HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1940-12-05, Page 5?MUMS., DEC. 5, 1940 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE'S With grim determination this young and virile nation dons her armour buckles on her sword. Frorr coast to coast the tempo of Canada's war effort accelerates. Tanks, planes, shells, foodstuffs' and equipment of every kind are being rushed and massed for victory. Canada means business. Personal sacrifice must match this national effort. Yours is the duty of providing the dollars so vital to Canada's war needs. Yours is the duty tosave that you may be ready and able to lend your money to the nation when the call for money comes. Money, no less than men and machines, is a decisive factor in this war. Thrift is a national necessity. Savefor (4aioy THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA CLINTON BRANCH - - E. E. PATERSON, Manager AUBURN Mrs. Albert Campbell returned on Sunday after visiting her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Speigelberg and Mr. Speigelberg, of Kitchener. There was no service in Knox Pres- byterian church or St. Mark's Angli- tan church on Sunday owing to the stonny weather and bad roads. Mrs. Wesley Bradnock, Harold Nicholson and Beryl and Dorothy Wilson spent Saturday at London. Mr. Adam Reid is visiting Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Knox of Sarnia, after spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Sheppard. The local public library sponsored a dance Friday night, but the attend- ance wasn't very large owing to un- favourable weather conditions. Arth- ur's orchestra of Wingham supplied dance music. There will .be another dance Friday, December 13. The local Red Cross quilted E ive quilts on Friday afternoon in the United church basement for refugee work. A pot -hick supper was served, Mr. Harry Dodd and Mrs. Lewis `Taylor of Goderich visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dodd, Sr. • Mrs. William Thompson left on Fri- day for London after spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. 'Thompson. The annual meeting of the local beef ring was held at Archie Robin- son's farm. Encouraging reports were given. It was decided to carry on for another year. The officers elected were: President, Mr. Herb Mogridge; secretary -treasurer, Frank Raithby; :Directors, A. E. Erratt, Jas, Jackson, Norman Wright. The November meeting of the Walkerburn Ladies Club was held at the home of Mrs. John Wright. Mrs. Ernest Patterson was in charge. FE- ' teen members answered the roll call with the "name of the material your • wedding dress was made off," Six visitors were also present. The De- cember meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Ernest Patterson on Dec. 27th. The roll call to be answ- ered by "Your favorite Christmas 'Carol." Readings were given by Mrs. Dan Crawford, Mrs. Bert Thinking, Mrs. Jas. Webster, Mrs. Glen Raids - by, Mrs. William Archambault, Mrs. 'Archie Robinson, Iielen Vincent, Max ine Ball, Kathleen Patterson. A duet was rendered by Mrs. William Ander ton and Mrs. Gordon McClinchey, ac- companied by Miss Dorothy Ander- son. Following the program quilt blocks were made. Supper was serv- ed by Mrs. Wright; assisted by Mrs. L. Hutton of Lotdesboro, and Miss Helen Vincent. Heads Board of Education at Polls on Monday MAYOR -ELECT MRS. LILLIAN McKINNON, who was returned for the Board of Education with the large count of 518 votes. A. J. 'McMURRAY, who was elected mayor of Clinton at the Polls Mon- day, defeating Mayor Ken. G. Wat- ers by the close margin of six votes, Mr. McMurray is a former mayor. BIRTItS — In Clinton Public Hos- pital on Wednesday, Dec. 4th, to Mr. mad Mrs. Fred Vodden of Hul- lett Township, a daughter (Phyllis Yvonne). DEATHS LAWSON—In Hullett, on Wednes- day, Dec. 4th, Robert Lawson, in his 76th year. IN MEMORIAM ADAMS—In loving memory of Mrs. Henry Adams, who passed away twelve years ago, Dec. 8, 1928. Nothing but memories as we journey on, Longing for a smile from a loved one gone; None knows the depth of our deep regret, But we remember, when others for- get. —Sadly missed by Husband and Family. The Penny Bank in the Schools of Canada CLINTON: weekly percentage of pupils depositing during September and October for 1940 was 73. Total amount on. deposit at end of October, 1940: $825.99. Comparative figures of a year ago: $1099.40. DOMINION OF CANADA: Total amount on deposit at end of October, 1940: $1,203,421.62; number of school depositing: five hundred and twenty- eight; comparative figures of a year ago; $1,398,521,52; number of school depositing: five hundred and twenty- two. To The Teachers: The practice of having Bank Day on Tuesday and the sale of War Savings Stamps on Fri- day has been adopted in a great many schools. This permits the two activ- ities to function side by side, and thus accomplish their two -fold purpose. (a) School savings is used to ac- cumulate funds for personal needs in the near future — clothing, books, Christmas presents, etc. (b) Car Stamps are used for more permanent savings, and when ex- changed to War Savings Certificates yield a good interest return for the 7% years investments, In both cases—School Savings and War Stamps — the Government has the use of the money for the prose- cution of the war; and in both cases the practice of thrift is fostered. Mori n Brucefielcl United Church FridayEvening, 6th Dec. at 8 p.m. We .are showing the Canadian National Railways' Beautiful'Films Taken "ACROSS CANADA FROM COAST TO COAST" 'And Several Sound Films Including: "MODERN EDEN" (Niagara) '"GEM OF THE ROCKIES!' ' "WONDERLAND AT GASPE" We can Assure, you of an enjoyable evening. First Class round trip fare will be only: Adults 25c; Public School' Children 15c; Children under five, free. HOLMESVILLE • Private Reginald Miller and Eldon Yoe of Woodstock training camp spent Sunday at their respective homes. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie McPhail are moving to Exeter. Misses Minnie and Emily Proctor are moving to Clinton for the winter, and Mrs. Brogden McMath left for Toronto, where she intends spending the winter months. ES myna nyii with '�lauri CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C. V. Cooke FLORIST Phones: 06w and 06$ FINISHED CHILKEN§ AND FAT HENS, A good market is expected for all lines of poultry this season. We can handle a large quantity oflive poul- try each week at top market prices. Eggs will also be in demand for British export. You can obtain higher prices for your grain by feed- ing it to your poultry. N. W. TREWARTHA Store Phone 214 House Phone 328 VARNA The annual meeting of the Red Cross Society will be held in Varna Hall on Dec. 9th, meeting to com- mence at 8 o'clock.' The County snowplow has been out on our roads. There has been a good attendance at the Short Courses. A. large crowd attended the recep- tion last Friday night in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Mel. Elliott. Batkin's Locker Storage • this week offers you Boneless Loins of Salmon, White Fish and Fresh Frozen Fillets. LONDON ROAD The London Road Club held a social evening in the Legion Hall last Fri- day with a good attendance. Pro- gressive euchre was played and the winners were: Mrs. H. Gould and Mr. Bert Gliddon. The door prize was also won by Bert Gliddon. The lucky ticket on the quilt was won by Mrs.. Freddie Miller. Lunch was then serv- ed and afterwards dancing for which Mrs. George Hendeason and Mrs. Bill Collins played. We sell beef and pork by the quarter, also make sausage. We buy hides. NEW & OLD TYME DANCE TOWN HALL, CLINTON Tues. Dec.1O th Sponsored by Junior Farmers. ADMISSION 35c Murdock's Orchestra EVERYONE WELCOME 17-1 Build A Modern House The basement is divided into laun- dry room, furnace room, storage room and fruit cellar, and is seven feet high. On the first floor is reception hall, kitchen, dining room and living room. The kitchen contains a breakfast nook, built -hi cupboards, broom cab- inet and ironing board cabinet. The dining room which is sepaarted from the kitchen by a swing door, is a duel purpose room, serving also as a sun room. The living room contains a fire -place with open book cases built in the wall on each side of it, The up -stairs contains three bed rooms, three clothes closets, a bath- room and a linen cabinet. From one bed -room a door opens upon a bal- cony. There is an oak stairway and the floors throughout are of oak, except the kitchen, bath -room and sun porch - dining room which is separated from maple covered with linoleum, the sun porch - dining room has a polished maple floor and the bathroom floor is of tile. The chimney, which extends from the basement floor to above the roof is a double -flue tiled throughout. The house is heated by a Gurney hot-air furnace and a Circulatory fire -place. The outside finish consists of Oy- ster White Asbestos Portland Cement shingles. A closed -in porch covers the front entrance. The color scheme on the outside is English Tile, Indian Red and White, and inside the kitchen is yellow, the upstairs doors are natural wood and all the rest is ivory enamel. There is a high attic with a movable stairway and it will serve as a store -room. The garage is built to match the house. There is a secret panel lie the house. Mr. ana Mr.s K. G. Waters and daughter Marilyn took possession on FOR SALE Two Cutters; one Vesset eight -inch grinder. H. CHARLESWORTH 17-1 !ttYt�rdt��dt�td���LSt��tgeeta+��E;�Oi�+ru �'.�� �'.�+et5lcva�+•eQ+o�+s:e6+sey ��te�t��ustq��e;,�rxa5�a�1,6�ts�r�r�su+sr, ROXY THEATRE CAPITAL THEATRE REGENT THEATRE CLINTON GODERICH SIIAFORTH N- O- W PLAYING: Nancy Kelly and Roland Young in "PRIVATE AFFAIRS" MON., TUES., WED. "Pack Uu Your Troubles" The Ritz Brothers join the U. S. Cavalty and become :mule - guardians and heroes. Jane WITHERS & The Ritz Bros. Thur., Fri., Sat.—Double Feature The Lone Wolf ...light-hearted— ' light-fingered... and a heavy burden to the baffled police. WARREN . WILLIAM — JOAN PERRY — ERIC BLORE ROBERT WILCOX "The Lone Wolf Strikes" Added Attraction: "Five Little Peppers at Home" NOW PLAYING: "STOP, LOOK & LOVE" with "CISCO IUD AND THE LADY" MON., TUES., WED. Linda DARNELL—John PAYNE and Roland YOUNG The story of a girl with an aspira- tion and the making of a star. STAR DUST " Thur., Fri., Sat. — Two Features! Penny Singleton — Arthur Lake and Larry Simms Another episode in the life of a popular family "Blondie on a Budget" Bill Elliott in a tale of the wagon -train "Prairie Schooners" NOW PLAYING: Allan Jones in "BOYS FROM SYRACUSE" MON., TUES, WED. RANDOLPH SCOTT—PRESTON FOSTER & MARG. LINDSAY A timely and entertaining story of modern men blazing new air -trails "20.000 MEN A YEAR" Thur., Fri., Sat. — Two Features! CHARLES STARRETT — IRIS MEREDITH & BOB NOLAN A saga of Wielis Fargo and the plains "The Thundering West" A tried and true group of favorites returns in "Blondie on a Budget" Edith Lellows and Clarence Kolb Coming: ,.Richard Dix in , Coming i Steinbeck's. Coming: "BLONDIE ON A BUD- I TIRE I AM .A STRANGER' "GRAPES OF WRATH" GET" & 'MUSIC, IN MY HEART' Mat.: Sat. & Holidays, 3 p.m. Matinees: Sat. & Holidays, 3 p.m. )O ene.k9z.eese eek. Yfidt` eesB',niemeeee es -sine 'Meals'/-2meseseseeeeneilfi, mn'le'en-eses"`3m'Fnn7r i9"flint}7esnesernss7`c17'`2izeenrnY'`3t' +k'di'`3't"naesseseee7d:nteese Saturday Specials CREAM PUFFS CREAM ROLLS LEMON PIE5 PUMPKIN PIES SUEY LOAF TEA BISCUITS SUNSHINE DOUGHNUTS • BARTLIFF'S Balers and Confectioners PHONE 1 CLINTON ELECTION RESULTS OF DISTRICT COLBORNE TOWNSHIP Willianf Thom was elected reeve of Colborne Township in Monday's elec- tion. He polled 162 votes to Nelson McLarty's 91, gaining a majority of 71. The councillors elected by acclama- tion recently were Alex Watson, James Feagan, William Clark and William Marsh. According to township officials the vote was a poor one due to heavy roads throughout the district. The snow fell heavily throughout the day and late in the afternoon many of the roads were becoming blocked. ILLY TH Electors of Blyth went to the polls in large numbers Monday and elected a complete new slate, a reeve and four councillors. W, H. Morritt was returned reeve with a majority of 117 over W. J. Putts, the former getting 201 and the latter 84. Mr. Potts held the office for 1940. The new councillors and their votes. are: W. H. Lyon, 104; Absolom Tay- lor, 187; Chester Morrison, 144, and Stanley Sibtho'pe, 103. The defeated candidates are: DeLoss Taman, 83; Francis Slorach, 78; R. R. Robinson, 76; J. Cook, 73, and George H. John- ston, 64. Messrs, Daman, Cook and Johnston were members of the 1940 council who were defeated. The voters came out well despite the weather. There was one big issue in the campaign and it was the ques- tion of the revaluation of the town's assessment by a firm of experts, the electors apparently showing their dis- approval of the 1940 council's decis- ion to have the work done. NOTICE I am now in the Council Chamber of the Town Hall for the purpose of collecting taxes, all Dog and P011 Taxes are now due also. Hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. NORMAN KENNEDY, Tax Collector. NOTICE IICE I wish to announce that I have severed my connection with the firm of Cornish Brothers, and that they have taken over the accounts and liabilities. I will continue my electrical work from my residence on Orange St., Clinton. D. W. Cornish PHONE 358 CLINTON 16-2 STALE Tuesday, December 10 of Sc3tch Shorthorns HULLETT TOWNSHIP Reeve: J. Leiper, 212; H. Snell, 144, Council (first foto elected) : John Armstrong, 262; George Brown, 186; Jack Ferguson, 208; Fred Picot, 166; Ira Rapson, 164;.Deloss Taman, 83. BAYFIELD Despite the storm and deep snow a goodly number of citizens turned, out on Monday to vote and pay then' taxes. The result of the poll to elect three Trustees for the Police Village of Bayfield was as follows: W. L. Ferguson, 70 votes; James Robinson, 63 votes; Leslie Elliott, 57 votes and J. E. Howard, 40 votes. The first three have been declared the Trustee Board for 1941. There was only one spoiled ballot and across it was writ- ten "No—good." How about trying it yourself, Mr. and Mrs., or Miss Voter? If you don't think those nominated are capable of running the affairs of the Village satisfactorily why not take your share of the re- sponsibility and get yourself propos- ed for a Trustee next year. Think it overt ` at the Elmandorph Stock Farm, VARNA, CLIFFORD KEYES, Proprietor. 16-2 BAKING SPECIALS ORDER HONEY DIPPED DO - NUTS 20c don MEAT PIES each 5c DE -LUX • 3 for 5c FRUIT CUP CAKES HOMEMADE CANDY FUDGE -BUTTERSCOTCH CLUSTERS OYSTERS— —ICE CREAM Wendorf's CONSTANCE Miss Ethel Dexter of Kitchener, spent the weekend at the home of her parents. Mrs, Ella Carbert and Miss Elva Pryce of Winthroy spent Friday last in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs James Armstrong. We are sorry to report Mr. Wm. Thompson is in Scott Memorial Hos- pital very ill, we hope for a .speedy recovery. Owing to the heavy fall of snow lately we were unable to have church service here last Sunday: We are looking far good roads soon as the snow plows are working clay and night. � Miss Fralick of Wingham spent the weekend with her brother, Mr. Fralick and Mrs, Fralick. Congratulations to Mr. John Ferg- uson, „1 Lost A white yearling heifer, strayed from the premises of Mrs. Fred Tyn- dell's grass farm, Hullett. Anyone knowing whereabouts of this animal please notify Wilbur Welsh, R.R. No. 5, Clinton. ' For Sale One 'h H.P. Heavy Duty Electric Moto:, new condition; 1 small wood lathe, and several bench grinders. Small mandrels, pulleys, bushings, etc., made to order. W. A. McAllister, Ring St. 17-2 We Want To Pease You PHONE 68 For Rent Space suitable for poolroom, lunch room or storage, well located in the Town of Clinton. Apply H. Mellen, Seaforth, Phone 92. 17-1 NEW & OLD TYME DANC at KIPPN Friday, UKULELE BILL and His Original Hill Billies. SPECIAL FLOOR SHOW ADMISSION 35c C. Watson, Manager. NOTICE THE PLACING OF ASHES AND GARBAGE ON STREETS OR BOULEVARDS IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN. . ANY INFRACTION OF THIS ORDER WILL BE DEALT WITH. According to By -Law, The Municipal Council of the Town of Clinton. 15-2 Work Wanted Young woman would like house- work by the day or forenoon. Cap- able of taking full charge, fond of children. Apply Post Office Box 292, Clinton. 17-1 House for Rent Frame house on Princess street, eight rooms, newly decorated, apply to News -Record office. 15-tf BURGESS' STUDIO CLINTON Photographs of Distinction by IRENE 'BURGESS Phone 115. Developing and Printing (Open Every Day) NOTE CHANGE IN TIME IN BUS TIME TABLE Effective June 29th STRATFORD-GODERICH LINE SUMMER TIME TABLE Leave Clinton for Stratford— Daily 8.10 A.M. and 4.50 P.M. Leave Clinton for Goderich— Daiily except Sundays & Holidays: 1.35 P.M. and 8.00 P.M. Sundays & Holidays: 1.35 P.M. & 9.40 P.M. Connection at Stratford for Toronto, Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit, Tavistock and Woodstock. BARTLIFF'S, Local Agents, Phone 1 .4114,1141~.1.441.14.11\ IMANNI..041,44.44MIPONIMI MONUMENTS! To those contemplating build- ing a Monument Get my prices before buying. Cemetery Lettering a specialty. All work guaranteed. JOHN GRANT CLINTON MARBLE & GRANITE WORKS Clinton — Ontario Successor to Ball & Zapfe 59 tf w,ivt5.prLo Wrs>,,poc i500 55 1.0140 WAVE 1541 0554,A07. - •POWER TRANSFORMER •OLVES HUM•FREF RECEPTION ROGERS 15/54AX THE NEW 1941 BATTERY SET AS LOW AS $29.95. With the New Miracle Short -Wave Tuning. PHILCO RADIOS Complete $27.95 APEX WASHERS Wanted and the NORGE OIL HEATERS. A reliable girl for cooking and Tubes and Batteries in stock. general housekeeping. Apply at The A. W. Groves, Princess St.. News -Record. For Sale White baby sleigh with top, good as new. Boy's 2 -piece blue flecked tweed ,suit, size 12 years, almost new. Apply to Mrs. Thos. Lepping- top, Clinton. 17-1 For Sale Ten pigs for sale, 11 weeks old. Apply to Louis Carbett, R.R. No. 1, Clinton. 17-1 For Sale One fat young sow for sale. Ap- ply to Fred Cook, R.R. No. 4, Sea- forth or phone 21-617, Clinton. 17-1 Lost From Lot 24, Con. 10, Hullett on or about Nov. lst, a yearling, red heifer with horns. Apply to Ernest Adams, Clinton, or phone 25r38 Blyth Central. 17.1 For Sale or Rent Comfortable eight -room house, all conveniences, garden and fruit trees. Apply Box 385 or phone 293, Miss Edith Hunt. 17-3 WHY SUFFER the agony of Rheu- matic Pain, Sciatica, Lumbago, when Rumacaps will give you quick wel- come relief. Hovey's Drug Store. Ladies, Young Girls Wanted Make from $10. to $15. a week by selling to an established clientele, relatives, and friends, well-known FAMILEX PRODUCTS. Everyone spends money for toilet articles, cook- ing requisites, cleaners, etc. Every FAMILEX customer is a SATISFIED CUSTOMER! Work 5 or 6 hours a day; benefit by our experience and you will succeed. NO RISK—profits assured by working. Let us help you. Write at once WITHOUT OBLIGA- TION, for our illustrated FREE cata- logue to Miss St. George, 670 St. Clement Street, MONTREAL. • Work Wanted Reliable young married man; will- ing to work at any job. Apply at The News -Record. 15-1 For Sale or Rent Cottage for sale or rent on Ratten- bury' street, modern conveniences; also a brick house on Princess Street, all modern conveniences. Apply to Mr. E. Ward, Huron Street. 09tf PRINCESS ST. CLINTON • Sprayed Apples For Sale Spy, Ring, Talman Sweet, Green- ing, Baldwin, Russet, and cider apples. Phone Clinton, 622-24, Fred McClymont, Varna. 10tf Wanted Old horses and cattle for mink feed. If dead phone at once. Will pay ac- cording to value. Elmer Trick, phone 907x5, or Lloyd Batkin 619r14. 95tf e -o-% Hunter's and Trapper's Notice I am in the fur business again this year, get my prices before sell- ing elsewhere. Norman East, R.R. No. 1 Clinton. , 14.7 For Sale or Rent Two-storey frame cottage, situat- ed at the corner of Dunlop and Isaac streets. Apply Mrs. McKinley. Clin- ton. 89tf AUCTION SALE Farm Stock and Implements Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, has re- ceived instructions from the under- signed proprietor, to sell by public auction at Lot 4, Con. 1, Township of Stanley One Mile north of Kipper, on Highway FRIDAY, DEC. 6th at 1.30 um. HORSES -1 bay driver; 1 team gray Pereherons, CATTLE -1 Durham cow with calf at foot; 1 black cow with calf at foot; 3 black heifers, 2 years old; 8 black steers, 2 years old; 2 steers, 1 year olcl; 1 heifer, 1 year old; 1 heif- er, 1 year old; 1 Hereford bull, '7 months old; 1 Hereford bull, 8 months old; 1 black Hereford heifer, 7 mons, old; 2 spring calves•. HOGS -5 York pigs, around' 70 lbs: POULTRY -1 pair of geese. IMPLEMENTS — Walking plough; garden scuffler; setoflight sleighs: cutter; buggy; light boat; pig crate; 1 wheel barrow; scoop shovel; 12 foot steel gate; iron kettle; 2 rolls of fence wire, each 20 rods long; 1 wire feed basket; shovels, crowbars; Dairy churn, No. 3; set of single harness and bells' 1 set double harness; full line of carpenter and garden tools; 3 steel, oil drums and taps; 50 gal. gasoline tank with tap; 25 foot extension lad- der; crosscut saw; bucksaw; egg cases; chicken crates; brooder stove; colony house 12x12; many other are' tides. TERMS ON STOCK 9 months' credit on furnishing bankable notes.1 Implements and other articles—cash. No reserve as everything must be sold. In case of bad weather, sale will be held under cover. 3110. H. HYDE, MRS. ALEX. MONTEITH, Proprietors., HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer 16-4