The Clinton News Record, 1940-11-21, Page 8PAGER LAMB STEW , LAMB CHOPS PORK CHOPS SAUSAGE MINCE MEAT 15c ib.. 3,0,E lb. 22c ib., 15c lb. 2 lbs. 25c Have you tried your skill on the , Bologna Contest. CHICKENS - GEESE - VEAL - LAMB & PORK for weekend CONNELL & TYNDALI- " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162. Albert Street e Gilson Snow Bird GIVES CHARM — COLOR — DISTINCTION TO YOUR KITCHEN ,OR LAUNDRY NOTE THESE FEATURES: —Washes Faster — Washes Cleaner —Uses less current loaded, than most other machines empty. —Only three, gears in gear case. —No hand oiling ever necessary anywhere. —Only five moving parts in gear case. —Cushioned in rubber — quiet and vibration free. —Patented wringer locks automatically in eleven positions. —Built for a lifetime of trouble-free service. —Backed by a 12 -year Protections Certificate. All this at the lowest price and easiest terns in our history. SUTTER & PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS PHONE 147w. CLINTON, ONT. P EARLY AIM Our Christmas stock is now at its best. New lines have been arriving almost daily and wise shoppers have been making selections for some time. We have beautiful selection in the following lines: FANCY SLIPPERS for Men, Women and Children. BOXED TIES from 35c up. NEW SHIRTS by ARROW and TOOIKE. PYJAMAS - BATH ROBES - MUFFLERS - GLOVES FANCY SOX - BRACES & GARTERS. BLANKETS SPECIAL— Beautiful new Wool -Cot Blankets (part wool) Size 66x80, Very Special Price $2.25 These are only a few suggestions and we would be glad to have you come in and let us show you through our Christmas offerings. DON'T NEGLECT that New Overcoat you are considering buying this year. Our stock is large and prices very reasonable. IF IT'S UNDERWEAR OR SWEATERS SEE: Plumsteel biros. Arrow Shirts — Adams Hats Scott & McHale Shoes . Exclusive Agents Tip Top Tailors f! This is the ;Season for ` RANGES and HEATERS t, eThey lead. Let us show you why. HARDWARE and T*llawkins, Phone 244 .-4 4.4.44 i ..... i iii :«ii«w: 4.4.iii i O«i..iM L :«. O':4. I :" ..04.4 i. Htf.- IS See our line before buying. YOUR FURNACE SAFE FOR THE WINTER. See us about a Hecla Furnace. :, CALL AND SEE THE FINEST STOCK OF THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD NEW FALL BOOKS THE FAMILY—Nina I+'edorova. This book, the Atlantic $10,000. T: size Novel zor .1y40, is a story 'laid in China during tdie "Japsaness=s invasion. in 1987. Reviewed by competent critics as "one of the most engaging stories --a lilting song of warmth and joy—something about this story that will give courage to readers who have. forgotten the meaning of the word -- a book of unusual quality and strik- ing Characterization," now on Our, boolcshelf, price $2.75. THIS DYNASTY OF DOCTORS — Rhoda Truax. Hese is a novel that tells: the . story of an American dynasty devoted not to . the acquisi- tion of wealth but to the healing art, the science of life. Through four generations it follows the fortunes. of the Chestwieks of Boston—doctors all —each of whom found success• or failure under the exacting code of the labratory' and the operating room. In their story we follow the progress of medicine in the last hundred years -the triumphal progress that has re- made the world. Price $3.00. CHINA TRADER—Cornelia Spencer. The period of the earliest American contacts with China affords the set- ting for this romantic novel, It tells of a young Bostonian's long fight to convince the merchants at home that Cathay was a sound investment and of the beginning of the Yankee Clip- per ship trade. Price $3.00. LETTER FROM ENGLAND—Mollie Panter Downes. What is this Eng- land like in wartime? How does war affect the man in the street and in the local pub, the Colonel's lady and Judy •O'Grady? The New Yorkers brilliant correspondent tells how England has changed, week by week, during the last twelve months, and yet is forever the same. Price $2.50. We list herewith a few of our recent arrivals: Landfall—Neville Shute—Price $3.00 The Man Who Went Back—Warwick Deeping—$2.75 Ducks in Thunder —Jay Dratler — $2.35 Tony's Scrap Book — Tony Wons — $1.50 Golden Tales'of Canada—May Becker —$2.60 Attack — Leland Jamieson — $1.75 Furniture and Hardware which will make useful and lasting gifts. Your Will Find Children's Furniture and Toys, Electric and Gas Lamps, Mirrors, Rugs, Cedar Chests and Ferneries. A New Line of CHRONIUM PLATED GOODS — PYREX WARE CUTLERY — C.C.M. SKATES, Etc. A wonderful stock to select from and we know we can save you money, so let's prove it. GOODS WILL BE HELD FOR LATER DELIVERY THE STORE WITH THE STOCK B.AL,L, & ZAPFE Tip W. Q. Fair Co Often the Cheapest—Always the Best * PHONE 195 . Hardware — Furniture — Funeral Directors — Ambulance Service _ W. N. Ball, Phone 110 J. J. Zapfe, Phone 103 ; 4/2143.. • & sitiel a'rL».a't.4446H'�«1�' .«r 1,.. P;oper;4011111maim, 1110111 Tile, 1 Mr. William A. Grant will leave Mon day to spend the winter in Orlando, Florida. Mr. Benson Sutter of the Toronto Technical School spent the week- end at his home in town. Charles Mutch left last week for Manning Pool, Toronto, to become a member of the R.C.A.F. Mrs. William Helm and three child- ren of Lucknow spent the last ten days with the lady's parents, Dr. and Mrs. Evans. Miss Helen Roberton of Detroit is spending a f..w holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Rob- erton. Pte. Delbert Snow, of the Argyll & Sutherland Scottish, C.A.S.F., was a weekend visitor with his aunt, Mr's. McDowell. Mr. Fraser Thompson of Western University, London, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Thompson. Mrs. Dave Kay has returned home from Marlette, Mich., where she at- tended the funeral of her uncle, the late Mr. William H. Stephenson. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Palmer and daughters Katherine and Dorothy, of Toronto, were weekend guests of Mrs. Palmer's brother, M. T. Cor- less and Mrs. Corless. EDITOR TAKES A BRIDE Something Different POTS OF HEATHER in purple and white. 75c cacti POTTED 'MUMS in good bloom $1.00 each ". BOSTON FERNS from 50c up CUT FLOWERS MUMS ROSES - CARNATIONS BULBS Still a few TULIP BULBS suit- able for outdoor planting, choice varieties, clearing at 20c doz. PAPER WHITE NARCISSUS 5c each The usual bulbs for forcing can not be procured this year. F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del As. Personal care given every order and special attention given to funeral orders. ?hones 176 and 31 The newspapers are giving a free ride to a new type of marriag. re- porting which was introduced, it seems, by a small newspaper in Iowa called the Augusta Union. The 'edi- tor of the Union; remembering that bridegrooms usually receive little at- tention at the hands of the society news reporters, decided that he would vary the rule a little when it came his time to marry. Under the caption, "Ye Editor Takes Himself a Bride," Ire wrote as follows for his own news - raper: "Clarence (Trudy) Rogers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rogers, of Os- seo, became the husband of Miss Margaret Gilbertson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Gilbertson, of Aug- usta, in, a beautiful ring ceremony Saturday noon before a Justice of the Peace in Waukoh, Ie. "Blushing prettily, he replied to the questions of the Justice in low but firm tones, never indicating that lie rooted the omission of the `obey' in the bride's answers. He was attractively attired in a three -piste suit of black pin -stripe woolen material, !consisting of coat, vest and pmts. The coat was char- mingly festooned with a white. flower in the left button -hole. The vest was sleesw4ess, closed in the front and gracefully fashioned with pockets. It was held together at the back wth a strap an.cl buckle. His pants were neatly pressed for the occasion and he wore them with an air no if he liblio susuected it would he the last time he 'wore the pants' in that family, as the familiar exrression goes. Hose and necktie add !d lust the right dash of colour to complement the effect. Shoes were. of genuine leather, laced with strings of the same colour, giving a.chrc 'effect., Quality Meat Market CHOICE CUTS OF BEEF R113 ROASTS ... 18e lb. CHUCK ROASTS 18c lb. RIB BAILS 15c Ib. PORK CHOPS 22c lb. Fresh Ham Roast of Pork 23c Side Pork in Piece 18c Fresh Picnic Hams 18c Fresh Pork & Beef Liver 15c Pork Hacks 12c Home -Made Sausage, Fresh Daily 15c Fillets 18c Anybody wishing a choice quarter of beef or side of pork see us. We will cut it up free of charge. Remember we. do custom killing, and make sau- sage at reasonable rates. Highest prices paid for hides. ROSS FITZSIMONS PHONE 76 COME AND ENJOY A Real Snappy DANCE to be held in Town Hall, Clinton Friday, Nov.22 at 9 p.m. Music by MOONLIGHT SERENADERS and TIII"? MERRY MAKERS MODERN & OLD TYME DANCING under the auspices of Huron Game and Fish Cltib PROCEEDS TO GO TOWARDS ItE- STOCKING HURON COUNTY WITH WILD GAME AND FISH. Gentlemen 35c, Ladies 25c DRAW TO BE MADE AT 11 P.M. BY MAYOR WATERS THURS., NOV, 21, 1940 Superior Stores PHONE 111---CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR NOVEMBER 21, 22, 23 CORN SYRRP, nee Hive 2's tin 5 lb. tin SII.ORTENING, Hillcrest 2 lbs. COFFEE, Royal York, 1 lb. tin AYLMER PIE CHERRIES 2 tins GARDEN PATCH PEAS 2 tins PASTRY FLOUR .. 24 lb. bag 19e 375 23c 430 25c 190 69c PEEL, LEMON & ORANGE /2 lb. 14c CITRON PEEL 1/2 lb. 15c CUT MIXED PEEL 'h Ib. 13c 3cROWN SUL'T'ANAS; 2 lbs. 23c NEW CURRANTS lb. 14c LEXI A RAISINS, With Seeds 2 lbs. for 25c FANCY BLEACHED RAISINS per lb. 19c RED GLACE CHERRIES 1 Ib. 13c GLACE PINEAPPLE RINGS 1/4 lb. 150 ,511ELL:13D ALMONDS .. '/ lb. 15c WE ARE EXPECTING ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF HEINZ KETCHUP 5 oz. $1.75 Per Case 36's Doz. 59c Bottle 5c (LET 13S HAVE YOUR ORDER) FLORIDA ORANGES, Sweet & Juicy doz. 25c L' �� •.' 1b ., NOV. 21, 22, 23rd At YOUR fltD AND WHITE STORE CLINTON , Christmas akitig CUT MIXED' PEEL lb. 25c wirtemessauswastera South African Seedless ib.1{>°c S II ELLE D WALNUTS YCYNG SUGAR, I�� a 2 fS y p'OHES'PEC BS. u; �s110�1 27Lc GLACED RED CHERRIES' 1 lb. 39c ale FANCY BLEACHED SULTANAS ...,..... lb. 18c IRE -CLEANED CURRANTS lb. 14c AUSTRALIAN SEEDED RAISINS Pkg• 15c 1/7 lb. 23c • Diel Monte New Meaty SHELLED ALMONDS, 1/4 lb. 15c Redpath, 2 lbs. RED & WHITE Fancy Pastl'y FLOUR, 27c 73c 7 LB. BAG 24 LB. BAG ALMO.a 4 ICING DICED GLACE ASSORTED PINEAPPLE 3oz.pkg.10C T, S. THfl'PSON: Free Delivery 1 SUNLIGHT S AP Bar 5C 1 lb. Carton 39 GLACE PINEAPPLE, CHERRIES CUT PEEL 14lb. pkg. 10 C • NEILSON'S JERSEY ;COCOA tin 19c CHOICE QUALITY PEEK FREAN BISCUITS LEXIA 2 lbs. 25e RAISINS 2 lbs. 25c SWEET SLICED MANGOS CHUTNEY 8oz. jar 35c ASSORTED GLACE FRUITS 7 oz. pkg. 35c QUALITY Free FRUITS and VEGETABLES TEXAS SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT 7 - 25c SUNKIST JUICY ORANGES .....,... doz. 27c JUICY CALIF.ORNIA LEMONS 4 for 10c WAXED TURNIPS 5 lbs. 10e 0 QUALITY FRUITS & GROCERIES PHONE -, 43 PROMPT DELIVERY CLINTON EXTRA. LARGE HEAD LETTUCE HOT HOUSE FANCY TOMATOES lb. 19c CHOICE HEARTS OF �—"*"^ CELERY PNOW WHITE Cauliflower ... 2 for 25c 10c 10c RED EMPEROR GRAPES 2 lbs. 19c SUNKIST LARGE ORANGES doz. 39c COOKING No. 1 ONIONS' 10 lbs. 19c (.OLDEN RIPE BANANAS ... 3 lbs. 25c Deep Dry WOMEN'S MOTOR BOOTS — with low, medium or high heels, black or brown, sizes 3 to 8. PRICE $2.49 WOMEN'S RUBBER 0 V E R - ;SHOES, lnedium, cuban, high oi4 low heels. PER PAIR $1.19 SHINY BLACK RUBBER BOOTS, knee length, WOMEN'S $1.39. Misses Sizes "11,12, 13, 1, 2 $1.10' Child's Sizes 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 .991 MEN & BOY'S KNEE BOOTS with Red Soles. Men's Sizes 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 $1.79 Boy's Sizes 1, 2, 3, 4,5 $1.55 Sizes 11, 12,13 $1.35 MEN'S BLACK PULLOVER RUBBERS .69 BOY'S BLACK PULLOVER RUBBERS .59 MEN'S COMBINATION UNDER. WEAR Per Suit Penman's Preferred ......... $2.49 Penman's Natural No 71 $1.85 Puritan Fleece -Lined $1.49: RibbedWool and Cotton $2.49 SINGLE GARMENTS Penman's Preferred Shirts or Drawers $1.40 Penman's No. 71 Shirts or Drawers ..,..) $1.90 Penman's Fleece -Lined Shirts or Drawers .89: Penman's Wool & Cotton Shirts) $1.40 or Drawers MEN'S WORK SOCKS, grey ribbed, good weight 3 pair $1.59 BOY'S FLEECE - LINED COMB INATION UNDERWEAR, Per Suit $1.00 BOY'S WORK SHIRTS, Cotton Doe- skin in fancy check pattern .89 MEN'S WORK ISHIRTS, Doeskin in! fancy checks, Extra Heavy Weight Heavy Weight Medium Weight $1.75 $1.59 $1.39 SCOTCH FINGERING YARN, Dark Grey, extra good quality, Per Lb. $1.49 Clifford PHONE 40. THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY. -1