The Clinton News Record, 1940-02-15, Page 4PAGE 4 THE CLINTON NI:MS-RECORD F : bru r `:r ., s*pedals LADIES FUR -TOP GOLOSHES, 2 -domed, in Cuban Heel—:Priced to Clear at $1.89 Pr. SEE THEM IN OUR WINDOW. LADIES AND, ML SES LACED MOTOR BOOTS, NOMARC Construction Top, at Special Prices^ Ladies' $2.48 pr. Misses' $2.29 Pr. Child's $2.19 pr. LADIES' OXFORDS with Military Heel at $1.98 pair,. 2 Only Pair SEATING BOOTS Complete Pair $1.50' A. 5.b.a . '@r,7 moi• O E .1L CI . Phone: 36w Main Store, 36j ,Second Floor AMEN Certified Extract Malt and Cod Liver Oil Builds Children Healthy and Strong. 1 lb. 50c 2.lbs. $1.00 FOR YOUR STOMACHS SAKE USE B!SMAREX Bost for Acid and Gas in the Stomach. Relief in 3 minutes. 75c and $1.50 VELVETTA BALM IS KIND TO ROUGH. RED AND CHAPPED HANDS. 25e and 39c W. SE H HOtM�S, PHM. BA CLINTON, ONT. 51 PHONE Made to Measure Svercoats Suits THE NEW SPRING SAMPLES ARE NOW IN. ALL THE NEWEST SHADES AND PATTERNSI! T TWEEDS, CHEVIOTS & WORSTEDS. 4 Priced from. $ 2 .. to $45.00 Easter is early this year, se get your nrder in before the rush. DAVIS HERMAN HERMAN k • HURON—PERTH NATIONAL -CONSERVATIVE OPEN ti CVF' - r' q . / %.. — will be held in the — TOWN HALL, EIENSALL M 1 , ruary 1 1940. at 2 o'clock. p.m. TO SELECT A CANDIDATE FOR THE COMING FEDERAL ELECTION. SPEAKERS: F. G. GARDINER, K. C., Reeve of Forest Hill Village A. R. DOUGLAS, K. C.A. of London, President of 1Vestern Ontario Conservative Association. AND OTHERS. GOD SAVE THE $ING JAMES MORLEY, Pres. CLARK FISHER, Secretary. BEATTY ENGINE DRIVE WASHERS EASILY SOLVE FARM WASHDAY PROBLEM CHOOSE fe �� 'i �rrriSKIIra1010 •v'iloa11►1111M1�i 111_®_>_`\ Washers, hollers, Cleaners, Polishers relieve women of the hardest work in the home. No wonder these labour -sav- ers are .the first choice of Canadian women. Beatty Appliances are pop- ular because they are simple and easy to operate. They are popular for their quick thorough a n d satisfactory work. And they are popular because of sound design. .•hnple sturdy donstruetion and dependable service. Phone or visit our nearest branch or dealer Wm T. Hawkins BledaillIKETIED READ OFFICE — FERGUS, ONTARIO Beatty Branches in all Principal Canadian Cities. 3o Ontario Branch: St. 1 Electrical AppliancesPHONE zll �� Largest Washer and Ironer Manufacturer in the British Empire. Conservatives Will Meet dent J. W. Morley, of Exeter. Monday Members of the Executive of the Hunan -Perth Conservative Association met in ilensall'Iast Wednesay even- ing +under ven-ing+under the dhairinanship .•of+•P.Cesi The meeting made arrangements to call a National. Conservative mint - betting convention in 11entsall on Mon- day, February 19th. The convention, will bg ; open and no delegates. will be appointed, NORTH HURON LIBERAL CANDIDATE R. J. Deachrnan SELECTED ON FIRST BALLOT AT WINGHAM R. J. Deachman, Liberal M. P. for North Huron from 1936 to 1939; was the &dbiee of the Liberal nominating convention in Wingham Monday af- NORTH IIURO'N Conservative Candidate L. E. Cardiff Elston Cardiff, the National Patty Candidate, has his -feet well embedded in the ,soil •of Huron County. Born and raised on a 150 -acre farm: in Morris township' he still tills 'the SOUTH HURON LIBERAL CANDIDATE W. II. Golding - The ,Huron -Perth Liberals at their nominating convention last Fridaynn- animously selected Mr. Golding a their standard bearer for the coming election. ternoon and will be an active and ancestral acres but has added one to North Bay in 1895 and joined: the eneigetic standard bearer for, the hundred acres to the original holdings. staff of Purvis Bros. Hardware. He party in the campaign prior to the Speaking of farming profits, Mr. retrained' with the institution when it election on Match 26th. He was Cardiff told our reporter "Every dol- was sold first to Mackey Bros., and chosen on, the first ballot over W. H. lar I have made on the farm I have then to Cochrane Hardware in 1921. Robertson o£ the Goderieh Signal- spent on the farm." The result of His service with the' firm was un - Star and Miss Josie Saunders, also of this is an up-todate farm with a high broken until he retired in 1938, fol- Goderich, ! production capacity. A herd' of pure- lowing an accident' in which he was The spacious town hall at Wingham bred Ayrshire% is the pride of their seriously injured. At the time of re - was filled with enthusiastic party owner, the foundation stock having tirement Mr. Davis 'Was employed in workers and supporters. Chairman been purchased from the late Senator the wholesale shipping department. Hetherington called the meeting to O'Connor, himself a lover of horses Sports fans ofrthe district will order and Paid fitting tribute to Lord and cantle. mourn his -passing, for Mr. Davis was Tweedsmuir. "Like many other great Federal politics is a new field for particularly well known in sporting men he was of lowly biiith, but he was the new candidate;` previous to the circles. An andenc fan of baseball, above all always a gentleman in the party convention in 1939 he had con -'softball, hockey ,and rugby, he seldom real sense of the word." In speaking [fined his efforts to the municipal missed a game. At one time he played to cr'iticis'm regarding Canada's war spheres but at the convention he was on a North Bay lacrosse team. effort Mr.. Hetherington said that chosen standard bearer although he, Mr. Davis never married. He is sur - MacKenzie King' must ,be retained so had made no canvass of the delegates vived by one sister, Mrs. Henrietta that the war may be prosecuted in eh his own behalf. - Callender, of Peterborough, and three the best way and in the best interests Retired from municipal politics at brothers, Fred G., of Kelowna, B.C., of Canada: "We must show the world the end of 1939 Mr. Cardiff can look yp• Bert, of Vancouver, and Ernest H. back upon an unbroken 12 years upon we are solidly united he said and the best way to do so is to retain, Mac- Kenzie -King as leader." Eight names were placed in nom - of Toronto the Munaeipal Council of Morris town -1 Mr. Silas Davis, the deceased man's ship, four years as a councillor and father; owned the hardware store now the last eight consecutive years as occupied by Sutter & Perdue. illation: G. L. Parsons, Goderieh; .r, reeve during which latter period he' Fingland, Clinton; R. J. Deachman, had to fight only one election. This — Wingham; W. H. Robertson, Miss is almost unique in the field of Josie Saunders, D. R. Nairn. and Hughmunicipal experience. I Former Resident Dies Hill, Goderich; and S. Bricker of Forel Mr. Cardiff is a 'very modest man, i In Detroit with. Each candidate a poor hand at serfp was called upon raise. In. a Mrs. William Bedour to speak and state his intentions, recent interview his closing remarks The name of Hugh Hill was the to cur reporter was "I do not pre- Word has been received by friends tend tc have sufficient experience to in this community of the death of first drawn from the hat. Some con-. t3 jectured before tete meeting that Mr.' Ye a polished platform speaker but I a former Clinton and Goderieh town- H4Y would stand but at the outset have a sound conception of municipal ship resident in the person of Mrs. of his brief address he said that ow- I work and I do believe that I under-, William Beelour, who died at her hone ing to other work he was not lir a, stand the needs of Huron County in Detroit on. Saturday, January 27th ;whose interest I hope to represent in after a lingering illness. position to do so at the present time,, the next Dominion Parliament. I will, Formerly Elizabeth Loretta Me - but pledged his support to the mien ! do all in m ruminated, for the riding. "I do tivrslt y power to aid the war, Court Mrs. Bedew: was born in Clin- honvevor to clear up a certain owiskieffort of our country,—Brusels Post. on December 10th, 1881, and re - of criticism which has been levelled'' m ined. here until she married. Fol- at me as president of this association. Fingland paid tribute to the great men lone eti marriage Mr. and Mrs. Bedour moved to H until ft idle where they re - It has been stated that I used undue' the present Premier had gathered sided upuntil fifteen influence to appointments to certain around hint, selecting the best brains moved Yeaas ago when offices in Goderieh." Other than ex -'in the country. He paid particular they vingtb sideDetroit. i oSdaughters, beside her husband are pressing has approval of the appoint -(tribute to Ministers Lapointe and two daughters, Mrs. Arbuckle (T{ttth- ment of the present postmaster, Mr, Powers who together managed to pr'e leen) of Belleville, once Mrs. McCann Hill denied having any part in the' serve the national unity by swinging (Annabel) of Hamilton. The funeral appointments referred to. the Quebec elections to the best irvt service was hold at St. Gregory R. C. Mr. R. J. Deachman was the next crests of Oanada. Church, Detroit, with interment in speaker and quickly warmed up. He' Miss Josie Saunders outlined her is a gifted orator with a choice voeab-;qualifications, and lashed out right holy Sepulchre Cemetery. ulary which he used advantageously and left at corruption in high places. in scoring Elston Cardiff's announce- F Criticizing Mr. Deachman she said she meat in the Brussels Post, especially' doubted 11 even he knew how to apply the following quotation, "I do not pre- his education and knowledge to the Dr. Percival Hearn Dr. Percival HearnHearndied Monday at tend to have sufficient experience to best advantage for this constituency. his hone on Huron street, Clinton, in be a polished platform speaker but I' G. L. Parsons, of the Goderieh Me- his 48th year after an illness of have a sound conception of Municipal vator and Transit Company cane oat several months of 'a heart condition, work and I do believe that I under- flat-footed la opposing the St. Laver- culminating in a stroke a week ago. stand the needs of Huron County." once Waterways scheme saying that Dr. Hearn was a son of the late Mr. Deachman said that Mr. Cardiff 'it would be disastrous to the railroad William T. and Mrs. Hearn, the latter definitely admitted his weakness as a and shipping interests, particularly the former Jane Taylor, and, was bora speaker which is a very necessary`Great Lakes ports. He also expressed in Toronto on June 3, 1892. After qualification. If one is to be a suc- I disapproval in having a member: who graduating from Parkdale Collegiate cessful member he must knew how to did not reside in the riding, pointing he attended University of Toronto present his arguments logically, for -lout how difficult it was for delega- {where he received his M,B, degree. He cibly and fluently. Mr. Deachman itions to take up necessary natters offered his services during the Great stated that Ring must be returned in without going to Ottawa. 111'. Parsons len and was appointed ship's surgeon the interests of the full prosecution of 'declined to stand. � en the Empress of Britain, -cruising the war as well as to prosecute meas.{ S. Bricker stressed the need for, the 1VIediterranean and calling at ports ures benefitting agriculturists. He unity and pointed out hove the Ring in Africa and India during 1916 and stated that since the Ring Govern-, administration had helped farmers to ,1917. ment assumed power valuable outlets get ridof cattle to other than Can -I After the war he practised at had been secured for the produce• o1'adieu markets. He pledged his sup- Runneymae Road, Toronto; after - the farm, notably the treaties with port in any way he could be of es- wards at Blyth for one year, and 17 the United States for Canadian cattle, sistance. years ago ,purchased the practice of and backed up his argument with! The final nominee, D. R. Nairn, of the late Dr. Thompson, of Clinton. stanxstics. "Agriculture is the key log' Godet•icla, also pledged his support to In September, 1918, he married holding back prosperity," the speaker Liberalism, stressed the need of tut- Bernice Rouse, daughter of Mr. and stated when he remarked that until ity, and declined the honour bestowed Mrs. I. B. Rouse, of Hamilton, who farmers enjoy a greater measure of by his mover and seconder. survives. There survive also two sons prosperity business will not pick up. When the result of voting was made and two daughters, Gordon, at the He further stated that he had always known Mr. Robertson moved the selec- College of Optometry, Toronto; Billie, done his best for the rcu'al population. tion of Mr. Deachman, be, made unan- in: public school, and Jean and Ruth, Answering criticism in regard to not intous and before the gathering dis- at Clinton Collegiate; two brothers, residing in the constituency Death- perehcl Mr. Deachman was given a R. T. and -A, J. Hearn, Toronto. man pointed out the time sitting mem- second chance to deliver another ad- Dr. Hemet was a practising physic- bers lost in riding back and forth to cress in which among many other ran and optometrist, He was a Pres - Ottawa and pointed out he was keep- thing's, he expressed his sincere regret ing better informed by staying on, the in the passing of Lord T'weedemuir. job although he took advantage of every occasion to visit his own dist- rict. '"I am going to stand for nom- ination and' I warn Mr. Cardiff here and now that if nominated I shall be elected," was his parting shot. W. H. Robertson in allowing his name to god before the convention North 'Bay lost one of its pioneer stressed the need for harmony and citizens with the death Sunda,y of unity. "The MacKenzie Ring Governs- John S. Davis, 67 Queen street, in ment has been criticized. There have the Port hope General hospital. He been charges of this and that, in- was in his 72nd year. chiding patronage. What is patron Mr. Davis died in the hospital early age? Well, as closely as I can define Sunday morning of pneumonia which when a Grit gets a job its patronage, developed from a cold contracted while but when a Tory get one its the right attending the funeral of his sister, thing." Continuing he said the King Mrs. Samuel Fred Baulch, of Port Government must be given whole- Hope, at Welcome Village on January hearted supeort, Regardless of who 29. Mr. Davie was admitted to the is selected the Liberal party must hospital Friday evening and his con - have a victorious election hi order to ditian became averse until death. oe- pursue their war effort All Liberals curred at about 6 n.m. Sunday. must rally to the man nominated. Born in Clinton; the son of the late Declining ' the nomination Frank Mr,''andi Mars. Silas' Davis, John came, OBITUARY Jack Davis Passes in Port Hope Former Citizen of Clinton byterian, and later with the United Church, being secretary of the board of Wesley -Willis Church, Clinton. Many friends attended the funeral yesterday afternoon in Wesley -Willis Church. It had been intended to have Dr. J. E. Hogg of Drumnbo, a former minister for the service but he was unable to attend and Rev. Andrew Lane conducted the service, The hon- orary pallbearers were John MoTav- ish, Goderieh, George Clark, Toronto, and G. H. Jefferson, E. Paterson, Geo. MoLay and J. E. Hovey, Clinton. Ac- tive, pallbearers were Der. J. A. Ad- dison, Zurich, Dr. Il. A. S. Vokes and Dr. Kilpatrick, BIyth, Drs. Oakes, Douglas and Shaw of Clinton. Inter- ment took place in Clinton cemetery. Friends from a distance attending the funeral included A. J. Hearn., George Park, William Hearn and Miss Olive Hearn, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. John Partridge and Mr. Uppenhouser, Monkton, and Mrs. Scott Reed, Port Huron. Al TIIURS., FEB. 15, 1940 » » S facilitate the nation's business Frogs To translate a brilliant "idea" front the inventor's bench to the factory assembly line requires the mobilization of men, machioses-. , money. Money to speed the nation's progress is available to industry through bank loans, which in turn have their origin in the savings of many people. As a storehouse for savings, as a source of commercial credit, your bank perforins an essential function. Banks facilitate the nation's business. THE ROYAL ANK OF CANADA CLINTON BRANCH - - E. E. PATERSON, Manager PROTEIN UPPL MMIN A VITA IN SCNT pea. No. oA..-I �-GUANANTEEO ANALYSIS 1 MADE BY AMP RI SSI O j SxAOXIFA[E Ilfb blVlAIAN E5OMTON 5HW-'AIN 1 A PIG CAN'T HELP MAKING A HOG OF HIMSELF ON SHU NCE Ti�"°' Ai vl "PTJSH" FOR GROWTH SHUR-GAIN supulies choice proteins — to add to and supplement those of grains. These efficient extra proteins "push" the hog along. No "standstill" pigs the 'SHUR-GAIN way. "SPEED" FOR FATTENING The fattening ration, as made according to SHUR-GAIN recom- mendations, puts fat on fast — and quality fat. Stop waiting around for the hogs to get enough finish to go off to market, Feed SHUR-GAIN. Use 1 to 8 for Growing and 1 to 20 for Fattening. Concentrate $3.10 Pig Starter $2.35 J. K. COLLNISH fruccfield. e En ALEX WELLS, • Londesboro. Prices Lowere We have a few new Sparton Radios in stock to clear at attractive prices, saving you at substantial amount on every machine.. Special trade-in allowances. In., vestigate our prices. "„sTEE".n"nsf S1+P�P; It pays to be careful. That's true in handling fire" arms and in buying guns and ammunition. We have somei specials in guns and a full liner of ammunition Int litzon to fit any type. See our stock of SPORTING GOODS. You'll; find just about everything here. Have you been in to see theAir Conditioning Unit. T THE SALVATION ARMY National War and Hoine Service Cainpaign MARCH' 11-20 Plan to do, ;your. utmost. 3' 1`I Irl