HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1943-12-30, Page 1Tl�e Clinton The Clinton News -Record Est,. 1878 NO. 6178 -64th 'YEAR With Ne spRecord. Which . is Incorporated The Clinton New Era CLINTON ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MC. 30, 1943 The New Era Est. 1867 TIIE HOME PAPER <e a .elta+etemu ea , e,. tdna s e e z Our New Years wish to our Friends and Customers - is That you.may be very happy and prosperous, ready to meet the future wth<a.smile, and help wherever you can to hasten the day when peace shall come and'• shal reign forever. W. Ho HELLYAR JEWELER AND OPTOME'1JRIST RESIDENDCE PHON ; !17 ,j tis.. - r�t�r�f�LPr5r2t�'troth'r"or$r:�irn�'r�ri3s-�r���.�,w�sxw,��o ietete,.e,.t -Vatele'ta+ete+ecete It's Christmas Time Again And as Charles Dickens said -"The only time T know of, in the long calendar of the year, when mem and women seem :by one' consent to open their shut. up hearts freely:" May it Always le .Christmas for You and Yours R. 17%IRWIN Rt NOTE: -Completing the greatest Christmas sea- son in our 'history, we have decided to re- main +Closed from Christmas until Monday, January `3rd, .at which time we will 'be able to offer many new lines of staple ehan- dise. We rack your indulgence, please. tla tm9ailsetatfe=reaealtial'iaa,ZettstareintazettenntfleaeZzatatneneenelentsnsMEFn^a,el etecoateemeeccuteerateleitecteeeeectaxeceveteeeneeetelemeetenetmetmeecerectmetaieVel dna. o� Our Sineere New Years Greeting May 1944 bring you Happi- ness and Contentment with a return of Peace and Prosperity for all. W.N. COUNTfR Counters for Finer Jewellery for Over half a Century in Huron County &h` r3:e'z°dz`d0d',rdzaSizmF fi}mt?°cY'ril waw r8'It'" t�Iretpibtm^��1A't�+t37omtpnYoagt01rn33gg= A. J. McMUlr0J1AY Who has served as 1/Ever of Clinton for a number of .,years and is again contesting this office. RED CROSS NOTES The January ;meeting of the Cliele n Red Cross will he held on Monday Jan. 70th at 3 p.m. .Please note change of date. 'The: Socae , :wishes to acknowledge and thank the .Misses Tebbutt for a donation of $110:00 to be applied to the expense of the Blood Donor Clinic, Clinton's menet 'Blood Donor Clinic will be held con :the morning of Janu- ar 11. W"7i 7 ou i y save a life this .y Christ mas by stetting to visit our blood donor clinic? The worst months of fighting are just ahead. The need for plasma was never greater, yet never was there :a need which was easier to fill. V 'FIFTH .SOD 'DONOR CLINIC, BLOOD DONOR CLINIC AT WES- LEY Wil1IL'IS CHURCH, CLINTON, ON TUESDAY, JANUARY iltth. Every Canadian no matter what his AMONG THE CHURCHES wealiyteriatt Church Divine Worship: 11 a.m. Subject - "A Grand New Book (Opened." Beendial Music. S. School 10 e.ra, Begin the New 'Year Worshipping. A cordial welo'ome at our church. The W. A. will meet at the henna of Mrs. Streets on Wednesday, Jan- uary 5th, at ''2:30 p.m.' A full attend- ance is requested. St. Paul's Church of England 2,0. Sunday After Christmas 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11.00 a.m. Roly Communion. Sermon: The Secret of a Eppy New Tone. 7.00 p.m. Evensong:' Sermon: the fulfillment of the :sail/. tares -Text. St. Matt. 1; 22. 'Thursday- The Epiphany sof our LLroxd. 3.00 p.m. Annual meeting 'of the Ladies' Guild. 4.30 p.m. Mid week service. 8.00 p.m, Choir Practice:; Wednesday 7.30 p.rre loatid of Management meeting. Baptist Chure'h Place that New Year's :resolution into practice by giving heed to God's Word saying to you, ''N:dt:forsaking the assembling of oni•sehves togeth- er, as the manner of some is, -but exhorting one another-:arid+so much the more- as ye see the day ap. preaching." (Hebrews, 10. 15) Gospel song-ser•viec 'begins at sev- en o'clock. The minister's message 'to begin the new year, will be "How to be happy :throughout the new year of 1944" Remember also the Sunday -School meeting at two -thirty reidlock on Sun - d ay afternoon. Aim to attend as many'of the Weck of Prayer services, to 'be' held in the Clinton churches ?Oonilay throngb Friday evenings next week Let us all remember that 'The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous 'man medial: much." (James S. 10'). Evangelistic' 2e tere. The services here are of a nature that you will ' sjoy, GGoodeold fashion - walk in life, is called upon to cer'oper- ed Gospel singing along with the ate with seer :tinned forces. Yam' can preached word - Come :arid enjoy the help save lives by donating your blood if you axe :a +man ear woman innagood health. Get in touch with Dr. Shaw, James Shearer, or Town Clerk•'Cor- less, and start the New Year right by volunteeripg your services in this way services with ns. Sunday 2.39. We are teeing to start Sunday Scheel Goa has blessed our work among the children and we feel it our duty to :reach more by having if you have not alreadydone Rea Sunday School. 'If 'your children so. . don't attend 'Sunday Jdhool at this member the place and date -Wesley hour we wouDd 'love to meet them: Willis Chordh, on the forenoon of Isere. Tuesday, January llth. Sunday 8,30 Dvangeliitic service 1V Thursday 3 pan. 'Prayer and Praise Friday 7.30 Obildreh's service, LIONS CLUB MEETS Try and attend as many of these The Lions Club :tet Monday even- services as possible. ing, December 27th in Hensall at Ontario Street itJi iteif (Church Stan Tudors Hite), he being a remem- ber of the focal (club. It is customary New Years :Sunday for the club to :meet each year let 11 a.m. -"1944 Will it mark the this time in Hensel! for their annual turning point for a better •world 2" turkey dinner, And the only recent- Are men thinking of the 'Kingdom mendation needed was to see hen of Gori or of a better econoninc order` their plates were cleaned up. The only? club had as their guests for the (ven- Near Noon -Sunday. Selncol. ing, Flying Officer •"Blondde" Cook 2.00 p.m. T'uner's Church A(.'4Vor- home from overseas, Piper Bill Mitch ship and°Sunday &hoo'I) Centralia; GplI. WeeIcyr Haddy of 7.00 p.m. "There's a Stranger at Camp Borden; Lieut. Col, F. 0, the door." Behold I stand at the Thompson, London; Reeve R. E. Shad door and knock -"An, eq an 'Doors:" dick, Dr. Campbell, Mr. Bob Middle- '.Some Christmas music will be re - ton and Dr. Steer of lniensall; 'Fred peated. Mutch, "Blondie" Cook, sir,, and Gor- 'fWeek of Prayer: Begin the New don Miller of Clinton; Mr. L. Dipped Year with Prayer. Bowmanville, and George Armstrong, Tuesday -Ontario Street Rev. A. reeve of Hay 'township and an ex- E. Sliver. warden of the county. The Women's Association will meet Dr, H. A. McIntyre acted as mast - .in the Sunday School room on 'Wed - of ceremonies and after dinner nesday, January 5th, at 3 p.m. 'The the evening was spent in ;toast ;mak- Annual :reports of the various com- ing and songs, minces will be given and there 'will be a picrfic lunch. Mr. Tudor celebrated his birthday Wesley Willis Church with the club members as guests and he was presented with a 'handsome Jan 2nd New Year's Sunday gift by the president, James G. Morning subject "The Open Door" Shearer, ,on behalf of the club. Stan • Anthem--•":'ing O Heavens." replied very appropriately and then Solo -Selected -Miss Wilhelmine all joined in singing "For He's a Trewartha. Jolly Good T el1 ow., Power." Evening Subject "The Spiriti fitof The lucky ticket. in the draw was held by taxi-twistr, Clifford Lobb, Anthem -"There were Shepherds" the prize being, a large. ;handsome Solo "Shepherds in the Bush of teddy bear. Lion Mei Elliott was so envious that he took the bear home for the Baby. The tail -twister in. forms us that he thinits Mel needs ft as• he has au family ng famt y and that no charge will be laid. The next meeting will be. held San - nary IQth, and will be in charge of the health and Welfare ,Committee. Holiday Hours At The Post Office The usual holiday hours will be ob- served on New' Year's Day at the Post Office. The wicket will be op en, from 11.00 to 11.30 and from 2.00 to 230 'p.m„ =V Result of Nominations Monday Nominations were held in the Coun- ro3i (Chambers Monday evening when one of the largest crowds of citizens ever, turned out to hear the speakers, The chambers were filled and many 'were standing in'the hall and board room. After the nominations closed at 8.30 p.m. the clerk called for a chair- man to be appointed and Mr. Norman. Miller acted in -that capacity. The present members of council, who were re -nominated were called on to give an accountof their stewardship for the past year, and a few of the new nominees also.spoke. MAYOR •• M. J. Agnew, Proposed by Ilarvey Ashton, Seconded by Frank Haines, A. J. McMurray, Proposed by W. S. R. Holmes, Seconded by' 0. L. Pais- ley. N. W. Trewartha, Proposed by C. G. Middleton, Seconded by P. Livermore. REEVE V. D. Falconer, Proposed by W. E. Perdue, Secondedd oy H. Bartliff. COUNCILLORS Clifford Epps, Proposed by W. S. R. Holmes, Seconded by 0. L. Pais- ley. N. W Trewartha, Proposed by W. H. Lobb, Secoiuled by 0. W. Potter. A Shaddock Proposed by D. Free - matt Seconded by 1'. L. Miller. John W. Nedtget, Proposed by P. Livermore, Seconded by C. 0. Mid- dleton. J. R. Butler, Proposed by E. G. Grealis, Seconded by A. Fulford. Ernest Brown, Proposed by J. B. Cox, Seconded by W. H. Lobb. M. Crieb, Proposed by E. G. Grea- lis Seconded by Jas. 'Ttuner. C. E. Elliott, Proposed by 'T. 11. Leppingtor , Seconded 'by W. M. Ai- leen, N. Livermore, Proposed by L. 1. Cook, Seconded by R. 1,. Jervis. BOARD OF EDIUCATION F. Fingland, Proposed by 0. 1.. Paisley, Seconded by A. F. Cudmore. G. E. Hall, Proposed by S. Kemp, Seconded by W. H. Lobb. D. H. McInnes, 'Propesetl 'by Sam- uel Kemp, Seconded by T. II, Lep- pington, Dr. W. A. Oakes, Proposed by 0.S. Paisley, Seconded by A F Cudmore. 0. L. Paisley. Proposed by Geo. T. Jenkins, Seconded 'by 'W. E. Perilne. Gordon- Bess, Proposed by A. F. Cudmore, Seconded by 'O. L. Paisley. Fred 0. Ford, Proposed by W. 1T. Lobb, Seconded 'by J. 13, Cox. PUBLIC UTILITIES 'CO•vi. W. E. Perdue, Proposed by 0. 'L. Paisley, Seconded by A:F. 'Cudmore. Hugh Hawkins, Proposed by Ray Cartwright, Seconded by A. Fulford. V Winners in War Services Draw Following is the list of winners and prizes at the bingo and draw held last night and sponsored 'by the •01111 - ton War Setviees Association. Gordon Jenkins,'R.'It. 2 Clinton, one ton hard coal William Cudmore, :Clinton, two Cords hardwood; Victor D. Falconer, Clinton, one crate oranges. Clary Connell, Clinton, one Borate oranges. Mrs. R. M. Scott, Seaforth, one crate of oranges. Morgan J. Agnew, Clinton, one turkey, Walter Swinbank, Clinton, goose. . Gordon Lawson, Clinton, one duck. John Little, Clinton, one duck. Catherine Jefferson, Clinton, one duel::, • V Reeve and Councillors Given Acclamation Mr. Victor D. Falconer, reeve of Clinton o C on f r the past three years was given an aeclan-tation at the nomin- ation. meeting held Monday night. And at 9 o'clock Tuesday night six candidates only had. qualified as councillors, making a vote unneces- sary. Three of last year's councillors Night" -Mrs. B. C. Hearn. were returned by acclamation, N. W Jatuaty 9th - The Lord'sl Supper Trewartha,-John R. Butler and Mel- vin Crich, and three new seats were also filled by acclamation, Meiners Cliff rn h d LppS, Ernest Brown and Albert Shaddock. Elections for Mayor, Board of Education and Public Utilities Corn- ball, 1 January 3rd. one will be dispensed at Morning Wor- ship, San, 3 to 7 Week of Prayer -See schedule elsewhere Endeavour to attend as many meetings as possible. The W. A. will meet on' Thursday, January 0th, at 3 p,m, in the ehureh mission will be held on Monday WEEK OF PRAYER The people of Clinton are, requested to keep the week of Jan 3 to 8 for special prayer, The theme for this year's week of prayer will be "The Nnrtute of the Christian Life." Meet- ings are arranged as follows: Monday, January 8rel - Anglican Church-Subjeet "The Use of the Bi- ble" -Rev. G, 0. Burton,` Tuesday, January 4th -Ontario St., -Subject "The Practice' of Prayer" -Rev. A. E. Silver. Wednesday, January 5th -Baptist -Subject "The' Preaching of the Word" Rev. D. J. Lane. Thursday, 'January 6th- Presby- terian- Subject, "Common 'Worship." Rev, Andrew Lane. Friday, January -7th -Wesley Willie --Subject - "The Fellowship of the Church Universal" - Rev. G. W. Moore. All meetings will begin at 8 p.m. V Call on Firemen A chimney fire broke out in the kit- chen in the home of Mrs. George H. Elliott, Cutter street, Wednesday at noon. The local firemen answered the call and worked part of the noon hour extinguishing the blaze, al- though little damage was done. The extent o fth edamage has not yet been valued but fortunately no furni- ture was ruined, but the roof had to be cut away to get at the blaze and the wall paper was soiled. V St. Paul's Christmas Concer MORGAN J. AGNEW Who has served on the town coup- nil for the past five years, and is contesting the mayoralty this year.. V 3 PERSONALS Mr. Ninian Heard of Stratford speao. the week end in Clinton. Cpl. Joseph Waller, RAF Kingston: spent Christmas in town with Mrs.. Waller. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Cooper spent Tuesday and Wednesday of this• week in Toronto. Miss Muriel Perdue is spending the- a Christmas holidays with her fah- Ci, ,Mr W. E Perdue. LAC and IVIrs. W. L. Caldwell of h Toronto spent the holiday week end with their parents in Clinton and Londesboro. Mise Mary Corley, R. N. of Toronto spent. the Christmas holidays with I Mr and Mrs. Andrew Proctor.. ': Miss Helen Levis, R. N., of St. Thontas and Miss Fanny Levis of London spent Chile:tines at Omit home in town. St. S , Pau]' t Paul's held its mnnua]h'' C ust rias entertainment last Monday even mg Dec. 20th before a full Paris Hall. Programme: -Carols sung by all Short play "The man who cant around" Directed by Murray Drape]. Song by Jane Hartley; Richy Elliott Piano Solos; Lois Draper, Instrumen- tal "Trinity Chimes." Stunt Play by 4 men; directed by Mrs. M. Elliott Recitation, Mary Silcock; Recitation, IVlary Scribbins; Carol "Away in a Manger" sung by the Primary class, directed by Margaret Fremlin and Leis Draper. Solo Betty 'Cooke; Duet by Joyce Hawkint, and Virginia Shester: Santa 'Claus arrived in time to see the end of the Programme and to distribute the gifts, Prizes for highest marks obtained during the year were distributed. The meeting was duly closed. MILITARY NEWS Pte. Harry CACI :of Peterebore was a holiday visitor at his home u, town. Harry Watkins, RCE Petewawa Camp, spent a Christmas leave with Mrs. Watkins and Bobbie At Gode- a'lch. Sgt. Cecil Holmes, C.D.C. of Ipper- wash spent the Christmas holiday With 'Itis parents, Mr .and Mrs. W, S, R. Holmes. QAC Kenneth Colquhoun, Moss - 'bank, Sask., is spending a short leave at his home in town and will they report to his :new post at, Winnipeg. 'LAG Janies Kennedy of Toronto I and Mrs. Kennedy were Christmas 1 visitors at their home in town. Sgt. M. J .Snider, instructor at Sky Harlsaur, rGoderi.ch, for the past three years has been posted to Mount Pea- sant, T.E.T. LAC Percy Atkinson left on Mon- day for Bag'atville, Quebec, after spending a short leave in town. `Pte Harold Johnston has returned to Camp jppertvash after' spending I six days Christmas leave at his home! in town, Mr. W. E. Perdue of town has ' received. word from his son, Gm. Don , Perdue, that be has arrived in North I Africa. Don is with the 151 Canad- ian Survey Regt., RCA. It has also been learned in town , that Sam Castle, Carman Gliddon ;. and Johnny Deevos are stationed in: North Africa. All are with the Cana- dian Army. Pte. A, B. Corless spent a :five day Christmas leave in town with Mrs. Corless and small daughter, and his parents, Mr .and Mrs, M. T. Coir 1 He has now returned to his new post at Barriefield. f d. I Word has been received through L the Red Gross that Sergeant. Thom -I as Schotchmer, wireless air -gunner son of Mr. and Mrs. William m Scotch - mer Bayfield is a prisoner of war in Germany. Bob Rathwell, son of Mr, and Mrs. Ben. J.t Ra hwe11 of Goderich Town- 1 ship has joined\ the Army at London and spent. last week end at his home Cpl. Wesley Haddy, ,RCAF Camp Borden was a Christmas visitor at his hone in. town. AC and Mrs.. Roy Wheeler;, now of Picton were Christmas visitors with the latter% mother, Mrs. Henry Sloman, Miss Margaret Lockwood' of Toronta spent the Christmas week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Charles, P. Lockwood. LAC and Mrs. Percy Atkinson and Carlyle spent Chirstnias with his I parents, Mr. and Mrs 0. S. Atkin- son at Grand Bend. Sgt. and Mrs. D. Harrington and Robin of Port Albert are holiday I visitors, at the home of Cpl. and Mrs. Ronald McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. G. D .Roberton and" Mrs. George A. MacLennan spent• the Christmas week end in London with Mr. and Mrs', Ken Roberton. Mr. and Mrs, Dean Courtice and Miss Betty of IIamilton and Mir. and iMrs. P. McKercher and Mr. Jack• McKercher of Hallett were Christ-- Imac visitors at the home of Miss. H. Courtice. Judge Livermore, Mrs. Livermore and the boys from Simcoe, Mr. and 31ro Clarence Green and Audrey off Teeswater, and Mrs. E. F. Jackson, of Stratford were Christmas guest/ with. Mr. and Mrs. James Lie sae more. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elliott of Toren. to and Jack Elliott of Hann/tea'. spent Christmas with their parents,. Mr. and Mrs. W. J, Elliott. Mr, and Mrs. Frank McTwain and Miss Jean of Lindsay spent the weelc end with the latter's mother,. Mrs. Carrie Jervis. Messrs Wallace and Stewart McDon- ald of Toronto are spending this week with their parents, C,pl. and Mrs. Ronald McDonald. Mr. C. E. Moffatt and son Donald of Bickford and Mr, and Mrs. J. E. Watson spent 'Christmas with the lady's mother, Mrs Beaton. Mrs Watson is remaining in town for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Castle at Mount Forest visited his mother, Mrs. H. Castle and 'sister, Mrs. J. Vincent over the Christmas week end. AC Percy Atkinson, Mrs. Atkinson and Carlyle arrived hone from 13a-•• gotville, Que., in time for Christ- mas. Mrs. Atkinson and Carlyle will remain for the.winter with. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W.rw. Charlesworth. ort h . M .and Mrs. Ian McLeod and child- ren of Brantford, Miss Carol Evans - of Dunnville and Mr. George Evans of Toronto were Christmas visitors, with their parents, Dr. and Mrs,. 3. S. Evans,