HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1940-11-14, Page 571111JRS., NOV. 14, 1940 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE 5 o. - This is a fight to the finish. No room for half 'measures. No room, for delay. This is urgent pressing ... vital. Thisis WAR. So Canada closes her ranks 167,000 leen -in the Canadian Active Service Force; 240,000 recruits to be trained during the next twelve months; an army of 500,000 by next summer This is one side of Canada's war effort. The other side concerns YOU. More men ... weil equipped, well armed, Well 'clothed, well fed... mean more dollars. Canada looks to you to supply those dollars.. :and to keep on supplying them till this war is won, Start saving now.Be ready to help your country 'when the call for money comes. Be ready to en- list your dollars in this fight for human freedom and decency. Be glad you are able to help so simply and so effectively (Fisu,rs aPpeaximale as at Oct. 01, 1940.). Save for t4toy THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA CLINTON BRANCH - - E. E. PATER50N, Manager AUBURN Mrs. Thomas Doyle and Miss Mar- garet King returned on Sunday after pending a week with Mr. and Mrs. I•Iar1y Anderson of Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Spencer of Hart, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. Larry McGuire of Monique, Mich., were 're- cent visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. .Thompson. Mr. R. E. Walden, of Begot, Man., is visiting his sister, Mrs. Rachael 'Walden and his brother, Mr. Percy Walden. It is 16 years since Mr. 'Walden visited here and he plans spending the winter months here. Miss Mildred Scott R.N. of Strat- ford, spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. It. J. Scott. Keith Arthur has returned home - after a month's training at Wood- stock. Margaret Ferguson of Parkhill and Stewart Ferguson of Tottenham were weekend visitors at the home of their parents, Mr. ail Mrs. A. J. Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Young and son of Woodstock, spent the weekend with Mrs. M: Arthur. Mr, and Mr's, R. J. Scott, Mrs. F. Ross and Donald and Mr. J. W. Medd, )pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Richard % 1,I,Thinney of Crewe. Miss Marjorie Arthur of Teeswater was a weekend visitor at her home here. The monthly meeting of the Wom- en's Institute will be held in the Foresters Hall on Tuesday, Nov. 19. At this meeting the Londesboro and St. Augustine ladies will be guests, Stanley McNall, son of lir. and Mrs. Thomas McNeil. has been called Le the ranks of the R,C.A.P. He is supposed to report on duty at Bran- don, Man., on November 25. The monthly mooting of the B.Y. P.U. will he held next Sunday nieht with Mrs. Stanley Johnston and Mar- jorie in charge. Born—On October 29, to Mr, and Mrs, Eugene Dobie, of Ottawa, a son. Ms's. Howard Robertson was a re- cent visitor with her, sister, Mrs. Davidson, and Mr. Davidson, of Belle- ville. The Baptist Ladies Aid met last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Jas. Raithby with Mrs. 0. A. Howson in charge. The devotional period was in charge of Mrs, 11. C. Wilson and Mrs. John Raithby. Readings were given by Mrs. Glenn Raithby, Mrs, James Webster and Mrs, John Raith- by. Mrs. Earl McKnight sang a solo. An orchestra nuinber was played by Mrs. R. J. Phillips, Mrs. C. A. How - 'son, Mrs. John McKnight and Mar- jorie Johnston. The topic on "Love", prepared by Mrs. Stanley Johnston was given by Mrs. Earl Raithby. Mrs. A.. E. Silver dismissed the meeting, after which a pot luck supper was served. The December meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Frank Lan - zing. The Anglican Ladies Guild held their November meeting on Wednes- day at the home of Mrs. James Nieh- •-olson. Mrs. Alvin Leatherland was in charge. Rev. R. M. Weekes led in prayer and Mrs. Ches. Asquith read the scripture. Mrs. Thomas Johnston gave the secretary -treasurer's report. It was decided that each member give one dollar into the treasury ranter . than have a bazaar. Mrs. George Beadle and Mrs. Chas. A•s- ouith were eppoitited to look after 'the redecorating of the tecory. Read- Ings were given by. Mrs. Wilmer Nicholson and Mrs. Alfred Nesbitt, :The December meeting will be held at the Ihome,.of Mrs. Chas. Asquith. 'Lunch was serves by Mrs "1 lcliolsori' ',and Mrs. Wilmer Niehoison. RED, CROSS NEWS Field Marshal Sir Philip Chetwode, chairman of the British Red Cross, has written the Canadian Red Cross expressing gratitude for the gift of 130 ambulances and also for the agreement to supply 10,000 parcels of food from Canada every week for British prisoners of war in Germany. The British Red Cross is the volun- tary auxiliary of the British Govern- ment and is committed to the task of supple -fug food and clothing to the prisoners of war in enemy territory. "The ambulances are a highly val- ued gift, made at a moment when our organization was hard-pressed to know how to obtain a sufficient num- ber of ambulances to prepare to meet the need," Sir Philip wrote, "I am glad to have this opportunity of re- iterating the gratitude of the British Red Cross for The generous and un- grudging -help given to us at all times by the Canadian Red Cross in so many direetions, and particularly for their latest gesture in undertak- ing the packing, despatching and fin- ancial responsibility of 10,000 parcels Per week for our Prisoners of War. "I hope you will be able to find means of letting the public in Canada know how immensely this assistance is appreciated in this eountty and how deeply grateful we are for the unfailing support given us on c occasion." The ambulances were con- tributed to the Canadian Red Cress for Britain by individuals, business firms, service clubs and other organ- izations throughout Canada. EBENEZER The W.A. of the United church held its November meeting at the home of Mrs. Morgan Jones on Thursday. The president, Mrs. Bert Lobb presided, The meeting opened with a Hymn, then the president read the scripture. Rev. H. Wilding lead in prayer, fol- lowed by the roll call and business was discussed. Mrs. P. Hayden gave a reading and a contest was given by Mrs, 0. Tebbutt; reading by Mrs. Bert Labb. The meeting closed with prayer. Lunch was then served: by the hostess assisted by Mrs, Prank Jones. HOLMMESVILLE The Women's Association of the Holmesviile United Church held a successful bazaar and sale of home- made baking in Clinton Town. Hall on Saturday. Mrs. Eldred Yeo, presi- dent of the Association, supervised the sale and was assisted by the fol- lowing ladies in charge of the several booths: Mrs. Walters and Mrs. Glid- don, fancy goods; Mrs. 0 Forster, Mrs. J. Cox, baking booth; Mrs. Or- ville Rodges, rummage sale, Mrs. J. E•Iuller and Mrs. McConnell, candy booth; afternoon tea, Mrs. Frank Yeo, Miss Edna Huller, Miss Finlay, Miss Helen Bond and Miss Gertrude Bond. The afternoon tea was well patronized by ladies of the Clinton, churches and the goods on sale were nearly all disposed off.. The ladies of Holmesviile church met on Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Will Yeo. Mrs. Elmer Potter was in charge of the W.M.S. The meeting opened with singing Hymn 123 fol- lowed by the 'Lord's Prayer. The Scripture was then read by Mrs. Cameron followed by the roll call, Mrs. B. Trewartha gave a reading, Hymn 225 was then sung and Mrs. B. Trewartha contributed a solo. Re- port was then given by Mrs. [fond and Miss D. Finlay gave a reading, the meeting closed with singing Hymn 347. The W.A. was in charge of Mrs. D.' Yee. A very dainty lunch vias served, by the hostesses Mrs. 17. Yeo and M'rs. W: Yeo." MARRIAGES CROZIER-BAhTLIFF—In 'St. Paul's' Angliean church, Clinton, on Mon- day, Nov. 11th, Dorothy Alexina Bartlitf of Clinton was united in marriage to James Alfred Crozier, of Clinton by Rev.. A. H. O'Neil, SCHOENHALiS-ELLIOTT — In St. Andrew's United manse; Bayfield, on ,Saturday, Nov. 5th, Phyllis El- liott of Goderich Township was united in marriage to Cpl. Stewart Sehoenhals of Woodstock by Rev. H. Currie. McLEOD-NICKLE — In Kingsville Anglican church on Saturday, Nov. 2nd, Doris Elizabeth Nickle of Clinton was united in marriage to Hugh McLeod of Kingsville by Rev. Davies. TOWNSHEND-CHUTER -- In St., John's Anglican church, Varna, on Saturday, Nov: 2nd, Elizabeth Grace Chuter of ,Varna, was united in marriage to William Alvin Townshend, Bayfield .Line, by the Rev. Canon W. A. Townshend of London, assisted by Rev. John Graham. BIRTHS MAYERS—In St. Joseph's Hospital, Hamilton, on Sunday, Ott. 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mayers ('nee Evelyn Lever) a son, Francis Norman, POSTILL—In Clinton Hospital, on Saturday, Nov. 9th, to Mr. and Mrs, Joe Postill of Auburn, a son. CLEVE-In Clinton Hospital, on Thursday, Nov. 14th, to Me. and Mrs. Logan Cleve •of Bayfield, a daughter. DEATHS CANTELON—In Clinton, on Sunday, Nov. 10th, Goldie Cantelon, in his 54th year. BALSOM—In Goderich Township, on Sunday, Nov. 10th, Mary Ann Mc- Clelland, wife of Horace Balsom, in her 69th year. LEE—In Hullett, on Tuesday, Nov, 12th, Mary Brown, widow of the late, Wm. Lee, in her 81st year. NATION—In Toronto, on Friday, Nov. 8th, Mrs. Clara Nation, sister of Mrs. R. S. Hays, Seaforth. In- terment in Clinton Cemetery. VARNA Mr, G. B. Woods of Toronto spent Sunday with relatives and friends of the village, Pte. Harold Elliott of the H,L,I, of Stratford was renewing acquaintances in the village Sunday. Mr. D. J. Stephenson Mr. Ralph Stephenson, and son W. It. Stephen - sat, motored to Marlette, Mich., to see the former's brother, W. H. Steph- enson, who we are sorry to report is quite ill. - Owing to the very wet day there was not a very large attendance at Armistice service which was held in the Township Hall on Monday. Rev. Peters of Varna and Rev. Wright of Brumfield were the speakers. Mr. C. Pilgrim spent the past week with his stilly Geo. and bit's. Pilgrim of Forest, Mr. Stewart Beattie attended the Teacher's Convention at Hensall on Friday. A most enjoyable time was spent in the Town. Hall on Friday night, when members of L.O.L. 1035 with their wives and families sat down to well -laden tables. After supper Mr. Harvey McGee of Auburn entertain- ed the crowd in his usual pleasing manner and needless to say', was greatly enjoyed by all. Rev. Graham of Bayfield, Rev. Chandler of Kippen, Rev. Mair of Thames Road and Rev. Peters of Varna each gave very ap- propriate addresses. ' Mrs. Ward of Forest was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 0, Pil- grim during the past week. Mrs. R. Cole of Cromarty was the guest of her sister, Mrs. M. G. Beatty on Thursday last A most enjoyable evening was. spent at the home of Mi. and Mrs, G, H. Beatty on Tuesday in honor of their tenth wedding anniversary Those from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McGee, Dr. Weir and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. E. Lawson, all of Auburn, The annual meeting of the West End Beef Ring will be held on Mon- day evening, Nov. 18th at the home of Sam Whitmore. Farm for Sale �~ Lot 64, Bayfield Line, Gociorich Township, consisting of 97 acres. Apply to Wilfred Thompson, Macklin, Sasic„ or Charles Lindsay, Clinton. Rooms Wanted Three or four rooms wanted, must be furnished, heated and have bath- room. Apply to Box 183, Clinton, Ont. 14-1 Maid Wanted Maid for housework, plain cooking, email house, 3 adults, Mrs. Ferguson, 299 Huron St., London, Ont. 14-1 Bazaar Keep November 28th open for St. Paul's Annual Bazaar, Special feat- ure, afternoon tea and business, sup- per. 14-1 Edward Grealis Painting, paper hanging and. car painting. Arrangements can be made by writing or seeing Edward Grealis, Clinton, Ontario. 14-2 Hunter's and Trapper's Notice I 'am in the fur business again this year, get ii r prices before sell ing elsdwhere. Norman' East, R,R. No. 1'Clinton. , ',,. ' 14.7 CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every, Occasion C V. Cooke FLORIST Phones: 68w and 58j 1?YNISHEIJ' CHICKEN§ AND FAT HENS A good marketis expectedfor all lines of poultry this season. We can handle a large quantity of live poul- try each week at top market prices. Eggs will also be in demand for British export. You can obtain higher prices for your grain by feed- ing it to your poultry. N. W. TREWARTITE Store Phone 214 House Phone 328 DANCE to the MELODY MIXERS, 6 -Piece Orch. KIPPEN HALL Wednesday, Nov.l20th New & Old Tyme Dancing — 9 to 2 Sponsored by PURINA DEALERS, in aid of Red • Cross. PRIZES FOR NOVELTY DANCES EVERYBODY WELCOME ADMISSION 25c Batkin's Locker Storage wishes to Congratulate the lucky prize winners: lst—MRS. E. GREALIS, Clinton 2nd—LLOYD WALPER, Clinton. 3rd—MARIANNE MERRILL, R.R. 2 Clinton. 4th—EDNA FORD, Clinton. \re also wish to thank those who have so loyally supported up, and ap- preciate the keen interest taken by the public. St. Paul's Church Ladies Guild Theatre Party on Thurs. Even., Nov. 21 "The Courageous Dr. Christian" starling Jean Hersholt with a good supporting cast., 1:1-1 Announcement Having disposed of my Grocery Business to Mr. Eldon Smith, I wish to take this opportunity of thanking all those who so kindly gave us their support for the past four years, and sdieite the continuance of your Pat- ronage to din. _Smith. J. E. Scott For Rent A seven -room house on. Albert St., modern conveniences, newly decorat- ed, garage attached. Call at New- Record ewRecord or phone 257. 13tf FARM FOR SALE LOT 35, CON. 3, East Wawanosh, 200 acres. Hilly pasture, two flowing springs, some bush. Price $2800. LOT 16, CON. 17, Grey, 100 acres. Stone house, two barns and imple- ment shed. Good well with windmill, Price, $3750. Immediate possession, PART LOT 27 & 28, CON. 14, Hui. lett. 233 acres. Pasture, good well with windmill, also flowing spring, some bush, fair house, no barn, part of farm suitable for cultivation, Price, $4750. Suitable terms can be arranged. Apply --JAMES McFADZEAN, Brussels, Ontario; or Fred Moloy, Thedford, Ontario. 142 NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of George Mair, late of the Township of Goderich, in the County of Huron, Fanner, deceased, who died on or about the 29th day of August, A.D. 1940, are required to send to the undersig*n,ed full particul- ars of the same on or before the 7th day of Decetnbear, A.D. 1940, after which date the assets of the deceased will be distributed; having regard only to the clahns of which the Ex- ecutor will then have notice. Dated this 12th day of November, A.D. 1040. NORMAN MAIR, New Hamburg, Ontario, Executor. By his solicitor, T. H. Peine, New Hamburg, Ontario. 14-3 AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Implements and Household Effects for Mr. Fred Hopkins at his home. One mile North of Holmesviile, (Maitland Con,) on TUESDAY, NOV. 19th at 1.30 Pan. Driving mare, 5. years old; 4 good mild: cows; riding plow; set of har- rows; cultivator; wagon; gravel box; slush sa'apee; hay rope and pulleys; sets of double and single harness; buggy; cutter; ,sleigh; scuffler; forks, shovels, chains, whiffletrees and a cream separtor; Daisy churn; Furni- ture including, sewing machine, stoves, dishes and numerous other articles. Everything will be disposed of. TERMS — CASH T. GUNDRY & SONS, Auctioneers. ROXY THEATRE CLINTON NOW -PLAYING: Errol—Flynn as THE SEA HAWK" MON., TUES„ WED. Her trial and execution shocked' the civilized world in 1915. "Nurse Edith Cavell" ANNA NEAGLE — EDNA MAY OLIVER & GEORGE ,SANDERS THURS., FRI., SAT. "The Courageous Dr, Christian"'. This brave Man of Medicine, the idol of millions el radio fans, triumphs again as he works for , the betterment of, his community. JEAN HERSHOLT and DOROTHY LOVETT Coming: Linda Darnell and John , Payne in "STAR DUST" Mat.: Sat, & Holidays, 3 p.m. CAPITAL THEATRE REGENT THEATRE GADERICH SEAFORTH NOW: "SNOW WHITE" & The Disney Festival of Hits MON., TUES., WED. ---Double Feature Program— Jean. Hersholt — Dorothy Lovett & Bob Baldwin There is drama and romance when the old doctor crusades for common decency. "Courageous Dr. Christian" Also—Joe Penner in "Millionaire Playboy" THURS., PRI., SAT. Allan JONES — Martha RAYL and Charles Butterworth Modern modes are spoofed by their counterparts in ancient Greece. "Boys from Syracuse" Coming: The Ritz Bros. in "PACK UP YOUR TROUBLES" NOW: "HEROES OF THE SAD- DLE" with Ray Hatton MON., TUES., WED. —Double Feature Program -- EDWARD G. R013INSON & HUMPHREY BOGART A raceteteer reforms„but not with- out a patting punch at his old pals "BROTHER ORCHID” Also .Merle Oberon in "Over.: The Moon" THURS., FRI., SAT, Special Attraction! Walt Disney's FESTIVAL of HITS "Snow White" with four of his shorter hits. Coming: Olivia De Haviland in "MY LOVE CAME BACK" Saturday Specials CREAM PUFFS CREAM ROLLS LEMON PIES PUMPKIN PIES SUET LOAF. TEA BISCUITS SUNSHINE DOUGHNUTS Bakers and Confectioners PHONE 1 CLINTON Notice To ;Ratepayers ' IN ACCORDANCE WITH A MOTION PASSED AT THE NOV. MEETING OF THE TOWN COUN- CIL, THE FOLLOWING QUESTION IS SUBMITTED AS A PLEBIS- CITE.:— - Are you in favour as a war- time measure under The Local Government Extension Act, 1940, of the Municipal Council elected for 1941 holding office for the terns of two years. THE MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWN OF CLINTON. 14-3 BINGO AND DANCE ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH CLINTON, ONTARIO Wednesday Nov. 20th 8.30 p.m. BINGO 12 ROUNDS BINGO FOR 25c 3 SPECIAL ROUNDS DOOR PRIZE — TURKEYS Dancing at 10 p.m. ARTHUR'S ORCH. in attendance. ADMISSION 25c NOTICE Take Notice that the Court of Revision will sit at Clinton on the 20th day of November at 8 o'clock to the evening, int the Council Chamber, re the matter of assessments. The Municipality of the Town of Clinton; M. T. CORLESS, Clerk & Treasurer. 13-2 Boarders Wanted Good aecomnmdations for a couple of boaders. Apply at The News - Record or Box 27, Clinton. 13-1 Cook Wanted Experienced general cook wanted. Two in family. Apply to Mrs. Ramsay, 197 Ridout Street, London, Ontario. 12-3 Boarders Wanted Boarders wanted, reasonable prices, good accommodations. Apply at The News -Record. 13-1 Sprayed Apples For Sale , Spy, King, Talman Sweet, Green- ing, Baldwin, Russet, and cider apples. Phone Clinton 622-24, Fred McClymont, Varna. lOtf CLERK'S NOTICE Of First Posting of Voters' List Voters' Lists, 1940, Municipality of Clinton, County of Huron. NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with section 8 of the Voters' Lists Act and that I have posted up in my office at Clinton, on the 31st day of October, 1940, the. list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at municipal election and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings • to have any errors or omissions coireet- ed according to law, the last day for appeal being the 21st day of Novem- ber 1940. DATED at Clinton this 31st day of October, 1940. • M. T. CORLESS, ... Clerk of the Town of Clinton. 12-3. BAKING SPECIALS ORDER HONEY DIPPED DO - NUTS 20c doz. MEAT PIES each 5c DE -LUX 3 for 5c FRUIT CUP CAKES HOMEMADE CANDY FUDGE - BUTTERSCOTCH CLUSTERS OYSTERS— —ICE CREAM Wendorf's We Want To Pease You PHONE 68 — DANCE CLAYTON STEEPER — at— K ;PEN Friday, '"=t 017.15 DON'T MISS IT! GENERAL ADMISSION 35e C. Watson, Manager. Rooms for stent Two large rooms for rent on Vic- toria street, furnished or unfurnish- ed. Apply at the News -Record office. 13-2 FOR SALE PARTS OF LOTS No. 31 and No. 32, in the 3rd Concession- of the Town- ship of Goderich, containing 69 acres more or less. This property is heav- ily eaveily wooded, .chiefly with bard wood. Will sell ie one block or divide. ALSO LOT No. 28,' Concession 9, Goderich Township. This lot consists of 80 acres of good 'land on which stands a bank barn about 45 by 50. Never failing spring. These properties are offered for the purpose of closing the estate of John A. Cox, Deceased. For further particulars apply to: MRS. MABEL E. COX, R.R. No, 2, HAYFIELD, ONTARIO and AL- BERT COX, R.R. No. 1, GODEP.ICII, Ont. 13-2 EXECUTOR'S SALE Mr. Harold Jackson has been in strutted to sell by public auction on Lot 8, Goderich Township Farms, Farm Stock & Implements on FRIDAY, NO i'. 15, 1940 HORSES—Three-year-old Pe:Theron marc; black mare, nine years old; grey mare, eight years old; one aged Mare. CATTLE Three Polled -Angus cows, due in April; two Hereford cows, due in May; two Polled -Angus farrow cows, five year-old heifers; five year- old Ilereford steers; four Hereford spring calves, SHEEP—Sixteen Leicester and Ox- ford ewes. PIGS—Five chunks, GO lbs.; 1 fat sow; 10 pigs, 40 lbs. CHICKENS -40 year-old hens; 3 geese; 2 "olony houses. IMPLEMETTS—Corn binder; corn planter; Massey -Harris hat loader; McCormick hay rake; '7 -foot binder; Massey -Harris seed drill, 13 hoe, with Preston fertilizer attachment; 1 De Laval cream separator; 2 walking plows; 1 riding plow; gang plow; cultivator; disc; set harrows; corn scuffler; hand scatter; International 3 H.P. gas engine; cricular saw; set sleighs; wagon hay rack; set back - band harness; cutter; buggy; forks; shovels; 2 toot pulpers; saws, etc.; .1 cutting box; 2 sets scales; hay fork 'rope and pulleys; 2 incubators; 2 water troughs. 1 1931 De Soto Sedan; 1 4 -wheel trailer; '70 tons hay; 10 feet of et - silage; 20 bushels wheat; 600 bushels oats and barley. FARCS—At the same time and place the following Lands will be sold, namely:— (1) FARM LOT 17—Huron Roacl Concession, Goderich 'Township, con- taining 92 acres, more or less, on which there is supposed to be situat- ed a 11/ •storey frame house and a bank barn; good well. (2) FARM LOT 8—Huron Road Concession, Goderich Township, con- taining 101 acres, more or less, on which is supposed to be situated a one storey pebble stone rough cast house, with hot and cold water, bath- room and furnace; also bank barn, with good well and windmill. (3) FARM LOT 37—On the 12th Concession of Goderich Township, containing 80 acres, more or less, be- ing a grass ,farm, with a good well and windmill. Said parcels will be sold separately subject to a reserve bid. TERMS on Lands: 10 per' cent cash on day of sale and balance within 30 days. TERMS 011. Chattels: Cash. ESTATE OF GEORGE MAIR, • Norman Mair, Executor. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. BURGESS' STUDIO CLINTON Photographs of Distinction by IRENE BURGESS Phone 115. Developing and Printing (Open Every Day) NOTE CHANGE IN TIME IN BUS TIME TABLE Effective June 29th STRATFORD-GODERICH LINE SUMMER TIME TABLE Leave Clinton for Stratford— Daily 8.10 A.M. and 4.50 P.M. Leave Clinton for Goderich- Daily except Sundays & Holidays: 1.35 P.M. and 8.00 P.M. Sundays & Holidays: 1.35 P.M. & 9.40 P.M. Connection at Stratford for Toronto, Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit, Tavistock and Woodstock. BARTLIFF'S, Local Agents, Phone 1 MONUMENTS! To those contemplating build- ing a Monument . Get my prices before buying. Cemetery Lettering a specialty. All work guaranteed. JOHN GRANT CLINTON MARBLE & GRANITE WORKS Clinton — Ontario Successor to Ball & Zapfe 59 tf yn`'ret Crr�ttsit' v t. trrtr `i `net tto .«M •P05i;5 ¶RAugoIiWCe 'MR; NUM 55Et 14C55PTION ROGEER5 15/54,011 THE NEW 1941 BATTERY SET AS LOW AS $29.95. With the Net Miracle Short -Wave Tuning. PHILCO RADIOS Complete 327.95 APEX WASHERS and the NORGE OIL HEATERS. 'tubes. and Batteries in stock. A. W. Groves, Princess St.. PRINCESS ST. CLINTON Wanted Old horses and cattle for mink fee& If dead phone at once, Will pay ac- cording to value. Elmer Trick, phone 907x5, or Lloyd Batkin 619r14. $5tf e -o -w For Sale or Rent Cottage for sale or rent on Ratten- bury street, modern conveniences; also a brick house on Princess Street, all modern conveniences. Apply to Mr. E. Ward, Huron Street. 09tf For Rent Front duplex, remodelled, on Huron Street, with 3 -piece bath, furnace and small garden, Gee. T. Jenkins, phone )ffice 158, house 222. 00-tf For Sale or Rent Two-storey frame cottage, situat- ed at the corner of Dunlop and Isatto streets. Apply Mrs. McKinley. Clin- ton. 891f RAILIVAYMEN SUPPORT RED CROSS Workers of the British Columbia section of the Canadian National Railways have added to their prev- ious contributions to the war effort by sending a cheque for $500 to the Cainetdian Red Cross earmarked for the relief of sufferers in the bombed areas 'in Great Britain. An earlier gift was of 31500 towards the child- ren's Refugee Iund. JASPER STIRRED ENTHUSIASM Spencer J. Johnston, president of the Utica Tramp and Trail Club, and his fellow members are keen "Jesp.- erites," meaing that the spell of Jasp-' er National Park has taken hold of them so that they contemplate a re- turn visit to this beautiful heart of the Rockies A group of 33 enthu- iasts chartered a colonist type car and wth that as headquarters, began, a journey over the Canadian Rational Railways at Toronto ranging to Van-. touver•"and return, with a stay at Jasper. Mr. Johnston records an "exe pensive collection of grand pictures," including eight reels of movies ands two sets of colored, pictures and these have been displayed to club and .church groups who, like Oliver Twist, demand "moxa." ,,