The Clinton News Record, 1940-09-19, Page 2WAGE 2`
�; zts;
w3IR TIMOTHY WADE: clubbed "Tim
the Teaman"by the irreverent.
Self-made millionaire, with hobby
of rowing olchids. Nearing sixty
years of age, but wiry. He is the
..victim of a kidnaping plot which
later involves his niece.
IYELICITE DELBOS: Tall, slim and
blonde; unexpectedly English in
appearance •and outlook, despite
her French name. Sir Timothy's
sister married a Frenchman, but
the daughter was orphaned at an
early age and has been, brought up
•ley her uncle.
BELLATR • BIt;OOME: Private sec-
retary to Sir Timothy. Also tall,
but dark. Precise in his habits
until aroused, when he becomes a
man of action, He is in love with
Felicite, who returns his affection.'
MAJOR MOSSON: employed in the
Legal Department of New Scot-
land Yard. 'A pleasant man with-
out mannerisms. Is called upon by,
the C.I.D. because his experience
is valuable, and, in its early stages,
the case .requires very tactful
Yard Assistant' Commissioner.
Quiet, incisive, and efficient, but
with a sense of humour, and known
- on occasions to employ unorthodox
methods. Friendly with Mosson,
and knowing just how much rope
to allow his colleague.
"The CHIEF," alias Mr, BROWN":
• Was a high Army officer in the
war, but, after reverses and dis-
appointments, turns his organizing
talents to crime. Ruthless, but not
gruel. With hint are three other
disgruntled Army 'nen, each a
specialist : in his particular way.
The Clinton News -Record
with which is incorporated
41.50 per year in advance, to Can-
,etdian addresses; $2.00 to the U.S. or
other foreign countries. No paper
,aliscontinued until all arrears are
esid unless at the option of the pub-
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•.exceed one inch, such as "Wanted",
-zest, "Strayed", etc., inserted once
'foe 35e., each subsequent insertion
15c. Rates for display advertising
made kaiown on application, „ the more they seemed to crawl.
Communications intended for pub -;own, somehow, he pleaded. ter turn of speed than their own, for
"Awheel, She's no Bluebird, but she's doting
";kation must, as a guarantee of good iely. at's another pre- fine." Hughie was quick to defend they neither gained nor lost, so far
`C'aith, be accompanied by the name Position entirely, Mind you I am of the writer. {{his craft when pressed for more as could be judged.
•nae sure you can do it but the mon-After the cries for help which had
Proprietor f ey is a temptation. We'll ask „ raised the alarm, Felicite had not
. E. HALL - PatienceJPcounselled the ki ler
After relinquishing the second ran-
som as an enormous bribe to the
pseudo -clergyman Broome had raced
skirted, Jura and passed Colonsay to
port, headed for Mull.
Broome was doubly fortunate in
not only having obtained the services
to West of Scotland, keeping clear of a crew who could overcome fear
of "Oban and the creek used by the of the supernatural at a pinch but
kidnappers. Troon struck him as a whose knowledge of the difficult piI-
suitable base for operations in spite
Of being a considerable distance from
the island,
The man. showed him the broken
otage was encyclopaedic. Iry ac
Phearson boasted of being able to
navigate blindfold. For two hours he
did proceed' in a darkness that was
coastline, with its locks, scattered something unusual in midsummer.
dip -
archipelago, and sparsely populated Shortly after the huge red sun hinterland as he could• imagine the ped lere y below the ocean's rim
difficulties that had to be faced.}they were enveloped in the soft vel -
Ghosts, however, had not occurred to vet folds of sable night in which re -
him as being in formidable •opposi- titers stars shone coldly and then
were extinguished one by one by a
tion. se
Desperation drove him back to
Skipper MacPhearson. "Let me have
your boat and Pll handle her on my
THURS.., SEPT. 19, 1940
fire. Once more the rope slipped from
the flywheel and the familiar chub-
bity chub, chubbity chub startled a
flock of feeding gulls into flight.
Then, as the screw churned the
water into greeny -white foam three
sten stood stock still as a frenzied
cry rang out above the (lin. "Help,
help! This way! Oh, help!"
"The bogie!" MacPhearson grunt-
"A woman in trouble," Hughie
amended promptly.
, "It's Felicite — Mise Delbos,"
Broome snapped. "Hurry, she's call-
ing again,"
* * *
Mr. Jones's hand was clapped
roughly over Felicite's mouth. "One
more peep out of you and you'll get
at butt on your head," he snarled.
She struggled desperately, her.
teeth sinking, deeply into his flesh. 'A
second cry was stifled by a handker-
chief rammed into her open mouth,
and she saw in a horrified flash, the
upraised weapon ready to descend.
"Keep your trap. shut,'' he exclaim-
ed, changing his mind. "What's the
matter with the engine?"
"Won't spark! All right, there she
"Then get a move on. We're being
chased." More in dissuasion than ex-
pectant of finding a target he press-
ed the trigger of his automatic,
spraying a leaden barrage in their
Skipper MacP•hearson's last ling-
ering doubts were dispelled by the
hail of bullets.. All he asked now was
to get to grips, with these blood-
thirsty pirates. `"They ha'e the bet -
"Not likely, Have yoµ got our man
with you?"
"Yes," Broome lied valiantly.
The situation was evidently discon-
certing. Neither party could see the
other, and for all Jones knew the
following boat was loaded with po-
licemen. Almost equally probable was
it that Wade's secretary had, for
some unknown reason, accompanied
the trusted messenger.
"Let's hear from him," he invited,
"Hullo -o, Jim. Shout Jim. Hullo -o -o."
"Shall I answer for him?" Mac-
Phearson asked helpfully.,
"Not unless; you can assume an
English accent. Your broad Scots
wouldn't deceive anybody fora nm -
"We speak the best English in
Great Britain in the north-west"
Broome wasn't disposed to dispute'
it. "Perhaps there's no harm in try-
ing," he conceded. "Yell back and
say you've got the cash in the bag."
He groaned ; as the skipper . man-
fully tried to borrow a -southern
drawl, and it was evident the attempt
had only strengthened half -formed
misgivings. •
As a result Jones decided on a
(change of tactics. With a sickening
'lurch' his boat was brought hard
round to port. A. second later instead
of being pursued it became the pur-
"Down for your lives," Broome
snapped as a bullet splattered against
the gmtwhale.
Shot after shot followed in rapid
succession. MacPherson tried to take
the offensive in his turn by manoeuv-
ering for a position to prepare to
ter of us wi' yon guns," he groaned. ram.
Broome produced a heavy Army .45. •At such close quarters the fog
"Tm not unprepared,'' he said simply. hardly mattered. Jones and one of
"Let 'em ha'e it, my manic!" his companions were taking careful
"Not while there's risk of hitting aim. Not, as Broome feared at first,
the lady," at human targets, but with the inten-
"Och, Id forgotten. Mebbe the mist tion of drilling holes on the water -
will lift so you can take a pot" line.
Only at short range could this he
against the stout teak
settling curtain of mist. There was no sign of this happen planking, which accounted for the
ing. All they had to go by was the dramatic movement. In the heat of a
Every hour had .been an eternity, dece tive nate of the motor eliead. Pitched battle Jones and company
The nearer they came to Ghost IslandFortunatelyit seemed to have,no bet- hesitated at perpetrating cold -blood -
ed murder.
MacPhearson's attempt failed al-
most at its inception. Knot for knot
The Pride o' the Kyles was a match
for the other craft. In ease of con-
Hughie."s been heard. It was a tactical error trol there was no comparison. A
Hughie,gaunt, red-headed fel-
In this he was as good as his word. a "We'll be there before daylight" on Broome, s part to call her by name flick of the helm and the sleek cabin
low, with a face brine pickled by .
The last stages of the journey prow as the kidnapp ars were given an op- cruiser was circling astern. A 'few
• portunity to consider the nature of seconds later it was to starboard, the
the pursuit. marksmen firing at one vulnerable
"Ahoy there!" Jones yelled, cup- place after another,
ping his hand megaphone fashion. $roome emptied the magazine of
"Have you brought the money withhis own pistol, aiming low for a dis-
you?" ablement. While he was reloading
"Heave to ff you want to parley." the enemy withdrew, making fur sea.
Notary Public, Conveyancer mach contact with sea water shook ed hon a master of seamanship.
'P"iinanciai. Real Estate and Fire In- his head sombrely. He was not itt Takingadvantage of the currents The
,aurones Agent, Representing 14 Fire favor of encouraging suicide. Ghost'
Division Court Office, Clinton lwards rocky shore. After switching
the Pride
elasurance Companies. t Pride o' the Kyles drifted silently to-
o'and was ill-omened
the Kyles wasn't a one-man craft.
Nobody could manage the engine
and attend to the s(Ieering simule
That day the sea was smooth
enough for bathing. holidaymakers
were enjoying themselves swimming
and paddling. Yet away loan e
sheltered beaches where there was no
protection from the great rollers it
would be by no means so calm..
"I don't care," Broome retorted.
Hughie expelled a mouthful of to-
bacco juice after thoughtfully talcieg
into account the direction of the wind,
"Blowing offshore, mister," he said, about the island. Then it must be
9'; 'rank Fingland, B.A., LL.B.
•ciarrister, Solicitor, Notary Public
Successor to W. Brydone, K.C.
Sloar."Bloca — Clinton. Ont.
Barrister -at -Law
:'Solicitor of the Supreme Court of
Proctor in Admiralty.
Notary Public and Commissioner.
+:Offices in Bank of Montreal Building.
Hours: 2.00 to. 5.00 Tuesdays
and Fridays.
Electro Therapist, Massage
eGeifice: Huron Street. (Few Doom
west of Royal Bank)
Sours—Wed. and Sat. and by
manipulation Sun -Ray Treatment
Phone 207
,il4ceneed Auctioneer fur the County
of Huron
'Correspondence promptly answered
1 znmediate arrangements can be made
tiler Sales Date at The News -Record,
Manton, or by calling phone 203.
• Dbarges Moderate and Satisfaction
iJFire Insurance . Company
%Head Office, Seaforth, Ont,
'President, Thomas Moylan, Sea-
't'orth; Vice' ?resident, William Knox,
Londesboro; Secretary -Treasurer, M.
A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors, Alex.
Broadfoot, Seaforth; James Sholdice,
Walton; James Connolly, Goderich;
W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Chris.
I eonhardt, Dublin; Alex. MeEwing,
Bl-th; •Prank McGregor, Clinton.
List of Agents: E. A. Yeo, R.R. 1,
Goderich, Phone 603r31, Clinton;
James Watt, Blyth; John E. Pepper,
'Brucefield, R. R. No. 1; R. F. McKer-
ther, Dublin, R. R. No, 1; J. F.
:?renter, Brodhagen; R. G. Jarmuth,
Bornholm, R. R. No. 1.
Any money to be paid may be paid
• to the Royal Bank, Clinton; Bank of
omtrserce, Seaforth• or at Calvin
lO•utt's Grocery, Goderieh.
Parties dasiring to effect insur-
,tnce or transact other business will
fse promptly attended to on applica-
-fon to any ,of the above officers ad;;
dessed to their respective post ofi-
•.•ses. 'Leases inspected by the director
*oho lives nearest the scene.
KIU. i,
iii rains will arrive at and depart from
Clinton as follows:
Buffalo and Godericb Dir.
«lioing East, depart 6.43 a.m
Going East, depart 5.00 p,m.
-Going West, depart 11.45 a,m.
going West, depart 9.50 p.m.
London, Huron & Brace
agoing North, 111.21, lye. 11.47 a.m.
Going • South ear, .2.50, leave 5.08 p.m•
off the motor Hughie took up a posi-
tion in the bows from which he call-
ed out information and instructions.
Presently he took to running back-
wards and •forwards with his mes-
Voices carried for miles over the
water and they were almost at their
destination. •
In the distance another engine
woke to Iife, tuned up anti roared
maddeningly. Had the police ar-
rived ahead? No, that was incred-
ible. They did not know anything
with slow deliberation. "When it
changes wi' the tide you'd be rld!ug
the white horses."
"That doesn't matter to me either.
I've got to have a boat. Will you
the kidnappers.
"I wou'i5ss't be disputing that,"
MacPhearson agreed. "No honest
folk would be around,"
"We must go after them."
"Aye. It's to be hoped they're no'
"Na," the skipper interjected la- much faster than us."
conically, The throbbing died away, leaving
"You sea the way of it, Misterthem in a quandary. Deprived of the
Broome," Hughie confirmed, "I'm 1 guiding sound it was impossible to
but a part owner. Seems there's 'Mow,
Broome decided to make for the
shore immediately. As soon as the
boat rocked gently into a tiny bay
Ihe rushed off, leaving the old salts
"I'm thinking it's death you're af- f on guard. Unmindful of their tradi-
ter." 'Donal dread of the island, they would
"Out there is a girl—kidnapped." willingly have followed, but he held
"Aye!" them back. Despite the mysterious
"Held by villains who will kill her
motor -boat it was not to be taken for
if it suits their purpose, Surely you granted that the place was again
must have .heard about Sir Timothy deserted.
Wade and his niece?" Keeping the sea on his left hand,
"Aye." Broome set tiff. . Actually he had
"That's what I'm trying to tell landed about a ouarter of it mile
you„ north of the hut, so it was not long
"Wish maul Why dtidnna' ye say before he came upon signs of recent
so in the first place?" occupation.
"What difference does it make At this moment, could he have
when you're scared of spooks?" known it, Mr. Jones an his confeder-
"Losh, it's men you're after, not the ates were engaged in making secure
bogie." their own craft a little to the south.
something fishy in you wanting to
make Ghost Island so badly."
"Fishy! This is a matter of life
and death."
"I'll be warming up the engine," And Sir Timothy and Felicite were
said Hughie dispassionately. They crouching out of sight among the
asked no more questions and were rocks.
incurious as to whether the police To all a earances the gang had
were being called in.. For all that gone. What puzzled him most was the
ample store of foodstuffs, pointing,
he thought, to a precipitate retreat.
Making his way back to the boat,
he found Mr. MacPherson an d
Broome explained as well as he Hughie snuggling under the hatch
could and the skipper smiled happily. snorting in chorus, happiy oblivious to
"Three of us will be enough," he ex- the bogies, and bogies .reputed to
claimed. haunt Ghost Island. Finding another
"No, that isn't the idea. We might sheltered spot, he threw himself down.
as well bring the police. What I and drifted into a sleep of exhaus-
want to do is get ashore quietly acid tion.
do a bit of scouting round. If a Not for long was he allowed to re -
suitable opportunity offers I can get main in kindly oblivion. The skipper
Miss Delbos back to the boat, and Iwolre in horror at putting himself so
perhaps Sir Timothy as well." completely at the mercy of those in -
They were disappointed atthe imical Celtic spirits he dreaded more
prospect of being deprived of a good than any human being alive,
fight, but amenable to reason. Hughie accepted perils seen anti
BATTLE OFF GHOST ISLAND unseen equally philosophically, but he
Inexorably the Pride o' the Kyles was not averse to making tracks for.
forged ahead, her engine chuffing home with all due dispatch. Inciden-.
wheezily and Hughie performing mil.- tally he enjoyed tending his beloved
acles of engineering in ensuring an !engine at any hour of the day or
uninterrupted, run. Threading their ,night. His face wreathed in smiles as
way through narrow channels they he jerked itinto a preliminary mie-
MacPhearson must have been turning
it over in' his mind, for as they nosed
their way out to sea he referred to
the unofficial nature of the enter-
Albert Street
Here is your opportunity to buy Narvo at a bargain and 1
the same time assist materially in Canada's war effort by purchasing'
two War savings stamps, Remember Narvo produces a metal -hard
high -lusts finish to woodwork, cabinets, walls, furniture, floors etc.
and covers almost any surface in one coat. -
For Sale By:
BALL & ZAPFE (Hardware)
Phone 195
Clinton, Ont,
As though in mockery the sun pierced
the mist which melted as though by
" 'Tis going to be a fine afternoon,"
Hughie observed inconsequentially.
"For the love of mike don't let
them get away. "
"We canna do stair, the ship's
sinking, Mr. Broome"
Sure enough water was corning in
through a score of holes. Some of
them were too low down to be plug.
ged. It was amazing the amount of
damage that had been done by such
small calibre arms, and none of them
doubted but that their lives had been
spared of intent.
Sluggishly the waterlogged Pride
of the Kyles sailed back to Ghost Is-
land under her own power.
"Mercifully the engine's all right,"
Hughie said gratefully.
BOB BOWMAN, of the Overseas
Unit of the Canadian Broadcasting
Corporation, who has been in Eng -
"Anel what use is that without a land since last December, when he
accompanied the First Division of
the C.A.S.F. overseas. Mr. Bowman
is now in Canada on a short visit,
but is returning to England next
(this) week, and will be heard again
shortly in broadcasts from England
to the CBC National Network.
hull, man? Keep her goin"'til we're
MacPhearson did not forget to
make provision for the future, choos-
ing a place where the boat could be
run aground with the least risk of
permanent injury.
Had it not been for the presence of
a jagged rock it might have been
possible to effect repairs sufficient to
enable them reaching the tnainlami,
but the pathetic rip was beyond
first aid,
(To be Continued)
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