The Clinton News Record, 1940-04-25, Page 4PAGE 4 VimiamitamaiNe Congoleum Rug CI'NTEST Come OPENS FRIDAY, APRIL 26th CLOSI+'S NOON SAT., MAY 4th Winner's Name Announced at 4 p.m. in and make your guess. Hidden number between 1 and 5000. . Congoleum Rug 6'x9' given free to person guessing nearest to correct number. Don't fail to visit this store on Fair Day, April 25th A. T .00OPER. Phone: 36w Main Store, 36j Second Floor IT WON'T BE LONG NOW Seeding time will likely come with a rush. Don't wait till you want to put your seed in the ground to treat it. We have Formaldehyde and Ceresan Get it now and be ready. DEE TEE MOTH' KILLER Destroys eggs, larvae and moths 39c ib. IN, S. H HOLMES PHM. 8t ccs „ CLINTON, ONT. PHONE 51 SPRING WILL BE BRIGHTER FOR YOU IN ONE OF THESE NEW suirrs In this perfectly timed selection you may choose anything and everything that's new for Spring in business, street, sports and lounge suits . . . and in' every style idea. These. suits are an achievement in hand -tailoring . , , . the soft, pliable kind of needle- work that gives a rare degree of ease and grace to the fit of the garment. See the new double and single breasted styles -- developed in every variety of fabric, hi both light and dark shades. $18 50 up When getting a suit or overcoat be treasured by a Tailor—it costs no more. HERMAN FREE GAS & OIL During the past two weeks Jack Leiper got a gallon of Red Indian Oil. and. B. Nickerson two gal. gasoline FREE. You too can get free gas and oil. Ask us about it. Oil at wholesale price in 5 gal. lots, Complete line of Dominion and Firestone Tires. Free oi1 change with every new ring job. A11 work done by government licensed mechanic. Give us a trial. THE RED INDIAN STATION rk ---� - .uWtu"�'r�T.•�'ni1:4'�r".)��!e. ���.L:'�':�'ia� �3�v+�e+ F i -74 10111, ll1 t, . Vl�l( two ;Illl�l,,. r. Jetagulsmaugaimunona Surprising prices on a few 1940 SPARTON models left in stock. We can allow no trades and must insist on cash, but the low prices we ask will amaze you. Better investigate if you are really interested in saving money, SPARTON REF :IGERATORS Of course yon want to save money on your new refrigerator. All we asic is to let us tell you haw Sparton can. save you money. WANTED. We have a number of good shotguns- to trade for .22 rifles. You should see our stock of guns and ammunition and compare Prices. Also see our n�7ssastocQk�of new and used bicycles and motorcycles. EP 7'I f3V I4'i y TSTri Headquarters For All Sporting Goods ff c if!: "Ula a saagel«w,. ,»w w_I iazi«q«: aiae-:al-ea .:»iwr.:i»: T»w; c»? ; q«. . t e=. STOP AN SEE The New Spring Frame INDIAN MOTORCYCLE, and our selection of new and used motorcycles. Cylinder New Twin Motorcycles from $335 up. EPPS SPORT SHOP King Street s; X 'r. 5 ;_ s X THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD BAYFIELD Miss A. M, Stirling returned home on Friday alter having ,spent the past month with her sister, Mrs. ]:I. McLaa'en, Port Elgin. Mrs. Dalton Smith of Ingersoll spent last week with her .parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Higgins. Mas. Lindsay Smith, who spenta couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Munroe, Loudon, returned home on Sunday with her husband who. also spent Sunday with his aunt. "Child ,Billy Stuff," a refrigerated comedy, was presented by the Y.P.D. of St. Andrew's United Church before a large audience in. the Town Hall on Friday night. The play, which had a strong cast of .characters, was a series of Laughs from beginning to finish. All the scenes took placein the laboratory of Dr. Tuttle (Murray Graingcir) a told -blooded, altisenit-I' minded scientist, who is making ex- periment in refrigeration. Ile has succeeded in freezing and revivi g n the gold fish, Phyllis (Mabel .Scote-- mea•) the Irish cook, is greatly •per- turbed because the cat has gone and Left her kittens. "Pussywillow" is hater discovered in the refrigerator. Mary Tuttle (Margaret Watson) who is her father's secretary, is kept busy looking after him but serious comp-' lications arise when Bill Bartley (Evan Ross) offers himself for a scientifie experiment to obtain money so that he can marry Mary, What at first appears to be a tragedy is really comedy when Bill's friend Wes, Andrews (Fraser Stirling) and Specksy (Esther McMath). plot to' save Bill' from really being frozen' and snake Dr. Tuttle believe that his experiment is a 'success. They get in deeper and deeper and even into the refrigerator! Mrs. Lillian Glenna (Jean Dunn) the 'village busybody and her shadow, Mise Priscilla Pettis (Mrs. M. Toms) add to the tan I by their interference and finally Mr.and Mrs. Spence Irwin and bring Constable Geary (Grant Stirl- ing) on the scene. But the grand family of Ashfield were `Sunday vis - finale came when the absent-minded mors with Mrs. Iberts parents, Mr. Dr. Tuttle locked himself in the're- and Mrs. Wm, Roberton. Mr, and Mrs. Matthew Sproule of Lucknow visited on Sunday with Mrs. J. C. Clarke. Mr. Wm. Sheppard of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bali and Mr. and forte and violin selections between Mrs. Mervin Govier and daughter of acts. Morris were Sunday visitors with Professor and Mrs. Kalbileisch and Mrs. Harry' Govier. two small sons of London were at Visitors with Mrs. M. Arthur on their cottage in the village over the Sunday were Mr, and Mrs. W. blutch weekend. , and Dorothy of Clinton, Mrs. Arm - !strong and Madeline, Orville Miller Mr. Walter Grierson of Waterloo, and Glen Vollmerhausen of Wood - returned home Sunday after spending' stock. a few days with Mrs, F, A. Edwards,] Mr. Geo. Yungbiutt has rented Mr. Mrs, Grierson who accompanied him Geo. Dawson's farm. 'Howeve-r, Mr. is spending this week with her aunt.' and Mrs. Dawson will continue to Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Jowett retman-i occupy the house. ed home Thursday last after spend -1 Mr. Peter Patterson visited on ing the past five months at Fort Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Moses Lauderdale, Fla. I Haltzhauer of Blyth. Mr, and Mrs. H. Ahrens of Detroit Earl Mugford of Lucknow was a spent the weekend at their cottage. I weekend visitor with Stewart Ferg- Mrs. J. Graham is attending the' neon. annual meeting of the W.A. of the, A large crowd assembled in the of Huron in London this, Foresters Hall on Wednesday evening week, Mesdames F. W. Baker, R. IL' to honor Mr. and Mrs. Carl Govier, F. Gairdner and N. W. Woods attend- newlyweds of East Wawanosh, The ed the opening service on. Tuesday. evening was spent in dancing with Word was received here this week music supplied by Gordon and Robt. of the death of Mrs. Susan Elizabeth McOlinchey, Charles East, Harvey Pearson of Victoria, B.C. Mrs. Pear- McDowell and John Dam, accompan- son was born in Bayfield the daugh-led by Mrs. Win. Ilaggitt; Miss Ila ter of the late Thomas Burgess. Craig and Mrs. John Daor. Follow - Mr. George M. Gale of the Bank ing the lunch hour, William Wagner of Montreal Inspection Staff, Mont- of Hullett rend an address of welcome real, visited his uncle, Rev. R. M. to Mrs. Govier with best wishes to Gale over the weekend. the young couple for health and pros- Afr. and Mrs. E. Kendall of Elmira parity for their wedded life. On be - spent the weekend with the latter's half of the community Kenneth Mc - parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Jowett. Dougal, Bill Haggitt and Lewis Ruddy Miss Jessie Metcalf accompanied by presented them with two beautiful Mn,sA, L. Trout of Detroit spent the wicker chairs and an end table. Mr. g e Marwood. weekend with her mother, Mrs. W. Motcalf, Mr. and Mrs. J, ,Stewart of Ham- ilton spent the weekend at their home here. Miss Ethel Cameron and Mr. Will Cameron of Detroit. were guests over the weekend with' Misses E. and M. Cameron, Mr, and Mrs, G. Churchward and son Jack, of London spent the week- end at their cottage here. Mr, Lawrence Fewlie of London was the guest of his sisters, Misses E. and F. Fowlie over the weekend, Mrs. J. F. Parke and Mrs. Eric Carre of Toronto spent the weekend at "Paradise Faun" their summer home here. The ,fishing season opened this week with• heavy catches of perch and herring. Miss Isabel Kirk resumed her teaching duties last week,' after an absence of a fortnight owing to the illness and subsequent death of her father. AUBURN . Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Taylor spent Saturday at Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. W. T. Robison visit- ed on Saturday with Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Nott, of Stratford, Mrs. "Gormley Thompson and Bobby of North Bay are visiting her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Magridge. Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Munro and` family at Orangeville visited on Sura - day with Miss Susie Blair, Mr. and Mrs. Harry. Anderson vis- ited on Sunday with the latter's moth- er, Mrs. Thomas Doyle. Donald Ross was in Lucknow on Friday night attending the Ordination of Douglas MacDonald B.A., into the ministry of the Presbyterian church. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Robb "and family, of Lochalsh visited on Sunday with Mrs. A. Robb and Mn. Levi frigerator, The president of the Y. P. D., Evan Ross, in a few words of welcome also paid tribute to the dir- ector, Mrs. R. Scotchmer. Mrs. Geo. Morley and Arhur Peck gave piano - HAVE YOU PAINS CALLOUSES,' OR CRAMPS AT OR NEAR WNERG' FINGER POINTS Ai DR, SCROLL'S 'representative from Toronto will be in our store TUESDAY, APRIL 30 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.nt. This man is thoroughly trained in the scientific methods of Dr. Wm. M. Scholl, internationally famous Foot Authority, who, for almost a third -century has been alleviating human foot suffering throughout the entire world. Come in for Peck -graph imprints of your stockinged feet. Learn how the proper Dr. Scholl Foot Comfort Appliance or Remedy can relieve your particular foot trouble.. CLUFF SHOE STORE Footwear and Foot Comfort CLINTON, ONT. Govier on behalf of himself and Mrs. Govier thanked his many friends for their lovely gifts, Knox United Church Sunday School sponsored a concert in the church on Friday evening when the famous duo', McDuff Copeland, Scottish entertain- er, and Kenneth Duff, brilliant violin- ist of Landon, delighted the audience with their splendid numbers. VARNA Mr. .and Mrs. Geo. Connell, Mr,' and Mrs. Harold Connell of Varna attended the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Will Carter of Hullett on Wednesday, April 17th. ' Mrs. M. Reid is in London attend- ing the annual meeting of the Woan. en's Auxiliary of Anglican church. Pte. G. V. Raymond of the 110,0,0. of London, and Mrs. Raymond spent Sunday at the hone of G. Beatty Sr, Rev. J. Peters and Mrs. Peters spent the weekend at Chatham, Mrs. Ferguson and little son, who spent the past few weeks with rela- tives at Varna and Bayfield returned to Sudbury where she will joinn her husband. The Cheerio Club of Varna intend putting .en a play in the Town Hall, Varna on Tuesday, April' 30th' in 'aid of the Red Cross. Mr. C. Rathwell of London is spending a few days with friends in the village. Miss Florence Smith of Clinton spent Sunday at her home. The farmers are very busy these days and the hum of tractors can be heard from all corners. DEATH OF MISS ELIZABETH ELLIOTT Miss Elizabeth Elliott, a native of Goderich township, passed away at her home on the Blue Water Highway on Saturday, April 20th after a comparatively short illness. Miss El- liott was born in Goderich township on September 20th, 1854, and had been a life-long resident of the dist- rict. She is survived by a brother, Wm, Elliott; also by her sisters, Mrs. Alex Mitchell, Margaret, ;Carolina, Re- becca, Sarah, Emily and Frances, all at home. Rev. J. Graham of the Bayfield Anglican Church conducted the fun- eral service at her late residence on Monday afternoon. The pallbearers were Herbert McGregor, Donald Mac- Kenzie, Alfred Warner, Walter Wal- lace, James Young and Samuel West- lake. Interment was made in Bay- field Cemetery. Relatives and friends attending the funeral included Mrs. Maud and Helen McGregor, Mrs. B. and Miss C. Mackenzie, Bayfield; Mr. and Mrs, John Logan, Brussels; Airs. Robert Houston, Mrs. Fred Rouse, Miss Olive Tichborne, Miss Jackeline See, John and Arthur Curry, all of God- erich; Mrs. S. Enrnren'son and son of Clinton. (;ODERICH TOWNSHIP Mrs. Bert Mcliveen is visiting with leer sister in Orillia. Mr. and Mrs. John Middleton enter- tained the A.Y.P.A. on Friday even- ing when a very pleasant time was spent. Mrs. A. B. Stephenson has return- ed home after spending the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Livermore, in London. Miss June Stephenson, who has finished her training in Clinton hos- pital, spent the weekend with friends in London and Hyde Park. Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Welsh and Helen May are getting nicely settled in their new home near Clinton. Mr, and Mrs. A Welsh spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. E. f. Welsh, Clinton, PIN riTAANGt. Mr. Georg Leach treated himself to a Plymouth coach on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. 0, Cunninghame of Auburn spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dexter. Misses Viola and Norma Dexter visited on Sunday with their grand- father, Mr. Adams, near Lolldesboro. Mr, and NIrs. Frank Riley and children and Mrs. George Riley spent Sunday with relatives in Brussels. Mrs. Britton and Mrs. Charles Dex- ter attended the convention in Sea - forth Northside Church this week as representatives of the W.M.S. The Young People Class was enter- tained to a taffy pull on Friday even- ing last at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Britton, which was much enjoyed by all present. LON D.ESBORO Mss, Milton Hooper. of St. Marys is at present at the hone of her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Elsley. Mrs. Elsley is not as well as her friends would like to see. Several of the W.M.S, ladies at- tended the Presbyterial held at Sea - forth on Tuesday of this week. The morning service for next Sun- day, April 28th will be taken by the Women's Missionary Society, also the Mission Circle and Mission Band. MTs, Murray of Clinton will be pees-: eat and speak on her work in New Ontario, which no doubt will be most interesting. It is hoped that each member will make an extra effort to be present. All are asked to meet in the basement a few minutes before 10 o'clock, Mrs. L, Young has returned to her home having spent the past three months with friends in Toronto, Chat ham and London. 711-laIL 25, 1940 in 1940 and through the years to comae (-tit Ro to t SAVES YOUR FOOD .... SAVES YOUR MONEY The grearer Norge is a greater money -saver . . is combines the economies of Royal Rollator cold - making with the food -saving economics of a refrigerator that's almost alt storagc:spacc, Come in see what thismeans to you in dollars and cents. Model shown is SR -8 Other models as low as, 69M0 SEE NO1lGE •..b=BEFORE YOU BIJY!i TWO POPULAR MODELS NOW. ON DISPLAY A. W. GROVES PRINCESS STREET - CLINTON AGENT FOR: Phonola, Rogers, DeForest and Philco Radios APEX WASHERS-NORGE & KELVINATOR REFRIGERATORS BATTERIES AND TUBES IN STOCK ,TIE SEE AKE plans early this year to harvest a bumper crop of smooth, clean, high-quality potatoes. Good seed is the first require- ment for an excellent crop ... because only good seed will grow vigorous plants, plants that caa withstand most of the serious diseases common to potatoes. Canadian Certified Seed Potatoes are good seed potatoes. By planting them, many of the losses due to disease will be avoided ... higher -quality, cleaner, smoother, more uniform potatoes than those grown from ordinary seed stock will be produced. So, this season, harvest finer potatoes—and more of them. Plant Can- adian Certified Seed. Grow potatoes that will grade Canada No. 1. Prince Edward Island Cobblers and Green Mountains Cook forehisecrtificadon tag on the bag oreontatner —the only way oft'ein:sure of gettingCanadi;.n Crrti• )d Seed potatoes. C acomfuine it uy. SFE,®'Or. Its / •c Clint.iry NICEMMZEDE (at the Poultry Plant) CONSIDER THESE ADVANTAGES OF SHUR-GAIN CIIICK. STARTER It looks fresh; it smelts fresh; it tastes fresh; it IS fresh, It is only natural for chieks to like it. There is no mustiness or rancidity, There is no loss of vitamin strength resulting from the feed standing around a feed warehouse for weeks. It contains all the 'day -it -was -made' goodness— SHUR-GAIN Chick Starter is Palatable; contains in proper proportions the minerals they need to build strong bone and healthy tissue; and is well supplied with vitamins A, B, D, E, and G, No other Chick Starter is higher in quality and yet SHUR-GAIN costs the feeder less than any comparable feed. $2.80 per cwt. If yon contemplate raising any quantity of Chickens it will pay you to see us regarding a quantity price on Chick Starter. J. K. CORNISH Brucefield. sago on Monday, having spent the winter with her sister, Mrs. C. Troope. Mrs. H. Lyon is taking care of her daughter, Mrs. E. Gaunt of near Lucknow who recently underwent an operation in the Wing -ham hospital. Mrs. Clarence Crawford is now in the Clinton Hospital, she being oper- ated on recently. We wish her a speedy recovery. or ALEX WELLS, Londesboro. Women's Institute will be held in Community Hall on Thursday, May 2nd, commencing at 2 o'clock. A good program is being provided. Hostesses: Mrs. V. Ray, Mrs, W. Hesk, Mrs, W. Hoggart, Mrs. S. Carter, Mrs. Itenneday. Miss Marion C. Morrell spent a day last week in London. Master Eldon Morrell spent a few; Miss ,E, Mains returned from Chi- The regular monthly meeting of the days with friends in London.