HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1940-09-19, Page 8THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD 40/./..././../1111.1,00/1/4/•/. °runts, SEPT. 19, 1940' IfOly1E-MADE SAUSAGE . .. 15,c lb, BULK LARD 1.0C lb- " PORK CHOPS 22c lb.' VEAL CHOPS . 25c ib' S. ROAST PORK 20c ib' SPRING CHICKENS — STEWING FOWL LAMB, VEAL. PORK & BEEF FOR WEEKEND, ' CONNELL & TYNDALL "CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 102. Albert Street We carry a full line of FINDLAY BROS. Stoves and Heaters also McCLARY'S Stoves and Heaters Call and see our stock 1 Large used Cook Stove. 1 Small used Cook Stove. Everything you need for winter comfort such as FURNACES, PIPES ETC. SUTTER & PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS PHONE 147w. CLINTON, ONT. Buy Hand Made Pipes t4 -44$4.-O•14-44. They are better material and absolutely safe. We make all our 01.511. ) LET US GIVE YOU A FIGURE ON A HECLA FURNACE r,,( OR A CLARE RANGE. BE PREPARED FOR COLD WEATHER ,,e'Ll• il liEllS9 2 Phone 4W4ARE and PLUMBING ° •01111=725/015,2142 New Suits 'd ".' New Overcoats We are featuring all the .latest styles and newest Fabrics in "TAILOR CRAFT CLOTHES" for men.- Our stock is excep- tionally large and prices are much below today's markets. If you are considering a new Suit or Overcoat this fall we feel it will be greatly to your advantage to see these garments. 13.0Y8 CLOTHING—Bring your boy in and let us show you how smartly we can clothe hint and at such reasonable prices. SEPTEMBER SPECIALS BIG SALE OF DRESS SHIRTS— . $2.00 and $2.50 Shirts A lot of broken lines to clear at Clearing at $1.49 50c and 99c MEN'S WORK SHOES Our stock is ekceptionally heavy and prices very low—Many lines at pre-war prices. Plurnsteel Bros. ' Adam Hats Scott & Idellale Fine Shoes Exclusive Agents Tip Top Tailors tt FOR FALL COMFORTS We would suggest a . • Y NEW CHESTERFIELD SUITE, STUDIO COUCH, A LOUNGING if OR AN OCCASIONAL 'CHAIR in the newest and smartest styles and covers at new low prices, so if you are interested it will certainly pay you to shop here. If you want slightly -used furniture we can supply a BREAKFAST SUITE A DINING -ROOM SUITE, BEDROOM FURNITURE, A DAVENPORTS, EXTENSION TABLES, SIDEBOARDS, COUCHES, LEATHER ROCKERS, and KITCHEN CHAIRS, and many ether articles. The prices are room for new goods coming in. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT + A new stock of COLEMAN and ALLADIN LAMPS and *i• LANTERNS, also repair parts for same. We have a grand assortment of repair parts for nearly all makes of stoves and ranges so you won't have to freeze while + you are waiting. Just another reminder that when you want a good STOVE or RANGE this is the place to get it as we can give you a grand mice range • THE STORE WITHTIDE STOCK BALL' a9 ZAPFE 1 PHONE 105 Hardware Furniture — Funeral Directors — Ambulance Service W. N. Bali, Phone 110 J. J. Zapfe, Phone 103 :4: very attractive for a quick sale as we need the MEN, MARTYRS and MOUNTEBANKS Have you read Beverley Baxter's latest book? If not, now is the time to do so. Reviewed by the Sunday Times as "The inner story of the per- sonalities and events ibhind. the war," it is said to be a -vivid picture of contemporary history. His pen tra- vels from Rome to Berlin, to Vienna, to Prague, to 'Bucharest, and, of course, throughout he deals with the situation at Westminster, where his- tory is always floating through the window with the mists of the Thames 114 conclusions will startle and even shock many readers. It is a fearless and vivid personal picture of men and events. Now on our book shelves. Price, $2.75 The reward of work well done is— more work. Thus it is in our Picture Framing Department. A home with good pictures is istinetively a cul- tured one. If the frame tones nicely with the picture and the furniture of the house, a feeling of satisfaction is assured .to all who dwell therein. Our stock f mouldings is as large and varied as is profitable for us to carry. We regard it as ample and it prompts us to suggest' an early con- nection between our framer, his stock, his suggestions, his miter machine and your home. The Readers' Digest is small in size and its price, 25c—no increase in price as yet—its reading enriches odd Minutes, its corftents are taken from other outstanding magazines and pre- sented in condensed form for your consumption. MB W. D. Fair Ge Often the Cheapest—Always the Best olgt isamj Li Mrs. H. W. Charlesworth spent the weekend in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Carter spent the weekend in Chatham. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Pinner visited in Ingersoll last 'weekend. Mrs. J. jervis and sister Miss Sterl- ing are visiting in Lindsay. Mrs. Melvin Torrance of Toronto is visiting Mrs. John Torrance. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Carter visited relatives in Chatham last weekend. Mrs. Joseph Hood of Kippen is visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Fisher this week. Mts. Woods of Tiverton spent last week with Mr, ,and Mrs. Charles Hawke. Mr. Lawrence Barber of Toronto is a visitor at the home of his sister, Mrs. C. B. Hale. and Mrs. Murray 'Quaife of Lon- don wereweekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Ward. Mrs. Naylor of Essex Spent a couple days in the_eariy, part of the week • • 'with Miss Stone. Miss Pearl Elliott has returned home after spending a few days in Lon- . %don, visiting friends, Miss Helep,•14cKenzie left Tuesday to take', up licinie iEdonoinics• :at MacDonald Hall, Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. J. Chapman of Owen Sound were weekend guests of Mr. 'and Mrs. B. W. Kearns. Mr.' and Mrs. R. H Johnson visited Rev. G. W. and Mrs.' Sherman' of Sparta, one day last week. Rev. G. G. and Mrs. Burton- and Miss Lacille,Grant spent a few days this week with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. E. Sherman. of Kings- ville were in 'Clinton for a few days last week visiting friends. Mr. Wm. Downs of Toronto is 'visit- ing friends in town after visiting his brother, Robert, in Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril B. Hale of St. Catharines are at the home of the former's mother, in town. Rev. and Mrs. MeGoun of London, and Mr. Cliff. McGoun of Montreal called on Clinton friends on Sunday Miss Cathleen Cuninghame has re- turned to Toronto to take up sec- ond year work at University College. Dr. and Mrs. Oakes, have as their guests Miss C. E. Hoeflin, director of nurses at the Indianapolis State Medical Centre, Indiana. Misses Mao Davies and Jennie Grant Who have been spending two months at Lakeside Cottage, Kin - tail, have returned home. Misses Ruth and Clara Ball, W. N. Ball and Miss Florence Rorke, at- tended the Reid-Dowzer wedding. at Emmanuel College, Toronto, on Saturday. Miss Valens. Elliott left on Tuesday for Guelph where she entered the MacDonald Institute to take the two-year Associate Course in Home • Econorn les. Mr. Elisha Townsend of 4Montreal, who has been, visiting in Van- ' convert B.C. end other ' points-, in the Canadian West, is spending a few days with friends in Clinton and Londeshoro, before returning to' montrai. Celery Just what you want for Chili Sauce, etc. Sold direct from the Celery bed, crisp and fresh. 2 for 50 DILL FOR SALE If you are making cuttings, give them a good start in our " PREPARED SOIL 15c a pail Some particularly choice ferns in stock from 50c to $2.00. Spray the Vitaspra way, and give your plants Vit- amin B with Hyponex.; F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del As. Personal care given every order and special attention given to funeral orders. !Phones 176 and 31 ..111/111211mentilr•—•/./ ROSS FITZSIMONS QUALITY MEATS — ALL HOME KILLED Choice Roasts of Beef . 18e lb. Choice Boils of Beef ... 15c lb. Lean HamburgnSteak .. 18e Ib. MILKFED VEAL Choice Roasts ........20c lb. Meaty Veal Chops .... 25e lb. Veal Stew 15c lb. SPRING LAMB Legs Lamb 30c Ib. Shoulder lamb 26e Ib. Choice Lamb Chops 30e lb. Lamb Stew 15c lb. CHOICE YOUNG PORK CUTS Shoulder Roasts Pork . 20c lb. Pork amps, regular ... 22c Ib. Hem Roast of Pork 23c lb. Side -Pork in piece .... 18e lb. Have you tried our Home -Made SAUSAGE @ 15e Ib. Full line of Smoked and Cured Meats. It pleases us—To please you. PHONE 76 Mr. Frank Fingland K.C., has return- ed home from a Toronto Hospital where he underwent an operation on his leg, injured in a car accident last winter; and are pleased to hear that he is doing splendidly. Mr. Beverly McGoun, formerly of Clinton has joined the R.C.A.F. Mrs. Roy Sperling and her mother, Mrs. Warnick of Goderich leave Tuesday on a trip to the Canadian West. Mesars. Ferg VanEgmond and Cliff. Proctor returned yesterday from it hunting trip to Brae-de-dore. Chicken Pe Supper October 2nd. under the auspices of the PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Menu: • Chicken Pie, Mashed Crearn.Potatoes, , Buttered Carrots, Pickles, Salads, Relishes, Bread & Butter (white or brown), Pumpkin Pie with Whipped Cream, • .Lemon, Pie, Tea. ADULTS, 40c, CHILDREN 25c 06-2 Superior Stores PHONE 111—CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR SEPT, 16, 20, gist PEAS, Country Kist, 16 Os. 2 tins tc JAM, St William's RasPberry, • 32 oz. jar 25c 1VIINCEMEAT4........ 2 lb, tin 25c CATSUP, Aylmer, 12 oz. btl. 13c. , Aylmer PORK it".: BEANS.. tin 9e Cpwint's COCOA .... ih lb. tin 16c , 1 lb. tin 28c DURHAM CORN STARCH .. lb. 10c BEEHIVECORN SYRUP, 2's tin 21c . 5 lb. tin 43c NUGGEPT SHOE POLISH . tin 12e RED RIVER CEREAL ., pkg. 25c SODA BISCUITS, l's, 2 lbs. 25e SALT, Plain or*Iodized .. 2 for 15c XXX PURE VINEGAR ... gal. 35c CROWN JARS .... med. doz. $1.15 small doz. 99e GLASS. JAR TOPS doz. 25c PARAWAX 1 lb. box 14c TIRI 11111111PSON Free Delivery -. - 4011111.4111111.11111131111/ 119111111111111CUP15111•1111111111P VX1103191111131161011619116131110V GOLDEN BANTAM SEPT. 18th 19th & 20th "T5'"1"6"lonnw000r PURITY 'uoRN 2 tins 19c EAGLE BRAND SALT 4 Plcgs. 19c MILK .11000/1/6 RED &;WHITE 2 tins 19c 19c tin CARROTS ... 2 tins 19c POLO WAX • BEANS PEAS Garden Patch Sweet and [ender, 2 fins 19c EXTRACT BOTTLES 4""nliumilililmilimmoor LII3BY'S PORK and VANILLA 2 19c BEANS BEANS 2 tins 19c COCOA HEREFORD CORNED tin 19c 19c tin BEEF tin 19c SPAGHETTI Red and White Cooked, 2 tins ROSE BAKING POWDER 19c 2 PKGS. 19C AUNT MARY'S KRUNCHIE GRIND PEANUT BUTTER 19c jar SOUP Red and White Tomato or Vegetable, 2 tins 190 POLO GREEN CUT FALCON JELLY RED & WRITE POWDERS 4 pkgs. 19c QUICK TAPIOCA CASTILE SOAP 10 cakes 19c 2 pkgs. 19c BEANS ' tins 19c PURE BLACK PEPPER lb. 19c DOG FOOD Champion, 2 tins 19c HURON TOILET FOREST CITY BAKING TISS'IJE 4 rolls 19c SNOW FLAKE POWDER tin 19c AMMONIA !air PUFFT TIGER 26 oz. LG. pkgs. 19c 4 pkgs. 190 CATSUP bottle 19c SODAS Westons Golden Brown. 2 pkgs. 19c PEERLESS WHEAT PUFFS lg. bag 19c CHOICE 2'S TOMATOES 2 TINS 19c THE ENERGY FOOD 19c 2 LB. TIN irsxresesserresermasa=sr=ssrmEnomEgx_ DEWKIST TOMATO LG. JUICE i2 tins 19c ••••••••••••••110/. WONDERFUL SOAP .01011MMI,110•MIIMI 5 fw.' 19c PEACHES Best Quality FE11,4,131i DAILY -mommrmanumzimmonanzmz unsammazzawns=cmemm.mammumma Al=2Z C QUALITY FRUITS & GROCERIES PHONE - 48 PROMPT DELIVERY CLINT N 5.1.../TOSLM/2/1/..aalomm—,malaa wsees/,/a¢1,ei.//axsaer/awa..../.a. , • Or / /// ../////' ///.//. S Were 9 tffillaCUMICSIMIEZZ=21L561=0 25110110MIKSZOTC30110X6031111Mie 5 nr 27c Brunswick Chicken Haddie 2 tins.29c Glacier Canadian Sardines 2 tins 23e Connor's Kippered Herring 2 tins 35c CASHMERE T S -.:S U E Completely wrapped Soft ,I?u're White 750 sheets to the roll .Connor's Herring in Tomato Sauce 2 tins 29c , Rose Brand Salmon, 1 lb. tin 15c Guest Salmon, Fancy Red Sockeye, 1. lb. size 39c' Eagle Brand Salmon, Fancy Red, ib. size 19c Heinz Tomato Ketchup, 8 oz. net ' 10c Blueberries ........ . . sm. 2 large tins 25c Pumpkin, Gold Medal, 18 oz. size –2 tins 17c Quaker Corn Flakes 3 pkgs. 22 c Kellogg's Whole Wheat Biscuits, 3 boxes for 25c 3 roil ,25?, LX.L. Jelly:PWderS 5 Pkgs.' 23c, CriSCO 4 1 lb. 'tin 23c Whyte's Lard 2 lbs. 19c Coffee; freshly girounO, lib. bag:. :744 39c. Rex CifeVa., 1,lb. net 19c . Horne's Dpubte Cream Custard Powder ' '4 pkga. 17c . • Minute TaPiock 2 pkgs. with Pyrex Dessert Dish ' 25c! Pausage, Whyte's Brand, pure pork, per Ib. 20c Cottage Rolls per Ib. 27c Breakfast Bacon, machine sliced per lb. 30c THE STORE THAT SAVES. YOU' MONEY.