HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1940-01-25, Page 8s 1 Cohtitz. PAGE >z THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURS., JAN; 25, 1940 snow. So tethin tJ'.1que In book merchandising is "the Queen's Book of the Red Cross" con- taining a portrait and. a message from Her. Majesty the Queen and Fifty contributions from the most famous British Authors and Artists of to- day. The manufacture and distribution of the book will be en exceptional one inasm.uch as the -authors and the artists will receive no royalty, and the paper makers, the plate makers, the printers, the binders, the publish- ers and Canadian, Agents will receive no profit. The Canadian Pacific are doing their part by delivering these books freight free to Toronto from London, England'. The Book is 10x7%", 256 pages and 12 full-page illustrations, seven of which are in color. Price $1,50. "GONE WITH THE WIND" Its here at last! Promised over a month ago. The most widely .aead and talked about book of the '30's. The famous Civil War novel that sold more than two million copies. Now in reprint edition. at only 85c . and with the identical text of the original edition. Printed on good paper, in clear type, attractive cover, 12 full color scenes from the movie and price only 85c. HINESE CHECKERS . 50c & $1.00 TIZe W. D. Fair Co Often the Cheapest—Always the Best 1 Lcs Mr. Thomas Leppington was in God - rich yesterday on business. Mr. Albert Mitchell left on Monday for Montreal on a business trip. Mr. Wilson Carr of Toronto is spend- ing his holidays with Mrs. George McDonald and Mr. and Mrs, H. C. Lawson. Mrs. George Laughton of Toronto, spent Monday with her cousin, Mrs. Streets, Mise Mary Jenkins of Niagara Palls is visiting this week at the home of Dr, and Mrs. H. A. McIntyre, The Misses Maude and Elva Wiltse leave this week for Toronto where they will remain for an extended visit. rivate Sidney Lawson of the Essex Scottish Regiment spent the week- end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Lawson, William street. r. and Mrs. W. A. Wright, Malone, New York State, visited for a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Tyndall. Mrs. Wright before her recent marriage was Carolyn Callander of Malone, New York State. SPORT PICKIN'S A Seaforth correspondent to the Beacon -Herald denies the statement he Beavers management are exper- encing a mild revolution among the players. This has been common gos- ip among hockey fans for some time. Be that as it may, Lindy Leppard, he Mitchell boy, has had his name struck from the club's roster, so hat ?—K. Hart Brown of Tavistock C like a crack made by a Clinton correspondent (not yours truly). He tartly says: "Note a Clinton corres- pondent says the Colts kept the Shirts in their own end of the ice for almost the entire game. Well, well and well". We'd say that little slap was deserved. The 'Shirts were beaten, true, but they weren't corn- ered up for the entire game. — The Juveniles were scheduled to play a game with Exeter this week. That team has secured a new coach, name cif Pettingler, who formerly played I for London, so they asked for time, , and got it. Incidentally the ocals play in London Saturday after- noon. — The Lions Club have been sorting out Bantam players this week. We understand they hale material for four teams. The first game is to be played here Saturday morning at 0 o'clock, Wingham boys furnish the C — Apparently there's very ittle interest in a Town League. Not enough turned out Tuesday night to +arrant a meeting. The matter hasn't I dropped though. If interested, get 111 touch with the secretary, John 33ni.tler. — The 0.0'.1. team got in a bit of practice last week. Apparently here will be some good games with urrounding collegiate teams. — have hcard the Juveniles are trying to or- ange an exhibitions game with the Seaforth Juniors. Next week would e a good, time with no home games n the intermediate bracket. — So arr New Hamburg has been the only cam to beat Seaforth, Tavistock ane mighty close though Tuesday ig'ht.. Now the burning question is, �>hat can Chrt011 do Friday night?" You know of course that's the date of for the return game hero with the Beavers. a•. STOP -- Jan. 25, 26, & 27th —LOOK— BIG 5c U roc SALE SEE WHAT .5c WILL BUY CATSUP, Aylmer, 5 oz. bottle 5e CORN, Aylmer G. B. 8 oz. tin 5e TOMATO JUICE, 101/2 oz. tin 5o JELLY POWDERS pkg. 5c SALT .'-- EPSOM pkg. 5c TOOTH PICKS pkg.5c TOILET TISSUE, Nile 5c CLEANSER Big Five tin 5c SALT Windsor pkg. 5c SOAP Comfort 5c AMMONIA, Snowflake, pkg. 5c BEETS Diced tin 5c iSOAP Carbolic 5c BLEACH Hillsdale 5c STEEL Wool, Bulldog, pkg. 5e LIPTON'S AT THE OLD PRICE TEA 1/2 lb. 33c READY CUT MACARONI 3lbs. 15c ta NM, LYNN VALLEY Ne. 3 Size PEA'S tin H. HORNE'S BAKING POWDER BURF,ORD PEARS ACE COFFEE 10c QT. JAR 29c 3 tins 25c LB. JAR 39'c HELMET CORNED BEEF ...., r... tin 15c FAR WEST TUNA FISH 2 tins 33c SEE WHAT .10c WILL BUY SOAP Wonderful 3 for 100 SPAGHETTI R. & W. tin 10c CLOTHS PINS; 3 doz. 10e Cookies, Asst. Weston's, pkg. l0c Grapefruit. JUICE, 20 oz. tin 10c MUSTARD, Heinz jar 10c SNAP POWDER tin 100' WAX PAPER 30 ft. roll 10e FLAKES, Many Flowers pk. 10e CATSUP, Peter Pan, bottle 10c MACARONI Diener tin 10c PLUMS Lombard tin 10e Chocolate, Blue Ribbon, pkg. 10c CORN Falcon tin 10e PEA 1SOUP Baptiste tin 10e We Specialize in Select NEW GREEN CABBAGE 2' pounds 15c FANCY GRAPES ... pound 15c FRESH RHUBARB bunch 10c A REAL TREAT FIRM HEAD LETTUCE ... 2 for 15c FIRM RIPE TOMATOES pound 25c Vegetables eta es out of Season FRESH POUND FILLETS pound 17c OYSTERS SMOKED FILLETS pound 17c FRESH WEINERS , pound 19c SALMON STEAKS ...,..... Ib. 19c pint 45c e► FRESH GREEN BEANS pound 2'3c SPANISH ONIONS ... 2 lbs. 13c TWO EXTRA SPECIALS GOOD SIZE 2 doz. JUICY 6 for Oranges ... 25° Lemons 14c CRISP WHITE CELERY HEARTS bunch l0c NEW CARROTS ..u.,...... 2 bunches 19c SHEARING Sc NORMAN PRONE 48 - Clinton's Leading Grocers - CLINTON Locallly Owned Cow Completes R.O.P. Test "Hannah Canary Dewdrop" sounds like a fancy name for a cow, but then the animal possessing this pedigreed name is deserving of more than just an everyday common name. Hannah is a four-year-old Holstein cow, owned by Mr, J. W. VanEgmond. Under the record of performance test (which is supervised by the Federal Government) .she has just completed !setting up a record for her stable mates. Her production is 13,860 lbs. of milk with a butterfat content d'f 509 lbs., or an average test for the year of 3,67. Carrying the conlpatation farther we find that 636 pounds of butter have been produced, by Hannah, With butter at 30c a pound she is doing her part to win the war and would be a valuable asset in anyone's stable. CANADIAN VOLUNTEERS ARRIVE IN FINLAND SUDBURY — Finnish volunteers who left Sudbury January 1 to aid their homeland in the fight against Russia have arrived in Finland, it was learned yesterday, Friends re- ceived a cable from Erik Kaista, re- serve officer who led the party, say- ing: "Hello, over there." Social Evening ST. JOSEPH'S HALL — CLINTON Monday, Jan. 29th Cards 8 to 10 p.m. ARTHUR'S ORCHESTRA. in attendance. ADMISSION 25c 68-1. Skating Party Thursday, Feb. lst CLINTON ARENA Auspices of Group 1, Ladies Aid, of the Baptist Church. Refreshments — Sandwiches & Coffee ADULTS 25c; CHILDREN 150. EVERYONE WELCOME, 72-1 TIME Time is Too slow for those who wait, Too swift for those who fear, Too long for those who grieve, Too short for those who rejoice; But for those who love, Time is not. —Van Dyke. Spring Flowers NOW IN STOCK Gay and attractive, particularly so these stormy days, For every floral need you will appreciate our: DAFFODILS TULIPS IRIS PAPER WRITE NARCISSUS BUDDLEA STEVIA GLADIOLI. Also— CARNATIONS & ROSES Try our Smilax for table decoration. FLOWERING PLANTS CINERARIAS — CYCLAMEN PRIMULAS and BEGONIAS F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del As. Personal care given every order and special attention given to funeral orders. Phones 176 and 31 FITZSIMONS & BATKIN MEAT MARKET SAUSAGE lb, 15c POTTED MEATS 15c PORK CHOPS , , . , , .. , , 22c BOLOGNA . . ......... . . . 15c SPARE RIBS ....... , . , 100 SPECIAL HAM ROAST OF PORK 23c ib. ROLLED ROAST OF BEEF SBc lb. BUTTER 31c PORK & BEANS ,,. 2 for 19c SOAP FLAKES box 1Sc SEE US ABOUT CHOICE QUARTERS OF BEEF. Highest Prices Paid For Hides. PHONE 76 CASH SPECIALS RED ROSE COFFEE, with Cup and Saucer, Per Lb. 55c TEA, Black or Mixed, with Cup and Saucer, Per Lb. 59c HONEY—Pure White 4 lb. tins 39c CORN SYRUP -Crown Brand ,... 5 lb. tins 37,7 MIXED 7 .- MIXED CUT PEEL per ib. 21c RAISINS with SEEDS 2 lbs, for 21c WHITE RAISINS 12 lbs. for 25c FIGS—Choice Cookers 2 lbs. 23c MINUTE TAPIOCA-McLaren's 2' pkgs. 19c ROSE BAKING POWDER i 1 lb. tins 17c COCOA—In Bulk 2 lb. 25c lb F PEANUTS—In Shell 2ib..21c FRESH BEEF—Rolled and Boneless ... per ib. 15c SILVER BRIGHT SALMON— In Half or Whole Fish. ,.. per lb. 16c FRESH FILLETS per lb. 15c FRESH HERRING per lb. 10c SMOKED FILLETS 1 per lb. 17c FRESH PICNIC HAMS' per lb. 16c CASHMERE TISSUE Completely wrapped Soft Pure White 750 sheets to the roll ;1r eSallateaNZEDMITZSINEeeZeeleaeataSia .i 1* :DRESSED HOG by HALF HOME-MADE LARD 2 MINCE MEAT 2 HOME-MADE SAUSAGE CHOICE HONEY, Small Can DRY SALT PORK—Boneless 14c lb. lbs. for 25c lbs. for 25c , 1SC ib. for 25c 22c lb. CONNELL & TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162. Albert Street .�: We are Otfering a on • Washers $109.—$99.00 $79.50—$,69.50 $129.--$100 00 We Handle The Refrigerator. the Meter -Miser. ,.` � : GILSON'S Gilson's 1 Only EUREKA , The Special Electric New SNOWBIRD—reg. Model B7B Special—reg. Waterflux—reg. Don't Forget Frigidaire only one with SUTTER & PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS PHONE 147w. CLINTON, ONT. 0.0i{ 1 HT 4 s{ 4444.� .lie- 4 :8 — 4•4-44 f i44 1 .V♦40++ `'e fes{ 1N�H� 1 N; .4 , SPECT ALS -- ~ '4: IN OLD ENGLISH FLOOR WAX 1 lb. tins 490 •t ;_' 1 Pint No -Rubbing Wax 490 3 ,_' 1 Quart No -Rubbing Wax with 1 Wax Mop 990 ;: s, These are on sale for a limited time, Get yours now. T. STOVE Prices are Still Good as Advertised. _ t z 1� {int, ♦�� �e.jnr. •tn. %,•4 • HARDWARE and ;_ •liiilliS PLUMBING z. Phone 244• _ {. . {�i..�♦1t♦{�♦;{i4 .. 14, -,nim{ { .f . 1•. ? . rte:.: moi f1{�44-..H.++f s{+ 1. Superior PHONE SPECIALS JANUARY 3HORTENING, SUNLIGHT SOAP, SWAN MATCHES 'ASTRY FLOUR 'RESH FIG SINGER SNAPS 3AKING SODA RACKED WHEAT DORN MEAL rl HITE BEANS 1VHEAT BERRIES SPLIT PEAS GREEN PEAS POT BARLEY GR AI1AM FLOUR WHITE WHEATLETS SULPHUR CATTLE SALTS BLUE RIBBON ib. tin Baking L iii Free Stores 111--CLINTON. FOR 25-26-27 PICIsS OF HAT, FINDS FINDS FARMER, LOAD OF HAY Tallest story of the big storm conies from Pine River, south of Kin- imcardine, on the Blue Water Highway, cardine, At that point a member of a snow- plow crew picked up a farmer's hat from the top of a I5 -foot drift. 1ln- derneath was the head of a man, very much alive. "Well, well, how did you get there? You're up to your eyes in snow," ex- claimed the surprised snowplow man. "Yes, sir," replied the half frozen t farmer, "and there's a load of hay i beneath me." It may be an old wheeze but it's s still good. ---•— Hillcrest, 2 lbs. 25e ... , Per Cake 5e . , .. 3 boxes 21e 7's 210 BARS lb. 15c lb. 10c Ib. 7c• . , .. ,5 lbs. 25c 5 lbs. 25c 4 lbs. 25c 5 lbs. 23c lb. re lb. 10c lb. 7e lb. 5c .. 5 lbs. 25c lb. 5c' 6 lbs. 25c - t SWISS FORM ALPINE SKI' CLUBS FOR SPECIAL` DEFENCE DUTY ' Bern, Switzerland — Switzerland, neutral but alert, has organized a new defense force, a special trained group of skiing infantry. Switzerland has, for some time, equipped numerous snountain bri- I gades with up-to-date outfits, but luntil recently had no specific Alpine Corps. Recent events, however, Com- Ipelled Switzerland to form such a I type of army. What water is to the Netherlands, t 1the mountains are to the country of William Tell — a powerful defensive weapon. "When in "batle dress" the soldiers 1 of the Alpine corps are equipped exclusively in white, from Utile form down to the skis, and the rifles. Already the mountain engineers have been given up-to-date material for mines, enabling them to tying• down j avalanches at danger spots previous to the passing of the troops to avoid 1 the recurrence of accidents stick as happened some time ago m the Bern,- r ese Oberland, where a whole company narrowly escaped being swallowed ups Experienced Alpinists have been swtntnonea to teach soldiers the techniques of constructing "igloos." t /laving undergone a short training, s 600 of these future "Algins" succeed- ed in less than one hour in erecting r 150 snow huts.- Thus they were able to sleep a whole week within four b snow walls at temperatures falling as i low as 17 degrees Fahrenheit. The f igloos are safer `cover" than might t be expected, It has been. found that e a bullett fired at a distance of 1,700 n feet is unable to pierce a 16 -inch wall " constructed of dry snow, whereas it pierces with ease 10 feet of hnrdenad TEA ,... lb. 65c Powder FREE --�-- TtiompsoN Delivery MITCHELL DISTRICT MAN IS KILLED BY HORSE Apparently trampled by a• horse while he was working around the barn, T. B. Wood, 65, suffered, fatal njuries on .Monday. Wood was alone at the time. When he hired man, Charles James, re- awned to the farm he discovered Vood lying' sriousiy injured in the yarn. He died before aid could' be ummored, Wood was choirmaster of the Wil- )w Grove United Church for more hem 50 years. He is •survived by his dfe and one daughter, Mrs, W. A. snow. So tethin tJ'.1que In book merchandising is "the Queen's Book of the Red Cross" con- taining a portrait and. a message from Her. Majesty the Queen and Fifty contributions from the most famous British Authors and Artists of to- day. The manufacture and distribution of the book will be en exceptional one inasm.uch as the -authors and the artists will receive no royalty, and the paper makers, the plate makers, the printers, the binders, the publish- ers and Canadian, Agents will receive no profit. The Canadian Pacific are doing their part by delivering these books freight free to Toronto from London, England'. The Book is 10x7%", 256 pages and 12 full-page illustrations, seven of which are in color. Price $1,50. "GONE WITH THE WIND" Its here at last! Promised over a month ago. The most widely .aead and talked about book of the '30's. The famous Civil War novel that sold more than two million copies. Now in reprint edition. at only 85c . and with the identical text of the original edition. Printed on good paper, in clear type, attractive cover, 12 full color scenes from the movie and price only 85c. HINESE CHECKERS . 50c & $1.00 TIZe W. D. Fair Co Often the Cheapest—Always the Best 1 Lcs Mr. Thomas Leppington was in God - rich yesterday on business. Mr. Albert Mitchell left on Monday for Montreal on a business trip. Mr. Wilson Carr of Toronto is spend- ing his holidays with Mrs. George McDonald and Mr. and Mrs, H. C. Lawson. Mrs. George Laughton of Toronto, spent Monday with her cousin, Mrs. Streets, Mise Mary Jenkins of Niagara Palls is visiting this week at the home of Dr, and Mrs. H. A. McIntyre, The Misses Maude and Elva Wiltse leave this week for Toronto where they will remain for an extended visit. rivate Sidney Lawson of the Essex Scottish Regiment spent the week- end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Lawson, William street. r. and Mrs. W. A. Wright, Malone, New York State, visited for a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Tyndall. Mrs. Wright before her recent marriage was Carolyn Callander of Malone, New York State. SPORT PICKIN'S A Seaforth correspondent to the Beacon -Herald denies the statement he Beavers management are exper- encing a mild revolution among the players. This has been common gos- ip among hockey fans for some time. Be that as it may, Lindy Leppard, he Mitchell boy, has had his name struck from the club's roster, so hat ?—K. Hart Brown of Tavistock C like a crack made by a Clinton correspondent (not yours truly). He tartly says: "Note a Clinton corres- pondent says the Colts kept the Shirts in their own end of the ice for almost the entire game. Well, well and well". We'd say that little slap was deserved. The 'Shirts were beaten, true, but they weren't corn- ered up for the entire game. — The Juveniles were scheduled to play a game with Exeter this week. That team has secured a new coach, name cif Pettingler, who formerly played I for London, so they asked for time, , and got it. Incidentally the ocals play in London Saturday after- noon. — The Lions Club have been sorting out Bantam players this week. We understand they hale material for four teams. The first game is to be played here Saturday morning at 0 o'clock, Wingham boys furnish the C — Apparently there's very ittle interest in a Town League. Not enough turned out Tuesday night to +arrant a meeting. The matter hasn't I dropped though. If interested, get 111 touch with the secretary, John 33ni.tler. — The 0.0'.1. team got in a bit of practice last week. Apparently here will be some good games with urrounding collegiate teams. — have hcard the Juveniles are trying to or- ange an exhibitions game with the Seaforth Juniors. Next week would e a good, time with no home games n the intermediate bracket. — So arr New Hamburg has been the only cam to beat Seaforth, Tavistock ane mighty close though Tuesday ig'ht.. Now the burning question is, �>hat can Chrt011 do Friday night?" You know of course that's the date of for the return game hero with the Beavers. a•. STOP -- Jan. 25, 26, & 27th —LOOK— BIG 5c U roc SALE SEE WHAT .5c WILL BUY CATSUP, Aylmer, 5 oz. bottle 5e CORN, Aylmer G. B. 8 oz. tin 5e TOMATO JUICE, 101/2 oz. tin 5o JELLY POWDERS pkg. 5c SALT .'-- EPSOM pkg. 5c TOOTH PICKS pkg.5c TOILET TISSUE, Nile 5c CLEANSER Big Five tin 5c SALT Windsor pkg. 5c SOAP Comfort 5c AMMONIA, Snowflake, pkg. 5c BEETS Diced tin 5c iSOAP Carbolic 5c BLEACH Hillsdale 5c STEEL Wool, Bulldog, pkg. 5e LIPTON'S AT THE OLD PRICE TEA 1/2 lb. 33c READY CUT MACARONI 3lbs. 15c ta NM, LYNN VALLEY Ne. 3 Size PEA'S tin H. HORNE'S BAKING POWDER BURF,ORD PEARS ACE COFFEE 10c QT. JAR 29c 3 tins 25c LB. JAR 39'c HELMET CORNED BEEF ...., r... tin 15c FAR WEST TUNA FISH 2 tins 33c SEE WHAT .10c WILL BUY SOAP Wonderful 3 for 100 SPAGHETTI R. & W. tin 10c CLOTHS PINS; 3 doz. 10e Cookies, Asst. Weston's, pkg. l0c Grapefruit. JUICE, 20 oz. tin 10c MUSTARD, Heinz jar 10c SNAP POWDER tin 100' WAX PAPER 30 ft. roll 10e FLAKES, Many Flowers pk. 10e CATSUP, Peter Pan, bottle 10c MACARONI Diener tin 10c PLUMS Lombard tin 10e Chocolate, Blue Ribbon, pkg. 10c CORN Falcon tin 10e PEA 1SOUP Baptiste tin 10e We Specialize in Select NEW GREEN CABBAGE 2' pounds 15c FANCY GRAPES ... pound 15c FRESH RHUBARB bunch 10c A REAL TREAT FIRM HEAD LETTUCE ... 2 for 15c FIRM RIPE TOMATOES pound 25c Vegetables eta es out of Season FRESH POUND FILLETS pound 17c OYSTERS SMOKED FILLETS pound 17c FRESH WEINERS , pound 19c SALMON STEAKS ...,..... Ib. 19c pint 45c e► FRESH GREEN BEANS pound 2'3c SPANISH ONIONS ... 2 lbs. 13c TWO EXTRA SPECIALS GOOD SIZE 2 doz. JUICY 6 for Oranges ... 25° Lemons 14c CRISP WHITE CELERY HEARTS bunch l0c NEW CARROTS ..u.,...... 2 bunches 19c SHEARING Sc NORMAN PRONE 48 - Clinton's Leading Grocers - CLINTON Locallly Owned Cow Completes R.O.P. Test "Hannah Canary Dewdrop" sounds like a fancy name for a cow, but then the animal possessing this pedigreed name is deserving of more than just an everyday common name. Hannah is a four-year-old Holstein cow, owned by Mr, J. W. VanEgmond. Under the record of performance test (which is supervised by the Federal Government) .she has just completed !setting up a record for her stable mates. Her production is 13,860 lbs. of milk with a butterfat content d'f 509 lbs., or an average test for the year of 3,67. Carrying the conlpatation farther we find that 636 pounds of butter have been produced, by Hannah, With butter at 30c a pound she is doing her part to win the war and would be a valuable asset in anyone's stable. CANADIAN VOLUNTEERS ARRIVE IN FINLAND SUDBURY — Finnish volunteers who left Sudbury January 1 to aid their homeland in the fight against Russia have arrived in Finland, it was learned yesterday, Friends re- ceived a cable from Erik Kaista, re- serve officer who led the party, say- ing: "Hello, over there." Social Evening ST. JOSEPH'S HALL — CLINTON Monday, Jan. 29th Cards 8 to 10 p.m. ARTHUR'S ORCHESTRA. in attendance. ADMISSION 25c 68-1. Skating Party Thursday, Feb. lst CLINTON ARENA Auspices of Group 1, Ladies Aid, of the Baptist Church. Refreshments — Sandwiches & Coffee ADULTS 25c; CHILDREN 150. EVERYONE WELCOME, 72-1 TIME Time is Too slow for those who wait, Too swift for those who fear, Too long for those who grieve, Too short for those who rejoice; But for those who love, Time is not. —Van Dyke. Spring Flowers NOW IN STOCK Gay and attractive, particularly so these stormy days, For every floral need you will appreciate our: DAFFODILS TULIPS IRIS PAPER WRITE NARCISSUS BUDDLEA STEVIA GLADIOLI. Also— CARNATIONS & ROSES Try our Smilax for table decoration. FLOWERING PLANTS CINERARIAS — CYCLAMEN PRIMULAS and BEGONIAS F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del As. Personal care given every order and special attention given to funeral orders. Phones 176 and 31 FITZSIMONS & BATKIN MEAT MARKET SAUSAGE lb, 15c POTTED MEATS 15c PORK CHOPS , , . , , .. , , 22c BOLOGNA . . ......... . . . 15c SPARE RIBS ....... , . , 100 SPECIAL HAM ROAST OF PORK 23c ib. ROLLED ROAST OF BEEF SBc lb. BUTTER 31c PORK & BEANS ,,. 2 for 19c SOAP FLAKES box 1Sc SEE US ABOUT CHOICE QUARTERS OF BEEF. Highest Prices Paid For Hides. PHONE 76 CASH SPECIALS RED ROSE COFFEE, with Cup and Saucer, Per Lb. 55c TEA, Black or Mixed, with Cup and Saucer, Per Lb. 59c HONEY—Pure White 4 lb. tins 39c CORN SYRUP -Crown Brand ,... 5 lb. tins 37,7 MIXED 7 .- MIXED CUT PEEL per ib. 21c RAISINS with SEEDS 2 lbs, for 21c WHITE RAISINS 12 lbs. for 25c FIGS—Choice Cookers 2 lbs. 23c MINUTE TAPIOCA-McLaren's 2' pkgs. 19c ROSE BAKING POWDER i 1 lb. tins 17c COCOA—In Bulk 2 lb. 25c lb F PEANUTS—In Shell 2ib..21c FRESH BEEF—Rolled and Boneless ... per ib. 15c SILVER BRIGHT SALMON— In Half or Whole Fish. ,.. per lb. 16c FRESH FILLETS per lb. 15c FRESH HERRING per lb. 10c SMOKED FILLETS 1 per lb. 17c FRESH PICNIC HAMS' per lb. 16c CASHMERE TISSUE Completely wrapped Soft Pure White 750 sheets to the roll ;1r eSallateaNZEDMITZSINEeeZeeleaeataSia