HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1940-09-05, Page 1The News -Record Est. 1878
Na 6004. -61ST YEAR.
With Which is Incorporated •The Clinton New Era
The New Era Est, 1867
(o , ,: ^' ; -F if properly used
Be -start the time, B on `'
,° e t
. , wl on time b ' the aid of a <
,y, Q airtin
\• V BIG aEX A • �Y? y `
f} ,•�, real -Alarm Clock. A big:
' variety to pick from, get
one at HellyarFp' 's. He has
;. the reliable kind.
Jeweler and Optometrist t t Residence Phone 174j
Cash Paid for Old Gold.
Timely Fall Showing of
Fine All Wool
And so Reasonably Priced at
$2.50, $2.95 and $3.50
T® Cleat 98c
A Number of Summer Garments
Dresses Summer Coats
and Cloth Skirts.
A Limited Quantity and they'll
go in a Hurry.
We have a complete range of all the newest
styles, beautifully engraved, creations of the fin-)
est craftsmen. Call in and ask to see our fine col-)
lection of Wedding Rings today. We also have a
good stock of Bluebird Diamond Rings at all times.
The Sapphire is the birthstone for September,
and those born in this month are endowed with
wisdom... Be wise and call at Norman's for your>
Birthstone Ring requirements. Yes, we have the
new Streamline Valet Auto -Strap Razors with
the new runner -guard, complete with five Valet
Blades and genuine leather strop in box for 79e.
The razor that sharpens itself -new blade comfort
daily. Treat yourself to one today.
Now that school has started your girl or boy
would like a watch of their own. We have a large
stock to choose from at moderate prices. Also see
our Fountain Pen and Ink Sets.
The newest in shall clocks in the La Sallita by
Westclox. It is 3"x3'". Fine for Radio, Den or.
Bedroom. It comes in either cream or black; sells
for $2.50. A guarantee with each clock. It winds by
simply pulling a knob. Of course its made in
Remember Watch Repair is a job for Experts.
Our Work Assures Your Satisfaction.
"Counter's for Finer Jewellery for over Half a
Century in Huron County"
There will be a meeting in the
I Council Chamber on Friday night at
8 o'clock of all those interested in
Home Nursing.. Mrs. (Dr.) R. P.
Douglas will be in charge.
The Red Cross Home Nursing
Course of twelve. lessons will equip
deal with problems un -
The regular meeting of the Clin- til medical aid is available, and • to
on Town Council was held m the carry on after the doctor's instrue
ouncil Chamber on Tuesday night, tions have been given.
vith Mayor Waters in the chair and
11 councillors present.
The minutes- of the previous meet-
ng were read by Clerk Manning and
ayor and Members Will Attend
Service in St. Paul's on Sunday
The Clinton
Night, Led by
Pipe Band.
Communications were read from
he Fire Chief and the Secretary of
he Red Cross, and from the National
nstitute for the Blind.
It was moved by Councillor Mc-
aurray and seconded by Councillor
Falconer, That the recommendation
rf the Fire Company that Edward
srealis be appointed a member of the
�lintott Fire Company in lieu of
Samuel Castle, now with the C.A.S.F.
e approved. Carried.
Red Cross Notes
, The next meeting of the , evening
will beheld t Council Chamber
on Monday evening, September 9th.
A large attendance is requested as
plans will be made foe the work to be
done during the fall and winter.
There will be hospital supplies ready
for the meetng. •
A prize which was won at the re-
cent Street Fair has been handed
back to the Auxiliary, and tickets
are being sold this week. The draw
for the winner will take place at the
meeting on Monday night. Members
are also requested to keep in mind
that fees are due at this meeting.
Miss Olivetta Brigham has Teamed
her teaching duties in Windsor.
Miss ituth Tilt, Miss Pauline, Max.
Rev. Wm. Quigley of London will well and Mr. Hugh Ganes of Preston,
Preach for' a call on Sunlay. • Mrs. Geo. Bolton is spending a few were the guests of Mr. and Mrs„
days with hex sons in Brantford. Allan Maxwell over the week -end
Miss Grace McMichael spent the Miss Maty Louise Cam returned
week -end in Toronto. to Toronto on Monday afterhaving
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Shearing spent ,visited her grandmother, Mrs... F.
n liTo- Parke,"Paradise arm.
the eek -end and leo da in e F
The W.M.S. will meet on Thurs-
day evening, Sept., 12th, at 8 &clock
in the lecture room of the church.
Mrs. Fingland's group will be in ionto. Homs. Justice McTague left on
Monday having
toMarion Gibbings has returned Mo n y fo. • t Ottawa, after• hav ng
to. her teaching duties in Halibur- visited at the home of Mr: and Mrs.,
ton. IV. C. Quarry for the month. of An -
Mrs. A Cantelon spent the week- gust.
end in Toronto with Miss W. E.1 Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Kendall, who
Thompson. hive been visiting the former's par-
Miss Hattie Turner left for Toronto ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Jowett;
on Monday to resume her teaching left on Monday for their home in
Miss Eva Cluff spent the holiday in Mr. Harold Pollack, who cane ore
London with her aunt, Mas. W. Thursday last to visit Mr. Henry
T. Cluff. Darrow and relatives in the district;,
The matter of a salvaging cam-
aign suggested by the local branch.
f the Red Cross, wasleft in, the
rands of the' Mayor. The Council
las. expressed willingness to co -op -
in such a campaign.
It was moved by Councillor Walker
ind econded by CouncillorFalconer,
The hydro debt waspaid off
;hat the request of the Institute for September 3rd. The hydro is now
he Blind for permission to hold a free of debt.
tag -day in Clinton be granted. ar-
Mayor Waters stated that Septem-
ber 8th had been: set by His Majes-
ty the King, to be observed as a Day
of Prayer in the Empire. The May-
er said that an invitation had been
extended by Rev, A . H. O'Neil to.
the members of the Council, School
r nd
white back
green letters on
Firemen, to attend
Boards and
,started on
tion. •
evening service m. St. Pauls Church. Workhas already p
Mr. Tom Deeves has bought the
house on Wellington street belong-
ing to the estate of the late Mrs.
Chas. Baker.
Mrs. Laidlaw has bought the
house on Ratenbury street owned by
Mr. David Sours. Mr. and Mrs.
Sours intend moving to Toronto.
charge.' A good attendance is hoped
for as this is the first meeting after
the holiday.
The Young Men's Evangelistic Band
from London will conduct the evening
service in the Baptist church next
Sunday. The Y.C.U. will re -open a
weekly meeting on Monday evening
at 8 o'clock. The young people are
urged to rally.
Miss Eva Holland underwent an
operation for removal of tonsils at the
Seaforth Clinic last week.
Mr. Fred McDonald has moved
into the house on Queen street, own
ed by Miss M. Chambers.
Car licenses for 1941 are t e have
The special speaker will be Bishop
Beverley of Toronto.
Mr. Thos. Hawkins, Chairman, and
Mr. A. E. Rumball, Supt. of the P.
U.C. were present and Mr. Hawkins
presented the Mayor with a cheque
for $513.59, a rebate on Street Light-
ing. The Mayor expressed thanks on
behalf' of council and himself.
Councillor Paisley reported for the
Street Committee and stated that the The Public School and Collegiate
streets are being kept in good con- Institute opened their doors Tuesday
clition and that repairs to drains are morning. Same staffs as last year
done as (Middy as possible.
The County Engineer states that the
streets in Clinton are in good condi-
tion and better than they have been
for years.
are again in charge in both institu-
tions. Largely increased attendance is
Forty teen -aged girls and thirty-
four Junior girls enrolled at the two
It was stated by a member of Girls' camps sponsored by the Huron
council that there are a number of County Girls Work Board, at the Uni-
ram-shackle buildings in town and ted Church Sumner School campsite
that something should be done about north of Goderieh.
then. This natter was left in the The many friends of Mr. Frank
hands of the Fire and. Water Cam- Fingland, K.C., are very sorry to
nittee and the Fire Chief. They will learn that he is at present in a To-
arrange a date with the Fire Mar-
shall to make an investigation.
Reeve Trewartha, before present-
ing the month's financial statement,
said that over 95 percent of the 1940
taxes had come in by the ends of
June, and that over $3000.00 of taxes
owing for 1937, 1938 and 1939 have The rush to register firearms has
come in. There were 19 ratepayers, been greater than the authorities an
whose properties, according to law ticipated, resulting in shortage of
should have been put up for sale who necessary filing cards. The local po-
were notified. Twelve of these rate- lice office has been out of forms for
payers have paid their 1937 taxes. several days, but a new supply is or-
dered. Other registration offices also
report insufficient number. One
registration; office requiring approxi-
mately 500, only received 50 in their
first issue.
Ellwood Epps is the new Canadian
outdoor small bore rifle champion
competing with marksmen across the
Dominion—he rolled up 796 score out
of a possible 800—captain of Clinton
Rifle club, he won the Dominion
marksman expert shield award for
which 30,000 compete annually—to do
this, he had a score of 5947 out of
On Sunday morning the subject for
consideration will be "The :Privilege
ce Prayer." In the evening, continu-
ing the series of Bible character -
studies, we shall study, "The Man
God Made a Prince:" Public Prayer
meeting on: Thursday evening.
route hospital, undergoing an opera -
ton on his leg, badly injured last
March in a car accident. During Mr.
I'mg•ands , absencee his competent
stenographer, Mrs. Frank Mutch, will
look after the office,
Hydro will be off on Sunday,
September 8th, from 1,30 to 4.30 p.m.
from Stratford to Clinton and the
surrounding district.
The following is an extrac'b from a
letter received by Mr. and Mrs. J. E.
Hovey from their son, Lieut. Wm.
Hovey, who is in. England.
"The newspaper carries reports el
intensive air activity and battles in-
volving large numbers of aircraft
but we haven't seen any of it.
1 paid a visit to a large• airdrome
not long ago and watched a flight
of bombers take off for Germany. It
was a very impressive sight; they
took off shortly after dusk and it
reminded me of the scenes you see
in sq many of the films of the last
The amazing thing to me was that
in the, past 6 weeks front two air-
dromes in. the locality they have on-
nly had one plane shot down and that
landed in the Channel. They wire-
lessed their plight and. the navy went
out at once and found the crew safe
rowing around in rubber boats. One
mat only was .kilted in. the whole six
weeks. He was a rear gunner and
received a.maclute gun bullet in the
There is no doubt sof our supeem.-
acy, despite the large number o3
plant reputed to be owned by Ger-
Sunday, Sept. 8.—National Day of
11 a.m.—Morning Prayer with a
men's choir. Sermon subject, "A New
7 p.m.—Civic Service. The mem-
bers of the TownCouneit and other
civic groups will attend the service
in a body. The preacher will be the
Right Reverend A. L. Beverley, M.
A., D.D., assistant Bishop of To-
Wednesday, Sept. 11, 8 p,m,—uer-
vice of Witness, Thanksgiving ane
Intercession in the Arena, Stratford,
commemorating the 100th anniver-
sary of the Church of England in
Stratford and district. The General
Miss W. E. Thompson has returned returned to Toronto on Monday. Mr..
Aro Toronto to resume her teaching Clarence Pollock, who has bee*
duties. spending the summer in Goderieh,.
Miss Doreen Vessey of St. Marys was also here for a few days.
is the guest this week of her aunt, Mrs. M. Burnside, Who visite&
Miss R. V. ]r -win. her aunt, Miss M. Fairbairn, last,
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Churchill and week and her two daughters, Mary
son, Roy, spent the week -end in and Donna, who spent the summer.
Toronto at the Exhibition. with their aunt, returned to their:
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Johnson were home in Orange, N.J., on Monday.
visitors at Walkerton and Haney- Mr. and Mrs. Hendricks and son,
er on Labor Day. Fred, Left on Tuesday for their•
nine and. Mrs. A. C. Vodden and home in Birmingham, Mich.
Mrs. G. E. Saville are visiting Miss Elva Dewar returned to To -
friends' in Londesboro this week. ionto on Monday after having spent
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Helm and daugh- thesummer vacation with
ters of Lucknow spent Sunday ents, Mr. and Mrs. David Dewar.
with Dr. J. S. and Mrs. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Morley of
Miss Grace Hellyar has returned Pleasant Ridge, Mich., were the
hone from a motor trip to Massey. guests of their sisters, the Missee
Miss Anent of Seaforth aecon- Morley, over the week -end. Their two
panted Miss Hellyar. daughters, Barbara and Patricia re-
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hunter left turned home with them.
this week to. visit Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. H. Lawson and Miss Flor-
Ernest Hunter of Toronto. ence Lawson of Stratford are at their
Mr. and Mrs. Rees Jenkins spent cottage in the village this week.
a few days this week in Toronto, Mrs. David Prentice of Toronto
was withmother, Mrs W. J.
Stinson over the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Neelin return-
ed to Seaforth on Sattuday after
having spent the past two months at
the latter's cottage in the village.
Mr. Bob McLeod went to London
on Tuesday to enlist in the Navy.
Miss Ruble Fisher of Kitchener
was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. F.,
Synod Boards are ee
ting to Strat- attending
ford at this time and the servlet will Mi•. Lawrence Plumsteel commences
he attended by all the Bishops of the his teaching duties in the New
Canadian Church as well as by Hamburg school this week.
many prominent other leaders in Miss Eleanor Plumsteel left last Se-
dturch life, both clerical and lay, turday for Sioux Lookout to re -
Anyone tvho wishes to attend may same her teaching duties there.
do so. Miss Edith Hunt and Bob Morgan
Thursday, 5, 5.20 p.m.—Interees- spent the week -end in Toronto with
sion service in the church. Harvest
Thanksgiving services will be held
on Sunday, Sept. 22. Venerable
Archdeacon W. H. Hartley, rector
of Kincardine, will preach morning
and evening.
Mrs. Metcalfe and daughter, Mary,
and a friend of London, visited the
lady's sister, Mrs. Thos. Campbell,
over the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. Goldie Graham snd
family visited Mr. Wm. Stewart at
Brussels last Sunday.
Mrs. Thos. Campbell, Mr. and
Mrs. Vic. Taylor and children spent
Sunday at St. Helens.
Mr. Ken. McCowan, Mr. Bill Mtir-
clock spent Tuesday at the Ex. in To-
Miss Charlotte Johnson is visiting
for a few days in Seaforth.
A. number of people attended the
funeral of the late Sergeant Roy
Monteith, of the police force in Lon-
don on Tuesday.
Mrs, J. Ferguson, and little son., of
Sodbury, are visiting at the home al
and Mrs. M. Dll'
her parents, Mt •
Mrs. M. O. Wood, of Listowel is a
guest at the home of her brother,
Mr. Geo. Beatty, Sr.
Holiday visitors at the home of
George Beatty, Sir. were: Mi. and
Mrs. R. J. Woods and little son, Bob-
bie, of Listowel, Mrs. J. Metcalf and
daughtery Mary, and Mt. Bolton of
London, Me. and Mrs. Barbour ,of
Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. S. Rath -
well of Lucknow.
Mr. and Mrs. Latham and son,
Billie, and Miss 0, Beatty, of Lon- W. Johnston.
don -spent the holiday and week -end, Mrs. A. Cousins and Mr. and Mrs.
Miss Winifred Hunt.
Mr. Charles Witt spent the week- A. Edwards, over the week -end.
end with his daughter, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Quentin Hallinan
Saunders of Exeter. and two children, of New Dundee,
Mr. Lorne Tyndall and Ross Tre- visited Mrs. Hallman's aunt, Miss
waetha visited with Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Reid, on Sunday.
Cliff Tyndall of Toronto last Miss Dawna Toms returned home
week. i on Friday last after having visited
Bill and Ronald Carter retin•neP in Toronto.
home on Monday -after a visit in
Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Ray
and Mrs,.
Mr.Alf. Torrance and son, John, of fointet s grandparents, Mr. c ,
Toronto, have returned Koine after Henry McClinchey. Mr. Alvin Holm:
a week's visit with Mrs. John atui daughter, Pearl, of Cochrane,.
Torrance. visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. Mc-•
Rev. Roy and Mrs. Cook and chil- Clinehey.
diem of Chesley and visiting the.' 1MIr. Neil Mustard of Toronto•
formier's parents, Mr. and Mrs. i spent the week -end with his mother
•at their cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pollock and
two children of London spent the
week -end with the fernier's sister,
Mrs. J. St
Mr. and Mrs. Noble Holland and School opened on Tuesday morn -
two daughters, Eva and Marie, ing with Mr. Stuart Mclniiis as
spent Sunday at the home of Mr, lllincipal, and Mist' Dorothy Hendee -t
and Mrs. Stanley Jackson. son, assistant.
Miss Harriet l+remlin returned hone Mr. and Mrs, V. Burt and
on Monday after a week's visit in family were with Mrs. Burt's par -
Toronto with her sisters, Misses ents, Mr. and: Mrs, F. W. Baker,
Norah and Violet Fremlin, over the week -end. Miss Peggy and
Mrs. R. B. Carter and Miss Eva Master Buddy Burt who have spent -
Carter spent the week -end in To the summer here interned to London
ronto. Miss Carter has resuntecl her' with their parents.
teaching duties in, Kitchener. Mi'. and Mrs. L. B. Smith and
Mr. J.. B. Lobb returned to town on little daughter spent the week -end
, Saturday last, after a six -weeks with Mrs. C. Parker. On their re-
visit and touring trip in Nova turn to London they were acconnpatr-
Scotia, Cape Breton and Prince led by their son, Glen, who has been
Edward Island. visiting his grandmother.
Mrs, N. Brady
of Fenwick and
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Knight and
Miss Edna • LaBas and Miss God -.little daughter, Mary, wore with Mrss
frey of Georgetown were week- F'. C. Geaneinhardt over the week-
end guests with Mr. and Mrs. F. end. Master Ronald Knight tvho hard
been visiting his grandmother, re.
turned to Toronto with them.
A. former citizen of Bayfield, John.
D. Woods, died in Hamilton on Sa-
turday, August 31, at the age of 9t
year. The funeral was held from the
Beattie Funeral Home, Clinton, ora
Monday afternoon! and interment
made in Bayfeld cemetery.
The death occurred in Queen
Alexandra Sanatorium, Byron, ora
Thursday, August 29, of Shirley
Doris Pauline King, beloved wife a
Art Jones of London, and Miss Hubert Harris of London. The de-
bit'. Earl Holm of Alvinston and
Pte Quigg of Camp Borden were
week -end guests at the home of the
Wm. Cook.
Week -end visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. J. Ailanson were
Miss P. Bolton and Miss S. Under -
down of Toronto.
with Mrs. L. Beatty and Ethel. Norman Harvey and son, Billy, of
Lanes Corporal G. V. Raymond a2 flint, Mich., were week -end visi-
R.C.0.0. of London, and Mrs. tors with the former's sister, Miss
Raymond visited at the home of G. S. Watkins.
Beatty, Sr., one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Robin Hotter have re -
Tho Salvation, Army lost a proanin-, Mrs and Mrs. J. Barbour of Osha- turned to their bonne in Salem, Ind.,
ent and valued officer when Lieut: wa• and Mr. and Mrs. S. Rathwell after a month's holiday in Bay -
Col. David 0. Moore passed away at of Lucknow were renewing acquahn- field and Clinton: with the former's
his Toronto residence, Tuesday, Au- tanees in the village and community mother, Mrs. John Hunter.
gust 27th. on Labor Day. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jones of Sher -
Rs was bo2n at North Gower, On- Little Lorne Herd of Goderieh is brook, Quebec, anti' Mt'. and Mrs,
tario entering•the alrinywhen. a young
holidaying at the home of her
man. ,One of his first charges was grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. M.
Clinton, -being well mnd favorably Elliott.
known, and having the respect of the Mrs. Welsh of Ripley and her
whole community. Ant,ong other grandson, Mt'. George Elliott, of To -
corps he co:nimanded wore in Toran_ conte, were holiday guests at the.
to East, Hamilton and New Bruns- home of the former, s daughter, Mrs.
wick -Divisions. Prior to retiring ,0. H. Beatty.
twelve years ago, he was Sub -Ter-
ritorial Commander :for Newfound -
Mr. and Mrs. Jno. McAsh spent
the week -end at their cottage at
1 and, Hayfield.
Dr. II. Reid, and Mrs. Reid and
daughters, who have spent
the past
month' at Bayfield, have returned to
their home in Toronto,
Mr.. and Mrs. Stewart Beattie
then, Mr. J. W. Moore, Goderieh, and and Mr.. and Ma's. W. M.eAsh spent
two sisters, Mrs. Wm. Rata and Mrs. a few days at a cottage in Bayfield.
Govett of Blyth. last week.
Those who surviveto mourn his
death are: Mrs. Moore anal son and
daughter, Harold and Mildred (Mrs.
Adjutant Clitheroe) also one bro-
Winnifrcd Jones of London weir.
holiday guests at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. W. 3. Jones.
Mrs. George McLay and • infant
daughter are in St. Marys visit-
ing the Mr.. and Mrs. Lancaster,
Mr. Mctay spent the week -end at
his home in Ripley and will join
Mrs. McLay in St. Marys.
Holiday visitors ' at the time of Rev.
and Mrs. W • J. Cowherd were:
Don Cowherd, Mr. and Mrs. W.
C. Cowherd and family, of • Brant-
ford;' Miss Effie Cowherd pf
Sarnia, illi'.. David Yost of Cleve-
land, Ohio, and Mrs, Evan Sparks
of Bevficld.
ceased woman, who was the youngest:
daughter of Mrs. King and the late
Thomas King, was born in Bayfield
en August 18, 1903, and lived here
`until twenty years ago when she
went to London,. On September 3,
1927, she became the bride of Hubert
Grant Harris, who with one - small
son., Jack, survive, Site is survived by
her mother, Mies. T. King, and sis-
ter, Miss Hilda Xing, London, and
two brothers, Harold of Sarnia
Frank of Toronto. The funeral was,
held on Monday afternoon from the
Evans Funeral Home, London, and
interment made in Woodland ceme-;
(continued' onstage 4)