The Clinton News Record, 1940-11-28, Page 4PAGE 4
THURS., NOV. 28, 1940
Less Than
Four Weeks To Christmas
Spode and English Bone
Always Procurable.
See Our Special Price
Santa Claus
You'll Enjoy Doing Your'
Christmas Shopping
Colder Weather
Rubbers and Goloshes
Underwear for Ladies,
Men and Children.
Hosiery of all kinds.
is always an acceptable
A. °.L° .COOPER.
Phone: 36w Main Store, 36j Second Floor
Is not too soon to get your
You will be pleased as we are with the assortment
we have this year.
12 Beautiful Cards 25c
12 Scriptural Cards 39c
Our Christmas Goods are arriving daily, come in and
have a look.
Above Goods Are All Exclusive With Us.
W. S. H HOLMES PHM, 11, 7
What could be a more useful
present that a Biltmore Hat.
In all Shades & Sizes, Snap
Rims and Turned -up Rints.
. Our Stock is Cempletc.
From.$1o95 to MOO
CUSTOM TAILORS — Be Measured by a Tailor.
See us before you buy that New
for the family this Christmas.
* * * * 5 *
We have a Large Stock of SKATES and HOCKEY SUPPLIES
on hand. Delight that boy or girl by buying them
a New Pair of Skates.
This clear, crisp weather is ideal for hunting.
See our up-to-date supply of RIFLES and
SHOT GUNS'' to -clay.
5 5 5
Headquarters For All Sporting Goods
Ontario Street W. M. S.
'ThankoLfering Meeting
'Tire Autumn Thank -Offering meet-
:•ing of the W.M.S., Ontario Street
rChurch, was held in the lecture room
.of the church on Wednesday, Nov.
.20th at eight o'clock. The president,
.Mrs. Burton presiding, the meeting
.opened with quiet music and scripture
.on Thanksgiving. Mrs. Aiken had
.charge of devotions, her topic was
"'Far Horizons," her scripture read-
ing was one hundred and twenty-first
psalm, the hymmn, "Unto the Hills
Around" was -sung. Mrs. Burton led
in prayer. A delightful chorus was
rendered by the choir girls, "It Shall
Be Light" A suitable reading on
'Thanksgiving by Mrs. R. Ball. A
very delightful solo was rendered by
:Miss E. Wiltse, "The Ninety .and
,Nine." The offering was taken and
the offeratory prayer was given by
.Wits. _M. Wiltse.
The guest speaker was Mrs. R. E.
MacKenzie„president of Huron Pres-
..byteridl, the topic of her splendid
,:address was "The task before us to -
.•day as Christians". In her opening
remarks the speaker said, "We, as
Christians are facing a great crisis,
:and the task of the Christian church
is to build for missions, not only for
(Canada alone, ;but to every nation,
even in war times. In China and
,.Japan the Christians have doubled in
the last ten years and in India' and
In Latin America have trebled in the
'last thirteen years. Seventeen mil-
lions in United States do not receive
:any religious 'teaching. Two-thirds
of the people of the world cannot
xead.. .The sped -her said one 01110
and forty cents would keep all mis-
sion work, both at home and abroad,
going for one minute. She said the
slogan of the Christian Chinese is to
establish one home in every ten as
a Christian home as a basis for a
Christian China. She urged us to
take that as a slogan for Canada. If
there is any work in the church to
be done ask the busiest women and
they will do it. In closing the speak-
er said, "Forward is our Watchword."
We have been handed the torch -and
we must wave it wide. Christ is
counting on us, if wo fail what then.
She closed her remarks by prayer.
The meeting closed by singing "In
Christ there is no East nor West,”
and the Mizpah Benediction was re-
peated in unison.
The November ;meeting of the Lon-
don Road Club met at thehome of
Mrs. Henderson with nineteen mem-
bers present and two visitors. The
meeting opened with the singing of
a hymn. The secretary then read the
report and plans were made for a
social evening to be held on the 29th
of November. Tickets on the quilt
have been sold and the lucky number
will be drawn on that night. Sewing
and yarn were given out and 5 pair
socks, 1 pr. mitts, 1 sweater were
brought in. A quilt was quilted.
Little Gloria Nott then sang a song
Unit was greatly enjoyed. The meet-
ing closed with the singing of the
Natiogal Anthem. Lunch was then
served to the ladies by the hostess,
A pretty wedding was solemnized
at the home of the bride's parents,
Wednesday evening, Nov. 20th, at 8
o'clock when Jean Sara Mutch, only
daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Fred
Mutch, became the bride of Ervin
John Jacob, son of Mrs. Martha E.
Jacob and the late John Jacob. Rev.
B. F. Andrew officiated and the. wed-
ding march was played by the bride's
two brothers, Jack of Detroit, Mich.,
and Frank, of town, on the bagpipes.
Given in marriage by her father,
the bride was lovely in a street -
length dress of Queen's blue with
black accessories and a Colonel bou-
quet of Talisman roses. She was at-
tended by Miss Norma Streets, who
wore airforce blue with black. acces-
sories and a sheaf of bronze chrysan-
themums. William James Mulch, the
bride's brother, was best man. A re-
ception followed, when Mrs. Mutch
was assisted in receiving by the
groom's mother, Mrs. Jacob. For the
occasion, Mrs: Mutch chose a soldier
blue dress with black accessories and
a corsage of Pierson's Red roses ac-
centing it. Mrs. Jacob was also smart
in airforce blue and black, and cor-
sage of Briarcliffe roses. The groom's
gift to the bride was a gold compact
and to the best man an English
leather billfold. The bride's gift
to the maid cf honor was a white and
gold manicure set. The bridal couple
left on a short motor trip and are
residing cn the London Road, Clin-
ton. Guests were present from De-
troit, Mich., Milford, Mich., Exeter,
Auburn, Goderich and Clinton.
A quiet wedding was solemnized at
New St. James' Presbyterian manse
in London, when Rev. T, J. Watson
united in marriage Margaret E. L.
Gaeniss, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles H. Garniss, Brussels, and Mr.
J. Archibald Ballantyne, London, son
of Mrs. Ballantyne, Brussels, and the
late James B. Ballantyne. The bride
wore a smart street dress of forest
brown, accented with a corsage of
Talisman roses and brown accessor-
ies. Mrs, Helen Scott of Brussels,
wearing wine lace with black acces-
sories, and Mr. Gordon Lyon, of Lon-
don, were the attendants. A reception
at Wong's followed and later the
bridal couple left on a brief trip, the
bride adding a teale blue coat trim-
med in brown squirrel to her wed-
ding ensemble for traveling. They
will reside at 239 Richmond, street,
Page three this week has been de-
voted to town and district nomina-
tions. There you will find messages
from the various candidates.
The Roxy Theatre has installed a
stoker which will now keep the rooms
at an even temperature, for the bene-
fit of its patrons.
The Rangers (Senior Girl Guides)
will hold an afternoon tea acid cake
sale on Saturday, December 7th, in
the Ranger Hall, above Shearing's
A Junior Farmer's meeting will be
held on Wednesday, Dec. 4th at 8
p.m in the Agricultural Board Room,
Clinton, progv'essive euchre after the
Henry Lee Brown, an old Clinton-
ian, and for many years a prominent
business man of Danforth Ave., pas-
sed away mi October 25 at his home,
700 Danforth Ave., Toronto.
He was a member of the Official
Board of the Danforth United church.
Surviving are his widow, Annie
Brown and daughter Isabel, also two
sisters, Mrs. C. M. McTaggart, Ayl-
mer and Mrs. J. W. Wright of Tor-
The funeral was held from the Trull
Funeral Home on October 28th and
was conducted by Rev. Norman A,
McMurray, B.A., B.D., and Rev. C`,
W. Wrtch, hon. associate minister.
Pallbearers were J. W. Wright, T.
Smith, Wm. Wheelans, W. A. Coy, T.
Pedelty and P. S. Gerrard. Honorary
bearers were: R. R. Fawcett, J. E.
Waller, J. Manuel, R. May, C. Ander-
son and T. L. Williamson. Interment
in St. John's Norway Cemetery, Tor-
agreed to send bexes to the boys from
our community who are in England.
Committee to pack boxes: Mrs. G.
Cowan, Mrs. R. Townsend, Mrs. S.
Carter. Mr. Menzies advised us re.
The Young People of Kinburn have
prepared a play and are willing to
put it on in Londesboro, proceeds for
Red Cross. A committee was ap-
pointed to arrange for same. Miss
Leiper, treas., for Burn's unit report-
ed:'receipts $115.12, expenses $106.94,
with a balance of $8.18. A represen-
tative said, site understood Burn's
unit was willing to have Londesboro
do their buying through headquarters
and pay for it, and not give a dona-
tion. The following ladies from the
Burn's unit were added to the buying
committee: Mrs. McEwing, Mrs. G.
Carter, Mrs, F. McGregor, Miss B.
Watson. This finished the business.
This being the election of officers,
Mr. Menzies was asked. to take
charge. It was moved and seconded
that all committees be re-elected. The
following are the officers for 1941:
Hon. Pres., Mrs. Jelin Fingland;
President, Mrs. R. Fairservice; 1st
Vice, Miss E. Mains; 2nd Vice, Mrs.
E. C'arbett; Secretary, Mrs. G. Cow-
an; Treasurer, Mrs. F. Hall, and that
Mrs. McEwing, Mrs. G. Carter, Mrs,
F. McGregor, Mrs, B. Watson from
Burn's unit be added to the buying
committee. The following wore ad-
eed to the Advisory Board: Mr. G.
McVittie, F. Shobbrook, P. Manning,
1. McCool, Alex Wells, R. Young-
blut, Will Manning, John Snell. N.
: Sheppard, J. Nsilans, D. Carter, Stan
Carter. Mrs. Fairservice moved a
vote of thanks to all on working
committee for their work and help
during the past year. The following
articles have been shipped to Red
Cross headquarters during 1940 from
Burns and Kinburn and Londesboro:
95 pillow cases, 66 sheets, 7 doz.
handkerchiefs, 12 doz. surgical towels,
90 bandages, 4 sailor scarfs, 1 pair.
rifle mitts, 13 soldier scarfs. 7 ice
bag covers, 6 hot water bottle covers,
7 pair knee caps, 51 quilts, 71 pair
pyjamas, 39 pair wristlets, 29 sweat-
ers, 280 Hair seeks; refugee clothing
consisting of 2 ladies dresses, 4 child-
ren's caresses, 1 apron, 4 pair pyjam-
as, 13 waists, 2 elites, 1 baby kimona;
clothing quota: 4 women's coats, 8
babe's coats, 4 skirts and 5 pullovers.
The following boys from the com-
munity have received gifts from the
Red Cross: B, Hall, G. Cowan, G.
Pethick, S. Snaith, W. Little, L. Tay-
lor, F. Cooper. Meeting closed by
singing National Anthem,
The December meeting of the
Women's Institute will be held in.
Community Hall on Thurs., Dec. 5th
at 2.30 o'clock. Topic, Legislation,
Mrs. W. Roy; Roll Call, Current
Event; Music, Mrs. 3, P. Manning;
Hostesses: Mrs, C, Crawford, Mrs, J.
Crawford, Mrs. B. Snell, Mrs. F.
Little, Mrs. L. Shobbrook,
Mrs. J, Melville was called to
Trowbridge last week, her sister,
Mrs. Medd being ill,
Mr. E. Stevens and family spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Nott.
Mr. and Mrs. John Fingland have
retuned home, having spent a few
weeks with their daughters at Tor-
onto. Rev. Grierson and Mrs, Grier-
son accompanied them for a short
visit. Rev. 'Grierson addressed the
Sunday School on Sunday morning.
About 50 men from Port Albert
Airport will be entertained in Com-
munity Hall, this Friday evening. A
hot dinner will be served the men
from 7 to 8 p.m. An entertainment
will be presented in thein.' honor
These men are far from their native
land and no doubt many are lonely.
We welcome them to our Canadian
The Londesboro Red Cross met in
Community Hall on Monday night,
with a good number of representa-
tives from Burns and Londesboro.
The Pres., Mrs. R. Fairservice taking
charge, meeting opened by singing 0
Canada and repeating the Prayer for
Peace, in unison. Minutes of last
meeting read and adopted, alsosem-
inary of year's work, Treasurer re-
ported 1$474.92 in bank, $125.00 was
sent to Red Cross, Toronto, from the
money. 'raised in recent campaign.
tills fol' yarns be paid. Miss E.
Mains was appointed to assist Mrs.
Hall and return to Toronto office
the names of contributors of one dol-
lar.. el. 'More
ollal'.`el.''More in campaign. It was
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Boyce of Bruce -
field spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
A, Welsh,
Miss June Stephenson has return-
ed horn after a week's visit in Lon-
don and Hyde Park.
Dr. and Mrs. Randal Cole of Lon-
don, spent the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Robert. Cole.
Mr. Charles Ferguson and Miss
Florence Lovet of London spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs, L. Steph-
Mr. Robert Taylor of Varna, has
purchased the farm which Mr. Fred
Scotchmer bought last year from
Miss Mabel Rathwell, and takes pos-
session shortly.
A very enjoyable evening was
spent at the home of Mr. Wm. Town-
shend on Tuesday evening. On this
occasion a large number of friends
and neighbours presented the newly-
weds, Mr. and Mrs. Townshend with
a miscellaneous shower of useful and
lovely articles. An address was read
to them by Mr. Kenneth Mailer, ex-
pressing the good wishes of the
neighbourhood. Another pleasurable
feature of the same evening was the
presentation of an accasional chair
to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stirling, the
accompanying address was read by
Mr, Stewart Middleton. Both young
bridegrooms expressed their thanks
to their friends' for their gifts and
good wishes. Lunch was served and
the remainder of the evening w a s
spent in dancing.
Mr. and ,Mrs,. David Fasom spent
Sunday 'with B ussels friends•.' ,,
Ernest Mark Crich
Celebrated 58th Birthday.
Ernest Mark Crich, Ferndale rep-
resentative of the Consumers Power
C'ompany, Ferndale, Mich., recently
celebrated his 58th birthday. Mr. and
Mrs. •Crich sandwiched the day with
celebrations. "Ernie", founder of the
Ex-Mar'letters, was honored at the
ninth annual party of the group in
the 'Birmingham Community Clouse.
A family dinner with Mr. and Mrs,
Gilbert Brown of Pontiac, son-in-law
and daughter of Mr. and MTs. Crich,
and their two grandchildren also took
Tuekersmith, Ont., six miles from
Clinton, is Ernest's birthplace, He
was born Nov. 9,. 1882, to Mr. and
Mrs. Herbert Crich (Eliza Town-
send), now both deceased. It was in
Canada that the young man received
his education with the King Bakery,
Clinton. He secured a position as a
baker on going to Detroit in 1902 and
continued in that work in Marlette
the next year. Marlette was the scene
of 'Ernie's romance with •Catherine
Moors, daughter of the late Mr. and
Mrs. John Moors. The couple were
married April 14, 1904, in that town.
They took up residence in Mayville
within the year and lived there only
a short time when Ernest brought
his bride back to Detroit. Here he
operated several bakeries before
awakening to the business opportuni-
ties in Royal Oak, then a town of
450 population.
In 1906, they went to live in Mrs.
Wood's home at Third and Troy Sts.,
behind the present site of the Royal
Oak Consumers Power Ccmpany, and
Crich baked for Mr. Green, whose
shop occupied one of the first brick
store buildings in Royal Oak,
After four years, the fancily return-
ed to Marlette, where "Ernie" work-
ed his way into the ranks of the
leading businessmen of the town. Ile
was the first man to put a bread
truck on the road in the Thunb dist-
rict of Michigan and later enlarged
his company to three trucks.
In 1923, the. Crichs came to Pon-
tiac, where Ernie became associated
with the Consumers Power company
15 years ago, working principally
in Royal Oak and Ferndale. Appoint-
ed Ferndale branch representative
Nov. 16, 1939, Crich removed to
Ferndale and now resides at 372
East Maplehurst avenue,
He is the brother of Melvin Crich
of town; Frank on the homestead in
Tuckersntith; Itirs. W. Wallis of
town; Mrs. Roy Pepper and Mrs.
John Turner cf Tuckersntith.
He is a member of the Perndale
Exchange club and the Chamber of
Commerce, is a 32nd degree Mason,
member of Roosevelt lodge, No. 510,
A.F. and A.M., 'of Pontiac, and the
El Khurafeh temple in Saginaw. Isis
hobbies are baseball games and
flower -growing.
Promotion of Lieutenant Reg. S.
Reid to a captaincy was announced
last week, according to the Stratford
Beacon -Herald. A native of Seaforth,
Captain Reid is a son of Mrs. J. F.
Reid of Seaforth and the late Mr.
Reid. He received his education in
Seaforth public and high schools.
His ability as a hockey player be-
came pronounced in his early days in
Seaforth and the clubs of that coin-
munity found him a speedy and tricky
forward. His reputation spread
throughout the province and he ev-
entually signed to play with Port
Colobrne Sailors in the senior o.H,t1..
Faster company was to his liking and
before long he was signed to a pro-
fessional contract with the Toronto
St. Patricks (now the Toronto Maple
Leafs), playing for them throughout
the seasons of 1923-24 and 1924-25,
Captain'Reid went to Straford and
during 'he winter of 1925-20 was a
member of the Stratford Nationals in
the former Can -Pro Professional
Hockey League. He retired from
the game at the end of that season.
In business life Captain Reid was
a salesman for G. L. Griffith & Sons,
Limited, for five years before he en-
listed with the Perths for active ser-
vice, It was about the time that he
commenced travelling that he accept-
ed a second lieutenant's commission.
He qualified as a full lieutenant fol-
lowing the outbreak of war in 1939.
Mrs, M. 'G. Beatty spent the week-
end in Hensall and Saturday night
attended a shower party at the home
of Mrs. A. Berry in honor of Miss
Mona Glenn, a bride-to-be.
Quite a number of the young peo-
ple of 'the village and surrounding
country are taking advantage of the
free course in homey training, which
we "onsider a great privilege.
Mr. Jack Smith is having his home
which was formerly owned by the
late J. Collins, renovated and will
soonbe moving into the village,
The W.A. of St. John's Anglican
Church held their monthly meeting
at the home of Mrs. D. A. Galbraith
on Tuesday evening. •
Mrs. J. Merrier is at present at
the home of Mrs. Jno. Rathwell.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie •, McClinchey
and family scent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. I,lbyd; Keys and •family.
There's a ShuriGain Way
To Get More
i 1/ .W.i n
Shur -Gain ``E maker"
Prepare your flock now for winter egg production and higher
prices. Hens need more than grain if they are to be steady and
profitable layers. SHUR-GAIN EGMAKER has been specially
prepared to supply those extra proteins, minerals and vitamins
that are lacking in grains. Moreover, hens fed on SHUR-GAIN
EGMAKER mixed with grains are consistently strong and
and you will soon notice the improvement in your flock—and the
improvement in your profits too!
Feed SHUR-GAIN and get more eggs' at a lower cost.
Humphrey Snell
FOR 1941.
6 Special Rounds with O Turkeys as Prizes
ADMISSION 25c — 12 Rounds
Everybody Welcome
About thirty clergymen, represent-
iny various denominations, met in
Seaforth on Monday to form a Huron
County organization to discuss and
explore the possibilities of a combin-
ed witness on tate part of all the
churches on question of life and mor-
als, and also the conditions requisite
for a reunion of Christendom. These
matters to be considered in the light
of the findings of the world confer-
ences held at Oxford and Edinburgh.
' Canon Hurford of St. Thomas'
Church, Seaforth, was elected presi-
dent, with Rev. Hugh Jack of First
Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, as
vice-president, and Rev. D. C. Hill of
Caven Presbyterian Church, Exeter,
as secretary. Canon Hurford in an
introduetoryy paper dealt with the
subject "The Combined Witness of
the Churches" -and Mr. Jack with
"The Church and the Community"
Both papers evoked lively discussion,
especially in regard to the attitude
of the church to temperance and
The next meeting will be held in
the Spring, when Rev. Mr. Chandler
of Kippen United Church will give a
paper on "Doctrines of Grace" and
Rev. K. MacLean of Wingham Pres-
byterian Ghurch will have for his
paper "The Church and the State."
Banquet at Walton Today
The Huron Holstein Breeder's Club
is holding its annual banquet in the
Community Hall, Walton on Thum -
day, November 28th at 12.30 o'clock.
The ladies organization is catering
and supplying a first-class goose
The program will be as follows:
Guest speakers --Mr. S. B. Stoth-
ers, Arthur, former Agricultural Rep-
resentative of Huron County. In ad-
dition, Mr. Byron Jenvey, Western
Ontario Holsteins Field man will give
a short message.
A musical program will be feat-
ured by the Walton Belles and Mr.
Herb. Kirkby.
It is hope that a good representa-
tion will be present from all over
the County and in particular from
Grey and Howick townships. Remem-
ber that the ladies are included'M
the; invitation,. Why not plan a ear
load from your. district. Those who
have not 'Holsteins at the present
time will also be 'welcome. ; • ,
Clinton, Ont., Nov. 25111, 1940
AiAR SIR: --Be kind enough to
give space in your valuable journal
to the following: These are my rea-
sons for desiring a December election.
First, usually the weather is of such
a nature in the first week of Decem-
ber, as to permit those who have
difficulty in getting about to get out
to vote, my greatest desire is to see
as many voters as possible out.
Secondly, it is very inconvenient
fcr a business man or any other man
or woman to be tied up in an election
campaign during the Christmas and
New Year's holidays.
Thirdly, a great number of the
municipalities have changed to De-
cember election, and if they have
something good we want it. For fur-
ther information on this read your
daily newspapers.
And finally, it has been said that
the later elate of January provides
an opportunity to present the public
with a financial statement of our
community; this is incorrect as we
have 110 authentic financial report
until the auditors report is presented
This report was presented to the
council and the citizens this year
(1940) on Feb. 15th, so you may un-
derstand that any financial report
that we might get in either Dec. or
Jan. must be just a provisional one,
Thanking you, I am,
Your •obedient servant,
Re Early Elections
Goderich Township has had early
elections for a number of years and
would not return to the January elec-
tions for a number of reasons. First
of all, the roads are always blocked
or so deep; with snow that people
would rather stay hone than to go
through so much discomfort to vote.
Then there is the holiday season, no
one is going to worry or discuss elec-
tions at Christmas or New Year' with
so many other things on their minds.
Accounts can just as well be wound
up in December as in January. There
will also be a larger poll on account
of the better weather and a much
larger' attendance, they also take
More interest:
• • .: C'OUNCILLO'R.