HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1940-06-13, Page 5°r'HURS., JUNE 13, 1940 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD NEWS OF AUBURN Dr. B. C. Weir is in Toronto this eveelc attending a medical health of- -:fioers' convention. Mrs. M. E. Moore, of • .Guelph '.is 'visiting her cousins, Miss Susie ,Blair fox a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mcllwain and Amelia spent Sunday Visiting Dr.. and Mrs. John Jackson, of .Embro. Miss Amelia elcIlwain reamined for a visit, Mr. • Jim Houston is in training, at present at Carling Heights. Mrs. F. Ross attended the nurses' graduation' in Goderich on •Friday. Mr..and Mrs. W. H. Sheppard and family visited on Sunday with Mrs. Sheppard's sister, Mrs. Ralph .Knox , and Mr. Knox of Sarnia. On their. return they were accompanied by Mrs. Knox and Sally, who will visit at the, Sheppard home. • Mr. Stewart Ferguson left on Sun- day for Tottenham, near Orangeville, where he has obtained a position in the Royal Bank there. Mr and• Mrs. Mait. Allen and Mrs, A. Robb spent Saturday at London. Born — In Goderich General Hos- pital on Saturday, June 8th to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Love (nee Helen Ferguson) of Goderich, a• daughter.. Mies Bernice Lawson has been re- hired as teacher at Straughan's school • Miss Violet Sharpe has been -re- engaged as teacher at Auburn' Con- tinuation School. • Visitors with Mr. David. Lockhart on Sunday were MTs. Catherine Mar- Celle, Albert and Billie, of Stratford and, Miss Jean Binnington of • St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. •Stoltz spent the weekend visiting. relatives •at - Ayr. Norman Riordan is relieving at the C.P.R. station here. His father isrelieving at Danville. Miss Jean Houston attended the :nurses' graduation. at Kitchener on .Saturday. Sunday was children's day in Knox - United Church. A. children's choir led the service of praise. The following babies, were .baptised: Mary Evelyn .Andrew, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Andrew; William Amos Stan - bury, son of Mr. and. Mrs. Harold Stanbury; Thomas John Cunning- ham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cun- ningham; Allan Douglas Webster, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Webster; Ruth Lorene Million, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Million; Gordon LeonardGross, ;son of Mr, anal 'Mrs, Wmt ,Gross; David Edward McClin- chey, on of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon` McClinchee; Mary Evelyn Hallam., daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Arthtm Hallam. : The monthly meeting of the Wom- en's Institute will be held in the Foresters. Hall on Tuesday, June 1$ at 2.30 p.in. Mrs. Thomas Haggitt gave her home for the Ladies Guild of St. Mark's Anglican Cimrch. Mrs. 'Ger. don Taylor was in charge. Prayers for Peace and Palish were led by Mrs. Weekes. The seripture was read by Mrs, Alvin. Leatherland. The sec- retary and , treasurer gave their re- ports. It , was decided to purchase hymn' books: for the chert. , It was also decided to have a sale of home- made baking' on June 22 with Mrs. S. H. Johnston, Mrs. 31. Phillips and Mrs. Geo. Hamilton in charge. Read- ings ' were, given by Mrs. Thos. Hag- gitt and Kathleen Patterson. A trio was sung by Mrs, Chas. Howson, Mrs, R..J Phillips and Mrs. `Alfred :Nesbit. Mrs. James Woods gave the topic on "Flowers."' The roil nail +was answered by a verse of scrip- ture, Mrs. S. H. Johnston invited the ladies to her place for the July meeting. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Mogridge and Mr. and Mrs. Gormley. Thompson and son Bobby, were recent visitors at London. Mr. Thompson left from there to go to his work at Windsor. The Ladies .Aid of the Baptist Church met -at the home of Mr.s Glen Raithby, with the president, Mrs.has. Howson in charge. The devotional period was taken by Mrs. John Raithby and Mrs. Ebner Rob- ertson. Readings were i:•iven by Mrs. John McKnight, Mrs. Irwin, Mrs. A. Walper, Mrs. James Jackson and Mrs. Earl Raithby. Mrs. Glen Raith- by sang a solo, and a trio, Mrs. Wni. Haggitt, Mrs. John McKnight and Mrs. Annie Walper'sang a 'number. The roll call was answered, with a verse of scripture with word "peace" in it. The 'topic on "Prayer" was given by Mrs. R. 3.'Phillips. The July meeting will be held in the church when a -quilt will be quilted. Mrs. A. E. Silver closed the meeting with prayer, after which a dainty lunch was served. ._ , Weddings WALPER-CHUTER A quiet but pretty wedding took place on June let, in London, in the Church of the Redeetner, wheel Rev. Canon W. A. Townshend united in the holy bonds of matrimony, Irene Frances, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwdn• Chute- of Varna, and Norman Ernest Walper, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund J. Walper of Dashwood. The bride looked charm- ing in a street -length dress of white .sheer crepe with snatching acces- sories and carried a bouquet of slriarcliffe roses and lily -of -the -val- ley. The bridesmaid was Miss Mary °Miter of Loudon who wore a dress of gaiety blue sheer crepe and blue hat with whiteaccessories and cor- sege of pink roses. TYNDALL—HOGGARTH A quiet wedding was solemnized on Saturday morning at ten o'clock at the Londesboro United Church parsonage ley Rev. A. E. Menzies, 'when Alma Gertrude, slaughter of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Hoggarth of Hui- lett, became the bride of Weldon Maynard Tyndall, son of Mrs, Fred Tyndall and the late Mr. - Tytldall. k charming The bride.looked in a street -length 'dress of dove rose sheer with hat to match and white acees- • sories, •and wore a corsage'af white carnations. She was attended by Miss Doris Tyndall, sister of the' groom, who wore a ,royal blue crepe dress with white accessories and a corsage of pink carnations. Ivan Hoggarth, coesin of the bride, was best man. Following the ceremony, dinner was served at the home of the bridle sister, .Mrs. Cannan. Mc- Pherson, of Cromarty, after which the newly-weds left on a motor trip to Niagara, Forest and other points. On their return they will reside on the groom's farm in Goderich town - .ship. • RUTHEl FORD—HOFFMAN A guard. of honor was formed by ..the C.G.I:1. of Yonge Street United Church, Toronto, for Elizabeth Edith (Bessie) Hoffman and Rev. Thomas Rutherford as they left Yonge Street Church, after their marriage Satur- day afternoon. Flight -Lieut. E., E. Marston, R.C.A.F., performed the ceremony. Mrs. A. J. Brace was at 'the organ and during the signing of the register MTS. William McCaig sang, "Oh, Heart of Love," the music composed by Mrs. Brace. The church was decoratedwith white and purple lilacs.' The bride is the daughter of Rev. A. C. Hoffman, of Lueheo, West China, and the groom the son of Rev, W. G. Rutherford, of Leicester, Eng-, girls: • The senior attendants were gowned in sky blue marquisette over taffeta with bands of flowers in their hair to match their bouquets of roses and sweet peas. The flower girls were frociced• in pink point d'esprit trimmed with blue streamers and rosebuds. They carried nosegays, Mr. Homer Dean was the best .man, and the ushers were Mr. Frank Hoffman and Rev. Donald Goodger. The reception was held at .the School o f Missions o n St. George street. The bride's sister in a dark blue faconne gown with white picture hat and corsage of sweet peas, re- ceived ivith the bridal party; The couple left for Ottawa and points east and will live in Bissett, Manitoba. The bride travelled in a black ensemble with large white hat and white accessories. The bride is a graduate in dental nursing from the University of Toronto, and the groom is a graduate of Victoria Col- lege and Etnmannel College. ANDERSON—RUMBALL A. pretty wedding was solemnized on Saturday- afternoon at two o'clock • at the home of Mr. treed Mrs. A. E. Rumtiall • when their o n 1 en her • y u gest daughter, Helen Elizabeth, became the brileof John Arthur Anderson,. •son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur;. Ander- son of Kippen. In the living roost before a bank of bridal wreath and lilacs the cere- mony was performed by Rev. G. G. Button. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a :floor -length gown of sheer marquisette over white taffeta with fingertip veil of white French net caught at the back with white gardenias. She carried a bouquet of Premier Supreme roses. Mrs. S. G. Ronnie of Hensall was her sister's bridesmaid, wearing a turquoise blue georgette gown with pink flowered turban and carrying pink carnations. Mr. Edison McLean of Ilippen was groomsman. Mr. S. G. Rannie played the wedding music and during the signing of the reg- ister sang softly, "At Dawning." - A reception followed the ceremony for which Mrs. Rumball chose a royal blue sheer gown. Mrs. Anderson, the groom's mother, was gowned in navy sheer. The bride's table, attractively decorated with pink roses, was cen- tred with the wedding cake. For an extended trip in Northern Ontario the .bride travelled in Queen's blue frock, navy coat and accessories. On their return they will vesicle on the groom's farm west of Kippen. BRUCE—STEWART ?. land. I The marriage od Miss Kathleen Mr. F. A. Magee gave his niece in Matilda Stewart, daughter of Mr. :marriage. She wore a white marquis- and Mrs. Harry Stewart of Seaforth; • ette gown over taffeta made . bouf- to Dr. William Graham Bruce, son font style, a three-quarter length veil of .Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Bruce of • and carried white and purple lilacs.' Kincardine, took place Wednesday in Her• 'attendants' were her sister, Miss First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth. ' 'Ida fioffman, and Miss 'Margaret ',Lilacs 'arid tulips formed the bath- - Grieve, bridesmaids, .and •cDorotheee'gronrtd'for the ceremony;iahieh was Hoffman and Barbara C'ook,flowed cond'ucted'by 'Rev. Hugh Jack, Mrsc LONDESBORO Mr. and Mrs. ,Fred Shobbrook quietly cerebrated the 30th anniver- sary of their wedding on Sunday, June 9th. - . ' Dr, A. Vokes with Mrs. Vokes and son visited with Mr, and Mrs. W. Lyon on Sunday. • - Mr. and Mrs; F. Campbell of West- field visited Mrs. J. Tahblyn and Mr. 'and Mrs. 3, E1'sley on Sunday. Mrs, 0. Watson and daughters, Elda and Fern, and Mrs. E. Lyon visited with. Mrs. John Sinclair, Kip - pen, on Sunday. Arrangements are being made for the annual 'strawberry social of the United Church Sunday School. The Londesboro Red Gross held their •monthly meeting in conjunction with the Institute onectiag at • the home of the president, Mrs. R. Fair- service, on Thursday, ,'June 6. Meet- ing opened by singing "c0' Canada". The' president' read it daily prayer. Mrs. Fairservice showed the ladies our Charter, just received from Tor- onto. It was decided to have charter framed and placed in Community Hall. The president thanked Miss Britton for the donation. of $10.00 to the Society. This money was raised by having •Musical Festivals. Miss B. Arnott, teacher of S.S. No. 10, Hullett, had her pupils make a quilt which, was sold; proceeds of which were $14.85, and this was'- donated to the Red Cross. Mrs. C. Crawford, treasurer:, resigned because of ill health. Mrs. F. Hall is now treasurer. Samples AA' wool and made-up art- icles sent by the Red Cross were examined by the ladies. Thank -you letters to be sent to Burns and Con- stance Ladies foe securing blankets to be sent to Red Gross, Hospital and also to Miss Britton for her do- • nation and Miss Aenott.' 46 blankets were collected from Londesboro and vicinity and sent to - Red Gross hos- pital, alsq 1 quilt for refugees, 2 knee caps, 1 sailor scarf and 20 pair sox. The next meeting to be on Monday night, June 17th at 8 p.m. Mrs. Menzies sang a pleasing solo and meeting was adjourned. The Institute meeting followed im- mediately was opened by singing opening ode and Lord's Payer in unison. Bills were ordered to be paid, and Mr. Hall to cut grass on Hall grounds forr the season. At conclusion of business, this being Grandmoth- ers Day, they provided the program. Program commenced by all singing "The more we get together". This was followed by a chorus by 14 grandmothers, "Long, long ago"; reading, "In the good old days" by Mrs. W. Iiesk; chorus "Dreaming of Homo" Mrs. Menzies and Mrs, G. McVittie contributed a ,guitar duet. Sextette, "Whip Poor Will" by Mrs. W. Lyon, Mrs. R. Caldwell, Mrs. W. Brunsdon, Mrs. M. Manning, Mrs. G. Moon, Mrs. M. Ross. "Sunbonnet Parade" by the Grandmothers which was quite amusing; kicking the slip- per contest by all grandmothers, also contest of kicking the slipper open to all others. Owing to the lack of time, part of the program was not given. A bountiful lunch was served on the spacious •lawn of the Intel - dent. Mrs. W. Lyon gave a hearty vote of thanks to Mrs. Fairservice for her hospitality in entertaining us at her ]torte. 110 were present and enjoyed a very pleasant afternoon together, the day being ideal for such an occasion. Londesboro and vicinity was visit- ed by a cloud burst of rain accomp- anied by heavy 'thunder and light- ning. In a very short .time the road- ways were like rivers and field like lakes. Those who had gathered for the decoration service to be held at the Union cemetery, Blyth, exper- ienced much difficulty on their way home. Rain almost like hail fell so thick that it made vision very poor. n general. No The downpour was of ere Tne d p g rain fell 1/2 miles south, of the vil- lage and none 2 miles west of the vil- lage, but north and east wasvery heavy. In some place's water was 2 feet deep over roadways. M. R. Rennie was at the organ, and a duet was sung by Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart, brother and sister-in-law of the bride. Mr. Stewart gave°his daughter in marriage, and she wore a graceful gown of white suede ap- pliqued Chantilly lace and net over heavy white slipper satin, made in bouffant style with new long torso. She carried white roses and lily of the valley. Miss Mary Stewart, sis- ter of the bride, was maid of honor, wearing a bouffant gown of Mar- ina lilac lace and chiffon; Mise Margaret Wilson of Bay City, Mich., was -bridesmaid, in s•undleek yellow lace and chiffon. They carried bou- quets of harmonizing flowers. Mr. Ralph Henry of Windsor was the groomsman, and the ushers were Mr. Gerald Stewart, Toronto, and Mr. Donald Bruce, Kincardine, A re- ceptionfollowed at the home of the bride's parents, where Mrs. Stewart received to a long gown of hyacinth blue chiffon, large hat of variegated/ tones of wine and .blue, and corsage of-Chiefton roses. Mrs. Bruce was gowned in Geot'gia rose chiffon, with navy hat and corsage of roses. On their return from a motor trip, De. Bruce and his bride will live in Kist;- caicline. For travelling the bride wore a heaven blue crepe frock, matching :redingote and ' large felt hat, and white accessories. For. Sale Two wagons; coal box; hay 'rack;; scraper and other' articles; Apply A D. McCartney' o* phone 256: 92-1 jilt 10 "'t'. ,6'S. •..i,m. n ow CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion. C V. C ®coke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66j POULTRY CULLING TIME Poultry flocks that have been pro- ducing all winter will no doubt have 'some boarders not paying their way with increasing.peices of grain. Sat- isfaction given , by an experienced poultryman.. Quick service given at our egg- grading plant by experienced candlers N. W. TREWARTHA Store Phone 214 House Phone 328 BIRTHS CORRAN — In Clinton Hospital, en Saturday,. June lst, •to Mr. and Mrs. Cowan of Holmesville, a son —Victor William Robert, CARTWRIGHT — In Clinton Hos- pital, on Thursday, June 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cartwright, a son. I3L01WES—In Clinton Hospital, on Tuesday, June 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. Claude Blowes, Hensall, a daughter. SHEARER --In Clinton Hospital, on Tuesday, June 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. 3. 0. Shearer, a son. DEATHS CASTLE — In Clinton, on Friday, June 7th, Herbert Castle, in his 66th year. COX - In Goderich; on Saturday, June 8th, Herbert Q. Cox, of God- erich township, in his 64th year. GALE In Bayfield, ,an .Tuesday, June 11th, Rev, R. M. Gale, in his 75th year. McLEOD—In Bayfield, on Monday, June 10th, William John McLeod, in his 59th year. • • FOSTER—In Stanley township, on Tuesday, June 11th, Miss Annie E. .Foster, in her 80th year. RINTOUL—In Seaforth hospital, on. Wednesday, June 12th, John Rin- tou1, aged 58 years, IN' MEMORIAM MAIR — In ever loving memory of our dear mother, Mrs. T. K. Male, who passed away- two years ago, June 12, 1938. Though lost to sight, In memory ever dear. —Ever remembered by her family. Many At Seaforth Sunday For Concert Many from town were et Seaferth Sunday evening to attend the band concert given by the London I Sal- vation Army Band. The group held special services there during the weekend, closing with a fine program in the park on Sunday evening. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Herbert Castle and family wish to express their sincere apprec- iation to the many friends and neigh- bours for the kind acts and messages of sympathy in their record bereave- ment. Thanks are also extended those who sant flowers, loaned cars or -as- sisted in any way, and to the doctors and nurses for their kindness during the illness. of Mr, Castle. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. H. 0. Cox and family desire to express their appreciation for the many kindnessesshown them in their recent sad bereavement and for the beautiful floral tributes. Special thanks'to Rev. E. L. Anderson and Rev. Harold Curry of Lambeth who conducted the services, to the mem- bers of the Masonic Order, and to those who loaned cars. Papers Wanted We have a request for copies of the News -Record of May 30th. T.M.- :fortunately the extra copies printed that week were all sold'. If readers have copies of this issue for which they have no further use, we would appreciate receiving them as soon as passible. For Sale Tudhopte Electric Rangette, excel- lent condition. Bert Fitzsimons, Huron St., Clinton., 92-19 Roosts Wanted Lady wishes to rent either ohe or two rooms, furnished preferred. Give full particulars in letter to Box 89, Clifton. 92-2 Rolle Work Am :twisting rope of all Weights Atm. selected twine, for hay -fork, blocks, also slings made up. Ceder now and give me a chance to make you the best rope at a worth -while saving before haying starts. expert on all splicing. Harold Armserong, 16r658 Seaforth. 92-3 For Sale Second - hand Maxwell electric washing machine. Will sell reason- able for cash. Apply News -Record. 92-1 Strawberry Pickers Will have steady employment for a number ofexperienced berry pick - ens. (jail or phone if y'ou•a're'intert ested. J. 3131• Cox, Phone 150. 92-1, PAGE 5 VeMet BOXY THEATRE CLINTON NOW: The Jones Family im "+QUICK MILLIONS" and "ROYAL RODEO" MON., TUES., WED. Merle OBERON—George BRENT and Pat O'BRIEN - An all star cast portray a great' drama, "Till We Meet Again" THURS., FRI., SAT. "VIVA 'CISCO KID" CESAIi ROME'RO plays the role of the "Cisco Kid", that reckless, dashing border bandit. Jean Rogers = Christ -Jin Martin and Miner' Watson Coming: Leslie Howard and Ingrid Bergman in "INTERMEZZO CAPITAL THEATRE G,ODERICH NOW: "VIVA CISCO KID" with Cesar Romero MON., TUES., WED. DEANNA DURBIN--Iay Francis Eugene Pallette -' Walter Pidgeon A delightful, delirious romantic mixup staged in sunny Hawaii "IT'S A DATE" THURS.,' FRI., SAT. Pat O BRIEN=-Edward'ARNOLD Reith TERRY - Alan.DINEHART Ditty work at the city hall results in an amusing comedy murder • mystery ",Slightly Honourable" Coning: Tyrone Power in "DAYTIME WIFE" Matinees: Sat. & Holidays 3 p.nt. Mat: Wed., Sat„ holidays, 3 p.m. REGENT THEATRE SEAFORPT4 NOW: Pat O'Brien in "SLIGHTLY HONORABLE" MON„ TUES., WED. LESLIE HOWARD-EDNA BEST Ingrid Bergman & Johns Halliday an unusually artistic effort well staged and delicately treated "INTERMEZZO" THURS., • FRI., SAT. GENE AUTRY—Smiley, Burnette and Mary Lee Mix some range melodies into a thrilling Mexican. revolution • 'ls:t e "South otthe Border" Coning: "REBECCA' by Daphne Du Manrier Mat: Sat. & Hdlidays at 3 p.m. SUNDAY, JUNE 16th Father's Day DEAR OLP DAD DESERVES TO BE REMEMBERED. Give him a present and we suggest a box of Cigars, Cigarettes, or Tobacco. If he has a sweet tooth we have some toothsome dainties., Boxed .and loose Chocolates, Ccr•eams, Hard Candies, Toffees, etc. GINGER ALE by the . case and COCO-COLA in half-dozen cartons Or you might prefer to give ICE CREAM. —Let us help you to please Dad.— * C BAR Y LIFF'S PHONE 1 CLINTON BAYFIELD DANCES At The Rendezvous Thursday, June 13th NEW & OLD TYNE with Music by CLAYTON STEEPER & leis Band. MODERN DANCING every WEDNESDAY evening to .TACK EVANS Modern Band. Cliff Watson, Mgr. 92 tf WHY USE A LAWN MOWER THAT PULLS THE GRASS AND MAKES HARD WORK WHEN YOU CAN HAVE IT CONDITIONED AS GOOD AS NEW ON TIIE MOST. MODERN UP-TO-DATE M.ICHINE ON THE MARKET FOR A VERY REASONABLE CHARGE. Used Lawn Mowers for sale Work Done as Premised — • — Satisfaction Guaranteed T. M. Falconer In Rear of d. Wigginton's Shine i seal rs '39 Chev. Master Sedan '38 Chev. Master Coach '38 Dodge DeLuxe Coach '37 Chev. DeLuxe Sedan '35 Ford Coach '35 Dodge Coupe '34 Olds. Coach "33 Dodge Coach '31 Chev. Coupe '31 Essex Sedan '29 Ford Touring '29 Ford Coach '28 Durant Sedan '28 Chev. Sedan • Reg'Shipley Tenders Wanted Tenders will be received by the undersigned until June 21, 1940 for Painting eeeterior of Union • School No. 10 Hallett. Contractors: will specify (1) price for furnishing paint and label.; (2) price for labor only, Board to supply paint. BAKING SPECIALS Try One of Our Special Chocolate Cakes Jelly Rolls — Muffins Nut Rolls or Buns DEPEND ON FRESHNESS AT ALL TIMES WHEN ORDERING OUR BREAD. ICE CREAM BRICKS Delivered at any time. Wendorf's TAX NtTCE For the convenience of the public the Tax Collector will be in the Board Rcoin of the Town Hall from Mcnday, .Tune 10th to Saturday, Tune 29th. Hours: 9 a.nr. to 5 P.m - 91 -2 S! PERMANENTS are a Necessity for Summer Smartness. WHY NOT HAVE YOURS NOW? All Work Satisfactorily. Guaranteed. Newest & most comfortable methods. Prices; $1.95, $2.50, $3.95, $5 i!'Iake your appcintittent now. WIIIGIIT D[ UTY SHOP PHONE 167 - - - BLYTH Presbyterian ANNUAL BAZAAR on Sat. Afternoon, June 15th IN CHURCH BASEMENT' Commencing at 2 o'clock. Convenors of Booths: Apron—Mrs. Cook, Mrs. Mutch, Mrs. J. Stirling, General Store Mrs. Robertson, Mrs. Ward, Miss Stirling, • Miss Mitchell. Home -Made Baking—Mrs. Neilans, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs, McIlveen, Mrs. Robinson. Afternoons Tea Mrs. McDonald, Mrs. Streets, Mrs, McTaggart. Menu: Chicken Salad 100 White e or Brown Bread and Butter 5c Cake be Cup Tea be EVERYBODY WELCOME 01-2 NOTICE Big Six Electric Fence; radios, Apex Washer, Westinghouse and Norge .Refrigerators. Radio tubes and batteries for sale by A. W. Groves, Princess street. 90tf Pasture to Rent I am prepared to take in number WILLIAM GOVIER, Sec.-Treas.. of cattle for pasture for the season R.R. 1 Londesboro, Ont. Lots of water in spring ereek, plenty 921 of shade. Apply to Ellen 3. Cox, . Farm for Sale 145 acres, pt. lots 13 :and 14, con. 7, Stanley township, 11/2 miles south of Varna, good farm buildings; land in a high state of cultivation, together with crop and hay. An excellent dairy farm, running water. Apply to Frank Weeks, Varna. 91-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Isaac Rathwell, late of the Township of Goderich, in the County of Huron, Yeoman, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the 'seine- with the undersigned Solicitor for the Admin- istrators, William Edward Foster and Mabel Rathwell; on or before the 22nd day of June, A.D., 1940, after which date the assets will be distrib- uted amongst the parties. entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims "of which notice 'shall have been given.. ' DATED at Clinton, this 4th day of June, A.D.; .1940. F. FINGLAND,` K.C„ Clinton, Ont., Solicitor, for the Administrators, William Edward Foster and Mabel Rathwell. 91-3 Clinton. 88-4 For Rent Two rooms for light housekeeping for rent, conveniently located. Also ice box in good condition for sale. Apply News -Record. 90-3 Wanted Wanted to purchase, White Leg- horn Pullets, 4, 5 and 6 weeks of! age. Kindly advise me the number I you have and the price you are ask- ing for same. Apply Sam Pattison, Fergus, Ontario. 91-3 TENDERS FOR CRUSHING GRAVEL Township of Goderich Tenders will be received by the undersigned until June 29 for crush- ing approximately 3000 yards of gravel one inch screen to be delivered where, the Road Superintendent dir- ects, work to be done not later than Oct, 1. A marked eheque for $100 to,accompany each tender, which will be. returned if tender not accepted. Contractor to clean own pits. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accept- 'ed. +R. -.G. THOMPSON, Clerk. R.R. 2 Clinton. 91-3 BURGESS' STUDIO CLINTON Photographs of Distinction by IRENE BURGESS Phone 115. Developing and Printing (Open Every Day) BUS TIME TABLE Effective April 28 SPRING & SUMMER TIME TABLE Leave Clinton for Stratford— Daily 8.10 A.M. & 5.10 P.M. Leave Clinton for Goderich— Daily except Suns. & Holidays, 1.20 P.M. & 8.00 P.M. Sundays & Holidays, 1.20 P.M. & 9.40 P.M. Connection at Stratford for Toronto, Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit, Tavistock and Woodstock. BARTLIFF'S, Local Agents, Phone 1 MONUMENTS! To those contemplating build- ing a Monument Get my prices before buying. Cemetery Lettering a specialty. All work guaranteed. JOHN GRANT CLLN TON MARBLE & GRANITE WORKS Clinton — Ontario Successor to Ball & Zapfe 59 tf BABY CHICKS Single Comb Leghorns, Barred Rocks and New Hampshire Reds. CUSTOM HATCHING E. L. MITTELL PHONE 213 NOTICE TO CLLEDITORS Ie the Estate of Rose Reynolds, late of the Township of Iiullett in the county of flurcn, Widow, Deceased. All persons having claims against tite Estate of the above deceased are required to file the sante with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on or before the 15th day of June, A.D., 1940, after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shell have been given. DATED at Clinton, this 28th day of May, A.D., 1010. F. FINGLAND R.C., Clinton, Ont", Solicitor for the said Estate. 90-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Benjamin Snell, late of the Township of Iiullett in the County of Huron, Yeeman, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the Execnt- ors, Mary Sophia Snell and Howard William Armstrong, on or before the 15th day of Juno, A.D„ 1940, after which datet the asset will distrib- uted b e s v ann st the parties tees entitled thereto, having t v n regard only to the g , claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton this 28th day of May, A.D., 1940. F. FINGLAND. 11.0., Clinton, Ont., Solicitor for the Executers; Mary Sophia Snell and Howard William Armstrong, 90-3 House For' Sale Seven room frame house, modern conveniences, small garden and fruit trees. Apply to Miss Edith Hunt, phone 203, Clinton. 49-4 For Sale er Rent Two-storey frame cottage, situat- ed at the corner of Dunlop and Isaac streets. Apply Mrs. McKinley. Clin- ton. 89t1 Mett and Women Wanted Excellent DIRECT SELLING OP- PORTUNITY — exclusive territory rights for live -wire ambitious mem and women, selling a line of guaran- teed quality products. Send for our Plan and catalogue TODAY. Familex Products Company, 570 St. Clement St. MONTRE'AL. 86-1 Wanted to Buy Old horses and dead cattle. Must be suitable for mink feed, removed promptly. Fred Gilbert, Phone 608r22 Clinton central 34 -tic, Wanted Old horses and cattle for mink feed. If dead phone at once. Will pay ac- cording to value. Ebner. Trick, phone 907r5, or Lloyd Batkin 619r14. 85tf e -o -w Cleaning and Pressing Suits, Coats and Dresses DRY CLEANING AND REPPAIRIIcIel e W. JAGO TAILOR if not open work may be lath , Heard'% Barber Shop„ �: