HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1943-12-23, Page 8:,,lieiater ?VCR Jaceltra'iZati!ti C3ai aalaclia' tarp? zeas Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year w v o�Buy Quality Shoes at 0 Plumsteel Bros. ,,,,,, Arrow Shirts — Adam Hata — Scott & McHale Shoes for Mea ° 6p Agents Tip Top Tailors. sa.nralsmsmag lags rare :n;zr2a,amis:arnrarnra nsr1r-ells r kr,=g, gzam 4 A i' 15 P. 9 i t ,C . rOMr ZP;SW-> !r FLOWERS FOR CHRISTMAIS Begonias,. Baskets of Assorted • Plants, Oycla'nien, Cherries; Mums, Ferns and Potted bulbs are available and will make choice Christmas gifts.' We are unable to accept fur- ther orders for red roses, cab- led orders are being filled first of all. Can still supply limited number of roses other than red. Maclntosh Apple Candles (scented) 40c Each Window and Door Wreaths of Pine and IIernlock • 50c EACH - F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Dol. As. Personal care given every order and special attention given to Funeral Orders: Phone 176 and 31 ?aD:nr:...t,5rpoinror ernstmaml.A. rataiw bk 1 ?AGE 8 saiaia Wishing Our Many Patrons and Friends AYery y err Christmas SUTTER & PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING & ELECTRICIANS PHONE 147w. CLINTON, ONT. 0 �ar>���t5r�r reaar"v'r�+2�;rar13�t2rd+s+.�r�r2:-�rs:Ec�rat2;�S� tcC ntcrK citesaEtanicte��Ea�teteaet6t5�2r�tC€tEtga� GREETINGS 6 It is a genuine pleasure at the Holiday Season tot depart from the usual routine of business and wish you .a Merry Christmas. May the New Year Bring you much Happiness and a full measure of Prosperity HENRI'S BEAUTY SALON Clinton r2aMirnarorereaereraa;as2rerrareaarerera rere:=2rdre> , eW2.1- esersrerer2ansrere:'rreilJ a Brooder Coal If you require BROODER COAL, fill out the statement below either mail or bring to me immediately. SCHEDULE "A" TO ORDER NO. COAL 13 OF THE COAL CONTROLLER and ANTHRACITE COAL REQUIREMENTS FOR POULTRY BROODERS AND HATCHERIES To W. J. Miller,. Clinton Address: Box 52, Clinton, Ont. Quantity on hand - lbs or tons: Quantity needed lbs or tons: Total Quantity lbs or tons: (NOTE: Total Quantity is not to exceed 90 days'. supply.) i Estimated number poultry to be brooded Number of Stoves Operated ... For Period: Date to I certify that the above quantity of fuel will be used only for poul- try brooding purposes. Signed: Name Size Size Address Can Anything Be Done to Prevent Grain Lodging Lodging in cereal crops is liable to occur when the crop is grown under conditions which promote a luxur- iant growth of "sappy" or succulent plants. Heavy rust infections may also weaken the stems to the point where the latterpractically collapse. This what happened in Eastern Ont- • ario and Quebec in 1943. Severe losses from lodging may be lessened to some extent by observ- ing,the following precautions, states Dr, L. H. Newman, Dominion Cereal- rat. 1. Use early maturing varieties, known to be resistant to rust. 2. Re- duce the rate of seeding in order to promote the growth of coarser straw 3. A well prepared seed bed promotes heavier root development, thus giving VIE Greetings and all Good Wishes for a Joyous Season greater anchorage to the plants. Because none of the above measures can be expected to control lodging en- tirely,an effort is being made by the Cereal Division of Dominion Exper- imental Farms Service to .produce new varieties which are stronger in the straw than those commonly grown at present. • The progress that has been made towards this end is prom- ising and it is hoped, says Dr. New- man, that varieties will soon be avail- able that will combine rust resistance with a high degree of resistance of lodging. The high reputation of Canadian wheat for quality will be maintained by the 1943 crop which has average baking strength and protein content, according to a report by the Board of Grain Commissioners Laboratory, G. R. McEwan Co. Books & Stationery PHONE 84 "OFTEN THE CHEAPEST ALWAYS THE BEST" 1 1 11111111111111?inSIIIIUIIIIIIUIIunnnn i NWlpon 1-111 J Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown of Brani pton were week end. visitors in town. Miss Cora Streets of Toronto will spend Christmas at her home in town. Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Foster and son will spend Christmas with friends in Toronto. • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scruton of Lon- don were recent visitors with Mrs. Kate Scruton. Dr. Grant Beaton of Winnipeg, Matt. was a caller in town last week, com- ing to see his mother, Mrs. A.D. Beaton. Pte. K. B. Streets, RCOC, Halifax, N. S., and Mrs. Streets of London Inc spending the holidays at their home in town. Mr. Lloyd Adams of the Radio De- tachment at Halifax N.S., is home this week with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. E. Adams. Miss Phyllis Herman, student at Western University, London, is spending the holidays with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. V.T. Herman. Mr .and Mrs. H. A. Stevens of Port Dalhousie and Miss' Annice Bart- liff of Munice will spend Christmas at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bartliff. James A. Walker, son of Mrs. Isa. belly Walker, Princess street, left last Friday for the West and will spend the winter visiting relatives in Winnipeg and Regina. Miss Phyllis Manning, student a. Western University, Loncibn, 'rd spending the holidays ents, Mr. and Mrs. J ning. Frank Trewartha, who Queen's University, spending his holidays ents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tre- wartha. CLINTON NEWS -RECORD New Year's Eve DANCE TOWN HAIL, .CLINTTV Friday, December 31st Dance to the music of Bel) Moore and his Orchestra of London Come and Have a .Real Time. Lots of fun and noise makers. "Hats, Horns and Streamers.'! ADMISSION 50 Cents Sponsored by Huron Fish and Game Club Recently ILM.C.S. "Toronto," a frigate, was taken care of ;in every- thing for the men except' woollens by the Ontario Division. Woollens were already the care of the RCNVR, auxiliary. 137 ditty bags were placed aboard her and 125 pair of black, leather- woollined mitts, musical instruments, "housewifes" containing mending ma; teriel etc. This kind of "comfort equipment" goes to all our ships from the Navy League, and•to aoL' ships 01 the Mer- chant Navy. It's the least that can be done for our men of the seas, but it cannot be done without the continual co-opera- tion of us people in Ontario. Let no ship put to sea for its first voyage or its hundred and first voy- age without "comfort equipment" for our men, through our neglect. Contact your nearest Navy League branch, Now! V Reply to Address of Presentation I desire to offer to all my many friends anti neighbors my sincere ap- preciation and many thanks for the presentation of a beautiful wrist watch while at hone on furlough. Pte. Freeman, S .E. V Bingo, Dance and Draw By War Service Cluid The Clinton War Services Associa- tion are sponsoring a big Bingo, Dance and Draw in the Town Hall on Wednesday evening, December 29th, proceeds to be used for the Soldiers and Airman's Recreation Hall, above the Bank of Montreal, and also for comforts for local men and women in the Armed forces. The dance is in the town hall and will be under the direction of Clinton Firemen. Music for old and modern dancing provided by a popular orchestra. Bingo in council chambers under direction of the Canadian Legion. Draw for ten valuable prizes at 11.30 pan. under the direction of Clinton Lions. The prizes include a ton of hard coal, two turde , hardwood, cortth ooranges, T, , T,,,omps 0 turkey, geese, ducks or the cash equiv alent. it This is your opportunity to support the activities and projects of the Clin- ton War Services Association. WEDDINGS Northfold—Howson A quiet but pretty wedding took place at St. John's Presbyterian Church Medicine Hat, Alberta, on November 25th when Dorothy Rober- 1943 and Solicit your Pat- ta, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Howson, was united in mar- ronage for 1944 at our riage with L/AC'. Alfred Northfoid, only son of the late Mr. and Mrs.. New Location A. Northfold of Leicester, England Rev; Robert Taylor officiated. The wedding music was played by Mrs. Frank Novak, Entering the church on the arm of her father, the bride was lovely in a Suaperii r Store PHONE 111— CLiNTON. THURS., DEC. 23, 1943 SPECIALS FOR December 22, 23, 24 MAXWELL HOVSE COFFEE 1 pound bag 43c HILLCREST LARD 1 pound • 17e PAPER SHELL PECAN NUTS Pound 69c CHEES-A-RONI Package 19e SWANSDOWN CAKE FLOUR Package 29c OLIVES, 6 ounce STUFFED Jar 33c AYLMER APPLE JUICE 13 ounce bottle 15c PAPER NAPKINS Package 15c CANABEC CHEESE r/ lb package 24c JIFFY WHIP 10 ounce bottle 18c H. P. SAUCE Bottle 33c NAVEL ORANGES 252s Dozen 40c 344s dozen 30c GRAPEFRUIT, size 126s 2 for ilc COOKING ONIONS 2 pounds 15c CALIFORNIA GRAPES ' Pound 23e WAXED TURNIPS Pound 45 "roe Deli A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year To You and Yours Thanks for Your favors of with her par- pale pink triple crepe gown, featur- Grape Fruit, 3 for 25c Sunkist Navel Oranges at 33c, 38c, 41c, 49c, 59c doz. . Percy Men- ing a full skirt and bracelet -length 1 According to size sleeves' shirred over the elbows and a Grapes is attending pen at 25c lb. Kingston, is high rounded neckline. Her chapel veil of snatching pink was held in Turnips, Celery, Lettuce with his par_ place wi,tb a cluster of white carna- tions. She carried a bouquet of Sweetheart roses and white carna- tions Her only ornaments were a Comfort Equipment Always) small gold brooch and a ring, belong - V Needed for Our Sailors Last month Canadian shipyards de- livered to the Royal Canadian Navy no less than eleven escort vessels— a re- cord for any month. Four of the ships were frigates, three were Algerine class min„ sweepers and four were corvettes. As Minister of Mtmitions said in releasing the figures, "The new re- cord is indicative of the way in which ing to her two grandmothers. The witnesses were Mrs. Custerson and Mr. Harry Eccleston. A small reception was held at the home of the bride's parents. A three- tiered wedding cake, and pink anti white carnations, flanked by pink tapers, centred the bride's table. Mrs, Howson was assisted in serving by Miss Berneiee Cools, Mrs, Howson wore a dark green dress studded in silver and a corsage of yellow tinted carnations. • our shipyards have responded to the L/AC. and Mrs. Northfold left later challenge to build numbers of fight for Calgary and Banff, whore the ing ships in a hurry. honeymoon will be spent. For travel - What could be mentioned also is the way in which the personnel of these ships will be equipped with every com- fort possible, by the Ontario Division, their return they will take up rosi- Navy League of Canada, through the dense at 237 Aberdeen Street, Medi. ling the bride donned a turquoise dress with green accessories and a top coat of American opossum. Upon Carrots W. L. JOHNSON PHONE 286: GROCER DELIVERY HOURS 4 to 6 p.m. The secrecy wraps were taken off another important job being done by the Canadian Women's Army Corps last week. It has to do with a gadget ]snow as the "kinetheodolite"— adar vice to record the accuracy of anti- aircraft shell. bursts—and the girls at the controls have got the nickname "Kine-Cwacs". They thus become among the few people who can criti- cize the marksmanship of an artill- eryman and get away with it. Kine- theodolite is not used in actual bat- tle, but the instrument conies into service during practice, shoots as the ad best method of grading marksman-' 1 ..,,,"wit -Pcv 4.vc c: u�,+r e. .�e, •� t�, ' `; .�'�r C�?k�'kvar4v�.c�dr, r . ; MERRY CHRISTMAS To all our friends and customers we send cordial Season's Greetings. On 'behalf of our entire staff I take thos opportunity to express appreciation of your wonderful co-operation during the closing year and extend a very Merry Christmas to all. C. Mitchell Shearing i.JBBY'S STUFEED Olives, 6 oz jar 31e CAhNABEc / lb pkg.. ...25c COFFEE, Red and White 1/ Ib pkg. 23c;11b pkg 43e —GINGER ALE — PICKLES - CIGARETTES —APPLE JUICE -- CIGARS — NUTS — GUM — TOMATO JUICE — ASPARAGUS PEAS—CORN—MINCEME'AT—PUMPKIN—RAISINS —COOKIE'S TEA, Red and White Orange Pekoe, 1/ lb pkg. 38c1 CHRISTMAS CHT Crackers, 49c, to $1.29 box CRISandy,MAS bag 25c 0 GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 85 81 Sian SUNKIST' NAVEL 'Oranges 29c to 79c doz. EATMOR CAP COD Cranberries ib. 45c California Juicy Lemons 360s doz. 39c CELERY HEARTS TOMATOES " HEAD LETTUCE SPINACH• GREEN BEANS RADISHES GREEN ONIONS MUSHROOMS GREEN PEPPERS APPLES CARROTS TURNIPS CABBAGES FLORIDA SWEET Tangerines 176s doz. 35c SELECT RED Grapes ib. 25c TEXAS SEEDLESS Grapefruit 4 for 25c C. M. SHEARING PHONE 48 For Quality Foods CLINTON 'SkSS`d'rmm-724vtuoamawaimr:Jr+>reim?'ur"eh5"2,rdoe r:`2Y9t`nimwy,diu:bah't}5".:-`.`fr`a":}rrdr3Ym:c's7A 'Q.ime go,. a 1 '.<, ', ,ti'Gtozv W„�,etfm.e" 'meste.g evAle,?gym o � '�?, p'a; v.'�re2 n. e. tss.�'�p nrgg ° 4,5 /3 aN ° We Wish y©n all A MERRY CHRISTMAS And A HAPPY NEW YEAR oru dR -1' 42 u9 BALL & ZAPFE DEALERS IN GENERAL HARDWARE Al1'IL, FURNITURE AMBULANCE SERVICE FUNIMIIAL DIRECTORS "s l DOUGLAS G. BALL J. J. ZAPFE RI! Phone 110 Phone 103 Store Phone 195 aloe-,xrr mm•amardmolzaarimr zvzo,ea':wor r.st rvra:-07-Dl> rareeoglozam- re orvrmrrransv a3 jr nth, - ' ,k.'vir. 1Lop Y ""✓ Ill~f �INI11 MAY WE AT THIS YULETIDE SEASON Express our thanks and appreciation for the kind consideration extended to us during this period .of most difficult merchandizing and to wish for one and all. A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR OraI Lobb, (rboccr do p�. :dr FREE DELIVERY ay aerh8tvr2rrerer2rerrr�rerer9r,`7rer2r2n3r 0101�3t00a- r8tet.r1•4Z1 r2aBr2reMM;ermiri0XMti Ir€'ve'e rat vogr w,cetc+etemeelowo + +e,ve to atemem r movelogrrr• 4 14,7 Christmas Greetings 3: To one and all of our community. May this Yuletide 1eason bring, iHappiness, Joy and Goodwill for everyone. AMER Hawkins Hardware PLUMBING AND HEATING PHONE 244 co-operation of. Ontario citizens, ieine Hat. --Daily News. ship. ,gran araora yaaray y2 aly :e,gyao n, tea iaeier2rer 'r2lomi2r p-ohaatmorerirtitt