HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1943-12-30, Page 5IF,
THURS., DEC. 30, .943
The following teachers are spend-
ing the Chri'stnmasholidays at their
respective homes; Miss Mary iou-
' sten of South Porcupine, Miss Mar-
jorie Arthur, of Teeswater, 'Miss Iia
Craig of Wingham, Miss Betty As-
quith •of Berimiller, Warren Bamford
of Preston and Donald Ross of Galt.
Mr. Wm. •McIllwain and daughter,
Miss Amelia spent the week' end with
friends in St. Thomas.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Raithby are visi-
ting their son Lloyd Raithby and Mac.
Raithby London.
Mr. and MTs. Maitland Allen spent
- Christmas with friends in Flint Mich.
Miss Isobel Rollinson : has returned
to Toronto' after spending the holi-
day with her parents, Mr. and 'Mrs.
•:,Alfred Rollinson.
Stewart King of Toronto spent
'.Christmas with his another Mrs.
Russell King.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford. Brown and
two ehildren of Walton spent the
'week end with the 'latte>±'s:parents,
Mr, and Mrs George Beadle,
Arnold Phillips of Toronto spent
''Christmas with ''her mother, Mrs.
Blanche Philips and -aunt Miss Mae.
Miss Francis Houston of Kitchener
was a week end visitor with her par-
ents, Mr. and -Mrs. 'John "Houston..
Private Charles. Beadle of Omni)
Bordon spent Christmas with his
brother, Harry d Mrs. Beadle.
Mr. and Mrs. Alliston and fancily
of Parkhill spent Christmas with Mr.
and Mrs. D. W. Hamilton,
Miss' Zeta • Munro of Sarnia spent
the week end with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. R. D. Munro.
Miss Mary Nesbit of Toronto was
a week end visitor with her parents
-Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Nesbit.
Mr. and'Mrs. Webster and daughter
of Stratford spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs, A. J. Ferguson.
Miss June Marsh of Brantford is
spending the holidays with her par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs. Bert Marsh.
Mr. Reginald Asquith of Montreal
spent Christmas with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas E. Asquith.
Mr, and Mrs. W. T. Robinson spent
"Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Norman
' Garrett, Blyth.
Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Plumsteel of
"Clinton and Miss Eleanor Plumsteel
of Palmerston spent the Christmas
holiday with Rev, and Mrs. H. Snell.
Mr. and Mrs. Gormley Thompson
rand son Bobby of Brampton spent the
"Christmas week end with Mr. and
Mrs. Herb Mogridge and Mr. and
Mrs, Wm. Thompson.
Lloyd Rutledge of the RCAF Ot-
tawa spent the holiday with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Rutledge.
The annual community carol ser-
vice was held in St. Mark's Anglican
Church, Sunday evening with the Rec-
tor Rev. P. H. Streeter in charge and
Mrs. Gordon Taylor presided at the
organ for the singing of the carols,
A duet was rendered by Rev. and Mrs
'Snell. Solo by Miss Josephine Weir,
and Mrs. Gordon Taylor. Rev. A, D.
Thompson brought the Christmas Hies
sage from 2nd Corinthians Chapter 8
verse 9. The accompanists were Viv-
ian Straughan, Donald Ross and Betty
The. December meeting of the S.
S. No. 4 Unit of the Red Cross was
held at the home of Mrs. L. Pearson
with the president presiding, the
meeting was opened by repeating the
Lord's Prayer"in unison. The roll call
was responded to by fourteen mem-
bers, and there was one visitor pres-
ent, The roll call for January meeting
is to beanswered by payment of fees.
All reports of various committees are
to be read at the January meeting.'
A letter of thanks for parcel receic-
ed by Sgt; Maj. M. E'. Bateman over-
seas was read A gift donated by Mrs.
J, Tebbutt was sold by tickets, with
Mrs, Bert Lobb drawing the lncky
ticket. A quilt was quilted during the
afternoon. The next meeting is to be
held at the home of Mrs. A. Hebden.
The meeting was closed with the Na-
tional Anthem. A slate of officers pre-
pared by a nominating committee was
brought before 'the meetingwith the
following officers being appointed for
President—Mrs. Frank Jones; Vice
President, Mrs Bert Lobb; Secretary,
Mrs. Ira Merrill;' Assistant Secretary
Mrs. L. Pearson; Treasurer, Mrs. W.
Forbes; Assist. Treas. Miss Josephine
Muir; Buying Com., Mrs. W. Forbes,
Mrs. E. Little, Mrs. D. Rathwell;
Sewing Corn., Mrs. E. Little, Mrs R.
Eason; Yarn Corn, Mrs. Bert Lobb;
Quilt Committee, Mrs. C. Tebbutt;
Mrs. A. Gamble.
A very enjoyable Christmas enter-
tahiment was given by the pupils and
young people of S. S. No. 4, on the ev-
ening of December 21, Much credit is
due. to the teacher, Miss Delphine Bis.Bis-
back, and the music instructor Mrs.
Mervin Lobb, for the fine program
presented by the pupils.
Miss Bernice Lobb, of Waterloo and
Alvin Lobb of R.C.N.V.R. of King-
ston, spent Christmas at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lobb.
Miss Violet Phillips of Toronto vis-
ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira
Merrill, over the week end.
The annual congregational meeting
of Ebenezer United Church will be
held in the church on Thursday even-
ing of this week.
Miss Mabel Grigg of Toronto spent
Christmas at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs Ed. Grigg Sr.
Mrs. Will Grig gand master Wayne
spent a few days in Clinton Last week
at the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh Cameron,
Miss Margaret Evans of Toronto
spent Christmas et the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Events.
Miss Muriel Bowden is improving
nicely after having a severe attack of
the mumps.
Mr. and Mr's Grant Lindsay, Lon-
don and Miss Isobel Lindsay and
Mrs. Ian Drummond Roy of Hamilton,
spent Christmas at the hone of their
father, Mr. David Lindsay.
Christmas Concert at the S.S. No.
4 Goderieh Township.
On Tuesday evening December 21st
the pupils teacher, and young people
Presented , an interesting programme.
Mr, Irvine Tebbutt acted as chair-
man. A sacred tableau. showing the
story of the birth of Christ was giv-
en first. The tableau consisted of quiet
music played while Lois Jones gave
a recitation entitled "The First Christ
mus" Then "0 Little Town of Betide -
hem" was sung while the 3 angel
girls pantomined the song "While
Shepherds 'Watched' 'was sung next
with Shirley Jones as an angel sing -
The regular meeting of the London ing the solo part. The Wise men enter -
Read Club was held at the home of ' ed singing; "We Time Kings of
Mrs. M. Wiltse on Dec. 16. Mrs, Stvin- 1 Orient Are." Lewis Tebbutt,, Jack
hank the president presided. The meet Tebbutt and Douglas Jones were the
Ing was opened by singing "J'ing'le I Ecistern Kings. After Frank Little
Bells" after which the creed was re- dressed as a Shepherd recited hie ver-
peated in u lsnn. The minutes of the se' the Shepherds moved toward the
last meeting were read. and adopted. manger during the singing of "0 Carne
The Roll Call was to be answered by All Ye Faithfull , Marion Jones, as
Mary, sang Brahmi s Lullaby to close
tine sacred tableau. -
Lois Jones -then welcomed the crowd
by singing•• a "Welcome Recitation."
a parcel for the bail, it was answer-
ed by eight members and 1 visitor.
It was moved by Mrs Clegg that all
bills be paid. Work brought int drat
day conrieterl of nitre ladies night-
gowns, 1 ladies dress, 2 baby blank- A play ent*tied "The Party Line."
ets, also 1 pair mitts, 1 pair socks, 2 was presented. All the family liked to
'sweaters for Red Cross there wore listen in— even Pa, Marion Sones, An-
tiso 3 pair kltahki and one pair ate drew Neilson,' Shirley Jones, Frank
force blue socks for Christinas'boxes. Little, Lois Jones and Gerald Tebbutt
Owing to so few •being ont election of took the parts in this play
mincers was put off till next meeting, After Kenneth Neilson's releita:t-
to be held at Mrs. Swinbanlcs en Jan, I ion the entire class sang "Christ Was
20. The meeting was closed by sing- Born. and Chri';teme Bells. Then the
ing Goll Save the King. After which
a nice lunch was served by the hostess.
Work done by London Road Club
for year 1943 consisted of the follow-
ing 121 yards of flannelette; 8 pairs
children's pyjamas; 1 crib quilt; 6
large quilts; 1 childs dress and blouse
age 6; 1 pair boys pants age 3; 10 la-
dies' nightdresses; 6 layettes; 6 childs Shirley Jonas.
dresses; 1 ladies dress; 1 Childs dress; Then the Juniors, dressed inpyja-
1 aids dress and slip age 6; 1 ladies Ill a"Come
presented an exercise Come
'rheas; 4 pair socks for Christmas box- Little children. Terry Pearson told
es; 18 pieces of used clothing for Rus- about his "Woolly Underwear: Then
Sian Relief. tie Smilers gave a pantonine called
choir sang a three part song "Gently
Evening Bendeth."
Edith Jones and her dolly gave a
recitation. Then John Gamble gave a
The intermediate and senior pupils
dressed as Indians sang Indian Car-
ols. The Iroquois Lullaby was sung by
Rod Cross woik 11 pair navy mitts
'2 navy sleeveless sweaters; 2 navy
long sleeve sweaters; 2 airmen long
sleeve sweaters; 1 navy turtle neck
sweater; 3 sleeveless child's sweaters;
4 long sleeve boys sweaters; 4 long
sleeve girls sweaters; 4 sleeveless
'Boys sweaters; 4 pair socks; 1. navy
:turtle neck sweater; 1 boys sweater.
' Twas Christmas Eve."
,Josephine Gamble had a recitation
after which the "March of the Flags"
was given. ,
A recitation was then given by
Joanne Easom, Gerald Tebbutt recit-
eri "The Same Old Things."
Frank Little dressed like Santa
climbed through the fireplace to give a
recitation followed by the Ju. ier: at
tion song "Jolly Jolly Santa Claus."
Dinah Dones, a negress and Sam
Jonsing, a black man •entertained the.
audience Jack Tebbutt and Harry Lit-
tle took the parts.
Foitr girls in, pastel crepe paper,
dresses presented a dance and sang
the "!Marine Hymn:"
"The Five Fifteen" a SO 'minute
comic was given by all the pupils, This
play depicted_ the various "character-
ers to be found in a railway station
at a busy hour':
Lawrence Jones recited a "Good-bye
While the Young People prepared to
present "She Was Only a Farmer's
Daughter" the chairman with Mrs.
Lobb our mtisic supervisor, conducted
the singing of a few favourite Christ-
mas Carols.
Those in the cast of the 45 minute
play"She Was Only a Farmers' Dau-
ghter." are as follows.
Aunt Sally Spivens, bothered with
asthma, Josephine Muir; Mrs. Smith-
ers the owner of "Ye Olde Open inn"
Marianne Merrill; Osgood, her son,
Jinn Lobb; Millie Spivens who had re-
turned unexpectedly from the city,
Delphine Bisback; Mulberry Foxhall,
the perfect villan, Robert Thompson;
Harvey Smith, business man from the
city, Jack Merrill; Lydia Smith, his
aristocratic wife, was Joy Lobb; Alice
Smith, their darling daughter, was
Margaret Lobb. After the singing of
God Save The King, the Jolly Old
Santa Claus arrived to distribute the
We thank our chairman, our music
supervisor, our young people of the
play cast, our School Board and Ball
and Zapfe who loaned chairs. for then..
Miss Elizabeth Thiel of London
spent the Christmas holidays with Mr.
and Mrs. Jack McGuire.
Mr. Jack Stirling of Toronto spent
the holidays with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. James R. Stirling.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Williams of God-
erieh spent Christmas with Mr .and
Mrs. John Torrance.
Billy Harris of Brantford, RCAF 1
spent the holidays with his parents
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Harris.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McGuire spent
Christmas with the latter's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jeffery of God-
Miss June McDougall spent the
week end with her parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Murry McDougall.
)axdwd/.1 urdrZ
For Every Occasion
Phones: 66w and 661
We Wish You
Happy New
Day Phone 214. Night Phone 328.
Batkins Locker Service
holidays with her parents Mr. and
Mrs. Leslie Cox.
The Christmas concert cane off
very well considering some of the
children were absent with the flu. We
trust both teacher and pupils will en-
joy the holidays.
To the staff and readers of the
News Record we wish a happy and
prosperous New Year.
Mr, and Mrs. Francis Dayment and VARNA
family of Chatham, and Miss Helen
Stewart, RCAF of Hagersville spent Christmas and weekend visitors Mr.
the Christmas Holidays at the home and Mrs. Herd and family of Strat-
of Mr. and Mrs, Adam Stewart. ford, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Elliott, of
Mrs. Marion. Laramie and daugh-Windsor with Mr. and Mrs. M. E. El -
tor Elizabeth of Hampton and Miss liott and family.
Jean McEwen of Toronto are visit.! Mr. and Mrs. Walper and babe of
ing their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. London, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Chutor
McEwen. of IIarriston, Mr. and Mrs. Townsend
Miss Alice Glen and Miss Barbara and babe of Godericl township, Mr.
Graham, of Kitchener and Miss Lois land Mrs. Walter McBride and family
Moffat of Toronto, were home over Ma .and Mrs, J. McBride and fancily
the week end. I of Blake, Mr. and Mrs, Tom Chutor
`$ oktmit„�tA' ra'+ $velet #awego ats3 i4rvattoc R$ .. tr." to tozeto FLiE;W 1U1i+rdri
Now Playing— "Thank your Lucky
Stars with a host of top-ranking
stars. U'
Marie Montcz Jon 1•Iall, Sabu and,
Thomas Gomez. l3eautiful Princess
Tibia, ruler of an island empire,
but powerless before the com-
mands of her own heart.
—In Technicolor—
A colorful pageant of music on
ice, underscored with romance, and
packed with exciting love, sequen-
ces. Sonja Henie, Jack Oakie, C'is
sar Romero and. Woody Herman
and his orchestra.
Corning -"Heaven Can Wait" with
Don Ameche and Gene Tierney. —
In Technicolor—
Now Playing Abbott and Costello'
in: "Who Done It?"
Betty Grable, Robert Young and
Adolphe Menjou, A gayer, grand-
er, greater Grable in lifting Tech-
nicolor musical hit
Pat O'Brien, Randolph Scott and
Anne Shirley, over the target with
thrfll5 and romance in the year's
greatest air drama.
Coming— Nelson Eddy in "Phan. Coming—"Cinderella Swings
Matinees—Sat: and Holidays at 3. torn of the ,Opera". and "The Falcon's Brother,"
4tbaninan,zanatntn'rhr2brZthunt arnintnarMin'rtrb'+ rgr2a2'+brb'tzetZtilbibrns, etb'rriMnabtb't rrmazblinnerantb tntrrganizI zeint2Obt1...
Now In Technicolor — "Arabian
Two Features
Frank Buck and James Donaldson, a„
a "bring em back alive"tale' of n,
jungle life. 'A
William Holden and •Susan Hay- $;
ward, offer a bright and • zippy
comedy hit
Anne • Shirley, Pat O'Brien and
Randolph Scott. The screen's
great drama of the boys who are
doing the fighting for us.
Old -Fashioned Revival Hour
7 to 8 P.M., E.D.S.T.
Pilgrim's Hour
2 to 3 P.M., E. D.S.T.
On Mutual Network - Sundays
Local Station—OKLW., Windsor
At once for Clinton Public School
Grades V and VI. Male preferred.
State salary.
77-1 Secretary
SHORE—HEARD—In Ontario Street One Ford Mercury 1940 hub cap.
United. Church on Monday after Finder please phone Clinton 108j.
noon, December -'27th when Marg-
aret Isabella, second daughter of For Sale
Mr. and Mis. J. L. Heard, became Boys overcoat, blue, size for a boy
the bride of Cpl. Albert James of 12 years. Apply to Mrs. Albert
Shore, RCAF, son of Mr. and Mrs
Albert Sho£ Gd ' 1 R G
re o o erre r. ev. .
G. Burton officiated.
COLLIER—MacMP TH—In Goderieh
on Friday, December 24th, when
Helen Louise, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. S. R. Mad/lath, of Goderieh
and LAC' .Donald Wesley Collier,
RCAF Melton, were united in mar-
riage by Rev. Richard Stewart.
New green dress purchased in Lon-
don and lost in taxi. Reward. Finder
please get in touch with phone 12-17
Ripley, Ontario. 77-1
Americans -Serving in
Foreign 'Forces Attention
BIRTHS In connection with the • Selective
JONES—In Clutton Public Hospital
Service registration of American cit -
on Friday, Des. 10th, to Mr. and rzens in' foreign.countries under the
Mrs, Morgan Jones of Clinton, a President's Proclamation of Octoner
26, 1943, the question has been raised
son (Alvin Louis), in regard to the status of American
GREEN—In Clinton Public Hospital then who:are serving in the armed
on Saturday, Dec. 25th, to Mr. and forces of foreign governments.
Mrs. Robert E ' Green, Clinton, a
sort The director of Selective Service
CUDMORE—In Clinton Public Hos- has stated that the Selective Training
pital, on Monday, December 27th, and Service Act contains no exemp-
to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cudmoro, tion applicable to citizens who are
Clinton, a son, serving in the armed forces of for
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Holmes and and family of London at the home HOUGHTON—In Clinton Public Hos- eign governments, and registration
family of London visited Mrs. J. Pear- of Mr. turd Mrs. E, Chutor. I pital on Thursday, Dec. 30th to Mr. by such United States citizens is,
son, and Myrtle last Sunday. ( A01 Floyd McAsh of St. Eugene and Mrs. Charles Houghton, therefore now required by law in ac -
Ms'. and lire. Lorne Pepper of Nia- Ont., LAC, Wm. McAslr of the RCAF ton, a son. cordaace with the President's Procla-
gara Falls, spent a few clays last week Pendelton with their parents Mr. and WEGG—In Clinton Public Hospital oration. However, a citizen of the Un
visiting Mt', and Mrs. Join Pepper. 'Mrs. John McAsh and Mrs. Win. Mc -I on Thursday, December 30th, 1943, ited States who has registered and is
found to be serving in the armed for-
ces of a cobelligerent government may
be considered for classification in
Class II -B, under present directives of
the Selective Service headquarters,
by reason of being a "necessary man"
in war production.
It may be stated that a person re-
quired to register who, because of
circumstances over which he has no
control, is prevented from registering
during the prescribed time, shall pre-
sent himself for and submit to regis-
tration immediately upon it becoming
possible for hint to do so.
The Tuckersmith Ladies Club meet
ing has been postponed until bar -
tiler notice.
Mr. acrd Mrs. Hubert Riffe, and son Ash and family.
Cerals of Rochester, New York, visit -1 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pilgrim of Or -
ed the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. angeville Mr. and Mrs. East of Olin -
Arthur Caldwell. t and Mr. and Mrs East of Aub
to Corporal and Mrs. George Wegg
of Moulton, Lincolnshire, England,
a daughter.
on HOLMES—Mr. and Mrs, W. G. Hol -
Mrs. J', Mrblartin (nee Kate Hainer) urn at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. I rites of 34 Hartford Avenue, Tor-
o( Saskatoon spent a few days visit- Pilgrim, Jr., and Mr. Chas, Pilgrim. onto, are happy to announce the
ing her cousin, Mrs. Arthur McQueen.: Mr. and Mrs. John Aldington spent birth of their son, William Gerald,
Mrs. Walter Moffat and John, vis- Christmas at Stahl. birth
St. Michael's Hospital, on Sat-
weat Toronto and C*r'avenluirst this` Mr. George Clarke spent Christmas" urday, December 25th.
Sat -
wed k. I at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E, Epps CARTER—Mr, and Mrs, Ivan Carter
Miss Kate McGregor of Wingham, Clinton, of Hullett wish to announce the
and Miss Margaret McGregor of Tor-' birth of their son, on Saturday,
daughter unto are spending Christmas holidays Mrs. Mosso i 1 with her g •hter Mrs. December 25th.
at their hone here, I W: Ball and son of Clinton and Mr.
and Mrs. H. Elliott of Windsor. DEATHS
--�—V 1Mrs. M. Reid received word of the GREEN—In Clinton 'on Sunday, De -
PORTER'S HILL 'death of her sister-in-law Mrs. Robt. t ember 26th, the infant son of Mr.
Reid of Windsor, who passed away of-; and Mrs. Robert E. Green of din -
Report of the annual meeting of ter a brief illness of a heart attack.; ton.
Porter's Hill Unit Red Cross was: FREEMAN—In I3ullett township, on
I In -spite of bad roads and a stormy
held he Mrs. Don Harris' 1944: Dec. Monday, December 27th, Joseph
1S, The list of officers for 1944: Pre- night there was a good attendance at Freeman, in his 87th year.
the school concert which was held in
Donn Harris Alvin Beales; Vice,sMrs, JOSLING—Tn Clinton on Tuesday,
Don Harris; See. -tress,, Mrs, John 'the hall last Wednesday night. A � December 28th, John Josling, in his
Torrance; Sewing Conv, Mrs. Thos. splendid .program was put on by the 86th ober.
children and these who were unable
Elliott; assist., Mrs. Ray Cox; Cutt- WESTON—henry Watcoia and his
to attend missed a treat. Much credit
ing Conv. Mrs. John Torrance Assns- is due both teacher and pupils for the i wife, Mary Ann Looby, died at
taut Mrs. Bert Harris; Quilts, Mrs. their residence Bayfield, on Sum-.
able way in which each touk their. Decemth.
Will 'Cox; Packer, Mrs, R. Torrance; partk The proceeds aro to be used for ` day, ber in
Knitting Cory. Mrs. Allen Betties; in- patrioticpwork. V
specters, Mrs. Geo Greensled, Mrs:
Vic Elliott; Social Committee, Mr. ; Allen and Gordon. Keys of the RCAF Air Line Executive
and Mrs, Alvin Cox; Mr.and Mrs, spent Christmas with their parents On War Assignment
Arlie Lockhart; Elinor Cox; Clay- Mr. and Mrs. B. Keys. i On the eve of his departure to Ful-
ton Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Betties.'
Knitting done in 1943, Men's, Lad- Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lathem and fam- full an asignetnent of importance to
ies and child7en's ,sweaters, 32; tuck- my and Miss Gladys Beatty of London United Nations War Effort overseas,
ins, 12; Plain. so; 22 .air; Seaman visited with Mrs. L. Beatty and Editln O T Larson, vice-president, Trans -
amen s
sox 13 pair; boys socks 25� pair; incl- e
mats 32; scarves 2; Gloves 2; sox for
overseas boxes 5 pair. Sewing -- 12
quilts; 2 baby shirts, pinafore dress-
es 62; Ladies blouses 27; Hospital op-
eration sheets 70. 1
Miss Dorothy Cox, who has been
science teacher in Dresden high school
the past two years has taken a simi-
lar position in Ketora I•Iigh School.
•At present Dorothy is spending the
the week end. Canada Air Lines, was honored at a
Mr. and Mrs. Cudmore of Holmes- dinnertendered by ,officers of iris
1 prominent
ville• and Gerrie Smith (W.D.) of th! own organization and men m
RCAF Centralia;with Mr. and Mrs. in the 'transportation industry.. H.J.
J. Smith and family. Slnnington, K.C., president of T.C.A.
The nomination for the Township
of Stanley resulted as follows for
1944. Reeve—Fred Watson, Counc;l-
lois John E. Pepper, Elmer Webster,
Clarence Parke, Alvin McBride, alt
were elected by acclamation.
was unable to be present and, in a
message. said: "The organization
knows the value of the man and how
much it owes him; only the great
importance of the job for which le
has been selected could have justified
his leave of absence."
Rare Albino Mink
Travel by Rail
Albino mink, of White mime, is
rather rare in the wilds but recently
three o fthese valuable fur -bearing
animals travelled by Canadian Na-
tional Railways Express from Shal-
low Lake, near Owen Sound, via Tor-
onto and Montreal, to a fur ranch at
Lachute, Qnebee. • The fur clad Al-
bino travelled on a cold day and while
other travellers sought the waxm
spots, instructions were to the ef-
fect that the Mink fancily be kept
away from heat and during stop-
oyers they .were taken to the coldest
place available. They are meat eat-
ers when' travelling and were given
suitable meals of minced steak, the
Canadian National and other carriers
having an allowance of cheat coupons
to provide for their animal charges.
The Albino Mink is scare but now be-
ing raised' on ranches. Their skins,
more Valuable than. those of their
Brown cousins, are valued at froth
$40. to $45. per pelt.
75 acres pasture land (65 tillable)
abundant water in ditch, lot 16, con,
7, Hay; 100 acres gravel loam, frame
]louse, bank barn, silo, henhouse,
implement shed, some bush. Hensel'
area. Other, farms, houses, mills
stores, William Pearce, Exeter. • 75-6
Will be held in the
at 2 p.m.
for the purpose of receiving the an.
nual reports and appointing the of-
ficers and directors for 1944.
77-1 Secretary Treasurer,
Baby Chicks
One dollar boks your order now for
S.C.W. Leghorn day old mixed chicks
and 90 per cent Pullets from a Breed-
er Hatchery.
We also have hatching eggs for.
sale, 80 per cent fertility guaranteed.
All birds are blood -tested and ins-
pected under 0.13.5.
Clinton, Ont„ R.R. No. 4, Phone 617-31
For Sale
Thirteen pigs, 0 weeks old. Apply
to Fred L. Potter, phone Clinton
910r6. • 77-1
The Henry Weston family wish to
thank their many friends and neigh-
hors for their kindness and sympathy
during their recent sad bereavement,
and also to thank the pallbearers
Rev. ,I, Graham and all those who so
kindly loaned their cars.
Live, old and disabled horses and
cattle for minis feed. Elmer Trick,
Phone Clinton 907r5. ' 39 -e -o -w
For Sale
Good 1 1-2 storey house with new
bath. House in good conditon. Also
small barn, garden and fruit trees.
Apply to J. V. . Diehl, Queen street,
Clinton. 6911
Wanted to Buy
Wanted to buy, old horses. and dead
cattle for mink feed, If dead, phone
at once. Fred Gilbert 908r22 or Jack
Gilbert 908r21, . 58-tf
In the estate of Anne Jane O'Brien.
All persons having claims against the
estate of Anne Jane O'Brien, late of
the town of Clinton, deceased, who
died on or about the thirteenth day of
October 1943, are hereby notified to
send into the undersigned on or
before the thirty-first day of Dec-
ember 1943 full' particulars of their
Immediately after the said last
mentioned crate the assets of the said
estate will be distributed amongst the
parties entitled thereto, having re-
gard only of clahns of which the un-
dersigned shall then have notice, to
the exclusion of all others, and the
riersigned will not be liable to any
persons of whose claiin the under-,
signed shall not then have notice for
the assets so distributed or any part
Dated at Clinton this. 15th clay of.
December 1948.
C. J. O'Brien, -Administrator. '75-3