HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1940-06-27, Page 5`'TFI'URS.,, JUNE 27, 1940 THE CLI1'dTON NEWS -RECORD NEWS OF • AUBURN be annual memorial, service of Seaforth; Mrs. Heart (Fannie) and iBaB',s Cemetery will be held on the Mrs. Parker (Margaret) of Owen 5enretery grounds this coming Sun - slay,, June 30th at 2,30. The entre este-vice will be in charge of the Pres- byterian Church, and 'conducted, by 7-'b A. M. Boyle,. You and your. ialends are cordially invited. • Dr, 'John E. Jackson,. Mrs. Jack - am and Jean of Embro visited on ,Sruulay with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Me- lweat. Amelia Mcllwain returned lame .after• a fortnight's visitat the J,acE een home.- airs, omme.Mrs, F. Ross attended anniversary Sound. The Y.P.U. of Knox United Church held a Weiner roast at Sunset beach on Friday night. There were about 40 members and visitors present: A sing -song wasled by Betty Craig, A program around the.campfire con- sisted of the following numbers: solo by Bob. McClinchey, with guitar ac- companiment; quartette number by Ila and Batty Craig, •Zeta Muns'o and Vivian Straughan; reading by Evelyn ,aexviees at Dungannon Presbyterian; Plaetzer; journal by Marjorie Toll; •i;.hurals, en Sunday. reading by Donald Ross, and prayer Mr. Eli Holtzhauer of Niagara by Rev. H. C. Wilson. After the •Falls has been visiting the past few program, the weiners and rolls were clays with his sister, Mrs. Joe. 'Irwin. enjoyed by all, Bern—On Saturday, June 22nd at The local Red Gimes held their "4laugliam General Hospital, to Mr, monthly meeting in the ,Foresters and Mrs,' Gordan. Dable; a son. Hall on Tuesday afternoon with the Mr. 'Charles Beadle Jr. of Grand president, Mrs. Mogridge is the chair: -Rend called en friends here one day The meeting was opened by singing last 'seeek.. • • a hymn and repeating the Lord's The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- prayer in unison. The secretary, Mrs. ..'per van be dispensed in Knox Pres-' Fred Ross read the minutes of the lruterian Church on Sunday morning: previous meeting, while the treasur- Sreparatory service is on Thursday er, Miss `'Josephine Weir gave the er3gIit. treasurer's report, showing the re- Owing to the decoration day at ceipts $909.26 and expenses $688.72. Jlall's Cemetery • on Sunday, the ser- -It was decided to hold a gar den party 'vice in the Baptist Church will be ion the Anglican Church lawn on Sunday morning at 11 a.m. Wednesday, July 24th with the ex - Miss Evelyn Plaetzer has been ecutive, Mrs. Mogridge, Mrs. Woods, :hired as teacher of •Cedar Valley Mrs. Ross and Miss Josephine Weir sctltooL .oet the second concession of as a managing committee. The pro- A rfield., gram committee, Messrs 'Harvey Me - Bob Arthur was successful in the Gee, Raymond 'Redmond and Alfred rseerrt Stratford Beacon -Herald con- .Rollinson are to look after the deem - 'test to, winning a free trip to De- ating, lighting, also stoves and plat- 'troit to see a :ball game on- Sunday. form. The tables are to be in charge ''fire Auburn ball team was defeat- of Mrs. Walter Cook and Mrs. Wm. rd on'Thursday evening by the West- McVittie, Mrs. Ernest Patterson and 35e13 team, the score being 22-10: Mrs. Thos. Johnston, Mrs., Alfred On Friday evening, the Auburn team Nesbit and Mrs. Edgar Lawson, Mrs. played the Colborne team, and the Wan. Dobie and Mrs. Jas. Woods. score was 16-16. Tea makers, Mrs. M. Arthur and Mrs. Mo. and Mrs. Harry Wagner are E. Phillips. If the weather is un- 'visiting their daughter, Mrs. Wm. favorable the supper will be served Letup and Mr. Letup of Hamilton. in the United Church basement. It Mise Mildred Scott of Stratford is expected that, there will be a ball spent the weekend with her parents, game on the playground before the Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Scott. supper. ,Liss Marjorie .Arthur has obtained as 2410ol at Teeswater. The funeral of the Iate Joseph E. Ma.. and Mrs. Gordon McClinchey Carter was held from his late reel- ead .family spent Saturday at Strat- deuce with a large attendance. Rev, lord, H. C. Wilson had charge, and Mrs. Fred Plaetzer sang very effectively, Death of Joseph Carter "When the Roll is Called up Yonder." Death claimed another village resi- The pallbearers were Jack Carter and stent in the person of Joseph E. Car- Bill Carter of Westfield, Jack Car- ter, Mr. Carter passed away at noon ter, Jim Carter, Jack Henderson of ors ,Saturday. He suffered a stroke Seaforth, and Jim Henderson of God - aver a week ago, and then developed erich. The lovely floral tributes were pneumonia. This hastened his death. carried by John Yungblutt, Nelson The deceased num, who was born 79 and Ernest Patterson, Robert Turn - years ago in Melaillop township, was er, Harold Carter and Andrew Web - the son of the late Mr, and Mrs. John ster. These flowers were received Carsten,. For some years Mr. Carter from the Schaeffer family of Sault worked as a bricklayer at Winthrop, Ste. Marie, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Caster 'then he Earned for a short time in of Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Goderich township. He moved to Kneoshaw and Alex of Meaforth, the Auburn twenty years ago where he family of the deceased man, the was a teamster. He retired a few Hooey family of Sault Ste. Marie, wens ago. Otr May 14, 1886, he Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Hadden of Gorier - married Mary Ann Haney, who died ich, the Barnes', the Wyllies, the June 28, 1939. Hewas a member Freeman's and the Bradfords of of Kctox 'United Church and of the Sault Ste Marie, the Imperial Oil .Auburn Orange Lodge. There sur- company; Dave Carter, Blyth; John vive to mourn their loss two sons and Carter Sr. and family of Seaforth, Ivo daughters: Joseph of Sault Ste. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Baster Sr. of Marie, Mich.; Forest of Goderich; Mrs. George Baxter of Goderich, and :Mrs. William Haggitt of Auburn; three brothers, Sam and John of Sea - forth, and David of Blyth, and three Asters, Mrs, Henderson (Mary) ,of breakfast was served, the bride's table being in white with floral dec- orations of white•roses, Guests from a distance were Dr. and Mrs. James Armstrong, Gorrie; Ms. Wm, Armstrong; Mitchell; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lea, Detroit. Later in the afternoon the young ample left amida shower of confetti and good wishes nor a motor trip to Sudbury white they 'will reside, OBITUARY JOHN F. WASMAN The death of John F. Wasman oc- curred on Saturday, June 22, 1940, at the home of his son, Leslie J., in Toronto. The late Mr. Wasman, who was in his eighty-first year, had been in failing health for the past two years. He was born in Mitchell where he learned theblaeksmithing' trade Ansi carried on business in Clinton for twenty-five years, retiring about ten years previous to his death. His wife predeceased him in 1926. The deceased was a member of Ontario St. United Church and is survived by 'five of a family: Mrs. J, R. Little (Nettie) Maidstone, Ont.; Mrs. How- ard Hill, (Edna) Calgary, Alta„ Mrs'. Cleve Stafford (Ethyle), Wroxeter, Ont.; William of Walkerville, Ont., and Leslie J. of Toronto. Four sisters and two brothers also survive. A. funeral service was held at. 213 Clendenan Ave., Toronto, Monday evening, June 24. The remains were then brought to Clinton and the fun- eral was held at the parlours of Ball & Zapfe on Tuesday afternoon. Rev; Mr. Burton officiating. Inter- ment was made in the family plot an Clinton cemetery. Pallbearers were W. Walker, 0. W. Potter, Oliver Jervis, J. Diehl, John Innes and A. D. McCartney. ' WALTER COLE Word has been received of the death in Winnieg of Walter Cole, who was well-known in Clinton about forty years ago. He was born in Conestoga and after he came to Clin- ton married Rosepha, eldest daugh- ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. %Vm. Mulholland of Holmesville. After leaving the Clinton Thresher Comp- any, he worked for a time with the Bell Engine Works, Seaforth. Later he was appointed manager of the Western branch of this firm in Win- nipeg. The funeral will be held on Saturday in Winnipeg. , DAVID STEEP A well-known resident of Clinton, David Steep passed away at his hone on Monday after an illness of two months, He had been in failing health for some time. Born in Goderich township in Nov. 1869, the son of the late William Steep and Caroline Judge, he farmed for some time and later he became foreman farmer on seine of the larg- er farms of the district, On Christmas eve, 1890, he married Susannah Ginn, who survives. There also survive a family of two sons: Andrew W., machinost, Clinton; Earl, of the R.C,A•F., St. Thomas, former- ly with the Post Office department Goderich; Miss Mae Ferguson and in London; and three daughters: Mrs. Mrs Blanche Phillips of Auburn, The W. A, Aitcheson, IIagersville; Mrs. service at the grave was in charge J. H. Johnston, Clinton, end Mrs, of Auburn L.O.L. with I•larry Sturdy and Lews Ruddy as speakers, Inter- ment in. Colborne Cemetery. BAYFIELD Miss Peggy Burt of London is vis- iting Tier grandparents, Mr. and Mts. F. Baker, Mrs. Percy Dyment of Detroit spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. IT. Tippett. Mrs. R. Watson and small son E'd- war&e of Fairlight, Seek., arrived on Monday to visit her mother, Mrs. F. A. l:,dwaads. Messrs Ted and Jerry Crane of De - halt spent the weekend in the vil- lage, Jerry remaining for the sum - Men Mrs. Alvin Bohn and two children from near Cochrane are aisiting the lormer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Kcal itch ey. Mr. L. Fowlie of London spent the is si' tes Misses weekend with his s t , the E. and, Ir': Fowlie. Rev, and Mrs. George Morley•and • Mrs. R. M, Gale were hem the be- ginning of the week superintending the stile of household effects from the Manse, Mc- end Mrs. Harold Scotchmer o£ Toronto are visiting the former's .pareats,•1Vir. and: Mrs. R. Scotchtner this week. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Rogers of Ram- •ilton spent the weekend at their cot- tage Isere. • M;isees Ahce and Anna Denim of Detroit are spending the summer .meecthsc et their cottage "Hiilerest'." Mi. and Mrs. Harold Edwards of London spent the' weekend with the latter's mother, Mrs. T'. C. Bailey. Guests at the Ritz Hotel' over the weekend' were W. and Mrs. Paul James, Detroit, and Mr. Costello of the C.S.F.S., St. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs, Armani Manness of London spent' 'the weekencl at the :fasniiy cottage in the vili'age. Mrs. Matinees remained. to. spend the week with Mrs. W. E. Mastless. • Bishop Seager' administered the tires of 'Holy Confirmation at Trin- Ity.Ciutrcft on Sunday evening. His 1.,ordehip coninended the Communiliy •Service of Inteectssion which is be- ing 'held weekly in the " various &tee hes of the village.. 'In an in- aspiring address' on, p:rayet in. Ellis time of war he stressed the enormous transforming effect of prayer on the individual and the effect of prayer on God. "Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin are instruments of God just as Herod, Ciaphas, Annas and Pontius Pilate were used by Him hs New Testament times," he said. Basing his remarks on Acts 12, verse 5, "Peter therefore was kept in prison: but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God.' he ended with a strong appeal to "Pray with- out ceasing." Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Lea of Detroit were guests of Mr. and Mrs, C. W. Brown at their cottage on Sunday. Mrs. F. C, Martin and daughter of Detroit are at their summer home, "Boulder Lodge.' Miss Isabel Cameron and Mi. Evans Cameron of Toronto are at their cottage on the Blue Water Highway. Lea—Armstrong "Evergreen Place," the home of Mfr. and Mrs. Archibald Armstrong, Bronson Line, Stanley township, was the scene of a quiet wedding at noon on Monday, June 24th, when their daughter, Mary Isobel, became the bride of Dr, Richard Gordon. Lea, son of Mrs. Walter Lea and the late Honorable Walter Lea of Victoria, Prince Edward Island, To the strains of The Wedding March from Lohen- grin, played by her aunt, Mrs, G. W. Brown, the charming bride entered the drawing room on the arm, of her father, who gave her in marriage, and took her .place in front of the fireplace which was beautifully bank- ed with, white peonies ,with touches cf pink peonies and anchtssia with all white on the mantel. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. G. A. Peddie of Norwich. For her wedding gown the bride chose a traveling dress of soft blue crepe with which' she wore a larga whits hat, white accessories and a corsage of Token roses and Baby's Breath. Mrs, A. Armstrong who' received with her daughter, wore a blue erepe •dress and corsage' orf Killarney roses. Fol- lowing the ;,ceremony the wedding Alex Mallough of Goderich. There are twenty grandchildren, Three brothers and two sisters also survive. They are William and John of Clin- ton and George of Goderich, Mrs. John Farquhar and Mrs. Charles Copp of Goderich. David Steep was a member of the Methodist Church and later of the United Church, and he was also a member of the Canadian Order of Foresters and of 'the Orange Lodge. The funeral, under the auspices of Murphy LA.L. No. 710, was held from his late hbrne, Frederick street, on Wednesday afternoon. The service was conducted by Rev. A. E., Silver, Rev. G. G, Burton, assisted by Lieut. MacLean. Interment was made in Clinton cemetery. Bearers were William Walker, W. S. R. Holmes, Nelson Trewartha, W. H. Hellyar, Rees Jenkins and Norman Sly, CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion. Cs Ve Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 661 MISS IDA BROWN The death occurred in Noranda of Miss Ida Brown in her 796 year Miss Brown had gone to Noranda- to spend some" months with a niece Mrs Henry Bishop and when there just a week fell and broke her hip. A major operation prayed too much for her and she never regained con- 5C101.1enESE. ' News. of her death came as a great shock to her many friends in. Macloc and vicinity where she had lived all' her life until a few years ago wl}en she came to Clinton to be with her sisters Mrs. • T. K. Mair, Mrs. Jas. Campbell and: Mrs. A. Milne who have all passed away since. The remains were brought to 11lacl- oe for burial on Saturday, June 15th in the family plot at Lakeview cemetery. The service was held on arrival 'Of C.P.R. train at Ivanhoe to St. Peter's Presbyterian church eon - ducted bythe pastor Rev. W. A, Hunter. Miss Brown was the last of the family of the late J. R. and Mrs. Brown a 'pioneer family greatly esteemed in, the district. Deceased had been secretary of Ladies Aid of St. Peter's Church for many years and was a devoted and faithful work- er in church activities. For twenty years she was G.P.R. telegraph operator in Medea and for last. twenty year's- befarer•`retiring she was engaged with the Gillespie! • POULTRY CULLING TIME Poultry flocks that have been pro - diming all winter will no doubt have some boarders not paying their way with increasing prices of grain. Sat- isfaction given by an experienced poultryman. Quick service given at our egg- grading plant by experienced eandlers N. W. TREWARTHA Store Phone 214 House Phone 328 BIRTHS MERNElt—an Clinton, Hospital, on Tuesday, June 18th, to Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Merner, a son. MARRIAGES GRIFFITHS-TURNER—At Wesley Willis Manse on Saturday June 22, Mary R. Turner, Clinton, and Nor -1 man W. Griffiths, Londesboro, were :invited in marriage by Rev. Andrew Lane. NOTT-FERGUSON—At First Pres- byterian Church, Seaforth, on Sat- urday, June 22nd, Edith Victoria Ferguson and Thomas EIgin Nott, both of Hallett, were united in marriage by Rev. Hugh Jack. DEATHS STEEP --In Clinton, on Sunday, June 23rd, David Steep, beloved husband of Susan Ginn. ALLEN — In Toronto, on Friday, June 21st, Rev. S. J. Allen, former- ly of Clinton, aged 88 years. WASMAN In Toronto, on Sunday, June 23rd, John F. Wasman, in his Slst year. Mining Co. and was a very compet- ent secretary. Her cheerful personality will be greatly missed by her friends who turned out in large numbers at her burial, Left to mourn her loss are several nephews and nieces including the. Mair family with whom she has re- sided for the past eight years. Among those who attended the funeral were Mrs, Bishop of Nor- anda, The IVIaeDonald family of Kin- tore and Mrs, Robt. Fairservice and Anne of Clinton. BREN GUN AND SPARE PARTS COST $572 The estimated cost of a Been gun and its spare parts is $572, tice gun costing $372 and the spare parts $204. The estimated amount which will be paid for Bren guns already on order in Canada is $3,725,826, of which $1,882,9,97 have already been paid by the government. GODERICE TOWNSHIP Mr. and Mrs. Howard Snell and Mrs, Anderson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Welsh, Bayfield Line. Mrs, B. 3. Rathwell who has been visiting her brother in Stratford and Mr, Arnold Rathwell who is recover- ing nicely after his recent operation, returned home on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. John Ostrom of Stan- ley were guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. B. Rathwell. Mr. and Mrs,• 'Gordon. Livermore and Miss Dorisgene Croden, Mr. Charles Ferguson and Miss Florence Lovett of London, and 1,VIis, Vea'a Croden of Detroit, spent Sunday with, Mr, and Mrs. D. L. Stephenson, Miss June Stephenson is visiting with friends in London. Miss Phyllis Menning of Landes - bore has returned home after visit- ing with her friend, Miss Phyllis Middleton: Private Alan Lightfoot, in training at Camp Borden, spent last weekend an leave at his hone. On this oc- casion the South End Red Cross Unit presented Pte. Lightfoot with a fine pen and pencil set, and a supply of home -knit socks as an expression of their esteem and good wishes for his Welfare. LONDESEORO There will be no Institute meeting 1 here this month. The 'ladies are •invited to meet with the Blyth branch on Friday, July 5th where all will be welcome. Mrs. Wm, Lyon is visiting friends this week in Toronto. Mr.. and Mrs. J. W. Tamblyn of Forest Hill, spent the weekend with his mother and brother Frank and family. He was returning front Kan- sas City where he was lecturing on the Optimist Club. The -strawberry festival of the Sim - day School of the United Church will be held at Community Hall on July 3rd, A play from Beigrave will be presented. The Hallett Township Council will inset an• Thursday, July 4th. next' month as Monday is a Public' Holiday; PAGE 5 BOXY THEATRE CLINTON NOW: "BEWARE, SPOOKS" and "WESTERN CARAVANS" MON., TUES., WED., "THE BLUE BIRD" — Iu Technicolor Shirley Temple —Johnny Russell Eddie; Collins — Gale Sondergaard and Spring Byirgton LAUREL and HARDY__ THURS., FRI., SAT._ "BROTHER ORCHID He laughed, loved and searched his way acres the world, only to find what he wanted was nearby. EDWARD G. ROBINSON Ann Sothern—Humphrey Bogart and Donald Crisp Added Attraction— "THE SINGING DTJDE" 'Coming: "BLONDIE TAKES -A. VACATION" & "Hidden Power" Matinees: Sat, & Holidays 3 p.m. CAPITAL, THEATRE REGENT THEATRE GODERICH SEAFORTH NOW: Gene Autry in NOW: The Gleason Family in SOUTH OF THE BORDER" "COVERED TRAILER" MON., TUES., WED. Jean Arthur — Melvyn Dougias & Fred MacMurray "Too Many Husbands" LAUREL and HARDY two eld favorites in a riot of fun "A Chump at Oxford" THURS., FRI., SAT. Jane WITHERS -- Gene AUTRY' and . Mari. Weaver in a tootle' tootin' roundup of rhythm, romance and ructions "SHOOTING HIGH" Coming: "REBECCA" by Daphne Du Maurier Mat: Wed, Sat., Holidays, 3 p.m. MAN, TUES., WED. Melvyn Douglas & Joan Blondelll an amazing sleuth runs into an astonishingly hilarious mystery "T}JE AMAZING MR. WILLIAMS" THURS., FRI., SAT. Jame WITHERS & ' Gene ATJ'TIaY Joyous Jane and Galloping. Gene make the' wild west still wilder "SHOOTING HIGH" Coming: "IRENE", starring Anna Neagle Mat: Sat. & Holidays at 3 p.m. Cakes With a Taste Our cakes don't all taste alike.' They are individually 'flavored so that when you ask for a special, flavor you get it. Have you tried our Chocolate Layer Cake? ' Chuck full of goodness and with just the right amount of flavor to make you want more. Of course we have other varieties all equally tasty and good. WE SPECIALIZE IN Wedding Cakes See our window this weekend for tasty baking. k c BARTL1FF'S PHONE 1 CLINTON Strawberry Festival to be held in The Salvation Army Hall Tuesday, July 2nd by the Red Shield Women's 'Auxiliary PROCEEDS FOR WAR W ORIii ADMISSIOuN: 25c; Children 15e Supper from 5.30 to 7.30 Bring Goods for Refugee Shower! PORTER'S HILL On. Tuesday evening the Red Cross workers met in the basement of Grace Church. Twenty were present, The next meeting will be Monday evening., July 15 at 8 o'clock, when bandages will be made rind pads. These meetings will be the third Monday of each mnontlt. All interested please attend. On Thursday evening at Bayfield the induction of our pastor, Rev. Harold Curry, will take place when all will have an opportunity of get- ting acquainted. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Lockhart and son Jimmy of Royal Oak, ac- companied by Mr, and Mrs. 3, S. Lockhart, spent a few days at Dun- dalk and attended the Hand -Johnston wedding at Sherburn, Mr. Allen Betties lost a fine mare and colt last week. On Sunday, June 30th a vote will be taken to see if it is advisable to change the church service from three o'clock in the afternoon to 9.30 a,m. All who attend service are asked to be present to vote. Miss Hazel Wilson from near Wingham has been engaged to teach at S. S. No. 5. HOLMESVILLE The W. A. of the Holmesville Unit- ed Church, presented their play, "Iris Women Folks," at a garden party at Chiselhut•st Friday evening. This play which had previously been given at a number of places in the district, has proven very popular with the audiences before which it has been presented. Donald Palmer, Donald Jervis and Ruth Lawson, all pupils of S. S. No. 2 have passed their entrance on their year's work. Much credit is due these pupils and Donald Jervis deserves special mention as he has not been able to attend school for some years and it was necessary fpr him to study at home with the aid of correspondence courses and the help of Mrs. Lorne Jervis. TUCKERS -MITE Pupils Are Hosts To Parents An: interesting gathering of the parents and pupilswas held in S.S. No. 3, Tuckersmith, on Thursday af- ternoon at which Do. E. A. McMaster and Mr. E. C. Boswell of Seaforth were the guest speakers, The former gave an education health talk and. the latter spoke on war saving stamps and how the children could help win the war by saving their pennies,A short program which waw much enjoyed, consisted of choruses by the school, a balloon race, a rel- ined skit, song, "Great Grandad" by Edna Papple and Marion: Wilson;. re-, 'citation, Miss Eva Stackhouse anda demonstration in first aid. Betty AI - TREAT YOUR FAMILY TO AN Y Ice Cream Brick Also BARS, CUPS and SANDWICHES NEW Coca Cola Cartons 6 btls. for 25c NUT BREAD — CAKES MUFFINS — BUNS — ALWAYS FRESH -- VVendorf's len read an address and Genevieve Smith presented the teacher, Miss E. McMaster with a beautiful glass wat- er set. DISASTER CARS "Disaster" cars in the United States deal with accidents, electrical breakdowns, certain kinds of mining disasters, fires, floods, storms and many other contingencies. An American disaster car has a, distinctive shape, is about the size el a cross-country motor 'bus and is painted white. It carries more than a thousand pieces of apparatus used in life-saving and rescue work, and is also equipped with radio, transmit- ting apparatus, flood lights, battery lights and flares, lifting devices, cutting tools, gas masks. Strawberry Festival auspices Londesboro United Church Sunday School Wednesday, July 3rd LONDESB,ORO COMMUNITY HALL Supper served from 5.80 to 8 followed by a play: "HOME AGAIN, BACK AGAIN" by Belgrave Young People ADULTS 25c, CHILDREN 15c 93-2 SPECIAL ATTRACTION!. Stratford Boys Band 50 PIECES JOWETT'S GROVE BAYFIELD SUNDAY. JUNE 30th at 8.30 p.m. Admission to park free after 7.30 HOLIDAY DANCES 'AT THE RENDEZVOUS ---- with — Jack Evans Orchestra SAT. SUN. MON. June 29 Midnight July 1 ADMISSION 35e 94-1 Sirawbcrries CHOICE STRAWBERRIES COME AND GET YOUR SUPPLY C. El FRUIT FARM CLINTON 93-2 STRAWBERRIES Suitable for canning or table use, Will be able to handle large orders at lowest market price. Number of pickers wanted. Phone 905r22, Win. W. Wise, R.R. 3 Clinton. 93-3p. Farm For Sale Small farm of 30 acres, good build- ings, one mile north of Clinton. Mod- ern conveniences. Apply to Newa- Record. 94-2 Lost Leather Windbreaker, between C, Hoare's and town, between 6 and '7 o'clock on Tuesday evening. Finder please leave at News -Record office. .Reward. 94-1 For Sale 9 Yorkshire pigs, .6 weeks old. Apply to James Landsborough, Sea- aorth or phone 665r16 Seaforth Cent- ral. 94-1p BURGESS' STUDIO CLINTON Photographs of Distinction by IRENE WURGESS Phone 115. Developing; and Printing (Open Every Day) NOTE CHANGE IN TIME IN BUS TIME TABLE Effective June 29th STRATFORD-GODBRICH LINE SUMMER TIME TABLE Leave Clinton for Stratford— Daily 8.10 A.M. and 4.50 P.M. Leave Clinton for Goderich— Darily except Sundays & Holidays; 1.35 P.M. and 8.00 P.M. Sundays & Holidays: 1.35 P.M. & 9.40 P.M. Connection at Stratford for Toronto, Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit, Tavistock and Woodstock. BARTLIFF'S, Local Agents, Phone 1 MONUMENTS! To those contemplating build- ing a Monument Get my prices before buying. Cemetery Lettering a specialty. All work guaranteed. JOHN GRANT CLINTON MARBLE & GRANITE WORKS Clinton — Ontario Successor to Ball & Zapfe 59 tf BABY CHICKS Single Comb Leghorns, Barred Rocks and New Hampshire Reds. CUSTOM HATCHING E. L. MITTELL PHONE 213 ANTE FORTY DERRY PICKERS AND i'EA PICKERS 001y reliable workers need apply F. W. Andrews, Clinton PHONE 33 93tf Rope Work Am twisting rope of all weights from selected twine, for hay -fork, blocks, also slings made up. Order now and give me a chance to make you the best rope at a worth -while saving before haying starts, Expert on all splicing, Harold Armstrong, 161:658 Seaforth. 92-3 NOTICE Big Six Electric Fence; radios, Apex Washer, Kelvinator and Norge Refrigerators. Gilson washing ma- chine, "Snowbird", cheap, 3 months " old, demonstrator, $55. Radio tubes and batteries for sale by A. W. Groves, Princess street. 90tf Farm for Sale 145 ecres, pt, lots 13 and. 14, con, 7, Stanley township, 11/ miles south of Varna, good farm buildings; land in a high state of cultivation; together with crop and hay. An excellent dairy farm, running water. Apply to Frani, Weekes, Varna 91-4 For Sale or Rent Two-storey frame cottage, situat- ed at the corner of Dunlop. and Isaac streets. Apply Mrs, McKinley. Clin- ton. 89tf For Rent Newly -built cabin trailer, by week or by day. Transportation provided to any camp- site in this yieinity. Make your reservations now. Nor- man Lever, Jr, 93.2 Wanted to Buy Old horses and dead cattle. Must be suitable for mints feed, removed promptly. Fred Gilbert, Phone 608r2a Clinton central. 34-11 Wanted Old horses and cattle for mink feed. If dead phone at once. Will pay ac- cording to value. Elmer Trick, phone 90'7r5, of Lloyd Batkiu 619r14. 85tf a -o -M L./leaning aad Pressing Suits, Coats and Dresses , DRY CLEANING AND 'REP.4IRINfil W..1. JAGO, TAILOR if not open work 1y be loft e►9,, Huard' Barber Sharp. -