HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1940-04-25, Page 5'711UI APRIL 25, 1940 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD STANLEY The April meeting of the London '.Road Club was held, at the Home of Mas. M, Wiltsc, 13 members present, ANItI G l AL BOX A Quilting was done, and a short pro- gram given. Lunch was served by the hostess. The May meeting Will be held at Mrs. H. Steep's. The April meeting of the Stanley I'My bank is 30 miles away, but I only walk down to my mail box for service. Con- venient -yes, and just as satis- factory as going to the bank." Write for our folder, "How to Bank by Mail" .. , , it will save you many a trip to town. BANK OF MONTREAL ESTABLISHED 1817 "4 &oh wlhene dssmall accousr,. ale welcome" Clinton Branch: H. M. MONTEITH, Manager Londesborough (Sub -Agency): Open Monday and Thursday. 101 ANOTHER EVENING'S ENTERTAINMENT By Clinton Drama Group Friay, . a <rill 26th TOWN HALL - CLINTON THE PROGRAMME: a one -act play entitled "FRIDAY FOR LUCK" and "MISS CHERRY BLOSSOM .A delightful Operetta with a Japanese setting. .A. good story, fine music, colourful costumes. TICKETS AT CLUMP'S SHOE STORE PROCEEDS FOR RED CROSS WORK Ladies Club was held at Mrs. Adam Stewart's home. Twiienty-one members answered the roll call which was a "hint for housecleaning". The meet- ing opened by repeating the Lord's prayer. The treasurer's report was given and Auld Lang Syne was sung. Mrs. Glen Sr. gave a reading and a solo was sung by Mrs. Innes, "See- ing Nellie Home" and "When You and I were Young, Maggie" were then sung. A contest given ,by Mrs. Fenwick Stewart. The business past of the meeting then followed. The May meeting isto be held at Mrs. Deihl's home, The roll call isto be "Your Favorite Flower Hobby and Seed Exchange." Mrs. Innes then sang "The Odd Rugged Cross." Mr. W. Armour, Miss! ICae Scoteh- mer, Miss Evelyn Willis, of Toronto, and Miss Irene Sootchmer of London spent the weekend at the ' home of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Scotchrner. High Rate of Pay for Easy Work NO SPECIAL DEGREE RE'QUIREIt Here's a question for the ladies. How much is your time worth. Would you say you earn $30.00 a minute? Of coiixse its ridiculous, but you can be substantially paid for a few mom- ents pleasant occupation if you so desire. For the past two weeks we have told you through our advertising columns of an easy way to share in thirteen prizes being offered by Pur- ity Flour Company. The contest closes on May 4th, in other words, you have just a week in which to qualify. Even now you may have that last line mulling through your mind, but un- less you get it on paper and send the entry in, you won't have a chance to get that extra cash which will be mighty useful in completing the new spring ensemble, Read over the con- test rules and sendin your entry. BIRTHS DALE -In Clinton Hospital, on Sat- urday, April 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Dale, (nee Hattie Arm- strong) -a son.. DEATHS CRICH-At Seaforth, on Tuesday, April 23, Mary Ann Andrews, wife of W. A. Crich, aged 62 years. ELLIOTT-In Goderich township, on Saturday, April 20th, Miss Eliza- beth Elliott, IN MEMORIAM MAIR-In memory of John Stewart Mair, who passed away two years ago, April 27th. "As a husband, devoted; As a father, affectionate; As a friend, ever kind and true." -Mrs, Mair and Berva. Card Party The Ladies Auxiliary to Legion are sponsoring a Euchre & 500 Darty on Monday, April 29th at 8 o'clock, in the Legion Hall. Everyone welcome, 85-1 WE HAVE 'DECIDED TO ENTER THE USED CAR MERCHANDISING FIELD AND TAKE PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING THAT MR. W. J. TEALL HAS BEEN ENGAG- ED TO LOOK AFTER THIS DEPARTMENT. OF ,OUR BUSINESS. IT WILL BE OUR ENDEAVOR TO SELECT THE BEST USED CARS POSSIBLE SO THAT WHEN YOU PURCHASE A USED CAR FROM US YOU KNOW THAT YOU ARE GETTING THE PICK OF HUNDREDS OF CARS - YOU CAN EUY WITH CONFIDENCE, 1938 CHEVROLET Master Sedan Beautiful Light Brown Finish. Low Mileage. In Spotless Condition Throughout. 1938 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN-, An ideal family car. Dark Blue Finish. Tires, Motor, Upholstery, in fact everything is like new. 193G CHEVROLET Deluxe Coach 1938 CHEVROLET DeLuxe Coach 1938 DODGE SPECIAL COACH - 600x16 Tires, Hydraulic Brakes. All Steel body and top. You cannot ask for more. • SEE IT, DRIVE IT. 1937 CHEVROLET DeLuxe Coach -i Finished in an outstanding grey. 600x16 Tires, 85 Horsepower Motor,/ `All -Steel- body and top, Hydraulic Brakes -REAL VALUE. 1929 FORD COACH 1930 FORD ROADSTER HIGHEST ALLOWANCE ON YOUR PRESENT CAR CONVENIENT TERMS AT LOW INTEREST RATES Reg. Shipley, Clinton. CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion Co Vo Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 68. POULTRY CULLING TIME Poultry flocks that have been pro- ducing all winter will no doubt have some boarders not paying their way with increasing' prices of grain. Sat- isfaction given by an experienced poultryman. Quick service given at our egg - grading plant by experienced candlers N. W. TREW ARTHFI'A Store Phone 214 House Phone 328 SEEDS Try cur fresh, high vitality Burpee Seeds for your planting this year. We stock all the papular varieties in both flower and vegetable. GLADIOLI BULBS 35c per dozen up We also have many varieties of Lily Bulbs, Regal, Rubrum, etc. Tigridias, Mcmtbretias, Tuberous Be- gonias and Dahlias, Phone orders promptly attended to. Clifford H. Epps Phone 264 COMING TO Kipper JACK EVANS and his 10 -piece orchestra. The outstanding dance hit of the season. Friday, April 26th GENERAL ADMISSION 50c SAX NOTICE .By Order of Council all Taxes in arrears will have to be paid by May lst, 1940. Delinquents should endeavor to avoid trouble. NORMAN KENNEDY, Tax Collector. 85-1 Owing to ill health it is necessary for me to close my store until further notice. Customers are asked to call for their goods this week if passible. ALBERT PALMER USED CARS WANTED OUR STOCK SOLD OUT Trade in yours now while we eau pay the price. DOUGLAS BROS. Hudson Cars & Joint Deere Tractors CARD OF THANKS William J. Elliott and sisters, wish to thank their friends and neighbours for their "kindness and many acts o£ sympathy daring the illness and at time of funeral of their sister, Eliza- beth, Special thanks to Rev. J. Graham. Beatty Washers (Floor Demonstrator) at big re- ductiotl; also several trade-in and re- built washers, easy terms. Hawkins Hardware. 85-2p Cows for Sale Durham cow due to freshen. June 1st; also Durham cow freshened December 1st. Mrs, George C'arbert, R.R. 1 Clinton. Phone 801r5, 85-1 Wanted Old horses and cattle for mink feed. If dead phone at once. Will pay ac- cording scording to value. Elmer Trick, phone 907r5, or Lloyd Batkin 619r14. 85tf e -o -w For Sale Land roller, wagon and two -wheel- ed trailer. All in good shape and cheap. E. W. Morrison, Clinton. Phone 633r13. 85-1 Seed for Sale No -barb barley; Garden peas; Em- pire Millett, a heavy producer and very satisfactory. Noble Holland, No. 8 Highway East. Phone 617r22. 84-1 For Sale Baby's pram, in good condition, reasonable; Rayo hanging lamp; Brunswick cabinet phonograph. Ap- ply News -Record, 85`1 Property for Sale Desirable frame house and' quarter acme of land in Brucefield. House is equipped with hydro. For particulars apply to Hugh' Walker, Brucefield. 85-1 For Sale Early Alaska seed oats, test 45 1b. per bushel, clean, grown on new land. .Also number of two-year-old cattle, for grass. Phone 665r16 Seaforth, James M. Landesboroi gh. 85-3. I Land to Rent on Shares About 85 acres, ploughed for spring crop. F. G. Scotchmer, R.R. 3 Clinton, or phone 906r33 Clinton central: 85.1 .1•=11•101011111 .1MAISSIOMISIMMIN*110111=•=1•0 PAGE 5 ROXY TUEATRE CLINTON CAPITAL THEATRE G,ODERICH REGENT TDMEA'fRE SEAFO'RTH NOW PLAYING: Sonja Heiuie iio "Everything happens At Night" Men., Tue., Wed. -Double Feature "Outside These Walls" a young man released from prison, finds ,eanployment closed to him on account of his past. and Virginia Weidler Michael Whalen -Dolores Costello 'Blondie Brings Up Baby,' Penny Singleton - Arthur Lake and Larry Simms ' NOW: Gene Autry with Smiley Burnette he the meledy western PRAIRIE MOON" NOW Tyrone Pate an Fonda in "JESSE JAMES" MON., TUES., WED. JANE WITHERS -Leo CARILLO Marjorie Weaver --Spring Byington Bring to life all the characters in that famous heart-warming story "Chicken Wagon Family" MON., TTJES., WED. Alice FAYE' - Richard GrREDVE Fred MaeMurray & Brenda Joyce featuring the life of Robert Fulton and' his historic ,steamboat in "Little Old New York" - Thurs., Fri. & Sat Edith Fellowes-De Wolf Hopper Arthur Loft and James McCallion Kentucky thoro'breds - a blind horse - and the great Aintree Derby of the Bluegrass" THURS., FRI., SAT. Loretta Youn g - Richard Greene Walter Brennan & Karen Morley . . k Technicolor classic depicting the colon and tradition of the South. "KENTUCKY" Thur., Fri. & Sat. -' loanBennett - Adolphe Menjou John Hubbard and Peggy Woad `Housekeeper's Daughter'"Pride Coining: Alice Faye in "LITTLE. OLD NEW YORK" Coining: W. C. Fields & Mae West in "MY LITTLE CHICKADEE" Coming: Priscilla Lane & Wayne Morris "Brother Rat and a Baby" Mat.: Sat. and Holidays at 3 p.m. ®m Mat.: Wed. Sat. & Holidays 3 p.m. Mat.: Sat, and Holidays at 3 p.m. Ia VISITORS For a LIGHT LUNCH or a GOOD MEAL you will find our prices and service satisfactory. For the ladies we will have our usual complete line of GOOD BREAD and All Kinds of PASTRIES to take home. ICE CREAM - CHOCOLATE BARS CIGARS -- CIGARETTES BARTLIFF'S OUR AIM: BETTER QUALITY BETTER SERVICE PHONE 1 -- -- CLINTON Clean Grain & Seed Early Alaska and Irish White Seed Oats. Alfalfa, Yellow Blossom, Yel- low Sweet and Timothy Seed. Also Early Cobbler Potatoes. Apply J. Leslie Cox. Phone 903r2. 83-3 Horse For Sale Choice of five, including a 3 -year- old filly and 5 -year-old mare in foal. Irvine Tebbutt, R.R. 2 Clinton, phone 902x6, 84-2 For Sale Sidway baby pram (navy) in real good condition. Price $10,00. Apply News -Record. Junior Far hl ers CE TOWN HALL - CLINTON Wednesday, May lst Music By 'Arthur's Orchestra ADMISSION 35c 84-2 NOTICE TO FARMERS WE ARE AGAIN HANDLING EGGS and POULTRY. Try our grading. Highest market price at all tines. Poultry Culled. HOGS SHIPPED REGULARLY. A. E. FINCH Phone 231 eiNNOUNCEMENT The Ontario Oil Limited annoutiees the appointment of William E. Jervis as their local Imperial Oil agent for this district. For Prompt Service Phone Clinton 910r16. 85-1 AY REAsE OUR LUBRICATION is the way to keep your car in perfect lubrication order. We use Chek-Chart for every point, apply the correct lubricant to every part. Without extra charge we also clean windows, brush upholstery, shine metal, check battery, tires and lights. Lubrication service as done by our trained men gives you more than your money's worth. We'll welcome the chance to prove it. BROWNIE'S SERVICE STATION 'Jars Called For & Delivered PHONE 5 - - CLINTON Show Day Specials HONEY DIPPED DO NUTS 19c doz. HOT DOGS Toasted 5c Our WEEKEND SPECIAL SILVER CAKE 15c - 20c - 25c A New Chocolate Soda Saturday Special 5c Wendorf's Plants For Sale Raspberry cane, Latham nursery strain, large red, meaty berries, heavy cropping. 1 dozen for 75c; 50 for $3.00; 100 for $5.00. Strawberries, Senator Dunlop, Downham nursery strain. 50c per 100 at the garden. Collins Berry Farm, Phone 616r42. GONE WITH THE 1NI1O'l ROXY THEATRE CLINTON MAY 31st -- JUNE 14 ALL SEATS RESERVED Plan Open Sat., April 27th Mail Orders promptly attended to Matinees 75e -- Evenings $1.00 BURGESS' STUDIO CLINTON Photographs of Distinctiok by IRENE BURGESS Phone 115. Developing and Printing (Open Every Day) Custom Sawing We will be doing Custom Sawing in Clinton and Bayfield as usual during the coming spring. McEwen Bros. Phone 624-4 Clinton Central 73tf STRATFORD-GODERICH COACH LINES BOYS NEED HOME FALL AND WINTER TIME TABLE The Children's .Aid Society of IIur-;Leave Clinton for Strattord- on County is seeking good homes for I Daily 8.25 A.M. & 5.10 P.M. boys ranging in age as follows: one Leave Clinton for Goderich- child of one month, one of 3 years, 1.45 P.M. & 8.30 P.M. two of 2 years, four of 9 years, and Sundays & Holidays, two of 12 years. Any party wishing 1.45 P.M. & 10.40 P.M. to take a boar apply to H. T. Edwards, Connection at Stratford for Toronto, Goderich, Ontario, Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit, Tavistock and Woodstock. Seed Grain For Sale BARTLIFF'S, Local Agents, Phone 1 Erban and Alaska Oats; also i'"" "+ "'"""' "4".. '""^ O.A,C. 21 Barley. Frank Tyndall, R.R. 4 Clinton. Phone 800r33. 84-2 Electric Fence We are again handling the Shur - Shock electric fence, which gave such good satisfaction last season. This is a heavy duty Canadian made ma- chine. Extra hot -shots and knobs kept in stock. W. J. Clark, phone Ilansell 87r12; B. McClinchey, phone Hensall 97r5. 84-5 AUCTION SALE of HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS on Princess St. East, Clinton, on SATURDAY, APRIL 27, at 1.30 p.nn consisting of 3 bedroom suites, rock ing chairs, tables, mirrors, drop-leaf table, heating stove, kitchen chairs, garden tools, lawn mower, cross cut saw, buck saw, cooking utensils, dishes and numerous other articles. quarter -cut oak dining room suite, complete; quarter -cut oak table, small; 4 -shelf bookcase; vietrola; liv- ing room rug; two mahogany parlor' tables; extension couch; number of pictures and small oil paintings; wal- nut organ; bird's-eye maple dresser; cane bottom bedroom rocker and chair. TERMS -CASH No reserve as 'louse is rented, MISS E. M. AKAM, Proprietress. GEO. H. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer. 84-2 House for Sale Desirable 6 -roomed house on Ship- Piano Far Sale ley street. Garage and workshop. Mason & Rieeh upright. In good good garden. Apply News -Record. condition. Cheap. Apply News -Record. 81-6 • 84-2 MONUMENTS! To those contemplatipg build- ing a Monument . . Get my prices before baying, Cemetery Lettering a specialty. All work guaranteed. JOHN GRANT CLINTON MARBLE & GRANITE WORKS Clinton - Ontario Successor to Ball & Zapfe 59tf - BABY CHICKS Single Coinb Leghorns, Barred Rocks and New Hampshire Reds. CUSTOM HATCHING E. L. MITTELL PHONE 213 Wanted to Rent House or apartment with hydro and water, Apply News -Record. 85-1. For Sale Alfalfa seed. Apply to Fred Gilbert, 7th con, Goderich township. Phone 908r22. 82tf House For Sale lila storey frame house on North street for sale. Aply to Miss Eva Rapson. 77tf. JAY CLEANING Keeping Well Dressed Being well dressed is more than a ;natter of buying good clothes- -it means keeping your clothes good-looking. If you entrust your suits to us when: they need dry cleaning, we'll tura them back spotless! Our Delivery service will .pick up and return your clothes -Just phone 171. Gliddon's Press Shop Wholesale Merchants, Made -To -Measure Clothes, ' All Fits guaranteed. $24.50 up. For Sale Leather case, new, suitable for music or business case. Apply to Mrs. Melvin Crich, Princess street. 83-3 For Quick Reasonable Cash Sale in Walton. Seven -room brick house; bath, furnace, electric lights; hard and soft water. Stable, garage, fruit trees, a half -acre in all. Excellent location, suitable for garage or chick- en, ranch. Apply Mrs. Will Woods, Box 167, Clinton. 83-3 Eggs For Hatching Good Barred Rock eggs for hatch- ing, Apply to Mr. Ed. Miller, Clinton R.R. 3 or phone 911x6. 84-2 SLUGGISH KIDNEYS impair your health. Rumacaps' Two -Way Action quickly ,cleanses and invigorates the Kidneys. Use Rumacaps, Hovey's Drug Store. Wanted to Buy Old horses and dead cattle. Masi be suitable for mink feed, removed. promptly. Fred Gilbert, Phone 608r2? Clinton central. • 34-tf