HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1940-05-09, Page 9PAGE 8 T:IIE CLINTON' NEWS? -RECORD CHUCK ROAST BEEF SIDE PORK in piece (SLICED SIDE PORK HOME-MADE (SAUSAGE. 17c1b, 18c ib. 20c ib. 15cib. HEAD CHEESE or POTTED MEAT 1Oc lb. ROASTING CHICKENS- VEAL _ SPRING LAMB — PORK & CHOICE BEEF for weekend. CONNELL. & TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 160. Albert Street DON'T FORGET WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR Paints, Enamels Varnishes COLEMAN GAS -STOVES -Cabinet or otherwise. ELECTRIC RANGETTES—HOT PLATES -GRILLS IRONS & TOASTERS GARDEN` TOOLS AND SUPPLIES: We carry FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR—the only one with the Meter Miser. SUTTER & PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS PHONE 147w. CLINTON, ONT. Xrl :.w«:» .4; .H,HS: ; d 94 T*4 ; ;H 4'+4 ; :"+ ;H.». ± Pc. + ; :H4. :H, .•, •; i 4 +i« SEE OUR STOCK OF = iY LAWN MOWERS They are beauties, and priced right. Your lawn deserves a good mower, GARDEN T0.OLS of all kinds. Buy now and save. Martin Senour Paints and Varnishes Use Them For Best Results. HARDWARE and ;:; PLUMBING Phone 244 , During the balance of May we want to clear out about 100 pair Men's and Women's Shoes in broken lines that sold up to $3.50. In the lot are Women's smart new shoes for Dress or Sport, Men's Work Boots and a few Men's Oxfords. Choice of this lot — $2.19 "SEE SOME OF THEM IN OUR WINDOW' MEN'S WORK BOOTS pp Many lines at pre-war prices You will be surprised at the values we are offering$2.50 C See our line of Fleet Foot Tennis Goods - There's nothing so suitable for summer, wear for the boys and girls and the price is low CURTAIN SPECIAL We have a few pair frilled curtains. Beautifully made and trimmed with valance and tit backs.. These were lines that sold for $1.00. While they last—Choice for 59c SPECIAL LINES EVERY WEEK. Plumsteel Bros. -- Agents for Tip -Top Tailors i _ .144,4 aifr44 HtH,',HZ444:4 ',.T+C ;,,vgn+I.4!*! ,!!44: f f' -f8+.4.44» aardiallp nvi1e You To a COOKING DEMONSTRATION by Mrs. Iley of the COLEMAN LAMP and STOVE CO. She will show all the uses and new devices in this modern Cooking Equipment on FRIDAY, MAY 10th at 3 p.m. It won't be long before the grass will be long enough to get the LAWN MOWERS going, start the season right with a new one, we have a grand stock to select from. FURNITURE DEPARTMENT You will likely have one of our folders mailed to you. f_'• We, would advise you to study them carefully, as these are printed with special arrangements with the factories •and specially selected «' furniture stores in the Province. 'So if any of these articles appeal to you, come in and _¢« see them, and of course we have many other lines that are not ;t on the folder, and you niay rest assured the prices' will be right. Mrs. Raymond Whitmore was the winner of the Congo'leum + rug given• away here last week. i "The Store With The Stock" .ALL & ZAPFE HARDWARE, FURNITURE Hardware - Furniture --' Funeral Directors =- _Ambulance Service. ',3. ▪ • N. -Ball; Phone ]10.• •PH•LONE 195•- ' J i.��F.apfe, Phone103. - y a 'i ,i. , M4Y 12th The day of homage to those who weal the Crown of Mother- hood. All days are mothers day but one day is set apart .for the homage of a nation. Young mothers and older mothers—this is theirday, the day of the salute, proclaimed by the Chairman of the nations on which to give ex- pression in the pulpit 'arid in the home, with wordy, with deeds, with symbols, to the sentiment of honour more 'widely 'recognized than any. other single sentiment of civilisation: ' Every part in the world is, writ- ten in the plan, unfenced by local limit for everywhere that loath- ers may be., She will expect to 'be remembered. Our Greeting Cards bear ,appropriate sentry ments in prose and -verse to per- fectly express'' the sentiinbnt 'bf the day, the taste.of .the recipient and the affection; of''the sender. Surely there arefew too busy for the exertion or too practical for the feeling of Mother's Day. Tile W1 11 Fair Ca Often the Cheapest—Always the Best tlINIg�I1 01IIIIIII nimnnmm�uwuIntM1111 �1 Mrs. F. A. Axon of Axon was visit- ing Clinton friends on Sunday. Mrs. Fair and Miss L. Brigham visit- ed S.eaforth friends on Sunday. Mr. Benson Sutter of Toronto was a guest last weekend at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Cantelon visited friends in Woodstock and Ingersoll over the weekend. Miss Harriett Jost of Bridgetown, Nova Scotia, is spending a few days with the Misses Courtioe of town.' Mr, and Mrs, David Dewar and little' son of Toronto spent the weekend with Mrs. Wheatley, Huron street. Mrs. Will Connell and family, Mrs. Fred Tyndall and fancily were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Herb- ison on Sunday. Instructor J. Somers of Camp Borden, was a weekend visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs, A, E. Parry, Lon- don Road. Pte. Charles Cook of the Calgary Highlanders is on leave and has been visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cook, Albert street. Mr. Thomas Rutherford, B.A., of Tor- onto is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Trewartha. Mr. Clifford Tyndall of Toronto also spent the weekend at their home. Miss Grace Cowherd, Mr. Donald ROSE BUSHES ON SALE Not just cheap roses, but the choicest Hybrid Tea Roses' that will bloom this summer at only 25c each Yellow Joanna—Yellow Better Times—Red Tali'sinan--Orinison & Gold Souvenir—Yellow Supreme—Deep Pink Token—Orange, The rose bushes are wonderful quality and Canadian grown. Get yours early. For sale at shop and greenhouses, SUNDAY, MAY 12th IS MOTHER'S DAY Remember Mother with a gift of flowers or wear flowers in her honor. If in memory of a Mother white flowers are worn onMoth- er's Day. Our Florists Telegraph Delivery service will, look, after any orders at a distance. Please'order; early. F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of • Florists Tel. Del As. Personal care given every order and special attention given to:. Funeral ' orders. ?hones 176 and 31 fITLSIMONS 4. °ATKIN'- , MEAT; MARKET Lb. BREAKFAST BACON 29e'; (in ;piece) WHYTE'S CHOICE BOLOGNA 18c PEAMEAL BACON 30e (in piece) SMOKED ROLLS ...... , . 28c SWEET PICKLED ROLLS 25c BEEF HEARTS 12c lb. BEEF & PORK LIVER 15c lb: BEEF TONGUES 15e ib. OX TAILS ... . 15c each SAUSAGE 15e POTTED MEATS 15c CHOICE CUT OF FRESH PORK .. 16 to 23c BOILS OF BEEF .. 12 to.15c RING BOLOGNA 18c Ib. BUTTER 27c lb. HAMBURG STEAK 2 lb. 350 SMOKED BACK BACON ..45c We handle Fresh Home -Grown ASPARAGUS, fresh every day. Choice Beef, Pork & Veal for the weekend. All our meat is home -killed. PHONE 76 Public School CONCERT Prepared by Six Rural Schools. Music Supervisor: Mrs. Bert Boyes TUESDAY, MAY 14th Clinton Collegiate Institute Auditorium ADULTS 25e Cowherd, Mr. and Mrs. W. Craw- ford Cowherd and children, Jack and Barbara of Brantford, were weekend visitors at their parents home, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cowherd of the Clinton Mission. Visitors last weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Churchill, Al- bert street, were Mr. and Mrs. Churchill and Miss Churchill, Tor- onto; Mr. and Mrs. George Lavelle and daughter, Harriston; Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson, of Constance. 401 Anniversary Sale AS A MARK OF APPRECIATION TO MY MANY LOYAL CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS I HAVE PLANNED AN AN- NIVERSARY SALE OF SPECIAL VALUES FOR THURS., FRI. AND SAT., MAY 9, 10, 11. SUNLIGHT SOAP, Peter Pan PEAS, 17 oz.,, 10 bars 49c No. 3 seive...2 tins 17c RASPBERRY JAM, QUAKER PUFFED 32 oz. jar 250 WHEAT ... 2' pkgs. PASTRY FLOUR 'Libby's Pork & Beans, 24's ., 57c Tse.., 21c 20 oz., 2 tins 17o COFFEE, ground while ., TEA, Our Own Blend, you wait lb. 35e Black lb. 55c HUSYIES 2 pkgs. 14e MUFFETS pkg. 10e ,CORN STARCH, BAKING SODA, Loose lb. 7c Loose lb. 50 CHOICE BLUE ROSE OATMEAL 6 lbs. 25c RICE 2 lbs. 150 BROOMS, Good Quality - each 25c BUTTER, First Grade BREAKFAST BACON, lb. 26c Sliced lb. 29q ROSE BAKING POWDER, 16 oz. tin, AND ONE BOTTLE VANILLA BOTH FOR 210 GINGER SNAPS, Chocolate MALLOWS, lb. 10c lb. 17c TO THE CUSTOMER BUYING THE LARGEST GROCERY ORDER DURING THIS SALE WE WILL GIVE AWAY ONE I3ASKET GROCERIES, VALUE $1.50. ; PHONE 111 CLINTON , • pf FREE %l t, S ia DELIVERY ;yr 1.q� THURS., MAY 9, 1940" MAY 9th to 13th ° At Your Red & White Store QUALITY FOODS AT LOWER PRICES CORN • Falcon Golden Bantam 2 tins 19c CARNATI,ON MILK 3 tins 25c C H OCOLATE DROPS Lb. 15C CROWN BRAND SYRUP 2 Ib tin 18c FLOUR Red & White Pastry 24 Ib. bag 59c SUGAR KRI'SPEDDY'S SWAN 14c Corn Flakes 3: pkgs.. 21c PKG. MATCHES 3'; boxes 19c Aylmer No 4 Choice Quality IOC SN O.WF'L'A'KE AMMONIA pkg. 5c BULL'S EYE ROBIN. 11 0 0 0 .. CARAMELS FLOUR lb. 18c 24 LB. ,BAG 79,c PORK 8' BEANS Clark's 3 Med. •Tins 25c. CLARK'S PEANUT l BUTTER lg. jar 25c GOLDEN SPRAY CHEESE 1/2 lb. pkg 17c Family Size PKG. 59c E,XT'RA.CT VANILLA' 2 ...bottles 15c OLD ENGLISH WAX tin 49c QUALITY FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES 3UICY RADISHES bunch 5c SEEDLESS ORANGES CELERY Hearts 2 for 23c GRAPEFRUIT doz. 25c ' CARROTS 2 bunches 15a gfol, 25c BEETS Fresh 2 bunches 15c LETTUCE Leaf ... 2 bunches 23c1 GREEN BEANS 2 lbs. 29c GREEN PEAS 2 lbs. 290 DUTCH SETS 2 lbs. 25c CHOICE PINEAPPLE each 29c SIVECOSOZITANNOP LARGE SWEET ORANGES doz. 39c AffiellikIZMINICIECZIEMEIMEMEEEMMUNX QUALITY FRUITS & GROCERIES P 1 W i E 4 - PROMPT DELIVERY 'CLI T N COWAN'S PERFECTION COCOA 1 Lb. Tins 27c 1/2 Lb. Tins 15c FOREST CITY BAKING POWDER 12 W. tins 19c CLARK'S VEGETABLE SOUP 2 tins 17c RAISINS with Seeds, large and fresh, 2 lbs. 21e RAISINS, White Bleached per lb. 12c P ARD DOG FOOD 2 tins 21c WALNUTS .4,., per lb. 39c WESTMINSTER TOILET TISSUE ..•,,....,... 4, large rolls 23c D UTCH SET ONION'S' . 2Is. 25c MULTIPLIER ONIONS 2lbs. 15c L EAF LETTUCE 2 large bunches 23c ORANGES her dozen 25c & 39c G RAPEFRUIT 6for25c COOKING APPLES 6 quart basket 25c P INEAPPLES 23c COOKING PRUNES largest size per lb. 19c COOKING FIGS 21b.25c FRESH PICNIC HAMS per lb. 15c COTTAGE ROLLS per lb. 22c B OLOGNA in piece 2 lbs. 25c WEINERS , per lb. 22c B REAKFAST BACON sliced perlb.29c L ARD D:UMAR.T'S 20 lb. pail $1.89 O LD. CHEESE r perlb.25c D EVON CHEESE 1/,,lb. pkgs. 15c PHONE 40. masomerawacs TIE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY. ti