HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1940-01-04, Page 1ke Clinton
The News -Record Est. 1878
With Which is Incorporated .. The
NO. 5969. 60th YEAR
We do :nothing.
for nothing
That is the basis upon which we accept your work.
The basis on which we solicit all sorts of repair work-
If it is "fixable" we can fix it and we will fix it.
If it isn't we will tell you so, and there the matter ends.
Jeweler and Optometrist Residence Phone 174j
FAnnual January
Clearanee Sale
of Odds and Ends Throughout
the Store.
You Have Taken Advantage of
these Sales before and will..
Appreciate the great
saving to you.
We have a table of them which
is sure to be of interest
to you.
We sincerely thank the people of Clinton
and surrounding country for the confidence
they have placed in us during the past year. We
enjoyed serving you and assure you that we
will continue to give your requirements the
greatest care and protection during the
present year.
Many receive gifts of money for Christmas so
that they may buy whatever they want. May we
suggest a watch, a locket or a ring or some other
piece of jewellery that will last throughout the
years to come.
We have several lovely Mantle and Kitchen
clocks we are offering at real bargain prices for
the home. Also Chests of Silver at money -saving
prices as well as many other lines. Give us a call
and inspect our stock for bargains.
Remember. WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts.
Our work assures your satisfaction.
. .�.N'S
"Counter's for Finer Jewellery for over Half a
Century in Huron County"
Clinton .New Era
The New Era Est. 1867
JANUARY 4. 1940
Council Holds Final Mie# ng
Clean up 1939 Btrsiiiess
/The members of the 1939 council
held the final meeting ors Tuesday
evening, all members preset* with
the exception of councillor Livermor!
The minutes' of the December 4th
meeting and statutory meeting on
December 15th were read and adopted
without comment. At the latter meet-
ing the list of unpaid taxes amount -
mg in round figures to $4,000 was
read and the trea'surer's report ac -
W. M. Aiken, relief for anonth
City of Stratford, -relief re:
J. Brennan
M. McEwan, salary 1
Dry Earth Closet
A. Fulford, salary .1
A. E. Fremlin, •salary
cepted. A motion was also passed D. Elliott, salary 50.00
to tranfer from sinking fund surplus D. Elliott, extra services
$3,000 to current account. R. E. Manning, salary ....... 58.33
T. Livingston, salary and bonus 25.00
A request from the Lions Club
asking exe¢nption . of hall rent for F. Fingland, salary 50.00
Red Cross dance on December 15th, General Municipal Expense
was granted on motion of Agnew- E. Morrison, Christmas tree ... 5.00
Cook. Miss Walkinshaw, typing 3.35
A communication from Constable R. E. Manning, Mothers' Allowance
Elliott was read stating that he had &Old Age Pension Apps. 13.50
been on night duty extra for two. H. T. Rance, Division Court fees 36.00
weeks and had received no pay for N. Kennedy, Division • Court fees 36.00
same. Also that he had paid a man Bell Telephone Co., rent and acct. 9.18
to take his place while unable to Polling Booth expenses 37.00
attend to duty through sickness. • RECEIPTS
Waters -Cook -That Mr. Elliott be
paid $10.00 for night duty and loss
of time through illness. Speaking to
the motion Councillor Waters said he
wanted it understood that in making
this payment a precedence was not
being established.
Another communication was receiv-
ed from A. E. Parry regarding as-
sessment of Charles and Joseph Al-
lison in which he stated an appeal
was being made to the judge. The
letter was ordered filed on motion of
Waters -Cook. Reesee Trewartha and
Councillor Gook made brief remarks
in this regard and it appears that
from now on the Allison's will have
to pay town rates which will make
their taxes higher. Nothing can be
done apparently to bring the assess-
ment under farm rates. GENTLEMEN:
The report of the Medical Officer I herewith submit the report of the
of Health was read and appears else- Board of Health for the present year.
where in this issue. Trewartha- The situation as to Infectious diseases
Waters -That the report be accepted has been uneventful. There has been
and we recommend it be referred to but one case of Scarlet Fever, two
the Department. The latter clause of Measles; 10 of Chicken Pox; 13 of
was added in view of the fact that Mumps. I have Toxoided all new
council last year received notice that students at the Public School for
Dr. Shaw's appointment would have Diptheria.
to be made with the approval of the! I have 'had our water analyzed by
Department in view of age. 'the Ontario Board of Health every
Councillor Waters wanted to know' quarter and in each case the report
what would be done regarding re; i was marked AA. As all milk is
riz itrequires a test as to
Baptist Church
steu ed r e P
moval of snow from in front of bast
ness places. No action was taken as perfection from the Ontario Depart- The subject for discussion at the
it was felt this was a matter for anent. This is done every 3 months evening service Sunday evening is,
"Why Should We Pray."
Market scales 5.65
Stock scales 15.00
Hall rent 18.00
Sale of lots
Pub. Util. Com.
Rebate on water 635.02
Rebate on street ltg. 325.73
To the Mayor and members
of Clinton Town Council.
The opening intermediate hockey
fixture for the Colts. will be staged
tonight' in the Seaforth arena. Its
more than likely a large following
of fans. will be going along to cheer
the Colts to victory and to' get a -look
at the combined Clinton-Goderich
What the line-up will be for to-
night's game is 'hard to predict and
the management is hard to contact.
It is practically a certainty that the
old pepper lines will be operating as
usual judging by the turnouts at
practices. The MCEwans, Poster,
Streets, Gibbs, Draper, Rath, Pickett
and Neilans have all served their
turn in chasing the puck and most
of them will be in uniform. •
From Goderich during the past
week have come Goalie Doak and his
two brothers; Don McKay, Slcipiper.
McDonald, Grant, Young and West-
brook and maybe a few more. Doak,
the goalie and Don McKay are by
no means new to Clinton fans, having
played for the Colts of two and three
years ago. With this aggregation to
pick from Manager Moe Elliott
shouldn't have much difficulty in
picking a strong team.
The Beavers are again using Stade
in the nets Archie Hubert and sev-
eral of last year's players are avail-
able and new faces on the Seaforth
team are those of R. Maraddin, A.
McFaddin, Leppard (formerly of
Mitchell) and McCallum. Judging by
the workout they had with the Perths
last Thursday night their joint ef-
forts should furnish some stiff op-
position. Added to that the fact that
there's no love lost between these
teams, it should be a typical Colt -
Beaver game tonight.
Clinton's first home game will be
next Friday night with the dark -horse
entry, St. Agatha. Sandwiched in be-
tween is -a game Monday night in
Stratford with the Perths. We call
the Colts to take that one and of
course we think they can take to-
night's also, but not as easily.
Engagement Announced
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lever, Clin-
ton, wish to announce the engagement
of their daughter, Evelyn. Mary, to
Mr. Frank Mayers, only son of the
late Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mayers of
the new council to handle. ! and only on one occasion was there
Seven families are on relief report- a complaint, which was immediately
ed Councillor Aiken and the expendi-, remedied. All samples as to quality
ture possibly the largest we have' tvere above standard.
Many complaints were investigated
regarding Drains, Septic Tanks, un-
sanitary premises. Sonia had good
had. The total amount includes meals
to transients.
F`ollo'wing the reading of the finan-
cial report some debating took place cause while others required exp,lana-
regarding the amount of rebate from tion, but int the end common sense
Public Utilities. The clerk stated prevailed with general satisfaction.
there would probably be a furtherI The citizens have cooperated with the
amount 'when the Commission's books Board in every way. The Rabies scare
had been closed for the year. did not materialize, but the response
Agnew -McKnight -That the town to muzzle the dogs was almost 100%.
engineer be given a bonus of $15 for 1 The stork 'has been busy with 84
extra services -carried. I births, but Clinton is credited with.
• Cook -Waters -That Lions Club be only 24, 60 being from the outside.
Mere were 34.deaths recorded.
In terms of unnecessary death and
suffering might be avoided if careful
driving were enforced the same as
impure milk and bad water is car
The business of the Board of Health
granted $15 toward Christmas Basket
Fund -Carried.
At this stage Mayor Elliott took
the floor on his final meeting and
again expressed his appreciation for
the co-operation he had received dur-
ing the year and expressed the hope
that the same harmony would prevail is to prrevent unnecessary suffering
during 1940 as the new council took and premature death. The prevention
office. is our Health problem.
I especially refer to the danger of
The meeting then adjourned. I riding bicycles without proper lights
Your Finance Committee beg to and two riding a bicycle at once.
recommend payment of the following' The Highways act provides us with
accounts for December 1939
Pay sheet
J. B. Mustard, tile
R. Fisher, grates 13.25 bicycle riders are a menace to motor -
G. F. Elliott, 12 yds. gravel .. 9.00 rets and a danger to themselves.
Street Lighting
P.U.C., lighting streets 222.50
P.U.C., lighting town hall .... 12.29
P.U.O., lighting stock .scales .... 1.00
P.U.C.; lighting rest room .... 1.00
P.UC., water, 2 fountains .... 1.62
P.U.C., water, Town Hall 2.72 The Week of Prayer will be ob-
P.U.C., water Rest Room. 1.62 erved in Clinton next week with ser-
P.U.C., 3 mons. rent rest room 15.00 vices each evening. at 8 pm.
Mrs. Tideswe]i, care of rest room 2.00 Monday -Baptist Church -Rev. A.
H. C'Neil.
provlisions and names, Penalties for
the observation of the law. But in
order to get results I would suggest
77.81 the Council give our Police orders to
14.50 have this law enforced. At present
All of which I respectfully submit,
Medical Health Officer.
Week of Prayer Services
Sutter -Perdue, supplies & labor 7.70
Hydrant Rental
P.U.C., rent hydrants 3 mons. 628.65
Board of Health
Dr. Shaw salary & expenses . 165.00
Lions Club, Ohristmas baskets 15.00
Printing & Stationary The offering at all services will as
G. E. Hall, printing account . 168.00 in fernier years be devoted to Clinton
R. E. Manning, postage 5.00 Hospital.
Tuesday Wesley -Willis Church,
-Rev. G. G. Hutton,
Wednesday -Presbyterian Church-
Rev. A. E. Silver.
Thursday -Ontario Street Church
-Reel, G. A. Peddie.
Friday -St. Paul's Church - Rev.
Andrew Lane.
Alvin Corless Elected Premier of
Older Boys" Parliament.
Alvin Corless, of town was elected The week of January. 28-F.abrtiutrty
premier of the Ontario Older Boys' 3 was 'set aside as boyst' week' few
Parliament Saturday as the annual observance by Ttaxis. and. Trail.Itasi
er groups.
Clinton friends are extending' eon-
gratulations to Alvin on. his agspainak-
merit which brings; with it mach laze -
session closed at McMaster Univer-
sity./ '
Lloyd Perry, of Windsor, was elect-
ed leader iof the Opposition, Jaciq our. His rise in paeliamentacee circa.
Dodds of Toronto, ranking member I eras been rapid and. extends over. we
of the Cabinet, and Gordon Millson, period of four years.. The. first ;year.:•
of St. Marys, alternate. the was elected member;; the following.
John Marsh, Conservativle member year he•wa's appointed a.•memober• of
of Federal Parliament for Hamilton the Cabinet as Minister. of Wel'rar eee
West, urged the need for boys' lead- last year he was Finance Minister-
ership when he prorogued the House and Leader of the Opposition nisd
as acting lieutenant -governor. now conies the honour of the Pram-:
Salvation Army
The subjects for Sunday are: Morn-
ing, "The Helper"; Evening: "Come".
The Thursday evening prayer meet-
ing will be cancelled this week that
all may take part in the Week of
Prayer service.
St. Paul's Church
Sunday at 11 a.m. Holy Commune
ion. Sermon subject: "The Shepherds
and the Magi." Evening Prayer at
7 p.m.
On Tuesday the Women's Auxil-
iary will meet in Owen Memorial
Hall at 3 p.m. Wednesday at 4.15
Junior W.A. At 8 p.m. A. Y. P. A.
Local Council for the Deanery of
Huron will meet in Owen Memorial
Ontario Street United Church
Rev. G. G. Burton's subject for
Sunday morning is "Faithful Dis-
ciples." In the evening the subject
under discussion is to be, "A Certain
Young Man."
Turner's Church Sunday School and
Service at 2 p,m.
The annual meeting of the Wom-
en's Missionary Sochi* will be held
ie the Church on Tuesday. Reports
on the year's work will be given.
Wesley -Willis Church
The Sacrament of the Lard's Sup-
per will be dispensed at the morning
worship service Sunday next. Pre-
communion service Friday of this
week at 8 o'clock.
The W.M.S. regular meeting next
Thursday, January lith at 3 o'clock
at the Manse. Annual reports will
be given. Mrs. McKinley's group in,
The January meeting of the Wom-
en's Association was held inthe
church hall with the president, Mrs.
Paterson in the chair and Mrs. Cooper
at the piano. Annual .reports were
received and showed that the society
had had a very successful year. It
have decided to ha a a supper at the
annual"' congregational meeting.
Group No. 4 served a •vfery delightful
hunch of sandwiches, cookies and
Christmas cake.
Will the "Covenant" Bible class
note, that the lesson. for January 7th
is Matthew 16:13-28, and for Sun-
day, January 14th is Matthew 18:15
to 19:30.
"We are greatly indebted to the
leaders 'who have brought us vision
and inspirations through their ad-
dresses on national and international
affairs,"' hesaid. "I hope the mem-
bers of this Parliament will realize
more deeply from this experience the
responsibilities facing the younger
In a resolution, the Parliament re-
commended that the church employ
the radio and moving pictures for
religious propaganda.
let's seat. - -
This Older Boys' Parliament; covers
all • ridings in the prev4'nce and: 'dee,
members are called upon to deal w113a.
questions of great moral and ser iitwa3a
depth. Their findings are incarpete --
ated in resolutions which find their -•
way to the parliaments of the prior --
ince and dominion. To be electecru'•
leader of such a body is indeed an..
great honor and the congratulations.;
Alvin is receiving are certainly 41e-,
Weather and road conditions were
bad in this district for New Year's
traffic. Snow fell steadily from early
Saturday morning until Monday
night and a north-west wind driving
the light snow into drifts, soon tied
up traffic, especially on th highways
south and north of town. The snow-
ploughs were soon brought into ser-
vice and main roads opened athough
sideroads remained impassable foe
One traffic accident was reported
here over the weekend. Miss Rena
Pickett, who was walking on the
highway just north of the Princess -
Albert streets corner, suffered severe
bruises when struck by a car driven
by Chas. Shanahan. His car was be-'
ing pushed by another and Miss
Pickett; failed to hear the horn which
the driver said was sounded. Miss
Pickett was struck by the bumper
of the car, falling backward onto one
of the lights which was broken. She
received a severe shaking up and re-
ceived medical treatment after the
This was the only accident report-
ed to police here over the weekend.
Numerous motorists experienced dif-
ficulty and the snow ploughs were
kept busy endeavoring to keep the
highways open for holiday traffic.
Mr. R. H. Johnston has been forced
to lay off work for the past few
clays owing to illness.
3'Ir. Albert Palmer is still on the
sick list, but hopes to be able to
resume work again soon.
The huge piles of snow in front of
the many places of business gives
Clinton the appearance of a fortified
The next meeting of the Red Cross
will be held on Monday afternoon,
January 8th at 2.30 in the Council
/A newly organized dramatic society
Should prove to be of great interest
to Clinton and surrounding territory.
This society intends staging a number
of plays throughout the winter
monbhs, the proceeds of 'v'hieh are to
aid our local Red Cross society./The
members will soon solicit your sup-
port and give you the advantage of
buying a season's ticket to the entire
series. We understand the first play
will be given about the end of this
Help Needed
The Hospital Aid Association still
owe a balance on the Cyclopropane
which was recently installed in the
hospital. A. small donation or as-
sociation: fees from all members and
those who were former members of
the Association would defray this
debt. Will all those who are inter-
ested kindly leave their fees or con-
tributions with the treasurer, Miss
Luella Walkinshaw, before the Feb.-
ruary meeting.
Next Tuesday night at 8 o'clock a
meeting will be held at the rink for
those interested in O.R.H.A. hockey.
All wishing to be represented may
appoint delegates. A sound robin
series will be arranged, the teams
competing for the silver trophy donat-
ed by the Clinton' News -Record; An-
other matter to be dealt with is to
arrange for e'team to carry on with
playoffs of the O.R.H.A.
The aged folk at the County Hoare.:
were able to enjoy the festive seacoaaa
to the full through the kindness ori
the matron and staff and. the ,gener-
osity of organizations and individuals
tvho made contributions., Ainocg the;.
gifts received were the follo'wingc
Women's Institute, Londeshore -
Candy, Oranges, Cookies.
Women's Institute, Exeter - er-
anges and Candy.
Lions Club, Seaforth - Crate of.
Oranges; Box of G•rapes,.Tobaceo arid.
Clinton Lions Club - Crate bei':
C. B. Middleton.- Two busltels or
McIntosh Apples.
W. S. R. IIolnmes - Five -pound .brier
of Chocolates.,
M, J. Agnew -Tobacco. -
In addition to these splendid cau-
tributions which are gratefully aek--
nowledged, the County Home Coin-•
inittee did their shaite' ineseeing;• that.
a plentiful supply of Christmas fowl t
was available. One hundred and
eighty-four pounds of turkey. along :
with all the trimmings were eorsrma- •
eel by the one hundred inmates. 'ileac ••
home had a festive appearance with
all the Christmas decorations and arcs •
less than. eight Christmas trees.
The "boys and girls" as Mrs..
Jacobs called them eagerly looked
forward to Christmas and were :not
disappointed. "We had a loaely time
and I just love getting things reader
for them. Added to that I bare a.
!splendid staff. We all worleed to-
gether and I can tell you we aealjy'
had a wonderful time." With a state-
ment like that one can readily under-
stand 'why Mrs. Jacobs is such a
popular matron.
Injured While Coasting
Margaret Lockwood, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lockwood, Or-
ange street, met with an accident men-
earthe collegiate last Thursday after
The natural slide gives theWaage-
galls a good start onto Cardwell's.,
pond in the valley below the hill eawl,
a spill occurred as two toboggan..
making the descent at the same *Lame
collided at the foot of the hill. Marg-
aret's leg got the weight of the- Im-
pact and snapped between knee .amt''.
thigh. She was taken to the hospital
where the bone was set and a weight.
attached to hold the muscles taut,
and the bone in place.
Herleft leg was broken tree years
age when struck by a ear while cros-
sing the highway.
New Serial Iiegitming
This Week
In the unending, contest. between
the criminal and the law„ modern,
methods have changed very drastaeal- •
ly the work of the police in the pep- •
ulous parts of the world. Out fire,
the open, spaces the contest retains
much of its old.' adventurous char-
acter. The work of the Canadian
Mounted 'Police, for example , sYail
calls chiefly for personal qualities of"
courage, endurance and resource. In
the new story starting on page two, .
T. C. Bridges tells an interesting;
story of the tight against crimen in.
which the chief' characters find)
themselves in many a tight spot, rsa1?t
believe you will enjoy this new somal.'
and will watch eagerly for each lin-•
stallment. Read 'the opening ellAt,
ters this week.:..