HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1940-08-29, Page 5THURS., AUGUST 29, 1940 /ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. H. G. Meir of Seaforth has opened ail office for the practice of law in the Bank of Mont.. !real Building in Clinton and will be prepared for meet all clients; on and after Sept. 3rd on Tuesday and Friday afternoons. 'At other times by apt pointment; i Freshly Killed SPRING DUCKLINGS TREAT YOURSELF TO A DUCK DINNER THIS WEEKEND.. POULTRY PLANT NOTICE OWNERS OF RIFLES AND SHOT' GUNS All Shot Guns and Rifles must be registered with the Chief of Police on or before September 15th. The model, make, calibre, action, type and serial number. A fine of $200 if not done. A. E. FREMLIN,. Chief of Police. AUBURN Miss Helen Robertson has returned home after spending the holidays with friends at Huntsville, Mr. Robt. Arthur, who has been visiting friends at Zurich has re- turned home. Donald Ross is attending the Tor- onto Ex. this week. Miss Betty Asquith has returned home following a week's visit with friends in Toronto. Rev. and Mrs. H. C. Wilson, Ruth . and John Wilson have returned home after spending a month at their cot- tage at Tobermory. Visitors with Mrs. F. Ross and Mr. Jas. Medd on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Duff, Mr. Ray Duff and Misses Blanche Buell, Edith Rymall and Winnifred Pickle, all of Leam- ington. Mr. and Mrs. Ezekiel Phillips, Miss' Laura Philips and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnston motored to Toronto Sunday to see Mt. Phillips' nephew, Leslie Phillips of Yellow Grass, Sask. who bas enlisted in the R,C.A.F. as clerk accountant and will be stationed •nt Toronto for a short time. His brother, Harry Phillips is also serv- ing in the army at a camp in Mani- toba. They are sons of Mr. and Mrs. John. Phillips, former residents of West Wawanosh. Women's Institute The Auburn Women's Institute were entertained on Thursday after- noon by the children of the commun- ity who provided the program. The rresident, Mrs. Edgar Lawson presid- ed and opened the meeting by singing the Institute Ode, after which Marie Raithby favored with a piano instru- mental, Betty Yungblutt gave a re- citation, Marguerite Killough a solo, recitation, George Haggitt; duet, Thomas Sheppard and Jack Mc - ,Knight; recitation; Jean Lawlor; solo, Billy Craig; piano duet, McClinchey brothers; recitaton, Eddie Nicholson; solos, Doris McKnight, Garth Mc- Knight; recitation, Violet Nevins; solo, Roberta McVittie; recitation, Lillian Nevins; solo, Billy McClinch- ey; recitation, Al Madam; recitation, Margaret Jackson; duet, Emma and Shitiey Robertson; mouth organ rel- • eetion, Jack McKnight; recitation, June B3'adle; recitation, Ken and Teddy Turner; solo, Evelyn Raithby; recitation, Douglas Maclam; duet, Mary and Margaret Nesbit; solo, Jewel McClinchey; solo, Marion Tay- lor. A hearty vote of thanks was extended to all who took part and to Mrs. R. J. Phillips, who accompanied thein on the piano. A dainty lunch was served by the hostesses: Mrs. S. H. Johnston, Mrs. Wesley Brad - nock, Mrs. Alfred Nesbit and Mrs. George Hamilton. CONSTANCL Mrs, Mat. Armstrong, Mrs. Ella Armstrong and Marie visited recent- ly with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Armstrong of Grimsby. Miss Mary Moore, Toronto, spent a few holidays at the home of her brother, Wan. Moore. Master Gordon Betties spent the weekend with Miss Olive Grimoldby here. We are pleased to learn Mrs. Rob- ert Grimoldby who is in Scott Mem- erial Hospital, is improving nicely. LONDESBORO Mr. and Mrs. Carman MacPherson of Staffa spent Sunday with the Tat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hoggart, Miss Vera Hoggart is spending her holidays with Miss Dorothy Cutts of Forest. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Curts and family of Forest spent Sunday with Mrs. Dorothy Brown and sisters of Londesboro. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Tyndall of Goderich township spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hoggart. The regular meeting of the Wom- en's Institute will be held in Com- munity Hall on Thursday, September 5th. Topic "Agriculture" Mrs. 5. Carter; Demonstration Bouquet Ar- rangement, Mrs. F. Little; Music, Mrs. Armstrong; Question Drawer; "A Suggestion for Weed Control"; Roll Call—An idea to improve your garden, There will also be three quilts to quilt for the Red Cross.. Ladies please bring your needle and thimble as this will be an extra busy afternoon. We must get together early, please come as soon after din- ner as possible. All ladies welcome. Hostesses: Mrs. R. Vodden, Mrs. A. Vodden, Mrs. L. Pipe, Mrs. W. Mairs, Mrs. W. Lovett, Mrs. E. Crawford has sold her home to Mr. James Fairservice, Mrs. Crawford for the future will make her home with her daughter, Mrs. A. Kunkel, Niagara Falls. Mrs. Geo. Cowan has leased the former Crawford House from Mr. 3. Fairservice and will move in soon. Vistors at the home of Mr. Win. Campbell during last week were: Mr. and Mrs. Bickam, Vineland, Miss Spence of Arthur, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cameron and daughter Ruth of Cincinnati, Ohio, The Red Cross held their monthly meeting on Monday evening, Aug- ust 26th with 10 present. Mrs. R. Fairservice presiding. Arrangements for the Country Fair and Frolic were completed, to be held on Friday, September 6th at Community Hall. Blyth Band to be in attendance. The following are the committees: Pro- gram, Mrs. J. P. Manning, Mrs, Rev. Menzies, Mrs. Armstrong; sport com- mittee, Mrs. 3, P. Manning, Mrs. B. Brunsdon, Mr. J. Armstrong; dance committee, Percy Carter, Wallace Riley, Jack Bowes; refreshments, ice cream, etc., Mrs. Geo, McVittie, Mrs, R. Townsend; Refreshment Booth, hot dogs, etc, Mrs. R. Fairservice, Mrs, A. Shaddick; produce committee, L. McNall, Mrs. V. Roy, C. Crawford, Mrs. 13. Brunsdon, Harvey Hunking; fancy work, Miss E. Mains, Mrs. A. Wells; lighting grounds, Mr. A. Wells, Ted Pickett; ground commit- tee, Geo. McVittie, R. Townsend, F. Shobbrook; advertising committee, Mr. Menzies, L. McNeal, J. Leiper; to collect produce: eircttit 20, Mrs. C. Crawford, circuit 21 Mrs. E. Wood, circuit 22 Mrs. L. Shobbrook. circuit 23 Mrs. L. Watt, circuit 38 Lorne Hunking, circuit 39 Beth Govier, cir- cuit 24 Elva Snell, circuit 25 James McCool, circuit 37 Leslie Ball, circuit 26 Mrs. J. Shaddick, circuit 27 Jack Riley, circuit 28 Lily Adams west of highway, Mrs. R. Vodden east of highway, Seaforth 850 Mrs. E. Gar - Mr. and Mrs. Reginald E. Paterson lett, Kinburn Mrs. Britton, Clinton of Brampton visited on Sunday at 803 Mrs. P. Manning. Tickets to be the home of Mr. and Mrs.' Walter sold on quilt donated by Mrs. C. Scott. Thrope, Chicago. Mrs.. Allen and Mrs. Mr. Bernard Riley and friend spent Smith to make tickets. Committee the'weekend with friends in London. appointed to sell tickets: Mrs. H. Mr. and Mrs, James Armstrong of Sundercock, Mrs. I. Carter, Mrs. B. ' Toronto are spending a few days this Allen and Mrs. Fe Corbett. The fol- week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. lowing is the list of articles which Mat. Armstrong. were recently shipped to Red Cross Donald and Billy Stephenson are headquarters from Burn's: 54 band- holidaying with their grandparents, ages, 42 pair sox, 41 pillow cases, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Logan of Blyth.. 31 sheets; and 'from Londesboro: 44 Wedding bells are ringing near pair tox, 2 sweaters, 3 pair wristlets, 'ronstance. • 1 85' sheets, 54 pillow cases, 34 pair Mips. Wm• Britton • and daughter, .pyjamas, 232 towels. Helen and Mr. A. Hogarth spent, a' . Don't forget the Country Fair, week visiting relatives in Trenton. Sept. 6th with Band in attendance. THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD AMONG THE CHURCHES ST. PAUL'S CHURCH Sunday School: 10 a.m. Morning Prayer and Holy Com- munion at 11 a.m. Evening Service: 7 p.m. The rector will conduct both ser- vices. WESLEY-WILLIS CHURCH The regulat,, seevicee will be resum- ed esumed next Sunday in the church. Morning Worship: 11 o'clock. Sunday School immediately after the Morning Worship. Evening Worship: 7 o'clock. ' THE SALVATION ARMY The meetings will be conducted by the Commanding Officer. In the morning the subject will be: "Have Faith, in. God." At night, beginning a new series entitled "Men of God," the character will be "Abraham, God's Friend." Come and hear the first of these and share the bless- ings. ONTARIO ST. UNITED CHURCH 9.30 a.m. Service at Turner's. 10.00 a.m. Sunday School, Clinton. 11.00 a.m. "Answering by Fire." 7.00 p.m, "A memberexpelled in the Early Christian Church." Thursday, 8.00 p.m. Young People's Executive will meet at Miss Mary Rozel1's hone, The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Association of Ontario St. Church will be held on Sept. 4th. St. George's Ward will serve. BAPTIST CHURCH Sermon subject in the Baptist church will be: "The Believer's Crown." The members of the Baptist Lad- ies Aid stet on Tuesday afternoon for their regular monthly meeting. Mrs. George Carter presided in the absence of the president, Mrs. R. H. Johnson. The meeting was opened by a de- votional period, which was led by Mrs. Carter:. The roll call was answered by scripture quotations containing the word "shelter," after which Mrs. Carter gave a talk on the subject of "Shelter", based on thoughtsgleaned from the 61st Psalm. Business discussion centred around work relative to redecoration of the interior of the church. Group, one, with Mrs. Thos. Lep- ping•ton, convenor, were hostesses at a picnic lunch, served at the con- clusion of the meeting, NE1� f.0.,r ,,,11101131S IttimmerfssottA. mdk j4 CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C. V. Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66J Red Cross National Campaign With three emergency demands de- veloping within the past week, includ- ing a request from the Department of Defense to co-operate in the pro- vision of eight convalescent hospitals in Canada, the Canadian Red Cross Society will launch a nation-wide ap- peal on Sept. 23rd, with an objective of not less than $5,000,000, it was an- nounced today by Norman Sommer- ville, K.C., national chailrnsan. "Almost all the $5,000,000 contri- buted voluntarily during our cam- paign last November has been spent in meeting the emergency calls upon Red Cross during the past year," Mr. Summerville said, "Four trillion dol- lars have been spent in actual war work and $725,000 for our peace -time services." In addition to continuing the pro- vision of hospital and surgical sup- plies, woollen comforts for the troops and clothing for refugees, and the operation of the many war -time ser- vices already established at home and overseas, the Canadian Red Cross is faced with new responsibilities in re- gard to accommodation for convales- cent soldiers, clothing of refugees and feeding of prisoners -of -war. "At our Central Council meeting next week, the executive will recom- mend that pursuant to the request from the Department of Defense, the Canadian Red Cross should provide, equip and co-operate in the mainten- ance of eight convaleseent hospitals in various parts of the country for soldiers invalided from overseas or at home." At the sante meeting the executive will place before the Council the re- quest from the British Red Cross that 5,000 parcels food be purchased and packed in Canada every week and sent to British prisoners in Germany. Thefinancing of this arrangement will be discussed. Another emergency call to the Canadian Red Cross was the cable received yesterday from its overseas commissioner in London stating that 100,000 refugees who have fled to England from invaded countries, as well as thousands of evacuated chil- dren in Britain, are in desperate need of clothing. "With emergencies of this type calling for our help day after day, it will be seen readiy that we must have at least $5,000,000 if we are to do the work that the people of Canada would have us do in relieving suffer- ing caused' by enemy onslaught. Our canvassers will start out on Septem- ber 23rd, and we are urging people throughout the country to give to the utmost, with the assurance that every dollar contributed to Red Cross will be well spent. BRITAIN BUILDING SHIPS OF CONCRETE Reinforced concrete is being used for building, Britieh ships, -the Ad- miralty having recently ordered a number of..concepte barges. Larger yea -going vessels may also, POULTRY CULLING, TIME Poultry flocks that have been pro- ducing all winter will no doubt have some boarders not paying theirway with increasing prices of 'vein. Sat- isfaction given by an experienced poultryman. Quick service given at our egg - grading plant by experienced candlers N. W. TREWARTH-A Store Phone 214 House Phone 328 MARRIAGES PICKETT-STEEP — In Clinton, on Saturday, August 24th, Dorothy Jean Steep and James Kenneth Pickett were united in marriage by Rev. G. G. Burton. BIRTHS REYNOLDS—In Clinton Public Hos- pital on August 26th, 1940, to Mr. and Mrs, James Reynolds, (nee Merle Henri) a son, James Henri. DEATHS COOK In Clinton on Sunday, Aug. 25th, Elizabeth Ann Glazier, wife of Thos. H. Cook. WEBB — In Hullett Township, on • Wednesday, August 28th, Sarah Ellen Sillery, widow of the late Robert Webb, in her 82nd year. In Memoriam MOON In loving memory of Mrs. Henry Moon, who passed beyond the shadow, August 31st, 1933. Sheltered by the Rock of Ages Anchored on that golden shore; In the loving arms of Jesus Resting there, for evermore. —Ever remembered by Husband, daughter and son-in-law. H. G. MEIR Barrister -at -Law Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Ontario. Proctor in Admiralty. Notary Public and Commissioner. Offices in Bank of Montreal Building. Hours: 2.00 to 5.00 Tuesdays and Fridays. Mortgage Sale On August 30th, at 3 p.m. at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, 100 acres with good farm buildings, lot 3, concession 3, Tuckersmith, Huron Roach survey. Hays & Meir, solicit- ors. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 03-1 Boarders Wanted High School students to room or board. Apply to Mrs. Harold Graham, opposite the Commercial Inn. 03-1 be built by this method, which has been made practicable owing to the revolutionary progress trade by British engineers and scientists in the technique of reinforced concrete during the years of peace, It is claimed for concrete ships that they arc as much as 35 per cent. cheaper to build and repair than steel vessels, they do not require such heavy building equipment or much skilled labor, their speed is equal to comparable steel ships carrying the same crew and with similar engine power, and they can withstand buf- feting from heavy seas better than their steel counterparts. Another enormous advantage in war time is that steel is released for other vital purposes and England her- self has unlimited- quantities of the chalk, stones and sand for making concrete, During and after the last war when there was a shortage of steel and general shipbuilding facilities, about 100 • concrete ships totalling 150,000 tons capacity, were built in Britain, Norway, the United States, France, Italy and elsewhere. Some of these vessels were as large as 6,500 tons and proved quite successful, although none have been built since 1922. Since those days British concrete research has been unceasing. Com- pressive strength has increased three fold, great improvements have been made in •steelreinforcements, and a tensile strength of 27,000 pounds, to the square inch is now possible, against only 16,000 pounds in 1918. ,''PAGE 5 BOXY THEATRE. CLINTON Now Playing: "NORTH OF THE YUKON" & "Five Little Peppers" MON., TUES., WED. "IRENE" A Parisian model is mistaken for the year's leading debutante and interesting complications develop in this gay musical comedy. Anna NEAGLE—Ray MILLAND Roland YOUNG — May ROBSON and Billie BURSE THURS., FRI., SAT. "RANCHO GRANDE" A musical Western with a Mexican atmosphere. GENE AUTRY Smiley Burnette & June Storey Coming: The . Nazi invasion of Czecho-Slovakia portrayed hr "FOUR, SONS" Matinees: Sat. & Holidays 3 p.m. CAPITAL. THEATRE GODERICH NOW: 'Mutiny on the Blackhawk' & "Ma, He's Making Eyes At Me" MON., TUES., WED. BETTE DAVIS—Charles BOYER with Jeffrey Lynn—Barbara O'Nei2 and Virginia Weidler in the magnificent story of a deathless love, An Anatole Litvak Production.' "ALL THIS AND HEAVEN TOO" THURS. FRI- & SAT. BING CROSBY— GLORIA JEAN and CHARLES WINNINGER two songbirds team with a comedy king for a rollicking funfestival "IF I HAD MY WAY" Coming: Walt Disney's "PINNOCHIO" Mat: Wed., Sat., Holidays, 3 p.m. REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH NOW: W. C. Fields '& Mae West in "MY LITTLE CHICKADEE" MON., TUES., WED. Spring Byington — Ken Howell & Chick Chandler The Jones Family puts OM Man Gloom on the run in another sprightly adventure. "ON THEIR OWN" THURS. FRT- & SAT. Virginia. Bruce & Wayne Morris Thrills and romance wing along together in a sky-high action yarn; "FLIGHT ANGELS" ' Coming: John Garfield in "SATURDAY'S CHILDREN" Mat: Sat. & Holidays . at 3 p.m. COLLISION NEAR CLINTON ON SUNDAY Five persons were seriously injur- ed when two cars met in a head-on crash on No. 8 Highway about six miles west of Clinton, on Sunday af- ternoon, A car, driven by Alex. Martz, of Kitchener, proceeding west, was met head on by one proceeding east, driv- en by Leslie Howe of Toronto. The cars wore badly damaged. , Provincial Traffic. Officer Frank Taylor of: Clinton, investigated and, Dr. }t„ P. Douglas of ,Clinton attende ed' the injured. Let Us Do Your Holiday - Baking We Make a Nice Assortment of: FRUIT BREAD — BUNS MUFFINS COOKIES — CAKE TARTS and PIES ORDER — White, Whole Wheat, Cracked Wheat or Raisin Bread Today. BARTLIFF'S Bakers and Confectioners PHONE 1 CLINTON 'ATTENTION FIREARMS' OWNERS The type — model — make—calibre— action—serial number of all rifles and shotguns must be registered with any Chief of Police or the Township Clerk by 'September 15. Fine of $200 if not done. R. G. Thompson, Clerk, Goderich Twp. NEW & OLD TIME DANCE Sponsored by Junior Farmers Town Hall, Clinton Tuesday, Sept. 3rd ARTHUR'S ORCHESTRA ADMISSION 35c EVERYONE WELCOME BAYFIELD RENDEZVOUS -ON -THE -LAKE NEW & ,OLD TYME LABOR DAY Music by Welpz Orchestra, Kitchener, This is the one you, have been waiting for — Don't miss it. GENERAL ADMISSION 35c C. Watson, Manager FOR SALE USED MACHINES Quebec Sulky Plow Kid Kangeroo Plow Two -Furrow Flurey Riding Plow Two -Furrow Imperial Walking Plow Oliver Riding Plow 11 -Hoe Massey -Harris Fertilizer Drill H. W. CH'ARLESWORTH Clinton 03-1 Notice Having been associated with Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer, for the past two years, I am prepared during his illness to conduct sales in this dist- rict. Persons intending to sell please phone Elliott's house 203 Clinton, or Gordon M. Grant, Goderich, • phone 142. Gordon M. Grant, Goderich, Ont. 02-2 Boarder Wanted Elderly man' wanting a boarding place; reasonable board if able to clo small chores and gardening. Room comfortably heated and all modern conveniences in the home. Apply at The News" -Record. 03-2 For Sale A 6 -room house, in good con- dition, with water and electric lights, also, garage and small garden, on King Street. Apply to John Derry. 02-2 For Sale 6 -room house on Rattenbury St.;, lights and water with garage and small garden. Apply to Miss B. Cantelon, Huron St. 02-2 AUCTION SALE Farm Lots 24 and 25, Goderich Township, September 11, 1940, at the premises. For furtherparticulars apply to: R. C. Hays, Barrister, .etc.,: Goderich, Ont. ' 02-2 KEEP COOL MORE SERVICE BREAD, SLICED, — Any thickness. or half the loaf for table use and half for sandwiches. CANDY SPECIAL CHOCOLATE DROPS lb. 19c No Waste No Waiting Wendorf's Position Wanted Assisting with housework or a position where duties are not too. hard. Apply at The News -Record. 03-1 Wanted A couple of Collegiate students to room or board. Mrs. Geo. Gould, Princess St. . 02-2 For Rent Front duplex, remodelled, on Huron Street, with 3 -piece bath, furnace and small garden. Geo. T. Jenkins, phone office 158, house 222. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of David Cantelon, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Hog Buyer, De- ceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the Exec- utrix, Dolly S. Cantelon, on or before the 7th day of September, 1940, after which slate the assets will be distrib- utes_! amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton this 20th day of August, A.D. 1940. F. FINGLAND, K.C., Clinton, Ont. Solicitor for the Executrix, Dolly S. Cantelon. 02-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Anna Elizabeth Foster, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Spinster, Deceased. All persons havng claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the Exec- utor, Carl E. Diehl on or before the 7th day of September, 1940, after which date the assets will be distrib- uted amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED et Clinton this 19th clay of August, AD, 1940. F. FINGLAND, K.C., Clinton, Ont. Solicitor for the Executor, Carl E. Diehl. 02.3 AUCTION SALE of Household Effects of the late Mrs. Chas. Baker, Wellington St., Clinton. SATURDAY, AUGUST 31st at 2 o'clock sharp consisting of the following: Dining room suite; radio, almost new; 2 bedroom suites; 2 double beds; single bed; clay bed; 4 mattresses; 2 feather ticks; 2 toilet sets; electric heater; cooking range; Quebec heat- er; kitchen table; 6 kitchen chairs; dining room table; hall rack; num- erous oak rocking chairs; wicket rocking chair; linoleum rug; 2 carpet rugs; numerous small tables; plate glass mirror; 250-1b. scales; 5-1b. scales; 25 -ft. extension. ladder; 3 -step ladders; lawn mower; crosscut saw; buck saw; tools; 2 cord dry maple; quantity of fruit and pickles and numerous other articles. At the same time and place the residence of the late Miss M. J. Hill consisting of part of lot 86, Welling- ton street, Clinton, will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid and other conditions of sale if not sold previous to date of We. Terms of Sale: All household effects—Cash. Property—Ten per cent of purch- ase price to be paid on date of sale and balance in 30 days. • ' F. FINGLAND, Solicitor for Ex- ecutor; Reginald Noble. GORDON GRANT; Auctioneer.' ? .• 02-2 BURGESS' STUDIO • CLINTON Photographs of Distinction by IRENE BURGESS Phone 115. Developing and Printing (Open Every Day) . NOTE CHANGE IN TIME IN BUS TIME TABLE Effective June 29th STRATFORD-GODERICH LINE SUMMER TIME TABLE Leave Clinton for. Stratford— Daily 8.10 A.M. and 4.50 P.M. Leave Clinton for Goderich Daily accept Sundays & Holidays: 1.35 P.M. and 8.00 P.M. Sundays & Holidays: 1.35 P.M. & 9.40 P.M. Connection at Stratford for Toronto, Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit, Tavistock and Woodstock. BARTLIFF'S, Local Agents, Phone 1' MONUMENTS! To those contemplating build- ing a Monument . Get my prices before buying. Cemetery Lettering a specialty. All work guaranteed. JOHN GRANT CLINTON MARBLE & GRANITE WORKS Clinton — Ontario Successor to Ball & Zapfe 59 tf LOOK The new 1941 Radios aye here on display complete with tax and, bat- teries as low as $27.95. Come In and see them—Philco, DeFurest, Rogers and Phonon's, Tubes and Batteries in stock (tubes tested) also Norge and Kelvinator Refrigerators. 1 6 stars. Thr only one that has a refrigerant cool- ed compressor. . Apex Washers, Westinghouse appliances, electric fenees in stock with extra insulators. A. W. Groves, Princess St.. CLINTON. For Sale Milk -fed chickens, dressed. Jabee Rands, Sr. Phone 300, Clinton. 02-2 Agents Wanted If you are interested in STEADY CASH PROFITS—if you would like interesting, profitable work selling the most popular line of EVERY- DAY NECESSITIES at present on the market, inquire TODAY without obligation: FAMILEX, 570 St. Clem-_ ent, Montreal 98-li NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Elizabeth Baiter, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Widow, Deceased. • All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the Execut- or, Reginald Noble, on or before the 31st day of August, A.D. 1940, after which date the assets will be dis- tributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, this Oth day of August, A.D. 1940. F. FINGLAND, K.C., Clinton, Ont., Solicitor for tate Executor, Reginald Noble. 01-8 For Rent Apartments furnished or unfur- nished, with modern conveniences. Call Miss Cantelon, 105, P.O. Box 136. 981E House for Sale A brick residence, furnace, 3 -piece bath, small vegetable and flower gar- den. Enquire at News -Record Office or write P. 0. Box 175. 98tf For Sale or Rent Two-storey frame cottage, situat- ed at the corner of Dunlop and Isaac streets. Apply Mrs. McKinley. Clin- ton. 89tf Wanted to Buy Old horses and dead cattle. Must be suitable for mink feed, removed promptly. Fred Gilbert, Phone 608r22 Clinton central. 34-11. Wanted Old horses and cattle for mink feed. If dead phone at once. Will pay ac- cording to value. Elmer Trick, phone 907r5, or Lloyd Batkin 6191,14. 851E .e -o -w Cleaning and Pressing Suits, Coats and Dresses DRY CLEANING AND REPAIRING W. J. TAGO, TAILOR 11 not open work may be lilt auk Heard's Barber Shop. z