c MOIR'S CHOCOLATES, 3 lb. box 69c FANCY BISCUITS 2 lbs. 29c MIXED NUTS 2 lbs. 37c PEANUTS in shell 2 lbs. 23c 14c ORANGES 2 doz. 37c 2 doz. 45c 25c - 33c & 41e doz. WISHING YOU ALL A MERRY CHRISTMAS a;nd a. HAPPY NEW YEAR. T, P THflMPSON Free Delivery t t 0, 9 9Jr ry ri flee It Merry r i ft y Giving Usef 1 Gifts FOOTWEAR Ladies Ski Boots .,,.., Ladies Motor Boots Ladies Rubber Overshoes $2.49 $2.49 $1.25 House ;Slippers .50, .98, 1.25 Misses Motor Boots Misses Rubber Overshoes $1.10 " House Slippers .50, .69, 1.15 $2.19 $1.00 " House Slippers .50, .65, .85 " 3 -Buckle Cashmerette • Overshoes $1.59 Boy's House Slippers $1.10 Oxfords $1.98, $2.25 Cashmerette Overshoes, 1, 2 or 4 Buckles. Men's Cashmerette Overshoes - 1 Buckle 2 Buckle 4 Buckle Men's Romeos " House Slippers .85,1.15, 1.55 Children's Motor Boots " Rubber Galoshes f7 .4... $1.19 $1.69 $2.35 $1.98 Men's High. Grade Oxfords, Black or Tan $4.50 GIFTS FOR THE LADIES Ladies Pyjamas, small medium or large $1.25, $1.98 Misses Sizes .98 House Coats $3.25 Lingerie Sets, boxed 1 $1.00 Handkencchiefs, boxed, per set .19, .29, .39, .49 FOR MEN and BOYS Men's DRESS SHIRTS, nicely boxed new patterns 1.49, 1.69 TIES, good selection, all boxed .25, .39, .50 DRESS SOCKS, boxed, per pair .50 PYJAMAS 1.98 & 1.25 Brush Wool ;Sweaters 3.25 Wool Sweaters - with button fronts, color Navy, Wine or Checks, a nice gift 2.98 Work Sweaters 1.49, 1.69 Work Socks .65, .55, .39 Work Mitts .50, .75,1.00 Dress Gloves - Black, Grey or Tan, per pair 1.00 Boy's DRESS SHIRTS .89 TIES .19 & .25 WOOL GOLF IDOSE .49 WOOL SWEATERIS 1 1.39 Brush Wool Sweaters fit 1.25 WINDBREAKERS, Small Sizes 1.98 ,Cli rd bb Sons PHONE 40 T STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY CA'c� 01(12