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THTJRRS., SEPT. 19, 1940
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'' .1 Read And Write For YoU. 1
(copyright) r
By John C. Kirkwood
e''.1.ev. Y °°.".V.e. P .Vn-o"oS+W°v`u` We°L°,1'e' ' eeeh'i,'. r' `d4",?Woe. iL' ,4
It is not often that we read of Now it is used in addition, quite ex -
375th anniversaries on this continent, tensive!y.for insect fumigation in
yet at St. Augustine, Florida, on warehouses. It is believed to possess
September 7-8-9, there was celebrat- I more of the requisites of an ideal
ed the 375th anniversary of the soil fumigant than any other mater -
founding of that place. There was aial. The liquid can be poured right
historical pageant depicting the from the bottle without much ineon-
founding of the city by Don Pedro venience. It is obtainable in 1-1b.
Menendez de Aviles. There was a bottles, and, an applicator is available
spectacular night show of the cele- which screws into the top of the
bration at court of the return to bottle. To use this applicator holes
Spain of Menendez. There wasa arefirst made in the compost pile
royal costume ball and a . public, or soil with a crowbar or broom -
fiesta. There were religious sero -1 handle. The material is then poured.
monies, to commemorate the estab- into the holes and the soil is firmed
lishment, at St. Augustine of the first over them.
permanent Catholic parish in the ter- It is being indicated that the tear
ritory now known as the United gas treatment is the only effective
States of America, The wind-up means of combating the new glad -
celebration was a chronological pag- Joins "yellows" disease,
eant, "Change of Flags", showing
the various ,periods of Spanish,
French, English and American oc-
cupation of, ,St. Augustine,
In this country we do not often
hear of trade schools - schools de-
signed to train students to enter a
particular trade. They have such
probably read in your. hews- schools: in Great Britain, and at At-
Youpaper about .the dedication of Attleboro school has planned to take
tleboro, Mass., is such a school. This
boys off the streets and out of pool
rooms. The ordinary schools were
not attractive to these youths.
Attleboro, let it be said, is a pros-
perous New England jewellery centre
and so the trade school there is de-
signed to train youths for the jewel-
lery trade. Leading manufacturers
in Attleboro were canvassed on the
project, and were immediately re-
sponsive with money and in other
ways. One manufacturer donated
part of his building to be used as the
Great Smoky Mountain National
Park by President Roosevelt on Sun-
day, September 1st - a park set in.
Western North Carolina and Eastern
Tennessee. In all the Park has an
area of 440,000 acres! It is pretty
much of a- wilderness, for there are
but 56 miles of roads within the
Park, but these roads are constructed
so as 'to give motorists a ample op-
portunity to see the spectacular
mountain scenery. In the Great
Smoky Mountain region the mount-
ains are not very high - 6000, 7000
and 8000 feet high. The Park eon- school. Other manufacturers gave
. tains 200,000 acres of primeval for- valuable tools, lathes, benches, eng-
ests - the largest contiguous tracts Ines and similar necessary items.
of virgin red spruce and unspoiled Ever since its beginning six years
hardwoods in the United States.. ago the school has accumulated
About 150 species of trees grow in equipment and machinery, presented
this park, and the varieties of plants largely by local business leaders.
reach over 1000. I Three general phases of the jewel -
I wonder if those of us who live levy trade are taught the boys - tool -
in Eastern Canada know about the imaking, die -cutting and bench worlc.
Arch of Peace which straddles the 'Not more than 60 students can be
highway leading from British Col- 'accommodated at one time. As a re-
nmbia into the United States - near • suit there is a waiting list of eager
Douglas, B. C., and Blaine, Wash. students who want to 'learn a trade".
This Peace Arch stands midway in To complete the course the student
what is known as the International must attend four years, yet few of
,Avenue a 66 -foot roadway between the students remain that long. In
Canada and U.S,A., yet which be -feet the average Iength of time spent
longs to neither. Each year cele- l et the school is two years, At the
monies of friendship take place at end of that period they ars ready to
the Arch. ,.r ..t 1 g tiny i . a • go into industry, and to take their
Shortly after the signing of the Places in the many jewellery factor -
0 Y gn g
les of the city.
Armistice which ended the first I Someday in Canada we may have
Great War a movement was started , trade schools like .the one described
to obtain funds to build this mem- above,
oriel arch, and children were urged
to donate a dime and buy a brick for
the building of the arch, Across the You have heard of frozen foods,
arch on the Canadian side are the but have you heard of frozen din -
words "Brethern Dwelling Together Iters? If you travel on a Clipper
in Unity", and on the United States plane, you are likely to be served a
side are the words "Children of a frozen cooked dinner - meaning, of
Common Mother." Tn the arch ar" course, a warmed up frozen cooked
iron gates held back by a chain and dinner. Such packaged dinners may
lock, and above them is the inscrip- be made available to all housewives
tion, "May These Gates Never Be someday - obtainable from your
Closed." grocery. So you may be able some
day not far off to buy in December,
a packaged dinner prepared in mid -
They are using tear gas for the summer, with fresh vegetables and
fumigation of gardens. It is one of meats,
the most effective materials to ecunt-
eraet weeds, fungus diseases and in-
sects in soils and composts.
The technical.neme of this tear gas
is chlorpicrin. The chemical was first
better, an equal or a' -poorer chance
of getting a job than the graduate
of a secondary school?
Well, here's a suggestive answer,
following a survey made by the ad-
ministration of a famous university:
never before in the history of this
university, the survey indicates, have
inquiries from big business and in-
dustrial concerns beenas numerous
as they are today. There is a rising
demand for men who have specialized
training in accounting, statistics,
business administration and trans-
Sawdust used to be a nuisance in
this country; sawmill owners did not
know what to do with it. .Trying to
burn it was not very satisfactory.
Dumping it. in rivers did harm. Now,
however, sawdust has value - per-
haps a variety of values. Sawdust
is being made into plastics, by com-
bining chlorine, gas obtained from
table salt, and sawdust. Chlorinated
sawdust, when molded, forms hard,
glasslike synthetic• plastics of many
uses, including electrical insulation.
Is a university training worth its
cost, regarded from the standpoint
of getting a job? That is to say,
'used for military and police purposes. does the university graduate stand a
The best way<�
find your -Wife!
You're in a quandary:
your wife has left the
baby with you and
you've forgotten the•
exact time -she -told you
to give him his •
next "bottle".
How to get in
tom+ with her imme-
diately? Why, by tele -
!phone of course! The
telephone is a great time
and trouble saver in any
home, and the
cost is just a
few cents a day.
Gathering moss can be the same
as gathering money, It is a busi-
ness. .And what do you think moss
is used for? For making puddings!
Moss -gathering has become a vaca-
tion employment for students. One
group of students acquired rights to
gather the moss growing on a certain
island on the New England coast.
They raked the moss 'front the rocks,
and then dried it in the sun. The
dried moss is then washed in a tub,
and then dried again. Then it is
packed into bales and shipped to a
out who pays 6 cents 'a Ib. The
yield of dried moss is 400 lbs. from
a gathering oi: 1000 lbs.
The New York Tithes of August
10th, reports that raw milk supplied
to customers in Roscoe, Sullivan
County, New York, has caused many
cases of gastro-enteritis, according to
the State Department of Health.
"The department said to -day," the
dispatch reads, "that 83 persons had
been affected, with 12 of them con-
fined to the hospital. None, how-
ever, is believed to be in a serious
"Dr. Frederick W. Graves of the
department, reported to Dr. James
E. Perkins of the communicable dis-
ease division, that the trouble had
undoubtedly been caused by raw
milk. The supply has been stopped
and pasteurized mills substituted,"
Incidently, a break occerred in the
water system of Roscoe about the
time of the illnesses but a check-up
showed that those affected with
enteritis had not used the water sup-
plied through the municipal system.
Gastro-enteritisi, which is en in-,
flantmation of the stomach and
bowels is a common result of the
use of raw milk. The immediate
cause is an infection of the nature
of that causing food poisoning. It
is painful and induces diartboea,
cramps and, in some cases, vomiting.
Often it is quite serious, espeelally
in young children,
Lt the days when the use of raw
milk was the general rule, this af-
fection killed many children in the
hot days of summer, It was fre-
quently called "sunnner-complaint."
Pasteurization of milk is a preven-
tive of this troublesome complaint.
In cities, where pasteurization is the
rule, gastro-enteritis has disappear-
Ignorant persons, reckless of the
health and lives of children, continue
to fight against pasteurization. They
speak and write with a vehemence
demanding a better cause, against
pasteuriiation. The more ignorant
they are the stronger and more reck-
less their claims. It is en example
of the old saying: "where ignorance
is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise."
olidaysi is ,^
.. when MID
servants do the work
® Labor Day has gone its way -vacation time's
over for another year --but the smart Hydro house.
wife can still take time out every day for a holiday
from old-fashioned toil. In her spotless, modern
kitchen, a frameless Electric Range cooks the
meals automatically while she relaxes ... Again,
she has a complete electrical laundry to tub and
iron the weekly wash -a Hydro Water. Heater for
everyday "clean-up" needs ... All through the
Louse, convenient, work -saving electrical servants
do her bidding at the snap of a switch! Is this
lucky lady rich? Not a bit of it! ... There's dozens
Pike her on nearly every street -smart women who
have wakened up to the real economy of using all
the Hydro power they can. Take their tip
study the chart at left ... the more you use Hydro
service -the nzore you get for your money!
1/14,PAPrUPPrIgayAkt .1“
FEW TULIPS OR OTHER BULBS 17 and 18 on the Ontario Hospital
AVAILABLE IN CANADA Farm and adjoining farms, south of
St: Thomas. Included in the plow -
THIS YEAR ing area will be a number of acres
on the farm of Hon. Kitchell F, Hep -
In the spring of 1941. there will pos- burn, Premier of Ontario. "
sibly be substantially less bloom in
gardens in home grounds and parks
throughout Canada than has been
seen in recent years. The reason is
that this fall no tulip or otltet' flow-
ering bulbs will be available front
Holland. Formerly more than 98 pet
cent of all tulips came from that
country and 25 million of a total of
32 million of all kinds of other bulbs
also came from the Netherlands. Of
1 the remaining seven million about
three came from France, Belgium, the
Channel Islands and Germany, 214
million from the United States end
over half a million from the British
]Isles. The remaining 114 million,
mostly Easter lilies, came from Japan
and other countries. While there ie'a
possibility of some imports to Can-
ada from the United States and the
British Isles, it is not expected they
will be as much as in former years.
Imports from France, Belgium and
the Channel Islands, while these
countries are under German occupa-
tion, are also net possible. Japan,
however, will be able to send its us-
ual shipments.
For several years the culture of
flowering bulbs has been a growing
industry in British Columbia, but it
has as yet only reached the point
where but a fraction of the demand
from all parts .of Canada can be met.
Up to the present the British Colum-
bia growers have not been able to
compete successfully with the ]low
cost of Dutch bulbs,
Tt is expected that seedsmen will
have available for sale this fall not
more than ten per cent of their us-
ual supply of bulbs and the size is
not likely to be equal to that which
they were formerly able 'to offer.
The answer to the problem for
those who want bloom out-of-door: in
the spring, says the Dominion Horti-
culturist, Experimental Farms Ser-
vice, Domion Department of Agricul-
ture, lies partly in the substitution
of spring blooming perennials, such
as bearded iris and the earlier vat'-
ieties or peonies and by the conser-
vation of old bulbs. Now is the time
to plant iris and peonies. Bulbs for
indoor forcing, with the exception of
daffodils, to a limited extent, will not
be available until the countries, which
for many years have been the princi-
pal source of supply, are free again,
or until the industry in British Col-
umbia has developed to a point. where
the Canadian demand can be met.
1200 kes. WINGRAM 250 metres
9.00 a.m. Harold Victor Pym
7.15 p.m. "Eb & Zeb"
7.30 Hawaiian Serenaders
8,00 Ort Grain's Gulley -
10.30 a.m. "Dedicated to Shut -Ins"
6.10 p.n1, Harry J. Boyle
6.30 Sport Reporter
7.45 Barn Dance.
11.00 amt. Anglican Church
12.30 p.m. Harry J. Boyle
1.80 , Melody Time
7.00 Presbyterian Church
6.15 p.m. Harry J. Boyle
7.00 The Revellers
7.15 , "Eb & Zeb"
8.00 Sarah Cruickshank
8.00 a.m. Breakfast Club
11.00 Piano Ramblings
12.45 pm. Songs for the Soldiers
7.00. Ramona
9.00 a.m, Harold Victor Pym
7.00 Deep River Boys
7.15 "Eb & Zeb"
8.00 Little Band
8.00 a.m. Breakfast ,Club
'6.15 p.m. Harry J. Boyle
'7.00 The Jesters _ -
Farmers' sons have not been back-
ward in flocking to the Air Force
and other branches of the Canadian
militia. This has resulted in a dis-
tinct shortage of man power on the
farms. Many farmers hope to over-
come this shortage by a greater use
of labor-saving machinery. They
will find all the latest labor-saving
equipment on display at the Inter-
Advance information as to size of
displays from the leading farm
machinery firms of Canada has led , The 200 or more tractors to be used)
to the statement by Secretary -Man- in competition will also be serviced
ager J. A. Carroll that the Inter- in this area. These tractors rcar%ng
national will have the largest show- out of this parking space to the
ing of far and home conveniences plowing fields each morning ie. :t
ever brought together in Canada. 'sight that will always be remember-
A hor•seshoeing competition for
blacksmiths will be open to the
world. There will also be a number
of farm educational features which
will be discussed at greater length
in a future news release.
Ontario farmers, especially West-
ern Ontario farmers, should plan to
visit the Plowing Match at least
once during the week to see the
cream of Canada's plowmen in
Therefore, farmers contemplating
machinery purchases should not, fail
to visit the plowing match.
The entire display area has been
surveyed for water mains and hydro
service, while parking spaces adjoin-
ing the "tented city" will have room
for ten thousand cars,
There will be 175 plow teams
stabled on the site of the big match,
and contestants will draw for teams
each morning. There will also be
a special parking space for tractors. action.
Aver. $600,000 worth of Farm Mach-
inery and Home Conveniences to
, be on Show. at "The International"
south of St. Thomas, Oct.
15, 16, 17 and 18
There will be. over $600,000 worth
of farm machinery and home con-
veniences housed in the .fifteen acre
"Tented City" , at the International
Plowing Match ciid Parris Machinery
Demonstration to be held Oct. 15, 10,;
Emergency Ca!!
for $5,000,000
OUR MLN GIVE) ALL ... fireside, family, friends, careers. They hold
nothing back. Unasked, but stirred within by the urge of manhood
and pride of race, they go forth bravely to face hardship, loneliness
and danger, to risk life itself, in a great cause.
It is your cause for which they fight. You are not asked to give
your own life -but you can help to save one.
The Red, Cross, of glorious traditions unchallenged in purpose,.
needs your help so that it can answer tanks with ambulances,
bombs witb.beds, horrors with hospitals, cruelty with mercy.
Those of us at home will not be lees loyal, less generous than our
fighting men. We can remind them daily of our gratitude, and our
devotion, through the Red. Cross.
e;fioee"Z 7ge te7befeVZ:wee".