HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1940-02-08, Page 1ClintonThe With Which is Incorporated!. The Clinton New Era 'The News -Record Est. 1878 No. 5974. -61ST YEAR. CLINTON The New Era Est. 1867 ONTARIO, TIURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1940 FTROTECT YOUR EYES 1 from the bright sunshine and winds of the present. season. You will find a good assortment of COLOURED GLASSES in different styles and prices at W. H. HELLYAR Jeweler and Optometrist Residence Phone 174j WOOL And Accessories for Knitting We can supply your requirements in all types of wool from fine two-ply unshrinkable wool for infant's wear, to the heavy three and four -ply wheeling and fingering yarns. - All high quality wools and in many cases far below current prices. NEEDLEPOINT We have an exceptionally large stock in a variety of sizes, all at the former lowest prices. IRWIN' FOR QUALITY MERCHANDISE COMMUNITY PLATE SEAFORTH BEAVERS SET BACK BY COLTS GAME WITNESSED BY CAPACITY' CROWD, MOSTLY CLINTON Even standing room was az d prem- ium 'for the , Colts -Beaver game in Seaforth Tuesday night. Spectators were hanging front the . rafters as every likely vantage spot was quickly snapped up by a record crowd, many of them from Clinton. All many could;' say was "Well, at least I was there." Those who could watch the play saw • a closely contested game as the s core would indicate. The score by periods was 1-0, 2-2, 4-3. The game was played on soft ice and prevented any brilliant exhibition' of hockey. It was skate and check all the way. and penalties were costly, Seaforth scored the first goal while' Foster was in the box, Farmer Mc- Faddin getting the' honours. Pickett came through for the Colts after .12 minutes of play in the second period to knot the count while A. Hildebrand was serving time. Two minutes later -Flannery shot, the Beavers into the lead again only to have Punch Mc - Ewan rap home the tying counter as- sisted by Young, just two minutes be- fore the period ended. The teams were deadlocked for 11 minutes of the final frame. Hubert got the nod for intentionally roughing Foster, and -while he was serving his sentence Grant slapped home the goal that put the Colts in the lead once more. A couple of minutes later however, G. Hildebrand tied the count at three -all. Hubert aided unwillingly in Clinton's winning goal. Young's goal credits Archie with an assist as the puck jumped off his stick into the opposite corner of the net from where Stade was crouched. The win puts the Colts up at the head of the class as they have two games in hand. In nine starts they have lost but once, and that to Sea - forth in the opening• game of the season. Seaforth has played eleven games and lost three, twice to Clinton and once to New Hamburg. Next week's calendar is full for the Colts. Tomorrow night they go to New Hamburg, wiEh the return engage- ment here Monday night. Wednesday night the Colts and Beavers meet again at Goderich. Friday night the Perths play here, THE HOME PAPER The .Farmers' Market • Wheat 69. Oats 36, Barley, 55. Buckwheat, 52. Cream 30, 29. Eggs 18, 15, .14 13, 12. Hogs $8.85. Freak Lily Mr. S. G. Castle has something of a novelty in the way of a double Calla lily. This lily has two blooms on one stalk, one ;midway down the stem. The bloom at the top of the stalk is rather unusual. While it is plainly a well -formed lily it is streak- ed with green as if part of the stalk had been used to fdrm the flower. We have been fortunate in securing a limited number of sets •'of Lady Hamilton Silverware at the same low price of former years. These are 50 Piece Sets, (service for eight places). If you purchased this in small quantities it would cost you $67.25. Our special low price is $49.75 complete and including a handsome tarnish -proof chest. In this way you save $17.50 while they last. This is a real opportunity when you consider that an additional price in- crease comes into effect on Feb. lst, and our low price remains until these few sets are sold. If you want a lovely chest of Silver in Lady Hamilton Pattern that will last a lifetime do not delay in visiting our Silverware depart- ment immediately. We always feature Silver- ware and can give you a real buy on several other makes and patterns. When you think of Silver, think of Norman's and you will be sure of getting the utmost in quality and value for your money. Remember WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. NO "Counter's for Finer Jewellery for over Half a Century in Huron County" Clinton Baptist Group Elect Officers for Year Election of officers took place at the meeting of the Baptist Ladies' Aid Society held h the church on Wednesday afternoon. The new list includes: President, 1VIrs. R. H. John- son, returned to office; vice-presi- dents or group leaders, Mrs. W. G. Cochrane, Mrs. Thomas Leppington, Mrs. (Rev.) A. E. Silver; secretary, Mrs. George Carter; treasurer, Miss Ella Alarm. pianist, Mrs. Silver. flower committee, Mrs. Silver, Mrs. Johnson. A pleasing feature of the meeting was the presentation of a nicely worded address and gifts to Mrs. Johnson in thankful recognition of her faithful and efficient service in the work of the society in the of- fice of president during the past num- ber of years. Miss Audrey Butler read the address and Mrs. J. R. But- ler presented the gifts. During a I social half-hour following the busi- ness session, lunch was served. LITTLE LOCALS Mr. Ernest Adams slipped- on the sidewalk opposite Ford's store this week and required medicaltreatment as a small bone was .broken in his shoulder. Mr. Leroy Oesah who' is employed by G. T. Jenkins was knocked . un- conscious this week by a falling icicle his employer informs us. He is re- covering satisfactorily. Those who missed seeing the King. and Queen last year will be able to see the record of their trip, in this Can- ada i week at. the local theatre. Proceeds are for Red Cross work. Rev. A. 11. O'Neil of St. Paul's Church, accompanied by the organist and some members of the choir mot- ored to Winghasn yesterday and were heard in an Ash Wednesday broadcast over CKNX. - FIRST DEFEAT - FOR JUVENILES); Return Game Cancelled The Lions Juvenile hockey team met stiffer opposition than has been met in their group when they journey- ed to London last Saturday. The London lads are in group A. and a big hard hitting bunch. The ice was not of the best and consequently the usual flashy passing plays of the locals was lacking. The game ended 3-1 in favor of the Londoners. On Friday night in a regular league game. Exeter received a 15-1 drubbing from the locals and Monday night Goderich met the same fate to the tune of 18-2 at the local arena. Just before going to press we are informed the return game with Lon- don which was to have been played here tonight has been cancelled. An outbreak of measles in the London camp is responsible for the change of plans. Are There Evergreen Birch Trees in Clinton? Correcting a False Impression An article in last week's issue has PtuP caused some misunderstanding and: in Young women in Western Ontario had G. Draper, firemen fairness to the pasty involved, we received assistance last year. Ther 6 months salary 232.50> wish to make some explanation. -1n Minister of Health for Ontario ap- Relief the first place, the reprimand may proved the re -appointment of Dr. W. M. Aiken, relief for Jan. 208.16• have appeared unwarranted to those Shaw as local M.C.H. Mr. Murray County of Huron. not knowing the facts. A certain McEwan asked for an increase in sal -1 Hospital Indigents 11.35. amount of horse play took place be-' ary and on motion of Councillors City of Stratford, J. Brennan, fore the game (details are not neces- I Walker -Agnew an had for 1940 was granted. Queen Alexandra San., ALL 'TOWN OFFICERS RE -APPOINTED FOR 1940 SOME SALARY INCREASES GRANTED Council meeting on Monday night - Property got under way promptly at 8.15 with P.U.C., lighting stock scales, .... 1.00 all members present. The first item P.U.C.,' lighting rest room .;.. 1.00* was the - reading of the minutes of P.U.C., lighting Town Halt ...... 1121•. the last regular meeting and a special Mrs. Tideswell, care rest. room• 2.00 meeting held- on Friday, January 12. A. Seeley, repairs 4.60) ' 'owas W. D. Fair,supplies ... 4.85, At this meeting the decision pp reached to invest $1,000 of Cemetery Bert Langford, repairs ..... 2.25+ Perpetuity in Government War Betide.' Cemetery Salary increases were also voted the Pay sheet 8.5@) police officers. M McEwen salary 50 .00) Several communications were read. A. Seeley, labor and material... 25.45. The Royal Bank resolution authoriz- ing the clerk and mayor to sign fin -1 Dry Earth Closet antral vouchers was approved. A re- A. Fulford salary 60,OOi quest from the Salvation Army at! Salaries London for funds to carry an work A. E. Fremlin, salary among young *omen resulted in a D. Elliott, salary grant of $25.00 being voted to. that R. E. Manning, salary • ose. The letter stated that 2001 Fite Dept. Expenses 65.004 50.00, 58.33'~ increase of $50.00 1 relief 7.9S. sary) and it was to That we a reference more specifically than cher Treatment Indigents A letter f Mrs. McKenzie ask it the blow was struck because the Liquor Control Board for a license for man on the receiving end was cheer -I General Municipal Expense 'the hotel stating that it would be im- Township of Hullett, ing for Clinton. We have nothing to possible to carry an without, resulted add as we do not know both sides of in a motion by Walker -Paisley -That I erecting snow fence 5-00. the story. Feeling runs high at hockeyF. Fingland, Account re. clerk advise Mrs. McKenzie the mat -1 Equalization appeal ... , . 125.00. games and it may be both parties clerk referred to in her letter is fully Bell Telephone Co., rent & acct. 925. were to blame. Certainly we had ire+covered in Section 69 L.C.A. and am- RECEIPTS 'intention o£ upholding or praising the endments thereto. -carried. Market scales $ 8.40 to appoint certain officers Stock scales 17.30 Cemetery, perpetuity 10.00 work 6.00 Hall rent 15.00 Railway tax 31.24, 9.00• 3.75. e er ram t . - Stationery and Postage actual encount&ii. As we understand ing council to negotiate with the W D. Fair, supplies party who delivered the blow nor of I Bylaws pp Ilcwering anyone's standing in the their introduced. Dr. Shaw was A Toronto reader has sent us a news sheet issued by The Men of the I Trees, a voluntary society of lovers of trees. A. news item on the sheet+ has partieular interest here. It reads: "Someone reported Dr. J. T. Burt-; Gerrans as saying two Evergreen Birch Trees grew at Clinton, Ontario, Our correspondent writes, "I was interested in this statement. Do you know anything of it. If so, I would be glad to hear of it through your paper." We do not know of these trees and it is possible some of our readers do. Therefore we would appreciate any information regarding them or any other trees of importance grow- ing here so that we might pass the information along. And here's a tip for our Park Com- mittee. Another news item on the sheet reads: "The gift of two thous - !and ten foot trees from Senator E. D. Smith of Winona will be distributed to Ontario towns and villages for beautification of highway entrances, school grounds and parks. Scores Since Last Issue Intermediate Perths 2-Seaforth '7 New Hamburg 4 -Tavistock 6 St. Agatha 5-Perths 2 Tavistock 1 -New Hamburg 4 Clinton .4-Seaforth 3 Seaforth 3 -St. Agatha 2 Juvenile Clinton 15 -Exeter 1 Goderich 2 -Clinton 18 Wassa Clinton 11 -Exeter 2 Exhibition Juvenile London Stars 3 -Clinton Lions -1 Mr. & Mrs. John Schoenhals Married Fifty Year S community. The article was written were as a warning to all hockey fans to appointed a member of the Collegiate prevent a recarrence of the incident Board; G. H. Jefferson to tite Library Board foT three years. R. E. Manning and for that reason only. Ito the Board of Health. All members of the Fire Brigade were re -appointed AMONG THE CHURCHES and salaries remain the same. All Executive Met Here ' other town officers were re -appointed itvith the revision of salaries referred The Executive of Huron Presby - "Sun of Righteousness" and "Jesus to. A. clause to the bylaw reads that the Way" are the subjects for Sun- : they may be relieved of their duties day servicds. nt any time on thirty days notice. IBaptist Church Committee reports were gven y The minister's sermon subject for chairmen of each. Mayor Waters for Sunday evening will be "A Prayer; the benefit of ratepayers present For The Kingdom " :briefly reviewed under the heading of The Women's World Day of Prayer I Oficers, their salaries and duties. He • 1 d' eussions had bee tenial Women's Missionary Society met in Wesley -Willis United Church,. Clinton, on Feb. 5th., with a splendid attendance. Following the resigna- tion of -Mrs. A. W. Gardiner, the newly appointed president, Mrs. R. E. MacKenzie of Egmondville had charge of the meeting. Encouraginm g• d that is reports were heard fro salsevers all depart - service will be held in the Baptist rents. Arrangements were made far the annual meeting of the Presbyter- ial to be held in Seaforth, United Church on April 23rd. , 1 transient nrobl ld Church on Friday afternoon, cam- heregardmg t to mencing at 3 o'clock. Lathes of all and in the main this is left to the churches are urged to attend. discretion of police. He also men- churches that the police office should St. Paul's Church I not be taken as a public meeting) At 11 o'clock on Sunday Morning +place as it frequently happened that, County Clerk Called Prayer. The Men's Choir will lead those who had business there were For Service in the service. The rector will preach' forced to ask the officer on duty to 'on the theme: "Man's Greatest 'go outside to talk business. As far! Reeve N. W. Trewartha being at Needs". Evening Prayer at 7 o'clock.' as possible -it is his` intention to have member of the County Warden's Com - Midweek services - Church Boys 1 discussion in the open he said. mittee, was called to Goderich this 'League Monday evening; Women's I Councillor Paisley reported that his morning fr an emergency meeting. ,Auxiliary meeting Tuesday afternoon; committee had expended in all $219.20 County Clerk J. W. Roberts, being Junior W.A. Wednesday at the usual Ion street work. Snow removal had an experienced pilot in the last war hour; Lenten Service at 8 p.m. 1cost $67.50 and $48.64 respectively.' again offered his services. He re - Presbyterian Church Other reports were of a routine na- ceived notice from Ottawa to report The annual congregational meeting ture. In his report Councillor Aiken there immediately. will he held on Friday evening, corn -/raked that M,O.H, report on condition' It will be the duty of the Warden's u sc worship 's s who are receiving committee to melee temporary ar twenty-eight years, Mr, and Mrs. relief, This was ase because ra g m the morning at 11 a.m. Tho Yonrtg John Schoenhals are widely known in!People's Society meet in the Sunday � question had beenf raised who were with his office. Residing in Clinton for the past rnencing at 8 o'clock.P bl' of center persons I asked b s some � n ements for the work connected this district. On Monday they quietly! School roam at 7 o'clock Sunday ability to walk o f observed the fiftieth anniversary ofevening, receiving retie . Officers and Directors their wedding and received many At Bayfield the annual congrega Commenting on the Finance report r messages of congratulation. Althoughltional meetin • will take lace Tues- )Make Plans for Failu neither have enjoyed good health of i g p Reeve Trewartha explained the item tray, • February 13th commencing at of $125 to F. Fingland stating this late, Mrs. Schoenhals was able to re' -12.30. Worship service at the usual was half fees for equalization hear- ADDITIONS MADE TO PRIZE LIST ing, Go-%erich township beating the other half. Later in the meeting Mr. Ttrewartha gave a brief review of Central Agricultural Society• held a county council, mainly along the lines general meeting in the Board Room. of equidization. He said it will cost of the Agricultural Office Saturday Schaefer were married at the onto the county between $10,000 and $11,- afternoon. Several important items "Answer. Evangelical 000. He also stated an dbualization of business were put through, among of the bride's parents at Milverton -The)van lical committee had been appointed consist- them was the appointment of Mr. A_ on February 5, 1890 by Rev. H. Blnnk will feature the service. Young Peo- ing of Messrs. Watson, Tttckey, Me- J. McMurray as manager. All coin- of the Lutheran Church. They were pro's meeting Monday evening at 8 Donald, Shaddiek and McC'amt. Laud- mittens will work under his direction attended by Miss Annie Guenther and pan. Friday evening Committee of ing Reeve McNall of Blyth for the' and they will find him an energetie the bride's brother, Mr. Fred ler Schad- Stewards meet.' stand he took at county council to and capable leader. er. Mr. Schoenhals was a miller and The W.M.S. meeting takes place in held discussions in. the open, he ex- C. A. ROBERTSON, M.L.A.P 1 Judges were selected as follows: ceive callers who wished to offer their hour on Sunday, congratulations In person. The event was marked by a family gathering over the weekend when five of their seven living children were present. John Schoenhals and Elizabeth h Ontario Street United Church Rev. G. G. Burton will preach on the following subjects on Sunday: Morning: "A Watchman of God"; Evening: "Hand in your Accounts", Officers and director's of Huron• CARRIED FROM BURN- ING HOME C. A. Robertson, M.L.A, for Huron - Bruce, seriously ill at his home in Colborne township, was carried to saf- ety on an improvised stetcher wrapped in blankets when the residence caught fireyesterday. worked both at Atwood and Milverton' the Lecture Room on Tuesday after- before fter- pressed himself in accord and urged Heavy Horses A. Thompson, Strat- flourbecoming proprietor of the their, February 13th ate Study ook the sane for the town's affairs. "We ford; alternate, Prof. J. C. Steckley, flour mill at Port Albert, It was in the next chapter in ther Study Book should not go into committee of the Ridgetown; Light Horses - Mr. 1912 that they carte to Clinton to will be taken, whole too mucic, bntl et the public Brownlee, Meaford; alternate, Dr. w, take over the former Fair Mill.sMr, in on our deliberations. Let the chips J. Fowler, Guelph; Beef Cattle -Dr.. Schoenhals continued in business un- Wesley -Willis Church til about two years ago, . Rev. A. Lane's subject for the fall where they, may,". he said. Janes Pinkney, Cookeville; alternate„ Their family consists of two sons, morning service on Sunday will be Payment of bills caused some dis- cussion Stan. Gardhouse, Weston. esterda . Herbert 'of Port Colborne, and Melvin "Grace or Law". The evening topic when it was stated $175 of Revisions were made to the prize: People driving along the road skirt- J. of town. Daughters are MTs. E. is "Repentance and Confession." last year's bills had been presented list and the following new classes in-. P for payment this year, Councillor chided: Hackney stallions, French. ing the Robertson farm gave the C, Nickle, town; Mrs. M. J. Cook, The regular monthly meeting of the Walker was in favor of the chairman coach stallions. It was decided sl ca alaiin when smoke was seen coming Sarnia; Mrs, W . E. O'Neil, Halifax, W.A. was held yesterday with a spleno of each committee gathering Ftp the to include Belgian stallien +entries. from the eaves of the residence. iDr.ng a .S.; Mrs. G. A. McCagne, Art eton, did attendance. Mrs. Paterson, the bills and presenting them at each with those of the 'stallion classes,. B. C. Weir of Auburn ewas attending and Miss Freda at home, An elderipres dent, was in the chair, and Mrs. meeting, In his opinion the chairman all to be judged together. An in-• the patient at the time and he and son, Edward, died some years ago,+Cooper at the piano. The scripture shoaild be responsible far ordering anal crease was made in the prize money' the housekeeper, Mrs. Gamey, and het Members of the family who were able lesson was read by Mrs. Sperling• the committees should meet. oftener. for young horses in the heavy draft„ son, Albert, denied Mr. Robertson: to be home for the occasion in ad- Minutes of the last meeting were read Councillor Paisley l :incurred with agricultural, and general purpose downstairs to a summer kitchen. AIdition to those living• here were Mr. 1by the secretary, Mrs. Miller and the Agnew's suggestion that the vouches' dam,. general alarm was raised and a bue- and Mrs. Cook and daughter, Betty, report of the treasurer, Mrs. Oakes system should be used and said each It was decided to have a director's kat brigade formed. The fire weal of Sarnia; Mr. and Mrs. McCague and was received: Several letters of thanks chairman should"be furnished with a Lunt on the clay of the irect on. confined chiefly to space between the son, Donald, of Haeriston. for flowers received were read by chair of vouchers. April 4th, and a reception eofar n living -room ceiling and upper floors.1 Afternoon tea was served to the Mrs. Adams. Convenors of committees Your vouchers, Committee beg to re- under the chairmanship of Dr. J. to e. Mr. Robertson has been in the' callers who were welcomed by Mrs,+then submitted their reports. Eleven commend payment Committee of the following Shaw was cahairmad hi look after out - the Legislature since 1926. Shortly after Schoenhals. For the occasion the table new members were added to the roll. cccounts for January 1940: g tiro 1934 election he suffered a par- -eras covered with a lace cloth and was The meeting closed with a hymn' and He was again elected in 1937.- Of recent months lie has been in poor health and was unable to attend the present session of the Legislature.: 'with 1 group served a dainty lunch, white candles to mark the anniver- I Regular meeting of 'clic W.M.S. a, Pay sheet sary. Mrs. Nickle poured"tea and the home of Miss L Brigham next• Shearer. Canvassesa Mrs. Cook and Miss Freda served the: Thtursday afternoon. Mrs. McKinley's Street Lighting guests.group in charge of programme. P.U.C,, lighting streets 222.50 Lobb for townships, attic stroke but made good recovery. centered with a wedding Bake g o tp 1 I Street t of -town guests. The committee work- ing with Dr. Shaw are W. 11. Lobby, $219.20 G. H. Elliott, W. L. Whyte and J. C. e appointed were F. II, Powell for Clinton and W. IL.