HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1940-07-18, Page 5' BURS., JULY 18, 1940 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD To help You Pay YOUR INCOME TAX Next April 30th It is none too soon to begin to provide 'funds for paying your; necessarily increased income tax when if 'falls due next rAprii. Here is a practical plana An INCOME TAX Savings Account Open 'immediately at the Bank a special savings account just for income tax purposes, and deposit each week, each fortnight or each month enough: of your income to accumulate by next April the full amount of your tax. By faithfully following this plan you will be fully prepared and will avoid embarrassment. 'The Bank of Montreal is glad to offer this special service td make it somewhat easier for you to meet your tax obligation td help our country. BANK AFF ONTREAL ESTABLISHED 1817 Clinton Branch: H. M. MONTEITH, Manager Londesborough (Sub -Agency): Open Monday and Thursday, "A BANK W ERE SMALL ACCOUNTS ARE WELCOME" NEWS OF AUBUK.N Dr. Edgar Robb and Mrs, Robb in their two daughter, are visiting &,1r. Robb's mother, Mrs. A, Robb. Miss Bernice Lawson is visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Kruse of Galt. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Raithby, Marie nnd 131 11, spent the latter part of last weak visiting relatives at Piston. Miss Jean Proctor of Toronto is visiting Mr. and Mrs, R. D. Munro. Stanley McNeil, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McNall enlisted recent- ly and went Monday for his medical examination at London. If he is ac- cepted he will be in the aviation department. Mrs. Annie Walper quietly cele- brated her 70th birthday on Friday. Miss Doris McKnight is visiting her cousin, Miss Lois Ferguson of Clinton. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Dayman of Simcoe are visiting the latter's broth- er, Mr. Lloyd Miller and Mrs. Miller. Mrs. C. W. McCrae of Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., and Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fred O'Honnell of London visited last Wednesday with Miss Susie Blair, Mrs. Fred Ross is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Richard McWhinney of Crewe. Reid Sheppard and Mary Munro are attending the United Church summer school near Goderich. Eric Mcllveen of Bowmanville, is .visiting his grandparents, Mr, and Kra Alfred Asquith. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rollinson and 14lurruy, and kr. Russell Ring, Don- ald and Pauline spent Sunday at Stratford. Mr. Percy Yungblutt, Douglas and. Barry of Oakland, spent the week- end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Yungblutt, On his return, he was accompanied by his mother. Mr. Eugene Dobie, of Ottawa, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dobie. Miss Helen Robertson is vacation- ing in the Muskoka district. Mr. Robert Prest, teller at the bank .here, spent the weekend at Niagara Fells. Miss Mattie Murray of Seaforth, is visiting Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Law- som Mn and Mrs. Nicholson of Wing- ham spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ferguson. Eldon Stoltz of Toronto' spent a Pew days last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. ,Stoltz. Gordon Miller of Windsor is visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Millet'. Mrs. Alice Tyertnam visited last week with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Ander- •13011. Among these who took part in the Orangeman's parade at Harriston on Friday was Mr. Andrew Webster, of the village. Mr. Webster who is 79 'years old has been an Orangeman for GO years. In that time he has just missed 3 Orange Walks. The W.M.S. of Knox.Presbyterian Church met Thursday afternoon in the church basement with Mrs. John Houston' in charge. The opening prayer was offered .by Mrs. Edgar Lawson. + Readings were given by Mrs. Houston and'Miss Bertha Wag- ner, The topic was given by Miss Beryl Wilson on "The work of Dr. Margaret Strang Savage, of Dixon- ville." Mrs. Wesley Bradnoek sang a solo. Mrs. P. Ross gave the chapter` from the Study Book. Mrs. James Woods dismissed the meeting with prayer after which lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. Robb, Scott. Mrs. Alfred Rollinson and Mrs. Wm. Dobie. On Sunday evening the local C. G. I, T. held a special meeting in Knox United in connection with the 25th anniversary of the founding of the Dominion C.G.I.T. Helen Marsh was in charge. The choir consisting' of 14 members of the C.G.I.T. sang• an anthem, and a quartette composed of Mary Nesbit, Vivian Straughan, and Betty and Ila Craig rendered a num- ber. The guest speaker was Miss Alberta Richmond, of Blyth, who spoke on the significance of "Can adian Girls" and "In Training." Plans have been made by the Red Gross to dispense with the garden party proposed for July 24. Instead they are holding a "Big Night" that same evening on the playgrounds, There will be bingo and an open -ah dance. There will also be a booth where "eats" can be bought, and tea andcoffee will be served. Refresh- ments will also be served at the sbooth. A. program will be provided by a Concert comapny. Friends' and relatives here were thrilled Monday night to hear the voice of Kenneth Scott. Kenneth is. one of our local boys overseas and he was speaking from Aldershot, on the weekly radio program. The monthly meeting of the Wom- en's Institute was held on Tuesday afternoon, July 16, in the Foresters' Hall with Mrs. Lawson in charge. Mrs. James Woods led in prayer. This being the "Young Ladies Day" the whole program consisted of num- bers given by the young women. Betty Asquith gave a piano instrum- ental and solos were sung by Misses Margaret, Ferguson and Vivian Straughan. Mrs. Gordon• Taylor: read a letter from Miss Helen Waterer of Leeds, England. The topic was given by Miss Dorothy Wllsoh on "The New Curriculum." It was decided to have "Children's Day at the August meeting, . Mrs. H. C. Wilson was appointed to register all nurses in connection with the war work. Lunch I was then served by the hostesses, Mrs.'Jarnes Woods, Miss V. Thomp- son and- Miss Margaret King. STANLEY - The death occurred suddenly on Sunday June 30th, at the residence, 218 Kent St. of Ephriam. A. Howes, superintendent of the R. E. Law Crushing Stone Lbs., for the past 17 years. Deceased was in his 49th year. He was born at Fergus. He had lived in Port Colborne about three years corning here from Ridgeway where he lived for about 15 years. Mr. Howes was well liked by his eanployees,: his kind and pleasant 0.39 nature earning him many friends. He was an adherent of Central United Church, Port Colborne, and a member of the Men's Club. Surviving aro his wife, (nee Mabel Clark) one son, Garfield at home; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Howes of Toronto; four brothers, Alonzo of Allenford James of Arthur, Gilbert of Wroxeter and Earl of Goderich. The funeral was held on Wednes- days from the Dell and Merton funer- al Chapel, Rec. George H. Reigl,gp conducting the service, assisitecl ty Rev. C. L. Poole of Ridgeway, Inter- ment was in Ridgeway, cemetery. Many relatives and friends attend- ed the service paying tribute to the well known resident of the district, Many beautiful floral tributes ex- pressed the sympathy of friends, These included tributes from Welland County Road superintendents; Eta chapter, Phi Delta Gamma; Eden - vale Airport and the Rook club of Sherkston. The honorary pallbearers were Roy E. Law, I. C. Kaiser, E. J. Ander- son, M.L.A.;' R. J. Scott, Harry At- kinson of Toronto, Ernest Gorham, Thomas Haun and C. Daybol. The pallbearers were Charles Veal, Clar- ence Howse and Robert McKinney of Ridgeway and Edsal Robins, Russell McGuirk ,and Lloyd Blackmore all fellow employees of the deceased. Friends and relatives attended from Goderich, Buffalo, Wroxeter, Arthur, Owen Sound, Toronto, Welland, Bay- field, Sherkston, Ridgeway, Hamil- ton and St. Catharines. The above is taken from the 'Welland Tribune. The monthly meeting of the Stan- ley Community Club was held at the home of Mrs. Victor Taylor. Twenty- nine members and a number of visit- ors were present: Seven quilts, one blanket and seven pairs of socks evere turned in for the month. Aster the plans for next month's svork was made, yarn was distributed, A. short program consisting of readings and songs was held, then lunch was serv- ed, The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Goldie Graham. The roll can next meeting will be a recollection of a holiday. A very successful Strawberry festival was held at the home of. Mrs. John Pearson, Bayfield Road, by the Stanley Community Club. About 170 set down to supper. The tables being set in their spacious. been as the frequent thunder ehow- ers made it impossible to be held on the lawn. The proceeds amounted to about Forty dollars. El ENEZER The Ebenezer W. A. met at the home of Mrs, Frank Jones last week, with the vice-president, Mrs. S. Red- den presiding. The meeting was opened with a Hymn, and the devo- tional period was taken by Rev. H. Wilding. After the items of business were discussed, a program was pre- sented consisting of the following numbers: A recitation by Merron Jones.; sola, Shirley Jones; readings, Mrs. Stewart Farquhar, Mrs. Will Rueger and Mrs. J. Robertson,, of Stratford., A ,very interesting dons A. 44./ ¢tin CUT FLOWERS. FLORAL DESIGNS For Every- Occasion C. V. Cooke FLORIST Phones: 06W and 68.1 POULTRY CULLING TIME Poultry flocks that have been pro- ducing allwinter will no doubt have some boarders not paying their way with increasing prices of grain. Sat- isfaction given by an experienced poultryman, Queen service given at our egg- grading;plant by experienced candlers N. W. TREW ARTHA Store Phone 214 House Phone 328 DEATHS BAKER—In Clinton on Wednesday, July 17th, Elizabeth Hill, widow of the late Charles Balser, in her 76th year. CANTELON—In Clinton on Thurs- day, July 18th, David Cantelon, in his 93rd year. EIDT—'In Dundas, Ont., on Monday, July 15th, Ida Matilda, wife of the late Louis L. Eidt, in her 63rd year, test was conducted by Mrs. Roy Eas- on), after which a Hymn was sung, and the meeting was closed with the Benediction by Rev. Wilding, Lunch was served by Mrs. Frank Jones and Mrs. Morgan Jones. If she works before getting mar- ried — that's a career . . . if she keeps it up after marriage — that's a job.—Montreal Star. OBITUARY MRS. LOUIS L. EIDT Ida Matilda, wife of the late Louis L. Eidt of Owen Sound and daughter of the Iate Jacob and Jane Miller, formerly of Clinton died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Herbert Flynn, Dundas, Ont., Monday, July 15th. She was born in Clinton and was in her 63rd year. She is survived by five daughters and one son: Mrs. Cecil Miller of Owen Sound; Mrs. Bert Menzies, Chatsworth; Mrs. H. Flynn, Dundas; Miss Arfa Eidt, Tor- onto; Mrs. Jini Hunter of Toronto, and Pte. Kenneth Eidt of Perth Regi- ment, Stratford. Her sisters, Mrs, Jas. Walters of Seattle, Wash.; Mrs. Harry Currie of Victoria, B.C.; Mrs. Geo. Watson of Toronto; Mrs. Ar- thur Woodley of Montreal and Mrs. Russell Johnston of Mauville, Alta.; one brother, J. B. Miller of Toronto. The funeral was held at Owen Sound, Wednesday. BAYFIELD Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner entertained on Thursday afternoon when nine tables of bridge were set in her spac- ious rooms, which were tastefully decorated for the occasion with masses of garden flowers. Miss Louise Morley made the highest score in bridge. Other guests carne for the tea which was served in buf- fet fashlon'in the diningroom. Mrs. N. W. Woods poured tea. ' Over twenty-two dollars was realized for the Red Cross. Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Tillman and sort Peter of London and their daugh- ters, Mrs. Mason Johnston and baby JoAnne, and Piles. J. Brent of Mont- real and Miss Margaret Tillman of London ane at their suM7mer cottage in the village. Dr, and Mrs. N. B. Alexander of London are at alter summer home here. The latter's sister, Mrs. W. A. Stratton of Toronto, was' with them over the weekend. Mrs. D. Prentice of Toronto, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. W. J. Stinson. Mr. and Mrs. George M. Fisher, Misses Miriam arch Jean Fisher of Waterloo spent Sunday with the fornnee's aunt, Abs. F. A. Edwards. Me. and Mrs. Jas. P. Ferguson re- turned to London 00 Monday morn- ing after having spent the weekend with the former's mother, Mrs. Jas. Ferguson.• Miss K. Drysdale of Hensall is visiting Mrs. Chas. Seotchmer. Mn and Mics. Gilbert'i Relight and family of Toronto were guests over the weekend of Mrs. F. Gemeinhardt. Mrs. A. Shields spent the weekend with her daugher, Mrs. Ainslie in Goderich. • Mrs. J. V. Fields of Tavistock is at her cottage for a few weeks, her daughter, Mrs. Penhale and Mr. .Pen - hale of St. Thomas are with ham. Walter Johnston left on Monday fon: London, where he has enlisted with the R.C.R. The Main Street is torn up this. week while workmen are laying tile and are putting new intakes in the drains, Mx. Lawrence Fowlie of London spent the waeitend with his sisters, Missies E. and F. Fowlie. The ladies of the Golf Club held a very successful rummage sale . on. Saturday evening in the Town Hall. . PAGE'5:: ROXY THEATRE CLINTON CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH NOW: (Thur.)" `REBECCA" (Fri. & Sat.) "His Girl Friday" NOW: "BEWARE 'SPOOKS" & "SPOILERS OF THE RANGE" NOW: "TEXAS STAMPEDE" •& "BEWARE SPOOKS" ai MON., TUES., WED. - Jean Arthur — Melvyn Douglas and Fred MacMurray "Too Many Husbands" A man thought drowned, returns to find h.isif fri married to his best MON., 'TUES., WED. Anna NEAGLI—Ray MILLAND, and Roland YOUNG with a host of other favorites in the =fading favorite Aliee Bilge Gown --musical. " I R E N E " . In Technicolor MON., TUES., WED. Madeleine 'Carroll—Brian Aherne and Louis Hayward wisely cast and masterfully direct - ed' in this adaptations of Howard Springs s great novel ' "MY SON, MY SON!" THURS., ERI., SAT, ` �c Three Texas Steers', A young girl is led to believe that. the ranch which she inherited is worthless, but the Three Mesquit- eers save her from being duped. John Wayne — Ray Corriganand Max Terhune and Carole Landis Coming: "IT ALL CAME TRUE" Ann Sheridan and Jeffrey Lynn Matinees: Sat.& Holidays 3 p.m. Thurs., Fri. & Sat James Cagney — George Brent and Pat O'Brien in the stirring story of gallant. fighting men "The FIGHTING 69th" also Technicolor Added Attraction Cliff Edward "The Royal Rodeo" Thur. Fri. & Sat.—Double Feature Basil Rathbone — Sigrid Gurie and Leo Carrillo a R .I 0 9s Victor Jory — Robert Armstrong Mary Carlisle 9f "Call A Messenger Coming: Alice Faye as "LILLIAN RUSSELL" Coming: GULLIVERS TRAVELS Mat: Wed., Sat., Holidays, 3 p.m. Mat: Sat. & Holidays at 3 p.m. Have You Tried CHOCOLATE FUDGE ICE CREAM It's delicious in either Brick or Bulk. WE ALSO HAVE Ice Cream Bars, Popsicles,• Creamsicles, Cones, Bulk Ice Cream and a Big Assortment of Bricks. BARTLIFF'S Bakers . and Confectioners PHONE 1 CLINTON Usct Cars '38 Dodge DeLuxe Sedan '38 Dodge DeLuxe Coach '37 Chev. Pickup '35 Dodge Coupe '33 Dodge Sedan '32 Pontiac Coach '30 Ford Sedan '29 Chev. Coupe '28 Chev. Sedan Bog. Shiplay Teacher Wanted Admission Joe. 96tf. Protestant, for S.S. No. 4, Stanley Township, duties to begin September, 1940. Menne S. Steckle, Sec.-Treas., Box 132, R. R. 2, Zurich, Ontario. Phone, Hensall 98113. 97-2 BREAD FOR YOUR PICNIC Sliced Any Thickness Thin as paper if you wish-- - At no extra cost. BISSET'S ICE CREAM Delivered Any Time—Day or Night CAKES ALWAYS FRESH And Finest Quality. Wendorfs GARDEN PARTY TRINITY CHURCH, BAYFIELD on RECTORY GROUNDS Meat Supper Served 6 to 8 Friday, July 19th Program by HENSALL BRASS BAND also SALE OF WORE and SIDESHOWS Admission: Adults 35c, Children 20e. i7 .J. Elliott, W, Seotchmer, Wardens , 96-2 BAYFIELD Rendezvous on the Lake ANCING Every WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY — to --- 'JACK s And His Orchestra. Admission: Gents 50c; Ladies 35e. OLD & NEW DANCING EVERY TUESDAY For Sale or Rent Comfortable brick cottage on Al- bert street. Modern conveniences. Phone 316. 97-1 PORTER'S HILL The regular meeting of the W.A. was held on Thursday last, about 20 ladies were present. Mrs. J. Harris was in charge. After the minutes of last meeting were read end after some business matters were arranged quilting was done. A tasty lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. A. Har- ris and Mrs. J. Harris. Sunday at the regular 9.30 service a good congregation was present,. around 80 being present. Rev. H. Curry spoke on Faith and was list- ened to with much interest, Monday evening the monthly meet- ing of the Reil Cross was held in the basement of the church, Mrs. Allen Baffles, president, was in charge, a - ter they sang God Save The King, minutes and business over the ladies rolled bandages, Handkerchiefs were handed out for hemming, some socks were brought in, and quite a number took yarn for socks and sweaters, a dozen sheets were also brought in from those who were hemming and laundering them. About 45 were present. The program committee de- cided on' August 6th for a social evening with program and lunch, the meeting closed with Lord's prayer. We are very sorry to report a bad accident which happened on Monday while hauling in hay. Mr. Peter Young hail the misfortune to break both wrists and fraettrre several ribs when the load upset. Mrs. Snyder and daughter of Sask., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 'Les. Cox. Mr, Allen. Kettles has purchased a horse from Mr. Geo. Elliott to re- place the one he lost. Congratulations to our :new coun- cillor Mr, Jas. Stirling who, was elected by acclamation. Mr. and Mrs. John Torrance and daughter, also Miss Elva Elliott, spent .Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Gnegor of Tuckeismith: Mr.' and Mrs. Allen Betties, and son Alvin, also'. Mrs. Weston, visited. with Mr, and Mrs. Ephraim Snell, Hullett township. Mrs. ' Frank -'Picot is not so well as her many 'friends would like to I see her. TICS ALL EX -SERVICEMEN are requested to meet at the Legion Hall at 1.30 on SUNDAY, JULY 21. All members of the Legion, who have cars, kindly be present to assist in transportation to FVingham for the County Rally N. W. MILLER, Sec. 97-1 GARDEN. PARTY Under auspices of St. James' Church, (Middleton) on the lawn of MR. JOHN HUDIE, 7th Concession WEDNESDAY, JULY 31st PROGRAM—Featuring Mr. J. Ever- rett Mires, Magician, of London, pre - seating Oriental and Occidental Mys- teries, Mirth and blaglc. Also local talent and a short skit entitled "The Pliver Family" present- ed by the Young People of Trinity Church, Bayfield. Admission: Adults 35c, Children 20c. DON'T MISS THIS PROGRAM Bees Wanted Will pay .50c for swarms of bees. Phone Hensall 86r32. Pay calls ac- cepted. Wilfred Ross, Brueefield, Ontario. 97-2 For Sale Three bench grinders, also one new r/t horse -power heavy duty motor. W. A. McAllister, Ring street. 97-1 For Sale Mint: — a few male kits of pure Gothier strain, sons of Grand Champ- ion, attractive prices for early detiv- cry. Also mink pens, elightty used, very cheap for quick sale. Miss H. Martin, Lucan, Ont. For Sale I have a few, nice braided mats and a quantity ,of rag carpet, some as good as new. At the hone of Mrs. L.' Swan, J. G. Medd. 97-1 Wanted A second - hand child's tricycle. Makin's 'Beauty Shop, Bayfield, Phone 631x'25. 97-1 Boarders Wanted Accommodations for four boarders; Mrs. Herb Castle, Clinton. . 97-2 NOTICE Big Six Electric Fence; radios, Apex Washer, Kelvinator and Norge Refrigerators. Gilson washing ma- chine, "Snowbird", cheap, 3 months old, demonstrator, $55. Radio tubes and batteries for sale by A. W. Groves, Princess street. 90tf BURGESS' STUDIO CLINTON • Photographs of Distinction by IRENE BURGESS Phone, 115. Developing and Printing (Open Every Day) NOTE CHANGE IN TIME IN BUS TIME TABLE ' Effective .Tune 29th STRATFORD-GODERICH LINE SUMMER TIME TABLE Leave Clinton for Stratford— Daily 8.10 A.M. and 4.50 P.M. Leave Clinton for Goderich— Daily except Sundays & Holidays: 1.35 P.M. and 8.00 P.M. Sundays & Holidays: 1.35 P.M. & 9.40 P.M. Connection at Stratford for Toronto. Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit, Tavistock and Woodstock. BARTLIFF'S, Local Agents, Phone 1 MONUMENTS! To those contemplating build- ing a Monument , . Get my prices before buying. Cemetery Lettering a specialty. All work guaranteed. JOHN GRANT CLINTON MARBLE & GRANITE WORKS Clinton — Ontario Successor to Ball & Zapfe 59 tf DANCE and SOCIAL EVENING by S.S. Nu. 4 Unit of the Red Cross Society on Arthur Hebden's Lawn, 16th Con., Goderich Township, 3 miles north of the Highway, Wed. Evening, July 31 Various booths on grounds including Bingo and 'Feed the Allies'; Refresh- ments. Program at 8 o'clock. Darning Free to Collin's Orchestra. Admission at gate 25 and 15c. - 97 2 ., Auction Sale of Furniture and Household Effects at Geo. H. Elliott's Garage, Cutter St., Clinton, on SATURDAY, JULY 20th, at 2 p.m. consisting of: Quebec heater, small sized cook stove, stove Pipes, two -plata electric stove and oven, two sets of small scales, large medium and small tables, diningroom table, rocking chairs, kitchen chairs, wicker chair, cupboards, several toilet sets, beds, cash drawer, metronome, clock shelf and numerous other ar- ticles. —. TERMS: GASH. G. H. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer. 97-1 Milk- e Br cilers E. L. MITTELL PHONE 213 To Rent Store on Huron street, also a six - room apartment in the Sloan Block, also a laundry and store in the Perrin Block, Apply to A. J. Cooper, God- erich. 95-4 Salesmen Wanted Get into a good -paying business, selling EVERY DAY NECESSITIES from door to door in your district. Make your awn pay envelope and cash in on the profits with our Profit Building Sales Plan. Let us tell you more about it. FAMILEX CO., 570 St. Clement, Montreal. 97-1 For Sale or Rent Two-storey frame cottage, situat- ed at the corner of Dunlop and Isaac streets. Apply Mrs. McKinley. Clin- ton. 89t'f NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of William . Brumbley, late of the Township of Hullett in the County of Huron, Yeoman, Deceased. All persons having claim against the Estate of the above deceased, are required to file the same with the undersigned solicitor for the Exeeut- , ors, Willie Brumbley and Ernest Adams, on or before the 27th day of July, A.D. 1940, after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regardonly to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton this 9th day of July, A.D. 1940. F, FINGLAND, K.C., Clinton, Ont., Solicitor for the Executors, Willie Brumbley & Ernest Adan.s._ nw!. id ..,..,.n,.: IN 96-4