HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1940-09-05, Page 8PAGE R ageormagamoromma TOME MADE HEADiCHE,ESE 4TELLIED HOCIs lOc Ib. HOMEMAIIE SAUSAGE LAMB CHOPS VEAL CHOPS 25c Ib. 20-1b. PAILS LARD) ONLY ,$.1.80 CHICKENS, PORK, LAMB AND BEEF BABY BEEF AND VEAL. FOR WEEK -END 2;0.15 15 lb 30c ib, CONNELL & TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADIING MEAT MARKET " Phone 182. Albert Street ;mnemonic. eammommer A Mack Furnace in your home insures Health, throughout the winter. Comfort and Satisfaction That Different Furnace. Manufactured by Chatham Foundry. Let us look your furnace over and give you art estimate ,on your wants. SUTTER & PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS PHONE 147w. CLINTON. ONT. . l eS.'t : x2.446.- 4.40.1 r,«; ;»:+: ;+,»:8.4 : gyp,, �.ele:K eget , ;seeele'lee4.:«A+:»5 Pel iL. Cool Weather Is Coming Have your furnace overhauled while the weather is fine. Get your order in now and be sure to have it ready. F 3 4 ` HARDWARE and ;_ PLUMBING Phone 244 pecials Men's Rubber Bents — Now is the time to buy that pair cf Rubber Boots and save your leather shoes—Deminion-made-special $1.95 Flannelette Blankets—Extra large size, 70x90—whipped while they they last, $2.35 pair. School Girls' Oxfords—Sizes 3 to 8; Black or Brown. Spacial Value at 51.95. • Children's Oxfords—Sizes up to 2—While they last, only 98e. Boys' Bib Overalls—Sizes to 34—Extra special, only 69c Boys' Wool Sweaters—Odd lines that sold to $1.50—Sizes up to 34. Clearing 79c........ ... Boys' Suits—Come in andlet us she you what we consider the finest range of Boys' Suits we have ever carried. All sizes, and very reasonably priced. Plumsteel Bros. Arrow Shirts Agents Tip Top Tailors Scott & Mcfrale Shoes THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, SCHOOL BOORS AND. SUPPLIES Neeel'e isle : .............«ten re ;etem r et•er;»;«.e.e.et•e,e ;»5 ; ;»;»no•;-; , i A GOOD NIGHT'S REST IS WORTH A LOT AND HELPS TO BUILD UP THAT ENERGY WHICH IS SO IMPORTANT IN THESE TIMES OF STRESS Our advice is, spend a little extra money and get a MARSHALL MATRESS, which will really lull you off to sleep so that when you start another day, you will feel refreshed and vigorous. We have SPECIAL PRICES on these famous Mattresses during the month of August, as well as other makes which are less expensive. We have a large new range of Axminster, Linol- eum, Congoleum and Feltol Rugs in all sizes at bargain prices. HARDWARE DEP.ARTMENT It will soon be time to think of heating problems, if its a stove or range you need, this store is the place to come as our stock consists of a good selection of Wingham, Harriston and Beach Stoves, giving a great price range. TFIE STORE WITH THE STOCK BALL & ZAPFE PRONE: 1.95 Hardware— Furniture — Funeral Directors Ambulance Service W. N. Ball, Phone 110 J. Ti Zapfe, Phone 103 3+ Waterman's Fountain Pens and Waterman's Ink are the Standard of Quality. Tile W. D. Fair Co Often the Cheapest—Always the Best ■ p1VIIMIIIMIIIII�aIRHIPtlnlpanun „lell�ii J "Serve by Saving" War Savings ;Stamps for sale at our Flower Shop, in connection with the Canadian Na- tional 'Ex:lrress office. "Life is Service" We. are here to serve you for your floral needs for any occasion. Garden Bouquets of assorted flowers fur sale at popular prices. Dill for Sale Spray The Vitaspra Way to have healthy clean Plants. HYPONEX will give yous plants Vitamin D. 405 a tin F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of FIorists Tel. Del As Personal care given every order ;. and special attention given to ,funeral orders. i"hones 176 and 31 1. Mrs. Herb. Castle spent the week- end with, friends in. London. Mr. and Mrs. James Vincent spent the week -end in London and Sarnia Mrs. Wrn. Lane of Dublin spent the week -end visiting friends in town. W. T. E. Leppington of Zurich spent Sunday with his parents in tewn . Mrs. S. T. Murch and Miss Vera Murch of Sarnia are visiting Miss Harriet Courtice. Mrs. Annie Brown spent Sunday wth her daughter, Mrs. Gordon. Curls of Forest. Mr. Owen Combe of the military camp in London, was a visitor at his home over the week -end. Miss Dorothy Holland and Mr. Victor Ileeley of Toronto spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Noble Hol- land. Miss Lois and Joy,ce Items returned home Saturday after spending sev- eral weeks with Kincardine rela- tives., Mr. and Mr. Albert Liebold of Zur- ich spent Sunday with the latter's parent`s, Mr. and Mrs. T. Lep- piagton, Mrs. Crawford, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Montgomery, will go to Niagara this week to spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Thurlow of De- troit were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dia Cornish for a few days last week. Misses Muriel and Dorothy Mair of Mimico attended the funeral• of their grandfather, the late Mr. George Mair. Mr. Benson Corless, Norwich, Alvin, Orangeville, and Dorothy of Zurich spent the week -end and holiday with their parents in town Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mclterrow, their daughters, Beth and Ruth, of Toronto, were holiday guests o£ Mr. and NIrss. M. T. Corless. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mair of Mimico will spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Falconer, having come up for the funeral of the late Mrs, George Mair. Miss Ruby Potter who has been spend- ing the month of Aug. at her hone here returned last week to resume her duties at Brown Memorial Hospital, Providence, R.I. Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Young and daughters Evelyn and Marjorie of Auburn visited with Mrs. G. E. Saville and Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Vodden over the week -end.. Mrs. Willis Cooper and three child- ren who have spent the summer in Clinton and Bayfield left on Mon- day for Toronto, where Mrs. Cooper has taken, an apartment for the winter. i+ Mrs. Mary Sparing has returned zfrom. a motor tap to Toronto, Belleville, Peted`boro and the Ea- +.ts,` wartha Lakes, She accompanied. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Collett, who spent Labor Day week -end here before returning to Niagara Falls. BOSS FITZSIMONS Choice Homemade Sausage Ib 15e Choice Young Pork Chops lb 22c Spring Lamb Chops lb 30c Choce Roast of Beef • Ib 18c Veal Chops lb 25c Meaty 'Veal Roasts lb 20c CURED MEATS Smoked Roll Ib 30c P -Meal Roll lb 28c Mach Bacon (Smoked) lb 45c Breakfast Bacon Cin piece) lb 29c P -Meal Bacon Ib 35e Whyte's Best Bologna Ib 18c Dumart's Weiners lb 23c Lard, 20-111 pail $1.80 Beef, Pork, Lard, Veal It Pleases Us to Please You PHONE 76 PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Crich and Harold spent Wednesday after- noon of Iast week with Mr. and Mrs. Cleave Richards of Strat- ford. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Crieh, ac- companied by Mr. Charles Man- ning and Mr. Wilfred. Thompson attended the "races" in Strathroy on Labor Day. Mr. Geo, A. Walker left for mili- tary camp at London on Monday. Mrs. Walker will be the guest of Rev. aria Mrs. MeGoun. Miss Irene Burgess was a visitor at the home of her parents in Mitchell over the week -end. - Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Fines and family were visitors in Kitchener over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moffatt of Orillia visited with relatives in Clinton and Varna over the holi- day week -end, being present for the Reid -Nelson picnic on Labor Day. Misses. Sadie and Wi,rrnie Draper who have been summer visitors at home of their mother•, returned on Mon- day to St. 'Catherin.'es,Mrs. Draper acompanied thein for a short visit, Miss Elizabeth Ford returned to Oshawa on Monday after: visiting at the Misses Draper's home. Superior Stores PHONE 111--CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR SEPT, 6, 7, 8th ROYAL YORK TEA, 1 -LB. and TEAPOT FOR . , . { 69c SHORTENING HILLCREST, 2 lbs 23c ICEEN'S MUSTARD, 04 lb tin., .24c PEANUT BUTTER, 24 -oz jar2.3c QUAKER CO1INFLAKES, 2 pkgs... AYLMER SOUPS—TOMATO and VEGETABLE, 1014, oz LIFE BUOY SOAP, 2 cakes ... 15c PEARL SOAP, 6 bars 25c pkg. 4 25e LIBBY'S CATSUP, 12 oz. bottle 14e LOBSTER, New Pack, %'s, tlm . 27c GINGERSNAPS, lb. 10c MIXED BISCUITS, lb 17c SWANSDOWN CAKE FLOUR, pkg. 25c FLY COILS, 3 for 50 COOKING ONIONS, 10 lbs25c POTATOES, No, 1, peck ...p 25e PEACHES—FINEST QLALITY AT MARKET PRICE REDPATH SUGAR, 10 lbs. THURS., SEPT. 5, 1940 15e Free Delivery ..,. 699e PSON SEPT. 5, 6 AND 7 Ar TONI fIEO ANO WHITE STORE CLINTON MONEY SAVING x x x' PICKLING VINEGAR, Gal. 35c SNOWFLAKE AMMONIA, Pkg. 5c HEARTS CONTENT' ri Pearl Soap 73c FLOUR, 24's 59c ONE PKGE. AMMONIA-WITII Mare Flaval to the Cup More Cups tp the Pound Half Pound .Pkg. 32c GOLDEN SPRAY CHEESE, pkg. 15c EXTRACT VANILLA, large bot.15c OLD NIPPY CHEESE, Ib. PURE BLACK PEPPER, 1/2 lb. VALUES now EARLY RISER' KELLOGG'S COFFEE, ib. 39C WHOLE WHEAT BISCUITS NEW PORT 2 Pkgs15C Fluffs, Bag. GOLD MEDAL RED PLUM JAM 32 oz. Jar 23c • Pyr 00AP,` 6 for ,, LIBBY'S 5c 25c Pork 8 Beans 3 Tins 25c MARSHMALLOW DAINTYS COOKIES 2 lbs. 29c 25c 10c QUALITY FRESH FRUITS GOLDEN RIPE • BANANAS, 2 lbs 17c SEEDLESS — 5 FOR GRAPEFRUIT, .... 2 5 c CHOICE LARGE LEMONS, 3 for 1Oc CHOICE CALIFORNIA GRAPES i lbs. 75c LARGE MEATY SUN SWEET PRUNES 2lbs. 25c MAPLE LEAF SOCKEYE . SALMON 1 's Tin 19c 'NEW TOY COT -OUTS ON EVERY PACKAGE �C P StigarcriSP L't CORN FLAKES Vii.. CLARK'S TOMATO AND VEGETABLE SOUPS, 2 Tins FALCON PEAS, 3 Tins 25c CROWN CORN SYRUP, 2's 15c 19c QUALITY FRESH VEGETABLES IUICY SUNKIST CHOICE — BUNCH ORANGES CARROTS 5c 23c, 29c 39c Dozen CELERY CHOICE HEARTS OF SPECIAL PRICES FOR CANNING PEACHES 16 FRESH DAILY n�. 10c CHOICE WHITE LARGE CAULIFLOWER 2 for 25c CII'OICE No. 1 ONIONS, .10 lbs. 23c QUALITY FRUITS & GROCERIES PHONE - 48 • PROMPT DELIVERY CLINTON 1:61Z611- VELVINCISUGLIMIZTEMEMZIMSINZETEMME911121112nrOMOdraliffESS:321ENIZENVId. York and Maple .eat Brands Maple Leaf Lard 2 lbs 19c York Brand Salmon, Fancy Sockeye, large size......, 43& York Brand Salmon, Fancy Sockeye, large size...... 43c Ried Cohoe, large size York Brand Tomatoes large tins, 2 size 29c 23c 'York Brand Pork and Beans 20 -oz tins, 2 tins 21c York Brand Golden Bantam Corn 20 -oz. size, 2 tins 21c York Brand Golden Wax String Beans, 20 -oz. size, 2 tins 23c York Brand Spinach, Fancy quality, 2 tins 27c York Brand Plunks, Green Gage 2 tins 25c Maple Leaf Ham Loaf, per lb.... 29 Family Size 59c Large 18c. York Brand Peaches, halves, 2tins Maple Leaf Cheese, pacxage °Maple Leaf Bacon, Sliced, rindless, hf, lb. pkg...,..... .18c 29c 17c Maple Leaf Back Bacon, Sliced, pet' lb. _ 49c Maple Leaf Head Cheese, 3 lb tins 45c Maple Leaf Smoked Picnic Hams Per lb. 24c Maple Leaf Cottage Rolls, •not smoked, ler lb 25c Maple Leaf Macaroni and Cheese Meat Loaf pier lb Maple Leaf Beef Rolls, Fresh and boneless, per lb. 25c 17c Watch for our prices on Fresh Peaches For The Week-Eu.4. CANADA'S -FINEST ..-, A LONG LA5nNG—ECONOMICAL TOILET SOAP 3 Cakes 15e Clifford Lobb PHONE 40 Sons THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY.