HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1940-04-11, Page 5"'THURS., APRIL 11,1.9'40 THE . CLI NTON NEWS. RECORD ,THE HOMESTEAD "You're making big improvements, John ... did you come into a legacy?" "No sir, I got a Home Improvement / Loan from the Bank of Montreal. A simple matter — no fuss or bother. The rates are low, and I'm paying it back by instalments." Home Improvement Loans... obtainable at $3.25 per 8100 repayable in twelve monthly instalments. For borrowers with seasonal incomes repayment may be made in other convenient periodic instalments. Ask for our folder. BANK OF MONTREAL ESTABLISHED 1817 • _":R & Az cu4e4.e dotal/ accauali idle welcome" Clinton Branch: H. M. MONTEITH; Manager Londesborough (Sub -Agency): Open Monday and Thursday. 96 AUBURN Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Asquith re - :turned home Thursday after spend- ing the winter with Mr. and. Mrs. F. O•. Mcllveen of Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs, W. T. Robison spent - Saturday at London. They also visit- ed Mrs. A. McCool of Clinton. Misses Margaret and Annie Weir retdrlted to Strathroy on Friday after spending the winter with their broth- -- er, Dr. 13. C. Weir, Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Wise and • daughter of Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., • Now is the time to think about the fancy prices you're going to get for eggs next Fall -- make up your mind to take no chances with your 1940 chicks1 Follow the farm -proven Roe feeding method and watch them grow fast and strong— full-fleshed and full of the pep and vigor that means greater egg -laying • ability. The safe start is Roe Vitafood Chick Starter—the palatable feed that gives them a "head start' inllfe, At 7 weeks, feed them Roe Complete Growing Mash—the feed that has all the vita- mins, minerals and proteins your chicks need to ensure steady profit- able egg production later on. Whenyou order Roe Vitafood and -Roe Complete Growing Mash, ask your Roo Ikeda dealer for the valu- able free booklet: Let's Grow Better ^Chicks and Pullets. lit fU •,• .. - Sold by I1 CIARLESWOR 157 .Clinton 414 VITAMIZED FOR HEALTH...FARM camri 1 PROVEN FOR R /4r6� Iflil have been visiting friends in this district. Mrs. Wise was 'formerly Emily Beadle, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Peter Beadle, and was born on the Base Line near Ball's bridge. It is 45 years since she left here, although she rhos visited here since. Donald !toss visited on Saturday with friends at Dungannon. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bogie visited over the weekend with friends at St. Thomas and London. Mrs. Wesley Bradnocic, Misses Dorothy and Beryl Wilson spent Sat- urday at London. Mrs., George Hamilton visited on Sunday with her mother, Mrs. W. D. Wilson, of Brumfield, Mrs. Wilson, who lives with her son, Lorne, cele- brated her 90th birthday Thursday. Born—On Amil 1, in Goderich hos- pital to Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Thorn —a soln. Mr. Peter Patterson has his- house wired for electricity. James John- ston of the village did the wiring. Congratulations are due to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Goyim. who were mar- ried on Saturday. Mrs. Govier was formerly Miss Welsh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Loftus Welsh, of God- erieh. They were married at Goderich. The regular monthly meeting of the Wonlen's Institute will be held in the Forester's Hall of Tuesday, April 16th at 2.30. The topic "Educa- tion" to be taken by Dr. B. C. Weir. Current Events by Mrs. Mogridge. Roll Call: number of meetings you attended this year. Election of of- ficers. Hostesses: Mrs. Sheppard, Mrs. Win, Anderson, Mrs. H. Arias strong and Mrs. Wm. Mcllwain. The monthly meeting of the B. Y. P. Li. will beheld next Sunday night, April 14th instead of April 21st. The meeting will be in charge of Mrs. Earl Raithby and Sill Raithby. The topic will be taken by Mr. A. Mac- Kenzie, octogenarian of the village. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cade of Goderich visited, on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Maclam. -The Ladies Aid of the Baptist Church held its April meeting in the church on. Thursday with the presi- dent, Mrs. Howson presiding. The de- votional exercises were taken by Mrs. Jas. Raithby and Mrs. R. J. Phillips. Readings were given by Mrs. Earl Raithby and Mrs. Thos. McNall. Mrs. Wm. Haggitt favored with a solo. Mrs, R. J. Phillips gave a piano in- strumental. The topic "Comparing Life with the Four Seasons of the Year" was taken by Mrs. Walper, Arrangements were made to- Bold the May meeting in the church. Mrs. Earl Raithby closed the meeting with Prayer after which a pot -luck supper was served. The Auburn Public Library Board sponsored a dance here on Friday night. Arthur's Orchestra of Wing - ham supplied the music. Robert Turn- er and Maitland Allen were in charge of the square dances and Arthur J. Ferguson was floor manager. The lee on the Maitland River here went out on Friday afternoon. No great rush of water !ensued and. there was no damage done by the floods. Mr. and Mrs. David Mollwain, Mrs. Tiffin and Miss Vera Tiffin of God- erich visited on Sunday with Mr; and Mrs. Wm. Illellwai'n. Miss Margaret King is visiting her sister, Mss, 'rhos, Doyle, Mr. Percy Vincent of Westfield 'hes bought the farm o1 the late Robert Melrose a:f Hullett, Miss Minnie Million left yesterday for home from Florida where she had been for the past month. Mrs. George Beadle gave her home for the April Meeting of the Angli- ca0 Church Guild. Mrs. Gordon: Tay- lor the President was in charge. The scripture lesson was read by Miss Laura Phillips and Mrs. R. M. Weeks led in prayer. The Roll Call was answered by a verse of scripture with either "Peace" or "Joy" in it. The secretary read a letter from Miss Margaret Small of Toronto. Plans were made for the Royal Tour Film which' will be presented in the Forest- ers Hall on May 17,,th. Readings were given by Mrs. Jeremiah Taylor, Mrs. David Hamilton. Solos were sung by Loraine Hamilton and Marion Tay- lor. Rev. R M .Weeks then answer. ed questions regarding the Anglican Church services. The Roll Call for the May meeting will be answered by the name of a Canadian mission ary and where he or she is at pees- snit stationed. The topic will _ alga be on Missionary Work. At the close of the meeting a dainty lunch was served by Abs. Beadle and her two daughters, Mrs. Wni. Haggitt and Mrs. Brown. On Wednesday evening neighbors of Miss Margaret King of East Wawanosh gatheredat what was formerly the Kung farm but is now owned by Geo. Bean, and presented Miss King with a beautiful tri -light floor ramp. To John Tuberviile who has been employed on the King farm for 24 years, a signet ring and leath- er bill fold. The address to Miss King was read by Mrs. Harry Yung- blut and the presentation was made by Mrs. Wilfred Plunkett while Harry Sturdy addressed Mr. Tuber- vilLe and Kenneth Mc'Dougal present- ed the gifts. Both recipients replied thanking their friends for the gifts. The ladies served lunch, VARNA The many friends of Mr. Gordon Rathwell will be pleased to know he is well enough to leave the hospital, and is visiting his sister, Ml's. Wm. MeAsh. The Varna Red Cross Society ship- ped their third shipment to Toronto last week. This box contained 46 pairs of socks, 3 sailors scarves and 1 pr. pyjamas for the soldiers and 2 quilts, 8 dresses, 6 prs. bedroom slip- pers, 9 slips, 8 nightgowns, 4 waists, 2 blouses and 1 pairs of panties for the women and children of Finland. The Red Cross concert which was postponed owing to bad roads will be held in the Town Hall on Friday evening., April 12, commencing at 8 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Beatty and family spent the weekend with rela- tives in Toronto and Hamilton. Mrs. Ferguson and little son of Kingston are visiting with the form- er's parents, Mr. and Mrs, M. Elliott. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Ostrom has been brightened by the arrival of a baby boy. Harold and Alvin Elliott of Kitch- ener spent the weekend at hone. Miss Lillian Elliott who has been confined to her bed, is able to be out again, Mr. and Mrs. R. Latham and son Billy, and Miss Gladys Beatty of London spent Sunday with Mrs. L. Beatty and Edith. The township council met on Mon- day afternoon to discuss the usual trend of business. CONSTANCL The W. A. and W. M. S. will meet in the basement of the church on Thursday afternoon:. The Live Wires Class will hold a social evening on Friday evening of this week. We sympathize with Mrs.. George Dale olid, family in their sad bereave.- ment. Misses •C'ora and' Pearl Glidden of Blyth spent the weelrend at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Riley. Mrs. Britton and Miss Helen spent the weekend in London. Mrs. A. Rookie and children, returned home with than on Sunday. STANLEY Mr..and Mrs. Albert Batt of Stouff- ville, are spending a few weeks vis- it with Mr. and Mrs. John McGowan and other• friends. (Intended for last week) Mrs. Arthur McQueen, and Marg aret spent a few days, visiting in London last week. Mr, Hugh McKenzie, visited his niece in Niagara Falls on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Baird, spent last Sunday in Grand Ben& Mr, Stewart Baird, visited at his home over the weekend. Notice The postponed auction sale of. Mrs. Jahn Ellis, at Lot, 38, con. 4, East Wawanosh, 41/ miles north-west of Blyth, will be, held Tuesday, April 16th, commencing at 1 p.m. Terms Cash. George. H,,.EIliett, Auctioneer. 88-1 PAGE 5 CUT .ii'1L ➢kV11RS FLORAL DiSIGNS For Every Occasion C., V. oke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66j Poultry & Eggs Our prices are always in line with top market prices. When you have poultry to offer call us by telephone. Our egg-candlers will give you the best service in grading your eggs. N. W. TREWARTHA Store Phone 214 House Phone 328 BIRTHS OST'ROM — In Clinton Community Hospital on Wednesday, April 3a•d, to Mr. and Mrs. John OStrom, of Stanley,a son. DEATHS TRE'WIN — % Clinton, on. Sunday, April 7th, Isabel Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Trewin, 11th concession' of Hullett, aged tem: months. ROSS — In Seaforth, on Monday, April 8th, Hugh H, Ross, M.D., in his 75th year. IN MEMORIAM McKAY — In memory of Mrs. Bert McKay, who passed away April 8th, 1939. "Loving and kind in all her ways, Upright and just to the end of her days, Sincere and true in her heart and mind, Beautiful -memories she left behind," —Ever remembered by husband, brothers and sisters. CARD OF THANKS " I wish to express my sincere thanks and voice appreciation to the- friends hefriends who kindly sent baskets and flowers during my recent illness. —DICK JACOB. Seed Grain Durham Spring Wheat; 0.A.C. No. 21 Barley; Empire Oats. Sound plump• clean seed. Watson Webster, Varna. Phone 622r11. 83-2 House for Sale Desirable 6 -roomed house on Ship- ley street. Garage and workship; good garden. Apply News -Record. 81-6 For Sale Choice mixed hay; also Timothy seed. Arnold Jamieson, 616r33, 83-1 AUCTION SALE of Farm, Farm Stock & Implements at Lot 4, Con. 6, Hallett township, Vz miles east of kinburn on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24th Full particulars next week. MRS. BEN. SN.ELL, Prop. G. H. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer. Clover & Potatoes We have a few bushels of Yellow, also Alfalfa Seed. Also a limited quantity of Early Warba and Katakin, Potatoes. Phone 34-616 Clinton AT ONCE Hugill's Potato Farm on Highway 8. 83-2 NOTICE TO FARMERS WE ARE AGAIN HANDLING EGGS and POULTRY. Try our grading. Highest market price at all tines. Poultry Culled. HOGS SHIPPED REGULARLY. A. E. FINCH ' Phone 231 Farm Implements Two Grain Drills; two Disks; 17 - tooth Cultivator, H. Charlesworth, Clinton. 83-2 Grass Cattle Wanted Wanted to buy for grass, good quality cows, steers and heifers. W. J. Miller, Clinton. Phone 46W. 83-1 For Sale Leather case, new, suitable for music or business case. Apply to Mrs. Melvin Crich, Princess street. 83-8 For Quick Reasonable Cash Sale in Walton. Seven -room brick house; bath, furnace, electric lights; hard and sent water. Stable, garage, fruit trees, a half -acre in all. Excellent Iocation, suitable for garage or chick- en ranch. Apply Mrs. Will Woods, Box 167, Clinton. 88-3 For Sale 1 H.P., 1/, 1/ 'and 1 H.P. Electric Motors for sale. Motors repaired and rewound. Lorne Johnston, Exeter, Ontario. 83-2 For Sale 315.00 Hawaiian, Spanish Guitar, lovely tone, practically new for 00.00. Box P. News -Record. ROXY THEATRE CLINTON --- NOW _NOW PLAYING. "BLONDIE and "TRAPPED IN THE SKY" Neon. Tues. & Well. 1' `Housekeeper's Daughter' The slaughter of the housekeeper in a wealthy hours is involved in a 'murder when a rejected suitor seeks refuge in their home-. Joan BENNETT—Adolphe Memjou Jahn Hubbard and Peggy Wood Thur., Fri., Sat. — Double Feature Romance of the Redwoods An outdoor drama concerning two, log cutters wonting at the same• machine, in love with the same girl Charles Bickford —: Jean Parker and Gordon Oliver "A Woman Is Judge Frieda Eneseort Otto .Kruger and Rochelle Hudson Mat.: Sat. and Holidays at 3 p.nt. dpi CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH NOW: Pat O'Brien and John Gar- field in "Castle on the Hudson" MON.. PUPS., Wn'D. EDGAR BERGEN with "Charlie & Mortimer Sherd Stuff a bumper crop of hilarity into a comedy murder mystery "CHARLIE McCARTDY, DETECTIVE" Tema, Pei. es get SONJA HENIE Ray- Milland & Robert Cummings "Everything Happens At Night" See Sonja •skate The Merry Widow Waltz as a feature of some grand entertainment Coning: Alice Faye in "LITTLE OLD NEW YORK" Mat.: Wed. Sat. & Holidays 3 p.m. REGENT THEATRE, SEAFORTH • NOW: Ann Sheridan and Robert Armstrong in "Whiter Carnival MON., TUES., WED. EDITH FELLOWES DeWolf Hopper & Arthur. Loft A blind horse and a youth's • devo- tion overcome a succession of °beta cies "Pride o$' the Blue Crass". THURS., FRI., SAT. Jane Withers — Lee Carrillo and Marjorie Weaver All the beloved characters in a popular book live again in the screen version. "The Chicken Wagon Family" Caning: "CHARLIE McCARTHY, DETECTIVE" Mat.: Sat. and Holidays at 3 pan. Buy Clinton Made fee <.rwd Leave your stoney in town and help us to serve you better. We make and bake our own Bread and Pastries, using local labor. We depend on your trade. Are you buying bread front outside firms? Is their product better? Can you honestly say they give better service? Remember we hake for YOU. We need your trade. You can get either Brown, Whole Wheat, Cracked Wheat, Brick Loaf, Sandwich Loaf or Our Own Dainty Maid. Next time try RARTLIFF'S Phone 1. Clinton. Girl Wanted Capable experienced girl wanted for general housework. Good ]tonne. Phone 126. 83-1 • Clean Grain & Seed Early Alaska and Irish White Seed Oats. Alfalfa, Yellow Blossom, Yel- low Sweet and Timothy Seecl. Also Early Cobbler Potatoes. Apply J. Leslie Cox. Phone 9031.2. 83-3 For Sale Beatty Electric Washer (new guar- antee) will sell for balance of pay- ments. W. T. Hawkins. 83-2 For Sale Two. used sheep -shearing machines, in good repair, W. M, Aiken, Clinton. 83-2 Notice I will not be responsible for any debts contracted in niy name unless through a written order from me. Henry Corey, Clinton, Ont. S3 -3p FOR SALE OR RENT Good frame, 7 -roomed house in a good location, Victoria. St., Clinton. Large garden, double lot, makes it desirable. Spacious lawn with ever- greens, maples. There are some apple trees. A. good cement garage and stables on this Iot. It is just north of the railway on east side of the street. Possession may be had May 1. Apply to Andrew M, Kirk, Seaforth, Ont. 33-4 need Pctatces for Sale Cobbler potatoes, clean seed; two sizes: WI up and 11/2 inch. George Hopson, R. R. No. 1, Bayfield. 82p For Sale Alfalfa seed. Apply to Fred. Gilbert, 7th con. Goderich township. Phone 908x22. 8251 FARM FOR SALE $2,500.00 FOR 120 ACRES 1 AUCTION SALE --IS YOUR BEST FOOD -- THE PRICE IS LOWER THAN OTHER FOODS Order From This 'Store. Your Favorite Bread Always Fresh HONEY DO -NUTS For the Weekend CANDY & ICE CREAM en or s CARETAKER WANTED FOR CLINTON COLLEGIATE Duties to commence May first. Salary at tate rate of seven hundred dollars per annum. Written applications . received up to April the twenty-second at six o'clock p.m. W. H. HELLYAR, Sec.-Treas., Clinton Collegiate. . BURGESS' STUDIO CLINTON Photographs of Distinction by IRENE BURGESS Phone 115. Developing and Printing (Open Every Day) Custom Sawing We will be doing Custom Sawing ill Clinton and Bayfield as usual during the coming spring. McEwen Bros. Phone 624-4 Clinton Central 7342 STRATFORD-GODERICH COACH LINES FALL AND WINTER TIME TABLE Leave Clinton for Strattord— Daily 8.25 A.M. & L10 P.M. Leave Clinton for Goderich— Daily except Suns. & Holidays, 1.45 P.M. & 8.30 P.M. Sundays & Holidays, 1.45 P.M. & 10.40 P.M. Connection at Stratford for Toronto, Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit, Tavistock and Woodstock. BARTLIFF'S, Local Agents, Picone 1 Community Auction Sale QUEEN'S HOTEL STABLES, SEAFORTH FRIDAY, 'APRIL 12th Bring anything you have to sell except .pigs. Rates aro reasonable. HOMER HUNT, Manager, Phone 852r12 Senfoetli, ARTHUR WEBER & HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneers. I "CHILL BILLY STUFF" +(+ I� a refrigerated comedy. in 3 nets will be presented by the Y.P.D. of St. Andrew's United Church BAYFIELD TOWN HALL Friday Evening, April '19th; (Note Change of Date). ADMISSION 25c and 15c 82-2 For Sale A large quantity of Alfalfa Seed. Government tested No. 1. Grown on my other farm in Haldimand County last year. For full particulars and price phone 620r25, Stanley Jackson, Clinton. 83-2p about eight miles from Goderich •and; — of — seven miles from Clinton, being the; FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS Beath half of let number twenty-three The undersigned auctioneer has re- ceived instructions to sell by public auction at .Let 8, Con. 1, STANLEY TWP. nit No. 4 Highway, 1 t/2 Miles North of Kipper on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17th 1940, at one o'clock sharp the following: HORSES --Clyde mare rising 4 yrs.; j Clyde marc rising 10 years.; Perch - I Bron mare rising 10 years, CATTLE—Durham cow due at time of sale; Durham cow due May 5; Hereford cow due Aug. 20; Durham cow freshened Dec. 14; Durham cow freshened Dec. 13; 2 Durham yearling heifers; Ayrshire cow freshened Jan, 10; 2 Durham yearling steers, 4 win- ter eaives. HOGS -9 chunks weighing about 70 lb. A few year-old Leghorn hens. IMPLEMENTS -- M• -H• binder 6 ft. cut; Deering binder 6 ft. cut; M. -H. eC nick fee ' mower 5 ft. cut; M or ttliter disc drill; McOarmick manure spread- er; hay rake; cultivator; disc harrow; 4 sets of harrows; M. -H. bean seuf- fler and puller combined; Cockshutt riding plow; Hamilton walking plow; Cockshutt gang plow; hay rack; gravel box; stock rack; ray fork; set of sleighs; cream separator; slings; extension ladder, scythe, stoss boat wheelbarrow, scales, swifter, 2 sets double harness, forks, shovels, boxes, whiffletrees, wagon, neckyokes, and other articles. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Clare Jewel range with reservoir and high back, nearly new; bedroom suite; congoleum rug 12x12 it.. 1PERMS—CASH W. II. STONE, Prop. GEO. num; Aunt. and lot number twenty-four m the fifth concession (Cut Line) in the Township of Goderich, rough cast seven room house, approximately 20 acres Fall ploughed, and farm water- ed by springs and well. APPLY tot MEREDITH & DAVIDSON, Solicitors, 74 Dundas Street, London, Ontario. 82-2 AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS et the residence of Thos. Wiggington, Shipley Street, Clinton on SATURDAY, APRIL 20th commencing at 1 p.m. the following: Bed, walnut finish, with springs & mattress; walnut dresser; large cedar chest; Ivory finish steel bed, coan- plete; mahogany finish bedroom suite; 2 oak beds with springs and mattresses; 14 cut oak dining room suite; 14 cut china cabinet; small drop-leaf table (walnut); 1/2 cut oak hall rack; small cedar chest; walnut stand; settee and 2 mahogany chairs; stool stretcher; small book case & 150. books; 1 very fine old book case and writing desk; several small tables, kitchen chairs and extension table; cook stove; linoleum; 2 large rugs; blankets and bedding; suit case; lawn mower; 2 wheel barrows; 2 ladders; odd chairs; dishes, pats and pans; Drophead Singer sewing machine; electric washer; Hoover vacuum cleaner; garden tools, carpenter tools and numerous other articles. Everything to bo' -hold as proprietor has rented his house. THOS. WIGGINGTON, Prop. GEO. R. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer. 83-2 Let us do your Repairing, We are looking for you. Did you give us a call, if note why not. ALBERT PALMER Isaac St., Clinton. MONUMENTS! To those contemplating build- ing a Monument Get my Prices before buying. Cemetery Lettering a specialty. All work guaranteed. JOHN GRANT LIN TON MAI{BLE & GRANITE WORKS Clinton — Ontario Successor to Ilal•I & 'Lapfe 59 ti BABY CHICKS Single Comb Leghorns, Barred Rocks and New Hampshire Reds. CUSTOM HATCHING E. L. MITTELL PHONE 213 Duplex for Rent Duplex for rout, with all modern conveniences, Apply Scott's Grocery. 711 tf For Sale Jamcsway coal brooder, almost new; quantity of turnips; Holstein cow, freshened, J. 13. Cox, Clinton, 83-1 For Sale or Rent 80 acre farm. Brick house; barn and shed; spring creek; good bush and orchard. Apply to Ellen J. Cox, Clinton. 80-4 House For Sale 12 storey frame house on North street for sale. Aply to Miss Eva Rapson. 77tf. Notice Garbage collection and all work. Customers are requested to. pay reg- ularly within thirty days. Arthur Fulford, 82-2 Pasture for Rent 100 acres of Blue Grass Pasture, Lot 29, Con. 13, Hullett township. Lots of water and shade. Apply to Mrs. M. L. Annis, Woodville. 82-2 WHEN PAINS ARE TORTURE from Rheumatism, Sciatica, Backache, use Rumacaps — their Two -Way Action attacks the cause, Hovey's Drug Store. Wanted to Buy 01d horses and dead cattle. Must be suitable for mink feed, removed promptly. Fred Gilbert, Phone 608r28 Clinton central. 34-tf. Cleaning and Pressing Suits, Coates and Dresses DRY CLEANING AND REPAIRINR W. J. JAGO, TAILOR it not open work vary be lift •16 Mardi Barbee Shoo,